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Taken 2 Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

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Sep 18th, 2018
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  58. In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan Mills and his wife are taken hostage by the father of a kidnapper Mills killed while rescuing his daughter.
  59. The retired CIA agent Bryan Mills invites his teenage daughter Kim and his ex-wife Lenore, who has separated from her second husband, to spend a couple of days in Istanbul where he is working. Meanwhile, the patriarch of the community of the Albanian gang of human trafficking, Murad Krasniqi, seeks revenge for the death of his son and organizes another gang to kidnap Bryan and his family. Bryan and Lenore are abducted by the Albanians, but Kim escapes and is the only hope that Bryan has to escape and save Lenore.
  60. So the score is now Liam Neeson 30, bad guys zero. Seriously, at what point does the ultra-stereotypical bad guy go &#39;look dude, sorry for this whole revenge thing, I was miffed about my other son who really was pretty evil anyway but now that you&#39;ve killed another 17 of my family members and a seemingly endless score of my inept henchmen, can&#39;t we just forget this whole thing?&#39; <br/><br/>More formulaic than the first but enjoyable nonetheless as the Liam Neeson showcase continues. I especially liked the one-on-one throwdown with the short, podgy bad guy who turned out to be an ultimate fighter or something and was almost able to beat our hero in an entertaining Steven Seagal-esque arena fight to the death.
  61. Full review at: (Please see :))<br/><br/>It is written by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen and directed by Olivier Megaton, the writers and directors from the Transporter films with Jason Statham and The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis. With this in mind, I had pretty high expectations in terms of action and explosives and fighting scenes and was looking forward to a thrilling, tense plot. I wanted to be hooked by Neeson&#39;s cold vengeance and wanted to be shouting and egging on Neeson to break some bad guy&#39;s neck, but left the cinema feeling pretty disappointed.<br/><br/>The first thing I would like to critisise is the chemistry between the characters; I felt very little between Bryan (Liam Neeson) and his wife, Lenore (Famke Janssen), and child, Kim (Maggie Grace). It felt like a poor romantic film and although the characters were trying to look like a struggling family that rely on each other, I couldn&#39;t help but sit there in the cinema and think &quot;BOOORRRRIIINNNG! Come on, Neeson, kill some people already!&quot;. I didn&#39;t feel any link between the characters and the audience and didn&#39;t feel sympathetic for any of the characters, except one...Murad (Rade Serbedzija), the main enemy! At the end he seemed like a helpless old man who just wanted peace and I felt kinda sorry for him when Neeson bluntly killed him. I wanted to watch Taken 2 to feel no sympathy for the bad guys but I felt the opposite!<br/><br/>I also didn&#39;t like Bryan&#39;s style and method of killing in this film; cold, blunt kills. In Taken, Neeson ruthlessly tortures and murders his victims with a variety of techniques (e.g. electrocution). In Taken 2, however, he simply kills the majority of them with a single bullet or two to the chest which was blunt and boring. He clearly wasn&#39;t sympathetic (I&#39;ve said that word a lot already) for anyone and was too tired to play games and just wanted to get home with his family, so he simply pulled the trigger at anyone that stood in his way (yes; by anyone, I mean policemen, too!)<br/><br/>The fighting wasn&#39;t great either. In Taken we see a range of hand-to-hand intense combat scenes but in the sequel we only see one or two good ones. They were pretty average, too; nothing like the scenes from the Ip Man films or anything similar! The sounds were dull thuds and there was usually no music, so these fighting scenes were just terribly awkward. I just sat there looking around the screen instead of shouting &quot;COME ON BRYAN! PUNCH HIS TEETH OUT!&quot;. Ah, yes, the music; was really badly used in some scenes. For example, when a bad guy gets out the car there is lots of high tension music, but all he does is go through a door way and then the film switches to another situation.<br/><br/>I also thought it was a bit crazy how his daughter hadn&#39;t even passed her driving test yet but was able to drive through tight streets at high speeds and do impressive drifts in a taxi that I could only dream of doing in my Capri! I guess I was paying attention to detail, but it still annoyed me. I think the fact that she hadn&#39;t passed her driving test was only added in to build sympathy and acted as another teenage connotation.<br/><br/>The plot matched Neeson&#39;s style of killing; simple and fast and wanted to be done already. I bet I could sum it up in one sentence; &quot;Bryan and his wife are captured as revenge for Bryan&#39;s killing in Taken, and his daughter releases him so he can get revenge on his victim&#39;s avengers, then they can enjoy a soppy, unromantic holiday.&quot; Easy!<br/><br/>Did Neeson kick some ass as we were expecting? Well, yeah, I guess...nothing hugely entertaining but he did kill a lot of people. Did Olivier Megaton make a good film? No, not really. I wasn&#39;t sure if it was a cheesy romance-thriller or a dull action film. I had high expectations and felt really let down. If you loved the first one, don&#39;t expect much from this. Don&#39;t get me wrong; I really love Neeson and think he is a great actor, but he&#39;s certainly winning no Oscar from this film.<br/><br/>4/10
  62. The first one offered the novel sight of Oskar Schindler going Commando. Unfortunately, this half-hearted sequel is low on novelty and lower on fun.
  63. Retired CIA operative Bryan Mills (<a href="/name/nm0000553/">Liam Neeson</a>) invites ex-wife Lenore &quot;Lennie&quot; (<a href="/name/nm0000463/">Famke Janssen</a>) and their teenage daughter Kim (<a href="/name/nm1192254/">Maggie Grace</a>) to spend a few days in Istanbul with him. Things go bad when Bryan and Lennie are abducted by Murad Krasniqi (<a href="/name/nm0784884/">Rade Serbedzija</a>), the leader of the ring of Albanian sex traffickers who kidnapped Kim and her friend Amanda (<a href="/name/nm1556320/">Katie Cassidy</a>) a few years earlier. This time, however, it is Kim who must find and rescue her father so that he can do the same for Lennie. Taken 2 is the sequel to <a href="/title/tt0936501/">Taken (2008)</a> (2008), which was based an original script by French filmmaker Luc Besson and American screenwriter Robert Mark Kamen who also wrote the screenplay for Taken 2. It is followed by <a href="/title/tt2446042/">Taken 3 (2014)</a> (2015). Retracing the route that he memorized during his abduction, Bryan finds the house where Murad has taken Lenore. After shooting, knifing, and neck-snapping his way past 10 thugs, he discovers that Murad has moved Lennie. He follows them to the haman (Turkish bath) where he finally comes face-to-face with Murad. Holding Murad at gunpoint, Bryan asks whether Murad&#39;s other sons will seek revenge if he kills him. Murad confirms his suspicion. Wanting an end to the vendetta, Bryan gives Murad a choice—either walk away and end this or die here. Murad gives his word to end the vendetta, so Bryan drops his gun and begins to walk away. Immediately, Murad grabs the gun and tries to shoot Bryan in the back only to discover that the gun is empty. Bryan shows Murad the bullet, then pushes him against the wall, impaling him on a towel hook. He then tends to Lennie. In the final scene, which takes place three weeks later in Los Angeles, Kim passes her driving test, so Bryan takes her and Lennie to an ice cream parlor on the Malibu pier. The waitress brings them four milkshakes, puzzling Bryan until he sees Kim&#39;s boyfriend Jamie (<a href="/name/nm2093766/">Luke Grimes</a>) walk in. When Kim asks her dad whether it is okay to have Jamie join then, Bryan lightens up and shakes Jamie&#39;s hand. &quot;Don&#39;t shoot this one, Dad,&quot; Kim laughs. &quot;I really like him.&quot; The unrated version is more than 6 minutes longer. But contrary to the first one, there are more differences that cut scenes to get the PG-13. It rather seems like the movie editors wanted to save running time. As a result, there are more plot elements in the unrated version and especially one thing: more walking . That means not everything is really noticeable and that footage is simply superfluous, that&#39;s for sure. Nevertheless, the violence is rougher now (there are the common differences like cuts, more harmless alternate footage, reducing the blood color, reducing or removing the sound of cracking bones) but it still doesn&#39;t reach the level of the first Taken. a5c7b9f00b
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