Guest User

hes 16 or something and loves being edgy

a guest
Dec 30th, 2013
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  1. dingo: am i not allowed to leave teams
  2. pretender: I don't see how you could possibly think you're right in this situation
  3. dingo: ??
  4. dingo: i play tf2 on team
  5. dingo: i dont have fun on team
  6. dingo: i leave team
  7. pretender: Except you said you didn't have fun in this game anymore
  8. pretender: keyword: game
  9. dingo: so i choose some excuse so i dont have to say i didnt want to play with you
  10. dingo: ebcause i realize you will probably over react and be annoying about it
  11. dingo: huzzah
  12. dingo: you did it anyway
  13. pretender: My post didn't even make anything up
  14. pretender: They were facts
  15. pretender: You got bored
  16. pretender: and you and roomba killed the team
  17. dingo: i didnt like any of you
  18. dingo: its not up to me whether the team dies or not
  19. dingo: thats up to the leader
  20. dingo: i left
  21. dingo: you killed it
  22. pretender: I wasn't the leader
  23. dingo: who was
  24. pretender: Lin initially but couldn't because he sucks in school
  25. pretender: Then it was given to roomba
  26. dingo: point is
  27. dingo: i wasnt in charge
  28. dingo: i made a personal decision to leave
  29. dingo: that doesnt dictate the future of the team
  30. dingo: you dont have to stop playing because one person does
  31. pretender: Yeah it does, you knew what would have if you left
  32. pretender: And you brought roomba with you
  33. pretender: It wasn't one player
  34. dingo: brought roomba where
  35. dingo: i didnt tell him to quit
  36. pretender: Also we have like over 13 people play in our matches
  37. pretender: You're not the first person lol
  38. dingo: then dont tell me its my fault that it died
  39. pretender: But it is partially your fault
  40. pretender: Not really holding it against you
  41. dingo: DJ Roomba: tell him
  42. DJ Roomba: roomba said
  43. DJ Roomba: he killed it
  44. DJ Roomba: by making
  45. DJ Roomba: us
  46. DJ Roomba: want to quit
  47. dingo: when a team dies its everyones fault
  48. pretender: Not really lol
  49. dingo: by posting it in my thread you put the blame on me
  50. pretender: I'm just warning the team leaders who see that you're pretty good
  51. pretender: But then end up having to find someone to replace you
  52. pretender: Because you wanted to leave for "personal reasons"
  53. dingo: you're a fucking idiot
  54. pretender: Nice ad hominem
  55. pretender: I guess this means I've won
  56. dingo: no
  57. pretender is now Offline.
  58. dingo: it means you succeeded in being really annoying
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