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a guest
Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. Staves
  2. Healing staves: Balmwood Staff • Bouquet Staff • Candy Cane • Catharsis • (Regalia)'s Staff • Fortify • Glass Staff • Heal • Healer • Kneader • (Regalia)'s Staff • Mend • Mushroom Staff • Physic • Recover • Restore • (Regalia)'s Staff • (Regalia)'s Staff
  3. Offensive staves: Berserk • Elsilence • Elsleep • Enfeeble • Entrap • Freeze • Nightmare • Silence • Sleep
  4. Transport staves: Entrap • Rescue • Return • Rewarp • Warp
  5. Regalia and personal staves: Astral Blessing • Aum • Bifröst • Goddess Staff • Hammerne • Kia • Latona • Matrona • Repair • Rescue • Saint's Staff • Thief • Unlock • Valkyrie
  6. Other staves: Anew • Broken Staff • Charm • Defense • Hammerne • Magic Up • Strength • Speed • Thief • Torch • Unlock • Ward • Watch
  8. Light
  9. Basic tomes: Aura • Divine • Ellight • Light • Shine
  10. Long-range tomes: Purge
  11. Tomes with secondary effects: Nosferatu • Valaura
  12. Regalia and personal tomes: Aureola • Creiddylad • Ivaldi • Luce • Naga • Rexaura • Thani • Sol
  14. Dark
  15. Basic tomes: Carreau • Fenrir • Flux • Goetia • Jormungand • Ruin • Verrine • Worm
  16. Long-range tomes: Eclipse • Fenrir • Mire • Poison • Stone
  17. Tomes with secondary: effects (Regalia)'s Night • Eclipse • Hel • Jormungand • Luna • Resire • Waste
  18. Regalia and personal tomes: Apocalypse • Balberith • Ereshkigal • Gespenst • Gleipnir • (Regalia)'s Truth • Loptous • Naglfar
  20. Anima
  21. Fire:
  22. Basic tomes: Arcsear • Bolganone • Elfire • Fire
  23. Long-range tomes: Meteor
  24. Regalia and personal tomes: Cymbeline • Rexflame • Valflame
  26. Electric:
  27. Basic tomes: Arcthunder • Elspark • Thoron • Bolt
  28. Long-range tomes: Bolting
  29. Regalia and personal tomes: Dire Thunder • Mjölnir • Rexbolt
  31. Wind:
  32. Basic tomes: Arcbreeze • Elgust • Tornado • Wind
  33. Long-range tomes: Hurricane
  34. Regalia and personal tomes: Forseti • Grafcalibur • Rexcalibur
  36. Ice:
  37. Basic tomes: Arcfreeze • Elice • Fimbulvetr • Chill
  38. Long-range tomes: Avalanche
  39. Regalia and personal tomes: Rexfrost
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