
A nice Jewish boy

Dec 19th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Tae got out of her Lemon and tugged her sparkly dress down She looked over at him and shook her head. "My dad is going to absolutely love you." She said. Then walked around the car heading for the stairs to walk into the house.
  2. Covet: [I've got Lisa tonight.]
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Okay, sounds good)
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Noah climbed out of the passenger seat of Tae's car, running his hands over the front of his pants to smooth them out and starting up the walkway toward the house. "Why? Because I'm a Jew?" He asked quickly because honestly Jewish families get excited when you bring a Jew home. True story. // Neil was in the kitchen putting the final touches on dinner while also making sure that Lisa stayed as far away from any of the cooked portions of the meal as possible. He was in the process of pulling the turkey out of the oven to set down, reaching for the carving knife so he could get that done vecause he knew they would be there any minute.-
  5. Covet: "My family isn't that selective over religious heritage." Tae said shaking her head. "But they probably will be excited." She opened up the door and called out, "Mom, Dad? We're here." // Lisa was at the dining room table getting the salad that she was proud of set up along with the other dishes for the four of them. She was excited to see her daughter and meet the guest that had been added last minute. Walking over to her she warpped her hands around Tae in a tight hug, "Hi there sweetie. Oh I've missed you."
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Eh, it's not about being selective." He said in a small voice, stepping into the house behind her and pushing the door closed. He watched as Lisa came over to greet Tae, slipping his hands into his pockets to awkwardly stand there. // Neil set his carving utensils down and turned to head over to the door, a wide smile spread across his face because he was happy to have Tae and guest there for the evening. Family. "Hi honey. Are you hungry? We have tons of food." He said quickly, his attention turning to Noah to offer him a hand to shake. "Hi, I'm Neil. This is my wife Lisa. It's nice to have you for dinner." He paused, inspecting that fucking suit. "And what a great suit that is."-
  7. Covet: After hugging her mom back, she looked over at Noah. "This is Noah, he's a.... friend. And housemate at the OCH. He couldn't make it home for the holidays, and he likes food, so I figured he'd do alright." She said then shook her head, "I've helped encourage his holiday spirit to make up for not being able to go home too." // Lisa smiled and offered a hug as well, she was a hugger. "Oh, well it's lovely to have you welcome to our home."
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Noah stuck his hand out to shake Neil's hand, giving him a nod. "Oh... thanks. Tae said to be festive so..." He trailed off, not knowing what else to say. "Thanks for having me." He sort of just awkwardly leaned into Lisa's hug. // Neil shook his hand and them smiled, reaching to pull Lisa into his side when she was done doing the hugging thing. "There's plenty of food for everyone. Our door is always open. Come on in, let's sit down and dig in. I was just finishing up carving the turkey." He said waving them on and turning to head back into the kitchen.-
  9. Covet: Tae set her keys on the side table and walked towards the dining room to look over the table, "Wow Mom, this salad looks amazing. You've really stepped up your game." She said with a grin. // "Well Tae was right, and your extra effort definitely make it feel more festive. It makes up for your Brother betraying us for New York." Lisa said then smiled proudly, "Thank you, it was the only thing I was allowed to touch, so don't worry Dinner should be delicious."
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Noah followed Tae back toward the dining room, going to sit down in front of one of the place settings because he was kind of nervous and he didnt really know what else to do. "I'm sure everything is great." // Neil walked the platter with the slices of carved turkey over to the table, setting it down in the middle and then grabbing the plate of potato latkes to set down as well. "We're not going to talk about the traitor who abandoned his own holiday. Can I get anyone anything to drink?"-
  11. Covet: "C'mon don't be shy, get your plate loaded up." Tae told Noah as she went to sit down getting her plate set up with a little bit of everything. "Wi-" She started to say then stopped, "Why not some water, that's all I need." // "I'm sorry Dear, I didn't mean to. But I am glad him and Bliss get to spend some time together." She said putting soma salad on her plate, "Water is more than fine for me too. So Noah, How did you and Tae meet?"
  12. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned over to reach for the fork, putting some turkey on his plate and continuing to take a bit of everything. "Soda? I dont know, whatever you have is fine." He said quickly because he's terrible at conducting himself. "She was the first person I met when I moved into the off campus student housing." He answered Lisa, glancing at Tae. // Neil brought all the beverages back to the table, passing Lisa and Tae their waters and Noah his glass of soda before taking a seat and beginning to serve himself. "Well that's nice. Hopefully she made you feel welcomed into the house."-
  13. Covet: "We ran into eachother in the hallway on campus." She added. "Then found out we were living together. I've been the most welcoming friend, you know me, Dad." She said with a smile, then gave Noah a bit of a wink. // "Awwh, Such a sweetheart. I've missed you so much. I'm glad I'm not missing out on anything anymore." She said with a smile. "So you're just friends then?" Lisa asked eyeballing the two of them as she dug into her food. "Delicious as always, Honey."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, that too." He said, keeping his head low as he took a sip of his soda. He couldn't help, but smirk at Tae's discreetly suggestive comment. "Yes, we're just friends." // Neil watched the two of them, knowing his daughter better than that and not being so blinded like Lisa usually was. "Well I'm glad...." He stabbed some turkey and put a piece into his mouth, smiling to Lisa. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. We've got a good thing down. I make the food and you keep a ten foot distance from all appliances."-
  15. CovetCovet : "Noah's family is Jewish." Tae said quickly as if that was something relevant. "So I'm making good friends" She said with a laugh. "Yes Mom. I'm... taking time to just enjoy being single, especially after everything with Drew." She said then took a few bites. // " I'm not that terrible." Lisa said with a pout, "I can handle a knife... you better remember that." Lisa told him, pointing her fork at him.
  16. Covet has left the chat
  17. Covet has joined the chat
  18. Alexithymiaa: "I'm Jewish." He piped up to confirm her statement, nodding his head. "I made bar mitzvah and everything." He added like that was any sort of ammunition to this. // "You'll never rival my knife skills." He spoke to Lisa even though his face was completely washed with adoration looking at her. "Oh, really?" He asked when these assholes just volunteered religious history. "That's great. We've been waiting for Tae to bring home a nice Jewish boy."-
  19. Covet: "Are we really threatening each other with knives at the table?" Tae asked them looking back and forth between her parents. She then breathed a sigh of relief when her Jewish comment detered them. // Lisa smiled "Well not that it matters, but yes we have been waiting. And you seem so nice and well behaved." // Tae laughed. "Yeah, I told him to behave. So he listens well too." She said even though that was total bullshit.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "I'm also house broken and I know how to give BOTH paws." He added, laughing uncomfortably and grabbing for his soda to take a sip. // "Wow, I'm impressed. And the fact that you listened to her means you're smart because that means you know what happens when you don't listen. You're like ten years ahead of where I was when I learned that lesson." He quickly looked to Lisa, trying to look innocent.-
  21. Covet: Tae nearly choked on her food and then snickered at Noah's comment. "We're working on playing dead and roll over." She added. // Lisa nodded her head. "I must have taught my Daughter well. I knew she had it in her. Just had to find the right boy. She's grooming him nicely for marriage." She said intentionally saying things to mortify her child because that's what parents do.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -He nearly spit the soda out of his mouth, coughing roughly and setting the glass down because LISA WHAT THE FUCK. Picking up his napkin, he covered his mouth to cough some more, his eyes tearing up and red. // "Well that was only a matter of time before something you did killed him. I just didn't think it would be your words. I was thinking more along the lines of the salad."-
  23. Covet: Tae was also mortified at her mother. "Mom, just because he's Jewish too doesn't mean we HAVE to get married. We're just friends." She said putting a strong emphasis on the friend word. // "Excuse you. I've mastered the salad, no thanks to you." Lisa said then smiled. "I missed this kind of banter, I'm so happy to be home with you again." She said making the doe eyes at Neil.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Setting his napkin down, he wiped his eyes, his face beat red now because he almost died sort of. "I'm actually going to use your bathroom, if you could point me in the right direction." He started to slide back in his chair, pushing up to his feet.-
  25. Covet: Tae pointed down the hallway from her spot, "Down the hall first right, then your first left." She told him then glared at her parents, because they couldn't behave and now they were making the oogling eyes. "I'm going to get some leftovers put together for us...Before you two make me nauseous." Tae said as she got up to do that while her parents got all flirty at the table still.
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