
Ursa Major by ALFA_BARF (M-Human/F-Bear; Cuddling, weight)

Aug 27th, 2017
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  1. >You are anon
  2. >Your roommate is a bear
  3. >No, not THAT kind of bear
  4. >An honest-to-god Kodiak brown bear
  5. >Your slightly-more-than-a-friend roommate, Chyanne
  6. >The two of you met early in the year through mutual friends and really hit it off
  7. >You were both looking for a new place, and soon you were signing the lease together
  8. >At first things felt as natural as they could be for a human/anthro pairing
  9. >She may be female, but the species divide kept things from being too complicated, somehow
  10. >You were just an anon and a bear sharing a two-bed place in the city
  11. >Also sharing similar tastes in typical nondescript interests
  12. >After about a month, however, you began noticing just how compatible you two actually are
  13. >You’ve grown accustomed to her earthly scent
  14. >You love the way her fur looks after bathing
  15. >She has the kindest voice in spite of her imposing size
  16. >She’s a damn fine cook as well, always offering you some of whatever she makes
  17. >Needless to say, the girl can definitely put it away
  18. >You’ve tried your hand at making meals to reciprocate, but it’s a lot harder (and expensive) to prepare serving sizes for a bear
  19. >But Chyanne always appreciates the gesture
  20. >And she won’t take your money when you offer it
  21. >Chyanne works for some kind of decoration and design company, focusing on the spring, summer, and fall holidays
  22. >She’s paid well for the incredible effort she puts in, and in turn the company provides decent benefits
  23. >One of them being “Hibernation Leave”
  24. >You see, many anthros possess instincts from their primal heritages
  25. >Bears who live climates with harsh winters or drastic seasonal weather changes often get lethargic around certain times of the year, even if they don’t actually go outside much
  26. >This can be dangerous for bears who work in physically laborious jobs, and so laws were made to ensure job security during their absence
  27. >Think maternity leave, but for hibernating
  28. >To compensate, many bears are extremely hard workers the rest of the year
  29. >Chyanne is definitely no exception
  30. >Still, with autumn already in full swing she seems stressed about something
  31. >Neither of you have ever had to pull the “roommate intervention” card for disputes
  32. >You’ve gotten along together almost perfectly together
  33. >But today, she’s sitting on the oversized, mega-reinforced couch you two share for movie nights
  34. >She pats the empty space beside her for you to sit
  35. >”Anon,” she says, “You’ve been an amazing friend since we moved in, and I feel bad for leaving you alone all winter.”
  36. >Her huge paw reaches over to your lap, and you clutch it with both your hands
  37. >”I have enough paid time off to get an early start to my ‘vacation’ over these next couple of weeks, and I’d like to spend them with you as much as I can.”
  38. >You don’t have a lot of work ahead of you either, and you tell her you can probably call in a few favors to be with her longer
  39. >A brief fantasy passes through you mind of you and Chyanne as your bear wife
  40. >Employers are encouraged by the law to give a non-hibernating employee an ample amount of time off as well, so that they can safely acclimate their partner to a pre-hibernation condition
  41. >You regret not booking your time off sooner, but Chyanne understands
  42. >”You deserve to live your life,” she says. “Besides, I’m going to have to spend a few days just sitting here binging anyway.”
  43. >She’s fairly lean for a bear, likely from her active lifestyle, but there’s still an ursine amount of adipose to her frame already
  44. >She pats her stomach mournfully with her other paw
  45. >”I’m going to get so fat….”
  46. >You give her a reassuring pat
  47. >”There’s one more thing I wanted to tell you,” she continues.
  48. >”I’ve already paid my rent for the whole hibernation, but I also paid yours off as well.”
  49. >Wait, rent-free for the whole winter?
  50. >You tell her she definitely didn’t have to do that
  51. >She just smiles
  52. >”I would feel much safer knowing you’re close by. I don’t want anything to happen where you might leave or get evicted.”
  53. >The two of you embrace in a tight hug
  54. >The softness is heavenly, as is the gentle massage of her claws on your back
  56. >You and Chyanne are all but inseparable the next few weeks
  57. >When you’re available, you’re going out to virtually every fair and festival in the area
  58. >Pretty much wherever there’s a lot of food
  59. >She always has a snack close by, but she never fails to offer a bite
  60. >When you’re not around, she waits for you to return like a lonely pet
  61. >You can almost always find her sitting on the couch chowing down on lunch when you get back, ready to spring to her feet when you open the door
  62. >After about a month, though, she doesn’t really “spring” much anymore
  63. >When she rises from her seat it takes her some momentum to get going
  64. >Her paunch sticks out from under her shirt, making her pull it down constantly
  65. >She already had a weighty pair of breasts, but now they’re almost too mesmerizingly large to ignore
  66. >Apart from a little extra fluff around the neck, though, she fills out rather uniformly and subtle
  67. >Well, subtle until she stops fitting through most doors easily
  68. >For the most part she’s unbothered by the weight
  69. >Obviously she’s gone through this a few times before
  70. >Being around you seems to make her flustered more than anything
  71. >She’s self-conscious about every burp, everything she bumps into, and every broken seam or button
  72. >But you’re always there to cheer her up
  73. >Plus, she’s only looking cuter being puffed up like a teddy bear
  74. >Eventually she slides back to being comfortable with you
  75. >Comfortable enough to bring out her “hibernation clothes” and unpack them out in the open
  76. >Giant sweaters, enormous sweatpants…
  77. >When she gets to the bottom of the box she lets out a soft whine
  78. >”Oh no,” she says, “I forgot I trashed all my old nightgowns. I don’t have anything to wear to sleep.”
  79. >You have some curiosity about why a bear who naps through the winter would care about nighttime apparel
  80. >Then again, you’ve always been told not to poke a sleeping bear
  81. >”I tend to wake up occasionally for some ‘midnight snacks’,” she says with her little round ears folded back
  82. >”I’m usually not too worried about the mess I make, so my stuff is really dirty when the spring comes.”
  83. >You ask if there’s something difficult about buying bear-appropriate nightgowns
  84. >Is it a money thing?
  85. >Is it a supply thing?
  86. >She taps her black nails together sheepishly
  87. >”I just…I’m a little unsure about it,” she says. “I want to spend ALL my time with you, but that means I’d have to drag you through some embarrassing clothes stores.”
  88. >Come on, like your mother never did that to you
  89. >You tell her you’re going to be there for her, and she nearly breaks you in her hug
  91. >There’s a bear-centric department store not far out of the city
  92. >It’s unsurprisingly colossal in size
  93. >Not just in surface area, but even the ceiling seems to have its own atmosphere
  94. >Bears of all types are shopping here, not all of them preparing for hibernation
  95. >Those are the lucky ones
  96. >Or the ones who are hopped up on enough meds to power through their instincts
  97. >Sadly, a few openly mock those who wander over to the heavily advertised “Hibernation Station”
  98. >Chyanne is unfazed by the taunting, instead more concerned about finding the perfect nightgown
  99. >It catches you off guard how much input she wants you to have on the matter
  100. >What colors do you like?
  101. >Does this feel soft enough?
  102. >Is this too revealing?
  103. >She doesn’t wait for an answer for the last one before shoving the slip back on the rack
  104. >When she holds another one up you get a view of just how massive the things are
  105. >One by itself is like a whole bed sheet
  106. >She looks a little guilty for forcing you to come along
  107. >You reassure her again, and offer to pay for one of her nightgowns in sincerity
  108. >”Oh, Anon, I wouldn’t make you do that,” she says, actually laughing about it
  109. >Why not?
  110. >She pinches the price tag with her claws and holds it to your face
  111. >Holy
  112. >Shit
  113. >She just smiles and folds the nightgown over her arm, patting you on the head
  114. >”I appreciate it, though,” she says. “You’re a real gentleman.”
  115. >Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, here
  116. >You’re definitely imagining what she’ll look like in that dainty little number
  118. >Hibernation approaches fast
  119. >Chyanne is already looking more and more tired throughout the day
  120. >She’s also gained an impressive amount of weight
  121. >So much so that when you finally get to see her walk out of her room wearing the rosy pink nightgown she’s practically stretching it out already
  122. >It’s almost the weekend, and she announces the start of her “pre-all-nighter”
  123. >Basically, she wants you to join her in a sleepless sleepover party
  124. >She tries to stave off her fatigue as long as possible, afraid the next time she nods off it’ll be for the winter
  125. >You’re chugging coffees and blasting music right along with her
  126. >It goes on for well over twenty-four hours, and you’re starting to really feel it catch up to you the next midnight
  127. >She lets out a massive yawn and does her best to stand up
  128. >Pulling you with her
  129. >”Anon, I think it’s time,” she says
  130. >She points to the countertop where an envelope sits
  131. >”There’s enough in there to cover our utilities for the winter, but…”
  132. >Her dreamy eyes take an unexpected seductive shape, as she looks into your own
  133. >”We’ll save a lot of money on heat if you turn it down and cuddle up with me.”
  134. >Your body fights over where to send all the blood to; your pounding ears, or someplace down south?
  135. >Is she delirious from the lack of sleep?
  136. >”Anon,” she says in a hushed voice. “I want you to be here with me for at least the first night. It would put me at ease to be close to you.”
  137. >”You can come in and sleep with me whenever you want. Don’t worry about disturbing me when you leave in the morning.”
  138. >She doesn’t have to ask you twice
  139. >You undress down to your own sleepwear and follow her to her room
  140. >You’ve seen it in passing a few times, but unfortunately you see even less of it now
  141. >All electronics are unplugged and all the lamps are shut off save for a small night light that turns on when it senses heavy movement
  142. > Her bed sheets are pulled back and ready for the two of you
  143. >The mattress is remarkably spacious, even holding Chyanne in her full hibernation weight
  144. >She climbs in first, and pats the vacant spot next to her
  145. >You’re the little spoon, obviously
  146. >The night light dims to darkness as she wraps an arm around you
  147. >It’s not the smothering, crushing weight you feared, but an enveloping plushness like the world’s largest pillow
  148. >You can hear her exhale, her heartbeat, and every gentle shift of her body
  149. >Her paw clutches you close to her as though you were her favorite doll
  150. >You can’t help but feel a little aroused by having your head settled into her chest
  151. >She doesn’t fall asleep immediately despite her haggard state, fending off her hibernation for just a little while longer
  152. >You reach behind yourself, trying to touch and stroke as much of her as you can
  153. >She chuckles deeply in her throat
  154. >It’s finally time
  155. >”Good night, Anon,” she whispers. “See you in the spring.”
  156. >Goodnight, Chyanne
  158. >You sleep much longer than you usually do
  159. >It’s already the afternoon when you wake up
  160. >You would have gotten up sooner, but your first attempt was stopped by a whimper and a tightening hold on you
  161. >She’s deep in sleep, for sure, but that won’t stop her from trying to hold on to you
  162. >You manage to worm your way out of her grasp some time later
  163. >You’re beaming at the beautiful creature and go about the rest of your day
  164. >Every so often you can hear a snore or the sound of creaking springs from her bedroom
  165. >By the time night rolls back around, you’re ready to dive back in
  166. >She doesn’t stir one bit as you lift her arm and drape it back over yourself
  167. >It’s undoubtedly colder with the heat turned down, and the warmth from her body makes you wish you could hibernate with her
  168. >But at the same time be completely awake, so you can savor every moment with her
  169. >There are some nights when you have to sleep in your own bed
  170. >Usually from sickness, or when you need “alone time”
  171. >Still, more often than not you’re slumbering with your roommate, some of the most serene rest you’ve had in your life
  172. >You even put aside your whole day’s schedule just to stay with her a while longer
  173. >After a couple of weeks you’re startled by heavy movement sometime during the morning
  174. >It’s Chyanne, wandering around the place in complete torpor
  175. >She’s basically sleepwalking, raiding the fridge for a hearty snack or sometimes making a run (or rather, a lumber) to the bathroom
  176. >It’s something you’ve heard ancient bears didn’t have to do much during their hibernations, but the evolution of anthros must have downplayed their instincts
  177. >Eventually, you hatch a plan to help her
  178. >You measure and time her brief moments of “awakeness” and prepare a meal shortly before she enters the kitchen
  179. >It’s a tuna casserole, one of her favorites
  180. >She looks down at the dish in her drowsiness and begins to dig in
  181. >Almost an instant later and she’s licking the dish clean
  182. >But it’s enough to send her back to bed without much mess or destruction of the kitchen
  183. >You keep this up for a few weeks, feeling much less lonely around the place even though she’s practically unconscious most of the time
  184. >After a while, you start to notice some changes
  185. >She’s burning through the stored fat, and you can see a gradual decline in her overall girth
  186. >Her nightgown seems to fit better, but the fit of her body around yours during the cold nights is no less pleasurable
  188. >Spring is on the horizon, and Chyanne’s weight loss is much more apparent
  189. >So much so that her nightgown has become ill fitting even for her
  190. >You’re on the couch one morning when she makes her rounds, and you’re struck with a second round of morning wood
  191. >One of her gown straps had slipped from her shoulder, exposing a plump, pendulous breast
  192. >Her shaggy, overgrown fur is not enough to hide the dark nipple poking out
  193. >It jiggles as she consumes the meal you’ve made for her, catching some of the debris in her pelt as it falls from her mouth
  194. >You’re afraid to approach and fix it for her, but you’re also afraid to be caught staring should she prematurely snap out of her grogginess
  195. >You decide to slide it back on later that night
  196. >Around the same time, you notice changes in her sleepwalking behavior as well
  197. >She has a dreamy smile sometimes, and every so often you think she’s looking in your direction
  198. >Her trips to the bathroom become more frequent, now becoming daily occurrences
  199. >You also have to prepare food more often
  200. >But even then she’s still shedding the pounds
  201. >One morning, you awaken literally on top of Chyanne, splayed out trying to cover as much surface area as you can
  202. >Both her arms are covering you, and they almost seem to be stroking your back
  203. >She lets out a guttural sigh and tightens her hold
  204. >”Mhhhmmm,” she coos
  205. >You lift your head in surprise
  206. >You say her name softly
  207. >”Mhhhmmm…Ahhmmomm,” she moans
  208. >Did she just try to say “Anon”?
  209. >”Mmmaaahhh…Ahmmom…mm-I…hhhuuvvhh yooohhh.”
  210. >It’s slurred and breathy, but the message is clear
  211. >You clench tufts of her fur and nuzzle into her chest
  212. >And you return her confession in earnest
  214. >The day comes at last, and she actually beats you to the buzzer
  215. >A literal one, too
  216. >The girl had a hibernation alarm all set and everything
  217. >But she’s awake even before it goes off
  218. >When it rouses you from your own sleep, she’s ready to greet you with a smile
  219. >”Good morning, sleepyhead.”
  220. >Good morning, Chyanne
  221. >The two of you get dressed and enjoy the company of one another around breakfast
  222. >She’s close to her original size, but a little post-winter chub still remains
  223. >”I’ve got some time left before I have to get back to work,” she says as she pinches the excess adipose, “so I hope we can have some more time together. I really want to get some exercise in.”
  224. >You let her know you think she’s perfect as she is
  225. >”You’re so sweet, Anon, but I’ve been out cold for months now. I’m ready to go out and be active again!”
  226. >She really does hit the ground running, that girl
  227. >But her hibernation is still on her mind
  228. >”I hope I was a good roommate all that time. I didn’t cause you any trouble, did I?”
  229. >Not at all
  230. >”How was I…in bed?” she says coyly
  231. >You tell her she talks in her sleep sometimes
  232. >”Do I?” she giggles. “What kinds of things do I say?”
  233. >You are silent for a bit, and she reads your face like an open book
  234. >”No…did I? Oh, no…”
  235. >She’s a little flustered
  236. >Now a LOT flustered
  237. >”I-I thought that was just a dream…I MEAN…A-anon, I didn’t …”
  238. >You’re nervous of what she’s trying to say, but also disappointed by what she’s trying not to say
  239. >”Anon…I don’t want to complicate things…unless,” she says
  240. >There’s something adorable about a giant brown bear tapping her nails together sheepishly
  241. >”Unless you feel the same way.”
  242. >You tell her you do
  243. >And you’re pulled over the kitchen table into her embrace
  244. >You’re ready to move things forward with Chyanne as you two share a deep kiss
  245. >But some part of you also can’t wait for the next winter
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