

Dec 9th, 2019
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  1. #===========================#
  2. # BedWars 2.0 #
  3. # By: Pianme #
  4. #===========================#
  7. #========== Event on join ==========#
  9. on join:
  10. set join message to ""
  11. remove haste from player
  12. if {BedWars.Scoreboards.Prelobby} is not set:
  13. set {BedWars.Scoreboards.Action.PreLobby} to "on"
  14. delete {BedWars.Soreboard.Started}
  15. set {BedWars.Events.Waiting} to true
  16. delete {Started.BedWars.Upgrades}
  17. teleport player to {BedWars.Waitroom}
  18. clear player's inventory
  19. if {Kills.%player%} is not set:
  20. set {Kills.%player%} to 0
  21. delete {BedWars.LeaveGame.%player%}
  22. add 1 to {BedWars.Join.Players}
  23. if {BedWars.Join.Players} is 12:
  24. execute console command "bedwars start"
  25. loop all players:
  26. set action bar of loop-player to "%{Joined}% &6%player%"
  28. on load:
  29. delete {BedWars.InGame}
  31. on drop:
  32. if {BedWars.Events.Waiting} is true:
  33. cancel event
  35. on place:
  36. if {BedWars.Events.Waiting} is true:
  37. cancel event
  39. on break:
  40. if {BedWars.Events.Waiting} is true:
  41. cancel event
  43. on damage:
  44. if {BedWars.Events.Waiting} is true:
  45. cancel event
  47. on inventory click:
  48. if {BedWars.Events.Waiting} is true:
  49. cancel event
  51. on connect:
  52. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  53. kick player due to "&6Game in progress."
  54. if {BedWars.Regen.Arena} is true:
  55. kick player due to "&bRegeneration arena."
  57. command /BedWars [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  58. aliases: /bedwars
  59. trigger:
  60. if arg 1 is not set:
  61. send "&7&l&m-------------------------------------------"
  62. send " &6Bedwars by Pianme"
  63. send " &fVersion 2.0"
  64. send ""
  65. send " &eUse &b/BedWars help"
  66. send ""
  67. send "&7&l&m-------------------------------------------"
  68. if arg 1 is "help":
  69. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  70. if arg 2 is not set:
  71. send "&7&l&m------------------------------------"
  72. send ""
  73. send " &6Bedwars version 2.0 "
  74. send " "
  75. send " &e/bedwars setwaitroom . &7(Put the waitroom)"
  76. send " &e/bedwars setspawn &f<color>. &7(Put the spawn of teams)"
  77. send " &e/bedwars setdrops &f<color>. &7(Put the spawn of drop items)"
  78. send " &e/bedwars setshop &f<color>. &7(Put the villager of shop)"
  79. send " &e/bedwars setupgrades &f<color>. &7Put the villager of Upgrades"
  80. send ""
  81. send " &6Use /BedWars help 2 &7(To see more commands) &cPage 1/3"
  82. send "&7&l&m------------------------------------"
  83. if arg 2 is "2":
  84. send "&7&l&m------------------------------------"
  85. send ""
  86. send " &e/bedwars setemerald &f<number> . &7(7Put the spawn of drop emerald)"
  87. send " &e/bedwars setdiamond &f<number>. &7(Put the spawn of drop diamond)"
  88. send " &e/bedwars setdeath. &7(Put the spawn of death player)"
  89. send " &e/bedwars setspect. &7(Put the spect point)"
  90. send " &e/bedwars reload. &f(Reload all config)"
  91. send ""
  92. send " &6Use /BedWars help 3 &7(To see more commands) &cPage 2/3"
  93. send "&7&l&m------------------------------------"
  94. if arg 2 is "3":
  95. send "&7&l&m------------------------------------"
  96. send ""
  97. send " &e/bedwars wand. &7(Select the arena) "
  98. send " &e/bedwars save. &7(Save the all aren)"
  99. send " &e/bedwars removevillager. &7(Remove the all entityes of villager)"
  100. send " &e/bedwars createregion &f<color>. &7(Create the region of team )"
  101. send " &e/bedwars bedregion &f<color>. &7(Create bed region)"
  102. send " &e/bedwars deleteregion &f<color>. &7(Create the region of bed)"
  103. send ""
  104. send " &6Use /BedWars help &7(To see more commands) &cPage 3/3"
  105. send "&7&l&m------------------------------------"
  106. else:
  107. send "&aComando desconocido . Utiliza /help"
  108. if arg 1 is "deleteregion":
  109. if arg 2 is "red":
  110. make player execute command "rg delete BedRed"
  111. make player execute command "rg delete PreRed"
  112. send "&7Sucefully delete region of team red"
  113. if arg 2 is "blue":
  114. make player execute command "rg delete BedBlue"
  115. make player execute command "rg delete PreBlue"
  116. send "&7Sucefully delete region of team blue"
  117. if arg 2 is "yellow":
  118. make player execute command "rg delete BedYellow"
  119. make player execute command "rg delete PreYellow"
  120. send "&7Sucefully delete region of team yellow"
  121. if arg 2 is "green":
  122. make player execute command "rg delete BedGreen"
  123. make player execute command "rg delete PreGreen"
  124. send "&7Sucefully delete region of team green"
  125. if arg 1 is "bedregion":
  126. if arg 2 is "red":
  127. make player execute command "region define BedRed"
  128. wait 1 second
  129. make player execute command "region flag BedRed pvp allow"
  130. make player execute command "region flag BedRed block-break allow"
  131. make player execute command "region flag BedRed block-place allow"
  132. make player execute command "region flag BedRed use allow"
  133. make player execute command "region flag BedRed chest-access allow"
  134. make player execute command "region flag BedRed tnt deny"
  135. send ""
  136. send ""
  137. send ""
  138. send ""
  139. send ""
  140. send ""
  141. send ""
  142. send ""
  143. send ""
  144. send ""
  145. send ""
  146. send ""
  147. send "&7Sucefully create the bed region of team &cRED"
  148. if arg 2 is "blue":
  149. make player execute command "region define BedBlue"
  150. wait 1 second
  151. make player execute command "region flag BedBlue pvp allow"
  152. make player execute command "region flag BedBlue block-break allow"
  153. make player execute command "region flag BedBlue block-place allow"
  154. make player execute command "region flag BedBlue use allow"
  155. make player execute command "region flag BedBlue chest-access allow"
  156. make player execute command "region flag BedBlue tnt deny"
  157. send ""
  158. send ""
  159. send ""
  160. send ""
  161. send ""
  162. send ""
  163. send ""
  164. send ""
  165. send ""
  166. send ""
  167. send ""
  168. send ""
  169. send "&7Sucefully create the bed region of team &3BLUE"
  170. if arg 2 is "green":
  171. make player execute command "region define BedGreen"
  172. wait 1 second
  173. make player execute command "region flag BedGreen pvp allow"
  174. make player execute command "region flag BedGreen block-break allow"
  175. make player execute command "region flag BedGreen block-place allow"
  176. make player execute command "region flag BedGreen use allow"
  177. make player execute command "region flag BedGreen chest-access allow"
  178. make player execute command "region flag BedGreen tnt deny"
  179. send ""
  180. send ""
  181. send ""
  182. send ""
  183. send ""
  184. send ""
  185. send ""
  186. send ""
  187. send ""
  188. send ""
  189. send ""
  190. send ""
  191. send "&7Sucefully create the bed region of team &2GREEN"
  192. if arg 2 is "yellow":
  193. make player execute command "region define BedYellow"
  194. wait 1 second
  195. make player execute command "region flag BedYellow pvp allow"
  196. make player execute command "region flag BedYellow block-break allow"
  197. make player execute command "region flag BedYellow block-place allow"
  198. make player execute command "region flag BedYellow use allow"
  199. make player execute command "region flag BedYellow chest-access allow"
  200. make player execute command "region flag BedYellow tnt deny"
  201. send ""
  202. send ""
  203. send ""
  204. send ""
  205. send ""
  206. send ""
  207. send ""
  208. send ""
  209. send ""
  210. send ""
  211. send ""
  212. send ""
  213. send "&7Sucefully create the bed region of team &eYELLOW"
  214. if arg 2 is not "yellow" or "red" or "blue" or "green":
  215. send "&cPlese put the color availables: &7Yellow , Green , Red , Blue"
  216. if arg 1 is "createregion":
  217. if arg 2 is "red":
  218. make player execute command "region define PreRed"
  219. wait 1 second
  220. make player execute command "region flag PreRed pvp allow"
  221. make player execute command "region flag PreRed block-break allow"
  222. make player execute command "region flag PreRed block-place allow"
  223. make player execute command "region flag PreRed use allow"
  224. make player execute command "region flag PreRed chest-access allow"
  225. make player execute command "region flag PreRed tnt deny"
  226. send ""
  227. send ""
  228. send ""
  229. send ""
  230. send ""
  231. send ""
  232. send ""
  233. send ""
  234. send ""
  235. send ""
  236. send ""
  237. send ""
  238. send "&7Sucefully create the region of team &cRED"
  239. if arg 2 is "blue":
  240. make player execute command "region define PreBlue"
  241. wait 1 second
  242. make player execute command "region flag PreBlue pvp allow"
  243. make player execute command "region flag PreBlue block-break allow"
  244. make player execute command "region flag PreBlue block-place allow"
  245. make player execute command "region flag PreBlue use allow"
  246. make player execute command "region flag PreBlue chest-access allow"
  247. make player execute command "region flag PreBlue tnt deny"
  248. send ""
  249. send ""
  250. send ""
  251. send ""
  252. send ""
  253. send ""
  254. send ""
  255. send ""
  256. send ""
  257. send ""
  258. send ""
  259. send ""
  260. send "&7Sucefully create the region of team &3BLUE"
  261. if arg 2 is "green":
  262. make player execute command "region define PreGreen"
  263. wait 1 second
  264. make player execute command "region flag PreGreen pvp allow"
  265. make player execute command "region flag PreGreen block-break allow"
  266. make player execute command "region flag PreGreen block-place allow"
  267. make player execute command "region flag PreGreen use allow"
  268. make player execute command "region flag PreGreen chest-access allow"
  269. make player execute command "region flag PreGreen tnt deny"
  270. send ""
  271. send ""
  272. send ""
  273. send ""
  274. send ""
  275. send ""
  276. send ""
  277. send ""
  278. send ""
  279. send ""
  280. send ""
  281. send ""
  282. send "&7Sucefully create the region of team &2GREEN"
  283. if arg 2 is "yellow":
  284. make player execute command "region define PreYellow"
  285. wait 1 second
  286. make player execute command "region flag PreYellow pvp allow"
  287. make player execute command "region flag PreYellow block-break allow"
  288. make player execute command "region flag PreYellow block-place allow"
  289. make player execute command "region flag PreYellow use allow"
  290. make player execute command "region flag PreYellow chest-access allow"
  291. make player execute command "region flag PreYellow tnt deny"
  292. send ""
  293. send ""
  294. send ""
  295. send ""
  296. send ""
  297. send ""
  298. send ""
  299. send ""
  300. send ""
  301. send ""
  302. send ""
  303. send ""
  304. send "&7Sucefully create the region of team &eYELLOW"
  305. if arg 2 is not "yellow" or "red" or "blue" or "green":
  306. send "&cPlese put the color availables: &7Yellow , Green , Red , Blue"
  307. if arg 1 is "save":
  308. send "&ASaving arena"
  309. set {Skywars.SaveArena.lag} to 0
  310. set {} to 0
  311. set {Skywars.SaveArena.blocks} to 0
  312. wait 10 ticks
  313. loop blocks within {Pos1.Skywars.Arena} to {Pos2.Skywars.Arena}:
  314. if loop-block is not air:
  315. add 1 to {}
  316. loop blocks within {Pos1.Skywars.Arena} to {Pos2.Skywars.Arena}:
  317. if loop-block is not air:
  318. set {Skywars.SaveArena.blocks::%location of loop-block%} to type of block at loop-block
  319. add 1 to {Skywars.SaveArena.blocks}
  320. add 1 to {Skywars.SaveArena.lag}
  321. set action bar of player to "&2Saving Blocks &7(&c%{Skywars.SaveArena.blocks}%&f/&b%{}%&7) &2Progress"
  322. if {Skywars.SaveArena.lag} = 500:
  323. set {Skywars.SaveArena.lag} to 0
  324. wait 2 seconds
  325. chance of 50%:
  326. wait 1 second
  327. else:
  328. wait 0.5 seconds
  329. send "&b&l----------------------------------"
  330. send "&f"
  331. send " &aArena save "
  332. send "&f"
  333. send "&b&l----------------------------------"
  334. if arg 1 is "wand":
  335. set slot 0 of player to a diamond axe named "&7&lSelection the arena &bRight click POS1 . Left Click POS2" with lore "&cClick to define the regen arena."
  336. send "&7&lSelection the arena &bRight click POS1 . Left Click POS2"
  337. if arg 1 is "setwaitroom":
  338. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  339. send "&aYou have correctly placed a waiting room"
  340. set {BedWars.Waitroom} to player's location
  341. if arg 1 is "setspawn":
  342. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  343. if arg 2 is "red":
  344. send "&7You have successfully the spawn &cred"
  345. set {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Red} to player's location
  346. if arg 2 is "blue":
  347. send "&7You have successfully the spawn &3blue"
  348. set {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Blue} to player's location
  349. if arg 2 is "green":
  350. send "&7You have successfully the spawn &2green"
  351. set {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Green} to player's location
  352. if arg 2 is "yellow":
  353. send "&7You have successfully the spawn &eyellow"
  354. set {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Yellow} to player's location
  355. if arg 1 is "setshop":
  356. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  357. if arg 2 is "red":
  358. send "&7You put the team shop &cred"
  359. set {BedWars.TeamShop.Red} to player's location
  360. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamShop.Red}
  361. set name of last spawned entity to "&c&lITEM SHOP"
  362. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  363. if arg 2 is "blue":
  364. send "&7You put the team shop &3blue"
  365. set {BedWars.TeamShop.Blue} to player's location
  366. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamShop.Blue}
  367. set name of last spawned entity to "&b&lITEM SHOP"
  368. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  369. if arg 2 is "green":
  370. send "&7You put the team shop &2green"
  371. set {BedWars.TeamShop.Green} to player's location
  372. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamShop.Green}
  373. set name of last spawned entity to "&2&lITEM SHOP"
  374. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  375. if arg 2 is "yellow":
  376. send "&7You put the team shop &eyellow"
  377. set {BedWars.TeamShop.Yellow} to player's location
  378. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamShop.Yellow}
  379. set name of last spawned entity to "&e&lITEM SHOP"
  380. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  381. if arg 1 is "setdrops":
  382. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  383. if arg 2 is "red":
  384. send "&7You put the drops items to team &cred"
  385. set {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red} to player's location
  386. if arg 2 is "blue":
  387. send "&7You put the drops items to team &3blue"
  388. set {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue} to player's location
  389. if arg 2 is "green":
  390. send "&7You put the drops items to team &2green"
  391. set {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green} to player's location
  392. if arg 2 is "yellow":
  393. send "&7You put the drops items to team &eyellow"
  394. set {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow} to player's location
  395. if arg 1 is "setupgrades":
  396. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  397. if arg 2 is "red":
  398. send "&7You put the upgrades to team &cred"
  399. set {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Red} to player's location
  400. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Red}
  401. set name of last spawned entity to "&c&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  402. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  403. if arg 2 is "blue":
  404. send "&7You put the upgrades to team &3blue"
  405. set {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Blue} to player's location
  406. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Blue}
  407. set name of last spawned entity to "&b&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  408. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  409. if arg 2 is "green":
  410. send "&7You put the upgrades to team &2green"
  411. set {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Green} to player's location
  412. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Green}
  413. set name of last spawned entity to "&2&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  414. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  415. if arg 2 is "yellow":
  416. send "&7You put the upgrades to team &eyellow"
  417. set {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Yellow} to player's location
  418. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Yellow}
  419. set name of last spawned entity to "&e&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  420. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  421. if arg 1 is "setemerald":
  422. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  423. if arg 2 is "1":
  424. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of emerald &c1"
  425. set {BedWars.SpawnItems1.E} to player's location
  426. if arg 2 is "2":
  427. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of emerald &c2"
  428. set {BedWars.SpawnItems2.E} to player's location
  429. if arg 2 is "3":
  430. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of emerald &c3"
  431. set {BedWars.SpawnItems3.E} to player's location
  432. if arg 2 is "4":
  433. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of emerald &c4"
  434. set {BedWars.SpawnItems4.E} to player's location
  436. if arg 1 is "setdiamond":
  437. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  438. if arg 2 is "1":
  439. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of diamond &c1"
  440. set {BedWars.SpawnItems1.D} to player's location
  441. if arg 2 is "2":
  442. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of diamond &c2"
  443. set {BedWars.SpawnItems2.D} to player's location
  444. if arg 2 is "3":
  445. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of diamond &c3"
  446. set {BedWars.SpawnItems3.D} to player's location
  447. if arg 2 is "4":
  448. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of diamond &c4"
  449. set {BedWars.SpawnItems4.D} to player's location
  450. if arg 2 is "5":
  451. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of diamond &c5"
  452. set {BedWars.SpawnItems5.D} to player's location
  453. if arg 2 is "6":
  454. send "&7You put the spawn of spawner of diamond &c6"
  455. set {BedWars.SpawnItems6.D} to player's location
  456. if arg 1 is "setdeath":
  457. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  458. send "&7You put the spawn point of death"
  459. set {BedWars.SetDeath} to player's location
  460. if arg 1 is "setspect":
  461. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  462. send "&7You put the spawn point of spect"
  463. set {BedWars.SetSpect} to player's location
  464. if arg 1 is "removevillager":
  465. if sender is player:
  466. if player has permission "BedWars.Admin":
  467. loop entities in radius 400 around the player:
  468. if loop-entity is not a player:
  469. kill loop-entity
  470. send "&7Deleted all entitys of villager."
  471. if sender is console:
  472. loop entities in radius 200 around the player:
  473. if loop-entity is not a player:
  474. kill loop-entity
  475. send "&7Deleted all entitys of villager." to console
  476. if arg 1 is "randomjointeam":
  477. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is not set:
  478. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam1}
  479. if {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam1} is 1:
  480. add player to {BedWars.PreRed::*}
  481. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 1
  482. stop
  483. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 1:
  484. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam2}
  485. if {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam2} is 1:
  486. add player to {BedWars.PreRed::*}
  487. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 2
  488. stop
  489. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 2:
  490. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam3}
  491. if {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam3} is 1:
  492. add player to {BedWars.PreRed::*}
  493. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 3
  494. stop
  495. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 3:
  496. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam1}
  497. if {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam1} is 1:
  498. add player to {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}
  499. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 4
  500. stop
  501. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 4:
  502. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam2}
  503. if {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam2} is 1:
  504. add player to {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}
  505. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 5
  506. stop
  507. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 5:
  508. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam3}
  509. if {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam3} is 1:
  510. add player to {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}
  511. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 6
  512. stop
  513. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 6:
  514. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam1}
  515. if {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam1} is 1:
  516. add player to {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}
  517. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 7
  518. stop
  519. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 7:
  520. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam2}
  521. if {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam2} is 1:
  522. add player to {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}
  523. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 8
  524. stop
  525. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 8:
  526. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam3}
  527. if {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam3} is 1:
  528. add player to {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}
  529. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 9
  530. stop
  531. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 9:
  532. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam1}
  533. if {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam1} is 1:
  534. add player to {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}
  535. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 10
  536. stop
  537. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 10:
  538. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam2}
  539. if {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam2} is 1:
  540. add player to {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}
  541. set {BedWars.InGame.Team} to 11
  542. stop
  543. if {BedWars.InGame.Team} is 11:
  544. add 1 to {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam3}
  545. if {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam3} is 1:
  546. add player to {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}
  547. stop
  548. if arg 1 is "stop":
  549. if sender is console:
  550. wait 5 seconds
  551. send "&aRESTART IN 5 SECONDS OF SERVER" to console
  552. delete {BedWars.Scoreboards.Prelobby}
  553. loop all players:
  554. delete {BedWars.LeaveGame.%loop-player%}
  555. delete {Kills.%loop-player%}
  556. delete {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%loop-player%}
  557. delete {BedWars.Armor.Chain.%loop-player%}
  558. delete {BedWars.Buy.Iron.Armor.%loop-player%}
  559. delete {BedWars.Buy.Diamond.Armor.%loop-player%}
  560. delete {BedWars.Shears.%loop-player%}
  561. loop all players:
  562. bungeecord connect loop-player to "%{Bungee_Server}%" #Nombre
  563. set {BedWars.Regen.Arena} to true
  564. delete {BedWars.InGame.Team}
  565. delete {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam1}
  566. delete {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam2}
  567. delete {BedWars.InGame.RedTeam3}
  568. delete {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam1}
  569. delete {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam2}
  570. delete {BedWars.InGame.BlueTeam3}
  571. delete {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam1}
  572. delete {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam2}
  573. delete {BedWars.InGame.GreenTeam3}
  574. delete {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam1}
  575. delete {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam2}
  576. delete {BedWars.InGame.YellowTeam3}
  577. delete {BedWars.PreRed::*}
  578. delete {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}
  579. delete {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}
  580. delete {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}
  581. delete {BedWars.BreakBed.Red}
  582. delete {BedWars.BreakBed.Green}
  583. delete {BedWars.BreakBed.Blue}
  584. delete {BedWars.BreakBed.Yellow}
  585. delete {BedWars.Search.Lose-Red}
  586. delete {BedWars.Search.Lose-Blue}
  587. delete {BedWars.Search.Lose-Yellow}
  588. delete {BedWars.Search.Lose-Green}
  589. delete {Started.BedWarsTeamBlue}
  590. delete {Started.BedWarsTeamRed}
  591. delete {Started.BedWarsTeamYellow}
  592. delete {Started.BedWarsTeamGreen}
  593. delete {BedWars.StopLoopRed}
  594. delete {BedWars.StopLoopBlue}
  595. delete {BedWars.StopLoopYellow}
  596. delete {BedWars.StopLoopGreen}
  597. delete {BedWars.Vidas.Red}
  598. delete {BedWars.Vidas.Blue}
  599. delete {BedWars.Vidas.Yellow}
  600. delete {BedWars.Vidas.Green}
  601. delete {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game}
  602. delete {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds}
  603. delete {Started.BedWars.Time.Minutes}
  604. delete {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}
  605. delete {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}
  606. delete {BedWars.Soreboard.Started}
  607. delete {TotalJugadores::*}
  608. delete {Started.BedWars.Upgrades}
  609. delete {BedWars.More.Items.Green}
  610. delete {BedWars.More.Items.Red}
  611. delete {BedWars.More.Items.Yellow}
  612. delete {BedWars.More.Items.Blue}
  613. delete {BedWars.Haste.Red}
  614. delete {BedWars.Haste.Blue}
  615. delete {BedWars.Haste.Yellow}
  616. delete {BedWars.Haste.Green}
  617. delete {BedWars.Sharpness.Red}
  618. delete {BedWars.Sharpness.Blue}
  619. delete {BedWars.Sharpness.Yellow}
  620. delete {BedWars.Sharpness.Green}
  621. delete {BedWars.Protection.Red}
  622. delete {BedWars.Protection.Blue}
  623. delete {BedWars.Protection.Green}
  624. delete {BedWars.Protection.Yellow}
  625. delete {BedWars.Respawn.Green}
  626. delete {BedWars.Respawn.Blue}
  627. delete {BedWars.Respawn.Red}
  628. delete {BedWars.Respawn.Yellow}
  629. delete {Started.BedWars.Upgrades}
  630. delete {BedWars.Join.Players}
  631. execute console command "bedwars removevillager"
  632. loop all players:
  633. delete {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%loop-player%}
  634. delete {BedWars.InGame}
  635. loop all dropped items:
  636. delete loop-value
  637. wait 1 tick
  638. loop all entities:
  639. loop all players:
  640. loop-entity-1 != loop-player:
  641. delete loop-entity-1
  642. loop blocks within {Pos1.Skywars.Arena} to {Pos2.Skywars.Arena}:
  643. if {Skywars.SaveArena.lag} > 100:
  644. wait 0.5 seconds
  645. set {Skywars.SaveArena.lag} to 0
  646. if {Skywars.SaveArena.blocks::%location of loop-block%} is not set:
  647. if loop-block is not air:
  648. add 1 to {Skywars.SaveArena.lag}
  649. set loop-block to air
  650. else:
  651. if type of loop-block is not {Skywars.SaveArena.blocks::%location of loop-block%}:
  652. add 1 to {Skywars.SaveArena.lag}
  653. set block at loop-block to {Skywars.SaveArena.blocks::%location of loop-block%}
  654. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamShop.Red}
  655. set name of last spawned entity to "&c&lITEM SHOP"
  656. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  657. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Red}
  658. set name of last spawned entity to "&c&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  659. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  660. wait 1 second
  661. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamShop.Blue}
  662. set name of last spawned entity to "&b&lITEM SHOP"
  663. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  664. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Blue}
  665. set name of last spawned entity to "&b&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  666. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  667. wait 1 second
  668. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamShop.Green}
  669. set name of last spawned entity to "&2&lITEM SHOP"
  670. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  671. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Green}
  672. set name of last spawned entity to "&2&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  673. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  674. wait 1 second
  675. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamShop.Yellow}
  676. set name of last spawned entity to "&e&lITEM SHOP"
  677. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  678. spawn 1 villager at {BedWars.TeamUpgrades.Yellow}
  679. set name of last spawned entity to "&e&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  680. apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
  681. send "&6SERVER ALREDY TO GAME" to console
  682. delete {BedWars.Regen.Arena}
  683. if arg 1 is "start":
  684. if sender is console:
  685. loop all players:
  686. make loop-player execute command "bedwars randomjointeam "
  687. add loop-player to {TotalJugadores::*}
  688. add 1 to {partidas-%loop-player%}
  689. set {Kills.%loop-player%} to 0
  690. set loop-player's gamemode to survival
  691. set {BedWars.Soreboard.Started} to true
  692. broadcast "%{Prefix}% &6The game starting in 10 seconds"
  693. wait 5 seconds
  694. broadcast "%{Prefix}% &6The game starting in 5 seconds"
  695. wait 1 seconds
  696. broadcast "%{Prefix}% &6The game starting in 4 seconds"
  697. wait 1 seconds
  698. broadcast "%{Prefix}% &6The game starting in 3 seconds"
  699. wait 1 seconds
  700. broadcast "%{Prefix}% &6The game starting in 2 seconds"
  701. wait 1 second
  702. broadcast "%{Prefix}% &6The game starting in 1 seconds"
  703. wait 1 second
  704. set {BedWars.InGame} to true
  705. loop all players:
  706. wait 1 second
  707. loop {BedWars.PreRed::*}:
  708. set the loop-player's tablist name to "&c&lR &c%loop-player%"
  709. set {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%loop-player%} to "Red"
  710. clear loop-player's inventory
  711. equip loop-player with leather helmet of unbreaking 1 named "&cTEAM RED"
  712. equip loop-player with leather chestplate named "&cTEAM RED"
  713. equip loop-player with leather pants named "&cTEAM RED"
  714. equip loop-player with leather boots named "&cTEAM RED"
  715. dye loop-player's helmet (255, 0, 0)
  716. dye loop-player's chestplate (255, 0, 0)
  717. dye loop-player's leggings (255, 0, 0)
  718. dye loop-player's boots (255, 0, 0)
  719. give wooden pickaxe of unbreaking 3 to loop-player
  720. teleport loop-player to {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Red}
  721. heal the loop-player
  722. set level of loop-player to 0
  723. set food bar to 20
  724. loop {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}:
  725. set the loop-player's tablist name to "&3&lB &3%loop-player%"
  726. set {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%loop-player%} to "Blue"
  727. clear loop-player's inventory
  728. equip loop-player with leather helmet of unbreaking 1 named "&3TEAM BLUE"
  729. equip loop-player with leather chestplate named "&3TEAM BLUE"
  730. equip loop-player with leather pants named "&3TEAM BLUE"
  731. equip loop-player with leather boots named "&3TEAM BLUE"
  732. dye loop-player's helmet (52, 221, 221)
  733. dye loop-player's chestplate (52, 221, 221)
  734. dye loop-player's leggings (52, 221, 221)
  735. dye loop-player's boots (52, 221, 221)
  736. give wooden pickaxe of unbreaking 3 to loop-player
  737. teleport loop-player to {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Blue}
  738. heal the loop-player
  739. set level of loop-player to 0
  740. set food bar to 20
  741. loop {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}:
  742. set the loop-player's tablist name to "&e&lY &e%loop-player%"
  743. set {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%loop-player%} to "Yellow"
  744. clear loop-player's inventory
  745. equip loop-player with leather helmet of unbreaking 1 named "&eTEAM YELLOW"
  746. equip loop-player with leather chestplate named "&eTEAM YELLOW"
  747. equip loop-player with leather pants named "&eTEAM YELLOW"
  748. equip loop-player with leather boots named "&eTEAM YELLOW"
  749. dye loop-player's helmet (255, 255, 0)
  750. dye loop-player's chestplate (255, 255, 0)
  751. dye loop-player's leggings (255, 255, 0)
  752. dye loop-player's boots (255, 255, 0)
  753. give wooden pickaxe of unbreaking 3 to loop-player
  754. teleport loop-player to {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Yellow}
  755. heal the loop-player
  756. set level of loop-player to 0
  757. set food bar to 20
  758. loop {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}:
  759. set the loop-player's tablist name to "&2&lG &2%loop-player%"
  760. set {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%loop-player%} to "Green"
  761. clear loop-player's inventory
  762. equip loop-player with leather helmet of unbreaking 1 named "&2TEAM GREEN"
  763. equip loop-player with leather chestplate named "&2TEAM GREEN"
  764. equip loop-player with leather pants named "&2TEAM GREEN"
  765. equip loop-player with leather boots named "&2TEAM GREEN"
  766. dye loop-player's helmet (0, 255, 0)
  767. dye loop-player's chestplate (0, 255, 0)
  768. dye loop-player's leggings (0, 255, 0)
  769. dye loop-player's boots (0, 255, 0)
  770. give wooden pickaxe of unbreaking 3 to loop-player
  771. teleport loop-player to {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Green}
  772. heal the loop-player
  773. set level of loop-player to 0
  774. set food bar to 20
  775. delete {Started.BedWars.Upgrades}
  776. set {Started.BedWars.Upgrades} to "game"
  777. set {Started.BedWarsTeamRed} to true
  778. set {Started.BedWarsTeamBlue} to true
  779. set {Started.BedWarsTeamGreen} to true
  780. set {Started.BedWarsTeamYellow} to true
  781. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Minutes} to 05
  782. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} to 60
  783. delete {BedWars.Scoreboards.Action.PreLobby}
  784. delete {BedWars.Events.Waiting}
  785. broadcast "&a&l笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆"
  786. broadcast " %{Prefix}%"
  787. broadcast ""
  788. broadcast "%{Line1}%"
  789. broadcast "%{Line2}%"
  790. broadcast "%{Line3}%"
  791. broadcast "%{Line4}%"
  792. broadcast ""
  793. broadcast " &f&lby: &f&lPianme"
  794. broadcast "&a&l笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆笆"
  795. set {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game} to true
  796. loop all players:
  797. create a new simple scoreboard named "game::%loop-player%"
  798. execute console command "bedwars holograms"
  799. loop 360 times:
  800. if {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game} is true:
  801. wait 1 second
  802. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds}
  803. if {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} is 0:
  804. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Time.Minutes}
  805. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} to 60
  806. else:
  807. exit loop
  808. stop
  809. set {Started.BedWars.Upgrades} to "1"
  810. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Minutes} to 05
  811. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} to 60
  812. loop 360 times:
  813. if {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game} is true:
  814. wait 1 second
  815. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds}
  816. if {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} is 0:
  817. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Time.Minutes}
  818. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} to 60
  819. else:
  820. exit loop
  821. stop
  822. set {Started.BedWars.Upgrades} to "2"
  823. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Minutes} to 05
  824. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} to 60
  825. loop 360 times:
  826. if {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game} is true:
  827. wait 1 second
  828. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds}
  829. if {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} is 0:
  830. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Time.Minutes}
  831. set {Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds} to 60
  832. else:
  833. exit loop
  834. stop
  835. if arg 1 is "holograms":
  836. set {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} to 55
  837. set {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} to 35
  838. loop 360 times:
  839. if {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game} is true:
  840. wait 1 second
  841. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}
  842. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}
  843. create hologram "&eTier &CI;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.D} for 1 seconds
  844. create hologram "&eTier &CI;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.D} for 1 seconds
  845. create hologram "&eTier &CI;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems3.D} for 1 seconds
  846. create hologram "&eTier &CI;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems4.D} for 1 seconds
  847. create hologram "&eTier &CI;&a&LEmerald;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.E} for 1 seconds
  848. create hologram "&eTier &CI;&a&LEmerald;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.E} for 1 seconds
  849. if {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} is 0:
  850. set {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} to 55
  851. drop 1 emerald at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.E}
  852. drop 1 emerald at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.E}
  853. if {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} is 0:
  854. set {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} to 35
  855. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.D}
  856. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.D}
  857. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems3.D}
  858. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems4.D}
  859. else:
  860. exit loop
  861. stop
  862. set {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} to 55
  863. set {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} to 25
  864. loop 360 times:
  865. if {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game} is true:
  866. wait 1 second
  867. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}
  868. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}
  869. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.D} for 1 seconds
  870. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.D} for 1 seconds
  871. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems3.D} for 1 seconds
  872. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems4.D} for 1 seconds
  873. create hologram "&eTier &CI;&a&LEmerald;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.E} for 1 seconds
  874. create hologram "&eTier &CI;&a&LEmerald;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.E} for 1 seconds
  875. if {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} is 0:
  876. set {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} to 55
  877. drop 1 emerald at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.E}
  878. drop 1 emerald at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.E}
  879. if {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} is 0:
  880. set {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} to 25
  881. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.D}
  882. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.D}
  883. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems3.D}
  884. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems4.D}
  885. else:
  886. exit loop
  887. stop
  888. set {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} to 40
  889. set {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} to 20
  890. loop 360 times:
  891. if {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game} is true:
  892. wait 1 second
  893. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}
  894. remove 1 from {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}
  895. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.D} for 1 seconds
  896. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.D} for 1 seconds
  897. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems3.D} for 1 seconds
  898. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&b&lDiamond;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems4.D} for 1 seconds
  899. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&a&LEmerald;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.E} for 1 seconds
  900. create hologram "&eTier &CII;&a&LEmerald;&eSpawns in &c%{Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time}% &eseconds" at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.E} for 1 seconds
  901. if {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} is 0:
  902. set {Started.BedWars.Emerald.Time} to 40
  903. drop 1 emerald at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.E}
  904. drop 1 emerald at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.E}
  905. if {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} is 0:
  906. set {Started.BedWars.Diamond.Time} to 20
  907. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems1.D}
  908. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems2.D}
  909. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems3.D}
  910. drop 1 diamond at {BedWars.SpawnItems4.D}
  911. else:
  912. exit loop
  913. stop
  917. if arg 1 is "shopbed":
  918. if arg 2 is "show":
  919. if arg 3 is "blocks":
  920. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  921. wait 1 tick
  922. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Blocks" to player
  923. wait 3 ticks
  924. format slot 10 of player with 16 wool:0 named "&aWool" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &716 Wool||&f||&7Cost: &24 Iron||&f||&eClick to buy the item" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed blocks wool"]
  925. format slot 11 of player with 16 sandstone named "&aSandstone" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &716 Sandstone||&f||&7Cost: &212 Iron||&f||&eClick to buy the item" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed blocks sandstone"]
  926. format slot 12 of player with 16 end stone named "&aEnd Stone" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &716 End Stone||&f||&7Cost: &224 Iron||&f||&eClick to buy the item" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed blocks endstone"]
  927. format slot 13 of player with 16 ladder named "&aLadder" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &716 Ladder||&f||&7Cost: &24 Iron||&f||&eClick to buy the item" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed blocks ladder"]
  928. format slot 14 of player with 16 Oak Wood Planks named "&aOak Wood Planks " with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &716 Oak Wood Planks ||&f||&7Cost: &24 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy the item" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed blocks oak"]
  929. format slot 15 of player with 4 Obsidian named "&aObsidian " with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &74 Obsdian ||&f||&7Cost: &24 Emerald||&f||&eClick to buy the item" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed blocks obsidian"]
  930. format slot 22 of player with arrow named "&c&lBack to Menu" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/shop4798"]
  931. if arg 3 is "armor":
  932. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  933. wait 1.5 tick
  934. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Armor" to player
  935. wait 3 ticks
  936. format slot 10 of player with chain boots named "&cPermanent Chain Armor" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Chain Boots|| &8- &7Chain Leggings ||&f||&7Cost: &240 Iron||&f||&8Permanent items on death||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed armor chain"]
  937. format slot 11 of player with iron boots named "&cPermanent Iron Armor" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Iron Boots|| &8- &7Iron Leggings ||&f||&7Cost: &220 Gold||&f||&8Permanent items on death||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed armor iron"]
  938. format slot 12 of player with diamond boots named "&cPermanent Diamond Armor" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Diamond Boots|| &8- &7Diamond Leggings ||&f||&7Cost: &26 Emerald||&f||&8Permanent items on death||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed armor diamond"]
  939. format slot 22 of player with arrow named "&c&lBack to Menu" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/shop4798"]
  940. if arg 3 is "guns":
  941. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  942. wait 1 tick
  943. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Guns" to player
  944. wait 3 ticks
  945. format slot 10 of player with wooden sword named "&aWooden Sword" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Wooden Sword &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &26 Iron||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed guns wooden"]
  946. format slot 11 of player with stone sword named "&aStone Sword" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Stone Sword &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &220 Iron||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed guns stone"]
  947. format slot 12 of player with iron sword named "&aIron Sword" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Iron Sword &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &28 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed guns iron"]
  948. format slot 13 of player with diamond sword named "&aDiamond Sword" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Diamond Sword &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &24 Emerald||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed guns diamond"]
  949. format slot 14 of player with stick of unbreaking 3 named "&aStick" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Stick &8(&7Knocback V&8)||&f||&7Cost: &24 Emerald||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed guns stick"]
  950. format slot 22 of player with arrow named "&c&lBack to Menu" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/shop4798"]
  951. if arg 3 is "ranged":
  952. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  953. wait 1 tick
  954. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Ranged" to player
  955. wait 3 ticks
  956. format slot 10 of player with 8 arrow named "&aArrow" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Arrow &8(&7x8&8)||&f||&7Cost: &22 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed ranged arrow"]
  957. format slot 11 of player with bow named "&aBow" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Bow &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &212 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed ranged bow"]
  958. format slot 12 of player with bow of power 1 named "&Bow (Power I)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Bow &8(&7xPower I&8)||&f||&7Cost: &224 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed ranged power"]
  959. format slot 13 of player with bow of punch 1 named "&ABow (Power I , Punch I)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Bow &8(&7Power I , Punch I &8)||&f||&7Cost: &26 Emerald||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed ranged punch"]
  960. format slot 22 of player with arrow named "&c&lBack to Menu" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/shop4798"]
  961. if arg 3 is "tools":
  962. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  963. wait 1 tick
  964. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Tools" to player
  965. wait 3 ticks
  966. format slot 10 of player with shears named "&aShears (Permanentment this item)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Shears &8(&7Permanentment&8)||&f||&7Cost: &240 Iron||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed tools shears"]
  967. format slot 11 of player with stone pickaxe of efficiency 2 named "&aStone Pickaxe (Efficiency II)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Stone Pickaxe &8(&77Efficiency II&8)||&f||&7Cost: &230 Iron||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed tools stone"]
  968. format slot 12 of player with iron pickaxe of efficiency 2 named "&aIron Pickaxe (Efficiency II)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Iron Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)||&f||&7Cost: &28 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed tools iron"]
  969. format slot 13 of player with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 3 named "&ADiamond Pickaxe (Efficiency III)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Diamond Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency III&8)||&f||&7Cost: &212 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed tools diamond"]
  970. format slot 14 of player with diamond axe of efficiency 3 named "&AAxe Pickaxe (Efficiency II)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Axe Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)||&f||&7Cost: &212 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed tools axe"]
  971. format slot 22 of player with arrow named "&c&lBack to Menu" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/shop4798"]
  972. if arg 3 is "potions":
  973. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  974. wait 1 tick
  975. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Potions" to player
  976. wait 3 ticks
  977. format slot 10 of player with water bottle named "&aSpeed II Potion (45 seconds)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Potion of speed &8(&7 II 45 Seconds&8)||&f||&7Cost: &21 emerald||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed potions speed"]
  978. format slot 11 of player with water bottle named "&aJump V Potion (45 seconds)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Potion of Jump &8(&7V 45 Seconds&8)||&f||&7Cost: &21 Emerald||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed potions jump"]
  979. format slot 12 of player with water bottle named "&aInvisibility Potion (30 seconds)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Potion of Invisibility &8(&730 Seconds&8)||&f||&7Cost: &21 Emerald||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed potions invi"]
  980. format slot 22 of player with arrow named "&c&lBack to Menu" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/shop4798"]
  981. if arg 3 is "utils":
  982. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  983. wait 1 tick
  984. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Utils" to player
  985. wait 3 ticks
  986. format slot 10 of player with golden apple named "&aGolden Apple" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Golden Apple &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &23 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed utils golden"]
  987. format slot 11 of player with snowball named "&aSnowBreak (Break Blocks)" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7SnowBall &8(&7BreakBlocks&8)||&f||&7Cost: &225 Gold||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed utils snowball"]
  988. format slot 12 of player with ender pearl named "&aEnder Pearl" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Ender Pearl &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &24 Emerald||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed utils enderpealr"]
  989. format slot 13 of player with sponge named "&aSponge TNT" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Sponge TNT &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &24 Emerald||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed utils sponge"]
  990. format slot 14 of player with egg named "&aFireball" with lore "&8Items:|| &8- &7Fireball &8(&7x1&8)||&f||&7Cost: &240 Iron ||&f||&eClick to buy this items" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed utils fireball"]
  991. format slot 22 of player with arrow named "&c&lBack to Menu" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/shop4798"]
  992. if arg 2 is "blocks":
  993. if arg 3 is "wool":
  994. if player has 4 iron ingot:
  995. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  996. send "%{Click}%" to player
  997. else:
  998. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  999. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  1000. give 16 wool:14 to player
  1001. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1002. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1003. give 16 wool:11 to player
  1004. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1005. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  1006. give 16 wool:4 to player
  1007. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1008. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  1009. give 16 wool:13 to player
  1010. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1011. remove 4 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1012. wait 0.4 second
  1013. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1014. else:
  1015. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1016. close player's inventory
  1017. if arg 3 is "sandstone":
  1018. if player has 12 iron ingot:
  1019. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1020. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1021. else:
  1022. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1023. give 12 sandstone to player
  1024. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1025. remove 12 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1026. wait 0.4 second
  1027. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1028. else:
  1029. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1030. close player's inventory
  1031. if arg 3 is "endstone":
  1032. if player has 24 iron ingot:
  1033. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1034. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1035. else:
  1036. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1037. give 12 end stone to player
  1038. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1039. remove 24 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1040. wait 0.4 second
  1041. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1042. else:
  1043. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1044. close player's inventory
  1045. if arg 3 is "ladder":
  1046. if player has 4 iron ingot:
  1047. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1048. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1049. else:
  1050. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1051. give 16 ladder to player
  1052. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1053. remove 4 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1054. wait 0.4 second
  1055. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1056. else:
  1057. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1058. close player's inventory
  1059. if arg 3 is "oak":
  1060. if player has 4 gold ingot:
  1061. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1062. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1063. else:
  1064. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1065. give 14 Oak Wood Planks to player
  1066. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1067. remove 4 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1068. wait 0.4 second
  1069. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1070. else:
  1071. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1072. close player's inventory
  1073. if arg 3 is "obsidian":
  1074. if player has 4 emerald:
  1075. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1076. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1077. else:
  1078. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1079. give 4 obsidian to player
  1080. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1081. remove 4 emerald from player's inventory
  1082. wait 0.4 second
  1083. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1084. else:
  1085. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  1086. close player's inventory
  1087. if arg 2 is "guns":
  1088. if arg 3 is "wooden":
  1089. if player has 6 iron ingot:
  1090. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1091. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1092. else:
  1093. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1094. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  1095. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Red} is not set:
  1096. give wooden sword to player
  1097. else:
  1098. give wooden sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1099. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1100. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Blue} is not set:
  1101. give wooden sword to player
  1102. else:
  1103. give wooden sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1104. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  1105. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Yellow} is not set:
  1106. give wooden sword to player
  1107. else:
  1108. give wooden sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1109. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  1110. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Green} is not set:
  1111. give wooden sword to player
  1112. else:
  1113. give wooden sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1114. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1115. remove 6 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1116. wait 0.4 second
  1117. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1118. else:
  1119. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1120. close player's inventory
  1121. if arg 3 is "stone":
  1122. if player has 20 iron ingot:
  1123. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1124. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1125. else:
  1126. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1127. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  1128. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Red} is not set:
  1129. give stone sword to player
  1130. else:
  1131. give stone sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1132. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1133. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Blue} is not set:
  1134. give stone sword to player
  1135. else:
  1136. give stone sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1137. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  1138. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Yellow} is not set:
  1139. give stone sword to player
  1140. else:
  1141. give stone sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1142. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  1143. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Green} is not set:
  1144. give stone sword to player
  1145. else:
  1146. give stone sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1147. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1148. remove 20 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1149. wait 0.4 second
  1150. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1151. else:
  1152. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1153. close player's inventory
  1154. if arg 3 is "iron":
  1155. if player has 8 gold ingot:
  1156. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1157. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1158. else:
  1159. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1160. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  1161. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Red} is not set:
  1162. give iron sword to player
  1163. else:
  1164. give iron sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1165. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1166. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Blue} is not set:
  1167. give iron sword to player
  1168. else:
  1169. give iron sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1170. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  1171. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Yellow} is not set:
  1172. give iron sword to player
  1173. else:
  1174. give iron sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1175. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  1176. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Green} is not set:
  1177. give iron sword to player
  1178. else:
  1179. give iron sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1180. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1181. remove 8 golden ingot from player's inventory
  1182. wait 0.4 second
  1183. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1184. else:
  1185. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1186. close player's inventory
  1187. if arg 3 is "diamond":
  1188. if player has 4 emerald:
  1189. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1190. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1191. else:
  1192. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1193. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  1194. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Red} is not set:
  1195. give diamond sword to player
  1196. else:
  1197. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1198. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1199. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Blue} is not set:
  1200. give diamond sword to player
  1201. else:
  1202. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1203. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  1204. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Yellow} is not set:
  1205. give diamond sword to player
  1206. else:
  1207. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1208. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  1209. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Green} is not set:
  1210. give diamond sword to player
  1211. else:
  1212. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 to player
  1213. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1214. remove 4 emerald from player's inventory
  1215. wait 0.4 second
  1216. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1217. else:
  1218. send "%{NoDiamond}%"
  1219. close player's inventory
  1220. if arg 3 is "stick":
  1221. if player has 4 emerald:
  1222. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1223. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1224. else:
  1225. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1226. give stick of knockback 5 named "&bStick Knocback II" to player
  1227. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1228. remove 4 emerald from player's inventory
  1229. wait 0.4 second
  1230. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1231. else:
  1232. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  1234. if arg 2 is "armor":
  1235. if arg 3 is "chain":
  1236. if {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%player%} is not set:
  1237. if player has 40 iron ingot:
  1238. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1239. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1240. else:
  1241. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1242. set {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%player%} to true
  1243. equip player with chain leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1244. equip player with chain boots named "&7TEAM"
  1245. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1246. remove 40 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1247. wait 0.4 second
  1248. send "&6Sucefuly purchase the armor chain"
  1249. close player's inventory
  1250. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1251. else:
  1252. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1253. else:
  1254. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  1255. if arg 3 is "iron":
  1256. if {BedWars.Buy.Iron.Armor.%player%} is not set:
  1257. if player has 12 gold ingot:
  1258. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1259. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1260. else:
  1261. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1262. delete {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%player%}
  1263. set {BedWars.Buy.Iron.Armor.%player%} to true
  1264. equip player with iron leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1265. equip player with iron boots named "&7TEAM"
  1266. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1267. remove 12 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1268. wait 0.4 second
  1269. send "&6Sucefuly purchase the armor chain"
  1270. close player's inventory
  1271. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1272. else:
  1273. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1274. else:
  1275. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  1276. if arg 3 is "diamond":
  1277. if {BedWars.Buy.Diamond.Armor.%player%} is not set:
  1278. if player has 6 emerald:
  1279. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1280. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1281. else:
  1282. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1283. delete {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%player%}
  1284. delete {BedWars.Buy.Iron.Armor.%player%}
  1285. set {BedWars.Buy.Diamond.Armor.%player%} to true
  1286. equip player with diamond leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1287. equip player with diamond boots named "&7TEAM"
  1288. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1289. remove 6 emerald from player's inventory
  1290. wait 0.4 second
  1291. send "&6Sucefuly purchase the armor chain"
  1292. close player's inventory
  1293. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1294. else:
  1295. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  1296. else:
  1297. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  1298. if arg 2 is "ranged":
  1299. if arg 3 is "arrow":
  1300. if player has 2 gold ingot:
  1301. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1302. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1303. else:
  1304. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1305. give 6 arrow to player
  1306. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1307. remove 2 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1308. wait 0.4 second
  1309. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1310. else:
  1311. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1312. close player's inventory
  1313. if arg 3 is "bow":
  1314. if player has 12 gold ingot:
  1315. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1316. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1317. else:
  1318. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1319. give bow to player
  1320. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1321. remove 12 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1322. wait 0.4 second
  1323. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1324. else:
  1325. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1326. close player's inventory
  1327. if arg 3 is "power":
  1328. if player has 24 gold ingot:
  1329. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1330. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1331. else:
  1332. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1333. give bow of power 1 named "&bBow (Power I)" to player
  1334. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1335. remove 24 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1336. wait 0.4 second
  1337. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1338. else:
  1339. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1340. close player's inventory
  1341. if arg 3 is "punch":
  1342. if player has 6 emerald:
  1343. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1344. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1345. else:
  1346. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1347. give bow of power 1 and punch 1 named "&bBow (Power I , Punch I)" to player
  1348. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1349. remove 6 emerald from player's inventory
  1350. wait 0.4 second
  1351. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1352. else:
  1353. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  1354. close player's inventory
  1355. if arg 2 is "tools":
  1356. if arg 3 is "shears":
  1357. if player has 40 iron ingot:
  1358. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1359. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1360. else:
  1361. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1362. give shears named "&bShears " to player
  1363. set {BedWars.Shears.%player%} to true
  1364. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1365. remove 40 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1366. wait 0.4 second
  1367. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1368. else:
  1369. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1370. close player's inventory
  1371. if arg 3 is "stone":
  1372. if player has 30 iron ingot:
  1373. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1374. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1375. else:
  1376. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1377. give stone pickaxe of efficiency 2 named "&B" to player
  1378. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1379. remove 30 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1380. wait 0.4 second
  1381. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1382. else:
  1383. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1384. close player's inventory
  1385. if arg 3 is "iron":
  1386. if player has 8 gold ingot:
  1387. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1388. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1389. else:
  1390. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1391. give iron pickaxe of efficiency 2 named "&B " to player
  1392. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1393. remove 8 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1394. wait 0.4 second
  1395. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1396. else:
  1397. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1398. close player's inventory
  1399. if arg 3 is "diamond":
  1400. if player has 12 gold ingot:
  1401. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1402. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1403. else:
  1404. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1405. give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 3 named "&B" to player
  1406. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1407. remove 12 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1408. wait 0.4 second
  1409. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1410. else:
  1411. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1412. close player's inventory
  1413. if arg 3 is "axe":
  1414. if player has 12 gold ingot:
  1415. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1416. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1417. else:
  1418. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1419. give diamond axe of efficiency 2 named "&B " to player
  1420. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1421. remove 12 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1422. wait 0.4 second
  1423. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1424. else:
  1425. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1426. close player's inventory
  1427. if arg 2 is "potions":
  1428. if arg 3 is "speed":
  1429. if player has 1 emerald:
  1430. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1431. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1432. else:
  1433. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1434. give water bottle named "&bPotion of Speed &c45" to player
  1435. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1436. remove 1 emerald from player's inventory
  1437. wait 0.4 second
  1438. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1439. else:
  1440. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  1441. close player's inventory
  1442. if arg 3 is "jump":
  1443. if player has 1 emerald:
  1444. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1445. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1446. else:
  1447. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1448. give water bottle named "&bPotion of Jump &c45" to player
  1449. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1450. remove 1 emerald from player's inventory
  1451. wait 0.4 second
  1452. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1453. else:
  1454. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  1455. close player's inventory
  1456. if arg 3 is "invi":
  1457. if player has 1 emerald:
  1458. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1459. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1460. else:
  1461. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1462. give water bottle named "&bPotion of Invisibility &c45" to player
  1463. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1464. remove 1 emerald from player's inventory
  1465. wait 0.4 second
  1466. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1467. else:
  1468. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  1469. close player's inventory
  1470. if arg 2 is "utils":
  1471. if arg 3 is "golden":
  1472. if player has 3 gold ingot:
  1473. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1474. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1475. else:
  1476. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1477. give golden apple to player
  1478. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1479. remove 3 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1480. wait 0.4 second
  1481. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1482. else:
  1483. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1484. close player's inventory
  1485. if arg 3 is "snowball":
  1486. if player has 25 gold ingot:
  1487. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1488. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1489. else:
  1490. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1491. give snowball named "&bSnowball break blocks" to player
  1492. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1493. remove 25 gold ingot from player's inventory
  1494. wait 0.4 second
  1495. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1496. else:
  1497. send "%{NoGold}%"
  1498. close player's inventory
  1499. if arg 3 is "enderpealr":
  1500. if player has 4 emerald:
  1501. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1502. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1503. else:
  1504. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1505. give ender pearl to player
  1506. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1507. remove 4 emerald from player's inventory
  1508. wait 0.4 second
  1509. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1510. else:
  1511. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  1512. close player's inventory
  1513. if arg 3 is "sponge":
  1514. if player has 4 emerald:
  1515. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1516. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1517. else:
  1518. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1519. give sponge named "&cTNT SPONGE" to player
  1520. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1521. remove 4 emerald from player's inventory
  1522. wait 0.4 second
  1523. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1524. else:
  1525. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1526. close player's inventory
  1527. if arg 3 is "fireball":
  1528. if player has 40 iron ingot:
  1529. if {NoSpam.%player%} is true:
  1530. send "%{Click}%" to player
  1531. else:
  1532. set {NoSpam.%player%} to true
  1533. give egg named "&bFireball" to player
  1534. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.2
  1535. remove 40 iron ingot from player's inventory
  1536. wait 0.4 second
  1537. set {NoSpam.%player%} to false
  1538. else:
  1539. send "%{NoIron}% "
  1540. close player's inventory
  1541. #============= event of bed teams =================#
  1544. On consume a water bottle:
  1545. if item is water bottle item named "&bPotion of Speed &c45":
  1546. apply potion of speed of tier 2 to player for 45 seconds
  1547. stop
  1548. if item is water bottle item named "&bPotion of Jump &c45":
  1549. apply potion of jump boost of tier 5 to player for 45 seconds
  1550. stop
  1551. if item is water bottle item named "&bPotion of Invisibility &c45":
  1552. apply potion of invisibility of tier 1 to player for 30 seconds
  1553. stop
  1555. on projectile hit:
  1556. if projectile is a snowball:
  1557. clear projectile
  1558. loop blocks in radius 3 around event-location:
  1559. if loop-block is a wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1560. set loop-block to air
  1562. on projectile hit:
  1563. if projectile is a egg:
  1564. clear projectile
  1565. loop blocks in radius 5 around event-location:
  1566. if loop-block is a wool:
  1567. set loop-block to air
  1570. on place sponge:
  1571. remove sponge from player's inventory
  1572. set block to air
  1573. wait 0.5 seconds
  1574. play raw sound "note.harp" at player with pitch 3 volume 0.5
  1575. set block to air
  1576. wait 0.5 seconds
  1577. play raw sound "note.harp" at player with pitch 3 volume 0.5
  1578. set block to air
  1579. wait 0.5 seconds
  1580. play raw sound "note.harp" at player with pitch 3 volume 0.5
  1581. set block to tnt
  1582. wait 0.4 seconds
  1583. play raw sound "random.anvil_break" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
  1584. set block to air
  1585. loop blocks in radius 5 around event-location:
  1586. if loop-block is a wool or end stone or sandstone:
  1587. set loop-block to air
  1589. on rightclick with snowball:
  1590. if name of tool is "&bSnowball break blocks":
  1591. play raw sound "random.explode" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
  1593. on rightclick with egg:
  1594. if name of tool is "&bFireball":
  1595. play raw sound "random.explode" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
  1597. on break:
  1598. if "%region at player%" contains "BedRed":
  1599. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  1600. if block is bed:
  1601. cancel event
  1602. send "%{NobreakBed}%"
  1603. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1604. cancel event
  1605. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue" or "Yellow" or "Green":
  1606. if block is bed:
  1607. cancel event
  1608. set block to obsidian
  1609. broadcast ""
  1610. broadcast "%{BedDesRed}% &a%player%"
  1611. broadcast ""
  1612. set {BedWars.BreakBed.Red} to true
  1613. loop all players:
  1614. loop {BedWars.PreRed::*}:
  1615. make {BedWars.PreRed::*} execute command "vidasequipo red"
  1616. stop
  1617. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1618. cancel event
  1620. on break:
  1621. if "%region at player%" contains "BedBlue":
  1622. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1623. if block is bed:
  1624. cancel event
  1625. send "%{NobreakBed}%"
  1626. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1627. cancel event
  1628. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Yellow" or "Green":
  1629. if block is bed:
  1630. cancel event
  1631. set block to obsidian
  1632. broadcast ""
  1633. broadcast "%{BedDesBlue}% &a%player%"
  1634. broadcast ""
  1635. set {BedWars.BreakBed.Blue} to true
  1636. loop all players:
  1637. loop {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}:
  1638. make {BedWars.TeamBlue::*} execute command "vidasequipo blue"
  1639. stop
  1640. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1641. cancel event
  1643. on break:
  1644. if "%region at player%" contains "BedYellow":
  1645. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  1646. if block is bed:
  1647. cancel event
  1648. send "%{NobreakBed}%"
  1649. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1650. cancel event
  1651. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green":
  1652. if block is bed:
  1653. cancel event
  1654. set block to obsidian
  1655. broadcast ""
  1656. broadcast "%{BedDesYellow}% &a%player%"
  1657. broadcast ""
  1658. set {BedWars.BreakBed.Yellow} to true
  1659. loop all players:
  1660. loop {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}:
  1661. make {BedWars.TeamYellow::*} execute command "vidasequipo yellow"
  1662. stop
  1663. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1664. cancel event
  1666. on break:
  1667. if "%region at player%" contains "BedGreen":
  1668. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  1669. if block is bed:
  1670. cancel event
  1671. send "%{NobreakBed}%"
  1672. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1673. cancel event
  1674. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Yellow":
  1675. if block is bed:
  1676. cancel event
  1677. set block to obsidian
  1678. broadcast ""
  1679. broadcast "%{BedDesGreen}% &a%player%"
  1680. broadcast ""
  1681. set {BedWars.BreakBed.Green} to true
  1682. loop all players:
  1683. loop {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}:
  1684. make {BedWars.TeamGreen::*} execute command "vidasequipo green"
  1685. stop
  1686. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1687. cancel event
  1689. #============= event of bed teams =================#
  1692. on break:
  1693. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  1694. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks :
  1695. cancel event
  1697. on place:
  1698. if "%region at player%" contains "BedRed":
  1699. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  1700. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks:
  1701. cancel event
  1702. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue" or "Yellow" or "Green":
  1703. if block is not sponge:
  1704. cancel event
  1706. on place:
  1707. if "%region at player%" contains "BedBlue":
  1708. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1709. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks or sponge:
  1710. cancel event
  1711. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Yellow" or "Green":
  1712. if block is not sponge:
  1713. cancel event
  1715. on place:
  1716. if "%region at player%" contains "BedYellow":
  1717. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1718. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks or sponge:
  1719. cancel event
  1720. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue" or "Blue" or "Green":
  1721. if block is not sponge:
  1722. cancel event
  1724. on place:
  1725. if "%region at player%" contains "BedGreen":
  1726. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1727. if block is not wool or end stone or sandstone or obsidian or ladder or Oak Wood Planks or sponge:
  1728. cancel event
  1729. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue" or "Yellow" or "Red":
  1730. if block is not sponge:
  1731. cancel event
  1732. #====#
  1734. on break:
  1735. if "%region at player%" contains "PreRed":
  1736. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green" or "Yellow":
  1737. cancel event
  1738. on place:
  1739. if "%region at player%" contains "PreRed":
  1740. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green" or "Yellow":
  1741. cancel event
  1743. on break:
  1744. if "%region at player%" contains "PreBlue":
  1745. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green" or "Yellow":
  1746. cancel event
  1747. on place:
  1748. if "%region at player%" contains "PreBue":
  1749. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green" or "Yellow":
  1750. cancel event
  1752. on break:
  1753. if "%region at player%" contains "PreYellow":
  1754. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green" or "Yellow":
  1755. cancel event
  1756. on place:
  1757. if "%region at player%" contains "PreYellow":
  1758. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green" or "Yellow":
  1759. cancel event
  1761. on break:
  1762. if "%region at player%" contains "PreGreen":
  1763. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green" or "Yellow":
  1764. cancel event
  1765. on place:
  1766. if "%region at player%" contains "PreGreen":
  1767. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red" or "Blue" or "Green" or "Yellow":
  1768. cancel event
  1770. #=================#
  1772. on death of player:
  1773. clear drops
  1774. add 1 to {kills-%attacker%}
  1775. add 1 to {deaths-%victim%}
  1776. if attacker is a player:
  1777. set death message to "&c%victim% &7%{deathplayer}% &9%attacker%"
  1778. damage cause is fall:
  1779. set death message to ""
  1780. damage cause is void:
  1781. set death message to ""
  1782. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  1783. if {BedWars.BreakBed.Red} is not set:
  1784. force respawn victim
  1785. execute console command "gamemode 3 %victim%"
  1786. add 1 to {Kills.%attacker%}
  1787. teleport victim to {BedWars.SetDeath}
  1788. if {BedWars.Respawn.Red} is not set:
  1789. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c5 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1790. wait 2 seconds
  1791. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c4 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1792. wait 1.2 second
  1793. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c3 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1794. wait 1.2 second
  1795. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c2 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1796. wait 1.2 second
  1797. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c1 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1798. else:
  1799. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c3 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1800. wait 1 seconds
  1801. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c2 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1802. wait 1.2 second
  1803. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c1 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1804. wait 1.2 second
  1805. wait 1 second
  1806. send victim title "&aYOU RESPAWN" with subtitle "" for 1 seconds
  1807. teleport victim to {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Red}
  1808. clear victim's inventory
  1809. equip victim with leather helmet of unbreaking 1 named "&cTEAM RED"
  1810. equip victim with leather chestplate named "&cTEAM RED"
  1811. equip victim with leather pants named "&cTEAM RED"
  1812. equip victim with leather boots named "&cTEAM RED"
  1813. dye victim's helmet (255, 0, 0)
  1814. dye victim's chestplate (255, 0, 0)
  1815. dye victim's leggings (255, 0, 0)
  1816. dye victim's boots (255, 0, 0)
  1817. if {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1818. if {BedWars.Protection.Red} is not set:
  1819. equip victim with chain leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1820. equip victim with chain boots named "&7TEAM"
  1821. else:
  1822. equip victim with chain leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1823. equip victim with chain boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1824. if {BedWars.Buy.Iron.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1825. if {BedWars.Protection.Red} is not set:
  1826. equip victim with iron leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1827. equip victim with iron boots named "&7TEAM"
  1828. else:
  1829. equip victim with iron leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1830. equip victim with iron boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1831. if {BedWars.Buy.Diamond.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1832. if {BedWars.Protection.Red} is not set:
  1833. equip victim with diamond leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1834. equip victim with diamond boots named "&7TEAM"
  1835. else:
  1836. equip victim with diamond leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1837. equip victim with diamond boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1838. give wooden pickaxe of unbreaking 3 to victim
  1839. if {BedWars.Shears.%victim%} is true:
  1840. give shears to player
  1841. heal the victim
  1842. set level of victim to 0
  1843. set food bar to 20
  1844. set victim's gamemode to survival
  1845. else:
  1846. force respawn victim
  1847. add 1 to {Kills.%attacker%}
  1848. execute console command "gamemode 3 %victim%"
  1849. teleport victim to {BedWars.SetDeath}
  1850. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{NotRespawn}%" for 5 seconds
  1851. remove 1 from {BedWars.Vidas.Red}
  1852. set the player's tablist name to "&f%player%"
  1853. if {BedWars.Vidas.Red} is 0:
  1854. broadcast ""
  1855. broadcast "%{RedEliminated}%"
  1856. broadcast ""
  1857. set {BedWars.Search.Lose-Red} to true
  1858. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  1859. if {BedWars.BreakBed.Blue} is not set:
  1860. force respawn victim
  1861. add 1 to {Kills.%attacker%}
  1862. execute console command "gamemode 3 %victim%"
  1863. teleport victim to {BedWars.SetDeath}
  1864. if {BedWars.Respawn.Blue} is not set:
  1865. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c5 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1866. wait 2 seconds
  1867. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c4 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1868. wait 1.2 second
  1869. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c3 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1870. wait 1.2 second
  1871. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c2 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1872. wait 1.2 second
  1873. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c1 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1874. else:
  1875. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c3 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1876. wait 1 seconds
  1877. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c2 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1878. wait 1.2 second
  1879. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c1 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1880. wait 1.2 second
  1881. wait 1 second
  1882. send victim title "&aYOU RESPAWN" with subtitle "" for 1 seconds
  1883. teleport victim to {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Blue}
  1884. clear victim's inventory
  1885. equip victim with leather helmet of unbreaking 1 named "&3TEAM BLUE"
  1886. equip victim with leather chestplate named "&3TEAM BLUE"
  1887. equip victim with leather pants named "&3TEAM BLUE"
  1888. equip victim with leather boots named "&3TEAM BLUE"
  1889. dye victim's helmet (52, 221, 221)
  1890. dye victim's chestplate (52, 221, 221)
  1891. dye victim's leggings (52, 221, 221)
  1892. dye victim's boots (52, 221, 221)
  1893. if {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1894. if {BedWars.Protection.Blue} is not set:
  1895. equip victim with chain leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1896. equip victim with chain boots named "&7TEAM"
  1897. else:
  1898. equip victim with chain leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1899. equip victim with chain boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1900. if {BedWars.Buy.Iron.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1901. if {BedWars.Protection.Blue} is not set:
  1902. equip victim with iron leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1903. equip victim with iron boots named "&7TEAM"
  1904. else:
  1905. equip victim with iron leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1906. equip victim with iron boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1907. if {BedWars.Buy.Diamond.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1908. if {BedWars.Protection.Blue} is not set:
  1909. equip victim with diamond leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1910. equip victim with diamond boots named "&7TEAM"
  1911. else:
  1912. equip victim with diamond leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1913. equip victim with diamond boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1914. give wooden pickaxe of unbreaking 3 to victim
  1915. if {BedWars.Shears.%victim%} is true:
  1916. give shears to player
  1917. heal the victim
  1918. set level of victim to 0
  1919. set food bar to 20
  1920. set victim's gamemode to survival
  1921. else:
  1922. force respawn victim
  1923. execute console command "gamemode 3 %victim%"
  1924. add 1 to {Kills.%attacker%}
  1925. teleport victim to {BedWars.SetDeath}
  1926. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{NotRespawn}%" for 5 seconds
  1927. remove 1 from {BedWars.Vidas.Blue}
  1928. set the player's tablist name to "&f%player%"
  1929. if {BedWars.Vidas.Blue} is 0:
  1930. broadcast ""
  1931. broadcast "%{BlueEliminated}%"
  1932. broadcast ""
  1933. set {BedWars.Search.Lose-Blue} to true
  1935. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  1936. if {BedWars.BreakBed.Yellow} is not set:
  1937. force respawn victim
  1938. add 1 to {Kills.%attacker%}
  1939. execute console command "gamemode 3 %victim%"
  1940. teleport victim to {BedWars.SetDeath}
  1941. if {BedWars.Respawn.Yellow} is not set:
  1942. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c5 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1943. wait 2 seconds
  1944. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c4 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1945. wait 1.2 second
  1946. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c3 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1947. wait 1.2 second
  1948. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c2 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1949. wait 1.2 second
  1950. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c1 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1951. else:
  1952. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c3 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1953. wait 1 seconds
  1954. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c2 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1955. wait 1.2 second
  1956. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c1 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  1957. wait 1.2 second
  1958. wait 1 second
  1959. send victim title "&aYOU RESPAWN" with subtitle "" for 1 seconds
  1960. teleport victim to {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Yellow}
  1961. clear victim's inventory
  1962. equip victim with leather helmet of unbreaking 1 named "&eTEAM YELLOW"
  1963. equip victim with leather chestplate named "&eTEAM YELLOW"
  1964. equip victim with leather pants named "&eTEAM YELLOW"
  1965. equip victim with leather boots named "&eTEAM YELLOW"
  1966. dye victim's helmet (255, 255, 0)
  1967. dye victim's chestplate (255, 255, 0)
  1968. dye victim's leggings (255, 255, 0)
  1969. dye victim's boots (255, 255, 0)
  1970. if {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1971. if {BedWars.Protection.Yellow} is not set:
  1972. equip victim with chain leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1973. equip victim with chain boots named "&7TEAM"
  1974. else:
  1975. equip victim with chain leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1976. equip victim with chain boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1977. if {BedWars.Buy.Iron.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1978. if {BedWars.Protection.Yellow} is not set:
  1979. equip victim with iron leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1980. equip victim with iron boots named "&7TEAM"
  1981. else:
  1982. equip victim with iron leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1983. equip victim with iron boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1984. if {BedWars.Buy.Diamond.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  1985. if {BedWars.Protection.Yellow} is not set:
  1986. equip victim with diamond leggings named "&7TEAM "
  1987. equip victim with diamond boots named "&7TEAM"
  1988. else:
  1989. equip victim with diamond leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  1990. equip victim with diamond boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  1991. give wooden pickaxe of unbreaking 3 to victim
  1992. if {BedWars.Shears.%victim%} is true:
  1993. give shears to player
  1994. heal the victim
  1995. set level of victim to 0
  1996. set food bar to 20
  1997. set victim's gamemode to survival
  1998. else:
  1999. force respawn victim
  2000. execute console command "gamemode 3 %victim%"
  2001. teleport victim to {BedWars.SetDeath}
  2002. add 1 to {Kills.%attacker%}
  2003. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{NotRespawn}%" for 5 seconds
  2004. remove 1 from {BedWars.Vidas.Yellow}
  2005. set the player's tablist name to "&f%player%"
  2006. if {BedWars.Vidas.Yellow} is 0:
  2007. broadcast ""
  2008. broadcast "%{YellowEliminated}%"
  2009. broadcast ""
  2010. set {BedWars.Search.Lose-Yellow} to true
  2012. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  2013. if {BedWars.BreakBed.Green} is not set:
  2014. force respawn victim
  2015. add 1 to {Kills.%attacker%}
  2016. execute console command "gamemode 3 %victim%"
  2017. teleport victim to {BedWars.SetDeath}
  2018. if {BedWars.Respawn.Green} is not set:
  2019. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c5 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  2020. wait 2 seconds
  2021. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c4 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  2022. wait 1.2 second
  2023. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c3 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  2024. wait 1.2 second
  2025. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c2 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  2026. wait 1.2 second
  2027. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c1 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  2028. else:
  2029. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c3 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  2030. wait 1 seconds
  2031. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c2 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  2032. wait 1.2 second
  2033. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{SubTitleDied}% &c1 %{BedWars.YML.Msg.Seconds}%" for 1 seconds
  2034. wait 1.2 second
  2035. wait 1 second
  2036. send victim title "&aYOU RESPAWN" with subtitle "" for 1 seconds
  2037. teleport victim to {BedWars.TeamSpawn.Green}
  2038. clear victim's inventory
  2039. equip victim with leather helmet of unbreaking 1 named "&2TEAM GREEN"
  2040. equip victim with leather chestplate named "&2TEAM GREEN"
  2041. equip victim with leather pants named "&2TEAM GREEN"
  2042. equip victim with leather boots named "&2TEAM GREEN"
  2043. dye victim's helmet (0, 255, 0)
  2044. dye victim's chestplate (0, 255, 0)
  2045. dye victim's leggings (0, 255, 0)
  2046. dye victim's boots (0, 255, 0)
  2047. if {BedWars.Buy.Chain.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  2048. if {BedWars.Protection.Green} is not set:
  2049. equip victim with chain leggings named "&7TEAM "
  2050. equip victim with chain boots named "&7TEAM"
  2051. else:
  2052. equip victim with chain leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  2053. equip victim with chain boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  2054. if {BedWars.Buy.Iron.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  2055. if {BedWars.Protection.Green} is not set:
  2056. equip victim with iron leggings named "&7TEAM "
  2057. equip victim with iron boots named "&7TEAM"
  2058. else:
  2059. equip victim with iron leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  2060. equip victim with iron boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  2061. if {BedWars.Buy.Diamond.Armor.%victim%} is true:
  2062. if {BedWars.Protection.Green} is not set:
  2063. equip victim with diamond leggings named "&7TEAM "
  2064. equip victim with diamond boots named "&7TEAM"
  2065. else:
  2066. equip victim with diamond leggings of protection 1 named "&7TEAM "
  2067. equip victim with diamond boots of protection 1 named "&7TEAM"
  2068. give wooden pickaxe of unbreaking 3 to victim
  2069. if {BedWars.Shears.%victim%} is true:
  2070. give shears to player
  2071. heal the victim
  2072. set level of victim to 0
  2073. set food bar to 20
  2074. set victim's gamemode to survival
  2075. else:
  2076. force respawn victim
  2077. add 1 to {Kills.%attacker%}
  2078. execute console command "gamemode 3 %victim%"
  2079. teleport victim to {BedWars.SetDeath}
  2080. send victim title "%{TitleDied}%" with subtitle "%{NotRespawn}%" for 5 seconds
  2081. remove 1 from {BedWars.Vidas.Green}
  2082. set the player's tablist name to "&f%player%"
  2083. if {BedWars.Vidas.Green} is 0:
  2084. broadcast ""
  2085. broadcast "%{GreenEliminated}%"
  2086. broadcast ""
  2087. set {BedWars.Search.Lose-Green} to true
  2089. # =========== Scoreboards ============= #
  2090. function sidebar(p: player):
  2091. create a new simple scoreboard named "sidebar"
  2092. set title of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "%{ScorePre1}%"
  2093. set slot 10 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "&1"
  2094. set slot 9 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "%{ScorePre2}%"
  2095. set slot 8 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "%{ScorePre3}% %{BedWars.Join.Players}%/12"
  2096. set slot 7 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "&2"
  2097. if {BedWars.Soreboard.Started} is not set:
  2098. set slot 6 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "%{ScorePre4}%"
  2099. else if {BedWars.Soreboard.Started} is true:
  2100. set slot 6 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "%{ScorePre5}%"
  2101. set slot 5 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "&3"
  2102. set slot 4 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "%{ScorePre6}%"
  2103. set slot 3 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "&4"
  2104. set slot 2 of simple scoreboard "sidebar" to "%{ScorePre7}%"
  2105. set simple scoreboard of {_p} to "sidebar"
  2107. function sidebar2(p: player):
  2108. set title of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame1}%"
  2109. set slot 15 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "&7%now%"
  2110. set slot 14 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "&1"
  2111. if {Started.BedWars.Upgrades} is "game":
  2112. set slot 13 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame2}%"
  2113. if {Started.BedWars.Upgrades} is "1":
  2114. set slot 13 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame3}%"
  2115. if {Started.BedWars.Upgrades} is "2":
  2116. set slot 13 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame4}%:"
  2117. set slot 12 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "&a%{Started.BedWars.Time.Minutes}%:%{Started.BedWars.Time.Seconds}%"
  2118. set slot 11 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "&2"
  2119. if {BedWars.BreakBed.Red} is not set:
  2120. set slot 10 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame5}% &a笨・
  2121. else if {BedWars.BreakBed.Red} is true:
  2122. set slot 10 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame5}% &a%{BedWars.Vidas.Red}%"
  2123. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Red} is true:
  2124. set slot 10 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame5}% &c笨・
  2125. if {BedWars.BreakBed.Green} is not set:
  2126. set slot 9 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame8}% &a笨・
  2127. else if {BedWars.BreakBed.Green} is true:
  2128. set slot 9 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame8}% &a%{BedWars.Vidas.Green}%"
  2129. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Green} is true:
  2130. set slot 9 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame8}% &c笨・
  2131. if {BedWars.BreakBed.Blue} is not set:
  2132. set slot 8 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame6}% &a笨・
  2133. else if {BedWars.BreakBed.Blue} is true:
  2134. set slot 8 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame6}% &a%{BedWars.Vidas.Blue}%"
  2135. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Blue} is true:
  2136. set slot 8 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame6}% &c笨・
  2137. if {BedWars.BreakBed.Yellow} is not set:
  2138. set slot 7 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame7}% &a笨・
  2139. else if {BedWars.BreakBed.Yellow} is true:
  2140. set slot 7 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame7}% &a%{BedWars.Vidas.Yellow}%"
  2141. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Yellow} is true:
  2142. set slot 7 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame7}% &c笨・
  2143. set slot 6 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "&e"
  2144. set slot 5 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame9}% &a%{Kills.%{_p}%}%"
  2145. set slot 4 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "&c"
  2146. set slot 3 of simple scoreboard "game::%{_p}%" to "%{ScoreGame10}%"
  2147. set simple scoreboard of {_p} to "game::%{_p}%"
  2149. every 2 seconds:
  2150. loop all players:
  2151. if {BedWars.Scoreboards.Action.PreLobby} is "on":
  2152. sidebar(loop-player)
  2155. every 1 seconds:
  2156. loop all players:
  2157. if {BedWars.Scoreboard.Game} is true:
  2158. sidebar2(loop-player)
  2160. on quit:
  2161. if {BedWars.LeaveGame.%player%} is true:
  2162. set quit message to "&7%player% %{Disconnect}%"
  2163. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  2164. remove 1 from {BedWars.Vidas.Red}
  2165. if {BedWars.Vidas.Red} is 0:
  2166. broadcast ""
  2167. broadcast "%{RedEliminated}%"
  2168. broadcast ""
  2169. set {BedWars.Search.Lose-Red} to true
  2170. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  2171. remove 1 from {BedWars.Vidas.Blue}
  2172. if {BedWars.Vidas.Blue} is 0:
  2173. broadcast ""
  2174. broadcast "%{BlueEliminated}%"
  2175. broadcast ""
  2176. set {BedWars.Search.Lose-Blue} to true
  2177. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  2178. remove 1 from {BedWars.Vidas.Yellow}
  2179. if {BedWars.Vidas.Yellow} is 0:
  2180. broadcast ""
  2181. broadcast "%{YellowEliminated}%"
  2182. broadcast ""
  2183. set {BedWars.Search.Lose-Yellow} to true
  2184. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  2185. remove 1 from {BedWars.Vidas.Green}
  2186. if {BedWars.Vidas.Green} is 0:
  2187. broadcast ""
  2188. broadcast "%{GreenEliminated}%"
  2189. broadcast ""
  2190. set {BedWars.Search.Lose-Green} to true
  2191. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  2192. set quit message to "&7%player% %{Disconnect}%"
  2193. else:
  2194. remove 1 from {BedWars.Join.Players}
  2195. set quit message to ""
  2197. command /vidasequipo [<text>]:
  2198. trigger:
  2199. if arg 1 is "red":
  2200. add 1 to {BedWars.Vidas.Red}
  2201. send "&CYou have 1 life for the game"
  2202. set {BedWars.LeaveGame.%player%} to true
  2203. if arg 1 is "blue":
  2204. add 1 to {BedWars.Vidas.Blue}
  2205. send "&CYou have 1 life for the game"
  2206. set {BedWars.LeaveGame.%player%} to true
  2207. if arg 1 is "yellow":
  2208. add 1 to {BedWars.Vidas.Yellow}
  2209. send "&CYou have 1 life for the game"
  2210. set {BedWars.LeaveGame.%player%} to true
  2211. if arg 1 is "green":
  2212. add 1 to {BedWars.Vidas.Green}
  2213. send "&CYou have 1 life for the game"
  2214. set {BedWars.LeaveGame.%player%} to true
  2216. every 5 seconds:
  2217. if {Started.BedWarsTeamBlue} is true:
  2218. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Red} is true:
  2219. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Yellow} is true:
  2220. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Green} is true:
  2221. if {BedWars.StopLoopRed} is not set:
  2222. execute console command "bedwars stop"
  2223. broadcast "&e&m------------------------------------"
  2224. broadcast ""
  2225. broadcast "%{BlueWon}%"
  2226. broadcast ""
  2227. broadcast "&e&m------------------------------------"
  2228. loop all players:
  2229. loop {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}:
  2230. add 1 to {wins-%loop-player%}
  2231. set {BedWars.StopLoopRed} to true
  2233. if {Started.BedWarsTeamRed} is true:
  2234. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Blue} is true:
  2235. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Yellow} is true:
  2236. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Green} is true:
  2237. if {BedWars.StopLoopBlue} is not set:
  2238. execute console command "bedwars stop"
  2239. broadcast "&e&m------------------------------------"
  2240. broadcast ""
  2241. broadcast "%{RedWon}%"
  2242. broadcast ""
  2243. broadcast "&e&m------------------------------------"
  2244. loop all players:
  2245. loop {BedWars.PreRed::*}:
  2246. add 1 to {wins-%loop-player%}
  2247. set {BedWars.StopLoopBlue} to true
  2248. if {Started.BedWarsTeamGreen} is true:
  2249. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Blue} is true:
  2250. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Yellow} is true:
  2251. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Red} is true:
  2252. if {BedWars.StopLoopGreen} is not set:
  2253. execute console command "bedwars stop"
  2254. broadcast "&e&m------------------------------------"
  2255. broadcast ""
  2256. broadcast "%{GreenWon}%"
  2257. broadcast ""
  2258. broadcast "&e&m------------------------------------"
  2259. loop all players:
  2260. loop {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}:
  2261. add 1 to {wins-%loop-player%}
  2262. set {BedWars.StopLoopGreen} to true
  2263. if {Started.BedWarsTeamYellow} is true:
  2264. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Blue} is true:
  2265. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Red} is true:
  2266. if {BedWars.Search.Lose-Green} is true:
  2267. if {BedWars.StopLoopYellow} is not set:
  2268. execute console command "bedwars stop"
  2269. broadcast "&e&m------------------------------------"
  2270. broadcast ""
  2271. broadcast "%{YellowWon}%"
  2272. broadcast ""
  2273. broadcast "&e&m------------------------------------"
  2274. loop all players:
  2275. loop {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}:
  2276. add 1 to {wins-%loop-player%}
  2277. set {BedWars.StopLoopYellow} to true
  2280. on right click on entity:
  2281. name of clicked entity contains "&c&lITEM SHOP" or "&b&lITEM SHOP" or "&2&lITEM SHOP" or "&e&lITEM SHOP"
  2282. cancel event
  2283. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Item shop" to player
  2284. wait 3 ticks
  2285. format slot 10 of player with chain boots named "&aArmor" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Chainmail Boots|| &8- &7Chainmail Leggings|| &8- &7Iron Boots|| &8- &7Iron Leggings|| &8- &7Diamond Boots|| &8- &7Diamond Leggings||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show armor"]
  2286. format slot 11 of player with golden sword named "&aGuns" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Wooden Sword|| &8- &7Stone Sword|| &8- &7Iron Sword|| &8- &7Diamond Sword|| &8- &7Stick &8(Knocback II&8)||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show guns"]
  2287. format slot 12 of player with sandstone named "&aBlocks" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Wool|| &8- &7Sandstone|| &8- &7End Stone|| &8- &7Ladder|| &8- &7Oak Wood Planks|| &8- &7Obsdian||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show blocks"]
  2288. format slot 13 of player with bow named "&aRanged" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Arrow|| &8- &7Bow|| &8- &7Bow &8(&7Power I&8)|| &8- &7Bow &8(&7Power I&8, &7Punch I &8)||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show ranged"]
  2289. format slot 14 of player with stone pickaxe named "&aTools" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Shears|| &8- &7Stone Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)|| &8- &7Iron Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)|| &8- &7Diamond Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)|| &8- &7Diamond Axe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show tools"]
  2290. format slot 15 of player with water bottle named "&aPotions" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Speed Potion II &8(&745 Seconds&8)|| &8- &7Jump Potion V &8(&745 Seconds&8)|| &8- &7Invisibility Potion &8(&730 Seconds&8)||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show potions"]
  2291. format slot 16 of player with golden apple named "&aUtilis" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Golden Apple|| &8- &7Iron Golem Egg|| &8- &7Fireball|| &8- &7TNT|| &8- &7Ender Pearl|| &8- &7Water Bucket|| &8- &7Freeze Player &8(&710 Seconds&8)||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show utils"]
  2293. on right click on entity:
  2294. name of clicked entity contains "&b&lCLICK TO UPGRADES" or "&c&lCLICK TO UPGRADES" or "&e&lCLICK TO UPGRADES" or "&2&lCLICK TO UPGRADES"
  2295. cancel event
  2296. make player execute command "upgrades4798 "
  2297. stop
  2301. command /upgrades4798 [<text>] [<text>]:
  2302. trigger:
  2303. if arg 1 is not set:
  2304. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Upgrades" to player
  2305. wait 3 ticks
  2306. format slot 10 of player with furnace named "&cMore Items" with lore "&7Increses the spawn rate of iron||&7and gold by 100 porcent||&f||&7Cost: &b 8 Diamond||&eClick to purchase!" to run [make player execute command "/upgrades4798 items"]
  2307. format slot 11 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&cHaste Mine" with lore "&7All player on your team||&7permanenty haste mine I||&f||&7Cost: &b 4 Diamond||&eClick to purchase!" to run [make player execute command "/upgrades4798 haste"]
  2308. format slot 12 of player with golden sword named "&cSharpness Sword" with lore "&7Your team gets Sharpness I ||&7on all swords.||&f||&7Cost: &b 8 Diamond||&eClick to purchase!" to run [make player execute command "/upgrades4798 sharpness"]
  2309. format slot 13 of player with iron chestplate named "&cMore Protection I" with lore "&7Your team gets Protection I ||&7on all armors||&f||&7Cost: &b 5 Diamond||&eClick to purchase!" to run [make player execute command "/upgrades4798 protection"]
  2310. format slot 14 of player with sugar named "&cSpeed Respawn" with lore "&7Your team gets 3 seconds on death ||&7in the respawn||&f||&7Cost: &b 10 Emerald||&eClick to purchase!" to run [make player execute command "/upgrades4798 respawn"]
  2311. if arg 1 is "items":
  2312. if player has 8 diamond:
  2313. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  2314. if {BedWars.More.Items.Red} is not set:
  2315. set {BedWars.More.Items.Red} to true
  2316. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade more items in your base!"
  2317. close player's inventory
  2318. else:
  2319. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2320. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  2321. if {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} is not set:
  2322. set {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} to true
  2323. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade more items in your base!"
  2324. close player's inventory
  2325. else:
  2326. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2327. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  2328. if {BedWars.More.Items.Yellow} is not set:
  2329. set {BedWars.More.Items.Yellow} to true
  2330. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade more items in your base!"
  2331. close player's inventory
  2332. else:
  2333. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2334. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  2335. if {BedWars.More.Items.Green} is not set:
  2336. set {BedWars.More.Items.Green} to true
  2337. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade more items in your base!"
  2338. close player's inventory
  2339. else:
  2340. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2341. else:
  2342. send "%{NoDiamond}%"
  2343. close player's inventory
  2344. if arg 1 is "haste":
  2345. if player has 4 diamond:
  2346. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  2347. if {BedWars.Haste.Red} is not set:
  2348. set {BedWars.Haste.Red} to true
  2349. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade Haste mine"
  2350. loop {BedWars.PreRed::*}:
  2351. apply potion of haste of tier 1 to {BedWars.PreRed::*} for 99999 seconds
  2352. close player's inventory
  2353. else:
  2354. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2355. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  2356. if {BedWars.Haste.Blue} is not set:
  2357. set {BedWars.Haste.Blue} to true
  2358. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade Haste mine"
  2359. loop {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}:
  2360. apply potion of haste of tier 1 to {BedWars.TeamBlue::*} for 99999 seconds
  2361. close player's inventory
  2362. else:
  2363. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2364. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  2365. if {BedWars.Haste.Yellow} is not set:
  2366. set {BedWars.Haste.Yellow} to true
  2367. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade Haste mine"
  2368. loop {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}:
  2369. apply potion of haste of tier 1 to {BedWars.TeamYellow::*} for 99999 seconds
  2370. close player's inventory
  2371. else:
  2372. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2373. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  2374. if {BedWars.Haste.Green} is not set:
  2375. set {BedWars.Haste.Green} to true
  2376. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade Haste mine"
  2377. loop {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}:
  2378. apply potion of haste of tier 1 to {BedWars.TeamGreen::*} for 99999 seconds
  2379. close player's inventory
  2380. else:
  2381. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2382. else:
  2383. send "%{NoDiamond}%"
  2384. close player's inventory
  2385. if arg 1 is "sharpness":
  2386. if player has 8 diamond:
  2387. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  2388. if {BedWars.More.Items.Red} is not set:
  2389. set {BedWars.Sharpness.Red} to true
  2390. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade Sharpness I"
  2391. loop all players:
  2392. loop {BedWars.PreRed::*}:
  2393. if loop-player's inventory contains wooden sword:
  2394. remove wooden sword from loop-player's inventory
  2395. give wooden sword of sharpness 1 named "&b" to loop-player
  2396. if loop-player's inventory contains stone sword:
  2397. remove stone sword from loop-player's inventory
  2398. give stone sword of sharpness 1 named "&b" to loop-player
  2399. if loop-player's inventory contains iron sword:
  2400. remove iron sword from loop-player's inventory
  2401. give iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&b" to loop-player
  2402. if loop-player's inventory contains diamond sword:
  2403. remove diamond sword from loop-player's inventory
  2404. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&b" to loop-player
  2405. close player's inventory
  2406. else:
  2407. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2408. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  2409. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Blue} is not set:
  2410. set {BedWars.Sharpness.Blue} to true
  2411. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade Sharpness I"
  2412. loop all players:
  2413. loop {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}:
  2414. if loop-player's inventory contains wooden sword:
  2415. remove wooden sword from loop-player's inventory
  2416. give wooden sword of sharpness 1 named "&b" to loop-player
  2417. if loop-player's inventory contains stone sword:
  2418. remove stone sword from loop-player's inventory
  2419. give stone sword of sharpness 1 named "&b" to loop-player
  2420. if loop-player's inventory contains iron sword:
  2421. remove iron sword from loop-player's inventory
  2422. give iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&b" to loop-player
  2423. if loop-player's inventory contains diamond sword:
  2424. remove diamond sword from loop-player's inventory
  2425. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&b" to loop-player
  2426. close player's inventory
  2427. else:
  2428. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2429. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  2430. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Yellow} is not set:
  2431. set {BedWars.Sharpness.Yellow} to true
  2432. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade Sharpness I"
  2433. loop all players:
  2434. loop {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}:
  2435. if loop-player's inventory contains wooden sword:
  2436. remove wooden sword from loop-player's inventory
  2437. give wooden sword of sharpness 1 to loop-player
  2438. if loop-player's inventory contains stone sword:
  2439. remove stone sword from loop-player's inventory
  2440. give stone sword of sharpness 1 to loop-player
  2441. if loop-player's inventory contains iron sword:
  2442. remove iron sword from loop-player's inventory
  2443. give iron sword of sharpness 1 to loop-player
  2444. if loop-player's inventory contains diamond sword:
  2445. remove diamond sword from loop-player's inventory
  2446. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 to loop-player
  2447. close player's inventory
  2448. else:
  2449. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2450. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  2451. if {BedWars.Sharpness.Green} is not set:
  2452. set {BedWars.Sharpness.Green} to true
  2453. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade Sharpness I"
  2454. loop all players:
  2455. loop {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}:
  2456. if loop-player's inventory contains wooden sword:
  2457. remove wooden sword from loop-player's inventory
  2458. give wooden sword of sharpness 1 to loop-player
  2459. if loop-player's inventory contains stone sword:
  2460. remove stone sword from loop-player's inventory
  2461. give stone sword of sharpness 1 to loop-player
  2462. if loop-player's inventory contains iron sword:
  2463. remove iron sword from loop-player's inventory
  2464. give iron sword of sharpness 1 to loop-player
  2465. if loop-player's inventory contains diamond sword:
  2466. remove diamond sword from loop-player's inventory
  2467. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 to loop-player
  2468. close player's inventory
  2469. else:
  2470. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2471. else:
  2472. send "%{NoDiamond}%"
  2473. close player's inventory
  2474. if arg 1 is "protection":
  2475. if player has 8 diamond:
  2476. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  2477. if {BedWars.Protection.Red} is not set:
  2478. set {BedWars.Protection.Red} to true
  2479. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade More Protection I"
  2480. close player's inventory
  2481. else:
  2482. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2483. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  2484. if {BedWars.Protection.Blue} is not set:
  2485. set {BedWars.Protection.Blue} to true
  2486. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade More Protection I"
  2487. close player's inventory
  2488. else:
  2489. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2490. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  2491. if {BedWars.Protection.Yellow} is not set:
  2492. set {BedWars.Protection.Yellow} to true
  2493. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade More Protection I"
  2494. close player's inventory
  2495. else:
  2496. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2497. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  2498. if {BedWars.Protection.Green} is not set:
  2499. set {BedWars.Protection.Green} to true
  2500. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade More Protection I"
  2501. close player's inventory
  2502. else:
  2503. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2504. else:
  2505. send "&cDont have enought diamond"
  2506. close player's inventory
  2507. if arg 1 is "respawn":
  2508. if player has 10 emerald:
  2509. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  2510. if {BedWars.Respawn.Red} is not set:
  2511. set {BedWars.Respawn.Red} to true
  2512. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade More speed respawn"
  2513. close player's inventory
  2514. else:
  2515. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2516. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  2517. if {BedWars.Respawn.Blue} is not set:
  2518. set {BedWars.Respawn.Blue} to true
  2519. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2520. close player's inventory
  2521. else:
  2522. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2523. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  2524. if {BedWars.Respawn.Yellow} is not set:
  2525. set {BedWars.Respawn.Yellow} to true
  2526. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade More speed respawn"
  2527. close player's inventory
  2528. else:
  2529. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2530. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  2531. if {BedWars.Respawn.Green} is not set:
  2532. set {BedWars.Respawn.Green} to true
  2533. send "&c%player% &6Upgrade More speed respawn"
  2534. close player's inventory
  2535. else:
  2536. send "%{AlredyPurchase}%"
  2537. else:
  2538. send "%{NoEmerald}%"
  2539. close player's inventory
  2541. on damage of villager:
  2542. cancel event
  2544. on chat:
  2545. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  2546. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Red":
  2547. send "&4[RED] &f%player% : &7%message%" to {BedWars.PreRed::*}
  2548. cancel event
  2549. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Blue":
  2550. send "&3[BLUE] &f%player% : &7%message%" to {BedWars.TeamBlue::*}
  2551. cancel event
  2552. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Green":
  2553. send "&2[GREEN] &f%player% : &7%message%" to {BedWars.TeamGreen::*}
  2554. cancel event
  2555. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%player%} is "Yellow":
  2556. send "&E[YELLOW] &f%player% : &7%message%" to {BedWars.TeamYellow::*}
  2557. cancel event
  2559. on rightclick with diamond axe:
  2560. if name of tool is "&7&lSelection the arena &bRight click POS1 . Left Click POS2":
  2561. cancel event
  2562. set {Pos1.Skywars.Arena} to location of clicked block
  2563. send "&bFist position set to &a%{Pos1.Skywars.Arena}%" to player
  2564. stop
  2565. on leftclick with diamond axe:
  2566. if name of tool is "&7&lSelection the arena &bRight click POS1 . Left Click POS2":
  2567. cancel event
  2568. set {Pos2.Skywars.Arena} to location of clicked block
  2569. send "&bSecond position set to &a%{Pos2.Skywars.Arena}%" to player
  2570. stop
  2572. command /shop4798:
  2573. trigger:
  2574. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Item shop" to player
  2575. wait 3 ticks
  2576. format slot 10 of player with chain boots named "&aArmor" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Chainmail Boots|| &8- &7Chainmail Leggings|| &8- &7Iron Boots|| &8- &7Iron Leggings|| &8- &7Diamond Boots|| &8- &7Diamond Leggings||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show armor"]
  2577. format slot 11 of player with golden sword named "&aGuns" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Wooden Sword|| &8- &7Stone Sword|| &8- &7Iron Sword|| &8- &7Diamond Sword|| &8- &7Stick &8(Knocback II&8)||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show guns"]
  2578. format slot 12 of player with sandstone named "&aBlocks" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Wool|| &8- &7Sandstone|| &8- &7End Stone|| &8- &7Ladder|| &8- &7Oak Wood Planks|| &8- &7Obsdian||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show blocks"]
  2579. format slot 13 of player with bow named "&aRanged" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Arrow|| &8- &7Bow|| &8- &7Bow &8(&7Power I&8)|| &8- &7Bow &8(&7Power I&8, &7Punch I &8)||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show ranged"]
  2580. format slot 14 of player with stone pickaxe named "&aTools" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Shears|| &8- &7Stone Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)|| &8- &7Iron Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)|| &8- &7Diamond Pickaxe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)|| &8- &7Diamond Axe &8(&7Efficiency II&8)||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show tools"]
  2581. format slot 15 of player with water bottle named "&aPotions" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Speed Potion II &8(&745 Seconds&8)|| &8- &7Jump Potion V &8(&745 Seconds&8)|| &8- &7Invisibility Potion &8(&730 Seconds&8)||&f||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show potions"]
  2582. format slot 16 of player with golden apple named "&aUtilis" with lore "&8Available:|| &8- &7Golden Apple|| &8- &7I|| &8- &7Fireball|| &8- &7Sponge TNT|| &8- &7Ender Pearl|| &8- &7Water Bucket|| &8- &7Freeze Player &8(&710 Seconds&8)||&eClick to browse!" to run [make player execute command "/bedwars shopbed show utils"]
  2584. on damage of player:
  2585. if attacker is a player:
  2586. if {BedWars.PlayerTeam.%attacker%} is "%{BedWars.PlayerTeam.%victim%}%":
  2587. cancel event
  2589. on weather change to rain or thunder:
  2590. cancel event
  2592. on rightclick on bed:
  2593. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  2594. cancel event
  2596. every 1.4 seconds:
  2597. if {BedWars.InGame} is true:
  2598. chance of 29%:
  2599. if {BedWars.More.Items.Red} is not set:
  2600. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2601. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2602. else:
  2603. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2604. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2605. if {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} is not set:
  2606. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2607. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2608. else:
  2609. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2610. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2611. if {BedWars.More.Items.Green} is not set:
  2612. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2613. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2614. else:
  2615. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2616. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2617. if {BedWars.More.Items.Yellow} is not set:
  2618. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2619. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2620. else:
  2621. drop 4 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2622. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2623. chance of 45%:
  2624. if {BedWars.More.Items.Red} is not set:
  2625. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2626. else:
  2627. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2628. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2629. if {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} is not set:
  2630. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2631. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2632. else:
  2633. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2634. drop 2 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2635. if {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} is not set:
  2636. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2637. else:
  2638. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2639. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2640. if {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} is not set:
  2641. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2642. else:
  2643. drop 2 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2644. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2645. chance of 40%:
  2646. if {BedWars.More.Items.Red} is not set:
  2647. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2648. else:
  2649. drop 2 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2650. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Red}
  2651. if {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} is not set:
  2652. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2653. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2654. else:
  2655. drop 2 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2656. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Blue}
  2657. if {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} is not set:
  2658. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2659. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2660. else:
  2661. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2662. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Yellow}
  2663. if {BedWars.More.Items.Blue} is not set:
  2664. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2665. else:
  2666. drop 1 iron ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2667. drop 1 gold ingot at {BedWars.TeamDrops.Green}
  2671. on load:
  2672. if folder "plugins/BedWars" doesn't exists:
  2673. create folder "plugins/BedWars"
  2674. if file "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml" doesn't exists:
  2675. create file "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2676. wf "##==================================================================================##" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2677. wf "## BEDWARS 2.0 ##" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2678. wf "## BY PIANME ##" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2679. wf "##==================================================================================##" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2680. wf "Prefix: '&e&lBEDWARS'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2681. wf "Joined: '&a&lJoin the game'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2682. wf "GameStart: '&7Game start in '" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2683. wf "Info_Line1: '&eYou must protect your bed in order to be the winner'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2684. wf "Info_Line2: '&e Like trying to break the beds of the other teams!'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2685. wf "Info_Line3: '&eIn the center are emeralds and diamonds'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2686. wf "Info_Line4: '&ewhich can give you many advantages of the others.'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2687. wf "No_EnoghtIron: '&cDont have enought iron '" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2688. wf "No_EnoghtGold: '&cDont have enought gold '" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2689. wf "No_EnoghtDiamond: '&cDont have enought diamond '" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2690. wf "No_EnoghtEmerald: '&cDont have enought emerald '" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2691. wf "ClikFast: '&cPlease dont click fast in the shop'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2692. wf "NoBreakYour: '&CYou cant destroy your bed'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2693. wf "BedRed_Destruction: '&f&lBED DESTRUCTION > &cRed Bed &7was destroyed by'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2694. wf "BedBlue_Destruction: '&f&lBED DESTRUCTION > &3Blue Bed &7was destroyed by'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2695. wf "BedYellow_Destruction: '&f&lBED DESTRUCTION > &eYelow Bed &7was destroyed by'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2696. wf "BedGreen_Destruction: '&f&lBED DESTRUCTION > &2Green Bed &7was destroyed by'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2697. wf "TitleDied: '&cYOU DIED'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2698. wf "SubTitleDied: '&eYou will respawn in'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2699. wf "Seconds: '&eseconds'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2700. wf "Deathplayer: '&7was killed by'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2701. wf "NotRespawn: '&eYou not will respawn'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2702. wf "TeamRed_Eliminated: '&f&lTEAM ELIMINATED > &CRed Team &chas been eliminated!'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2703. wf "TeamBlue_Eliminated: '&f&lTEAM ELIMINATED > &3Blue Team &chas been eliminated!'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2704. wf "TeamYellow_Eliminated: '&f&lTEAM ELIMINATED > &eYellow Team &chas been eliminated!'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2705. wf "TeamGreen_Eliminated: '&f&lTEAM ELIMINATED > &2Green Team &chas been eliminated!'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2706. wf "TeamWon_Red: '&f&lBED WARS >> &7The team &CRED &7was the winner'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2707. wf "TeamWon_Blue: '&f&lBED WARS >> &7The team &3BLUE &7was the winner'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2708. wf "TeamWon_Yellow: '&f&lBED WARS >> &7The team &eYELLOW &7was the winner'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2709. wf "TeamWon_Green: '&f&lBED WARS >> &7The team &2GREEN &7was the winner'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2710. wf "AlredyPurchase: '&6Your team has already purchased this upgrade'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2711. wf "Disconnect: '&cdisconnect!'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2712. wf "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Title: '&e&lBEDWARS'" "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2713. wf "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Line1: '&fMap: &aAngel'" "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2714. wf "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Line2: '&fPlayers: &a'" "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2715. wf "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Waiting: '&fWaiting..'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2716. wf "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Started: '&fStarting..'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2717. wf "PreLobby_Scoreboard_line3: '&fServer: &aBed01'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2718. wf "PreLobby_Scoreboard_line4: '&'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2719. wf "Game_Scoreboard_Title: '&e&lBEDWARS'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2720. wf "Game_Scoreboard_Diamond: '&fDiamond Upgrade:'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2721. wf "Game_Scoreboard_Emerald: '&fEmerald Upgrade:'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2722. wf "Game_Scoreboard_Maxed: '&fDiamond Maxed:'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2723. wf "Game_Scoreboard_Red: '&c&lR &fRed:'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2724. wf "Game_Scoreboard_Blue: '&3&lB &fBlue:'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2725. wf "Game_Scoreboard_Yellow: '&e&lY &fYellow:'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2726. wf "Game_Scoreboard_Green: '&2&lG &fGreen:'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2727. wf "Game_Scoreboard_YourKils: '&fYour kills: &a'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2728. wf "Game_Scoreboard_IP: '&'" to "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2729. if file "plugins/BedWars/config.yml" doesn't exists:
  2730. create file "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2731. wf "##==================================================================================##" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2732. wf "## BEDWARS 2.0 ##" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2733. wf "## BY PIANME ##" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2734. wf "##==================================================================================##" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2735. wf "BungeeServer: 'Lobby'" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2736. wf "## MYSQL ##" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2737. wf "MYSQL: 'false'" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2738. wf "host: 'localhost'" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2739. wf "port: '3306'" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2740. wf "user: 'root'" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2741. wf "password: 'tupassword'" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2742. wf "database: 'bedwars'" to "plugins/BedWars/config.yml"
  2745. wait 3 ticks
  2746. set {Prefix} to coloured value "Prefix" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2747. set {Joined} to coloured value "Joined" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2748. set {GameStart} to coloured value "GameStart" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2749. set {Line1} to coloured value "Info_Line1" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2750. set {Line2} to coloured value "Info_Line2" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2751. set {Line3} to coloured value "Info_Line3" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2752. set {Line4} to coloured value "Info_Line4" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2753. set {NoIron} to coloured value "No_EnoghtIron" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2754. set {NoGold} to coloured value "No_EnoghGold" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2755. set {NoDiamond} to coloured value "No_EnoghtDiamond" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2756. set {NoEmerald} to coloured value "No_EnoghtEmerald" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2757. set {Click} to coloured value "ClikFast" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2758. set {deathplayer} to coloured value "Deathplayer" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2759. set {NobreakBed} to coloured value "NoBreakYour" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2760. set {BedDesRed} to coloured value "BedRed_Destruction" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2761. set {BedDesBlue} to coloured value "BedBlue_Destruction" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2762. set {BedDesYellow} to coloured value "BedYellow_Destruction" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2763. set {BedDesGreen} to coloured value "BedGreen_Destruction" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2764. set {TitleDied} to coloured value "TitleDied" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2765. set {SubTitleDied} to coloured value "SubTitleDied" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2766. set {Msgseconds} to coloured value "seconds" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2767. set {NotRespawn} to coloured value "NotRespawn" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2768. set {RedEliminated} to coloured value "TeamRed_Eliminated" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2769. set {BlueEliminated} to coloured value "TeamBlue_Eliminated" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2770. set {YellowEliminated} to coloured value "TeamYellow_Eliminated" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2771. set {GreenEliminated} to coloured value "TeamGreen_Eliminated" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2772. set {RedWon} to coloured value "TeamWon_Red" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2773. set {BlueWon} to coloured value "TeamWon_Blue" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2774. set {YellowWon} to coloured value "TeamWon_Yellow" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2775. set {GreenWon} to coloured value "TeamWon_Green" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2776. set {AlredyPurchase} to coloured value "AlredyPurchase" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2777. set {Disconnect} to coloured value "Disconnect" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2778. set {ScorePre1} to coloured value "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Title" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2779. set {ScorePre2} to coloured value "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Line1" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2780. set {ScorePre3} to coloured value "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Line2" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2781. set {ScorePre4} to coloured value "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Waiting" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2782. set {ScorePre5} to coloured value "PreLobby_Scoreboard_Started" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2783. set {ScorePre6} to coloured value "PreLobby_Scoreboard_line3" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2784. set {ScorePre7} to coloured value "PreLobby_Scoreboard_line4" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2785. set {ScoreGame1} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_Title" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2786. set {ScoreGame2} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_Diamond" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2787. set {ScoreGame3} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_Emerald" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2788. set {ScoreGame4} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_Maxed" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2789. set {ScoreGame5} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_Red" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2790. set {ScoreGame6} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_Blue" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2791. set {ScoreGame7} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_Yellow" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2792. set {ScoreGame8} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_Green" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2793. set {ScoreGame9} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_YourKils" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2794. set {ScoreGame10} to coloured value "Game_Scoreboard_IP" get of "plugins/BedWars/messages.yml"
  2795. set {Bungeserver} to value "BungeeServer" get of "plugins/BedWars/config.yml" parsed as text
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