
Loyalty. Abuse thread request #1

Aug 18th, 2020
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  1. >She’s pretty proud of herself when she stares up at the poster she’d just finished hanging up.
  2. >Sad sight to see to the normal eye, a slightly tarnished poster of an uprising professional scooter rider; P0ny Hawk.
  3. >Not too shabby if she said so herself, she’d wondered how they got a picture of P0ny doing a flip like that in the air. Not that she was complaining-seeing him against the blue sky backdrop in the middle of the air was little less than awesome.
  4. >Sure, he wasn’t any Rainbow Dash but..gosh he was cool wasn’t he? There’s something nice about seeing somep0ny successful who’s into scooters like she is.
  5. >If P0ny Hawk could become a famous pegasus for his scooter tricks, maybe she could too. Even if she wasn’t a real pegasus like Dash.
  6. >Maybe even be as cool as her.
  7. >When all's said and done, she finds herself tucked in next to the brick wall she’d taped the poster onto. Safely beneath her makeshift cardboard home, she pulls over a blue blanket on her small, orange form.
  8. >She’d need it, with these crisp P0nyville Autumns she’d hate to end up like the little matchbook filly.
  9. >Can’t sleep in the treehouse anymore, afterall.
  10. >Careful she pulls up a little book, nosing it open and picking up her quill tucked inside of it.
  11. >When she writes about herself, she writes about a Scootaloo that has parents who tackle down dangerous beasts. Who lives with her family. Who’s part of Rainbow Dash’s family.
  12. >She does this until she’s too tired to write in her ‘diary’ anymore and blissful sleep takes her away into Luna’s domain.
  13. ----
  14. >Wind blows against her coat, gliding through the air majestic and free. Her scooter firmly beneath her hoofs, Rainbow Dash is watching her, forelegs held up in excitatory amazement.
  15. >Her wings flap in long powerful strides to assist in her flip, mimicking her skater idol.
  16. >”Squirt, you’re amazing!”
  17. >Pride swells in her chest like a warm balloon, enjoying every second of no longer being tied to the ground. Hearing her idol praising her, tears gracing her cheeks she-
  18. >She wakes up.
  19. >A glance up to a beige roof, water stained gray in some spots.
  20. >Momentary buzz of the useless wings on her back.
  21. >’Yep.’ echos through her mind, the next words roll off her tongue the same way the dream now slinks off to some unknown depth.
  22. “Still here.”
  23. >She wonders what P0ny Hawk’s room is like.
  24. ----
  26. >Flipping through a magazine she’d found in the same can as the poster, she sends thanks to the princesses under her breath for a new addition to her growing collection. Little bit more banged up than the poster, though that’s certainly not a problem.
  27. >Reading through articles on the scooter master and seeing his photos, ideas flit back and forth through the pegasus’s mind. A new cutie mark to try finding? Or maybe just a fun trick or…
  28. >”Hey!” A raspy voice like gasoline and wind chimes in the fall to Scootaloo’s ears slices sharply through the air, her head swivels clumsily in her shock towards the intruder.
  29. >It’s Dash.
  30. >”Scootaloo, I thought you were coming to see me practice today!” her voice bellows out, looking down at the p0ny in question.
  31. “Oh!” Shoot, that had been today wasn’t it? Slipped her mind like one of Fluttershy’s snakes slips through her hooves completely, just like it did last week and the week before that too.
  32. “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash I just-”
  33. >”Y’know if you didn’t WANT to see me practice you could’ve just said so, I don’t have to come down and show you stuff on the ground like a mud p0ny! Sheesh..”
  34. “I know I didn’t mean to not come It’s-”
  35. >”It’s kinda mean! If you don’t REALLY like somep0ny as cool as me you could just say..” She stops, her heart also stops as she tracks the pegasus’s head and spots her looking at the poster.
  36. >”..that..” the word is disjointed, foreign on her lips and seems to be more an accusation of the poster than a continuation of her last sentence. Her eyes go from it, then to the magazine, squinting her eyes as she realizes exactly who it’s about.
  37. >Scrutinization greasily slithers into genuine hurt, which causes Scootaloos own chest to clench inwardly like an angry minotaur was grabbing her from the inside.
  38. >Heat builds over her shoulders and creeps up her orange neck, shameful.
  39. >Dash’s face builds only more in the way of genuine feelings of betrayal when she spots the other sparse items of merchandise.
  40. >”You..don’t like me anymore?”
  41. “No! No-Rainbow Dash you’re still the best p0ny in Equestria it’s not that!”
  42. >”Seems that way to me!” she snaps back with vinegar in her voice.
  43. >”He’s not even an ex Wonderbolt like the Washouts were!”
  44. >There’s a moment of quiet, until Dash screams out “Fucking cripple!” and moves like lightning.
  45. >An unsecured end of the poster finds itself in Dash’s teeth, huffing, she pulls her head back.
  46. >RRRRRIP.
  47. >The poster goes, Scootaloo’s swears something in her chest tore with it.
  48. -----
  49. “I’m sorry,” she croaks wetly, tears streaming down her face. It was never easy when Rainbow got this mad.
  50. >”What’re you sorry for again Squirt?”
  51. >She watches as the magazine is thrown in the trash alongside the rest of what’s left of the poster and her sparse merchandise.
  52. “That I hurt your feelings..”
  53. >She’s sure she feels the bruise around her eye swell a little bigger, this will last her a while if the one she got last time over the washouts was any indication.
  54. >That earns her smile, the older p0ny rubs the back of her purple mane roughly.
  55. >”AAnnnddd?”
  56. “You’re still best p0ny.”
  57. >Scootaloo watches as what’s left of the cardboard shelter comes crushed under Rainbow dash’s hoof.
  58. >The crayon drawings she’d done on the outside of the two together look funny crumpled up like that.
  60. >”Awesome! Now let’s get all my stuff put back up, huh Scoots?”
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