Guest User


a guest
Jul 28th, 2014
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  1. Personal information that came off unencrypted
  2. (bypassing backup encryption) from my iPhone 5C 7.1.2. Your mileage may vary.
  4. Databases:
  5. NOTE: These are raw sqlite3 databases, which means that deleted records can
  6. often be carved from these files
  8. - Accounts database: List of email, social, and other accounts configured
  9. - AddressBook database: Contact lists, phone numbers, addresses, etc.
  10. - AddressBook images: Photos associated with contacts
  11. - Calendar database: User's calendar, events, alarms, and so on
  12. - Notes database: All of the users notes as stored in the Notes application
  13. - SMS/MMS/iMessage database:
  14. - Database of all correspondence from "Messages" applicatio
  15. - SMS attachments (photos or other attachments)
  16. - SMS drafts (texts the user typed but did not sent)
  17. - Emergency alerts received
  18. - Voicemail database: All voicemail metadata
  19. - Voicemail audio files: The actual audio of voicemails left for the user
  20. - Envelope index: User's email envelope data (message metadata, but no content)
  22. Media:
  24. - Camera / Video Roll (all photos / videos still on the device reel)
  25. - User photo album (photo album as synced from desktop)
  26. - Thumbnails cache (database of thumbnails of photo album and camera reel)
  27. - I didn't have any music stored, but IIRC that comes off too
  29. Caches:
  31. - GeoLocation history (timestamp, lat/long, altitude, accuracy, speed, course)
  32. - Contents of the clipboard (pasteboard)
  33. - User's last known longitude / latitude (separate cache from GeoLocation)
  34. - Map tiles database (including tile identifiers)
  35. - Screenshots of last user activity in:
  36. - App Store
  37. - Camera (intentionally blurred, but with clear saved roll preview)
  38. - FaceTime (including screenshot of call history)
  39. - Maps (including current position, last route, whatever on screen last)
  40. - Calendar (open to my current day's events at the time)
  41. - Notes (last note I was viewing, or list of all notes)
  42. - Mobile Phone (recent calls, contacts, or whatever was last on screen)
  43. - Photo Album app (last album / photo viewed / album list)
  44. - Messages (last thread or view of all messages)
  45. - iTunes app
  46. - Preferences
  47. - App store resources cache (images, etc)
  48. - iTunes cached resources (album covers, etc.)
  50. Other:
  52. - Metadata disk image of entire user partition (minus actual file content)
  53. - Keyboard typing cache
  54. - Application install logs
  55. - iCloud genstore (some cached copies of iCloud data)
  56. - MobileAssets, including copies of kernel cache, iBSS, and other system files
  57. - List of all installed applications (both third party and system)
  58. - Mobile gestalt
  59. - Device activation record
  60. - All pairing records (including escrow bags) for other trusted machines
  61. - Data ark
  62. - Application preferences
  63. - Application crash logs
  64. - Baseband, iCloud, and other system logs
  65. - Caches of urls to viewed audio and video media kept temporarily in /tmp
  66. - Lockdown logs; what hosts have connected when, SIM/network status
  68. Also, when accessing house_arrest service, data-protection can be unlocked
  69. and send all files from Documents, Library, Caches, Preferences, etc. from all
  70. third party applications installed on the device (no access controls, so user
  71. can download stateful information containing personal caches, conversations,
  72. databases, OAuth tokens, private content, and sometimes even passwords)
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