
F1 AIE Chapter 4

Apr 18th, 2012
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  1. >Well Anon, you heard the mare. Why is her cutie mark on the rear wing?
  2. >You could go ahead and tell the truth, reveal to her that this whole world here is a tv show back where you’re from.
  3. >Or you could lie out your ass and keep everyone nice and calm.
  4. >That sounds good, let’s go with that.
  5. “I… honestly have no idea. That wasn’t there before I got teleported here.”
  6. >RD: “Really? How do you suppose it got there?”
  7. >Her tone indicates that she bought it. No sarcasm there.
  8. “I guess it appeared there during the teleportation. We’ll have to ask Twilight about it.”
  9. >RD: “Yeah good idea, cause this is just buckin weird. There isn’t even any color. It’s just a gray outline.”
  10. >Back when you and your teammate where buying the decals, you opted for a grayscale version as to not attract attention.
  11. >That and on an F1 car, it just looked more badass than the original one would have in your opinion.
  12. >looking at it, you still have no clue how the decal became part of the paint job. That’s just not normal.
  13. >Then again, neither is this whole situation.
  14. “Wait a minute.”
  15. >You then get an idea as the rest of the Mane 6 walk up.
  16. “Hey Twilight.”
  17. >”Yeah?”
  18. “I want you to do something real quick. Try and focus on the car like when you were teleporting it here.”
  19. >“Why?”
  20. “Because I want to see something. Don’t actually teleport it anywhere, just lock on to its position.”
  21. >“Alright. Don’t know what that’ll prove but here goes.”
  22. >She closes her eyes. A faint purple aura forms around her horn as she locks on to the car.
  23. >Then, just what you thought would occur, does.
  25. “There it is, I figured that would happen.”
  26. >The cutie marks on the rear wing begin to glow, signaling that Twilight has locked her energy on the car.
  27. >You hear reactions varying from “Whoa” to “Shiiiiiineeey”.
  28. >That’s why they aren’t decals anymore; magic has fused them to the car.
  29. “Okay, you can stop now.”
  30. >Twilight ceases her magic. She opens her eyes quickly enough to catch the glow from the mark just fading out.
  31. >TS: “Wow, that’s interesting.”
  32. “I thought I noticed something bright in my mirrors when you teleported me here.”
  33. >TS: “But why is it in the shape of Dash’s cutie mark?”
  34. “Coincidence maybe?”
  35. >Twilight walks over to the door of the library and opens it.
  36. >TS: “That’s one helluva coincidence. Anyway come on in. We’ll discuss your living accommodations. You might be staying here for a while.”
  37. “Why is that?”
  38. >TS “…I’ve lost the location of where I pulled you from. ‘Earth’ was it? Only until I can find that location again is when I can teleport you back.”
  39. “…So if you can’t find it, I’m stuck here forever?”
  40. >TS “I’m afraid so. Don’t worry, I’ll try my hardest.”
  41. >You walk into the library silent, shocked to say the least.
  42. >You might never see Earth again. All your fans, teammates, friends…
  43. >Suddenly a small dragon that you instantly recognize runs into the room holding a scroll.
  44. >SP: “Twilight! Finally you’re here! You got an urgent letter from Celestia!
  45. >Oh shit.
  47. >Twilight picks up the scroll with her magic and unravels it, reading aloud.
  48. >TS: “My dearest student Twilight Sparkle. I couldn’t help but overhear a frightening noise from P0nyville just now. I’m arriving soon to investigate. Princess Celestia.”
  49. >Damn, She heard that from there?
  50. >Twilight seems to be slightly hyperventilating.
  51. “You alright Twi?”
  52. >TS: “Oh yes I’m fine hehe. Don’t worry about me. Spike, when did you get this letter?”
  53. >SP: “About 30 minutes ago.”
  54. >TS: “AHH, She will be here any minute!”
  55. >You lean towards Rarity.
  56. “Is she sure she’s ok?”
  57. >RA: “Twilight always gets like this when the Princess is to make an appearance. She will be just fine.”
  58. >Just then, a knock at the door.
  59. >TS: “There she is!”
  60. >She quickly gallops to the door and opens it. A very royal looking pony walks into the library accompanied by two guards.
  61. >Everyone in the room bows, you get the hint and quickly follow suit, respectfully kneeling.
  62. >She quickly looks to you, clearly puzzled.
  64. >CE: “Oh hello, may I ask who you are?”
  65. “Your hig-”
  66. >You are immediately interrupted by Twilight who answers for you.
  67. >TS: “This, your highness, is Anonymous, Anon for short. He is a Human from ‘Earth’. The noise you heard earlier was his For-mule-a One car that appeared with him on account off a spell I was performing.”
  68. >You need to remind them soon that there is no ‘mule’ in formula.
  69. >Well, there is. The sound is there but it’s not spelled that way.
  70. >CE: “Is that all that was? Well, I’m glad it was nothing threatening.”
  71. >You’re glad it wasn’t either, otherwise Celestia would be asking you if you like bananas right now.
  72. >CE: “Anon, what is the purpose of that car out there?”
  73. “Racing, Your highness”
  74. >CE: “Really? How very interesting. Oh, and you don’t have to be so formal.”
  75. >Her tone represented a genuine interest in the subject.
  76. “Yes your hi- I mean Celestia.”
  77. >She lets out a small giggle.
  78. >CE: “Tell me more about this form of racing. The annual Running of the Leaves is a personal favorite of mine to watch. If it is anything like that I might have to incorporate it into Equestria’s activities.”
  79. >O rly.
  80. >You spend a good hour telling her all about Formula 1: The history, the technology, the tracks, the safety features implemented in the tracks such as chicanes and soft walls. You go into so much detail that someone could recreate anything in the sport on your words alone.
  82. >CE: “May I take a closer look at the car out there”
  83. “Yes, go right ahead.”
  84. >You lead the Princess to the car outside, everyone else follows.
  85. >CE: “Do you mind if I inspect it?”
  86. “Uh… sure?”
  87. >Just then, the car is enveloped in a light pink aura, slowly starting to levitate.
  88. >You see everything that can be adjusted on the car move, like the wings, tires, and suspension, as she undergoes her inspection.
  89. >As she completes her task, she lets the car down gently, the field of magic fading away.
  90. >CE: “This is quite the complex machine.”
  91. “What exactly did you do?”
  92. >CE “I got a full understanding of how it works is all. Now, I must go, royal business and such. One thing though.”
  93. >She levitates a map up to you.
  94. >CE: “I want you all to meet me at this location in one week.”
  95. >As she goes off back to Canterlot, you look at the map. The Mane 6 appear behind you to grab a peek.
  96. >TS: “That’s just an empty area right outside of P0nyville”
  97. >AJ: “Why does she want us to go there?”
  98. “Dunno.”
  99. >You have an idea but… nah, one week? That’s not enough time for that.
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