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Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. kro attack: rein/zar soldier/tracer moira/zen
  2. soldier is your win con, always talk about what you WANT to do and WHERE you want to be and where/what you need your team to do
  3. zarya used bubble on rein early and you goot discord, shouldve pinned him/free swing as you can bubble and they didnt have zen = easy ult charge
  4. when you guys were pushing second: soldier should almost always be hunting for high ground/tracer playing flank FILL THE SPACE 2/3 rule
  5. make sure youre talking about what youre doing NEXT fight
  7. kro def: rein/zar soldier/tracer moira/zen
  8. you reacted super well to their hotel push, good rotation and you rotated shields/bubble well and you pressured with soldier/tracer very well
  9. their second push where they grav'd your choke, shouldve called for trance to point and brawled it. you had ult advantage and let them get 2 ticks
  11. hanamura def: rein/hog soldier/tracer moira/zen
  12. (tracer never talking smh(big plays being made too!)
  13. i think offtank hog is risky with rein, rein has no protection to drop shield, hog needs to play for picks
  15. hanamura attack: win/dva tracer/widow moira/lucio
  16. not much to say, you guys divided and conquered, maybe just some more focus calls
  18. ljt market: rein/zar tracer/genji moira/lucio
  19. you guys reacted well to pharmercy comp, ignoring them and playing point/winning ground battle, they were useless really
  21. ljt garden: rein/zar(dva) genji/mccree(reaper) moira/lucio
  22. i think genji shoudve been tracer here, and/or harassed healers more especially when you swapped to dva (missiles are insane damage)
  23. with their comp they are super tanky but they feed ult charge, its important to focus call here OR co-ordinate a rein charge/matrix
  25. ljt control: rein/zarya hog/cree moira/lucio
  27. used too man ults with grav, shouldnt have moira ulted
  29. hollywood attack: win/zar pharah/widow (tracer/genji) moira/mercy
  30. this comp is all about space and presenting a big threat of winston taking space, should suss their comp/position and co-ordinate the dive AFTER good rockets, (again this is lyn not talking)
  31. again, time dives, your dive is strong and super sustainy with winston/zarya bubbles.
  32. i wouldve swapped mercy to zen/lucio for long range heals/discord, that said valk enables amazing dives
  35. holly def: rein/zar soldier/tracer moira/zen
  36. you guys played well, super forward fighting choke/not lettng them dive
  37. good ult rotations most of it and focus calls
  39. volskaya def: win/dva genji/soldier mercy(moira)/zen
  40. should have gone for trade and let zen die, genji did this alone, should have had winston dive with genji, luckily she is a god
  41. your winston ult was a literal feed :( you positioned yourself that way because you had ult, should have dived away and forced the fight where your dps could help
  42. definitely could have been where you were, just jump away when they push
  44. volskaya attack: win/dva genji/soldier moira/lucio
  45. good push, you split them up. i think soldier should have been a bigger priority but it worked out well
  46. talk about whats ults and on who youre target, if theyre solo healing. dive soldier/lucio
  48. numbani def: win/dva soldier/genj moira/ana
  49. if theyre commiting that hard to the dive, you should drop point, or rotate earlier (really hard to judge)
  50. during streets phase, dont let them engage you away from cart, plan your engages ON THE CART, even if its just a flanker engaging
  51. during 3rd point you guys played cart/chokes well, and chose your engagements well, just rmemeber to not counter dive tanks unless theyre low/used cooldowns.
  52. instead jump squishies/cart, theyre just trying to distract/take space to let cart push
  54. numbani attack: win/dva genji/widow moira/lucio
  55. first push was near perfect, took space, made them clumped and killed zen quick
  56. streets phase was good, they were fearful of widow and stayed back, you shouldve taken more space and given widow room though, maybe jump supports?
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