

Aug 3rd, 2011
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  1. [size=3]Full Feature List:[/size]
  3. [size=2]Scent Awareness:[/size][list]
  4. [*] Blood renders on the ground and fades away slowly.
  5. [*] When Blood scents are dropped, they slowly decay in strength until gone, causing hostiles to pathfind to the stronger scents, where you might be.
  6. [*] When the player is hurt, he spills blood onto the ground.
  7. [*] When the player is below 60% health, he bleeds every 30 seconds leaving a fresh scent, so be sure to keep healthy. (visual indicator coming soon)
  8. [*] For distractions, you can kill an animal which spills blood on death, giving you a better chance to get away to safety or to clear an opening to a cave.
  9. [*] Scent usage and strength is customizable, strength defaults at 75% of a 64 block radius. (48 blocks)
  10. [/list]
  11. [size=2]Sound Awareness:[/size][list]
  12. [*] When pretty much anything near the player makes a sound, there is a chance that a hostile within about 16 blocks might hear it.
  13. [*] Sounds traces are amplified and are heard from farther away if they are very frequent. So a lot of arrows landing or fighting off a lot of monsters will attract company fairly soon, better relocate.
  14. [*] Sound usage and strength is customizable, strength defaults at 30% of a 64 block radius. (19 blocks)
  15. [/list]
  16. [size=2]Sight Enhancement:[/size][list]
  17. [*] Customizable sight awareness range.
  18. [*] Option for X-Ray Sight targeting.
  19. [*] Option to have hostiles lose their target based on range and line of sight, or to never loses target.
  20. [*] Option for Omnipotent auto player targeting.
  21. [/list]
  22. [size=2]Activated Pathfinding:[/size][list]
  23. [*] Customizable Pathfinding range,
  24. [/list]
  25. [/spoiler]
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