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Sep 12th, 2018
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  1. Names: Baalberith (Berith for short) Fortune Conjureye. Berith is what his parents named him, after a devil who can turn any metal into gold. Fortune is his Tiefling "virtue name", a name Tieflings choose for themselves that represent a particular value they aspire to - fortune meaning both luck and an abundance of wealth. He uses these names interchangeably depending on who he's talking to - mostly he likes having two names because it makes him sound fancier. "Conjureye" is the surname people picked up as part of the "magician family" he grew up in.
  2. Age: late 20s
  3. Stats: Tiefling sorceror, chaotic neutral, ENTP
  4. Appearance: pale red skin, solid gold eyes, black hair, wears gold jewellery, black clothing with dark purple, burgundy and gold accents - his clothing is usually of fine materials like silks and velvets though is careworn and shabby as he can't often afford to buy new clothing of the kind he likes, but would rather wear somewhat run-down clothing of fine make than newer, more pristine clothing of a lower class. Tattooed and pierced. Has a gold incisor.
  5. Backstory: Because he was born with gold eyes, his parents, leaders of a troupe of traveling magicians (none of whom could perform actual magic) named him Berith, after a devil who can turn any metal into gold. (That's the Goetia lore, at least - he is also a legitimate devil in D&D but I don't know if he specifically possesses that property.) He has a tattoo of Baalberith's seal, which is where he claims the devil "marked" him - people are usually like "that... sounds made up but I have no way of disproving it." (No one is entirely sure if he as this magic power due to a powerful diabolic ancestor somewhere in his history or if a devil actually bestowed the magic upon him - because of his eye colour his parents claim the latter, and he does too, to play it up, but more likely he just has strong magic somewhere in his lineage.) His parents made a modest income traveling to settlements they knew tieflings lived and made most of their income performing/catering to tiefling crime lords (who paid generously for entertainments), though often as not humans would chase them out of their cities before they had the chance to get established. As his magic manifested quite young, he performed with his parents/the group they traveled with even as a child, as he didn't have to bother learning tricks the hard way. What was said to be the touch of a devil gave him a sort of prestige among them, and he was looked upon as kind of the little prince of the company. (There were other children who lived in their traveling troupe, none of whom had the same innate talent for magic as him - he didn't particularly get along with them because he was spoiled and big-headed but he didn't mind, as he had the attention of the adults.) So even though humans - both children and adults - would throw rocks at him if he came too close to them, he was spoiled by his "family", with a lot of extra treats and trinkets being thrown his way. It was the norm for him to be the centre of attention as a child; as such, as an adult he doesn't particularly care one way or another and thinks it's kind of funny when humans scorn, avoid or outright harass him. He cultivated a very showmanlike personality beginning in childhood, and uses this as a shield both to deflect hostility and intimacy alike. When he was fairly young (~10 or so) his father passed away from an illness, and his mother passed away in his late teens. His father's death marked the start of their declining fortunes, as his parents were the centre of their traveling troupe - without his father, some people drifted away, tensions grew over the leadership, and when his mother passed away the group disbanded entirely - though he was doted on as a child, no one particularly wanted to work under Berith's not-very-efficient leadership as an adult. He turned to gambling in order to make a living, often using small feats of prestidigitation to cheat his winnings - his parents had stressed to him from a young age that luck is the most important attribute a person can have, something he took to heart. This did enable him to make a decent amount of money, though has also made him a huge number of enemies and has also put him into a lot of debt.
  6. Personality: analytical and thinks of various outcomes before doing anything though comes across as being capricious and random and doing things for no reason because this is the image he deliberately cultivates for himself, is always looking for an opportunity to make money or test his luck (which he believes to be preternaturally good, whether or not that's actually true is... we'll see I guess), aspires to live in luxury (the shallowest possible interpretation of this is how he presents himself to other people - money is everything, having nice things in life is what matters - but his actual reasoning is somewhat? more sentimental, wanting to regain what he had in childhood with a sense of community. He does just like luxury though.) Likes to talk up his connection to Baalberith and other vassals of hell (mostly when talking to prejudiced humans), and frequently exaggerates his wealth.
  7. Strengths: charming, intelligent (though again, likes to come off as being much more capricious than he might actually be, and is certainly not above playing dumb), is willing to help people (so long as he can envision an outcome where he benefits in some way, even if the benefit is that someone is indebted to him, but he'll never refuse or actively thwart a good deed), has his own idiosyncratic code of honour he tries to follow (for example, always prefers to lie, cheat, seduce, evade, distract or otherwise weasel his way in and out of situations rather resorting to violence and definitely prefers not to kill anyone - is truthfully not a very skilled fighter even if it didn't go against his own moral code, though), strong-willed (though I wouldn't call him stubborn - he's willing to change his mind at a moment's notice if he thinks someone else's idea is better than his own, though he is pretty assured of his own cleverness, often to his detriment), generally cheerful and sociable, believes himself to be lucky which can be a blessing and a curse - he's willing to take risks which can pay off but can also lead to him being too cocky, will lie and cheat but will not outright steal someone's money or property (he considers tricking them with a distraction to mean that he earned it - it's their fault for not paying attention! He wouldn't, however, sneak into someone's house and take a sack of coins from a drawer while they're sleeping. That wouldn't be fair. It might not be a distinction that makes sense to other people, but it does to him)
  8. Flaws: glib, selfish, comes across as shallow (is a deep thinker about his own prospects and future but doesn't have a ton of interest in making genuine connections with other people), can be manipulative though does not usually intend to be outright cruel, over-proud, untruthful, while cheerful and enjoys being in crowds he is not forthcoming with genuinely personal information (he'll make something up if someone asks a question he doesn't want to answer), does not enjoy emotional intimacy, will absolutely complain about poor lodging conditions and bad food
  9. Religion: because of their time spent among humans, their troupe worships Tymora, goddess of good fortune. Berith carries around a coin in his pocket that has father gave him in honour of her. He is not outwardly pious, and will even scoff at overly elaborate rituals and displays of faith, but inwardly actually believes fairly deeply - he will tell people that his good luck is the result of his own innate abilities or connection to a devil, but in reality he does actually believe in her blessings. His parents were/are both very devout followers of Tymora and additionally had a good deal of knowledge about various diabolical entities, though don't subscribe to the creed of sowing evil - it's more that they tried to foster a sense of pride in their heritage despite everything.
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