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a guest
May 22nd, 2018
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  1. Precision is all decimals, scale is to the right of the decimal
  2. Partial! Takes in only one partial instead of all
  3. .pluralize(1) will be singular, anything else will be plural
  4. 1. Make it work in the simplest way (this may be writing the logic in the view and checking the json in the browser)
  5. 2. Make a method in the model to clean up the controller or view
  6. 3. Call it in the api controller or api view
  7. 4. Follow the data that is passed to the client (check the json in the browser)
  8. 5.Find where it is access the keys from the json hash (in this case, your client view)
  9. if you need to get rid of bad attributes, `Recipe.where(directions: nil).destroy_all` in rails console
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