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Here's What Happened

a guest
Apr 8th, 2016
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  1. A: Here's What Happened.
  2. A: I'm not going to mince any words: softowl was nice to some people but really shitty to others.
  3. A: I'm not going to speculate on how she got her job in the first place
  4. B: By being AH's girlfriend
  5. A: i didnt want to say that
  6. A: softowl was What Pumpkin PR. For all intents and purposes, she WAS What Pumpkin.
  7. A: Actually, in fact, Softowl was almost more What Pumpkin (the company, I mean) than Andrew Hussie
  8. A: And that's not a good thing.
  9. A: She kinda took the reins really hard.
  10. A: ...and then fucked up on a huge fucking level at every conceivable mark.
  11. A: The first thing was the music team...
  12. A: shit
  13. A: as [removed] I imagine will bring up, or might want to bring up
  14. A: She fucked over nick smalley really bad
  15. A: softowl also got really buddybuddy with some other people OUTSIDE of WP, notably [removed]
  16. A: Through process of easy Andrew access and a really shitty attitude she basically ruined the music team by distancing him from it
  17. A: essentially artificially breaking the trust he had in it
  18. A: using the bill bolincident as a springboard
  19. A: ANYWWAY. Long story short, after that, she used that distrust to bring people she liked from outside WP into the fold
  20. A: I can't speak to andrew as a person in any other regard
  21. A: but i don't think andrew is to blame re the music team
  22. A: I think andrew is bad at management, perhaps?
  23. C: As far as I can tell as an outsider, he was just very bad at delegating
  24. A: i don't think andrew is to blame for softowl turning him against the music team
  25. A: fucking hell
  26. A: and the best part is
  27. A: that's literally softowl's fault
  28. A: but that can't be unfucked up
  29. A: she broke it permanently
  30. A: unless someone does a huge big, like, reparation of some kind (???)
  31. A: tldr
  32. A: softowl fucked over the music team, treated the art team kinda like just bland garbage (as far as i know) and her petty bullshit did...not help hiveswap.
  33. A: wp is now in the fucking trash
  34. [some conversation snipped; gist of it is "Hiveswap was apparently hiring music people and the music team was not informed"]
  35. D: There was absolutely nothing publicly announced, I definitely didn't see any job listings anywhere, and I feel like somebody would have said something if there was an application being internally circulated
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