
Aeron: Ancient's Awakening

Apr 5th, 2017
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  1. [06:11:24] More arrivals to the citadel upset the bowels beneath its foundation-- As though their presence it felt with their every callous step into a now, tainted setting. Every crevice and cranny of the realm oozed from the earth below, quaking from underfoot in reverence to...
  2. Something else... Someone else.
  4. The voice wrought out for minds near and far alike, cooing to all far more defiantly now. It could only be so long before it had grown potent enough to pierce into the minds of those unwilling to hear its Dark Call prior. An ancient had awoken, so close to the fringe of Imperfection that he had saw its opportunity through time and present of inhabitants taunting his patience.
  6. It was time... To reclaim his throne he had reached out for over a century ago... As the true, Augur of Darkness assuming reign over human and daemonic ilk alike. Within the midst of the throne room, cobblestone tiling were engorged through their seems with a surge of malefic radiance, gleaming its distinct mauve, with displaced miasma of lavender whisping away for the atmosphere. Solid matter had deteriorated away, split from its structure to rise asunder from its original shape in a luminous display of ebonic pseudolight.
  8. From the underground... It rose... Ascending through the ground in a fluid fashion, telekinetically hovering amidst the room, before those that came to investigate such activity. The ancient, had awoken...
  9. A smooth shift of its head swept his gander across the room, silently making judgement of any whom had dared to come this far.
  11. Albeit, not a single word was spoken.... Not yet...
  12. The presence alone however sought to pry passively at the lifeforce clung so desperately to humanoid vessels; As though, to boldly hold on to the claim it had made so long ago, scribed into the legends of this kingdom.
  14. The Final Umbral, had returned... and its eyes, had fallen upon Ken.... Still silent and waiting.
  15. (Aeron)
  16. [06:14:49] ".....!" Dr Veese was no man trained in the art of combat too far. Instead, the man was really --the doctor type. To hear all this ruckus with his ears? If he hadn't closed them earlier with his hands, they might have bene bleeding at this point. Eventually the noise would settle down and Dr Veese would simply be in Awe at the matter of what he saw here, a particular kind of Kaor-- interesting. A man could only take in so much at once-- Dr Veese to finally speak after checking his own ear for blood or puss.
  18. "So you've bene making all that noise then. For what purpose?" Not much pointed toward Aeron just yet other than accusation of the noise, and more to come later.
  19. (Ken Veese)
  20. [06:26:46] Aeron stared down at the doctor, with crimson hues that sought to pierce the very soul. The words the man had to offer were of value to be deciphered, his entire stature to follow suit aswell. Being the first entity to lay his eyes upon in over so many years...
  22. The mind proved addled as to what to impose upon the lesser ilk... At least, as the condescending monstrousity percieved of it.
  23. "Your inferior mind struggles to hold itself together, human." Alas, the words wrought out to him clawing at the mind. It hovered closer, testing the limitations of one's will to keep themselves upright. To keep their breath to their lungs, and body from faltering to such noxious poisons of the magical domain.
  25. "Though, you stand here still." His animated shadow engulfed at Ken, sapping away all forms of remote warmth throughout the scape. Despite lacking any wicked twist of divinity to his stature, he dared to warp perception of it through his own malignant artistry. Visualizations of the shadows, utilized constantly to sheath solid structures in a ebonic ichor.
  27. "It brings me to percieve of you... Brazen magi-kin traits..." He paused, as though expecting the human to better augment themselves to his existence.
  28. "What you seek reason for, human, is not for an act of voluntary endeavor... But, the byproduct of my return."
  29. (Aeron)
  30. [06:32:44] "I have a feeling you are not the Kaor Lord that master Vanoli was speaking of, and that complicates things." Looking back ont hings it was most likely a better idea to have some allies around him of some kind. But Veese didn't really have many allies willing to go this far way from a town to seal a deal. So it looked like this would be all on Veese to prepare. His mind erupted in what wa snothign short of a mental break down, thoughts racing, voices getting louder. Still he wa s amatured man he could do this if he just concentrated
  32. "What is it that you want? As it looks like you aren't he Kaor I was suppouse to be looking for. And since I don't aim to die today, what is it that you please, Kaor?"
  33. (Ken Veese)
  34. [06:42:59] There were other Kaor Lords? Of course, so much time was likely to have passed since he had last walked amongst the surface. As to who? He'd figure it'd be the super-yokai that he left to hold his ground in his departure, yes? Monstrosities likely capable to have ascended by now, perhaps taunting the boundaties of Imperfection...
  36. ....Speaking of which....
  38. Alas, something appropriate. He was awoken to a man requesting to bestow upon him, something that he desired-- Proper behavior from the inferior race. It, was actually enough to spare them the next looming moments.
  39. "It's about time one of your kind had come to reasonable conclusion." Its hover came closer now, finally setting foot before Ken to leave his gargantuan triple-toed feet resting by the man's form.
  41. "I want... To know about this day and age." It was a rather simple request, considering what he could've started with.
  42. "What year is it? ... This land and its nations, its people... What has changed since my last walk across the continent."
  43. (Aeron)
  44. [06:51:31] Malice ebbed faintly, as motes of utter dark arose upwards. Not fully solidfying into a full out aura upon the onearmed giga's personae. Eyes of malefic red gleamed about the strange keep he had found, as he trekked through the yokai woodlands.
  46. In his lone hand, he squeezed one of the yokai he had liberated from the darkened reaches of Trystle's looming, and cavernous depths. Breaking bone and drawing a pained screech from said yokai's lips. Lesser struggling, and not amounting to any real resistance, held as it was within the giga's grasp.
  48. Meandering from the cavern had broughht it without fail to the teeming and infested woods of bygone. The noise of kin uttered, though thusly ignored. Something else drew the yokai's irrefutable attention. Eyes of blood red, akin to pools of crimson seemingly sunken into the yokai's skull glinted, as he was drawn towards a feeling.
  50. Inescapable and vast power being utilized, a Kaor perhaps, or another Imperfect? There were many it seemed boasting of incredible strength these days. Sooner or later he himself would attain such. Entering the citadel, he wanderd about. Nearing the upper floors, footfalls loud and heavy heralding his arrival. Gaze of ambitious red surveying the room, as the earthen spikes upon his form further groaned as he ascended the steps.
  52. Telepathy lashing out, as an occultic aura surged in full to envelop upon the giga's being. Releasing a strangling chill, faint, though given time said chill would equal that of another Kaor's. By being strong, malefic and twisted into a full on depraved aura of occultic embrace.
  54. "I see, this is what garnered my attention. Another of mine race. A Kaor, yet stronger than the one called Vox, worthless wretch that that one is, seeking to protect a holy magi of all things, instead of truly tricking and using them, like the rabble they are.. Greetings auspicious one. I am Morðorslieht, a giga. Do you have a name?"
  55. (Morðorslieht)
  56. [07:21:23] And to one's request... The human had made their flight; Aeron himself, wordless to the act. What reason was there to care? In the end, it was just another plebeian to him; nothing ant to be stomped beneath his feet, promptly erased and forgotten akin to blimp, smudged out of reality.
  58. He felt, another spawnling of the shadows-- Youthful, and blind to the truest of darkness as of yet; he couldn't help but feel empathetic towards them. Did they come, thralled to the excess resonation of his vile circuitry? Was the perversion of his own touch warping so much at this facility that others across the lands of the yokai-bound charged in reverence to his rise? Was this, the first of many servants? Or one, too curious by the intoxicating maisma of animated oblivion.
  60. The telepathy was heard, acknowledged with a smooth pivot of the head to find Morðorslieht. "Child.." It dubbed of the giga-class, raising its head slightly as though to bestow them with an ascended one's merciful gander.
  61. "I am one, long since dormant of this world." He started on his approach, every step magnified by the sheer capacity of his being tremoring at the earth underfoot.
  63. It didn't require terramancy to bend the world to one's volition, and with the cackle of mana-induced static, the matter of structure around them had succumbed to an overwhelming aura without face, slowly transmogrifying into an oozing blackened ichor.
  64. "I, am Kaor Lord Aeron; Descendent of Mordred, himself-- and the last of the Umbral, of my age."
  66. He reached out, so calmly and without digression in his stride. The mind bombarded Morðorslieht's own, as though to passively enthrall his very vessel to remain in place for the resting of a superior's hand to his shoulder. It was, to be considered an honor to feel the depraved lord's touch.
  67. "--and to you, I forward my questions delivered unto the human..."
  68. (Aeron)
  69. [07:27:21] Miruki flies into the room at a casual pace. She slows down when she sees other yokai and studies them for a moment. Eventually the demon descends onto the handrail close to the stairs, and watches the two from there with pink beady eyes.
  70. (Mirukii)
  71. [07:50:24] Twisted depravity pressed outwards. Resohnation of a repulsive aura surged almost passively so. Twisted and oft daemonic origin, thusly extending from the caricature of the visible Kaor. Who with temerity neared, and placed a hand upon the giga's being.
  73. Drawn to the overwhelming aura that summarily and dost facilitate passively. The yokai hissed, at the foreign intrusion oft his personae. Eyes of ambition gleamed, a slow grawling and fanged grin formulating upon his features. Stones upon his flesh groaned as he shifted. Jagged and reviled spikes of earth grinding as he moved. "Indeed.. I have no problem trying to satiate your curiousity Auspicious one." The giga evoked, through malign telepathy oft his own make.
  75. "The giga grinned, as he hissed, drawing in his envy for the sheer power that thusly exude off the Kaor imminent being. An opportuinty, to manipulate and deceive at hand. To garner the aid of a greater being. To utilize them as a resource, of knowledge, and overwhelming power if thusly tricked in helping him achieve several of his goals. A challenge, how exfiting. Though should his manipulation be thusly exposed. Then surely the Kaor's retribution would be swift, and unmerciful. He would be destroyed..without thought surely.
  77. The giga relished the idea. To pit his wits and attempts at manipulation, overtime upon a greater being. If only to hasten his own eventual development and claimation of gradual divinity by grasping at Perfection like Mordred himself. "You are heir to the Perfect Mordred truly then? Well if so, then..none can stand against your might I am sure, ancient one. I know I shan't even seek to try, for mine being would be reduced into nothingness. Save to sate your appetite, and bring about my own demise." The giga hissed.
  79. "I know not what has gone on here. I am clueless to such. Though there are whispers a Kaor Lord has claimed this place. I've not tried to confirm this as accurate. An Imperfect and his few alies recently warded off assaults from a city called New Alteros and Nostvale in the cities to the north. So say the weaker kin, as they screech about madly. I've not gone unto said service myself. I've no desire to be devoured by the Imperfect. That is all I know. As to the human cities not much. Their is an order of those seeking to bring about Kraus doctrine upon us all. Though I've yet to be slain by them, thabnks to falsely proclaiming myself to uphold Krausite ideals. Survival and all that."
  80. (Morðorslieht)
  81. [08:02:20] The new presence fluttering into the room hadn't gone acknowledged in its initial arrival, but he could feel it much like he felt conscious mutual cesspools of the shadows. The environment meant for daemonic enrichment was destined to provide such a wide variety of beasts-- Not limited to, even the unimpressive of the avian type: Mirukii.
  83. To such youth and fragility, he offered it, an extended hand. Through his reach, he beckoned to it-- Naturally clutching his occultic grasp unto the mind of the lesser kin, binding it to an overwhelming stream of his remotely delivered mana tainted of the nightly arcane. It was a creature of far too feeble stature to threaten the integrity of him in his current stature and thus...
  85. He summoned it forth, to flutter forth and land upon his extended arm, perhaps even to hop up to his shoulder. Whether it'd comply to the seductive touch of the ensnaring maws of the transmundane was up to the strength of its willpower versus one's passive offer. With assumption that it'd follow through, his arm would fall to his side, a silent promise to aid in its evolution being made.
  87. "An Imperfect?" He asked of this informant, "There's another?" He found it amazing-- So much time had passed since last wandered and even now, he couldn't even recall what life truly was like. It was all addled, interwoven with fantasies lived in his slumber. Then, came the obvious questions, spawned from the time he was away.
  89. "... New Alteros?" He prodded, "What is... New Alteros? What of the original..."
  91. "Kraus? ..." He shook his head in disappointment. "Foolish child... There is no Kraus." He explained, "To even boast such a name, is a delusion upon yourself and disgrace to our very ilk."
  92. (Aeron)
  93. [08:08:19] Miruki's eyes suggest longing when she's fed mana, as the kaor's mind control is too potent for such a weak yokai to resist. Eagerly the demon flutters its wings and ascends into the air, flying over to the kaor.
  95. Miruki would land on the Kaor's outstretched arm and peer sideways at the hand that feeds it occult mana, as her body absorbs it.
  96. (Mirukii)
  97. [08:22:49] The giga hissed, eyes of murderous red gleaming. Faint ambition glittering within. Surveying the Kaor's mass, the giga hissed lightly. Noise reveberating as rancid smelling breath pushed outwards from his mouth. Vessel flickering and unleashing his own baleful occultic aura.
  99. The giga nodded succintly. "Indeed an Imperfect. Though this is the only one I know of. You must've met many in your time..I would imagine ancient one." The giga mused, curiousity brimming within his telepathy.
  101. Glancing to the tera, the giga grunted. HOw unsightly, to be fed mana and nott seek out its own. Worthlesss use of space of a tera. Ah..he wanted to eat it. Yet trying such would surely bring down upon his form the wrath of the kaor so boldly infront of his weaker being. He had no wa to try even challenging the kaor. Nor would he try to as he was. Missing an arm, amongst other things.
  103. " Old Alteros. Oh yes, if that must be the new then,...surely the one you know would be old. I know not of what you speak. Though mayhaps such an inquiry would be served of the newer city. Though..surely you'd be killed if you tried to even enter such a place auspicious one."
  105. The giga grinned as he listened to the words uttered by the Kaor upon Kraus. "It matters little if Kraus is real or not. I care little, since if I can play my hand correctly. Those humans can be used to hasten my own growth, of course I'd not try to use them against you great one. No no, my intent is far more use them to strike down other yokai and allow me to devour them. Well those who'd be willing to un-align with me that is, and those lacking true intellect.. On broaching that topic. I myself seek an alliance with you..if you'd be so willing to take me under your entity. I will serve you loyally o son of Mordred.."
  106. (Morðorslieht)
  107. [08:27:56] Miruki snaps out of her daze when the Giga yokai grunts towards her. Absent-mindedly the demon makes eye contact with the green beast, though she hardly registers it...for those few seconds.
  109. Her eyes wander off afterwords.
  110. (Mirukii)
  111. [08:34:46] Sternly he gazed upon the giga-class, hand still resting upon it.
  112. By remaining perched on his shoulder, the terra-class was engorged with his excess radiance, percieved as a soon-to-be strengthened asset to his endeavors.
  113. "Child." He said unto the verdant-skinned giga, "I have faced many threats in my age... Single-handedly disarmed entire cities through my arrival alone. From Frostvale, Nostvale and beyond." He went onward.
  114. "I, have even been graced with the presence of deities from Lilith and so on... No single nation worries me." He answered, as though to ensure that all was well.
  116. "As for the Imperfect, perhaps he may be of nuisance... But even in my time, there was an Imperfect. I was weak... Though, I was an experiment to be spawned as the ultimate lifeform; thus far, I've come to meet no prominent threats. I do not believe the coming of an Imperfect will be much of a trouble, for too much longer." His hand is relieved from the beast's shoulder, "By being here with me, you've already come to bind us through collaborative endeavors."
  118. He pivoted around, a footstep melting into the cobblestone-- It, succumbing to a wicked dosage of the volatile arcane oozing from his bio-armor. "And thus, I come to reclaim my throne, and revive the Vytherine State wrought to us by the King of Valmasia, Ryan Kyros..." He paused, before pivoting over his shoulder to acknowledge his kin once more.
  120. "He is, still the king of Valmasia, is he not?"
  121. (Aeron)
  122. [08:43:18] Widald had felt the tremors in the ground. It was why he was here. The thing that had brought him to the Citadel. And it was on the tail end of the Yokai's question, that he came in. He had never actually heard of this Ryan Kyros. But one thing he did know, was that right now the person was no king. Regardless, Widald would appear further into the room, in a flash of red lightning. Considering he had in fact heard the question, he would be able to answer it.
  124. "I'm afraid Valmasia's kind of divided at the moment actually. Closest thing we've got to something like that, is a queen by the name of Clio. But even she doesn't have her hands around the whole thing. 'Course, how useful all that is to you, depends on how you're intending to use the info."
  126. Considering his occultic nature. The red lightning around him. And, for once with the infection working in his favor, the long streaks of obsidian discoloration, and blackened veins visible on his skin, Widald would strike a rather evil looking appearance. The fact that his mask was now worn, and old looking only added to this fact. And the disdain he held as he spoke the queens name... There was no indication that this man held any loyalty to them. He looked as though, he were willing to jump onto any cause that came his way.
  128. Even, if it was a cause held by a Kaor Yokai such as this.
  129. (Widald Nieves)
  130. [08:47:34] Ryoko could feel the tremors all the way from the HQ. This wasn't good. It felt way to strong. Maybe as strong as Dumuzid. He didn't have time to stop and grab soldiers he had to go now.
  132. Ryoko forced updraft quicker then ever and bolted across Valmasia faster than any other time before. This didn't feel like something good at all. It felt like a very dark evil power has arrisen. But what? He wasn't sure.
  134. Ryoko would find himself at the Citadel, a place hadn't been to personally but had heard stories of people there...He'd land and slay any yokai that got close. What caused that tremor.
  136. When Ryoko entered he didn't see anything on the first floor but when he entered the second the Kaor asked of Ryan Kyros asking if he was still king. Where did this Kaor come from? Ryoko saw a hole.
  138. That's where it came from. Ryoko would hear a familiar voice the Widald person. It had been a day since he had seen him. Now he saw him here...What was his game he answered the question how interesting.
  140. "Indeed...Valmasia is a mess...which makes me ask why did you show yourself?"
  142. Ryoko would slowly step up the staircase and look at the green mega that had caused trouble at his HQ was he apart of this? What was going on. But one thing could be seen as bright as the sun. Ryoko's ice angel wings were seen glowing with the holy energy powering them. Ryoko was showing what he was to see what side this Kaor would be on exactly.
  143. (Ryoko Larencia)
  144. [08:51:50] Sarah was landing at Lionhold when she felt the earthquakes. She didn't notice as she was flying but after landing and feeling the ground shake under her feet did she look around. She ignored it at first but when it happened again, she looked towards the Citadel's direction
  146. She was an earth mage afterall and she was able to feel what direction it was coming from. She began flying there slowly, the Citadel belonging to people that were working with New Alteros. While she was not an enemy of them, she was still hesitant to go there.
  148. When she got closer, she noticed Ryoko going in just before her, so she follows him in, wanting to make sure her uncle was safe. The sound of her armor being heard before she entered. She stood behind Ryoko and kept quiet for a moment. She had serpent like eyes and her neck was covered in scales, her heritage being easy to see.
  150. She didn't feel comfortable around the occultic magic because of learning holy magic. They would likely not feel it coming off of her since she was not a strong holy user, but instead much better with magma magic and fire magic.
  151. (Sarah)
  152. [08:53:32] The ookami had heard the powerful force go throughout Valmasia. He decided it was best to go investigate. Heading towards the gate he would nod to the guards. With that the ookami would be gone from the city. Flashing through the swamps and the forest he would feel a more tremoring force coming from the place known as the citadel.
  154. "Great!"
  156. With that he would head through the yokais. Easily blowing them out his way as he was coming to the citadel more closer and closer. When he hopped to the top he would see the place had others. Going inside he would see Ryoko and Sarah. Ignoring them at the moment as the bigger problem caught his eyes. It was a huge super kaor inside the citadel.
  158. The ookami was in shock as he never saw a force like this. Though it was kind of close to the imperfect power he believed. The ooze would begin to spazz as he would agree things were getting exciting.
  159. (Starox)
  160. [08:53:32] Occultism ebbed down, as the giga surveyed the kaor's back. "I know not of a human named Ryan Kyros unfortunately, ancient one." The giga stated via telepathy.
  162. Eyes surveying the encvirons of the room. As he stepped awayv from the entrance. Surveying the hole. Glancing upon the strands of occultic energy that inflicted henceforth into the air.
  164. Standing by a pillar, and pressing his weight upon it. Stone groaned being grinded together. Spikes of earth scrapping across ancient citadel stonework. As he continued to survey the area. "I see, you have faced insurmountable odds then. O' son of Mordred. Your confidence is to beadmired then. I wish I had even that if anything. Though in time, once I hopefully claim the same status as yourself, than I shall." The giga fell silent.
  166. Eyes snapping to the arriva of many a human. A result of the tremors loosed forth by the Kaor's arrival then. Intersting.
  168. "A vythian state? What is this state??" The giga queried of the Kaor. Silently watching as more and more entered the room. "Well, I suppose it would be best to save my questions for later. It seems we've humans to come visit us. Greetings humans, I am Morðorslieht, a giga yokai. If any of you know Quazla. I am an ally to he, and I would have words with you in particular."
  170. Glancing to Ryoko, the gig cast a gander at the holy energy being radiated. Was thjs one of the Krausites..? One he could trick then..? Best to ask. "Excuse me human..Are thou a Krausite, I would speak to thee if so. I have the error of my ways one could say. Convinced to follow the teachings of Kraus. In this..I would desire a chance to prove myself." The giga stated. Attempting to be deceptive, truly he hadn't changed, however if he could get a potential Krausite on his side. Well then, he had a clear avenue to pursuing further growth and advancement. And not through sheer force or domination, but by cunning and strategy.
  171. (Morðorslieht)
  172. [08:56:06] He was on his way to the mansion in the swamps, to speak with a friend and acquintance of his - Rhaziel. He had not gained any significant information, but this might prove useful for the man. However, he soon felt coming from the north. Something bad . . . something evil.
  174. The Citadel - He's been here before, ah, such a terrible memory for the holy magi. Elyon observed the Citadel whilst hovering in the sky. "So, this is where it comes from." He told himself, and slowly descended and infiltrated the Citadel.
  176. However, upon reaching the top, he noticed people already present in the building. Have they also felt the tremor? He noticed and was able to identify Starox . Yet, one thing caught his attention more than the people present.
  178. "Woah. . . " He silently exclaimed as he placed his gaze upon the yokai.
  179. (Elyon Loreth)
  180. [09:07:12] More...
  181. Like ants invading his palace, he felt their alien signatures the moment they walked upon land festering his occultic byproduct.
  182. The cackle of crimson fulmination beckoned its ear, but not its eyes. A fellow practitioner of the shadows, having tasted a glimpse of the unfathomable depths he had descended in his century's passing.
  184. "A nation asunder... Pitiful, albeit expected of humans riled with greed. I take it, the Imperfect of this current time is, incompetent in accomplishing that much... Or... Has it been riddled with such asinine greed as well, I wonder." He could feel the others storming closer, some more ravenous in their endeavor than others... But one... One riled his attention beyond the rest.
  186. He could feel the disappearances in their arrival, the telepathic cries of the children... His children. It'd bring tears to the eyes of a failed parent, realizing that their kin was slaughtered outside of their immediate reach. Though, he remained silent, reserved to the mind to hear and feel before speaking.
  188. Another speaks, and he listens... Feeling himself, the God, and them, one in prayer;
  189. "I am here, because destiny beckons it. Whether the end-game is union of all kin as I deem fit, or apocolypse is entirely up to you." He spoke, broadly, referring not to merely a man, but his entire kind.
  190. There were some iota's worth of resistance: Exorcists within a prism of manifested eternal night, a sickening thought, but one tolerable given maturity.
  192. Of course, there came the one presence he had sensed since the beginning... The murderer, to whom, he badgered himself to dismiss the brief search for his former throne, and lay his gander upon-- Starox. The solemn look upon his visage expressed no vibrant nor explicit emotion, merely judgement.
  194. There came the question, from the Giga-class; "The Vytherinean State." He corrected, "A union of our kind, child... As our people people, and capital of a new, United Valmasia: The... Utopia, this humanity so mindlessly desires and crave for. The Utopia, we've all longed for.... Too long, denied by the few and the greedy." It spoke, in reverence of Widald, almost as though to tease the thought of mutual intent.
  196. "One, where true law sustains a reality devoid of such blind and rabid 'Heroes' and Vigiliantes that plague these lands. Where the lies of Kraus, are revealed as I have come to learn from Divines themselves. I intend to show humanity... The cruel truth that was hidden from them, by ancestors before me."
  198. (Aeron)
  199. [09:19:08] The ookami would see the creature had its eyes on him. He would not blink or discourage away. Just gaze as he would wonder what the beast was thinking. The way it eyed him it seem he was being examined or whatever the case. He would fold his arms. To tell truth Starox actually liked this gaze. It was no pleasant one at all.
  201. The yokai spoke of the crippled world they live in. The unbalance of light and darkness was great. Soon the world would fall into ashes. Did the ookami really care? In his mind he was never sure on how to feel. Though it was mostly the end of time to him when a yokai spoke of a Utopia he found it very wrong. It sounded like something that would not end well.
  203. One thing he knew in this world. Humans were greedy and yokais were monsters. Putting them together would only last for so long. That until someone would break the bond.
  205. The ookami would keep silent to hear more.
  206. (Starox)
  207. [09:22:33] "The imperfect managed to take one city. a long time ago. Otherwise, it's been held back from the rest of the continent. I assume it's because of greed. Last I heard of it, it was looking for the remnants of an imperfect from a rather long time ago. He called it Kok-Bael. That was nearly twenty years ago though, and nothings come of it yet."
  209. Widald would answer the Kaor's comments about the imperfect. And in truth, that could be taken as incompetence. The fact that the Kaor had managed to only take a singular city from an already weakened nation. But when confronted with the full might of what he wanted, all that it was capable of doing was sitting around while those that followed it left en masse.
  211. Widald would then listen as it spoke. About it's desire to create a union. And to show humanity some kind of truth. That certainly Piqued his interest. But not quite as much as the fact that this Kaor seemed to be surprisingly respectful to Widald. Not something he saw often. But, a welcome change.
  213. "I see, I see... And what is this truth you want to show humanity. If I might have the honor of knowing. What are you looking to do, with all of it?"
  215. A reasonable question. And one showing a particular interest. A high chance that, perhaps, the Kaor had Widald interested enough to side with him. Certainly something that would come as a surprise to some people in the room. But then, he was simply an occultist they had only met one time. Considering the abuses he had already seen. It should come as no surprise that he seemed ready to throw his lot in with someone looking to change things.
  216. (Widald Nieves)
  217. [09:31:05] Ryoko just listened and Widald played it smart answering his questions not making the Kaor mad...This Kaor was on a level that the imperfect probably didn't achieve until it was an imperfect. For some reason Ryoko could actually fear this one. Why though? Ryoko didn't know. He didn't care. He figured it'd be best to leave. He had not of this monster. If anything bad happened in the future that the imperfect didn't do...well He'd come to this monster.
  219. He didn't like the idea of leaving it behind. But he didn't want to take his chances with fighting the monster head on by himself even if Sarah and Widald was there with him. Ryoko would stare down the monster and then decide to leave only saying a few words.
  221. "I'm Ryoko Larencia. Kaor...Remember that name."
  223. With that Ryoko would leave waving for Sarah to follow. She shouldn't stay with this Kaor when she had her family. Ryoko also needed to know how to play things smart. Fight this monster was not that smart. He'd leave it to whoever else was there. That green yokai that wanted to talk to him? He'd be ignored. He had already left a bad taste in his mouth he didn't want to affiliate him with someone he didn't care for. Only yokai Ryoko had ever even considered a friend and an ally was the snake. But no one else needed to know that.
  224. (Ryoko Larencia)
  225. [09:34:30] Sarah watches for a moment as ryoko went to leave. Since she didn't feel comfortable here and was in no hurry to start a fight, she would follow behind him. She could feel its strength, being stronger than herself and the overflowing occultic energy bothered her.
  227. She would follow behind him if not interrupted, still being quiet. She didn't feel the reason to tell it her name, seeing as it would make her a target if it knew it anyway. The sound of her heavy armor being heard with each step as she went towards the stairs.
  228. (Sarah)
  229. [09:37:55] "Ho~ We speak of greed and such. Ah, I hate it, but I do agree with you Kaor." The cloaked figure said and looked around the area and listened to their discussion, before saying something with a friendly grin, and descending down upon the ground.
  231. "However, aren't we all greedy? You included? We speak of our own ideals and beliefs and," The cloaked figure then clapped both his hands, loud enough for everyone to hear. "BOOM! A clash of said beliefs, resulting to confrontation and war." He ended and winked at the Kaor. He himself do not judge others based on their ideals, however, he seeks balance and nothing more. Valmasia already reeks of depravity, and if not stopped or at least just mitigated, it'll fall further to ruins. Darkness or Light magic, he didn't care what one wields, for they're simply magic as far as he's concerned. However, depravity is something out of the concept of both good and evil - it corrupts the lifestream.
  233. However, he's not as rude as to not let the Kaor speak his mind. A glance was placed upon the Giga. He recognized the yokai, whom claimed to praise Kraus. His eyes were full with curiosity and amusement, before placing his gaze back at the Kaor.
  235. "But, I'm interested to hear it myself~ What is it of that you speak of? Lord Yokai?" He said and placed both hands on his pocket, not minding Ryoko and Sarah leaving.
  236. (Elyon Loreth)
  237. [09:55:50] "What I do with Humanity, is up to you..." He spoke solemnly, eyes failing to digress from Starox, even now. There came, humans that arrived to realize his awakening... However, they soon took to departure, as though their arrival, an empty threat. He had met many like them before... Many Kaors had preyed: Predators, abruptly betrayed of their understanding of evolutionary balance and assimulated into his being.
  239. "I, don't badger myself with remembering the titles of faceless humans." He spoke coldly, "Such, would be a meaningless endeavor." It was meant to a man that didn't pose him any reason to:
  240. - Undeemed as a threat
  241. - Undeemed of a reverent compatriot
  242. - Undeemed of his memory
  243. --Dismissed, as just -another human- for the time being. Then, came Elyon and their claim... A claim, that boasted itself, out of turn, out of right and rank.
  244. How dare a meager plebeian stands to him, to claim -him- remotely flawed, as their sinful race?
  246. Alas, one had managed to break his gander upon Starox, temporarly pardoned of pending wrath to settle all of it unto Elyon.
  247. From the shadows of this darkened room, crept the creatures of the night. Oblivion itself was wrought from manifested shadows, allowing their hues of crimson to peer onward upon the targetted human, specifically. Telepathic signals were sent abroad implicitly, without any words to be said by the Kaor Lord.
  249. They felt his surmounting malice, brimming at the fringe and searching for an excuse to validate against his maturity; It was, an urge that all of his kind were plagued to-- He, being no different. Aeron spoke not a word to interupt, but the crawling miasma of ebony spanned out for the ground he stood upon, corroding it with its acidic touch.
  251. Cobblestone pillars were flayed of their outer-casings in a slow mannerism that resembled organic rot. The end result to solid matter was a blackened ichor that irradiated a stench visually percieved as a mauve fog. Thankfully, Elyon had steered his speech in the right direction, withholding what was likely to be unleashed upon him just moments prior.
  253. "I speak, of a land united... Where humanity's lust for such mindless urges across the board. Where there is, no longer the threat of yokai genocide. A world, digressed from by Kokb'ael and denied from Mordred. A world, unsurprisingly denied by this current time... One, where the Crowns of Power, return."
  254. A single step forth tremored the realm at his volition, issuing a passive beckon for the raw vitality that clung so tightly to circuitry and bodily vessels around him. Every inch closer further defined it, as the antipodal of Life, itself, mastering the shadows to such incomprehensible depths to contest with raw Death.
  256. "One, under a single true ruler... Where, your people will not longer pray to a feigned image carved out by man, but a living one-- Not as a king, but as your new deity. With such, I will bring you power and freedom..."
  258. "I, am Kaor Lord Aeron, Descendent of Mordred... And that, is my decree."
  259. (Aeron)
  260. [09:58:24] Ryoko Larencia: <*stops in his tracks at the word Mordred*>
  261. [10:03:31] Sarah: <*pulls on Ryoko*>
  262. [10:05:13] Ryoko Larencia: <*eyes study the Kaor then turns and looks at Sarah. He gives one last deep breath then turns to leave*>
  263. [10:07:47] The ookami close his eyes. Did he turn his back on the creature. No, he took interest in this being. Though it seem to had finally disregarded hima nd focus on another. The ookami would see this creature wanted to be a god. It wanted to be the ruler of of them. He looked down upon this very ideal. It even said it was a descendent of Modreded.
  265. The ookami didn't like that one bit. If the beast had a ounce of a creature like Modred in him it meant trouble. Though it was no imperfect. The power of this kaor was not to be jdugeed by a glimpse.
  267. Should the ookami leave? He rather not just yet. He wanted to hear more.
  268. (Starox)
  269. [10:09:29] Widald would turn to see Ryoko and Sarah attempting to leave. This, was a problem. One that the other did not see. And one that he would explain, right at this moment. For the benefit of those here.
  271. "I don't think anyone should be leaving. Not yet, at the least."
  273. Widald would turn back to the Kaor. He would go to speak to it. And the way he spoke, it would seem to be in reference to Ryoko.
  275. "I've been around for a while. I've met quite a few people at this point. And there is something I've learned. Things like this, always turn into a problem. It doesn't matter how weak or how strong they are. You see, it's always been those that are deemed not worth their time, that tend to be their biggest banes. The ones that come back out of nowhere. Stronger, faster. And with an even stronger desire to kill you then they started with."
  277. Widald would look back to Ryoko. As well as at Sarah.
  279. "That's why you snip things like this in the bud, well before they can become a threat. Before they can reassert themselves. Before they can grow in power. Because if you don't. Even if they're still weaker then you. All it takes is that one person to send something toppling down onto your head."
  281. He would turn back to the Kaor. A grin visible beneath his mask.
  283. "I think, we should kill them now. Before they prove to be a nuisance."
  285. Widald would then turn his attention to the other two. Starox, and Elyon. The one that had questioned the Kaor.
  287. "And how about you two? Do you two wish to leave as well? Do you feel hostility towards this Kaor. Speaking of..."
  289. He would turn back to the Kaor. The one he didn't know the name of. Considering that he hadn't given it out yet.
  291. "May I ask your name. It feels odd, simply calling you Kaor."
  292. (Widald Nieves)
  293. [10:20:35] Ryoko would listen to Widlad's words and walk up to him and whisper to him. This wasn't good. He wanted to fight it now? It seemed that way or was Ryoko catching the wrong drift. He wasn't sure but Sarah wanted to leave...what to do. This Aeron. He claimed to be the descendant of Mordred the perfect...What to do what to do...He'd whisper to Sarah and then turn to the Kaor.
  295. "If you claim to be the descendant of Mordred what do you plan to do besides unite the land? Why do that anyway? Don't most if not all yokai want to destroy the world?"
  297. He'd say this trying to dwell deeper into this monster's true purpose. What was his goal?
  298. (Ryoko Larencia)
  300. [10:24:51] Sarah nods to him for a moment before going to leave. She didn't want to leave him alone but there were things she needed to take care of, and she didn't want caught up in a large fight when she didn't even know most of the people in the room.
  302. She keeps leaving while Ryoko speaks, no intents on fighting anyone in the room since she didn't know who she could trust and who she couldn't. The sound of her armor clanging as she left.
  303. (Sarah)
  305. [10:26:33] Elyon feared not of death. He'd already managed to almost get himself killed - Yes, many times. A goal he wanted to pursue, not a goal he deemed as evil nor good, but a goal good for all races of Valmasia. Religion, he didn't care of and about. Drakanites and Oscuris as his friends, proving himself devoid of humanly concepts of what's right from wrong. He also met yokais, and thought of them not good or wrong. Even the Kaor, Xiahcoatl it called itself, didn't hurt Elyon. Are yokais truly evil? He didn't care. But, one thing for sure, they wield darkness just the same.
  307. The magi stood strong, though one would be foolish to assume he's unaffected by sudden burst of malice and miasma by the Kaor. It felt very uncomfortable, and hairs would stand up from his skin. He gritted his teeth and covered his head with his arms to protect himself from the cobblestones.
  309. Thankfully, it seems like Aeron calmed himself down upon hearing Elyon steering his speech in the right direction. Of course, the magi listened, slowly putting his hand down. He agreed, humans persecute yokais - no, not only yokais but their enemies under the guise of something good. Yet, is it? Valmasia's current state doesn't prove otherwise. Humans, like any other realms, or worlds - no matter where they go, chaos ensues.
  311. Kaor Lord Aeron . . . Descendant of Mordred the Imperfect. So, that was his decree and he respected it. He found it better sounding than of Dumuzid's. However, Widald suddenly spoke in a very threatening manner Elyon found unpleasant. He held fear for the Kaor, but not Widald.
  313. "Starox . . . if you wish to leave now, leave." Starox would hear a familiar whisper, hinted with concern, directed to him. It would be easy for the ookami to realize that the man who spoke to him was Elyon. He then turned to look at Widald, tilting his head left.
  315. "Hostility? I do not feel hostility towards the Lord Kaor. I understand what it is that he seeks and, I do not have the intention to get on his way for my goals differ from his.Though, I only feel hostility coming from you. . . And you wish . . . to kill me?" He said with a smirk, as if finding what Widald said to be folly.
  316. (Elyon Loreth)
  317. [10:34:14] Widald had his point, however, the Umbral had only recently awoken. The intend of others to his mere presence was an alarm, for them. The likelihood of them being capable of phasing him, felt unlikely. So long as he went unprovoked, it was doubtful that they'd manage to incur his wrath. Then again, the threat still stood as a possibility.
  319. --and if one, was drawn to the drive of his passive aura enough to comply to the subtle cull over the mind, slowly drawing them closer into the immeasurable depths of the eternal dark, then so be it.
  320. "I need not worry about these individuals now. With a single gesture, I could erase them and everything of their existence with plenty of interest." He explained his enactment of sloth. "However, I invite you to carry out such troublesome chores for me..."
  322. He instructed, "--and in reverence, I can ensure you a promise in the coming New World." Aeron didn't need to kill these humans... They did that to themselves. All he needed to do, was enable them. What was the point in waving around his power to eradicate what would've erased itself? Time, told the stories, over and over, and a now-boring metaphorical literature he grew tired of re-reading.
  323. (Aeron)
  324. [10:43:37] The being known as Mazino made his way towards the Citadel.
  325. Something drew him towards that place, it was rather odd.
  326. As he laid his sanguine, malevolent eyes upon the citadel it had a somewhat eerie feeling to it, more than usual.
  328. How peculiar.
  330. Mazino made his way inside, leaving a trail of corpses behind him which were killed in most gruesome ways.
  331. Anyone unfortunate enough to cross paths with him, soon met his demise.
  333. Eventually Mazino made his way into a certain room, he came inside, floating merely a few inches above the surface. Despite clearly using some sort of a magic, not even an ounce of mana can be felt resonating throughout his body. One would think he's supposedly really good at hiding his presence.
  335. He'd keep a relatively low posture, in order to hide whatever "distinguishing" features he had under his hoodie.
  336. A single phrase escapes his mouth as he shifts his gaze inbetween the humanoids who were present within the room;
  337. "Greetings." - he'd announce whilst dissipating his levitation magic and coming cashing down onto the concrete, with a loud thud.
  338. (Mazino)
  340. [10:59:50] Widald would turn himself around to face Elyon and Ryoko. He would draw his sword with his remaining arm. The Occultic lightning strengthening as it coursed down his blade. He struck an intimidating figure. Beneath his mask, one could feel his desire to kill, someone here was going to die, very, very soon.
  342. Slowly, he would make his way forward. Leaving some distance between him, and the two before him. Before, going to speak.
  344. "You see, that's the thing I dislike about you. You're all the same."
  346. With that, his head would turn to look back at the Kaor.
  348. "Do you know how many times I've heard that pitch? I'll be generous and say that it's been three times, that I've heard this from a Kaor. That they want to unite the world. Show us "The Truth". I've heard it from the imperfect. I heard it before that from a Kaor looking to take over Dragons peak. I even heard it from a Kaor that actually seemed genuine one time. I admit. But there was always one common thread."
  350. Widald would spin himself around to face the Kaor now.
  352. "They all lied. And forgive me, but I think you'd follow that trend as well. You see, it was you I was referring to..."
  354. Widald would slowly back himself up, into the group behind him.
  356. "I've seen what one imperfect would do. Personally, I think it's quite reasonable to snip you right in the bud, before you get stronger then you are now. No hard feelings of course. Personally, you talk a great game. But I'm afraid I've just been scorned far too much."
  358. It was true. If the Kaor thought about it, his idea was quite the cliche one. The story he told the same as any other Yokai with an agenda. It wasn't unreasonable at all, that someone who had seen as much as Widald had would be skeptical. If not outright hostile to any Yokai who tried to sell them the same old stuff...
  359. (Widald Nieves)
  360. [11:01:32] Widald Nieves: I do admit, I did give you the benefit of the doubt though.
  361. [11:01:32] Elyon Loreth: Bastard...
  362. [11:08:22] Ryoko was scared of this Kaor slightly. It didn't seem scared at all and wiping us out with one blow. That was just as evenly scary.
  364. He'd form his ice staff and just shake his head as it was time to smite the descendant of Mordred before he could rise in power. It wasn't good for it to gain power.
  366. "I am the truth and justice of this world. Now Kaor descendant of Mordred listen to my words."
  368. Ryoko would start saying as he flew up in the air flapping his wings of ice empowered with holy magic. He'd just keep flying up until he was at eye level with the beast.
  370. "I am evil's bane and will cause all of you to stop causing pain. Just like Arthur did to your ancestor slaying himself. I will kill you and mount you on my shelf. Now prepare to die cause here this is where you will lie."
  372. He'd say as his eyes began to glow with holy energy and his staff of ice seemingly glowing as well. He was ready for this fight the room seemed to be getting colder as well. He could only just assume that Widald and the others would back him up.
  373. (Ryoko Larencia)
  374. [11:16:03] Another aura, so powerful at that. He turned to glanced towards Mazino making an entrance, however his concern is turned towards Widald. Yes, he he's prepared to face Widald, and those whom who seek to block his path. The Kaor's ideals he respected, for it sounded better than Dumuzid - But, did he just command Widald to kill them?
  376. Now, Elyon didn't want to fight a battle here, for he fights with a cause, and not merely bloodthirst. However, the Kaor's actions didn't mirror his ideals. Kill the both of them? Ah . . . he won't go down without a fight. He won't die a dog's death. He will fight.
  378. Gently, he took off from the ground, and faced Widald. The aura had been far too uncomfortable with him, and so he let holy, golden flames burst around him and looked at stared deep within to meet Widald's eyes. Indeed, someone here was going to die, very, very soon. First is this man, who just allied himself with a Kaor . . . and next is Aeron - who seeked to purge them. He spoke of lies . . . unity? Ha. . . this yokai is just like the others - liars.
  380. However, Widald suddenly turned to face Ryoko and him. He prepared for battle - but Widald suddenly faced the Kaor yet again . . . and so, Elyon listened. Damn . . . this guy is a better actor than he is. Widald just fooled them, but anyways, that's much better for he could sense how powerful he is.
  382. Suddenly, he felt the room turn cold. But for some reason, it was comforting. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Ryoko revealing his wings. It was unlike the others, like the drakanites, or the Oscuris. Wings of ice, he found the beauty of it different from the others. A gaze was then returned to the Kaor.
  384. "You speak words. . . but your words does not reflect your actions. Disappear . . . for the sake of Valmasia. Please. . . disappear." He announced.
  385. (Elyon Loreth)
  386. [11:33:07] There was... Only abrupt upheaval in the form of humans playing a game with the Kaor and stirring his patience. He did not seem phased, and much less amused. They spoke of him, as a liar, when in reality he simply allowed them to do what they wished. Now, here they were, standing before him under the claim of justice...
  388. Time, and time again...
  389. Humans, never changed.
  391. "Your minds couldn't come close to comprehending my words and their meaning." He spoke, "Your lot will do whatever it takes to warp them into a malign excuse." A single arm is raised, fingers parting and palm spread-- Each digit separating one individual from another in his perspective.
  393. "Though, I'd fathom that talk is cheap, when it comes to claiming savior of your races." Those whom lingered in the corners slowly made their entrance, "I could care less if you lot kill yourselves off... But when you challenge me, you earn what you are bestowed." It was about time to finally cut loose, at least, some margin for display.
  395. "I reserve the majority of my energies to deal with your Imperfect... Now, scatter." The cacophonous hum of atmospheric particles undergoing transmogrification wrought forth the image of lavender gems, levitating toward a shimmering spheroid taking shape within the extended palm. Prior to any assault on his own behalf, the daemonic chimera summoned to his aid through telepathic demand chased their way for the first whom would stand before him.
  397. Everyone and everything that threatened him with demise, was to be met with the same hostility. The irradiated miasma that seeped from his armor platelets contorted at his image briefly, spawned as black as the void that he unveiled upon this structure.
  399. Wrath, was to be unleashed...
  400. Whether it'd result in bodies being piled up, or against all odds, a vanquished Kaor? Was entirely up to how things played out.
  401. (Aeron)
  402. [11:46:46] Three humans, ganking on a kaor.
  403. How pitiful, how insolent.
  404. Humans always had the advantage in numbers, precisely why Mazino's kin, fellow children of Cain were mostly in hiding. They kept on outnumbering them and eventually tore through them.
  406. Mazino couldn't bear to watch such a sight.
  407. Not anymore.
  408. A sudden burst of depravity can be felt, it'd be so intense to the point where it'd literally distort the space that surrounds Mazino.
  409. Any vegetation that happens to be around would wither and eventually fade completely under the great pressure. It could easily match the imperfect's lord.
  411. "Insolent little humans-.." - he'd say as he disappears, as if literally vanishing out of existence.
  412. Just to appear right beside the kaor lord, stomping the ground as his malevolent, sanguine eyes were filled with ire - with sheer brutal force he'd make the whole room shake!
  414. Unsheathing his blade he gets into his own battle stance, planning on aiding the downed kaor and have the humans pay the price for doing what they do.
  416. (Mazino)
  417. [11:54:27] Ryoko would fly up and send shards of ice at the beast as he laid down a layer of occultic energy on the ground. Ryoko escaped it due to his flight. He was doing well. He'd form a golem of ice only a little taller them Ryoko would clash with the beast as he sent an attack of typhoon and tornado at him.
  419. The golem didn't last more than a minute but Ryoko saw a chance to make the descendant of Mordred fall to his knees. He'd form an ice shard and send it right at it's knees. This was only a matter of time.
  421. Ryoko would land and lift the monster's head from his chin staring directly into it's eyes. What a terrible monster. It was strong indeed but it didn't deserve to live no more more.
  423. But just as he expected the Vampire was targeting them now calling them insolent. He'd look directly at the vamp. It was only a matter of time Ryoko guessed. He'd begin to fly up his holy magic coursing through him. Ryoko would form another golem and prepare his attacks. This Kaor and vampire had to die. Now....
  424. (Ryoko Larencia)
  425. [11:59:34] Widald would launch himself towards the Kaor. It's attacks were powerful, but the combined might of the three would be enough to push the Yokai back enough for a regroup. For now, it would seem that they had this all taken care of. But they still had to be careful. Especially, as another one decided to join the fray.
  427. With this new participant, things would be a bit more difficult. But perhaps if they were lucky. They could make it out on top. All they had to was survive longer then the others. Of course, that was true for all combat.
  428. (Widald Nieves)
  429. [12:01:16] The Kaor was far too strong if fought alone. Truly, while they were fighting, the darkness of the Kaor's energy was enough to kill him. If he would have been fighting all alone, he might have already died.
  431. He casted upon holy fire at the Kaor, in an attempt to burn him free - from shackles that bind him. Though, one could only assume what that meant. But, it wasn't enough. However, in the end, they were able to bring the Kaor on his knees - for now, that is.
  433. He turned to glance upon the figure who seeked to fight with the yokai. It was him, the figure who came in earlier with brutal murderous aura following him. Ah . . . this is bad. There's no escaping or going back. They'll fight.
  434. (Elyon Loreth)
  435. [12:07:15] So many of them...
  436. Everywhere...
  437. They were nothing like those he had faced before. There may not have been many of them, but they were potent-- Strong and defiant... And at the time, he had proven oblivious as to the true extent of his own powers. He felt their wrath incured upon him unlike anything he had ever come across before. From three fronts, a trifecta of powers kept him at a handicap.
  439. He felt the singe of the adhorrent flames, coupled with the juxtaposing chill of ice in its piercing shardlets. A blade's slice favored his armored flesh, puncturing it with enough weather of magical bombardment. He was toiled about, demonstrated to, that his power couldn't hold up too well against three of these avid warriors.
  441. Which infuriated him...
  443. He felt conjurations of frost strike against his form, twisters shred at his bio-armor and set ruin to his newly claimed throne room. Upon his knees, a shard struck him in the chest, winding him enough to falter to the ground. The boom of its fall sounded off, to the depths of its mind where it retreated.
  445. 'Defeated, by mortally humans, such as this.' He thought to himself, the roar of flames cackled over him, still attempting to cook him away. This was, as his head was picked up to face Ryoko, eye to eye...
  446. He was trying to level with him? No, look down upon him, in this stature of vulnerability... And it wrought forth wrath unlike any other. The miasma that oozed from his being sought to rot away at the flesh that touched him, growing with intensity with the passing seconds contact was held.
  448. They wanted to kill him... But were far too distracted by the realization of a new combatant joining the fray. One, that's make this struggle, so much more of a painstaking endeavor.
  449. Aeron didn't know who or what this individual was, but he wasn't one to judge nor question things in the heat of the moment, in cases such as this.
  451. The moment he was unhanded, he slowly recovered himself... The power he radiated prior, soon emitting shockwaves that threatened the integrity of the room-- Aeron, was furious.
  452. (Aeron)
  453. [12:56:44] Humans. Their only power is their numbers.
  454. Such fragile little beings; "YOU SHALL MEET YOUR DEMISE! - he'd announce loudly as the whole room quaked due to his incredible physical poweress.
  456. Mazino would continuously vanish out of existence, just to re-appear right next to his opponents whilst slashing through them relentlessly. He'd be so quick on his feet, to the point where they actually might mistake it for teleportation!
  458. First, he went for Ryoko. As he appeared right behind him he sent his knee flying straight into Ryoko's spine, on impact sending him flying across the room, until a wall or a pillar put a stop to his momentum. Most definitely breaking a few bones in the proccess.
  459. As Ryoko laid there, Mazino couldn't help but notice the sash he was wearing. Number 39 it was. "Fool." - he'd say whilst tearing the sash off the unconscious Ryoko.
  461. He'd then proceed onto beating the rest of Ryoko's party.
  462. Elyon managed to get away, while Widald was knocked out unconscious by Aeron.
  463. Mazino and Aeron emerged victorious.
  465. "Well fought." - he would say whilst casting a nod, then shifting his gaze inbetween those who are present within the room.
  466. (Mazino)
  467. [12:59:18] The ookami would enter cracking his neck. The others had been busy. He would look and see that the situation took a dramatic turn. Though now was the time he get what he came here for to settle. The creature would smirk as he would stand before them and holding the giga leg. Tossing it to the side. As the blood from it had already infused in his ooze.
  469. "Alright yokai i come to 'play'. Now that you got things wrapped up here you will be fighting me. Just you against me. I have no attention to seek help from anyone to put in that matter."
  471. The ookami would get into stance.
  473. The wolves would come in also prepared to fight. Growling as they were going to see what thier master was on about. Cracking his knuckles to see if the beast would accept the challenge.
  474. (Starox)
  475. [13:17:13] The throne room was lit ablaze with a twisting concoction of explosive blitzes, churning at walls, shredding apart furniture, and tainting the floors of ichor-ridden seems with blood. One could feel their wrath unveiled upon him, but not as focused as it was prior-- They saw the others as a threat, enough of a vulnerability on their behalf to leave him with all the opportunity to pick them off. A back turned, was worth a tail's swipe, carting a body off for a wall. Ice shards stabbed at the face, earning his wince followed by an upward swat of the hand.
  477. As the fight continued... He felt the difference ingraining itself within him. He started to remember, to recall thoroughly exactly how the world reacted to his presence. He grew more resilient to the holy flames, as though adapting mid-conflict. The hardening of his flesh was soon followed up by the heavier impact of his bombardments.
  479. Until... The three were split from one another, allowing him in their brief hiatus to take his pick.
  480. "I, have been badgered for the LAST TIME A kneal, and he'd leap... A leap, that knew no face, rematerializing him just behind Ryoko as he soared in reverence to Mazino's strike. To think, something so large, could be so defying fast in short proximity! Almost, akin to a blink... This battle, was not a test of his might, but rather... A learning experience to scrape off so many years of rust. It only took the assistance of a stranger.
  482. The 'wall' he'd land upon, was none other than Aeron's chest, the impact alone provided enough rebound for Ryoko to break bones against his vessel. It all played out in slow-motion to a Kaor that proved strained until now. "I grow tired of dealing with worms." A hand swept across his person to catch an airborne Ryoko. The touch alone of his digits, wrapped around the man singed him, soon victimizing him tot he flaying pyre of his aura.
  484. Telekinesis wrought the occultic touch to a refined new magnitude, facelessly marring runic inscriptions across his chest: A Death Rune, of Aeron's design. In his years prior to slumber, he had managed to accomplish the study and practice... Now, it was time to see it deployed.
  486. (Mark:
  488. "You trifle with powers you can't hope to comprehend... Now, you will live your final days in anguish, praising the new lord of your people."
  489. The mind was tainted with an indescribable clutch, straining at it, clawing at it, whispering, ever so constantly...
  490. The eyes of the infuriated Umbral Kaor Lord, would haunt him in his dreams-- Turned nightmares, every waking moment... Every passing hour... Every day- Week- month of the year... Dominated by this beast.
  492. It rotted at the body, but slowly... As though a nicotine addiction that never met its fix.
  494. Silently, he stared into the eyes of the vanquished, their body cooking in his touch-- So callous to the endeavor. Their agony was of not, the slightest bit entertaining to him. Though, he'd soon hear voice of the other... The murderer that dared to approach him, head-on, even after his allies were striving for an out, in a losing battle.
  496. To the Ookami's challenge, would come a launched Ryoko, weaponized via the explosive mold of occultic energies encapsulating him-- A means of prolonging the endeavor, until he could finish what they had started.
  497. To which, Widald would find his gaze... Slowly, the Kaor approached...
  498. Every step, murmuring at the earth, every word he spoke then after, reverberating through the mind of the occultist.
  500. "You, are but a battle-thirsty spawnling, wishing only to succumb to the lusts of the flesh-- Your wrath, is what drives you, child." He claimed, reaching out to cull over the mind... To plant his seed of the shadows and engorge what occultism thought it had boasted prior. It was the tinder to a pyre undiscovered at the base of this kindling flame-- And now, it'd see ignition.
  502. Envenomed by such mindnumbing power bestowed upon a vessels circuitry, was such a common tactic of the past-- It worked so flawlessly. Whom could resist what simply tailored their every desire at heart. To finally find sweet release for their malice, enabled by the power to do so-- A freedom from morality, as to become... More...
  504. There was the third... But they had managed to get away before he could close in on them... Though, the fourth? Starox, remained.
  505. " ... If you stay here, Ookami... You. Will die..." He warned.
  506. It was a warning: Absolute, and clear.
  507. (Aeron)
  508. [13:27:28] Now Starox virus spirit knew one thing. The boy was not at full fighting capcity. So fighting without having full strength would be idiotic. The creature would have to think of the vessel. Sucking his teeth he would call the wolves off. It seemed they had another enemy to deal with. Whatever the case it was time to go. He had done what he wanted today.
  510. The wolves were given there orders.
  512. The spirit would then grab the other ookami. The boy was brought down was a goner. He had nothing else for him. As he backed away he would keep his eyes on all of them. Grabbing the ookami he would make a ciao sign. Prepared to leave off and go with the other ookami.
  514. "You damn idiot you should have left with your woman!" He says running with the man through the halls.
  516. (Starox)
  517. [13:36:00] The Kaor Lord set the room ablaze, literally ruining everything. Even the floor, was burning with flames.
  519. "Fuck!" The magi said, and floated off a few feet off the ground, and sent flames upon the Kaor, taking note of the Vampire. Fear not, for Elyon do not know that Mazino's a vampire. The Kaor's flames were too hot for the holy magi though, so even he still took vast damage.
  521. But, then - he watched in horror as Mazino brutalized both his allies. He compressed the space surrounding the vampire,, however, he was already out of the way before his magic took effect. It happened too fast as the battle completely tipped on their favor. Ryoko was defeated, so as Widald. They're both powerful magis, but they were fighting against a Kaor and a Vampire.
  523. The magi made an escape route, creating a hole atop the Citadel before flying away to escape. However, he didn't leave yet and just stood in the sky, watching the Citadel from afar. There is still someone who should be there and he at least needed to warn him - Starox. But, hell . . . where did he go?
  525. Anyways, he saw him leave carrying Ryoko in his arms away from the Citadel and decided to approach them. Seems like Widald was left in the Citadel, and whatever happened to him . . . Elyon could only hope and pray that the two monsters spared him. However, he will come back . . . Mazino was right, humans have the tendency to gank people, and he might just do that. To come back to the Citadel with an army encroaching.
  526. (Elyon Loreth)
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