
So stuff with the BTP

Dec 5th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was at the counter helping check out some customers, handing their reciept over to them with a friendly smile. He looked across the shop, it was steady going the handful of regulars that were normally there this late on a Monday.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Adam had a duster in his hand as he carefully dusted the figurines in the showcases, making sure to move around them gently so he didnt knock anything over or break anything. That would be bad.-
  3. Tsaaq: Bliss was reorganizing the comics on the shelves she looked over her shoulder at Eli and smiled as she waved at him then made her way beside Adam. "Looks very nice." She complimented with a nod and a grin.
  4. Covet: Eli gave Bliss a wink and waved back at her, then focused on the next customers who came up. He did the usual upselling and, put on his best salesman charm as he rang them up. When he was finished he stepped away from the counter and walked over to the two of them. "Should slow up for the night, from here out."
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I figured that. That's why I was focusing on some of the slower work. How was your weekend?" He asked them both, continuing to move his little duster through the showcases because he knew if he wasnt thorough that Bliss was going to redo it and then he'd feel bad.-
  6. Tsaaq: "That means we can dedicate the time to the merchandise." She replied to Eli. "Our weekend? Well mine was just fine seperately. I'm not sure how Eli felt about it." She laughed as she watched the dusting.
  7. Covet: "I enjoyed it. It was quiet and quite enjoyable." Eli said, "Just wanted to give you both an update on the movie this week, which... I will have flyers for tomorrow... We've got the projection stuff signed out for us that day, as well as the rest of the stuff that we'll need. I'll be in the auditorium getting everything set up earlier that day, if either of you would like to join me." He said putting his hand on Bliss's lower back as he stood next to her.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I can definitely be there to help set up. I'll get the popcorn machine going as per usual to make sure we have plenty to sell by the time people start showing up for the movie. I can just take care of the entire refreshments table."-
  9. Tsaaq: She nodded her head "Oh, great! I'd love to help!" She said with a wide grin as she looked over to Eli. "And tomorrow we can perhaps put up flyers places?" Bliss suggested.
  10. Covet: " We can get our excercise walking around campus?" Eli suggested to Bliss then nodded at Adam, "Sounds good to me, You always do great supervising the refreshments. I was thinking we could do something related to the movie as far as the refreshment table goes, but no bottles of syrup." Eli quickly added.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Well for the most part he just loves candy, right? So as long as we have things like licorice and gumdrops it should go along perfectly with the movie, right?" He asked the two, his dusting slowing because he was distracted.-
  12. Tsaaq: "Precisely." Bliss said as she went to tug at his shirt, which was her way of saying she liked it. "I can pick up the candy from the mall then bring it before the event starts? How does that sound?"
  13. Covet: "We should make sure we have sugar free options there too, I know at Halloween some of the students were left out, and I don't want that to happen again." Eli said then leaned down to press a kiss to Bliss's head, "That would be fantastic. Christmas candy should be pretty cheap right now too."
  14. Alexithymiaa: (Dont cater to Brad)
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds perfect. Things like candy canes and peppermints, right? Those remind me of Christmas most. Are there any other Christmas specific candies that we should include?"-
  17. Tsaaq: She shook her head while thinking. "Mini... Ginger bread.... Somethings?" Bliss suggested unsurely and shrugged. "I'm sure whatever it is there are plenty of options at the candy store. I will retrieve a wide variety."
  18. Covet: "Make sure to pick up those fun chocolate oranges that you bang on the table and break. Those are my favorite." Eli said with a nod. "I know you'll pick well, My Love." Eli told her, stepping away to get a wash cloth to start wiping down a couple of the tables. He stopped, noticing Bliss's butt in them pants and was momentarily distracted, causing him to catch the corner of the counter as he walked into it.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Oh those are really good. I love those as well." Adam said with a nod, wincing when he saw Eli walk into the corner of the counter. "Ouch... are you okay?"-
  20. Tsaaq: ((STOP MOVIN MAN.))
  21. Covet: [o.o who moved?]
  22. Tsaaq: ((Steph.))
  23. Covet: [Oh, I didn't see ....]
  24. Tsaaq: "You know I will." Bliss said with a playful smile. She turned to walk away and heard Eli collide with the counter. "Oh my goodness!" She said as she went over to him immediately. "Are you okay?"
  25. Alexithymiaa: (I didnt touch anything though)
  26. Covet: "Yeah.. Yeah.. I'm fine." Eli said rubbing the spot he'd hit. "I just wasn't paying attention where I was walking." He waved them off and got the towel and the cleaning spray, He turned back around and walked by Bliss, leaning in to speak softly to her, "More so I was distracted by something sexy." He cleared his throat as he walked over to a table to start wiping it down.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, be careful." He said with a small laugh, sliding the showcase closed and locking it with the small key once he was done dusting. He turned and walked back over to the counter, stowing his dusting supplies before looking over the computer to start closing them out.-
  28. Tsaaq: Bliss looked scared for this perv at first but once he expressed his true distraction she shook her head at him. "Oh stop it." She said as she stifled a laugh. "You be more careful and look where you're going." Bliss told him and went to straighten up the shop. "Adam, has Hayley said anything about Tae and Drew lately?" She asked quietly.
  29. Covet: Eli gave a smirk as she told him to stop it. "I'll try. I make no promises." He told her as he got one table wiped down and moved to the next one. He wasn't entirely concerned as to what the two of them were talking about, for all he knew it could be Hayley related stuff.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Not as of lately. Nothing new, anyway. Why, have y'all heard anything else?" He asked her, beginning to batch out the computer and print their little receipt papers for the night.-
  31. Tsaaq: "Elijah was concerned... But we have no hard evidence of anything." Bliss told him. "I was just wondering. Nothing seems out of ordinary but Professor Cohen and Eli were suspicious of where she went on Thanksgiving after dinner."
  32. Covet: Eli finished up the other two tables and walked back over to the counter, "That's done, just need to sweep and we're good for the night if the till is done." He said to the both of them, not realizing that they were having a conversation about his sister, and his concern.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "No, she hasnt said anything. But if y'all would like, I can talk to her about it tomorrow. I know it's serious, but I didnt realize this was still going on. Last Hayley had told me, Tae was ending things and cutting off contact." He turned to look at Eli when he came over, nodding his head. "Everything is looking good on this end."-
  34. Tsaaq: She waved her hands a little. "I don't want her to feel like she's supposed to be this double agent. Hayley wouldn't lie. And she has no reason to. So until my own suspicion arises again I think we're fine." She smiled at Adam. "Okay dearest. I'm finishing up my closing task." She called out.
  35. Covet: "Oh.. are we talking about.. Gotcha. Yeah if Hayley's not comfortable being in the middle of it, I don't want her to feel like she's obligated. It's not like we won't find out about it eventually, Tae's not that good." Eli said, then looked at Bliss, "Then... for your next task, I need you to head upstairs and get the bed warmed up. I'll see Adam out and lock up, and be up shortly behind you."
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah according to Hayley, that's over. So I'm sure it is." He said with a shrug because he had no reason to believe that information wasnt accurate. Clocking himself out, he turned to the two. "I'll see y'all tomorrow. Have a good night." He sent them both a wave before making his way toward the front doors of the shop so he could head home.-
  37. Tsaaq: "That's what I was thinking." She chimed in. "Right-o fiance. I'll get on that task on the double!" She saluted Eli. "Goodnight Adam, get home safely." She waved. She went to kiss Eli's cheek then headed upstairs.
  38. Covet: Eli went to lock the door behind Adam, activated the security system and hit the lights before he went upstairs to attend to his fiance for the night.
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