
[f-list] anthro jelly x lil

Jul 4th, 2018
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  1. [02:33] Lil: Unfamiliar house, rather plain for the era. Contemporary furniture, a far cry from the 19th century architecture and technology of her home. A faint musk like... like animal, not terribly overpowering or necessarily unclean but foreign to someone unused to the presence of pets. Thus were the surroundings of a slightly disoriented demon, whose preliminary scan of her surroundings revealed that she was no longer in the Pitch Black World, but - if a recent endeavor in the human world taught her anything about other geography - she could be in Kansas. Regardless of the dissonance between Point A and Point B, Lil was aware, at the very least, that she was in a living room, as evidenced by the television set on the opposite end of the room and the couch she materialized before, and it was rather barren. No indication of who she had fallen into the shoes of, not another soul, just a clock that read sometime in the early afternoon and sunlight, still ever-so-foreign, filtering in through the gaps in the curtained windows. It wasn't until she heard something like footsteps in the above floor did she spring into action, hurrying to find the stairs and ascend them... only to find herself nose-to-muzzle with someone remarkably furrier than she expected given her first assessment, one foot on the final stair and both of theirs on the landing. She staired for a moment before smoothly uttering a "ah... excuse me." This wasn't a human world at all. No wonder it smelled like animal. No matter, she'd just play the same shtick she always did. "Sorry, but stay up here, would you? I just woke up with a splitting headache. It's subsided, but I want to make sure it's nothing serious - could you take me somewhere to lie down so I can ask some questions and make sure my memory's not shot? Your room, perhaps?"
  2. [02:41] Anthro Jelly The male was around 23 in terms of age, home on break from college. He was a fit male, piercing red eyes to match his dark matted fur. Raising an eyebrow at his own mother however, her personality was a little shot but. . why not? He'd fumble with his hands for a moment before slinking them into the holes of his hoodie. Moving aside to allow her to get on the second floor. "Sure I guess? Are you sure you didn't just hit your head or take Dads pills again?" He'd thimble through his mind trying to think of what the hell she got herself into this time, but instead audibly sighed, it was gonna be a long day regardless of the outcome wasn't it? He'd lead her to his room, opening the door and slip in first, X'ing out of a few tabs on his computer. His room was setup neatly. It opened outward, and was at the end of the hall. His dresser was against the wall as you walked in, with a desk setup to your immediate right as you walk in. A bed was put in the middle of the room against the wall next to the desk, jetting out mid-room. "So. . what kind of shit do you wanna ask me anyway? Your name is "Lil", I still don't quite understand that one, you and dad have been on thin ice for about 2 years now, what's there to forget?"
  3. [03:01] Lil: She walked slowly at a great following distance to really sell the headache, hanging on his words and processing them with more scrutiny than her brain could probably muster. Once upon a time there may have been one, but after shirking her responsibilities to go on interdimensional vacation so many times her body seemed to adapt, but her story didn't. Just like the fact that she perpetuated her habit of sitting rather than lying down on the mattress, folding her legs up underneath her form-fitting black dress like a femme fatale in a cheesy noir flick. Seems as though I'm a mother here, too. Guess there's no escaping my age, she thought to herself with an agitated run of her fingers through her bangs before she spoke aloud. He was even close to her son back home, in age if not personality. Maybe the universe was trying to tell her something about her repressed thoughts towards that dumb, bespectacled virgin. "I probably fell or something; you know how it is with high heels and carpet. In any case, I feel like your grandfather trying to muster up you kids' names, but I know mine at least. And didn't we have something to do today? Someone coming over?" A few stabs in the dark and light humor to make it seem like she's not completely nuts, though judging by the 'dad's pills' comment that might be closer to the truth than she'd like to think about. While she awaited answers to her burning questions, she folded her hands neatly in her lap and glanced around the room. Not terrible given what she expected - cleaner than her own, though sharing it with such a sick son of a bitch disqualified her from the possibility of having anything clean. At least there didn't seem to be any strange customs, but she couldn't help but wonder about the reigning divinity in such a mundane world. Not that she would ask that. You only make that mistake once.
  4. [03:08] Anthro Jelly Looks to her a little confused himself, but whatever. If anything this may all be just one big joke and there will be a punchline he will like always fake a laugh to as to keep things normal. He'd look her over, her form as tantalizing as ever however his eyes never really trailed away from her face. Perhaps a quick scan while she was speaking or looking away, but nothing obvious. "Okay, well I'm Robert, you remember? The Nickname I got back in middle school as Jelly, friend threw a thing of white out at the back of my head and it missed by an inch, you got super pissed and went after him, got a teacher or two fired from how they treated me and the kids. . You were kinda super mom for a while there. Then shit hit a wall with dad and you both seemed to just lull there for a bit." He'd lay down on his back, looking back to his computer every so often to see if anything had popped up. His gaze searched the room as if yearning for something to break the tension as it was met with nothing but white and red walls. The fan above them was swirling on high. He took a moment to check his phone, the time said 5:42PM. He'd roll his eyes, he may be late for the meetup at this point. He'd toss his phone underhandedly against the bed between them. "So, what else is on your scatterbrained mind?"
  5. [03:13] System: Radst Rovh is online.
  6. [03:13] System: Radst Rovh changed status to Looking, Demon looking for exotic beauties. [imgur.com]
  7. [03:25] System: Radst Rovh changed status to Away, Demon looking for exotic beauties. [imgur.com]
  8. [03:29] Lil: Her face was that of calm acceptance and remembrance, but her mind was reeling trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle so she wouldn't slip up later. Lil would be lying if she said she wasn't curious, but asking for your own life story from someone else is hardly something that's acceptable - doubly so when you came here with a purpose, and that purpose wasn't to learn the ins and outs of some dog woman that will be coming back to a much more tense household. "Not concerning my history - I think I'm up to date enough to pass a multiple choice test, at least. If not I can bubble in all the Cs like I did on my high school exams. No wonder I ended up here with you." She laughed at her own joke, founded on a safe assumption that wouldn't clash with existing family setup or anything, sharing the wish to dispel the tension in the air. If she made him too uncomfortable, this trip would be for naught. With this in mind, the demon twisted her body around to face him and scooted a little closer up the bed. "I suppose I should ask you the same thing. My intuition tells me there's something wrong. Or maybe it's just that eye-roll. What are you, 14?" As she was speaking, she realized that she had a solid opening here - she closed the memory recovery avenue, so she better seize the opportunity before it disappears even if it's a little ballsy. No sense in living an eternal life if you don't take risks with it. "If you tell her, maybe mommy can help." She scooted back a bit farther and, after adjusting her hair so that she wouldn't go crashing into it and giving herself a real headache, flopped down beside him and laid her hands against her flat stomach. Maybe layering on the seductive enunciation on the "m" word was too much, but regardless she had no intention of letting him get away.
  9. [03:34] Anthro Jelly: (Question, did you want him to be younger? I genuinely do not mind if so.)
  10. [03:36] Lil: { No, this age is perfectly fine! Sparing you the details I've had quite enough shota. }
  11. [03:44] Anthro Jelly Was about to roll his eyes at his own mother once more before realizing the weight of what she had insinuated. Looking down at his own bodacious mother sparawled out beside him. Her figure was honestly awe-inspiring and those horns. . those goddamned horns taunted him even as a kid. It was embarrassing to say but ideas of his own mother at a young age were what spun him into his internet search for porn. She was cute, beautiful even, but the horns were the part that got him the most. Maybe other horned species would be interesting or erotic? No, it always came right back to his own mother. As a kid he was sickened with the thoughts he had, but she was obviously different than other moms, horns aside. His own FRIENDS made comments about his mom to her which didn't help the thoughts. Looking down to her, meeting her gaze he'd ask "What do you mean. ." Then given four or five seconds of an awkward silence, he'd take the plunge but word it as if he was answering a joke, in case this was a joke instead. ". . Mommy?"
  12. [03:58] Lil: "That's what I am, right? Or are you just trying to fool some poor, confused woman who tripped over her own heel?" Her voice, much like her pink-glossed lips, were tinged with a pout. The latter became much more visible as she rolled herself over and, keeping her lower half planted on the mattress with her knees touching the side of his thighs, hovered over him with her hands impressing on other side of his shoulders. Her hair, an organized chaos of bat wings, hung over one shoulder and cascaded into a small pool on the bed, twitching with anticipation not unlike the wagging tail of the dog she was "supposed" to be. Sure, she was behaving like a character from some bad porn, but he didn't squirm away after she lessened the distance and used that word, so her sex-focused mind took it as a sign to keep going. Forget immersing herself in the role of this poor kid's broken mother and slowly easing herself in through teasing - the woman wouldn't survive long enough in her world for the time that would take, and for all her eroticism, Lil admittedly wasn't all that cunning. She preferred to brute force things as she was doing now, drifting ever closer until their noses were a negligible amount of centimeters apart... but still, she should probably show a little restraint. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong? I won't get off of you until you do."
  13. [04:08] Anthro Jelly At this point it was very apparent what was going to happen. Reading her body language, the male grew a surprisingly stiff erection deep in his pants. Those horns still teasing him even now, as if her words weren't bad enough. "So. . this is happening?" He'd take a deep breath before mustering up some courage, grabbing both of her horns, he'd toss her off of him and then instead mount her on his bed, using his knee to press against her womanhood, one hand reached down immediately, digging deep inside of her shirt to cup one of her perfectly round breasts. His muzzle pressed to her own mouth, tongue and all. He'd lost it, teasing was his weakness and she would get anything out of him that she wanted if she just played off a few words every now and then. his spare hand went to hold hers above her head. His hips lowered to her own, the length of his own manhood brushing against her inner thighs. 7 Inches of canine cock awaited her. "I've wanted this since I was a kid, now fuck me and keep quiet, a friend or two were coming over, I need to listen for a car in the driveway." With that he'd bury his face in her chest, groping up every inch of her body he could get his grimy little paws on.
  14. [04:32] Lil: Now this was more her element. The sensation of her head being thrown to the side so violently elicited an involuntary gasp, but the lack of sensation in the appendages meant that, beyond the mild scent of copper from her head making impact with the surface of the bed, she was completely undisturbed. The adrenaline was pumping, her slit was beginning to tremble against the stimulation. Amidst the chaos she found time to break into a dainty, almost smug smile even against the kiss, which she reciprocated in full despite the foreign feeling of a long mouth and flatter tongue - no matter how far hers reached, it didn't seem to go far enough, and the prospect was exhilarating. The only thing that could compare was the pulsation of that swelling rod she had been waiting so long for. "What, you're not feeling generous enough to share?" Without thinking she went to move her hands, and tutted when she found them bound. "At least make it easier on both of us and rip my dress or something, you know? Have I taught you nothing?" A silver tongue even pinned beneath such a foreign creature, so familiar in his mannerisms but so exotic in appearance. To accent her point, she spread out her legs and tried her damndest to lift the hem without her hands, struggling to reveal the sheer black pantyhose and - surprise - black panties beneath, freeing up her legs so that she could scoot the lower parts of their bodies closer and try to get more contact even through the layers of thin cloth. "If you don't absolutely ruin me, I'll disown you. Prove to me marrying your father wasn't a mistake." Was she still playing the part of Robert's mother, or subconsciously revealing parts of herself again? Who knows? Who cares? This would surely be the experience of a very long lifetime.
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