
The Garden (Challenge No.58 entry)

Mar 14th, 2020
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  1. EnfEnfEnfq, July 16, 2014; 17:44 / FB 23829
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. The Garden
  5. Challenge 58
  7. -------------------------
  9. >Be inventor/geneticist
  10. >For the past seven decades you have attempted to achieve the impossible
  11. >they_called_me_a_madman.png
  12. >But today you've finally found success
  13. >You've bred the first pair of superobedient fluffies with no smarty trait
  15. >First you tried your experiment with unicorns, this did not go well
  16. >You still haven't quite gotten the bad-poopies smell out of your grand piano and your poor labrador hasn't been the same since Lucifer, well, em,
  17. >Never did find out where the little bastard went
  19. >Next you tried pegasi
  20. >Pegasi were quite successful at first
  21. >Charming, obedient to a fault, eager to please
  22. >But they have no personality or strength of will
  23. >It's like owning a talking toaster with wings
  24. >You still use them as an automated fluffy based messanging service, just for kicks
  26. >Then the eureka moment hit: Earthies
  27. >Several bowls of sketti, a blender and some noxious chemicals later you have all the earthie DNA you could possibly want
  28. >The process was gruelling and unforgiving
  29. >You worked 90 hour weeks, then worked some more
  30. >Sometimes you woke up only to find you'd sleep-scienced your whole way through the night
  31. >You even developed a schitzophrenic alter-ego who worked as a botanist and developed a fluffy super-aphrodisiac
  32. >You spent some time with a therapist over that, but it looks pretty fucking awesome in the middle of your garden
  33. >But eventually you made it
  34. >One coffee drenched morning, you stared into the gestation tank, and there lay two perfect fluffies
  35. >Obedience tests soon confirmed what you already knew, these fluffies were perfect
  36. >Delighted with yourself, you decided to let them have a run in the garden
  37. >"This garden is my pride and joy, I give it to you to do with as you will. Just don't eat that red fruit over there, not good for fluffies"
  38. >so_fucking_tired.bmp
  39. >I'm going upstairs for a nap
  41. -------------------------
  43. >Be Eve
  44. >Today is the bestest day ever!
  45. >Your daddeh Adonai let you and your bestest friend Adam play in his garden
  46. >You spend the whole day playing chasey games, numming nice planties and talking to the wingie friends
  47. >There's a very pretty tree in the middle of the garden with some yummy looking frooties, but daddy said they're very bad for fluffies
  48. >Eventually Adam gets tired and lies down for a nap, so you start playing the chasey game with a pretty flutterby
  50. >Ooof! "Whoo yu?"
  51. >You run into a big green stallion
  52. >"Fwuffy am wucifah. Yu pwitty mawe, wan be wucifah speshew fwend?"
  53. >You giggle "Wat speshew fwend?"
  55. >Lucifer tells you lots of strange things
  56. >You nod and try to understand, but it's all so complicated
  57. >You start to fall asleep
  58. >Huh? Special tree? But Daddeh told you not to go near the special tree!
  59. >Then lucifer explains to you how it's all really a test
  60. >You know all about tests, daddeh gives you lots of tests and you always make him very happy when you do what he tells you to
  61. >Daddeh wants you to eat the special frooties after all!
  62. >Confidently you march over to the special tree
  63. >Fortunately the frooties are low enough for fluffies to reach
  64. >The wingie friends seem angry and try to stop you, but that's ok, lucifer said they're part of the test too
  65. >You start to do like lucifer said and pull down the branchie with your mouth
  66. >Bump! Tumble!
  67. >Suddenly you're on the ground and the branchie is shaking, but you have the frootie!
  68. >Licking your lips, you begin to num the tasty frootie
  69. >better_than_sketti.jpg
  71. >After a while the frootie is all gone and your head is swimmy
  72. >Your nonos feel very very strange
  73. >"Vewwy guuuud pwitty mawe, vewwy gud, cwap cwap. Frootie am gud nummies?"
  74. >You nod to lucifer, still not sure about that feeling in your nonos
  75. >"Hewe, haf anuvvah frootie. Mebbe Adam wike frootie too?"
  76. >Somehow this seems like a good idea, so you trot off in a daze looking for your bestest friend
  78. -------------------------
  80. >Be fluffy scientist again
  81. >You wake up from your nap feeling 100% better
  82. >Only slept a few hours, but it's time to feed the fluffies
  83. >You frown, something is wrong, the sound of passioned enfing drifts up from the garden below
  84. >The smile falls off your face and you race down the stairs two at a time
  85. >You burst out onto your patio of science only to be greeted by a denuded hyper-aphrodisiac tree, two enfing failed experiments and a suspiciously innocent Lucifer looking up at you with a smile on his face
  86. >"Hewwoh Daddeh, Wucifah back."
  88. -------------------------
  90. >Many hours later
  91. >You wonder if you were too harsh on them
  92. >You kicked them out of the garden obviously, the wasteland behind your house is good enough, they can live there while you figure out what to do
  93. >Turning lucifer into a pillowfluff in front of them might have been a bit much though
  94. >Somehow when your back was turned he managed to wriggle over to Adam and bite his heel, but Adam stomped on him until he wriggled away again
  96. >Le sigh
  98. >Maybe you're approaching this from the wrong perspective
  99. >Maybe to understand fluffies you need to become one
  100. >A strange thought begins to form in your mind
  101. >What if... a fluffy were born, but with your brilliant intellect
  102. >A fluffy with the mind of a scientist!
  103. >After all, if a fluffy had your towering intellect bringing a message of peace and hope, they'd have to be nice to him, right?
  105. >Eagerly you begin your work, you shall send your only son to the fluffies, and take away their enf
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