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Sep 8th, 2011
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  1. repo initialized in /home/jacob/android/system
  2. jacob@android-develpment:~/android/system$ repo sync -j16
  4. Initializing project inferiorhumanorgans/android_device_lge_thunderc ...
  6. Initializing project CyanogenMod/android_external_alsa-lib ...
  8. Initializing project CyanogenMod/android_external_alsa-utils ...
  10. Initializing project CyanogenMod/android_external_bash ...
  11. From git://
  12. + e9dfb15...b61b9da froyo -> github/froyo (forced update)
  13. + 3890190...05b5c1f gingerbread -> github/gingerbread (forced update)
  14. Fetching projects: 0% (1/202) remote: Counting objects: 2178, done.
  15. remote: Counting objects: 1680, done.
  16. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (922/922), done.
  17. remote: Counting objects: 868, done.
  18. remote: Counting objects: 613, done.
  19. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (731/731), done.
  20. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (445/445), done.
  21. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (158/158), done.
  22. remote: Total 364 (delta 253), reused 300 (delta 193)
  23. Receiving objects: 100% (364/364), 87.07 KiB, done.
  24. remote: Total 2105 (delta 1405), reused 1804 (delta 1172)
  25. Receiving objects: 100% (2105/2105), 2.35 MiB | 1.15 MiB/s, done.
  26. Resolving deltas: 100% (1405/1405), completed with 29 local objects.
  27. remote: Total 868 (delta 514), reused 757 (delta 410)
  28. Receiving objects: 100% (868/868), 1.25 MiB | 768 KiB/s, done.
  29. Resolving deltas: 100% (514/514), done.
  30. From git://
  31. * [new branch] cupcake -> github/cupcake
  32. * [new branch] eclair -> github/eclair
  33. * [new branch] froyo -> github/froyo
  34. * [new branch] froyo-stable -> github/froyo-stable
  35. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  36. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  37. * [new branch] nandroid_tar -> github/nandroid_tar
  38. * [new branch] streak -> github/streak
  39. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  40. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3
  41. From git://
  42. * [new tag] 3.x -> 3.x
  43. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  44. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  45. Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), completed with 81 local objects.
  46. From git://
  47. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  48. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  49. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  50. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  51. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  52. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3
  53. Fetching projects: 1% (3/202) From git://
  54. * [new branch] donut -> github/donut
  55. * [new branch] eclair -> github/eclair
  56. * [new branch] froyo -> github/froyo
  57. * [new branch] froyo-stable -> github/froyo-stable
  58. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  59. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  60. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  61. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  62. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  63. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3
  64. Fetching projects: 2% (5/202)
  65. Initializing project CyanogenMod/android_external_bootmenu ...
  66. remote: Counting objects: 2353, done.
  67. remote: Counting objects: 365, done.
  68. remote: Compressing objects: 92% (161remote: Compressing objects: 3% (26/839)remote: Compressing objects: 100% (174/174), done.
  69. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (839/839), done.
  70. remote: Counting objects: 135, done.
  71. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (61/61), done.
  72. remote: Total 97 (delta 58), reused 68 (delta 36)
  73. Unpacking objects: 100% (97/97), done.
  74. From git://
  75. * [new branch] eclair -> github/eclair
  76. * [new branch] froyo -> github/froyo
  77. * [new branch] froyo-stable -> github/froyo-stable
  78. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  79. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  80. remote: Total 2078 (delta 1503), reused 1774 (delta 1218)
  81. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  82. Receiving objects: 100% (2078/2078), 330.86 KiB, done.
  83. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  84. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3
  85. From git://
  86. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  87. Resolving deltas: 100% (1503/1503), completed with 85 local objects.
  88. From git:// MiB/s
  89. * [new branch] donut -> github/donut
  90. * [new branch] eclair -> github/eclair
  91. * [new branch] froyo -> github/froyo
  92. * [new branch] froyo-stable -> github/froyo-stable
  93. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  94. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  95. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3 | 1.65 MiB/s
  96. remote: Total 365 (delta 204), reused 345 (delta 186)
  97. Receiving objects: 100% (365/365), 2.01 MiB | 1.65 MiB/s, done.
  98. Resolving deltas: 100% (204/204), done.
  99. From git://
  100. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  101. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  102. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  103. Fetching projects: 3% (7/202) From git://
  104. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  106. Initializing project CyanogenMod/android_external_busybox ...
  107. remote: Counting objects: 1784, done.
  108. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (520/520), done.
  109. remote: Total 1525 (delta 881), reused 1412 (delta 784)
  110. Receiving objects: 100% (1525/1525), 199.91 KiB | 338 KiB/s, done.
  111. Resolving deltas: 100% (881/881), completed with 54 local objects.
  112. From git://
  113. * [new branch] donut -> github/donut
  114. * [new branch] eclair -> github/eclair
  115. * [new branch] froyo -> github/froyo
  116. * [new branch] froyo-stable -> github/froyo-stable
  117. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  118. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  119. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  120. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  121. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  122. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3
  123. Fetching projects: 4% (9/202) remote: Counting objects: 84510, done.
  124. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17207/17207), done.
  125. remote: Total 84510 (delta 67310), reused 83951 (delta 66848)
  126. Receiving objects: 100% (84510/84510), 19.32 MiB | 1.01 MiB/s, done.
  127. Resolving deltas: 100% (67310/67310), done.iB | 597 KiB/s
  128. From git://
  129. * [new branch] eclair -> github/eclair
  130. * [new branch] froyo -> github/froyo
  131. * [new branch] froyo-stable -> github/froyo-stable
  132. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  133. * [new branch] gingerbread-legacy -> github/gingerbread-legacy
  134. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  135. * [new branch] koush -> github/koush
  136. * [new branch] master -> github/master
  137. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  138. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  139. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  140. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3
  141. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  142. error: Cannot fetch platform/bootable/bootloader/legacy
  143. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  144. error: Cannot fetch platform/bootable/diskinstaller
  145. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  146. error: Cannot fetch device/common
  147. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  148. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/apache-http
  149. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  150. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/bison
  151. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  152. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/astl
  153. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  154. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/blktrace
  155. remote: Counting objects: 411, done.
  156. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (233/233), done.
  157. remote: Total 411 (delta 176), reused 403 (delta 170)
  158. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  159. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/bluetooth/glib
  160. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  161. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/bluetooth/hcidump
  162. Receiving objects: 100% (411/411), 1.47 MiB | 979 KiB/s, done.
  163. Resolving deltas: 100% (176/176), done..02 MiB | 2.54 MiB/s
  164. From git://
  165. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  166. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  167. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  168. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  169. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  170. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3
  171. Fetching projects: 5% (11/202) Receiving objects: 73% (1234/1680), 72.17 MiBfatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  172. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/bouncycastle
  173. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  174. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/bsdiff
  175. remote: Counting objects: 1275, done.
  176. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1119/1119), done.
  177. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  178. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/bzip2
  179. remote: Total 1275 (delta 152), reused 1242 (delta 128)
  180. Receiving objects: 100% (1275/1275), 7.35 MiB | 1.21 MiB/s, done.
  181. Resolving deltas: 100% (152/152), done.
  182. From git://
  183. * [new branch] bash-4.1-eclair -> github/bash-4.1-eclair
  184. * [new branch] bash-4.1-froyo -> github/bash-4.1-froyo
  185. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  186. * [new branch] gingerbread-release -> github/gingerbread-release
  187. * [new tag] cm-7.0.0 -> cm-7.0.0
  188. * [new tag] cm-7.0.1 -> cm-7.0.1
  189. * [new tag] cm- -> cm-
  190. * [new tag] cm-7.0.3 -> cm-7.0.3
  191. fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  192. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/chromium
  193. remote: Total 1680 (delta 860), reused 1553 (delta 772)
  194. Receiving objects: 100% (1680/1680), 103.91 MiB | 911 KiB/s, done.
  195. Resolving deltas: 100% (860/860), done.
  196. From git://
  197. * [new branch] froyo -> github/froyo
  198. * [new branch] gingerbread -> github/gingerbread
  199. Fetching projects: 6% (13/202) fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)
  200. error: Cannot fetch platform/external/clearsilver
  202. error: Exited sync due to fetch errors
  203. jacob@android-develpment:~/android/system$
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