monotonetimunarchive 2017-10-22 [07:00] - 104807a2-9e03-44de-bf52-c650bbe3cd06.mpeg

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. [07:00:54] volantarius: why is watch an emote
  2. [07:00:59] tev216: i mean you could just beat the story, then load the save again with the dlc
  3. [07:01:04] bestcoachkorea: timBin
  4. [07:01:05] monotonetim: ?
  5. [07:01:06] tev216: if youre fine with doing speed highway twice
  6. [07:01:07] monotonetim: Watch
  7. [07:01:09] volantarius: you can hover over it
  8. [07:01:11] quinns1337: ?
  9. [07:01:12] volantarius: uh
  10. [07:01:13] docthemagicllama: The only emote I need is timQR
  11. [07:01:14] sungiant_: ?
  12. [07:01:21] shimmerfairy: There is no such emote
  13. [07:01:21] tregetti: Overwatch?
  14. [07:01:21] duckymark: ?
  15. [07:01:23] kaicrowley: ⌚️
  16. [07:01:24] willster132: ?
  17. [07:01:28] mattdoom: ?
  18. [07:01:31] joshu_higashikata: ?
  19. [07:01:36] dusk42: !
  20. [07:01:38] volantarius: Idk I can hover over it like an emote
  21. [07:01:40] tev216: WHUH
  22. [07:01:43] sungiant_: u ok
  23. [07:01:44] rebcart: ??
  24. [07:01:44] tregetti: ?
  25. [07:01:44] grimlife: sonic must have realy good shoe traction. to stay on that plane
  26. [07:01:56] volantarius: someone type watch and see
  27. [07:02:05] quinns1337: watch:
  28. [07:02:06] pinguino: might be a BTT emote
  29. [07:02:08] boredcyborg: watch
  30. [07:02:08] ryusensei: watch
  31. [07:02:08] tregetti: It's TIME to WATCH a CLOCK
  32. [07:02:09] somenerd: Watch this
  33. [07:02:09] slowpokeisagamer: Aim for the open spot!
  34. [07:02:09] rebcart: is this a deep meme
  35. [07:02:10] dusk42: Don't believe me just Watch
  36. [07:02:11] eronth: are you using BTT?
  37. [07:02:12] volantarius: I guess its client side
  38. [07:02:12] pancoar: ⌚
  39. [07:02:15] sungiant_: ⌚
  40. [07:02:16] boredcyborg: timOh
  41. [07:02:19] sungiant_: watch :
  42. [07:02:20] kaicrowley: ⌚️ 🔥 ⭐️ 🐶 🍌
  43. [07:02:22] tev216: its a bttv emote
  44. [07:02:22] strifesenpai: ⌚ < thats a bttv emote yeah
  45. [07:02:24] docthemagicllama: Its a frankerface and or bttv thing
  46. [07:02:37] tregetti: Whaaaa.........!
  47. [07:02:45] gardenaudio: i'm sponsored by at&t hyaaah
  48. [07:02:50] grimlife: tails is a bit of an idiot ... to forget landing gear
  49. [07:02:53] kaicrowley: Comic chat does not care for emojis
  50. [07:02:56] gator_8: soap shoes
  51. [07:02:58] walk_brass: Man, Tails, that is an enormous design oversight.
  52. [07:02:58] slowpokeisagamer: Wait Amy's here? News to me.
  53. [07:03:02] chillgod: raysB
  54. [07:03:06] bananaburger: its just a clock emoji isnt it?
  55. [07:03:19] lukesauce: he started running fast enough as to adjust his momentum to compensate for the sudden change in velocity
  56. [07:03:23] tregetti: You know who wouldn't run out of time? Carmen Sandido.
  57. [07:03:29] dusk42: Remember to switch to Christmas mode, Tim!
  58. [07:03:31] volantarius: ok watch this
  59. [07:03:43] kaicrowley: Dunno what you mean, @ 🍌 🍔
  60. [07:03:51] arhowe: D: WOAH
  61. [07:03:54] chillgod: sonic is not impressed
  62. [07:04:00] gator_8: christmas time?
  63. [07:04:04] jonny9fire: 😒
  64. [07:04:10] revolutionrespawn: he dares you
  65. [07:04:12] wryght: did you see the giant ship we're on transform?
  66. [07:04:13] duckymark: 😔
  67. [07:04:22] safetystick: 😏
  68. [07:04:40] tregetti: Does anyone know where in the ship we are currently located? I seem to have missed the memo.
  69. [07:04:48] kaicrowley: @volantarius ⌚️ what?
  70. [07:04:52] wukongpanda: Did tim use to speed run this or something lol
  71. [07:04:53] tev216: i love this game
  72. [07:04:54] dusk42: No it's not the sky deck, it's the ground patio.
  73. [07:05:06] blizzfox: speedrun strats PogChamp
  74. [07:05:08] revolutionrespawn: going slow
  75. [07:05:11] revolutionrespawn: thats what hes doing
  76. [07:05:17] chillgod: sonic went back to get a load of this
  77. [07:05:25] arhowe: what will happen to the time when tim goes beyond 99 minutes WutFace
  78. [07:05:33] revolutionrespawn: hop hop hop
  79. [07:05:35] skygtr350: Yeah!
  80. [07:05:38] tev216: he found elise
  81. [07:05:41] shimmerfairy: @MonotoneTim DON'T FORGET CHRISTMAS
  82. [07:05:48] tregetti: is the sky deck really at the bottom of the ship?
  83. [07:05:57] volantarius: im getting it ready one sec
  84. [07:06:00] dusk42: We gotta hurry up and chase Elise!
  85. [07:06:02] wqtraz: and then all the flickies and tails were killed by the huge cannon
  86. [07:06:06] the_angry_scientist: take it to the briiiidgge
  87. [07:06:12] sungiant_: i like that everything tails says is completely useless
  88. [07:06:21] volantarius:
  89. [07:06:42] the_angry_scientist: huh?
  90. [07:06:42] volantarius: Like I cant capture me hovering over it because i dont know the print screen key on mac
  91. [07:06:52] budfuggler: AMY
  92. [07:06:57] willster132: @Volantarius Command Shift #
  93. [07:07:00] willster132: 3
  94. [07:07:04] revolutionrespawn: NO WAY
  95. [07:07:04] boredcyborg: watch this
  96. [07:07:10] wryght: there's your problem buddy, iOS
  97. [07:07:12] chillgod: LOL
  98. [07:07:12] arhowe: MrDestructoid
  99. [07:07:17] wqtraz: get a load of this
  100. [07:07:29] volantarius: alright watch
  101. [07:07:39] eronth: honestly this game is pretty good with the whole interwoven story thing
  102. [07:07:54] wqtraz: he;s Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik according to adventure lore
  103. [07:07:55] zero_burn: His name is Dr. Robotnik, but his nickname is Eggman, I though.
  104. [07:07:56] kaicrowley: @volantarius Why is it like three pixels below the rest of the text?
  105. [07:07:58] a_folding_chair: "I am the Eggman; that's what I am"
  106. [07:08:07] tregetti: They are the eggman
  107. [07:08:10] tregetti: I am the walrus
  108. [07:08:12] lukesauce: Stunlock PogChamp
  109. [07:08:20] sonickitsune_: If only you had this before the Knuckles fight
  110. [07:08:21] revelnotion: This is abuse.
  111. [07:08:21] boredcyborg:
  112. [07:08:21] kaicrowley: Goo goo gajoob
  113. [07:08:23] the_angry_scientist: nice
  114. [07:08:30] willster132: watch
  115. [07:08:31] a_folding_chair: those invuln frames
  116. [07:08:32] dajmasta: StinkyCheese
  117. [07:08:48] wqtraz: n
  118. [07:08:48] revolutionrespawn: hmph
  119. [07:08:49] redicebergz: apathetic tails
  120. [07:08:58] robbyfox: watch it
  121. [07:09:07] a_folding_chair: that face animation
  122. [07:09:26] kaicrowley: @boredcyborg Does that happen with other words tat become emojis? Like, cat star cloud
  123. [07:09:28] revolutionrespawn: tails defies logic
  124. [07:09:30] dusk42: Wow, Tails just assumed Eggman was evil.
  125. [07:09:41] slowpokeisagamer: And this is where the entire devleopment budget went.
  126. [07:09:45] a_folding_chair: the camera's shutter is just synced to tails's tails
  127. [07:09:51] redicebergz: he just wants eggs
  128. [07:09:55] shimmerfairy: @MonotoneTim please don't forget the christmas DLC BibleThump
  129. [07:10:02] a_folding_chair: s m a s h
  130. [07:10:06] the_angry_scientist: or the reebok
  131. [07:10:06] kaicrowley: 🎄
  132. [07:10:07] sonickitsune_: Oh there's more AT&T here before we switch
  133. [07:10:14] volantarius: ALRIGHT OK LOOK:
  134. [07:10:17] volantarius: im not lying
  135. [07:10:20] dajmasta: but maybe if you smash him a prize comes out, like he's actually kindereggman
  136. [07:10:20] volantarius: its an emote
  137. [07:10:22] revolutionrespawn: splort
  138. [07:10:34] tregetti: That's some real intense idling right there.
  139. [07:10:37] dusk42: ...Christmas is ruined.
  140. [07:10:40] tboet: get a load of this watch?
  141. [07:10:42] dusk42: That eggman.
  142. [07:10:46] enamoraste: o hello
  143. [07:10:46] wqtraz: why is he suddenly indian
  144. [07:10:48] thetablemonster: buzz uzz
  145. [07:10:50] lukesauce: I mean it might be an emote, or you might have adware
  146. [07:10:51] revelnotion: "That's Eggman!"
  147. [07:10:59] slowpokeisagamer: Nuclear Launch Detected.
  148. [07:11:00] a_folding_chair: he's groovin out
  149. [07:11:03] revolutionrespawn: launch the nuke
  150. [07:11:07] wqtraz: he's cranking his cronk
  151. [07:11:16] robbyfox: I watch don't watch see watch it
  152. [07:11:19] dajmasta: you don't, tim?
  153. [07:11:23] kaicrowley: @volantarius You and BoredCyborg are weird and I don't know why that's happening to you two raysT
  154. [07:11:41] slowpokeisagamer: So.... why didn't he do this the first time? Why the crazy convoluted plot about Chaos?
  155. [07:11:42] revelnotion: Where's his neck?
  156. [07:11:44] dajmasta: that is a NK class missile
  157. [07:11:48] dajmasta: a range of like 2 miles
  158. [07:11:53] revolutionrespawn: A DUD
  159. [07:11:55] dusk42: Why did Eggman not use this missile sooner? I'd be a lot easier then looking for chaos emeralds...
  160. [07:12:03] slice919: ohnDUD
  161. [07:12:05] cronuswaters: there was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom
  162. [07:12:07] joshu_higashikata: OH NO
  163. [07:12:22] cagelight: oh no I better get to that missile ResidentSleeper
  164. [07:12:22] dusk42: And we'll never hear that song again.
  165. [07:12:29] revolutionrespawn: huh...
  166. [07:12:30] the_n0rm: oh no ResidentSleeper
  167. [07:12:30] a_folding_chair: huuuuuhhhh
  168. [07:12:43] shimmerfairy: GO
  169. [07:12:45] stupiddumbmoron: gooooo tails, quit stalling
  170. [07:12:55] willster132: T I M E R
  171. [07:12:56] alwayscomfy: cirComfy sup
  172. [07:12:58] dohger: i love you Tim 💛
  173. [07:13:01] jon_sklx: You think you can keep up with me?
  174. [07:13:18] shimmerfairy: I think you can switch the DLC
  175. [07:13:23] sungiant_: nice game
  176. [07:13:36] revolutionrespawn: oh
  177. [07:13:37] cronuswaters: and then there's an AT&T sign at the end of the stage
  178. [07:14:01] alwayscomfy: clip through the wall. oh ok
  179. [07:14:02] revelnotion: lol Those office buildings are suspiciously empty.
  180. [07:14:11] wqtraz: wuh
  181. [07:14:14] dusk42: wup
  182. [07:14:41] kaicrowley: You can't catch up when you're dead bingREE
  183. [07:14:44] a_folding_chair: whooh
  184. [07:14:46] sonickitsune_: If you die, DLC switch time
  185. [07:15:11] dusk42: "goodBYE Tails."
  186. [07:15:46] robbyfox: per the timer you should've been done with this whole story in 3 minutes
  187. [07:15:54] robbyfox: come on step it up tim
  188. [07:16:00] revolutionrespawn: game over
  189. [07:16:15] shanahand: PogChamp
  190. [07:16:33] cashwolf: 99:99:99 soon PogChamp
  191. [07:16:37] alwayscomfy: tails, wait for me!
  192. [07:16:39] skygtr350: it really wants you to go get those checkpoints you missed in that sandboarding thing
  193. [07:16:41] lukesauce: someone should make a mod for this for speedrunners that keeps this timer there the whole time
  194. [07:16:45] cabinessence66: woop
  195. [07:16:59] the_angry_scientist: up and down and all around
  196. [07:17:19] slowpokeisagamer: You still owe us those taxes and fees.
  197. [07:17:28] volantarius: watch
  198. [07:17:36] wqtraz: splort
  199. [07:17:59] robbyfox: we will throttle your speeds then throttle the life out of you
  200. [07:18:04] the_angry_scientist: oh no
  201. [07:18:06] nbtl: LuL
  202. [07:18:07] shinypidgeot: oh no.knuckles
  203. [07:18:11] lukesauce: this map is such a mess
  204. [07:18:44] kameksmas: Make love to me
  205. [07:19:01] cabinessence66: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat hes caught up
  206. [07:19:03] crinkz: oh no!
  207. [07:19:04] the_angry_scientist: I CARE
  208. [07:19:08] noy666: is this really just sonic aventure?
  209. [07:19:17] noy666: adventure*?
  210. [07:19:29] dusk42: Was that scream a dying animal?
  211. [07:19:31] revelnotion: I never noticed that yellow car there!
  212. [07:19:36] elovator: mincemeat
  213. [07:19:39] alwayscomfy: oh no, anybody else, like even Big the Cat!
  214. [07:19:42] grimlife: he cant do this
  215. [07:19:42] revelnotion: Was that in the DX version?
  216. [07:19:45] a_folding_chair: they really added another dimension to his character
  217. [07:20:11] jonny9fire: Man time PogChamp
  218. [07:20:31] grimlife: timer dlc ?
  219. [07:20:33] grimlife: lol wurt
  220. [07:20:57] lukesauce: AT&T DLC
  221. [07:21:00] revolutionrespawn: yeah
  222. [07:21:10] cashwolf: Dreamcast had DLC?
  223. [07:21:14] revolutionrespawn: yup
  224. [07:21:40] shinypidgeot: DreamLoaded Cast?
  225. [07:21:40] erenzie: DLeamCast?
  226. [07:21:41] wqtraz: uhhh
  227. [07:21:42] grimlife: oh so this is a real DC ?
  228. [07:21:44] shimmerfairy: Dreamloadable Cast
  229. [07:21:47] revolutionrespawn: oh no
  230. [07:21:48] link2006: oh no
  231. [07:21:48] willster132: N I C E
  232. [07:21:49] thatguy3333: oh
  233. [07:21:49] arhowe: noooooooo
  234. [07:21:50] joshu_higashikata: LuL
  235. [07:21:51] arof: timOh
  236. [07:21:51] a_folding_chair: timOh
  237. [07:21:52] link2006: LUL
  238. [07:21:52] the_angry_scientist: ohno
  239. [07:21:53] dubiousrhino: noooooooooooooooooooo
  240. [07:21:54] cashwolf: LUL
  241. [07:21:55] shanahand: timOh
  242. [07:21:56] a_folding_chair: LUL
  243. [07:21:56] grimlife: timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh timOh
  244. [07:21:57] revolutionrespawn: TIM
  245. [07:21:57] attila57: LOL
  246. [07:21:57] bobp100: oh
  247. [07:21:59] wind6: You are just the worst
  248. [07:22:01] dubiousrhino: timOh
  249. [07:22:02] the_angry_scientist: LUL
  250. [07:22:03] chillgod: BibleThump
  251. [07:22:03] badoodee95: lmao
  252. [07:22:05] skygtr350: timOh no
  253. [07:22:08] apiaka: timOh
  254. [07:22:08] misssunna: whelp
  255. [07:22:08] link2006: You overwrote the save when you changed the DLC @MonotoneTim
  256. [07:22:09] lukesauce: What a disaster god damn
  257. [07:22:10] rintezuka1: RIP
  258. [07:22:11] grimlife: timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin
  259. [07:22:11] wqtraz: oh no
  260. [07:22:12] dusk42: You get to do the plane bit again!
  261. [07:22:14] robbyfox: RESET
  262. [07:22:16] kaicrowley: rays2 rays2 rays2
  263. [07:22:17] the_angry_scientist: cirLaugh
  264. [07:22:19] revolutionrespawn: DO IT AGAIN
  265. [07:22:19] shimmerfairy: @Link2006 that makes no sense though
  266. [07:22:27] shimmerfairy: @Link2006 unless tim didn't reload in the editor
  267. [07:22:27] revelnotion: Well, later everyone. OpieOP
  268. [07:22:33] slashiee_: @ShimmerFairy makes perfect sense: it cached the old save.
  269. [07:22:40] killerkrill: jajaja
  270. [07:22:40] grimlife: timOh jspValue
  271. [07:22:45] sungiant_: oh no it turned off
  272. [07:22:47] dusk42: hmm, maybe switch to knuckles?
  273. [07:22:56] ryusensei: what madness is this
  274. [07:22:59] revolutionrespawn: 🤔
  275. [07:23:02] slashiee_: like, the vmu file never updated when he did the change: so it kept his old save
  276. [07:23:13] grimlife: whelp time to play daytona USA instead XD
  277. [07:23:15] sonickitsune_: What if we look at the Knuckles AT&T
  278. [07:23:37] skygtr350: timOh
  279. [07:23:42] jp_ronny: timOh
  280. [07:23:47] jon_sklx: Oh no
  281. [07:23:56] a_folding_chair: LuL
  282. [07:23:56] skygtr350: LuL
  283. [07:23:57] wryght: like the rain...
  284. [07:23:57] revolutionrespawn: LUL
  285. [07:23:58] princesspunker84: It's okay. We hate you too, Tim <3
  286. [07:24:02] wind6: What appropriate music timBin
  287. [07:24:08] skygtr350: D:
  288. [07:24:18] shimmerfairy: Would a generous 10,000 bit donation cheer you up, Tim? timBBQQT
  289. [07:24:44] grimlife: no ?
  290. [07:24:47] willster132: do it, you wont
  291. [07:24:49] cashwolf: It happens, man
  292. [07:24:50] purplelevers: Tails is so happy in this cutscene
  293. [07:24:56] mishmishaa_: Tim needs a no emote
  294. [07:25:12] smiling_sphere: That dream of finishing this part of the game brought back memories
  295. [07:25:19] shimmerfairy: It won't work on this edition of the game though, right?
  296. [07:25:42] kaicrowley: Time for spoops? PogChamp
  297. [07:25:54] girlsinyourarea_: There we go
  298. [07:26:00] girlsinyourarea_: Told ya I was going to
  299. [07:26:01] shimmerfairy: broken website
  300. [07:26:06] sonickitsune_: Can you mess with the link and find the secret file
  301. [07:26:06] revolutionrespawn: oh no
  302. [07:26:16] the_angry_scientist:
  303. [07:26:54] shimmerfairy: those are the internal names
  304. [07:26:58] seraphim_z: Reebok Challenge
  305. [07:27:21] rebcart: saved
  306. [07:27:31] kaicrowley: Is this like the Pepsi Challenge? rays3c
  307. [07:27:45] grimlife: lol
  308. [07:27:51] purplelevers: Did the area change at all after they built the station?
  309. [07:27:55] sonickitsune_: So load the game as British Sonic?
  310. [07:28:08] sonickitsune_: Would that be Sounic?
  311. [07:28:23] revolutionrespawn: wasnt it animated in the pc version as well?
  312. [07:28:44] girlsinyourarea_: Sonic Adventure is easily my favorite sonic game
  313. [07:28:44] matazanz: @SonicKitsune_ No, it's Sonique
  314. [07:28:52] mountebank6: In the british version Knuckles is named Crunchy Lunchy point and Punchy
  315. [07:29:07] arhowe: BlessRNG
  316. [07:29:07] revolutionrespawn: oh
  317. [07:29:08] smiling_sphere: cirPrise
  318. [07:29:15] seraphim_z: did you delete the Christmas DLC?
  319. [07:29:18] revolutionrespawn: spooky christmas
  320. [07:29:23] kaicrowley: @mountebank6 Fuck you, I laughed way too hard at that danLol
  321. [07:29:25] girlsinyourarea_: That doesn't sound like christmas music
  322. [07:29:30] a_folding_chair: thats the theme of the night isnt it
  323. [07:29:31] shimmerfairy: sounique
  324. [07:29:44] grimlife: all of this DLC was free ?
  325. [07:29:46] grimlife: or pay
  326. [07:29:58] smiling_sphere: why did europe get a blue swirl
  327. [07:30:02] shimmerfairy: it was free DLC
  328. [07:30:12] grimlife: i dont mind sponsored DLC if its free
  329. [07:30:15] archimedesy: Have you played Sonic Mania?
  330. [07:30:15] jp_ronny: I always wondered why the Dreamcast swirl wasn't blue to begin with
  331. [07:30:22] nowhipcreamplz: weiner
  332. [07:30:45] girlsinyourarea_: Actually, robotnik's mean bean machine is the best sonic
  333. [07:30:47] cashwolf: reebokmas
  334. [07:30:49] shinypidgeot: PogChamp
  335. [07:30:49] wqtraz: he's played on screen
  336. [07:30:57] a_9_k: Reebok or the Nike?
  337. [07:30:59] robbyfox: Time to fight Dr. Reeboknik
  338. [07:31:01] pitbuller26: Reebok!? PogChamp
  339. [07:31:01] wqtraz: we saw his reaction to the boss
  340. [07:31:02] skygtr350: Oh no the timer is gone
  341. [07:31:05] ecchisukecchi: x gonna give it to ya
  342. [07:31:06] pitbuller26: DMX!? PogChamp
  343. [07:31:07] jp_ronny: I didn't know DMX had a deal with Reebok Kappa
  344. [07:31:09] djgamer__: ah reebok
  345. [07:31:13] djgamer__: my favorite holiday
  346. [07:31:15] tjk11: Heres some free dlc it will not let you finish a level
  347. [07:31:17] doombacon: I'm really feeling it!
  348. [07:31:20] the_angry_scientist: ARE YOU FEELING IT?
  349. [07:31:23] shimmerfairy: are you feeling it now, Mr Krabs?
  350. [07:31:31] shinypidgeot: Can you feel it now, Mr. Eggman?
  351. [07:31:35] cashwolf: monkaS
  352. [07:31:46] a_folding_chair: LUL
  353. [07:31:47] wqtraz: gotta get go-urk
  354. [07:31:50] chillgod: LOOOOL
  355. [07:31:52] girlsinyourarea_: BETTER GET GOIN
  356. [07:31:54] cashwolf: morbid
  357. [07:31:56] 55homerun: LUL
  358. [07:31:57] wqtraz: better get go-agck
  359. [07:32:17] lukesauce: Timer PogChamp
  360. [07:32:18] shimmerfairy: WHY DID THE TIMER START THERE?
  361. [07:32:24] chillgod: THEM SHOES R CLEAN
  362. [07:32:27] skygtr350: Shoes found! PogChamp
  363. [07:32:37] cashwolf: LUL
  364. [07:32:40] skygtr350: find 4 pairs and keep the timer going
  365. [07:32:41] erenzie: Reeboknik Shoes PogChamp
  366. [07:32:47] arhowe: robotnik has hit an all time low
  367. [07:32:48] vertex6: shameless
  368. [07:32:50] pitbuller26: You mean, Dr. Reebotnik!? Ohoho
  369. [07:32:56] girlsinyourarea_: I was wondering where my shoes went
  370. [07:32:56] vanillacola: Reebok LuL
  371. [07:33:00] britishhat: DMX in a sonic game?
  372. [07:33:06] slashiee_: the dreamcast talk site has an archive of all of the DLC
  373. [07:33:13] vanillacola: I made this :)
  374. [07:33:14] jp_ronny: DMX Kappa
  375. [07:33:22] pitbuller26: Well DMX ain't got any money
  376. [07:33:25] cronuswaters: One time, when nobody was looking, Dr. Robotnik stole 40 shoes
  377. [07:33:32] madtaz64: is this custom music
  378. [07:33:36] aloneghostcalledscotty: *TELEPORTS BEHIND YOU*
  379. [07:33:36] the_angry_scientist: and thats terrible
  380. [07:33:37] madtaz64: just for fucking reebok?!
  381. [07:33:45] grimlife: either way it would have been an easy few thousand for the programmer
  382. [07:34:05] a_9_k: you could do a little lore with this DLC "Did you know? Because of the financial burden the Dreamcast had going for it, Sega offered the option for companies to put in their adspace to help develop the games"
  383. [07:34:05] shinypidgeot: GET A LOAD OF GET A LOAD OF GET A LOAD OF THIS
  384. [07:34:07] cashwolf: All those billboards LUL
  385. [07:34:07] a_9_k: see there ya go
  386. [07:34:11] shimmerfairy: Reebok is the true final boss
  387. [07:34:13] sonickitsune_: Dr. Reeboknik
  388. [07:34:16] jp_ronny: Knuckles ;p
  389. [07:34:19] nbtl: Tim, after watching this stream, I feel the strange urge to change my service provider and get new athletic equipment. Thank you for the stream.
  390. [07:34:27] lukesauce: these are some well hidden shoes
  391. [07:34:35] rickeon: what brand of shoes do you wear Tim
  392. [07:34:39] madtaz64: oh, see that makes sense considering gamma dies before the music even starts
  393. [07:34:39] the_angry_scientist: "nobody"
  394. [07:34:53] jp_ronny: tbf Rollercoaster Tycoon had DLC levels for game sites no one's heard of
  395. [07:34:54] grimlife: i realy want some rebock shoes and i dont know why.
  396. [07:34:59] docthemagicllama: timOh
  397. [07:35:00] cashwolf: WutFace
  398. [07:35:03] daybreakz: ROFL
  399. [07:35:04] vanillacola: monkaS delete
  400. [07:35:08] shimmerfairy: GO FIND THE SHOES
  401. [07:35:15] girlsinyourarea_: timNofun
  402. [07:35:25] girlsinyourarea_: oh
  403. [07:35:41] rickeon: this is why DLC never caught on
  404. [07:35:41] shinypidgeot: look on top of the last hill you passed maybe?
  405. [07:35:52] dusk42: You shoes you lose.
  406. [07:36:06] rickeon: nobody was good enough at the game to get to the end
  407. [07:37:01] wqtraz: of the first act
  408. [07:37:10] shimmerfairy: it's BS how the timer starts before you load the stage.
  409. [07:37:33] grimlife: i saw some shoes ... on my floor
  410. [07:37:58] rickeon: are you wearing shoes right now
  411. [07:38:05] jp_ronny: There was a platform to the left of the checkpoint
  412. [07:38:07] dagwosher: It's just the reebok sponsorship
  413. [07:38:18] greatwighthope: Reebox?
  414. [07:38:22] solblade0324: Honest promotional DLC
  415. [07:38:24] greatwighthope: is that like a shoe xbox?
  416. [07:38:27] pinguino: it's like Reebok is the celebrity guest on today's episode of Sonic
  417. [07:38:37] madtaz64: it's from a simpler time
  418. [07:38:54] grimlife: are you sure their are no shoes ... are you the shoe ?
  419. [07:39:00] grimlife: how does the shoe make you feel
  420. [07:39:03] cronuswaters: the shoes were inside you all along
  421. [07:39:06] dagwosher: Reeboknic
  422. [07:39:13] nbtl: If Robotnik stole the shoes, why are they all over the map?
  423. [07:39:14] the_angry_scientist: IM REALLY FEELING IT
  424. [07:39:15] cashwolf: LUL
  425. [07:39:17] godlysnack: Robotnik did nothing wrong BibleThump
  426. [07:39:17] rickeon: if he stole the shoes why did he just scatter them around randomly
  427. [07:39:20] madtaz64: where most dlc was part of expansion packs
  428. [07:39:23] godlysnack: He was framed BibleThump
  429. [07:39:23] jp_ronny: Didn't Robotnik steal Sonic's shoes in Sonic Labyrinth though?
  430. [07:39:27] dagwosher: Reeboknik*
  431. [07:39:54] dagwosher: Lmao. Whale scary af
  432. [07:40:04] godlysnack: It's a trick. The shoes were within you all along :D
  433. [07:40:19] rickeon: can you call rebock and ask them where their shoes are
  434. [07:40:23] dusk42: Sonic is wearing the last pair.
  435. [07:40:29] dubiousrhino: Tim it looks like the part before the whale with the spiky things that drop down, there's a little area to the left
  436. [07:40:33] boredcyborg: The twist is sonic is wearing the Reeboks
  437. [07:40:37] pinguino: The real shoes were the friends we made along the way
  438. [07:40:41] acevian: why does this exist BibleThump
  439. [07:40:46] revolutionrespawn: delet this
  440. [07:40:48] thatguy3333: do not delet
  441. [07:40:50] killing_moon: I'm actually looking to get new shoes, how are Reeboks?
  442. [07:40:50] vanillacola: monkaS delete me
  443. [07:40:51] the_angry_scientist: DELET THIS
  444. [07:40:56] dagwosher: I bet sonic' shoe budget must be insane. He probably burns through them so quick
  445. [07:40:56] cronuswaters: delet me
  446. [07:41:02] shimmerfairy: Yeah, I thought I saw an area to the left too
  447. [07:41:09] reecer6: Hey guys, who wants to buy some Nike?
  448. [07:41:13] shimmerfairy: in the beginning that is
  449. [07:41:26] grimlife: timBin timBin timBin timBin timBin this DLC
  450. [07:41:49] martyrlz: Man that water is quality
  451. [07:42:00] nustad: Reebok and Pepsi Cola
  452. [07:42:02] boredcyborg: I'm sure there's a huge overlap between sonic fans and Reebok fans
  453. [07:42:08] t____________________: what would egg man want with shoes? riddle me this chat WutFace
  454. [07:42:09] martyrlz: @MonotoneTim So I have not played this in a LONG time, how does it hold up
  455. [07:42:22] solblade0324: sonic sold out before it was cool
  456. [07:42:23] sungiant_: its terrible
  457. [07:42:23] the_angry_scientist: is gud
  458. [07:42:30] tpman24: DLC gazebo
  459. [07:42:35] sungiant_: except for the everything part
  460. [07:42:39] sungiant_: everything is bad
  461. [07:42:49] greatwighthope: DLCbo, tp
  462. [07:42:53] gator_8: Has anyone ever completed the Reebok challenge?
  463. [07:43:03] dagwosher: Public servant sonic in his off time volunteering at retirement homes
  464. [07:43:03] madtaz64: idk man reeboks were a pretty groundbreaking game mechanic
  465. [07:43:12] rickeon: was there anything else at the very beginning of the level?
  466. [07:43:13] girlsinyourarea_: Remember Big the Cat's fishing minigame
  467. [07:43:14] cashwolf: just consult Nintendo Power
  468. [07:43:17] dubiousrhino: check the part right before the whale
  469. [07:43:20] chillgod: mightve been under the bridge at the beginning
  470. [07:43:22] girlsinyourarea_: Now that was some quality
  471. [07:43:23] willster132: The reebok cancle was considered the biggest tech descovery in sonic speedruning history
  472. [07:43:26] sonickitsune_: Is this why they went with Soap shoes the next game
  473. [07:43:29] herotalesix: its where the monkey is at, in the tunnel part
  474. [07:43:45] chillgod: or in this tunnel
  475. [07:43:48] herotalesix: need to look up
  476. [07:43:53] madtaz64: it rivaled mario 64 in gaming innovation at the time
  477. [07:43:54] martyrlz: Sonic forces is partnered with hooters maybe theylle team with reebok too
  478. [07:44:17] ryusensei: what
  479. [07:44:18] sonickitsune_: I can't wait for the Hooters DLC where you have to find all the chicken wings
  480. [07:44:18] martyrlz: Ot os rea;
  481. [07:44:23] chillgod: YOOO
  482. [07:44:28] pinguino: dang that's hidden
  483. [07:44:33] martyrlz: It is real
  484. [07:44:33] tvgameruk: how have you got that on your channel
  485. [07:44:34] madtaz64: yo they better have you collect some random hooters garbage in some forces dlc
  486. [07:44:37] willster132: crouching tiget hidden reebok
  487. [07:44:38] solblade0324: the shoes look out of place
  488. [07:44:39] chillgod: behind
  489. [07:44:41] chillgod: tim
  490. [07:44:43] shimmerfairy: NO
  491. [07:44:43] willster132: also you missed one
  492. [07:44:43] rickeon: you missed those
  493. [07:44:44] walk_brass: You ran past it.
  494. [07:44:48] thunderjoe: Left the ones behind the whale.
  495. [07:44:49] shimmerfairy: YOU BONED US CAPTAIN
  496. [07:44:51] martyrlz: In sonic forces im really hoping theres a hooters shirt
  497. [07:44:56] tvgameruk: yo
  498. [07:45:00] girlsinyourarea_: timOh no
  499. [07:45:04] willster132: saved
  500. [07:45:34] gator_8: Reeboknic
  501. [07:45:44] tvgameruk: how did you get that cho cyber pet on your channel
  502. [07:45:45] pinguino: If the shoes are Robotnik branded, is he really stealing them?
  503. [07:45:48] elovator: Can we get a reebok challenge speedrun now?
  504. [07:45:55] nustad: Sonic in a hooter shirt with implants?
  505. [07:45:58] bananaburger: robotnike
  506. [07:45:59] revolutionrespawn: pls delet
  507. [07:46:00] perciacalos: GG
  508. [07:46:01] girlsinyourarea_: Rip
  509. [07:46:02] ryusensei: what
  510. [07:46:05] chillgod: wwow
  511. [07:46:06] misssunna: gg
  512. [07:46:07] greatwighthope: gg
  513. [07:46:07] willster132: no
  514. [07:46:08] rickeon: do you need more than validation
  515. [07:46:08] boredcyborg: congrats
  516. [07:46:09] greatwighthope: no!
  517. [07:46:10] the_angry_scientist: @Elovator what is that badge you have?
  518. [07:46:10] craikor: timOh
  519. [07:46:10] revolutionrespawn: sonic is delet
  520. [07:46:11] solblade0324: please delete Reebok file
  521. [07:46:13] martyrlz: that was garbage\\
  522. [07:46:13] jp_ronny: timBin
  523. [07:46:14] dagwosher: Lmao
  524. [07:46:18] tvgameruk: how did you get that cho cyber pet on your channel
  525. [07:46:19] shimmerfairy: that's it? that's just a bunch of cheap walk cycles!
  526. [07:46:26] godlysnack: It said you couldn't continue until....
  527. [07:46:27] sonickitsune_: It doesn't even leave the level for some reason
  528. [07:46:38] elovator: @The_Angry_Scientist Brawlhalla
  529. [07:46:40] godlysnack: oh delete the dlc?
  530. [07:46:40] shimmerfairy: @tvgameruk the emu Tim is using emulates the VMU screen.
  531. [07:46:43] solblade0324: that was just a bunch of reebok signs
  532. [07:46:49] the_angry_scientist: um ok?
  533. [07:46:53] eronth: ... why do they all need you to delete the thing to continue? why wouldn't they just let you continue?
  534. [07:47:09] madtaz64: bc 1999
  535. [07:47:16] tvgameruk: are you playing this on xbox
  536. [07:47:21] linkduck: i've never actually played this game, whats the general consensus
  537. [07:47:23] robbyfox: You're Reeblocked
  538. [07:47:28] shimmerfairy: no, dreamcast emu
  539. [07:47:31] nustad: Reebok DMR
  540. [07:47:32] jp_ronny: That's no good
  541. [07:47:38] greatwighthope: consensus is the game aged pretty poorly
  542. [07:47:41] skygtr350: timOh
  543. [07:47:42] dagwosher: The rest of the game would be too easy with 5 pairs of shoes that's why
  544. [07:47:42] sonickitsune_: It's neat except for when the ads block you, it was the first version of adblock
  545. [07:47:48] the_angry_scientist: tim, try the samba DLC please
  546. [07:47:49] greatwighthope: i still like it though
  547. [07:47:50] jinrai__: that's the opposite of good marketing
  548. [07:47:54] acevian: they used so many resources on the dmx logos that they ran out of map Kappa
  549. [07:48:03] solblade0324: atnt? what?
  550. [07:48:04] sungiant_: when does it end
  551. [07:48:14] sonickitsune_: It was the second one, right?
  552. [07:48:23] shimmerfairy: Reebok Challenge?!
  553. [07:48:25] seraphim_z: uh, those files came up as RbkChall
  554. [07:48:28] sungiant_: make it stop
  555. [07:48:28] sonickitsune_: Wait why is the Samba the Reebok one now
  556. [07:48:31] shimmerfairy: The Samba thing is REEBOK
  557. [07:48:33] the_angry_scientist: theres also some japanese DLC you can try
  558. [07:48:34] girlsinyourarea_: att dlc = stream goes down to poor connection
  559. [07:48:55] sonickitsune_: That would be the Verizon DLC
  560. [07:49:09] the_angry_scientist: BETTER GET GOING
  561. [07:49:30] shimmerfairy: you didn't fix the CRC on that one
  562. [07:49:32] slashiee_: @MonotoneTim dreamcast talk has a zip archive of all the DLC
  563. [07:50:43] girlsinyourarea_: ono
  564. [07:50:44] shimmerfairy: I mean, the CRC is broken
  565. [07:51:17] boredcyborg: cyclic redundancy check
  566. [07:51:24] the_angry_scientist: uhhhhh
  567. [07:51:24] nbtl: Lose track of Reeboks
  568. [07:51:26] girlsinyourarea_: you get no sleep again?
  569. [07:51:48] chillgod: PogChamp
  570. [07:51:57] ladykakyuu: Oh god how did you get Micosoft Chat up!
  571. [07:52:02] girlsinyourarea_: grad school in a nutshell
  572. [07:52:06] the_angry_scientist: oooh neat
  573. [07:52:08] shimmerfairy: PogChamp
  574. [07:52:11] ladykakyuu: Oh gosh reminds me of my childhood T.T
  575. [07:52:12] acevian: crc, Crazy Reebok Challenge Kappa
  576. [07:52:14] chillgod: YOOOOOOOOOO
  577. [07:52:17] chillgod: MY JAM
  578. [07:52:17] jp_ronny: PogChamp
  579. [07:52:18] jon_sklx: OH DUDE
  580. [07:52:19] sonickitsune_: So they have an added gate that specifically loads the DLC
  581. [07:52:20] the_angry_scientist: SUPER SONIC RACING cirGasm
  582. [07:52:21] willster132: SourPls
  583. [07:52:23] jon_sklx: YEAH
  584. [07:52:27] jon_sklx: oh
  585. [07:52:29] willster132: FAKE VERSION
  586. [07:52:30] phoenixdownsyndrome: ronic R
  587. [07:52:34] the_angry_scientist: awwwwwwwwww
  588. [07:52:43] chillgod: COME ON NOW RACE
  589. [07:52:46] willster132: go play the real version
  590. [07:52:50] ladykakyuu: GROUND!
  591. [07:52:51] 7locrian7: wow this looks terrible
  592. [07:52:56] ladykakyuu: ACTION dances
  593. [07:53:02] urowashere: everybody
  594. [07:53:08] shpeecrayb: Video Games
  595. [07:53:09] the_angry_scientist: EVERYBODY
  596. [07:53:20] urowashere: EVERYBODAAAY
  597. [07:53:20] reecer6: i love homestar runner too
  598. [07:53:21] 7locrian7: honestly daytona USA looks way more exciting than this
  599. [07:53:21] sonickitsune_: The lyrics are extra DLC
  600. [07:53:24] chillgod: EEEEVERYBODAAY
  601. [07:53:30] greatwighthope: everybody
  602. [07:53:31] nowhipcreamplz: oh man monotonetim is monotone for once
  603. [07:53:31] ladykakyuu: Welcome to when games used to look like this
  604. [07:53:33] willster132: just play some mario kart 8
  605. [07:53:35] solblade0324: everybody
  606. [07:53:36] badoodee95: lol
  607. [07:53:36] stevejobsofficial: beat the record tim
  608. [07:53:39] grimlife: just overlay the music
  609. [07:53:39] willster132: oh wait rip switch internet
  610. [07:53:47] boredcyborg: (TT)
  611. [07:53:50] perciacalos: This looks like so much fun
  612. [07:53:53] reecer6: This is Mario Kart 10.
  613. [07:53:55] nustad: This used to be good graphics.
  614. [07:53:57] greatwighthope: only a blue hell
  615. [07:54:01] girlsinyourarea_: Blue shell? You mean Sonic?
  616. [07:54:03] shimmerfairy: the blubber
  617. [07:54:05] ladykakyuu: Like DK64...ect... And this is Rainbow Road of Sonic Racing
  618. [07:54:12] nbtl: Find the hidden reeboks on this map
  619. [07:54:21] perciacalos: Why doesnt he just get out and run? He'd go faster
  620. [07:54:32] girlsinyourarea_: The only E brake in this game is slamming a wall
  621. [07:55:11] cashwolf: really great Kappa
  622. [07:55:11] the_angry_scientist: great
  623. [07:55:12] nustad: And the DLC were free.
  624. [07:55:38] girlsinyourarea_: Wait, you're telling me those aren't good graphics?
  625. [07:55:41] solblade0324: Downloadable Crud
  626. [07:55:48] sungiant_: im gonna order some reeboks shoes on my at&t phone now after these dlcs
  627. [07:55:48] shimmerfairy: this is the PAL version
  628. [07:55:49] cashwolf: what's it gonna be? collect 5 phone contracts?
  629. [07:56:03] urowashere: Its really one of the first console dlcs, and its charming that way
  630. [07:56:13] shpeecrayb: Why do i hear a printer motor?
  631. [07:56:22] the_angry_scientist: knock knock
  632. [07:56:34] shimmerfairy: @MonotoneTim isn't AT&T stuff NTSC only?
  633. [07:56:35] urowashere: Skies of Arcadia arguably had legit dlc, though it may have been unfinished game content
  634. [07:56:47] perciacalos: This is the best way
  635. [07:56:50] girlsinyourarea_: I just realized that was our chat
  636. [07:56:51] boredcyborg: Nico Nico chat
  637. [07:56:51] a_9_k: MAh EMERALDS
  638. [07:56:54] shpeecrayb: You could depict it as a fake chat.
  639. [07:56:56] sungiant_: shut up knuckles
  640. [07:56:58] grimlife: this is a pruuuudy cool way of doing it
  641. [07:57:00] volantarius: Im working on one right know as a matter of fact
  642. [07:57:00] rickeon: convert all the messages into morse code and play it in the background
  643. [07:57:01] shanusmaximus97: that is actually pretty cool, i didn't notice that
  644. [07:57:02] girlsinyourarea_: Not just a gif slowly loading
  645. [07:57:03] reecer6: I'd like to see it written as a screenplay.
  646. [07:57:09] smarioman: Imagine text to speech on all chat messages. The horror.
  647. [07:57:12] willster132: niconico chat is always an option
  648. [07:57:14] murugo: Cheer up, enchilada
  649. [07:57:23] reecer6: Niconico chat is forever a good option.
  650. [07:57:25] thesezza: construct a machine to tattoo the chat onto your body in real time
  651. [07:57:26] stevejobsofficial: vidya games
  652. [07:57:27] dutcentral: timBin
  653. [07:57:33] thunderjoe: Depict it as a bunch of text moving horizontally across the screen with random fonts and colors. Remember that?
  654. [07:57:37] volantarius: Writing it in python
  655. [07:57:43] shpeecrayb: @SMarioMan PS4 has that
  656. [07:57:56] willster132: yeah thats nico thunder
  657. [07:58:01] smarioman: @ShpeeCrayb but why?
  658. [07:58:07] shpeecrayb: I dont know
  659. [07:58:09] littlegirlrs: Have Simone Giertz make the tatoo machine.
  660. [07:58:10] volantarius: !sellout
  661. [07:58:10] reecer6: Twitch Plays Skin
  662. [07:58:10] nightbot: How many quality Amazon™ products are there? At least 341.
  663. [07:58:14] solblade0324: make it so that you get delivered mail of the chat in real time
  664. [07:58:15] grimlife: just clutter the text randomly on the screen ... so you cant actualy see any gameplay, just people chatting
  665. [07:58:19] grimlife: and subscribers
  666. [07:58:26] maigessxo: Wolverine
  667. [07:58:29] murugo: They're silicon implants
  668. [07:58:34] rickeon: what if you had comic chat, but the image was the first result when you googled the message
  669. [07:58:37] sungiant_: shut up knuckles you suck
  670. [07:58:38] chillgod: it's dark
  671. [07:58:39] wind6: He could take the gloves off, but it'd be extremely paaainful.
  672. [07:58:40] daybreakz: Nipples the Enchilada PogChamp
  673. [07:58:42] sonickitsune_: Wait his skin goes over his gloves?
  674. [07:58:43] shpeecrayb: Obviously they're nipples
  675. [07:58:44] greatwighthope: UNLIKE SONIC I DON'T CHUCKLE
  676. [07:58:52] the_angry_scientist: @Rickeon thats a great idea
  677. [07:58:54] robbyfox: @GrimLIfe do that but color the text so it makes an ascii mosaic of the game video
  678. [07:58:58] grimlife: he must be so fucking bored ...
  679. [07:58:58] sungiant_: for you
  680. [07:59:01] volantarius: Rewire twitch chat in individual aol chatrooms
  681. [07:59:02] jinrai__: @rickeon that'd be asking for a ban, likely
  682. [07:59:03] ryusensei: cmon knucklehead
  683. [07:59:05] zero_burn: The spikes are part of the gloves, knuckles actually doesn't have the spikes normally.
  684. [07:59:06] the_angry_scientist: hes a big guy
  685. [07:59:14] rickeon: that's the fun part
  686. [07:59:19] saladmagic: O
  687. [07:59:20] urowashere: Yeah, why is Tikal there...
  688. [07:59:21] shimmerfairy: You mean the baby that Ken Penders wrote in? Kappa
  689. [07:59:21] sungiant_: was getting the master emerald smashed a part of your plan?
  690. [07:59:31] the_angry_scientist: OF COURSE
  691. [07:59:31] redicebergz: OH NO
  692. [07:59:35] girlsinyourarea_: Ooomph!
  693. [07:59:40] greatwighthope: no fair
  694. [07:59:44] ryusensei: has this games animations always been so... hot? Kappa
  695. [07:59:44] urowashere: oooh
  696. [07:59:56] shpeecrayb: Fuck Penders
  697. [07:59:57] solblade0324: if he had Reebok sneakers he would be able to catch him
  698. [07:59:57] the_angry_scientist: oh no
  699. [07:59:58] sungiant_: oh no
  700. [08:00:00] girlsinyourarea_: ono
  701. [08:00:01] volantarius: !sellout
  702. [08:00:02] nightbot: How many quality Amazon™ products are there? At least 529.
  703. [08:00:02] boredcyborg: oh no
  704. [08:00:10] jon_sklx: Oh yeah
  705. [08:00:32] the_angry_scientist: OW MY BONES
  706. [08:00:35] robbyfox: oof ouch owie
  707. [08:00:35] ryusensei: dude i need that sword
  708. [08:00:37] jp_ronny: timMrBones
  709. [08:00:38] boredcyborg: ouch owie
  710. [08:00:39] shimmerfairy: bone-hurting sonics
  711. [08:00:40] shpeecrayb: MY BOOOONEES
  712. [08:00:49] urowashere: anywhere i caaayan
  713. [08:00:50] jinrai__: timOh no
  714. [08:00:50] sungiant_: ouch oof my emeralds
  715. [08:01:07] saladmagic: Magazine
  716. [08:01:09] shimmerfairy: Magazine?
  717. [08:01:10] girlsinyourarea_: Dreamcast Mustard?
  718. [08:01:11] seraphim_z: Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine
  719. [08:01:15] erenzie: official sega dreamcast magazine?
  720. [08:01:15] cashwolf: Magazine?
  721. [08:01:16] turnsie: I was up for a while, how long did Tails' counter go for?
  722. [08:01:24] shimmerfairy: Offical Sega Dreamcast Magazine
  723. [08:01:24] slashiee_: lmao vegeta
  724. [08:01:25] willster132: Yerah
  725. [08:01:25] the_angry_scientist: yes tim, vegeta
  726. [08:01:26] chillgod: official sega dreamcast magazine
  727. [08:01:26] smarioman: Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine.
  728. [08:01:27] rickeon: official sega dreamcast menagerie
  729. [08:01:27] girlsinyourarea_: Oh wow was I off
  730. [08:01:38] the_angry_scientist: KAKAROT
  731. [08:01:49] shpeecrayb: Vegeta-bles
  732. [08:01:49] azusa19: dreamcast vegeta
  733. [08:01:50] saladmagic: Margarine?
  734. [08:01:50] solblade0324: buy my Internet, Kakarot
  735. [08:02:01] the_angry_scientist: tim, stand still
  736. [08:02:10] shimmerfairy: don't move around, he won't say anything!
  737. [08:02:14] the_angry_scientist: ^
  738. [08:02:19] urowashere: Its shaped like Sonic's eyes
  739. [08:02:20] ryusensei: wheres the hot girls at
  740. [08:02:28] girlsinyourarea_: It's shaped like sonic's head if his head was a peanut
  741. [08:02:45] rickeon: it's knuckle's grave shaped
  742. [08:02:45] shimmerfairy: oh man, comic chat put that ^ in the right place
  743. [08:02:46] perciacalos: WutFace
  744. [08:02:59] wind6: timOh
  745. [08:02:59] sungiant_: LUL
  746. [08:02:59] perciacalos: LUL
  747. [08:03:00] jon_sklx: LOL
  748. [08:03:00] ryusensei: 4Head
  749. [08:03:01] docthemagicllama: lul
  750. [08:03:01] willster132: I BETTER HURRY ASIJUFDAESDRUGNARBV
  751. [08:03:01] urowashere: I'd better hurrbbbbrbrbrb
  752. [08:03:02] dave_j86: WutFace
  753. [08:03:03] chillgod: LOOOOOOOL
  754. [08:03:03] bananaburger: LuL
  755. [08:03:04] ilissos: lmfaoooooo
  756. [08:03:04] jinrai__: timOh timOh timOh
  757. [08:03:06] the_angry_scientist: id better hur-BLUUURGH
  758. [08:03:07] boredcyborg: LUL
  759. [08:03:08] shpeecrayb: I BETTER HURRY
  760. [08:03:09] girlsinyourarea_: hublublublublubluuuuuuu
  761. [08:03:09] swehili: BLUH
  762. [08:03:10] shimmerfairy: You messed up Tails earlier
  763. [08:03:14] nustad: Oh no danDerp
  764. [08:03:23] solblade0324: if Knuckles had Reebok brand oxygen tanks, he'd survive
  765. [08:03:37] dicedlemming: drown all hedgehogs
  766. [08:03:43] sungiant_: oh no
  767. [08:03:50] urowashere: GREAT
  768. [08:03:52] wind6: GREAT
  769. [08:03:52] perciacalos: Great!
  770. [08:03:52] girlsinyourarea_: Great
  771. [08:03:53] willster132: GREAT
  772. [08:03:53] ryusensei: lmao
  773. [08:03:54] jon_sklx: LUL
  774. [08:03:54] solblade0324: GREAT
  775. [08:03:54] redicebergz: GREAT
  776. [08:03:54] sgspectre: GREAT
  777. [08:03:54] bananaburger: LuL
  778. [08:03:55] badoodee95: GREAT
  779. [08:03:55] thatguy3333: GREAT
  780. [08:03:55] murugo: LuL
  781. [08:03:56] ilissos: lol
  782. [08:03:57] volantarius: LOL
  783. [08:03:57] cashwolf: GREAT LUL
  784. [08:03:57] the_angry_scientist: GREAT, BLUUUGHSD
  785. [08:03:57] rintezuka1: AHAHAHAH
  786. [08:03:59] jon_sklx: GREAT
  787. [08:03:59] igos700: Great
  788. [08:04:00] chillgod: IM DED
  789. [08:04:01] wryght: gr8
  790. [08:04:01] flamin_b: GREAT
  791. [08:04:02] jinrai__: exbcLOL
  792. [08:04:02] mattdoom: LOL
  793. [08:04:07] skygtr350: timPlus
  794. [08:04:08] dangdatsgood: gr8
  795. [08:04:10] tboet: Great I drowned
  796. [08:04:11] boredcyborg: GREAT
  797. [08:04:11] jp_ronny: timClip
  798. [08:04:12] nustad: GREAT! Bllllrrrrpppllrpp
  799. [08:04:14] wind6: holy shit
  800. [08:04:21] willster132:
  801. [08:04:37] darksol188:
  802. [08:04:47] skygtr350: LuL
  803. [08:04:48] reecer6: great.
  804. [08:04:50] redicebergz: great
  805. [08:04:52] solblade0324: GREA-BLUBBLUB
  806. [08:04:54] skygtr350: Great. timPlus
  807. [08:04:58] mattdoom: Hahahahahaha
  808. [08:05:01] jon_sklx: GREAT *DROWNS*
  809. [08:05:04] sungiant_: 53 PogChamp
  810. [08:05:12] saladmagic: PogChamp
  811. [08:05:13] pinguino: that's like 6 years
  812. [08:05:13] metaconstruct: timMinus timMinus timMinus
  813. [08:05:18] the_angry_scientist: do it with tails please
  814. [08:05:19] elimit404: This is now a Knuckles drowning stream. LUL
  815. [08:05:23] sungiant_: that was the first month
  816. [08:05:25] ryusensei: monkaS
  817. [08:05:26] sungiant_: i think
  818. [08:05:29] the_angry_scientist: you messed up
  819. [08:05:35] the_angry_scientist: last time
  820. [08:05:36] skygtr350: I'd better hurry.
  821. [08:05:37] patcdr: @sungiant_ it was
  822. [08:05:41] solblade0324: I better hurry or I'll drown
  823. [08:05:43] urowashere: Such a brutal death
  824. [08:05:44] girlsinyourarea_: I better hurry (up and drown)
  825. [08:05:46] perciacalos: Great
  826. [08:05:47] maigessxo: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper
  827. [08:05:48] mattdoom: Id better hurry 4Head
  828. [08:05:49] greatwighthope: Knuckles Drowning Adventure
  829. [08:05:53] jon_sklx: Great was great
  830. [08:06:02] shimmerfairy: @MonotoneTim yeah, don't forget to do the drowning with Tails again, you moved around when you tried it.
  831. [08:06:05] the_angry_scientist: KNUCKLES FOR SENATOR
  832. [08:06:09] the_angry_scientist: ^
  833. [08:06:10] girlsinyourarea_: GREAT
  834. [08:06:41] abortion_shark: Knuckles ran my local zoning committee into the ground. do NOT vote for him
  835. [08:07:02] volantarius: !sellout
  836. [08:07:02] solblade0324: knuckles couldn't live without his AT&T service connection
  837. [08:07:02] nightbot: How many quality Amazon™ products are there? At least 133.
  838. [08:07:05] lukesauce: SourPls
  839. [08:07:13] shimmerfairy: Knuckles can't cut back on streaming! He'll regret this!
  840. [08:07:37] shpeecrayb: Is this knock off "I wull survive"?
  841. [08:07:41] shpeecrayb: will*
  842. [08:07:43] theprimerib: that way
  843. [08:07:44] abortion_shark: To find the source of various zoning disturbances he just tunneled into the wall
  844. [08:08:09] the_angry_scientist: he also said oh no a lot
  845. [08:08:20] the_angry_scientist: plus, he NEVER chuckled
  846. [08:09:27] redicebergz: trains are cool too
  847. [08:09:28] sonickitsune_: A normal city only has horizontal walls
  848. [08:09:28] tabinax: wow, vertical walls, never seen those before
  849. [08:09:40] solblade0324: if Knuckles had his GPS device using AT&T, he'd find the pieces faster
  850. [08:10:13] redicebergz: paired with reebok shoes he's basically unstopable
  851. [08:10:30] inayamander: What if he had an Intel Celeron laptop?
  852. [08:10:52] abortion_shark: Did you know AT&T is teaming with Intel to test out 5G data plans
  853. [08:10:56] shimmerfairy: Centrino would be better
  854. [08:11:44] redicebergz: knuckles should try to wash down his stresses with a nice cool bottle of Pepsi tm
  855. [08:11:52] solblade0324: yknow what shoes don't have cracks? Reebok.
  856. [08:11:52] willster132: im gonna sleep tim I need to not fail collegte
  857. [08:11:56] willster132: But I wish you the best
  858. [08:12:10] willster132: continue being yourself becuase ur great
  859. [08:12:35] abortion_shark: 👃
  860. [08:12:40] redicebergz: heh, GOOD ENOUGH
  861. [08:12:41] chillgod: man the camera is sucha mess lol
  862. [08:13:08] abortion_shark: More like where WHEN the world.
  863. [08:13:09] redicebergz: WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?
  864. [08:13:24] urowashere: very strange
  865. [08:13:25] chillgod: cue daft punk
  866. [08:13:33] urowashere: I think its only for amy
  867. [08:13:43] solblade0324: only for tails iirc
  868. [08:13:47] abortion_shark: eyelids
  869. [08:13:52] urowashere: oh right the spin thing for tails
  870. [08:14:03] redicebergz: social commentary haHAA
  871. [08:14:06] redicebergz: on imperialism
  872. [08:14:15] abortion_shark: HES OLD MONEY
  873. [08:14:16] solblade0324: This is what being without AT&T does ti peopld
  874. [08:14:20] acandjs: That's the AMERICAN WAY
  875. [08:14:21] martyrlz: Why does knuckles the enchilada get high from looking at money
  876. [08:14:25] solblade0324: to people*
  877. [08:15:04] tboet: The slowest walk known to mankind
  878. [08:15:06] redicebergz: he could walk faster with reeboks
  879. [08:15:06] chillgod: i was about to say looool
  880. [08:15:16] solblade0324: I only got my reebok shoes knuckles
  881. [08:15:16] skygtr350: Watch out Knuckles! There's a shallow pool!
  882. [08:15:17] zorhail: What's the Reebok thing all about? A meme or something?
  883. [08:15:18] acandjs: Why is he walking that way lol
  884. [08:15:33] urowashere: das okay tho
  885. [08:16:10] zorhail: oh lmao
  886. [08:17:12] rickeon: how does a bulb of water wear reeboks
  887. [08:17:19] brimthrown: yeah tim what do YOU know
  888. [08:17:23] redicebergz: oh no
  889. [08:17:34] chillgod: bah
  890. [08:17:37] urowashere: Eggman's theme is so hype
  891. [08:17:39] acandjs: Bah
  892. [08:18:02] bananaburger: KappaPride
  893. [08:18:03] solblade0324: you have yet to see the true power of REEBOK
  894. [08:18:08] jinrai__: timOh
  895. [08:18:43] redicebergz: he can find sonic with the power of AT&T gps tracking
  896. [08:18:50] wind6: I wonder what's for DINNER
  897. [08:19:08] urowashere: I wonder what the prize was
  898. [08:19:14] brimthrown: this is mildly bizarre to me
  899. [08:19:37] shpeecrayb: IS THE MUSIC SCREAMING JULAAAAAAAY
  900. [08:19:37] redicebergz: the prize is a free alcatel phone with a purchase of a 6 month service plan
  901. [08:19:49] bananaburger: you got the super knuckles
  902. [08:20:14] the_angry_scientist: take THAT monkey
  903. [08:20:27] bananaburger: oraoraora
  904. [08:20:31] the_angry_scientist: oh no
  905. [08:20:32] martyrlz: @MonotoneTim I thought it was 1 guard tells the truth, 1 lies, and one kills people who asks tricky questions
  906. [08:20:33] sonickitsune_: That's the actual monkey destroyer device
  907. [08:20:35] redicebergz: oh no
  908. [08:21:01] acandjs: YEAH
  909. [08:21:20] kawaiichouchou: "somewhere in front".. so vague
  910. [08:21:20] urowashere: At best its an extra life Not Like This
  911. [08:21:31] ryusensei: the treasure is not having at&t service
  912. [08:21:47] rickeon: it's a puzzle, text front to at&t to learn how
  913. [08:22:18] sungiant_: the real treasure is the friends we made along the way
  914. [08:22:33] shimmerfairy: Why has every AT&T DLC been bad?
  915. [08:22:33] akeazy: HeyGuys
  916. [08:22:33] smiling_sphere: timNofun
  917. [08:22:44] stevejobsofficial: buy a new iphone to win
  918. [08:22:48] the_angry_scientist: the NUTshack?
  919. [08:23:25] doctor_zaius: the DLC was designed to be a perfect simulation of dealing with AT*&T customer service
  920. [08:23:39] shimmerfairy: dash punch into the shack?
  921. [08:23:43] mrrenter: can you punch into the door?
  922. [08:23:53] redicebergz: ^
  923. [08:23:55] flurrynimbus: there's probably another huge start banner somewhere that starts a timer
  924. [08:24:03] shimmerfairy: try dash punching the door
  925. [08:24:09] shimmerfairy: you haven't actually hit the door though
  926. [08:24:29] flurrynimbus: PogChamp
  927. [08:24:29] mrrenter: wrecked
  928. [08:24:33] ryusensei: 4Head
  929. [08:24:51] the_angry_scientist: wooo
  930. [08:24:57] mrrenter: only 3 more
  931. [08:25:07] rickeon: the back is probably facing the wall
  932. [08:25:11] jp_ronny: Invisible treasure, the best kind of treasure Kappa
  933. [08:25:18] omg_acronyms: but what if the front is the back
  934. [08:25:22] akeazy: The other side
  935. [08:25:23] redicebergz: free "galaxy" device
  936. [08:25:36] thedirtydollar: @the_angry_scientist where am i
  937. [08:25:52] the_angry_scientist: @TheDirtyDollar in a tim stream?
  938. [08:26:08] thedirtydollar: @the_angry_scientist great thanks
  939. [08:26:15] urowashere: Theres no way this is anything
  940. [08:26:16] the_angry_scientist: no problem
  941. [08:26:18] shpeecrayb: THE MINECART STUPID
  942. [08:26:20] cagelight: near the minecart it said at some point
  943. [08:26:25] solblade0324: hint said somewhere near the minecart?
  944. [08:26:35] thunderjoe: The other sign said it was beside the minecart.
  945. [08:26:41] communitycirclejerk: LUL
  946. [08:26:53] rickeon: you better be sorry.
  947. [08:27:05] urowashere: gr8
  948. [08:27:12] kawaiichouchou: almost perfectly in half the time
  949. [08:27:13] the_angry_scientist: cool, ya did it
  950. [08:27:17] konveia: get this man to AGDQ
  951. [08:27:18] azusa19: world record probably
  952. [08:27:21] redicebergz: great... blblbbzlbbluublblb
  953. [08:27:24] jonny9fire: New wr!! PogChamp
  954. [08:27:25] shimmerfairy: now go drown tails and see what his death words are.
  955. [08:27:29] timuukun: That's obviously a top time, where's your prize?
  956. [08:27:29] thedirtydollar: how many years has it been since tim did the music plays pokemon thing
  957. [08:27:33] the_angry_scientist: greatgreatgreat
  958. [08:27:37] mattdoom: Great.
  959. [08:27:41] satsuzaku: waw...
  960. [08:27:42] shimmerfairy: in fact, drown everyone you can in the pool.
  961. [08:27:52] williamiv: gonna buy an at&t phone right now
  962. [08:27:56] thunderjoe: Drown Tails?
  963. [08:28:03] kawaiichouchou: grate? StinkyCheese
  964. [08:28:15] the_angry_scientist: tim, before you quit, can you drown tails again but dont move this time
  965. [08:28:23] volantarius: watch this
  966. [08:28:28] b0stark: Oh wow.
  967. [08:28:31] slashiee_: There's another Christmas one
  968. [08:28:32] the_angry_scientist: its different tim, do it
  969. [08:28:39] the_angry_scientist: the japan christmas one
  970. [08:28:42] slashiee_: Oh: famitsu
  971. [08:28:50] sungiant_: its over time to uninstall
  972. [08:28:53] the_angry_scientist: do the hidekazu one
  973. [08:29:06] abortion_shark: gg
  974. [08:29:17] the_angry_scientist: DROWN TAILS
  975. [08:29:17] slashiee_: Yeah it was the Japanese Christmas one
  976. [08:29:27] urowashere: god bless
  977. [08:29:29] williamiv: didn't even realize that dreamcast had dlc
  978. [08:29:34] dilky01: Japan is 1998
  979. [08:29:49] dilky01: Other one is 1999
  980. [08:29:52] urowashere: 4Head
  981. [08:29:54] kawaiichouchou: ooooo
  982. [08:29:55] smiling_sphere: wow
  983. [08:29:59] satsuzaku: O wow
  984. [08:30:00] ryusensei: 1 month free service (with 2 year contract) Kappa
  985. [08:30:02] slashiee_: Well time to dump your 'legit' Japanese Sonic adventure
  986. [08:30:02] volantarius: watch
  987. [08:30:03] skygtr350: PogChamp
  988. [08:30:04] cozmo300: LuL
  989. [08:30:08] skygtr350: 1 YEAR
  990. [08:30:09] smarioman: The magazine was only around for a year.
  991. [08:30:10] shimmerfairy: PogChamp timPlus
  992. [08:30:10] azusa19: thats not bad
  993. [08:30:57] reecer6: i want to leave time
  994. [08:31:07] urowashere: Could have been on some seganet website
  995. [08:31:12] reecer6: i want to be freed from the confines of time and never go back
  996. [08:31:15] skygtr350: timMinus
  997. [08:31:19] volantarius: !sellout
  998. [08:31:20] nightbot: How many quality Amazon™ products are there? At least 296.
  999. [08:31:22] ryusensei: a keybboard PogChamp
  1000. [08:31:50] williamiv: was the first phantasy star online on dreamcast?
  1001. [08:31:56] reecer6: shins are pretty powerful
  1002. [08:32:01] shpeecrayb: AMERICA
  1003. [08:32:03] ryusensei: wat
  1004. [08:32:05] satsuzaku: W O W
  1005. [08:32:08] 55homerun: WAOW
  1006. [08:32:14] communitycirclejerk: someone did a video on it, @monotonetim not a whole lot works
  1007. [08:32:22] konveia: a da? OpieOP waow
  1008. [08:32:23] reecer6: this website is... REGULARLY MAINTAINED
  1009. [08:32:23] seraphim_z: God Bless America
  1010. [08:32:34] reecer6: well actually the last post was two months ago
  1011. [08:32:34] shpeecrayb: Save that damn flag, that is a backround
  1012. [08:32:38] reecer6: maybe it's finally dying
  1013. [08:32:43] urowashere: 999
  1014. [08:32:51] jp_ronny: 999 LUL
  1015. [08:33:00] ryusensei: christ
  1016. [08:33:02] abortion_shark: 2002
  1017. [08:33:03] konveia: i wonder where this kid is now
  1018. [08:33:07] smarioman: Wow. Actually a review from 2002.
  1019. [08:33:10] volantarius: 128-bit emotion? wtf
  1020. [08:33:13] reecer6: that kid is an adult
  1021. [08:33:22] urowashere: I wonder where Kid Review is now
  1022. [08:33:25] bananaburger: 56-k PogChamp
  1023. [08:33:26] aifread: Phantasy Star Online was on DC first, then later GC, which also got a third episode
  1024. [08:33:30] shimmerfairy: 128-bits?
  1025. [08:33:30] reecer6: that's the same number
  1026. [08:33:37] kawaiichouchou: i personally like my 128bit emotion processor
  1027. [08:33:41] chillgod: LOL
  1028. [08:33:48] abortion_shark: Okay this is just Tim as a kid
  1029. [08:33:53] konveia: starting to doubt this was actually a kid
  1030. [08:33:58] chillgod: LOOOOOOOOL
  1031. [08:34:02] bananaburger: dude the dreamcast is the future
  1032. [08:34:04] skygtr350: why would anyone want to use email and internet surfing on a console anyway
  1033. [08:34:04] communitycirclejerk: @monotonetim someone did a video recently on the browser and not a lot of sites work on it. only old dreamcsst archive sites
  1034. [08:34:04] madtaz64: "july 14 2002" did no one tell him yet
  1035. [08:34:05] ehnaton1: thats an ad
  1036. [08:34:06] perciacalos: But does it have at least 64MB of RAM?
  1037. [08:34:06] inayamander: holy shit this is adorable
  1038. [08:34:07] seraphim_z: ooo please it stinks
  1039. [08:34:08] smarioman: They had Daytona USA Online.
  1040. [08:34:12] mattdoom: Regular internet? PogChap
  1041. [08:34:15] mattdoom: PogChamp
  1042. [08:34:15] cozmo300: 128 bit emotion processor PogChamp
  1043. [08:34:15] urowashere: Rid Review is a straight up liar. IMs?
  1044. [08:34:15] pinkdm: Did you write this Tim??
  1045. [08:34:18] urowashere: Kid*
  1046. [08:34:19] madtaz64: does he still think the dreamcast is alive and kicking to this very day
  1047. [08:34:20] abortion_shark: Tim wrote this
  1048. [08:34:27] shimmerfairy: @Madtaz64 2002
  1049. [08:34:29] satsuzaku: WOOOOW :O
  1050. [08:34:30] smiling_sphere: huh
  1051. [08:34:35] sungiant_: the person who wrote this died 10 yeras ago
  1052. [08:34:40] fizzow: that kid was head of his debate club
  1053. [08:34:44] reecer6: i'd rather like
  1054. [08:34:46] reecer6: get a computer
  1055. [08:34:46] bananaburger: btw, buy the wii u!
  1056. [08:34:48] madtaz64: I know that's what year it is
  1057. [08:34:49] reecer6: if the selling point is internet
  1058. [08:34:53] seraphim_z: stores were blowing out Dreamcast games in the early 2000's for next to nothing
  1059. [08:34:57] safetystick: 3/10
  1060. [08:35:11] omg_acronyms: tim did you write da bomb review?
  1061. [08:35:14] smarioman: They were selling Dreamcast games for $45 back in the day.
  1062. [08:35:16] shimmerfairy: I'm just surprised that Amazon has been around for so long
  1063. [08:35:18] urowashere: That was a fun time when people compared the weight of consoles
  1064. [08:35:25] redicebergz: but IS IT A BUY??
  1065. [08:35:28] blizzaxe: Amazon can drive a car dude
  1066. [08:35:29] madtaz64: I bought my dreamcast in 2005 for 25 bucks
  1067. [08:35:30] kawaiichouchou: well, if it's only $$$, then i'll buy it
  1068. [08:35:31] seraphim_z: I can't blame a kid for repping the Dreamcast back in 2002, the games were getting dirt cheap by that time
  1069. [08:35:31] shimmerfairy: DC wasn't a 128-bit system, was it?
  1070. [08:35:44] konveia: he's from baltimore PogChamp
  1071. [08:35:50] redicebergz: that man is a food reviewer
  1072. [08:35:50] inayamander: RAW POWER
  1073. [08:35:52] reecer6: [the grinch for dreamcast]
  1074. [08:35:52] blizzaxe: You can put that on your wishlist, Tim
  1075. [08:35:55] madtaz64: it was sitting in a small basket on the desk of a Gamestop
  1076. [08:35:58] smarioman: @shimmerfairy something about 128 bit graphics.
  1077. [08:36:04] williamiv: lmao
  1078. [08:36:06] perciacalos: But what if the address isnt current?
  1079. [08:36:08] shimmerfairy: Ah, so not a 128-bit system then
  1080. [08:36:15] ehnaton1: hes a man now
  1081. [08:36:19] sungiant_: do it
  1082. [08:36:20] seraphim_z: maybe you went to college with this kid Tim
  1083. [08:36:20] communitycirclejerk: @monotonetim you should check out the video of someone checking out the DC browser
  1084. [08:36:27] madtaz64: he's still 11 years old to this day
  1085. [08:36:28] mattdoom: Hes like 27 now lol
  1086. [08:36:29] rickeon: what's the point of having a public wishlist if random internet people can't send you gifts
  1087. [08:36:32] bananaburger: hey look an at&t ad
  1088. [08:36:36] reecer6: wow i love that commercial
  1089. [08:36:38] shimmerfairy: 2016!
  1090. [08:36:42] ilissos: 15 years later
  1091. [08:36:43] fizzow: well that's..awkward
  1092. [08:36:56] madtaz64: oh god that 11 year old is my age
  1093. [08:36:57] konveia: how do you go from enjoying video games as a kid to buying lion mane wigs
  1094. [08:37:00] shpeecrayb: ATT STRIKES AGAIN
  1095. [08:37:01] madtaz64: or was my age
  1096. [08:37:03] skygtr350: her kids are dead now and so is she
  1097. [08:37:05] madtaz64: er, still is
  1098. [08:37:06] shpeecrayb: I saw that
  1099. [08:37:13] the_angry_scientist: it stinks
  1100. [08:37:20] blizzaxe: Tasty news.
  1101. [08:37:21] madtaz64: I don't think I even knew about amazon back in 2002 lol
  1102. [08:37:29] shimmerfairy: he's not wrong
  1103. [08:37:33] safetystick: tru
  1104. [08:37:42] azusa19: i want a dreamcast
  1105. [08:37:51] ehnaton1: kids A HARSH VRITIC
  1106. [08:37:56] ehnaton1: ups
  1107. [08:38:05] metaconstruct: man.
  1108. [08:38:07] reecer6: Imagine these reviews on a site that looks like this.
  1109. [08:38:09] metaconstruct: i should buy a dreamcast
  1110. [08:38:11] djgamer__: some of those reviews were posted when I was 5
  1111. [08:38:21] urowashere: DVDs were the death of the dreamcast
  1112. [08:38:35] redicebergz: 99
  1113. [08:38:41] rebcart: "ordered a dreamcast got a super nintendo"
  1114. [08:38:47] safetystick: S0N1C
  1115. [08:38:49] swehili: rude
  1116. [08:38:49] sungiant_: thats true
  1117. [08:38:50] shimmerfairy: oh snap
  1118. [08:38:55] sungiant_: honestly good points
  1119. [08:39:05] aifread: Sega does make bad games though
  1120. [08:39:08] safetystick: Wheres math blaster 😡
  1121. [08:39:10] williamiv: i'm actually feeling nostalgic at this crap
  1122. [08:39:10] smiling_sphere: LOL
  1123. [08:39:10] konveia: LuL
  1124. [08:39:11] aifread: Always have, always will
  1125. [08:39:12] perciacalos: timOh
  1126. [08:39:13] not_quite_glenn_miller: not enough oregon trail
  1127. [08:39:15] skygtr350: SNES is better anyway
  1128. [08:39:21] smarioman: No Oregon Trail? Why even buy it?
  1129. [08:39:36] 36mbmonster: I can't believe MECC didn't make any games for Dreamcast
  1130. [08:39:48] smiling_sphere: 1999 review PogChamp
  1131. [08:39:59] shpeecrayb: 1999 was the year I was born
  1132. [08:40:06] blizzaxe: youngun
  1133. [08:40:10] bananaburger: lmao
  1134. [08:40:16] bananaburger: this kid is great
  1135. [08:40:23] not_quite_glenn_miller: this guys takin too many red pills lol
  1136. [08:40:25] the_angry_scientist: BUT I CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH
  1137. [08:40:26] bananaburger: WOW HE DIDNT EVEN REVIEW A PS2
  1138. [08:40:26] cronuswaters: TRUTH
  1139. [08:40:33] bananaburger: that man is a poser
  1140. [08:40:35] konveia: OVERHYPPED "LOSER"
  1141. [08:40:37] nustad: I can't handle the truth! danS
  1142. [08:40:45] skygtr350: Is that Sonicmaniasucks as a kid?
  1143. [08:41:10] shimmerfairy: wow, people always complained about too much focus on graphics.
  1144. [08:41:11] shpeecrayb: Find a review from 9/11
  1145. [08:41:20] redicebergz: DOLPHIN LuL
  1146. [08:41:22] safetystick: nintendo dolphin Kreygasm
  1147. [08:41:23] smiling_sphere: nintendo dolphin oh gosh
  1148. [08:41:24] smarioman: Wow. Nintendo Dolphin. That's telling of the time.
  1149. [08:41:25] reecer6: sorry i don't want to emulate
  1150. [08:41:38] saladmagic: ps2 had a lot of sa
  1151. [08:41:46] safetystick: TIM?
  1152. [08:41:51] bananaburger: poop?
  1153. [08:41:51] the_angry_scientist: 💩
  1154. [08:41:52] kawaiichouchou: i've never even heard of a nintendo dolphin
  1155. [08:42:07] redicebergz: gamecube codename
  1156. [08:42:10] smarioman: @kawaiichouchou it's the GameCube's code name.
  1157. [08:42:13] kawaiichouchou: ah
  1158. [08:42:15] kawaiichouchou: thanks lol
  1159. [08:42:27] safetystick: true
  1160. [08:42:31] redicebergz: before they actually knew to call it gamecube
  1161. [08:42:40] ehnaton1: LUL
  1162. [08:42:43] skygtr350: Those are like ebay reviews for items
  1163. [08:42:44] mordafrem: triS If only they knew that the sega was okay in the future
  1164. [08:42:54] aifread: That's why the emulator for GC is called the Dolphin. It's a throwback to the working title of the GC
  1165. [08:42:54] skygtr350: "Seller sent me a bad item" therefore I give it 1 star
  1166. [08:42:54] perciacalos: God, please stop sending me your console for free
  1167. [08:43:05] pancakes_rawfuls: That's sad... I actually enjoyed my dreamcast while it lasted
  1168. [08:43:07] 36mbmonster: I remember reading about the Nintendo "revolution" in Nintendo power and being really disappointed when they decided the production name would be Wii
  1169. [08:43:09] safetystick: lmao
  1170. [08:43:10] reecer6: why would you buy a dreamcast in 2005 what
  1171. [08:43:10] fluffymagicman: September 10th, 2001. Wow. That reviewer doesn't even know what's about to happen
  1172. [08:43:13] kawaiichouchou: worser.
  1173. [08:43:14] urowashere: Kids Review is on a rampage
  1174. [08:43:17] shimmerfairy: 2007
  1175. [08:43:19] reecer6: that was your problem
  1176. [08:43:31] konveia: LuL poor kid got absolutely ripped off by that fundraiser
  1177. [08:43:32] reecer6: or 200SEVEN
  1178. [08:43:33] nustad: 2007.. danLol
  1179. [08:43:34] killing_moon: stupid kids
  1180. [08:43:38] smarioman: Buying a Dreamcast in 2007? But why?
  1181. [08:43:38] fizzow: Kid's Review never grew up into Adult's Review :(
  1182. [08:43:40] safetystick: 😡 stupid kids
  1183. [08:43:51] reecer6: YEAH you SHOULDN'T get an eight-year-old system
  1184. [08:43:57] shimmerfairy: what, like memory cards that have screens? The ones that don't still exist?
  1185. [08:44:00] redicebergz: why are you reviewing dreamcast in 2017
  1186. [08:44:05] aifread: I hear people talk a lot about DC being ahead of its time, but I honestly don't understand that statement
  1187. [08:44:29] the_angry_scientist: it had a screen in its controller
  1188. [08:44:30] bananaburger: i had a defective ps2
  1189. [08:44:34] skygtr350: Was it an SNES?
  1190. [08:44:35] safetystick: gotta leave an angry review
  1191. [08:44:37] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: I missed tim stream because I got drunk with boyfriend????????
  1192. [08:44:39] reecer6: i had a defective child.
  1193. [08:44:48] skygtr350: Yes Naked Julia
  1194. [08:44:51] redicebergz: ordered a 3ds received a ps vita
  1195. [08:44:51] shimmerfairy: ????????
  1196. [08:44:55] fizzow: it was the DreamNES
  1197. [08:44:56] smarioman: Oh man. They have a black Dreamcast model?
  1198. [08:45:01] boredcyborg: you missed sonic chat Julia
  1199. [08:45:08] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: Lo mean i a till drunk so whatever
  1200. [08:45:18] shpeecrayb: @SMarioMan It doesnt work though Kappa
  1201. [08:45:23] safetystick: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 👌 😂
  1202. [08:45:38] the_angry_scientist: HAHAHAHAHA
  1203. [08:45:40] rickeon: over 90+
  1204. [08:45:41] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: No drunk joke but I don't have sound on mobile though
  1205. [08:45:42] nustad: Games in the dentist office? What? danDerp
  1206. [08:45:43] bananaburger: ho shit
  1207. [08:45:47] swehili: (sarcasm)
  1208. [08:45:49] safetystick: *cough* sarcasm *cough*
  1209. [08:46:09] smarioman: Little did anyone know, the PS2 would have more games than pretty much any console before or since.
  1210. [08:46:13] safetystick: @$$ :O
  1211. [08:46:19] sungiant_: why do people write this garbage
  1212. [08:46:20] reecer6: oh my god 4-player being pointless
  1213. [08:46:22] reecer6: what is that opinion
  1214. [08:46:23] sungiant_: literally who cares what you think
  1215. [08:46:29] shimmerfairy: LUL
  1216. [08:46:29] jon_sklx: lol
  1217. [08:46:29] bananaburger: yeah really
  1218. [08:46:29] fizzow: that man speaks truth
  1219. [08:46:30] skygtr350: YA!
  1220. [08:46:32] urowashere: "a customer" was WAY ahead of his time
  1221. [08:46:35] swehili: true tbh
  1222. [08:46:35] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: Me I care
  1223. [08:46:36] rickeon: PS2 still has more than 90+ games now
  1224. [08:46:39] not_quite_glenn_miller: lol
  1225. [08:46:39] skygtr350: Online gaming will never take off!
  1226. [08:46:45] safetystick: true
  1227. [08:46:46] mattdoom: Wow times have changed lol
  1228. [08:46:50] killing_moon: the Dreamcast was a mistake rgtWhy
  1229. [08:46:51] madtaz64: OH MAN THE PSX2 IS COMING OUT SOON?!
  1230. [08:46:58] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: Why is gushing your tree th fun while drunk brushing teeth I mean
  1231. [08:47:03] anonymousv8: 5mins.... tim played it longer
  1232. [08:47:03] safetystick: PSX2 PogChamp
  1233. [08:47:08] skygtr350: All these reviews were left by dead people
  1234. [08:47:09] bananaburger: amazon knows
  1235. [08:47:16] mcdumb: suzy O's PogChamp
  1236. [08:47:22] safetystick: oh god
  1237. [08:47:23] sungiant_: what a fuckin dork lol
  1238. [08:47:26] saladmagic: rofll
  1239. [08:47:41] boredcyborg: croutons are pretty good
  1240. [08:47:44] mattdoom: Lol
  1241. [08:47:46] bananaburger: probably
  1242. [08:47:48] skygtr350: Bryan likes bad B Movies
  1243. [08:47:55] strange_1oop: was that an ice cream sandwich on Amazon?
  1244. [08:48:10] ehnaton1: he posts like 10 reviews a day wtf
  1245. [08:48:13] kawaiichouchou: one word titles are best
  1246. [08:48:57] kawaiichouchou: LuL
  1247. [08:48:57] dutcentral: lol
  1248. [08:48:58] smiling_sphere: lmao
  1249. [08:49:00] tboet: Hahaha
  1250. [08:49:08] cronuswaters: Fun Pops is the scariest movie
  1251. [08:49:09] shpeecrayb: Draken?
  1252. [08:49:13] saladmagic: hahahahahaha
  1253. [08:49:18] smarioman: Does this guy just spend his whole life watching horror movies?
  1254. [08:49:19] the_angry_scientist: LuL
  1255. [08:49:22] princesspunker84: NOT VELVEETA WutFace
  1256. [08:49:25] dutcentral: This person lives an interesting life
  1257. [08:49:26] reecer6: you don't have enough time to WATCH these movies at the speed they're reviewing them
  1258. [08:49:27] urowashere: Blue Eyes White Dragon
  1259. [08:49:27] anonymousv8: not this voice
  1260. [08:49:38] skygtr350: I Can't Believe It's Not Salt TM
  1261. [08:49:46] jonantoine: 4 lbs. of velveeta cheese
  1262. [08:49:46] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: Chat I need advice I left my hous with 2 hair bands and now I'm home but I have 3 hair and and they're all black what do i do
  1263. [08:50:00] urowashere: Stillin 2017 ohGod
  1264. [08:50:04] reecer6: he reviewed earthworm jim 2 before earthworm jim 1
  1265. [08:50:09] reecer6: wait nevermind
  1266. [08:50:10] stevejobsofficial: wat
  1267. [08:50:11] inayamander: I could listen to this all day
  1268. [08:50:13] konveia: this guy's life is unbelievable, how do you live like this
  1269. [08:50:13] bananaburger: LUL
  1270. [08:50:16] tboet: Guy loves earthworm Jim
  1271. [08:50:20] shimmerfairy: @Inayamander I know, right?
  1272. [08:50:20] sungiant_: put them in your hair
  1273. [08:50:22] the_angry_scientist: no, its not
  1274. [08:50:26] bananaburger: yeah this guy is like the biggest earthworm jim fan
  1275. [08:50:29] kawaiichouchou: you can really tell a lot about a person when perusing their amazon review history
  1276. [08:50:31] fizzow: this dude has reviewed more items than Sisken and Ebert
  1277. [08:50:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: Please help me I'm drunk I can't make xedicions
  1278. [08:50:37] ehnaton1: vhs in 2017
  1279. [08:50:37] smarioman: @put_naked_julia_in_umvc3 sleep it off and sort it out later.
  1280. [08:50:41] tboet: LUL
  1281. [08:50:42] prettyjumbles: I don't believe this dude plays baseball
  1282. [08:50:53] matazanz: NOT THE FRANKS
  1283. [08:50:54] fluffymagicman: "Oops, I gave a Brittney song a good rating"
  1284. [08:50:58] sungiant_: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 put them all in your hair
  1285. [08:51:00] swehili: how are there so many b horror movies?
  1286. [08:51:03] jonantoine: i can only assume the bat is a protection utensil
  1287. [08:51:05] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: I don't think sober me can tell which ones are mine
  1288. [08:51:11] aifread: Who fucking needs a review of strawberry pop tarts?
  1289. [08:51:20] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: Me
  1290. [08:51:20] stevejobsofficial: this person buys everything from amazon
  1291. [08:51:21] shpeecrayb: BATTLETOAAAAAAADS
  1292. [08:51:22] killerkrill: review bot boys
  1293. [08:51:27] rickeon: I haven't even bought that much in six months
  1294. [08:51:28] reecer6: bryan christ
  1295. [08:51:31] shpeecrayb: I SAW BATTLETOADS
  1296. [08:51:34] bananaburger: ass
  1297. [08:51:36] tboet: Oh my god it never ends
  1298. [08:51:37] kawaiichouchou: ice cube trays? he really reviewed ice cube trays??
  1299. [08:51:38] cronuswaters: I think he just went into every listing and left a review for them
  1300. [08:51:38] the_angry_scientist: Ass
  1301. [08:51:40] sungiant_: i want to know more about this person
  1302. [08:51:41] shpeecrayb: Ass
  1303. [08:51:42] pinkdm: Is this guy even human holy fuck
  1304. [08:51:43] jonantoine: 60 oz of some kínd of sucker
  1305. [08:51:46] matazanz: ASS
  1306. [08:51:51] kawaiichouchou: @$$
  1307. [08:51:53] juicytarball: we're only in 2016
  1308. [08:51:54] mattdoom: I had a pure 80s cd lol
  1309. [08:51:57] cronuswaters: or maybe he's some sort of review monster
  1310. [08:52:02] anonymousv8: is bryan just tim?
  1311. [08:52:07] bl0cks: Bryan, man, what are you up to
  1312. [08:52:14] smarioman: Maybe this isn't a single person, but a very large family.
  1313. [08:52:15] samuraiccj: he has made it his lifes work, to review everything that has ever existed
  1314. [08:52:15] tboet: Legend says he's been creating reviews since his day of birth
  1315. [08:52:21] saladmagic: Bryan Bezos
  1316. [08:52:22] inayamander: You could change the !sellout link to just be products Bryan has reviewed.
  1317. [08:52:24] shpeecrayb: Was that a puond bag of sugarless gummybears
  1318. [08:52:25] juicytarball: paid reviewer LuL
  1319. [08:52:35] penguthefluffy: maybe he is one of those paid reviewers that just do that all day
  1320. [08:52:36] fizzow: man we gotta learn more about this Bryan
  1321. [08:52:39] anonymousv8: bryantzuki is that you?
  1322. [08:52:42] pinkdm: This guy is insane
  1323. [08:52:45] inayamander: yeah I think this is his day job
  1324. [08:53:08] konveia: he won the lottery decades ago and found the optimal way to live life
  1325. [08:53:19] smiling_sphere: it never ends
  1326. [08:53:24] reecer6: man, that's the only possibility, right? he reviews horror films in some newspaper column, right?
  1327. [08:53:25] smarioman: It just goes.
  1328. [08:53:26] fizzow: Bryan is the only lotto winner to have never frivolously lost his winnings
  1329. [08:53:27] shimmerfairy: timMrBones
  1330. [08:53:27] tboet: Wow..
  1331. [08:53:28] reecer6: but then why the food?
  1332. [08:53:28] sungiant_: holy shit
  1333. [08:53:36] juicytarball: monkaS
  1334. [08:53:40] saladmagic: just look at everything he rated five stars and you will find the keys to happiness
  1335. [08:53:40] sungiant_: HOLY SHIT
  1336. [08:53:41] williamiv: every time he poops he reviews a product
  1337. [08:53:42] prettyjumbles: yes, this is certainly rock bottom
  1338. [08:53:46] skygtr350: timOh no
  1339. [08:53:46] kawaiichouchou: we may be here a while
  1340. [08:53:46] slashstarex: did I miss the stream?
  1341. [08:53:50] pinkdm: Wtf
  1342. [08:53:54] bananaburger: we'll get there one day
  1343. [08:53:58] kilcoyne1337: he must have a constant stream of packages coming to his house
  1344. [08:54:00] flamin_b: ?
  1345. [08:54:00] sungiant_: digging deep
  1346. [08:54:02] shimmerfairy: @SlashStarEX yeah, most of it I'd guess
  1347. [08:54:06] juicytarball: where would he even keep half of this stuff
  1348. [08:54:09] slashstarex: damn
  1349. [08:54:09] killing_moon: Hobbies: Leaving in-depth reviews on as many Amazon products as I possibly can
  1350. [08:54:11] fizzow: you're gonna break the site if you keep this up, I don't think they tested it to scroll this far Tim
  1351. [08:54:13] sungiant_: the mines of amazonia
  1352. [08:54:13] fluffymagicman: @WilliamIV He had 20 reviews in one day... That's not a healthy colon
  1353. [08:54:18] cronuswaters: maybe this is like Steam's content generating page, it's just constantly generating more and more reviews as you scroll
  1354. [08:54:18] matazanz: *Epilepsy warning*
  1355. [08:54:19] ooolay: how does he have time for this
  1356. [08:54:19] rebcart: lipstick
  1357. [08:54:20] kawaiichouchou: including ice trays
  1358. [08:54:23] bananaburger: but mostly b movies
  1359. [08:54:27] reecer6: well, if your anything is an nes game, horror flick, or food item.
  1360. [08:54:35] skygtr350: I bet he hasn't reviewed the 55 galloon jug of lube
  1361. [08:54:37] saladmagic: CROUTONS!!
  1362. [08:54:40] tboet: So he comes home & just writes reviews for the rest of the day
  1363. [08:54:43] reecer6: THE PATTERN HASN'T CHANGED IN FIVE YEARS
  1364. [08:54:44] nustad: Must be paid for this danHmm
  1365. [08:54:51] mattdoom: Olive oil LOL
  1366. [08:55:09] reecer6: HOW DO YOU GET #1 THEN
  1367. [08:55:14] skygtr350: Who's #1!?
  1368. [08:55:14] smarioman: Maybe this guy has a YouTube reviews channel.
  1369. [08:55:17] cronuswaters: I wonder what his wishlist is like
  1370. [08:55:23] urowashere: A review bot gone sentient
  1371. [08:55:25] sungiant_: i hope he writes these in his car
  1372. [08:55:27] strudelalec: top percentage rattata
  1373. [08:55:40] kaicrowley: rays2 I mean... They'll remember this guy by some measure
  1374. [08:55:43] juicytarball: 100 iv amazon shopper PogChamp
  1375. [08:55:47] onidraug_1: You think the dude makes bank?
  1376. [08:55:49] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hi lol\
  1377. [08:56:02] konveia: it's %helpful
  1378. [08:56:04] nustad: Based on votes
  1379. [08:56:05] smiling_sphere: I guess it's by how helpful they were?
  1380. [08:56:11] onidraug_1: At what point does the vine program stop sending products and start flat out paying
  1381. [08:56:12] bl0cks: I guess it depends on % helpful
  1382. [08:56:14] smarioman: Statistically, you're more likely to find the user with the most reviews than any if the others.
  1383. [08:56:16] reecer6: just find him on page 160
  1384. [08:56:33] kazooloo: 30k reviews
  1385. [08:56:40] rickeon: I'm putting that guy on my amazon reviewer fantasy team
  1386. [08:56:43] maddawg420: me neither sumW
  1387. [08:56:49] tboet: Competetive reviewing
  1388. [08:56:56] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: is thrrre anyone sober in chat i can talk to ablout what hapeened to me tonight i really ned adbice
  1389. [08:57:02] anonymousv8: people want those helpfulness clicks
  1390. [08:57:04] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: pmme please
  1391. [08:57:19] saladmagic: jackpot
  1392. [08:57:20] travador: sort by oldest
  1393. [08:57:28] rickeon: this is still my favorite amazon reviewer page
  1394. [08:57:30] penguthefluffy: I am going to make a make a tinder profile that describes my passion for amazon reviews
  1395. [08:57:31] killerkrill: don't leave us tim
  1396. [08:57:35] theaxel11: hot girl stream of it
  1397. [08:57:38] maddawg420: sumThump
  1398. [08:57:38] penguthefluffy: lets see how many takers I get
  1399. [08:57:43] djgamer__: no it's not
  1400. [08:57:44] urowashere: God bless late streams
  1401. [08:57:48] djgamer__: it's only 2 in the morning
  1402. [08:57:57] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: not pm sorry use the whisper thing
  1403. [08:58:01] stevejobsofficial: Sunday stream?
  1404. [08:58:02] sungiant_: "played"
  1405. [08:58:03] boredcyborg: it's only 8pm timBBQQT
  1406. [08:58:04] anonymousv8: mario next week?
  1407. [08:58:05] fizzow: was this playthrough of Sonic to celebrate the Sonic and Hooters promotion?
  1408. [08:58:09] bananaburger: the vmu is great
  1409. [08:58:19] maddawg420: love you Tim <3
  1410. [08:58:24] jon_sklx: It would be even better with Judge Judy only
  1411. [08:58:25] skygtr350: timMrBones
  1412. [08:58:25] kawaiichouchou: thanks for streaming Tim
  1413. [08:58:26] misssunna: bye bye
  1414. [08:58:26] perciacalos: Doing the double
  1415. [08:58:31] smarioman: Good night all.
  1416. [08:58:32] mattdoom: Thanks for stream have a good one
  1417. [08:58:34] smiling_sphere: Night tim, thanks for streaming <3
  1418. [08:58:35] 0bservants: bye
  1419. [08:58:35] rand___althor: <3 tim
  1420. [08:58:36] theaxel11: timMrBones timMrBones timMrBones timMrBones
  1421. [08:58:36] swehili: "tomorrow"
  1422. [08:58:36] bananaburger: 2 streams in a row 2 weeks in a row? PogChamp
  1423. [08:58:39] skygtr350: 2 days in a row 2 weeks straight!? timPlus
  1424. [08:58:41] stevejobsofficial: goodnight handsome
  1425. [08:58:46] abortion_shark: goodnight
  1426. [08:58:52] jon_sklx: Bye Tim. Thanks and take care!
  1427. [08:58:59] bananaburger: thanks for the stream tim
  1428. [08:59:09] ehnaton1: review product reviewers
  1429. [08:59:11] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: ists ok tim i love u even if im drunk nad i only catcb the last 2 minutes
  1430. [08:59:14] volantarius: <3
  1431. [08:59:18] timuukun: Play Sim Tower
  1432. [08:59:18] ttiewinwt: BibleThump HeyGuys <3
  1433. [08:59:18] monotonetim:
  1434. [08:59:22] timuukun: or Yoot Tower
  1435. [08:59:24] boredcyborg: night Tim <3
  1436. [08:59:30] volantarius: timQR
  1437. [08:59:33] anonymousv8: 3 min ad time
  1438. [09:00:06] shimmerfairy: it's a good layout
  1439. [09:00:12] anonymousv8: only 6 hours ago
  1440. [09:00:12] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: please if anyoneis going tu be up for the next 15 minutses i raelly fuckin g need advice tonight pleawe whisper me i hate that this is whereim askigng ofr advice
  1441. [09:00:16] boredcyborg: layout was great Tim
  1442. [09:00:21] smiling_sphere: It's better than Judy chat
  1443. [09:00:23] 55homerun: thanks for stream
  1444. [09:00:24] urowashere: God Bless, Tim
  1445. [09:00:32] monotonetim: you should love asking advice here
  1446. [09:00:34] djgamer__: puyo?
  1447. [09:00:36] monotonetim: it is the home of sonic adventure
  1448. [09:00:44] bananaburger: and at&t dlc
  1449. [09:00:44] volantarius: and watch
  1450. [09:00:49] not_quite_glenn_miller: @smiling_sphere you take that back, judy chat is amazing
  1451. [09:00:52] ttiewinwt: bye Tim
  1452. [09:01:01] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: im sorry tim im like REALLY drunk drunk and i drofe myself home so htats alreadty bad jujst time me out if im being a bad boy
  1453. [09:01:03] smiling_sphere: I will not take it back timMrBones
  1454. [09:01:17] monotonetim: oh, I don't mind.
  1455. [09:01:18] monotonetim: talk whatever
  1456. [09:01:21] smarioman: Judy chat is such a divisive issue. I'd never realized.
  1457. [09:01:23] sungiant_: jesus
  1458. [09:01:34] volantarius: Drink water? That might be good advice
  1459. [09:01:37] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: thankss you i really apreciate your stream its a commnuty i feel a part of
  1460. [09:01:39] monotonetim: I got this side salad with my earlier food order
  1461. [09:01:40] metaconstruct: Tim, try loading this in your emulator
  1462. [09:01:43] volantarius: You might throw up though
  1463. [09:01:43] monotonetim: 5am salad
  1464. [09:01:49] sungiant_: healthy
  1465. [09:01:49] not_quite_glenn_miller: #makejudychatgreatagain
  1466. [09:01:50] saladmagic: yes?
  1467. [09:01:56] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i threw up wehn we parked its fin e im not pukey
  1468. [09:02:05] amisnaru: advice: don't drink and drive
  1469. [09:02:10] smiling_sphere: ^
  1470. [09:02:14] supersmarties: ^
  1471. [09:02:18] djgamer__: ^
  1472. [09:02:20] swehili: v
  1473. [09:02:21] anonymousv8: drive and drink?
  1474. [09:02:22] bananaburger: i'd eat a 5 am salad
  1475. [09:02:29] boredcyborg: stay safe please
  1476. [09:02:31] chuckmoritz: Especially not at the same time
  1477. [09:02:32] monotonetim: jm
  1478. [09:02:33] monotonetim: hm
  1479. [09:02:36] strudelalec: drink alone sad and depressed ez
  1480. [09:02:44] bananaburger: thats what i used to do
  1481. [09:02:44] saladmagic: However, do drink and Sega Mega Drive
  1482. [09:02:52] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: look my boyrrined fought is friend and i shout he was hona punsh mye in the face so i really didnt wanna.... lie... . be with him tonigt... and i cant afford uber.....
  1483. [09:02:54] not_quite_glenn_miller: but what if the bar has a drive thru?
  1484. [09:02:57] strudelalec: drink and DAYTOOONA
  1485. [09:02:59] monotonetim: @meta it isn't downloading
  1486. [09:03:18] metaconstruct: wha
  1487. [09:03:29] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: he wanted to take my to a bar for the first time winsce i havetn bgegn ever so we went ho his friends hgouse and his friend was DD right......
  1488. [09:03:56] jinrai__: uh
  1489. [09:03:58] sungiant_: jeez
  1490. [09:03:58] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: im not tping it all out in chat even drunk me knows nobdoy wants to bum the mood
  1491. [09:04:01] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: time me out please tim
  1492. [09:04:14] sungiant_: sleep it off
  1493. [09:04:18] sungiant_: make better choices
  1494. [09:04:20] jinrai__: ^
  1495. [09:04:20] monotonetim: no
  1496. [09:04:25] strudelalec: sleep on your side
  1497. [09:04:30] monotonetim: vent if you gotta
  1498. [09:04:33] supersmarties: Drink lots of water
  1499. [09:04:43] metaconstruct: @MonotoneTim i sent it to you
  1500. [09:04:44] skygtr350: Nier Automata tomorrow timPlus
  1501. [09:04:45] amisnaru: you were lucky a cop didn't give you a timeout DansGame
  1502. [09:04:51] kawaiichouchou: or if you have something with electrolytes, like gatorade is good
  1503. [09:04:52] monotonetim: already wore
  1504. [09:04:59] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: ok then illlet it all out here
  1505. [09:05:12] volantarius: burp it out
  1506. [09:05:14] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: we go to a bar and drink and then go to another cuz the frist onl yservers beer and its gross and i didnt want any
  1507. [09:05:17] sungiant_: how many pizza roll ads can one FUCKING SITE SHOW
  1508. [09:05:17] monotonetim: sent where
  1509. [09:05:22] strudelalec: gotta love truth serum
  1510. [09:05:23] monotonetim: PeteZaroll
  1511. [09:05:25] metaconstruct: uh
  1512. [09:05:30] skygtr350: PeteZaroll
  1513. [09:05:31] bananaburger: heh
  1514. [09:05:36] bananaburger: i thought you banished pete
  1515. [09:05:46] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: we sit outsaide any my bf has high alcoholr tolerance so he has to drink anlot buthe peeos ordering me drinks
  1516. [09:05:48] kawaiichouchou: pizza rolls are delicious
  1517. [09:05:51] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: he keeps ordering rounds
  1518. [09:05:52] ttiewinwt: Tim using a twitch emote? :O
  1519. [09:06:12] rickeon: he sent it into the void
  1520. [09:06:12] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: and im bufking drunk a shit rn but halway through im drnukn and i keep giving my drink so thoer people cuz i cant takae it any more
  1521. [09:06:24] boredcyborg: i forgot PeteZaroll was a thing
  1522. [09:06:27] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: bit he gets really drunng and im scared at tihs ppoount cuz hes yellig and being scary
  1523. [09:06:38] bananaburger: PeteZaroll timBin
  1524. [09:06:44] amisnaru: O
  1525. [09:06:46] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: and his friends tht canme with us go get him because he s wandered off like adrunk bitch
  1526. [09:06:47] metaconstruct: i gotta figure out how to do gifs
  1527. [09:06:57] metaconstruct: I imagine its not too hard
  1528. [09:07:03] bananaburger: ???
  1529. [09:07:05] skygtr350: PeteZaroll wasn't a thing for a while, it just came back
  1530. [09:07:08] perciacalos: timOh
  1531. [09:07:08] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: but the worst partis tht afer they go get him he starts fucking pucnching one of his frinds in the faec and i statrt crying
  1532. [09:07:15] smarioman: Oh boy. This is gonna be good.
  1533. [09:07:16] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: this isnt fake or a joke this is honest ot god what is happening
  1534. [09:07:22] blizzaxe: uh oh
  1535. [09:07:23] blizzaxe: he's back
  1536. [09:07:26] monotonetim: hahaha
  1537. [09:07:29] misssunna: welcome back ?
  1538. [09:07:31] urowashere: welp. Sounds like he needs to explain himself or never talk to him again
  1539. [09:07:32] bananaburger: nice
  1540. [09:07:32] cheeseyx: I just got here
  1541. [09:07:38] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: we get nin the DDs car and my bf is fucking crying in the backset and im in the frontseat trying not to cry
  1542. [09:07:38] sungiant_: jeez
  1543. [09:07:39] cheeseyx: Aww why is the party over just because it's 4am
  1544. [09:07:42] monotonetim: it works
  1545. [09:07:46] metaconstruct: YES
  1546. [09:07:48] monotonetim: this is a dreamcast iso
  1547. [09:07:50] skygtr350: timOh
  1548. [09:07:51] monotonetim: meta made
  1549. [09:07:51] bananaburger: so this is ilke a
  1550. [09:07:52] smarioman: @metaconstruct wow. This is great.
  1551. [09:07:54] sungiant_: haah julia is amy
  1552. [09:07:54] bananaburger: neat
  1553. [09:07:55] monotonetim: native dreakcast game
  1554. [09:07:58] jon_sklx: oh ok
  1555. [09:07:58] volantarius: wow awesome
  1556. [09:07:59] kaicrowley: PogChamp
  1557. [09:07:59] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: we get to the DDS house and i get my keys frmm my bf cuz he had them cuz he was only ognoa get ubzzed
  1558. [09:08:04] rickeon: this is better than sonic adventure
  1559. [09:08:10] metaconstruct: I think you press Y to restart the music if it stops
  1560. [09:08:13] strudelalec: Oh god the comic with the drunk chat
  1561. [09:08:17] strudelalec: lmao
  1562. [09:08:19] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: and i get inmycar and cvhill for 45 minutes listening to MBMBAM trying to sober up to drive myself onge
  1563. [09:08:21] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: home
  1564. [09:08:22] urowashere: I like this hold on screen. Simple. Elegant.
  1565. [09:08:22] monotonetim: drunk amy rose
  1566. [09:08:34] metaconstruct: had to clip the audio to a minute
  1567. [09:08:40] volantarius: I like the tiny window on the thingy
  1568. [09:08:41] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: and thenidrive hime and the whole tim e im thiking about my bf becuase i homestly drusted him before tonight ut i dont nkow nay more
  1569. [09:08:41] skygtr350: I'm sober Amy timClip
  1570. [09:08:44] sungiant_: drove drunk for 45 minutes jesus
  1571. [09:08:51] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i just fucknig needdc help in general
  1572. [09:08:51] bl0cks: that sounds really scary. stay safe @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3
  1573. [09:08:59] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: no i sat in my car 45 minutes efore i drove 20 minutes home
  1574. [09:09:02] metaconstruct: Gotta send me your godot sprites
  1575. [09:09:04] sungiant_: oh ok
  1576. [09:09:12] monotonetim: please don't drive drunk and if you're seriously desperate for uber money send me a message.
  1577. [09:09:19] cheeseyx: Who is DD?
  1578. [09:09:22] perciacalos: Nice Guy Tim
  1579. [09:09:23] seraphim_z: designated driver
  1580. [09:09:23] smiling_sphere: designated driver
  1581. [09:09:25] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i still drove but i didn wanan uber cuz i really fucking trulydo not haeve uber money
  1582. [09:09:26] cheeseyx: ah ok
  1583. [09:09:27] monotonetim: dumb dads
  1584. [09:09:29] angelicorexx: wat emulator do u use for the dreamcast tim ?
  1585. [09:09:30] bananaburger: what a guy tim
  1586. [09:09:34] monotonetim: uh
  1587. [09:09:36] monotonetim: demul
  1588. [09:09:38] nanachan09: uber sucks
  1589. [09:09:41] monotonetim: I can never remember the name
  1590. [09:09:42] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i cannot affrod my car paymend and food this month so i HAAAADDD to derivee
  1591. [09:09:44] skygtr350: Lyft then
  1592. [09:09:46] strudelalec: chances are you'll forget everything in the morning?
  1593. [09:09:52] smarioman: @monotonetim that's so awesome of you to offer something like that, Tim.
  1594. [09:09:59] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i dojt think so because i forgot a lo alreay this night but i reemmember these
  1595. [09:10:08] seraphim_z: i think you just need to worry about getting to bed @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3
  1596. [09:10:10] strudelalec: eh that's fair
  1597. [09:10:17] monotonetim: oh wait
  1598. [09:10:18] monotonetim: my shaders
  1599. [09:10:18] amisnaru: probably a stupid question in the US but what about the bus
  1600. [09:10:19] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: theres a blodstaind on ymy shirt frm him punshing his friend in the face and im scared
  1601. [09:10:26] sungiant_: sleep
  1602. [09:10:28] ndlsjk: yeah take some advil and drink some water and sleep it off friend
  1603. [09:10:30] rickeon: oh no we can see what's going on
  1604. [09:10:31] sungiant_: and figure out tomrrow
  1605. [09:10:32] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: no bus where i m live because its too far
  1606. [09:10:34] sungiant_: dont text anyone today
  1607. [09:10:35] monotonetim: weird
  1608. [09:10:36] amisnaru: ah
  1609. [09:10:38] monotonetim: the shader broke
  1610. [09:10:41] monotonetim: oh well
  1611. [09:10:43] metaconstruct: oh
  1612. [09:10:43] skygtr350: Drink lots of water and get some rest timPlus
  1613. [09:10:43] cheeseyx: I also have more money than I need so if you're unsafe or anything I can help too
  1614. [09:10:49] bl0cks: it's something you need to address when you're both sober
  1615. [09:10:55] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: just like wha tt t he fuck do i do agobut the bf thigng.....
  1616. [09:10:59] strudelalec: Yeah put your phone away
  1617. [09:10:59] smiling_sphere: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 if you're already home, get some water, take some deep breathes and try and rest
  1618. [09:11:01] ndlsjk: agreed, i know you are a true gay ally (lol) naked julia
  1619. [09:11:03] bananaburger: dont take tylenol because it'll fuck your liver up
  1620. [09:11:06] strudelalec: bad things are gonna happen
  1621. [09:11:06] seraphim_z: you'll cross that bridge when the time comes
  1622. [09:11:08] monotonetim: wow, just step on my toes while you're at it Cheeseyx
  1623. [09:11:17] saladmagic: lol
  1624. [09:11:18] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: is violence normal while drunk... this is the thign iv e never exeperiecend... i vge never be n drunk before this..............
  1625. [09:11:18] blizzaxe: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 Get some water and go to sleep. You'll have a clearer head in the morning.
  1626. [09:11:20] skygtr350: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 deal with a boyfriend thing when you're sober and can actually thing
  1627. [09:11:23] skygtr350: think*
  1628. [09:11:23] jinrai__: @put_naked_julia_in_umvc3 that's something to think about tomorrow when you get sober
  1629. [09:11:33] monotonetim: call an uber driver and have them step on my toes
  1630. [09:11:33] nanachan09: people can get very fucking stupid while they're drunk
  1631. [09:11:34] kawaiichouchou: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 maybe it's best to sleep now, and worry about straightening it all out tomorrow when you're sober
  1632. [09:11:39] strudelalec: @put_naked_julia_in_umvc3 some nonviolent people are violent drunks
  1633. [09:12:02] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: thank you ot egveryone in chat i really trunly holestny to appreciate it and im not fuckin faking this im really torn up and im crying typing thsis
  1634. [09:12:08] bl0cks: people can lose a lot of inhibition when they drink and do a lot of stupid stuff. not to excuse it, but explaining it
  1635. [09:12:14] cheeseyx: @MonotoneTim I'm not trying to step on your toes. Just I don't know how much money you actually have and dunno if it'd be awkward to like, ask for money from someone you give money to every month
  1636. [09:12:18] urowashere: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 God Bless. I'm sure you'll make a good decision in the morning.
  1637. [09:12:19] monotonetim: Haha, it's alright
  1638. [09:12:24] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i,m going to try to go to sleep right now and ill try to talk abouitthis in tge morning
  1639. [09:12:24] monotonetim: Just being annoying
  1640. [09:12:24] perciacalos: I'm a lovey drunk. I tell everyone they're my best friend
  1641. [09:12:33] metaconstruct: goodniiiight
  1642. [09:12:35] cheeseyx: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 None of us think you're faking
  1643. [09:12:35] abortion_shark: Take care
  1644. [09:12:46] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: actually im gonnatke sme benadryl cuz i m ytinkngi too much to sleep and i know beandryl weil put me to slep
  1645. [09:12:46] amisnaru: god bless, take care
  1646. [09:12:48] bl0cks: it's definitely something that needs to be talked about, especially if it's this upsetting to you
  1647. [09:12:49] smiling_sphere: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 violence shouldn't be treated as normal, whether a person is drunk or not. I hope you take priority in your safety. Take care of your self
  1648. [09:12:50] metaconstruct: damn its 4 here
  1649. [09:12:51] cheeseyx: Stay safe and I hope the problem seems more manageable in the morning
  1650. [09:12:57] kawaiichouchou: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 be sure to sleep on your side also
  1651. [09:13:03] saladmagic: Just think of what the The Rock would do mangoJabroni
  1652. [09:13:05] monotonetim: I feel like I missed everything
  1653. [09:13:13] perciacalos: I did too
  1654. [09:13:14] monotonetim: timQR
  1655. [09:13:17] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: my bf has really dedep seated mentaol issues after he nd his brother were abused by his uncle for a lotof eats while young
  1656. [09:13:19] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: years
  1657. [09:13:22] cheeseyx: I got here like 5 minutes ago so I know I missed anything
  1658. [09:13:22] skygtr350: scroll through sonic chat and see what drunk Amy was saying
  1659. [09:13:23] strudelalec: @put_naked_julia_in_umvc3 you may wanna keep your phone far away from you because my friend was super fucked last night and he told a good friend of his that she needs to lose 20 pounds so now his friendship is ded
  1660. [09:13:27] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: so i think he takes itout when he can manage
  1661. [09:13:28] perciacalos: But I vote against drunken violence whenever given the option on polls
  1662. [09:13:30] amisnaru: oh ;(
  1663. [09:13:30] nowhipcreamplz: mangoJabroni
  1664. [09:13:37] shimmerfairy: @MonotoneTim that's a shame, Tim did a great stream tonight. Sorry you missed it.
  1665. [09:13:39] monotonetim: I really liked the layout
  1666. [09:13:42] saladmagic: mangoPog
  1667. [09:13:46] metaconstruct: the vmu was great
  1668. [09:13:50] monotonetim: the content was kinda eh but I liked the comic chat and the vmu
  1669. [09:13:50] saladmagic: The layout was awesome
  1670. [09:14:01] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: he didnt hitme or yellatmeor anyting but he did at his friednds and it sitll scared meeeeee
  1671. [09:14:02] perciacalos: I enjoyed this stream
  1672. [09:14:12] metaconstruct: more dreamcast hacking tomorrow
  1673. [09:14:12] skygtr350: ACTION drowns. (Great)
  1674. [09:14:14] metaconstruct: gg, sleep KonCha
  1675. [09:14:20] monotonetim: I kinda ran outta stuff to talk about with sonic adventure
  1676. [09:14:26] shimmerfairy: Being scared is understandable, I don't blame you on that.
  1677. [09:14:28] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i realllyy appreciate tyhe help chat truly honestly fromthe bottom ofmy druken heart
  1678. [09:14:34] smiling_sphere: Sonic Adventrue speaks for itself, I feel
  1679. [09:14:36] urowashere: I was hoping for more Big, but I did enjoy the strim a lot as a fan of Sonic Adventure
  1680. [09:14:37] bananaburger: my cold meds kind of fucked me up so i couldnt pay attention very well most of the stream
  1681. [09:14:41] shimmerfairy: Is there SA2 DLC?
  1682. [09:14:43] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i just want to love my bf and usdner stand what happejning in hos life
  1683. [09:14:45] seraphim_z: yes Shimmer
  1684. [09:14:52] smarioman: @monotonetim there's always more random Sonic trivia.
  1685. [09:14:56] blizzaxe: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 So sleep now, then confront him tomorrow. Just talk it out. I doubt he's happy that he was violent.
  1686. [09:14:58] shimmerfairy: tomorrow's stream then :P
  1687. [09:15:00] strudelalec: let him know that when you're sober b
  1688. [09:15:03] nanachan09: there's always sonic boom, tim Kappa
  1689. [09:15:08] blizzaxe: And tell him to talk about his feelings to you cuz it's not good to keep it in
  1690. [09:15:17] cheeseyx: There was a ladybug on my banana bread bag o.o
  1691. [09:15:23] blizzaxe: burn it
  1692. [09:15:23] nanachan09: oh and where's my angry birds stream dammit xDD
  1693. [09:15:32] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i forgot he lives 2hours away and hstayedat my house this weenend and we assumed hed be sleeping here tnight with my drnukn ass after the DD droped us off
  1694. [09:15:32] swehili: there's always shadow the hedgehog, tim Kappa
  1695. [09:15:34] skygtr350:
  1696. [09:15:36] cheeseyx: I already ate most of the loaf but the heels
  1697. [09:15:41] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: so thas another ting we gona have to deal
  1698. [09:15:42] shimmerfairy: @Cheeseyx what about your banana burger bag?
  1699. [09:15:49] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: but thbesildes the point well gigure it out
  1700. [09:15:54] cheeseyx: I don't have a bag for my banana burger
  1701. [09:15:56] stupiddumbmoron: omg, i never noticed the oregon trail painting in this hold on screen...and it's one of my favs timWagon timOx timOx
  1702. [09:16:00] bananaburger: giggle it out
  1703. [09:16:06] urowashere: @skygtr350 gr8 stuff
  1704. [09:16:12] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: thnak u againto everyone i really truly 100% 100 emoki appreciate ur imput im gona wait tll im sobe
  1705. [09:16:17] perciacalos: I wish I could help, but I missed most of the story. Glad you're home safe at least
  1706. [09:16:22] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: becaue hes gnna text me as soonad he wakes up
  1707. [09:16:24] stupiddumbmoron: 💯
  1708. [09:16:28] blizzaxe: ( `・ω・´) b
  1709. [09:16:39] monotonetim: text me
  1710. [09:16:39] abortion_shark: yeah, sleep well and drink lots of water
  1711. [09:16:44] monotonetim: no don't
  1712. [09:16:51] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: thanks tim too forletting me vent here because its sad but i dnt really have irl fgriends to help me with tis stiff so twitch chat is my olny alfternative
  1713. [09:16:51] abortion_shark: tim i just texted you
  1714. [09:16:53] blizzaxe: What's your number?
  1715. [09:16:54] strudelalec: hahaha
  1716. [09:16:59] monotonetim: did you
  1717. [09:17:03] sungiant_: same
  1718. [09:17:05] amisnaru: you're ok julia 💯 good night
  1719. [09:17:06] monotonetim: no you didn't
  1720. [09:17:07] bl0cks: take the time and space you need to deal with this - it's heavy stuff
  1721. [09:17:11] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: this stream is seriosuly one of the est things in my life andf i love all of you please whisper me if u everneed anythinb
  1722. [09:17:16] cheeseyx: I'd text you if I had your number
  1723. [09:17:17] abortion_shark: haha pulled a fast one
  1724. [09:17:19] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i love all of u
  1725. [09:17:21] shimmerfairy: @MonotoneTim how would you know? Your phone's busted!
  1726. [09:17:22] monotonetim: well MD is est
  1727. [09:17:26] blizzaxe: <3
  1728. [09:17:27] monotonetim: so that's correct
  1729. [09:17:27] ndlsjk: <3 naked julia hope you can sleep
  1730. [09:17:27] abortion_shark: love you too, julia
  1731. [09:17:29] monotonetim: nyuck nyuck nyuck
  1732. [09:17:30] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: im going to taek 2 beanadryl andf try to sleep if ican
  1733. [09:17:35] meleedrian: this is beginning of stream right?
  1734. [09:17:35] skygtr350: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 cirLove
  1735. [09:17:38] monotonetim: end
  1736. [09:17:39] ndlsjk: drink a lot of waterrrrr
  1737. [09:17:42] monotonetim: Unfortunately
  1738. [09:17:46] monotonetim: also drink a lot of water.
  1739. [09:17:47] meleedrian: no
  1740. [09:17:49] rickeon: is it a good idea to take benadryl while drunk?
  1741. [09:17:49] feeerc: godspeed naked julua
  1742. [09:17:49] perciacalos: Stream tomorrow though
  1743. [09:17:52] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i hope tim lays puyo because it always helps eme sleep bye f real this is my last transmission xdxsd
  1744. [09:17:52] kawaiichouchou: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 rooLove
  1745. [09:17:52] meleedrian: i missed it
  1746. [09:17:58] amisnaru: GET THA WATER
  1747. [09:18:00] cheeseyx: I still say this stream needs a discord, if only so I can use timQR on discord
  1748. [09:18:03] blizzaxe: Some of us might be depressed nerds, but we're caring, depressed nerds
  1749. [09:18:04] bananaburger: idk but its a bad idea to take tylenol when drunk
  1750. [09:18:14] bl0cks: get some rest ok? <3
  1751. [09:18:15] sungiant_: i dont know what to say in stuff like this because ive never had something like this happen to me
  1752. [09:18:20] perciacalos: Hmm, I'm not actually sure if taking benadryl is bad when drunk. Thats sad, because I used to work as a drug counselor
  1753. [09:18:26] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: wait fake last message is it ac tually bad to take bandryl while drunk because idont watnt to die in literality
  1754. [09:18:27] monotonetim: I just want to be snarky which doesn't really help
  1755. [09:18:31] theaxel11: theres a smei discord thing @Cheeseyx for twitch app
  1756. [09:18:33] strudelalec: same
  1757. [09:18:42] rickeon: I don't know which "don't mix with alcohol" medications are "this will make you drowsy" and "this will kill you"
  1758. [09:18:42] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: just metaphorically i want to die
  1759. [09:18:43] amisnaru: google it
  1760. [09:18:47] abortion_shark: same
  1761. [09:18:49] bl0cks: I think it just depresses your system more/makes you sleepier
  1762. [09:18:50] monotonetim: well that's a start.
  1763. [09:18:52] stupiddumbmoron: i wouldn't do the benadryl to sleep. just try drinking some water and lying down. i bet youre more exhausted than you think
  1764. [09:18:58] blizzaxe: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 DO NOT take Benadryl while drunk
  1765. [09:19:02] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: how ias it 4am how haev i vented for like 40 minutes
  1766. [09:19:03] bananaburger: Benadryl and alcohol are both central nervous system (CNS) depressants. Taking them together is dangerous because they can slow down your CNS too much. This can cause drowsiness, sedation, and trouble doing physical and mental tasks that require alertness.
  1767. [09:19:11] amisnaru: AAAAAAAA
  1768. [09:19:12] ndlsjk: yeah id go water and maybe an advil in case of hangover
  1769. [09:19:12] cheeseyx: @theaxel11 smei?
  1770. [09:19:15] perciacalos: I probably wouldnt recommend taking benadryl just as a safety measure
  1771. [09:19:17] bananaburger: im assuming thats only if you're awake though
  1772. [09:19:17] monotonetim: to be fair that doesn't sound that bad.
  1773. [09:19:24] skygtr350: Water + sleep is best, maybe throw a shower in there too
  1774. [09:19:29] sungiant_: sounds groovy
  1775. [09:19:30] kawaiichouchou: usually a good idea to never mix any kinds of medications with alcohol, even if the label doesn't say not to
  1776. [09:19:37] abortion_shark: yeah but you need your central nervous system to breathe which is usually a good thing
  1777. [09:19:39] monotonetim: but eh, it's not worth chancing so whatever
  1778. [09:19:42] bl0cks: don't listen to me about medication mixing though bc I'm the worst about it
  1779. [09:19:48] smiling_sphere: yeah I would wait until you're sober to see if you still need to take any medication
  1780. [09:19:51] strudelalec: shower is a bad move I'd think bc they sound wasted af and might slip and die
  1781. [09:20:02] amisnaru: try to sleep without it first, i bet you'll pass out anyway
  1782. [09:20:08] perciacalos: I've showered while blackout drunk. Would not recommend
  1783. [09:20:11] supersmarties: Maybe avoid the beandyl in case. Have lots of water, and even an extra cup by you, because you'll be thirsty as hell when you wake up
  1784. [09:20:11] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: ok im goiung to watch tim post stream for a bit and in 2 hrs if i cant sleep ill take some
  1785. [09:20:25] saladmagic: good idea
  1786. [09:20:26] strudelalec: take many morphines
  1787. [09:20:27] monotonetim: does this mean I have to stream
  1788. [09:20:29] swehili: that's a better plan
  1789. [09:20:39] thegyropath: Drink some water first
  1790. [09:20:39] perciacalos: Get streaming Tim. Naked Julia needs you
  1791. [09:20:40] blizzaxe: you should probably go to bed too Tim
  1792. [09:20:42] smarioman: @monotonetim yes?
  1793. [09:20:44] skygtr350: Just leave the hold on screens running and go to bed timClip
  1794. [09:20:46] sungiant_: p u y o
  1795. [09:20:46] amisnaru: just put a "DRINK WATER" overlay on the stream Tim
  1796. [09:20:54] ndlsjk: yeah water hold on screen
  1797. [09:20:54] strudelalec: ^
  1798. [09:20:56] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: truly my last transmission this message i appreciate all of u eery single tim stream viewerr all of you are so good and i love u all (no tim u dont have to stream if u dont want please just do whateger u want to ill survivve)
  1799. [09:21:04] sungiant_: go to bed dummy
  1800. [09:21:05] skygtr350: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 cirLove
  1801. [09:21:06] bananaburger: from what im reading its not too bad if you take it with alcohol, moderate interaction which only really talks about increased drowsiness and such
  1802. [09:21:08] abortion_shark: love you julia don't die
  1803. [09:21:19] blizzaxe: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 <3
  1804. [09:21:20] sungiant_: dont drive drunk anymore t hat shits bad
  1805. [09:21:21] perciacalos: Last transmission? You're never gonna come back to chat again? WutFace
  1806. [09:21:24] bl0cks: <3
  1807. [09:21:31] abortion_shark: also tim, i've been trying to make a puyo emote but i don't know how to make a 32x32 sprite into a 28x28 one
  1808. [09:21:32] monotonetim: speaking of, I get a kick out of the handful of legitimate inter-chat romances this thing has spawned
  1809. [09:21:33] blizzaxe: and yeah don't drink and drive, damn
  1810. [09:21:33] strudelalec: well at least it wasn't lean
  1811. [09:21:38] sungiant_: also dont type that in chat any more
  1812. [09:21:41] monotonetim: it's alright, no worries.
  1813. [09:21:48] abortion_shark: me and lowqualitywallet are married
  1814. [09:21:50] sungiant_: like legally speaking dont talk about ur felonies
  1815. [09:21:51] thelonewolf293: Oh you butt I just got here
  1816. [09:21:52] skygtr350: Tim... I-I-I think... cirLewd
  1817. [09:21:57] rickeon: inter-chat or intra-chat
  1818. [09:21:57] monotonetim: no?
  1819. [09:22:03] monotonetim: what about my toothpaste
  1820. [09:22:06] perciacalos: I havent seen lowqualitywallet in forever
  1821. [09:22:10] abortion_shark: i miss him
  1822. [09:22:11] smiling_sphere: Yeah thanks for bringing people together, tim <3
  1823. [09:22:11] sungiant_: has someone in your chat gotten married
  1824. [09:22:13] monotonetim: that's a felony
  1825. [09:22:15] sungiant_: he was in here early
  1826. [09:22:20] monotonetim: not sure.
  1827. [09:22:24] monotonetim: saw a new one recently though.
  1828. [09:22:26] perciacalos: I must keep missing him
  1829. [09:22:32] sungiant_: like pre-stream
  1830. [09:22:43] bananaburger: you're a matchmaker tim?
  1831. [09:22:44] sungiant_: thats smutty, tim
  1832. [09:22:44] bl0cks: oh, we're not supposed to talk about the illegal things we do?
  1833. [09:22:44] smarioman: Tim buys eBay black market toothpaste. Don't tell anyone.
  1834. [09:22:47] sungiant_: scandalous
  1835. [09:22:51] volantarius: you have to say butts to spawn a low quality wallet
  1836. [09:22:51] monotonetim: I wish
  1837. [09:22:57] stupiddumbmoron: butts
  1838. [09:23:00] sariacrossing: Zzzzz
  1839. [09:23:01] blizzaxe: @bl0cks Probably not since these logs can be supoenaed
  1840. [09:23:05] monotonetim: just jam enough people together in a chat and eventually a few will like each other
  1841. [09:23:16] bl0cks: aw man
  1842. [09:23:17] bananaburger: hmm
  1843. [09:23:18] skygtr350: timPlus
  1844. [09:23:19] amisnaru: i did hear of couples that met in twitch chat. i was pleasantly surprised and definitely ignited with hope
  1845. [09:23:19] sungiant_: hmmm
  1846. [09:23:24] stupiddumbmoron: timPlus
  1847. [09:23:25] sariacrossing: Who likes me?
  1848. [09:23:32] volantarius: lol
  1849. [09:23:32] skygtr350: DansGame
  1850. [09:23:33] perciacalos: timPlus
  1851. [09:23:35] saladmagic: i met my fiancee on twitch. not in this stream, although we watch this one together
  1852. [09:23:36] bananaburger: i dont think ive ever seen you
  1853. [09:23:38] bl0cks: i like all of you
  1854. [09:23:43] inayamander: timPlus
  1855. [09:23:50] ndlsjk: they can subpeona my chat logs???? even the AGDQ ones?!?!
  1856. [09:23:51] bananaburger: i'm kind of indifferent about most of you
  1857. [09:23:51] swehili: <3
  1858. [09:24:04] stupiddumbmoron: especially the agdq ones
  1859. [09:24:08] strudelalec: I dunno how many couples are gonna come from this because statistically speaking twitch is a sausage fest
  1860. [09:24:09] kawaiichouchou: indifferent is better than dislike, i'll take it
  1861. [09:24:10] perciacalos: I met my girlfriend in college before twitch existed. I didnt get a chance for a Twitch romance
  1862. [09:24:12] smarioman: Anyone who watches Tim streams get an automatic 1+ from me on the social scales.
  1863. [09:24:13] feeerc: I only like gold subs
  1864. [09:24:18] sungiant_: >twitch romance
  1865. [09:24:24] blizzaxe: this is one of the few chats I actually speak in
  1866. [09:24:30] bananaburger: same
  1867. [09:24:33] blizzaxe: and don't close immediately
  1868. [09:24:36] blizzaxe: and I try not to be paranoid that everyone in here hates me
  1869. [09:24:40] perciacalos: Tim probably has the best chat on twitch
  1870. [09:24:42] bl0cks: i tried to share this stream with my wife but she said it was "too depressing"
  1871. [09:24:43] thesezza: timPlus
  1872. [09:24:47] saladmagic: lol
  1873. [09:24:48] sungiant_: wow
  1874. [09:24:48] smiling_sphere: I don't hate you
  1875. [09:24:48] blizzaxe: LOL
  1876. [09:24:49] sariacrossing: But what if they do hate you?
  1877. [09:24:50] monotonetim: wow wife
  1878. [09:24:50] inayamander: @Perciacalos Agreed.
  1879. [09:24:52] volantarius: lol
  1880. [09:24:53] strudelalec: rip
  1881. [09:24:54] ttiewinwt: damn
  1882. [09:24:55] swehili: lol true
  1883. [09:24:56] skygtr350: timMinus
  1884. [09:24:59] amisnaru: lel
  1885. [09:24:59] sungiant_: thats messed up
  1886. [09:25:08] silversonic: tfw streamed 14 hours and missed a Tim strim
  1887. [09:25:08] blizzaxe: @SariaCrossing then I have to figure out why and reconcile, or else do my best to ignore them.
  1888. [09:25:09] sungiant_: depressants only come up every few hours
  1889. [09:25:10] silversonic: (
  1890. [09:25:11] sorayarlarwin: Can't really argue with that, I mean Tim -did- create the depression community
  1891. [09:25:14] monotonetim: it's true
  1892. [09:25:17] smarioman: @perciacalos 1,000 people and sometimes 1 mod, yet it works.
  1893. [09:25:18] hug_lyfe: !uptime
  1894. [09:25:19] saladmagic: maybe stream is depressed because of wife insults
  1895. [09:25:20] bl0cks: to be fair it was a stereotone stream
  1896. [09:25:22] stupiddumbmoron: wow, your wife is mean. the stream is happy, we're all just depressed. that's different
  1897. [09:25:24] sariacrossing: Well I don't hate you so don't worry :)
  1898. [09:25:29] blizzaxe: <3
  1899. [09:25:33] perciacalos: Yeah, it kinda blows my mind that this chat only has one mod and it still works out
  1900. [09:25:35] rickeon: 2000 viewers and only the streamer moderates
  1901. [09:25:45] sungiant_: i dont think pinguino does anything
  1902. [09:25:46] strudelalec: stereotone generally keeps the rabble out
  1903. [09:25:49] monotonetim: rude
  1904. [09:25:50] sungiant_: not saying hes a bad mod but
  1905. [09:25:51] monotonetim: Haha
  1906. [09:25:54] perciacalos: Ping doesnt even have to do anything
  1907. [09:25:58] sungiant_: exactly
  1908. [09:25:59] blizzaxe: everyone in here is too sedate to cause any real trouble
  1909. [09:26:00] seraphim_z: there is nothing to do for the mod
  1910. [09:26:06] sariacrossing: People in this chat are pretty nice
  1911. [09:26:06] abortion_shark: too sad to be bad
  1912. [09:26:11] skygtr350: stereotone is all the hardcore Tim fans Kappa
  1913. [09:26:12] kawaiichouchou: exactly
  1914. [09:26:12] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: ill be in chat next stream, my bf and i did not me ton twitch, and im sorrry but i absolteuyl could not slee panywhere neat my bf afte what eh did tonight
  1915. [09:26:15] perciacalos: We're too depre- dammit you beat me to it
  1916. [09:26:21] sungiant_: hey go to bed
  1917. [09:26:23] bananaburger: the shit people would probably just get bored
  1918. [09:26:26] ndlsjk: oh hi
  1919. [09:26:28] smarioman: What is Tim's secret though? He doesn't even ban most links.
  1920. [09:26:28] abortion_shark: oh hey
  1921. [09:26:32] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: drink n drive bad but.... im sorry i did it...
  1922. [09:26:32] bananaburger: i mean that in a good way though
  1923. [09:26:38] bananaburger: you're not obnoxious and yell memes
  1924. [09:26:38] rickeon: tim's depression aura stops trouble makers
  1925. [09:26:39] abortion_shark: very bad
  1926. [09:26:43] perciacalos: Whenever we occasionally get a troll they tend to get bored and leave
  1927. [09:26:43] amisnaru: WATER
  1928. [09:26:44] ndlsjk: we've all made mistakes but yes dont do it again
  1929. [09:26:45] sungiant_: stop talking about it go to bed
  1930. [09:26:45] seraphim_z: please don't drink and drive again
  1931. [09:26:46] skygtr350: Tim is secretly Elena Kappa
  1932. [09:26:46] bananaburger: so the children dont stick around
  1933. [09:26:48] bl0cks: our serotonin levels arent stable enough to act up in chat
  1934. [09:26:56] perciacalos: ELENA Kreygasm
  1935. [09:26:56] sariacrossing: Lol
  1936. [09:26:58] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i drinkin water ok.... if i jad uber moey id call...
  1937. [09:27:00] sorayarlarwin: I'd cause more trouble, but Tim has blackmail material that keeps me in line
  1938. [09:27:01] sariacrossing: It hurts cause it's true
  1939. [09:27:01] inayamander: maybe we're just too boring for trolls
  1940. [09:27:05] amisnaru: oh nice
  1941. [09:27:09] sungiant_: go to bedddd
  1942. [09:27:10] bananaburger: thats my guess
  1943. [09:27:15] abortion_shark: but you're okay, make sure your doors are locked and go to bed
  1944. [09:27:16] strudelalec: sleep fool
  1945. [09:27:18] seraphim_z: they can't get a rise out of us
  1946. [09:27:23] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: like im fucking POOR dide... i dont uber ecause i cant eve n afford my CAR PAYMENd...
  1947. [09:27:25] sungiant_: we're not esportsmen enough for trolls
  1948. [09:27:28] strudelalec: unless you're in public then don't do that
  1949. [09:27:33] perciacalos: I'm too depressed to be trolled
  1950. [09:27:33] sungiant_: go to beeed
  1951. [09:27:34] skygtr350: I'm sitting on the floor with 2 frozen legs cause my cat is on my lap danAww
  1952. [09:27:42] sariacrossing: @perciacalos same
  1953. [09:27:53] sungiant_: im too drugged up to be depressed
  1954. [09:27:56] sungiant_: isnt that fun
  1955. [09:27:58] kawaiichouchou: that's not a logical reason to drink and drive. never drink and drive
  1956. [09:27:59] bl0cks: but the cat should keep your legs warm
  1957. [09:28:02] bananaburger: it can be
  1958. [09:28:04] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i have 200 dolrs for yhe next 2 weks not including bills.. .wht the funch imk gonga do???
  1959. [09:28:05] sariacrossing: I cried in my beer today. Was a good day
  1960. [09:28:13] skygtr350: well they're frozen from how I'm sitting
  1961. [09:28:13] monotonetim: but was it a good beer
  1962. [09:28:16] sungiant_: eat beans
  1963. [09:28:20] strudelalec: I like this stream because we're all equally depressed so we can wallow in misery together
  1964. [09:28:23] ndlsjk: beans n rice, rice n beans
  1965. [09:28:24] perciacalos: Tears always adds flavor to a beer
  1966. [09:28:25] blizzaxe: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 What you're gonna do is get some water and go to sleep, then figure it out in the morning
  1967. [09:28:26] stupiddumbmoron: it was good until the tears
  1968. [09:28:26] skygtr350: lots of top ramen
  1969. [09:28:27] sariacrossing: It was okay. Tears made it salty
  1970. [09:28:31] bananaburger: nah uh im more depressed than you are!
  1971. [09:28:31] sungiant_: beans rice chicken yay
  1972. [09:28:38] bananaburger: thats not actually true probably
  1973. [09:28:39] strudelalec: brag about it
  1974. [09:28:40] perciacalos: timOh
  1975. [09:28:42] bl0cks: this stream is proof that misery loves company
  1976. [09:28:42] stupiddumbmoron: LOL @SariaCrossing
  1977. [09:28:44] inayamander: were they liberal tears tho? I hear they're delicious
  1978. [09:28:46] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: im rolling over ntow if u say anyting i wont see it bye chat my tummy horts
  1979. [09:28:48] sungiant_: oh yeah well im on more meds than you hahaaaaa
  1980. [09:28:50] bananaburger: go to bed?
  1981. [09:28:50] ndlsjk: its TIM
  1982. [09:28:51] swehili: same tbh
  1983. [09:28:51] kawaiichouchou: round 2
  1984. [09:28:53] blizzaxe: Bye Julia
  1985. [09:28:56] skygtr350: timOh No I'm Amy again
  1986. [09:28:56] volantarius: You can rewatch the stream to this point and read your messages
  1987. [09:28:57] perciacalos: Oh good, sonic chat is still going
  1988. [09:28:59] strudelalec: REEEEEEEE
  1989. [09:29:02] abortion_shark: sleep well julia, don't die
  1990. [09:29:03] bananaburger: ok sorry
  1991. [09:29:13] amisnaru: good night
  1992. [09:29:14] smarioman: You can't make me.
  1993. [09:29:15] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: thsanks aganin everyone \i really do apprciate every momenet we have tongthert
  1994. [09:29:21] sungiant_: go to beeeeeeed
  1995. [09:29:22] stupiddumbmoron: don't worry, i'm not even watching. promise timClip
  1996. [09:29:24] abortion_shark: love you don't die
  1997. [09:29:26] ndlsjk: you are welcome, sweet dreams
  1998. [09:29:28] skygtr350: timQR
  1999. [09:29:29] shimmerfairy: There's something really neat about this layout. I'm not sure how to explain it.
  2000. [09:29:33] bl0cks: sleep well julia
  2001. [09:29:34] saladmagic: If you are having trouble sleeping please refer to this, i hope it helps
  2002. [09:29:38] bananaburger: i missed the story of what originally happened with your phone
  2003. [09:29:38] abortion_shark: I think it's the coffee stain
  2004. [09:29:47] perciacalos: That wikihow just saved my life
  2005. [09:29:52] swehili: oh
  2006. [09:29:52] bananaburger: heh
  2007. [09:29:55] blizzaxe: HAHAHA
  2008. [09:30:01] not_quite_glenn_miller: lol
  2009. [09:30:04] skygtr350: timPlus
  2010. [09:30:14] stupiddumbmoron: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 sleep well. miss seeing you everywhere like 3 years ago
  2011. [09:30:20] bananaburger: oh no
  2012. [09:30:21] bl0cks: sonic chat is too powerful
  2013. [09:30:24] stupiddumbmoron: i love that chat
  2014. [09:30:27] skygtr350: KIRBY'S AVALANCHE
  2015. [09:30:33] strudelalec: I love how tails was just yelling a hyperlink
  2016. [09:30:36] sariacrossing: Kirby is an asshole in this game
  2017. [09:30:38] bananaburger: i really like the cover of this song on the genesis soundchip though
  2018. [09:30:39] shimmerfairy: This is a great stream layout. And I don't know why!
  2019. [09:30:40] not_quite_glenn_miller: extra stream?
  2020. [09:30:41] feeerc: Okay don't do anything interesting until I get back from the laundry room
  2021. [09:30:47] bananaburger: the intro one
  2022. [09:30:50] shimmerfairy: This is the afterstream
  2023. [09:30:53] perciacalos: Dumb, but awesome
  2024. [09:30:54] sungiant_: how have you never played a real kirby game
  2025. [09:31:00] stupiddumbmoron: nah, that was an awesome stream
  2026. [09:31:07] silversonic: did you enjoy playing through DC Adventure Tim?
  2027. [09:31:07] sungiant_: the game was dull but dumb in a fun way
  2028. [09:31:11] shimmerfairy: GREAT!
  2029. [09:31:11] redl3east: why r u still live?
  2030. [09:31:11] perciacalos: Dumb doesnt always mean bad
  2031. [09:31:12] bl0cks: i cant believe there was sonic adventure dlc
  2032. [09:31:13] smiling_sphere: hey, I laughed a bunch, so it was a good one
  2033. [09:31:15] blondrobin: early DLC was p. bad
  2034. [09:31:17] swehili: you dont?
  2035. [09:31:23] blondrobin: still an okay stream
  2036. [09:31:24] sariacrossing: What about Kirby star stacker
  2037. [09:31:24] darksol188: Well, there is Star Stacker...
  2038. [09:31:25] perciacalos: Great. hbblblblblb
  2039. [09:31:27] shimmerfairy: You STACK abilities in Kirby 64, eh? eh?
  2040. [09:31:29] saladmagic: Burger Time?
  2041. [09:31:33] stupiddumbmoron: i can't believe how sellout old school dlc was
  2042. [09:31:50] smarioman: Have you seen Sonic the Abridgehog @monotonetim? Seems like something you would have.
  2043. [09:32:06] bananaburger: well that was before they chopped up the original game and sold it as dlc
  2044. [09:32:09] sungiant_: that was the most sellouty selllout stuff ive ever seen
  2045. [09:32:16] smiling_sphere: I didnt see the launch dlc, gonna have to go back and watch
  2046. [09:32:21] bl0cks: !sellout
  2047. [09:32:22] nightbot: How many quality Amazon™ products are there? At least 939.
  2048. [09:32:23] shimmerfairy: unaware and innocent
  2049. [09:32:25] perciacalos: It was depressingly optimistic though
  2050. [09:32:34] sungiant_: i wonder how much they got paid by at and t
  2051. [09:32:51] skygtr350: Stop skipping the cutscenes cirREE
  2052. [09:32:59] bl0cks: i like that nightbot is sonic
  2053. [09:33:00] smarioman: Truly a platform ahead of the curve.
  2054. [09:33:10] sungiant_: ps2 just blastod the DC out of the water i guess
  2055. [09:33:23] stupiddumbmoron: ps2 dlc?
  2056. [09:33:31] stupiddumbmoron: oh you said DC
  2057. [09:33:39] bananaburger: i read it as dlc too at first
  2058. [09:33:45] shimmerfairy: I do think SEGA should try another console.
  2059. [09:33:51] shimmerfairy: *try making
  2060. [09:33:52] sungiant_: try getting good eyeballs
  2061. [09:34:10] bananaburger: is there a point to making game consoles anymore though?
  2062. [09:34:14] smarioman: Oh boy. You're in for a treat. They redubbed and reworked the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. It's incredible.
  2063. [09:34:15] strudelalec: hey how did people actually see the dreamcast when it came out? It's before my time... but a game with DLC in the late 90s/early 00s seems pretty crazy
  2064. [09:34:44] feeerc: Tim, how many pillows are on your bed?
  2065. [09:34:49] urowashere: I wasn't aware of the dlc until a year after its "death", but it was so ahead of the n64 at the time
  2066. [09:34:50] skygtr350: But you got an SNES instead
  2067. [09:35:04] stupiddumbmoron: okay, i work at an insurance company and i saw someone born in the 60s actually named Kirby Bowser. you saying Kirby reminded me of that
  2068. [09:35:06] bl0cks: not enough
  2069. [09:35:07] amisnaru: 2 master race
  2070. [09:35:09] sungiant_: hard pillows or soft
  2071. [09:35:13] urowashere: It did Majora's Mask's day/night living world thing before it, and more in depth too
  2072. [09:35:15] sungiant_: if soft im unsubbing
  2073. [09:35:17] bl0cks: you need more pillows
  2074. [09:35:25] strudelalec: soft master race
  2075. [09:35:33] cheeseyx: I have 2 regular pillows, plus some beanbag pillows and a stuffed animal. I'd have more but college means I can't have too much bedding
  2076. [09:35:34] skygtr350: AVALANCHE
  2077. [09:35:35] kawaiichouchou: bigjSAWFT
  2078. [09:35:37] sungiant_: sounds soft consider me unsubbed
  2079. [09:35:38] swehili: l-lewd
  2080. [09:35:40] feeerc: Because I have like 10 and I was wondering how many you had.
  2081. [09:35:41] smarioman: @sungiant_ uhh. Maybe you should start by subbing.
  2082. [09:35:44] ndlsjk: i have a down pillow
  2083. [09:35:47] ndlsjk: will never go back
  2084. [09:35:47] sungiant_: no
  2085. [09:35:49] bl0cks: i have 4 pillows
  2086. [09:35:49] sariacrossing: This game is better than mean bean machine
  2087. [09:35:52] smiling_sphere: what do you do with 10 pillows
  2088. [09:35:52] sungiant_: what a specific emote
  2089. [09:35:52] bl0cks: and a body pillow
  2090. [09:36:00] bananaburger: i think i have 3
  2091. [09:36:01] abortion_shark: i just think video game devs before 2000 were just really into games and put their heart into the games
  2092. [09:36:01] kawaiichouchou: having a down pillow seems like it would be awesome
  2093. [09:36:16] amisnaru: with 10 pillows it's more pillow than bed
  2094. [09:36:16] sungiant_: its your 2B cosplay
  2095. [09:36:16] ndlsjk: it was $80 but soooooo comfy
  2096. [09:36:17] stupiddumbmoron: no it's my OC, please don't steal
  2097. [09:36:17] skygtr350: timFace body pillow
  2098. [09:36:19] bl0cks: no one :(
  2099. [09:36:20] cheeseyx: I don't know how people can sleep without lots of pillows and a heavy blanket so it feels like you're cuddling with like three different soft lumps
  2100. [09:36:30] aifread: Are there any real differences between Puyo games or are they all the same thing in different skins?
  2101. [09:36:38] sungiant_: tempting
  2102. [09:36:39] smiling_sphere: oh man now I'm reminded of that art of stick figure tim drawn on a body pillow
  2103. [09:36:40] strudelalec: I like lots of pillows because it simulates human touch
  2104. [09:36:44] skygtr350: AVALANCHE
  2105. [09:36:52] feeerc: like 3 behind my head, a few where my girlfriend sleeps, one props up my tablet
  2106. [09:37:00] smarioman: @cheeseyx doesn't really work when it gets hot.
  2107. [09:37:04] skygtr350: KABU
  2108. [09:37:12] stupiddumbmoron: lol best answer
  2109. [09:37:16] cheeseyx: @SMarioMan move to minnesota
  2110. [09:37:24] bananaburger: how much better is a body pillow to hold than a normal one?
  2111. [09:37:29] aifread: Thanks for the info Tim rgtNice
  2112. [09:37:30] bananaburger: i just use a normal one
  2113. [09:37:35] shimmerfairy: Puyo 4 is my favorite puyo ruleset Kappa
  2114. [09:37:47] stupiddumbmoron: depends on how much you love your waifu @Bananaburger
  2115. [09:37:51] skygtr350: So Tim, White Day stream for Halloween? Kappa
  2116. [09:37:52] bananaburger: timOh
  2117. [09:37:53] kriegerfluff: body pillows are great
  2118. [09:38:01] bl0cks: you can get your legs involved, it feels good
  2119. [09:38:02] sungiant_: spook stream when
  2120. [09:38:04] aifread: I'm not a nerd rgtSad
  2121. [09:38:05] cheeseyx: My dad has what's basically a body pillow without the creepy anime printed on it, I think it's supposed to be for his back somehow
  2122. [09:38:08] bananaburger: listen i just use it so i have some place to put my arms
  2123. [09:38:08] stupiddumbmoron: uhhh no caffeine? how are you alive?
  2124. [09:38:10] sariacrossing: The pillow case for body pillows are expensive tho
  2125. [09:38:12] abortion_shark: caffine
  2126. [09:38:12] sungiant_: spooky streeaaaam
  2127. [09:38:16] bananaburger: its not a waifu thing
  2128. [09:38:23] sariacrossing: 99 dollaroonies for my waifu on a pillow
  2129. [09:38:29] amisnaru: ye i might get a non-waifu bodypillow
  2130. [09:38:37] shimmerfairy: it's a prophecy that you must play white day
  2131. [09:38:38] smiling_sphere: dream story time rooAww
  2132. [09:38:39] bananaburger: im content with my loneliness i swear
  2133. [09:38:39] sungiant_: hey weird dreams are a good time
  2134. [09:38:40] sariacrossing: No waifu no lifu
  2135. [09:38:44] feeerc: were you playing Nintendo nightmare?
  2136. [09:38:50] strudelalec: anime was a mistake
  2137. [09:38:52] bl0cks: tt aligns your spine and hips
  2138. [09:38:55] shimmerfairy: remember the VMU screen, Tim
  2139. [09:39:02] smarioman: Finally! All this time spent waiting for the after stream will be worth it!
  2140. [09:39:03] stupiddumbmoron: oh is that how it works? you buy the pillow cases for body pillows? i didn't even think about that
  2141. [09:39:16] sungiant_: i forget my dreams to quickly to write down even
  2142. [09:39:19] sungiant_: too
  2143. [09:39:19] sariacrossing: Yes
  2144. [09:39:22] cheeseyx: Last night I had some sort of dream that I was hanging out with a bunch of other cute lesbians who I didn't know, but also at some point it had been negotiated that they'd pay me to strip, but then I got stuck in my jacket
  2145. [09:39:26] stupiddumbmoron: "anime was a mistake" -greatest anime director of all time Miyazaki
  2146. [09:39:28] sariacrossing: And official pillowcases are really expensive
  2147. [09:39:34] skygtr350: CoolStoryBob
  2148. [09:39:49] amisnaru: with pillowcases you can rotate all your waifus in
  2149. [09:39:58] strudelalec: I haven't remembered a dream in at least 4 years
  2150. [09:40:02] cheeseyx: @StupidDumbMoron That quote is actually from Thomas Anime, inventor of Anime
  2151. [09:40:04] stupiddumbmoron: how much are knock-off Tim pillow cases?
  2152. [09:40:13] fizzow: aren't we all just a dream
  2153. [09:40:15] kriegerfluff: i keep having dreams about dying
  2154. [09:40:19] bananaburger: i had a somewhat gay fever dream about one of my childhood friends the other night
  2155. [09:40:25] stupiddumbmoron: @Cheeseyx sorry, i was mistaken
  2156. [09:40:26] bananaburger: i dont know why im telling people this
  2157. [09:40:28] sungiant_: this is a s trong start
  2158. [09:40:29] sariacrossing: Kiwwwiiiiis are so cute
  2159. [09:40:36] sungiant_: hey gay fever dreams happen
  2160. [09:40:45] bananaburger: they do actually
  2161. [09:40:56] bananaburger: i'll be honest that wasnt my first gay fever dream
  2162. [09:41:08] strudelalec: hey maybe you're a little gay
  2163. [09:41:11] memnarch6: P S Y C H E T A X I
  2164. [09:41:13] strudelalec: that ain't bad
  2165. [09:41:25] cheeseyx: gender is fake anyway
  2166. [09:41:25] stupiddumbmoron: this is great
  2167. [09:41:27] sungiant_: theres something magical seeing knuckles saying gay fever dreams happen
  2168. [09:41:34] sungiant_: thanks knuckles
  2169. [09:41:38] amisnaru: do you keep a dream journal? you remember so much
  2170. [09:41:51] stupiddumbmoron: he said he's reading notes, so i would assume so
  2171. [09:41:56] inayamander: that wasn't my first gay....... fever dream. thanks comic chat
  2172. [09:41:59] amisnaru: oh i missed that
  2173. [09:42:04] strudelalec: pssh nothin personnel kid
  2174. [09:42:16] stupiddumbmoron: Tim confirmed for pro golfer
  2175. [09:42:22] abortion_shark: playing too much mario golf
  2176. [09:42:40] blondrobin: tim, the main takeaway from this seems "you have been playing too much video game"
  2177. [09:42:48] bananaburger: heh
  2178. [09:42:50] cheeseyx: life is short. suck a girl's dick. no one really cares except for you two
  2179. [09:42:51] sungiant_: yes you can
  2180. [09:42:54] stupiddumbmoron: ooooo~ personal stuff
  2181. [09:42:58] sariacrossing: Never too much video game
  2182. [09:43:03] not_quite_glenn_miller: tim confirmed as tiger woods
  2183. [09:43:04] strudelalec: Hahaha my nothin personnel kid got knuckles
  2184. [09:43:05] blondrobin: timLewd
  2185. [09:43:13] abortion_shark: hahaha
  2186. [09:43:16] stupiddumbmoron: hey tim, want to hear about my crap?
  2187. [09:43:17] amisnaru: hah
  2188. [09:43:28] sungiant_: heh nothin personnel
  2189. [09:43:28] smiling_sphere: sounds like Tim
  2190. [09:43:34] fizzow: yep, sounds like Twitchcon alright
  2191. [09:43:34] inayamander: ugh nerds
  2192. [09:44:02] bananaburger: how did she know?!
  2193. [09:44:11] stupiddumbmoron: inject the marijuanas
  2194. [09:44:20] sariacrossing: Drugs
  2195. [09:44:21] sungiant_: this is intense
  2196. [09:44:27] sungiant_: this is way beyond any of mine
  2197. [09:44:36] blizzaxe: This is surprisingly coherent for a dream
  2198. [09:44:38] cheeseyx: F
  2199. [09:44:44] strudelalec: F
  2200. [09:44:48] shimmerfairy: WutFace
  2201. [09:44:49] stupiddumbmoron: LOL
  2202. [09:44:49] smiling_sphere: timOh
  2203. [09:44:52] bananaburger: this is like 3 pages
  2204. [09:44:53] not_quite_glenn_miller: F
  2205. [09:44:55] thesezza: owned
  2206. [09:44:58] unlistedninja: F
  2207. [09:45:03] sungiant_: mine are like riding into a thunder dome battle with a high school friend underneath the monkey bars
  2208. [09:45:03] theaxel11: timOh
  2209. [09:45:25] shimmerfairy: Silent Hill o'clock
  2210. [09:45:33] strudelalec: I just imagine this as a massive run-on sentence
  2211. [09:45:34] smiling_sphere: omg
  2212. [09:45:38] thesezza: im poorly detailed
  2213. [09:45:39] swehili: good social commentary
  2214. [09:45:40] stupiddumbmoron: Tim is playing too many 90s games
  2215. [09:45:46] kriegerfluff: minecraft prison break
  2216. [09:45:48] sariacrossing: Is this golden eye
  2217. [09:45:51] blondrobin: and then we go to that minecraft vice city game
  2218. [09:45:58] blondrobin: it's just a list of games tim's played recent ly
  2219. [09:45:58] rickeon: this is probably taking longer to read than the dream took to have
  2220. [09:46:08] bananaburger: hahahaha
  2221. [09:46:09] jinrai__: how do you remember do many small details about your dreams
  2222. [09:46:11] sungiant_: oh shit
  2223. [09:46:13] smiling_sphere: hahaha
  2224. [09:46:13] blondrobin: well, that and some science
  2225. [09:46:13] blizzaxe: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2226. [09:46:14] saladmagic: rofl
  2227. [09:46:16] stupiddumbmoron: fucking Gerald...he was always trouble
  2228. [09:46:17] swehili: LOL
  2229. [09:46:17] theaxel11: the most awful tragic event in human history
  2230. [09:46:20] sariacrossing: DUNNNN DUUUUUNNNNN
  2231. [09:46:20] amisnaru: reasonable
  2232. [09:46:20] blizzaxe: TIM I'M DYING HELP
  2233. [09:46:20] not_quite_glenn_miller: lol
  2234. [09:46:23] cat_burglar: My dreams are just tv static
  2235. [09:46:25] skygtr350: cirThink
  2236. [09:46:25] dovahkiinkate: this is so intense, I've haven't dreamt in years, this sounds terrifying rooBooli
  2237. [09:46:25] inayamander: librarians causing trouble
  2238. [09:46:27] blondrobin: okay what
  2239. [09:46:28] blondrobin: now what
  2240. [09:46:31] stupiddumbmoron: LOL tim can i have your dreams
  2241. [09:46:34] kawaiichouchou: this took an interesting turn
  2242. [09:46:37] redl3east: bathroom
  2244. [09:46:40] otherblackman: This is the Best!!!
  2245. [09:46:43] amisnaru: i wish i remembered my dreams
  2246. [09:46:49] strudelalec: rt
  2247. [09:47:04] sariacrossing: Poor Gerald
  2248. [09:47:15] shimmerfairy: BibleThump real name lost forever
  2249. [09:47:23] bananaburger: wow
  2250. [09:47:28] sungiant_: huh
  2251. [09:47:28] inayamander: so your dream is animated? or was gerald just animated in a live action world?
  2252. [09:47:30] smiling_sphere: 11/10
  2253. [09:47:33] dovahkiinkate: wow
  2254. [09:47:36] strudelalec: sweet dream lol
  2255. [09:47:39] bananaburger: wait its still going?
  2256. [09:47:43] smarioman: Wow. He never took the drugs.
  2257. [09:47:43] sungiant_: oh
  2258. [09:47:54] thesezza: doin a mj lean
  2259. [09:48:09] bananaburger: i cant imagine writing an entire college paper on a dream
  2260. [09:48:10] smiling_sphere: WHAT
  2261. [09:48:10] abortion_shark: the damn french
  2262. [09:48:12] stupiddumbmoron: WHOA you never ruffle kiwi bird feathers
  2263. [09:48:14] swehili: what a rebel
  2264. [09:48:15] bananaburger: LuL //
  2265. [09:48:16] spacecowboycarl: Well I'm a little late.
  2266. [09:48:16] strudelalec: fuck the french
  2267. [09:48:17] blizzaxe: Don't be rough with the kiwis dude
  2268. [09:48:19] wowhowcool: cool joke
  2269. [09:48:19] bananaburger: oh wow thats backwards
  2270. [09:48:21] dovahkiinkate: rooBlank
  2271. [09:48:21] inayamander: you rebel
  2272. [09:48:23] sariacrossing: Of course the French
  2273. [09:48:25] strudelalec: the french suck
  2274. [09:48:25] supersmarties: arexNailedit
  2275. [09:48:26] sungiant_: my dreams are way shorter that was wild
  2276. [09:48:26] kriegerfluff: tim fo you hate the french
  2277. [09:48:42] inayamander: I mean it's a dream; you technically made up all of it.
  2278. [09:48:43] smarioman: Man Tim. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous.
  2279. [09:48:49] sungiant_: do you die in your dreams ever?
  2280. [09:48:49] otherblackman: Best story Ever!!! saraaHype saraaHype saraaAww saraaAww
  2281. [09:48:55] stupiddumbmoron: glad you shared lol, that was great
  2282. [09:48:59] smarioman: Most of my dreams are just a horrifying nightmare.
  2283. [09:49:05] abortion_shark: i had a dream where i turned the parking brake on while driving and crashed and died
  2284. [09:49:09] sungiant_: i die half the time
  2285. [09:49:10] strudelalec: you should hate the french they're trash
  2286. [09:49:15] smiling_sphere: (
  2287. [09:49:18] blizzaxe: I would be sad if you died Tim
  2288. [09:49:19] happyisfree: I always dream more vividly when i'm super sleep deprived before I pass out lol
  2289. [09:49:19] dovahkiinkate: clintH
  2290. [09:49:20] strudelalec: also me ya
  2291. [09:49:20] sariacrossing: ;_;
  2292. [09:49:23] sungiant_: i die in battle
  2293. [09:49:24] inayamander: I don't really dream anymore. I mostly have terrifying hallucinations about people being in my apartment or spiders on the walls.
  2294. [09:49:27] shimmerfairy: BibleThump
  2295. [09:49:35] sungiant_: its never sad its always glorious death
  2296. [09:49:46] abortion_shark: oh, i had one where i was a secret service agent and got shot and died
  2297. [09:50:21] stupiddumbmoron: a fucking alpaca hahahha
  2298. [09:50:24] smiling_sphere: ocarina boy dream PogChamp
  2299. [09:50:30] cheeseyx: If I got to be zelda temporarily and then had to stop, I'd be sad too
  2300. [09:50:39] shimmerfairy: BibleThump
  2301. [09:50:41] stupiddumbmoron: spoilers, Tim is Shiek
  2302. [09:50:43] abortion_shark: classic impa
  2303. [09:50:45] ttiewinwt: D:
  2304. [09:50:51] sariacrossing: LOL I'm impa
  2305. [09:51:16] wind6: Those damn Gerudo terrorists
  2306. [09:51:17] skygtr350: Sounds like a Republicans worst nightmare
  2307. [09:51:28] stupiddumbmoron: hot soup?!
  2308. [09:51:36] fizzow: the classic hot soup revenge
  2309. [09:51:36] stupiddumbmoron: torturous
  2310. [09:51:40] doubleguns: what the f*ck.
  2311. [09:51:42] dovahkiinkate: rooKb
  2312. [09:51:45] ttiewinwt: LUL
  2313. [09:51:46] smarioman: Wow. That was glorious.
  2314. [09:51:49] memnarch6: taste it
  2315. [09:51:53] sungiant_: do you take meds that make your dreams weirder or what
  2316. [09:51:56] blondrobin: Tim's dream of being an asshole
  2317. [09:51:56] inayamander: timPlus
  2318. [09:51:59] miracleflare: earlier this week i had a dream that was basically battle royal set in a breath of the wild map. i nearly got sniped by a lynel while doing pointless achievement hunting and then monokuma laughed at me.
  2319. [09:52:34] cheeseyx: Where are these written? Do you keep a journal? I keep meaning to but never can motivate myself
  2320. [09:52:56] skygtr350: timOh no
  2321. [09:52:57] stupiddumbmoron: donald trump comments on every thing
  2322. [09:53:31] sariacrossing: Man I can't remember nearly as much as you do when I wake up
  2323. [09:53:36] sariacrossing: I'm impressed
  2324. [09:53:50] shimmerfairy: Tony Hawk time
  2325. [09:54:02] smiling_sphere: rooKb
  2326. [09:54:18] blondrobin: tony hawk and midi creation inspired dream, check
  2327. [09:54:32] shimmerfairy: oh boy
  2328. [09:54:45] abortion_shark: classic tim racism
  2329. [09:54:51] sariacrossing: oh man
  2330. [09:54:53] sungiant_: another throwback
  2331. [09:54:56] smiling_sphere: Tim no
  2332. [09:54:58] kriegerfluff: was it racist against the french
  2333. [09:55:04] cheeseyx: well its past time for me to have some dreams of my own
  2334. [09:55:10] stupiddumbmoron: did you play the new danganronpa recently or something?
  2335. [09:55:11] cheeseyx: gnight folx
  2336. [09:55:12] memnarch6: Tim loves that Ulti
  2337. [09:55:19] memnarch6: Ultimate Real Fiction
  2338. [09:55:40] shimmerfairy: what face?
  2339. [09:55:55] cheeseyx: wtf another ladybug in my room
  2340. [09:55:57] smarioman: @shimmerfairy it's a dream. He just imagined a face.
  2341. [09:56:07] stupiddumbmoron: contagious acne? :o
  2342. [09:56:07] cheeseyx: don't they eat aphids? why would they come into my room
  2343. [09:56:21] stupiddumbmoron: are you an aphid?
  2344. [09:56:34] abortion_shark: good dream
  2345. [09:56:46] cheeseyx: I might be an aphid
  2346. [09:56:56] stupiddumbmoron: LOL a word search
  2347. [09:56:59] cheeseyx: but this is not what I picture when i picture ladies wanting to eat me
  2348. [09:57:08] fizzow: that was a classic episode
  2349. [09:57:12] flawlessbaconstrips: rogen?
  2350. [09:57:16] cheeseyx: and I don't picture vore either
  2351. [09:57:18] memnarch6: H A N G M A N S G A M B I T
  2352. [09:57:21] sungiant_: tim have you always dreamed this weirdly
  2353. [09:57:22] stupiddumbmoron: this is EXACTLY what i picture when i picture ladies wanting to eat me
  2354. [09:57:33] smiling_sphere: yes
  2355. [09:57:37] smiling_sphere: you did
  2356. [09:57:40] shimmerfairy: stereotone
  2357. [09:57:44] angelicorexx: derp
  2358. [09:57:48] smarioman: Maybe. Tell us anyway.
  2359. [09:57:56] sungiant_: confidential
  2360. [09:58:00] sungiant_: redacted
  2361. [09:58:02] zero_burn: I had a dream where I was kidnapped and held for ransom, I told them my whole family was broke and couldn't pay anything, but I had $1500 in my checking account and they could have it if they let me go... so they did, but I was in Russia somehow so I had to figure out how to get home.
  2362. [09:58:04] blizzaxe: @Cheeseyx probably trying to escape the cold
  2363. [09:58:09] cheeseyx: Tim doesn't want to tell us about his secret feelings
  2364. [09:58:10] smarioman: I'm glad Tim knows his limits.
  2365. [09:58:25] stupiddumbmoron: a long dream PogChamp
  2366. [09:58:36] angelicorexx: huh
  2367. [09:58:39] shimmerfairy: O_o
  2368. [09:58:58] thesezza: buds
  2369. [09:59:02] doubleguns: budz timGuest420
  2370. [09:59:48] shimmerfairy: (
  2371. [10:00:31] skygtr350: timOh no
  2372. [10:00:34] smiling_sphere: cut her what?
  2373. [10:00:39] stupiddumbmoron: timOh zfgOhNo
  2374. [10:00:46] inayamander: timOh
  2375. [10:01:08] bananaburger: that's metal
  2376. [10:01:10] skygtr350: timOh
  2377. [10:01:12] stupiddumbmoron: true
  2378. [10:01:13] blizzaxe: HAHAHA
  2379. [10:01:13] zero_burn: Brutal.
  2380. [10:01:15] smiling_sphere: rooBlank
  2381. [10:01:31] skygtr350: timMinus
  2382. [10:01:33] zero_burn: Sounds like a good movie, I'd watch it.
  2383. [10:01:35] shimmerfairy: And you say you don't like horror games
  2384. [10:01:36] themusicdan: )
  2385. [10:01:45] smarioman: Wow. That's heavy stuff.
  2386. [10:01:47] amisnaru: one of my dream notes is just "squirrels are so small, it's funny to me"
  2387. [10:01:51] stupiddumbmoron: he doesn't like horror because he dreams it
  2388. [10:01:58] bananaburger: that sounds like a cold steel demonstration video
  2389. [10:02:02] blondrobin: that
  2390. [10:02:05] blondrobin: that seems pretty memorable
  2391. [10:02:09] shimmerfairy: ah yes, I remember this, but maybe just on stereotone
  2392. [10:02:28] zero_burn: Seriously, why would you slice the brains near the food? rooBaka
  2393. [10:02:41] shimmerfairy: timOh
  2394. [10:02:42] skygtr350: timOh
  2395. [10:02:51] sungiant_: ouch
  2396. [10:03:05] stupiddumbmoron: thanks Tim, i'm blind now
  2397. [10:03:06] amisnaru: hahah
  2398. [10:03:08] skygtr350: timOh my
  2399. [10:03:16] smarioman: Sounds like something you'd do.
  2400. [10:03:20] skygtr350: So you DID put the marble in the wall?
  2401. [10:03:25] shimmerfairy: the pushpins he actually did in real life
  2402. [10:03:26] zero_burn: I KNEW YOU MESSED WITH THE PUSHPINS. rooRawr
  2403. [10:03:28] smarioman: And we all know the push pins thing is legit.
  2404. [10:03:47] skygtr350: Fast and Furious
  2405. [10:03:55] zero_burn: "Nintendo security forces" rooKek
  2406. [10:04:38] zero_burn: rooBlank
  2407. [10:04:49] blizzaxe: Oh no.
  2408. [10:05:06] zero_burn: Sounds like my dreams, just a bunch of existential dread stuff.
  2409. [10:05:13] blondrobin: this just sounds like an Onion article
  2410. [10:05:15] skygtr350: LOL
  2411. [10:05:15] chillgod: LOOOOOOOOOL
  2412. [10:05:23] skygtr350: Pizza with Sailor Jupiter timPlus
  2413. [10:05:30] shimmerfairy: @MonotoneTim do you have the Centrino ad dream written down anywhere still?
  2414. [10:05:44] sungiant_: my dreams are more like talking to people and then going to the united nations and then a ninja fight breaks out after my presentation
  2415. [10:06:14] zero_burn: I have a lot of dreams of me just getting pissed with my family and yelling and cursing at them. wixT
  2416. [10:06:31] skygtr350: timOh
  2417. [10:06:44] bananaburger: my dreams are usually about going into my fridge to find food
  2418. [10:07:22] sungiant_: that sounds chill
  2419. [10:07:22] zero_burn: rooKb
  2420. [10:08:02] sungiant_: knife fights and wrestling matches are common
  2421. [10:08:34] zero_burn: I used to have a lot of dreams about me playing a game I knew but everything was different in it. Or me trying to drive to somewhere I know but winding up getting lost because the city layout changed.
  2422. [10:09:04] sungiant_: get fucked stupid kid
  2423. [10:09:43] memnarch6: FOR REAL?
  2424. [10:10:00] zero_burn: No, for dream.
  2425. [10:10:39] chillgod: LOOOOOOOOL
  2426. [10:10:40] zero_burn: bikeDerp
  2427. [10:10:44] shimmerfairy: timMinus
  2428. [10:11:15] skygtr350: timMinus
  2429. [10:11:20] zero_burn: rooWut
  2430. [10:11:33] sungiant_: of course chief wiggum was in on it
  2431. [10:11:41] chillgod: LOOOOOOOL
  2432. [10:11:46] stupiddumbmoron: "being tended to"?
  2433. [10:11:48] zero_burn: Genderbent Homer? danSexy
  2434. [10:12:21] chillgod: that one's a winner
  2435. [10:12:24] sungiant_: tim this sounds stressful to dream like this
  2436. [10:12:29] tsarce: timOh
  2437. [10:12:33] chillgod: LOL
  2438. [10:12:33] sungiant_: (
  2439. [10:12:39] zero_burn: Flabby arms. :(
  2440. [10:12:40] blizzaxe: Tim, why are your arms so flabby?
  2441. [10:12:46] ttiewinwt: D:
  2442. [10:12:47] stupiddumbmoron: wow, your arms aren't flabby tim, don't worry
  2443. [10:12:56] skygtr350: FlabbyArmTim
  2444. [10:13:13] shimmerfairy: don't worry buddy
  2445. [10:13:39] sungiant_: just treat us like therapists
  2446. [10:13:48] chillgod: that's great
  2447. [10:14:11] smarioman: Last dream I remember, I was apparently friends with Linus Sebastian and I was talking about my $0 PC build. I think it's a sign to watch less YouTube.
  2448. [10:14:41] abortion_shark: God scrapyard wars
  2449. [10:14:53] shimmerfairy: THIS ONE
  2450. [10:15:01] silversonic: Tim do you have whispers open?
  2451. [10:15:27] skygtr350: timCentrino
  2452. [10:15:36] chillgod: LMAO
  2453. [10:15:37] silversonic: thinking
  2454. [10:15:39] silversonic: 🤔
  2455. [10:16:03] stupiddumbmoron: does writing all of this down help you lucid dream?
  2456. [10:16:04] themusicdan: 5.0 / 5 would watch at a local theater
  2457. [10:16:12] shimmerfairy: I dreamt last night that I was in BotW, playing the new DLC, on a brand new part of the map. There were new enemies, and a really striking deep purple and gold castle just off in the distance.
  2458. [10:16:28] smarioman: Wow. That's the power of Intel Centrino guess.
  2459. [10:16:48] sungiant_: this only happens to me with melatonin
  2460. [10:16:56] smarioman: @shimmerfairy that actually sounds really cool.
  2461. [10:17:23] shimmerfairy: @SMarioMan I remember just enough about the castle that I could draw/model/whatever something close enough to it.
  2462. [10:17:30] abortion_shark: huh
  2463. [10:17:31] bananaburger: excuse me
  2464. [10:17:36] shimmerfairy: MAN CUP
  2465. [10:17:41] stupiddumbmoron: LOL
  2466. [10:17:43] stupiddumbmoron: tim pls
  2467. [10:17:45] chillgod: LOL
  2468. [10:17:55] smarioman: @shimmerfairy it sounds so regal.
  2469. [10:18:05] chillgod: i cant tell if ur censoring it
  2470. [10:18:06] sungiant_: uhh
  2471. [10:18:12] shimmerfairy: Yeah, purple + gold is a pretty regal combo
  2472. [10:18:17] bananaburger: hella? you really SHOULD play life is strange
  2473. [10:18:43] stupiddumbmoron: purple + gold = university of washington, my school
  2474. [10:18:47] sungiant_: sounds uncomfortable
  2475. [10:18:51] shimmerfairy: presidential dream ruined
  2476. [10:19:04] stupiddumbmoron: we're all bees
  2477. [10:19:05] sungiant_: uh
  2478. [10:19:07] bananaburger: oh i remember that one
  2479. [10:19:08] skygtr350: bUrself
  2480. [10:19:09] vanillacola: monkaS
  2481. [10:19:09] abortion_shark: That's all you need to know
  2482. [10:19:09] chillgod: im ded
  2483. [10:19:14] smarioman: I remember that one.
  2484. [10:19:15] sungiant_: bUrself
  2485. [10:19:32] clickwhirr: I just woke up and had a dream where I was at a house with three sisters and we were all laying around being lazy and all three of them wanted me but I only wanted the middle sister which was awkward but chill and I don’t understand it but I wanna go back
  2486. [10:19:38] sungiant_: do ya like jazz
  2487. [10:20:25] skygtr350: Nerf guns lol
  2488. [10:20:28] smarioman: Oh. I remember this.
  2489. [10:20:30] shimmerfairy: WHAT DID YOU DO TO DANNY TANNER
  2490. [10:20:37] chillgod: LOL
  2491. [10:20:49] skygtr350: bUrself
  2492. [10:20:58] sungiant_: bUrself bzzz
  2493. [10:21:05] smarioman: That's so good.
  2494. [10:21:08] sungiant_: by all known laws of aviation
  2495. [10:21:12] swehili: bUrself /
  2496. [10:21:26] smarioman: "We did it to achieve greatness" is such a good line.
  2497. [10:21:26] shimmerfairy: this one
  2498. [10:21:27] bananaburger: oh THERES the glove
  2499. [10:21:29] abortion_shark: Oh I remember that one!
  2500. [10:21:32] chuckmoritz: It's like that one SpongeBob episode
  2501. [10:21:35] stupiddumbmoron: watching too many bee movie memes
  2502. [10:21:40] sungiant_: driving gloves
  2503. [10:21:50] abortion_shark: Honest
  2504. [10:21:51] sungiant_: call me the sad driver
  2505. [10:21:54] miracleflare: deep
  2506. [10:22:13] amisnaru: what's the first ever dream noted
  2507. [10:22:23] killerkrill: publish it to google docs
  2508. [10:22:49] amisnaru: oh
  2509. [10:23:06] smarioman: If you threw all of your dream journeys into a neural network, you could generate new dreams.
  2510. [10:23:12] smarioman: *journals
  2511. [10:23:40] zero_burn: Tim IS a neural network.
  2512. [10:23:47] amisnaru: or generate one of those word clouds of the most common words
  2513. [10:23:53] shimmerfairy: We are ALL neural networks on this blessed day.
  2514. [10:23:58] skygtr350: Play enough Kirby's Avalanche and you'll have a dream with Kirby being an asshole to you
  2515. [10:24:17] abortion_shark: looks dark
  2516. [10:24:25] smarioman: Thanks for sharing your dreams with us, Tim.
  2517. [10:24:39] zero_burn: I remember nightmares from when I was a kid, one about IT and one about Bonkers the cat.
  2518. [10:24:53] blizzaxe: Stare into the Timbyss too long, and you'll find that the Timbyss stares back.
  2519. [10:24:59] abortion_shark: im proud of you for sharing your dreams
  2520. [10:25:00] shimmerfairy: I better not have any of your dreams tonight, Tim.
  2521. [10:25:10] bananaburger: now when you say cup
  2522. [10:25:13] amisnaru: hope it was chocolate cake
  2523. [10:25:17] bananaburger: you mean like a glass or like a sports cup
  2524. [10:25:38] sungiant_: i wish i had weird dreams like that instead of violent bashathons
  2525. [10:26:03] zero_burn: I have weird dreams like that, interspersed between the normal sexytime dreams. rooLewd
  2526. [10:26:08] sungiant_: maybe i am an innately violent person
  2527. [10:26:16] inayamander: i miss dreaming
  2528. [10:26:17] sungiant_: who wants to dream fight chat
  2529. [10:26:23] sungiant_: im a dream gladiator
  2530. [10:26:30] zero_burn: I have dreams about having absolute power.
  2531. [10:26:44] sungiant_: i dream about stabbin stuff
  2532. [10:26:51] sungiant_: if that isnt absolute power
  2533. [10:26:53] zero_burn: Like I can manipulate space and time, can fly, etc.
  2534. [10:27:00] sungiant_: yeah but stabbin
  2535. [10:27:02] bananaburger: sexytime dreams are normal?
  2536. [10:27:04] miracleflare: the earliest dream i remember is jumping off a fence in disney world and falling into a pit, then waking up right before i hit the ground. i was seven and i think that set the tone for the rest of life
  2537. [10:27:06] sungiant_: super
  2538. [10:27:21] sungiant_: sometimes my neck gets cut
  2539. [10:27:22] bananaburger: my dreams are very mundane where i eat food or ask people questions
  2540. [10:27:26] sungiant_: recurring
  2541. [10:27:34] bananaburger: and then i get confused on whether or not i asked them in real life
  2542. [10:27:35] zero_burn: Stand back, I got to practice my stabbin'! 🔪 rooVV
  2543. [10:27:37] sungiant_: just bleeding out on the floor from my neck getting cut
  2544. [10:27:45] sungiant_: i dont like dreaming
  2545. [10:28:00] bananaburger: i didnt either when mine were super edgy
  2546. [10:28:20] sungiant_: they arent even edgy its just like hey dude i dont like you im cutting your neck
  2547. [10:28:23] smarioman: Usually I just have some feeling of impending worry about something. Then I wake up and realize that not only is it insignificant, it's also preposterous.
  2548. [10:28:30] sungiant_: and im like oh ok and passout and bleed to death
  2549. [10:28:36] bananaburger: oh
  2550. [10:28:44] sungiant_: its chill
  2551. [10:28:47] abortion_shark: A dream I remember is that my bed grew legs. I rode it over to my friends house and borrowed his n64
  2552. [10:28:48] bananaburger: i was always a bystander to some bad event
  2553. [10:28:52] inayamander: My dreams were definitely weird. Lots of flying. And places from my past all mixed up.
  2554. [10:28:56] zero_burn: preposterous to have feelings of worry? Have you looked outside? rooWhat
  2555. [10:29:12] sungiant_: maybe i am messed up youre making me self-dream-conscious
  2556. [10:29:25] smarioman: @zero_burn I mean the specific thing I worry about in the dream.
  2557. [10:29:40] bananaburger: idk they'll probably go away
  2558. [10:29:45] zero_burn: Eh, it's just latent homicidal tendencies, everyone has them, sungiant_ rooShrug
  2559. [10:30:01] sungiant_: its not even killing other people im just stabbing shapes
  2560. [10:30:07] bananaburger: hey if you can keep secrets so can he
  2561. [10:30:19] sungiant_: like im defending the monkey bars
  2562. [10:30:30] sungiant_: dont come in my monkey bars or else me and my friend will stab
  2563. [10:30:31] zero_burn: Doesn't matter, to a sociopath, people are little more than objects for them to use/discard of when needed.
  2564. [10:30:31] vanillacola: it's not over yet ohnPrettygood
  2565. [10:30:35] vanillacola: it's over
  2566. [10:30:47] sungiant_: its never game over
  2567. [10:30:50] sungiant_: its game over
  2568. [10:30:56] abortion_shark: gmorning tim
  2569. [10:30:57] blizzaxe: Goodnight Tim
  2570. [10:30:59] monotonetim:
  2571. [10:30:59] vanillacola: ohnKoji
  2572. [10:30:59] smarioman: I'd remember if j wrote them down. I think it's often something I haven't done that I really should have earlier, or school of some sort.
  2573. [10:31:01] miracleflare: good night!
  2574. [10:31:04] willoootheblue: l8r
  2575. [10:31:05] abortion_shark: good morning
  2576. [10:31:05] blizzaxe: Thanks for streaming!
  2577. [10:31:07] sungiant_: good night timothy
  2578. [10:31:08] bonfiredes_: good night
  2579. [10:31:08] bananaburger: thx for strem
  2580. [10:31:12] inayamander: night Tim. sweet dreams! <3
  2581. [10:31:14] koto_osama: dammit
  2582. [10:31:16] swehili: night again
  2583. [10:31:17] themusicdan: <3
  2584. [10:31:18] monotonetim: THEY WILL BE SWEET
  2585. [10:31:21] monotonetim: ACTUALLY.
  2586. [10:31:21] sungiant_: have dope dreams or whatever
  2587. [10:31:29] stupiddumbmoron: good night tim! love ya man <3
  2588. [10:31:45] zero_burn: write down your dreams, share them with stream. The stranger the better. SeemsGood
  2589. [10:31:50] skygtr350: night Tim
  2590. [10:31:53] monotonetim: no
  2591. [10:31:53] bananaburger: no artificial sweetener for your dreams
  2592. [10:32:09] smarioman: Good night Tim and chat. It's been entertaining.
  2593. [10:32:15] sungiant_: i only dream with melatonin is that weird
  2594. [10:32:23] sungiant_: its why i dont like it
  2595. [10:32:30] bananaburger: you can probably condition yourself to be like that idk
  2596. [10:32:59] sungiant_: maybe i need to get the stabbing out
  2597. [10:33:06] sungiant_: maybe thats healthy
  2598. [10:33:10] monotonetim: (
  2599. [10:33:15] shimmerfairy: My chances of actually knowing I dreamed increase when it's because I decided to sleep for another hour.
  2600. [10:33:31] shimmerfairy: and not so much the initial several hours of sleep.
  2601. [10:33:38] smarioman: @shimmerfairy same. Light sleep makes me far more likely to remember.
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