

Apr 16th, 2015
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  1. Multimedia System
  2. Chapter 1
  3. 1) Define Multimedia. History of Multimedia
  4. 2) Define Components of Multimedia./ Discuss all the Elements of Multimedia.
  5. 3) Explain Input and Output Devices using Multimedia System.
  6. 4) Define Hypertext and Hypermedia with example.
  7. 5) Differentiate between Hypertext and Hypermedia.
  8. 6) Discuss various Applications of Multimedia
  9. 7) Characteristics of Hypertext and Hypermedia
  10. Chapter 2.
  12. 1) Define Multimedia Presentation.
  13. 2) Define Script ,Target Audience, Flow Line, Subject matter.
  14. 3) Explain various types of Storyboarding.
  15. 4) What is Authoring ? Explain various Multimedia Authoring Tools
  16. 5) Explain story and use of Story,
  17. 6) Explain in brief Animation, Image and Graphics tools .
  18. 7) What is the importance of the Storyboard in the Design Phase of Multimedia Production ?
  19. 8) Discuss Concept of Story and Script.
  20. 9) What is Graphics ? Discuss the essential difference between Graphics and Image.
  21. 10) Explain Music Sequencing Notation Tools
  22. 11) Explain any two Animation Software Tools./ Explain Multimedia Software Tools
  23. 12) Write Guidelines for
  24. a) Visual Elements.
  25. b) Animation.
  26. c) Text
  27. d) Audio.
  30. Chapter 3
  31. 1) Define Analog Signals and Digital Signals
  32. 2) Analog V/s. Digital Signal OR Distinguish between Discrete and Continuous Media.
  33. 3) Define ADC and DAC
  34. 4) Digital Representation
  35. 5) Explain Analog to digital Conversion.
  36. 6) Explain Digital to analog Conversion.
  37. 7) What is Nyquist Theorem ?
  38. 8) Define Sampling and Quantization
  39. Chapter 4:
  40. 1) Explain Magnetic Media Storage Technology.
  41. 2) Discuss about DVD and its types.
  42. 3) Explain any two Removable Storage Devices.
  43. 4) Explain RAID Technology in brief.
  44. 5) Explain Optical Storage
  45. 6) Explain different CD Standards.
  46. 7) Discuss DVD Specifications.
  47. 8) Explain DVD Video
  48. 9) Discuss Size and Capacity of DVD.
  49. 10) Explain Nested / Hybrid RAID.
  50. 11) Limitations of Optical Storage
  51. 12) Different types of Compact Discs. Explain.
  52. 13) Define Hard Disk
  53. 14) Explain various features of DVD Video.
  54. 15) Explain various types of DVD (Based on Siges).
  55. 16) Explain Megnetic Storage Devices. (any two)
  56. 17) Explain any four difference between CD and DVD.
  57. 18) Define DVD Audio
  60. Chapter 5
  61. 1) What is sound? Characteristics of sound.
  62. 2) Explain Digital Audio.
  63. 3) What is Synthesizer ? Explain different characteristics or Properties of Synthesizer.
  64. 4) Discuss Types of Synthesizers.
  65. 5) Discuss about MIDI Files.
  66. 6) Discuss various Components of MIDI System.
  67. 7) Discuss MIDI System and MIDI Messages
  68. 8) Distinguish Channel and System Messages
  69. 9) Define Sound Card MIDI Messages
  70. 10) Which are different sound I/P and O/P Parts ?
  71. 11) Define •WAV Files
  72. 12) Explain General MIDI and its types in detail.
  73. 13) Define Sound Card Basic Components with diagram.
  75. Chapter 6:
  76. 1) Explain Basics of Video.
  77. 2) Define Composite Video and component Vedio
  78. 3) Explain CCIR in detail.
  79. 4) Explain any one Television Broadcasting Standards.
  80. 5) Explain Video Signal Formats
  81. 6) Explain S-Video
  82. 7) Explain NTSC and SECAM Television Broadcasting Standard.
  83. 8) RGB Colour Model
  84. 9) Explain PAL
  85. 10) Define HD Video and HD TV.
  86. 11) Define EDTV
  87. 12) Discuss Digital Vedio.
  91. Chapter 7:
  92. 1) Explain Graphics File Format
  93. 2) Differentiate between 8-bit Colour Image and 24-bit Colour Image.
  94. 3) Explain 8-bit Colour Image.
  95. 4) Explain about 24-bit Colour Images.
  96. 5) Explain System dependant File Format.
  97. 6) Define GIF File Format
  98. 7) Explain X-Windows : XBM
  99. 8) Explain System Independent File Format..
  100. 9) Define BMP and XBM File Format.
  101. 10) Define Jpeg File Format
  102. 11) Define JPEG and TIFF
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