

Jun 25th, 2020
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  1. ----------------------------
  2. Address
  3. ----------------------------
  4. retcheck - 0x64AE90
  5. lua_getfield - __cdecl 0x11B5900
  6. lua_setfield - __stdcall 0x11B6D80
  7. lua_tolstring - __fastcall 0x11B72A0
  8. lua_settop - __stdcall 0x11B70A0
  9. lua_toboolean - __cdecl 0x11b71d0
  10. lua_pushvalue - __fastcall 0x11B6670
  11. lua_pushnumber - __cdecl 0x11b6460
  12. lua_pushstring - __cdecl 0x11B64C0
  13. lua_pcall - __cdecl 0x11b6080
  14. lua_pushnil - __cdecl 0x11B6410
  15. lua_next - __cdecl 0x11b5f10
  16. lua_pushboolean - 0x11b6140 __cdecl
  17. lua_tonumber - __cdecl 0x11B73D0
  18. lua_pushcclosure - __cdecl 0x11B6190
  19. luaD_precall - __cdecl 0x11C1500
  20. lua_checkstack - 0x11b5580 __cdecl
  21. lua_createtable - __cdecl 0x11B56D0
  22. lua_insert - 0x11b5b80 __cdecl
  23. lua_newthread - __cdecl 0x11B5E00
  24. lua_newuserdata - __cdecl 0x11B5E90
  25. lua_pushthread - __cdecl 0x11B65A0
  26. lua_rawgeti - __cdecl 0x11B6900
  27. lua_rawseti - __cdecl 0x11B6A50
  28. lua_rawset - __cdecl 0x11B6980
  29. lua_rawget - __stdcall 0x11B70A0
  30. lua_remove - __cdecl 0x11B6B20
  31. lua_setfenv - 0x11b6cb0 __cdecl
  32. lua_setmetatable - 0x11b6e30 __cdecl
  33. lua_getmetatable - __fastcall 0x11B59B0
  34. lua_xmove - 0x11b7800 __cdecl
  35. ScriptContextVFTable - 0x7155e4 //0x1A367D4
  36. ScriptContextVFTable2 - 0x714156 //0x1A367D4
  37. lua_close - 0x6a6179 __thiscall
  38. lua_touserdata - __cdecl 0x11B7660
  39. lua_call - 0x11b5510 __cdecl
  40. lua_type - 0x11b7750 __cdecl
  41. luaS_newlstr - 0x11ca010 __cdecl
  42. luaV_gettable - 0x11cbfd0 __cdecl
  43. luaV_settable - 0x11cc240 __cdecl
  44. lua_resume - __cdecl 0x11B89B0
  45. index2adr - 0x11b53f0 __stdcall
  46. luaL_ref - 0x11b8060 __cdecl
  47. lua_settable - __cdecl 0x11B7020
  48. lua_gettable - __cdecl 0x11B5A60
  49. Arith - 0x11cbbc0 __usercall
  50. luaH_new - __cdecl 0x11ca940
  51. lua_pushlightuserdata - __cdecl 0x11B6340
  52. lua_yield - 0x11b8bb0 __cdecl
  53. spawn - 0x728390 __cdecl
  54. luaL_unref - 0x11b82a0 __cdecl
  55. lua_topointer - 0x11b7450 __cdecl
  56. lua_gettop - __cdecl 0x11B5AD0
  57. lua_getupvalue - __cdecl 0x11B5AF0
  58. lua_setupvalue - 0x11b7120 __cdecl
  59. lua_getfenv - __cdecl 0x11B5860
  60. print - 0x5efa50 __cdecl
  61. luaL_error - 0x11b7cd0 __cdecl
  62. lua_setreadonly - __cdecl 0x11B6F40
  63. sandboxthread - 0x728020 __cdecl
  64. lua_tointeger - __cdecl 0x11B7220
  65. lua_objlen - 0x11b5fa0 __cdecl
  66. luaM_realloc - 0x11e44d0 __cdecl
  67. luaB_collectgarbage - inlined/hidden/removed/whateveruwanttothink
  68. deserializer - __cdecl 0x11c09b0
  69. getdatamodel - 0xe2ec30 __thiscall
  70. lua_typename - __cdecl 0x11b7790
  71. lua_pushlstring - __cdecl 0x11B6390
  72. getdatamodelarg - 0xe2eae0
  73. luaL_checktype - __cdecl 0x11b7c70
  74. lua_iscfunction - __cdecl 0x11B5C00
  75. luaL_checkinteger - 0x11cc3d0 __cdecl
  76. luaL_checklstring - __cdecl 0x11B7BD0
  77. luaL_checknumber - __cdecl 0x11B7C00
  78. lua_tothread - __cdecl 0x11B7590
  79. luaF_newCclosure - __cdecl 0x11c8b50
  80. lua_gc - __cdecl 0x11b5760
  81. luaL_checkoption - inlined/hidden/removed/whateveruwanttothink
  82. XORCONSTANT - 0x22B44E0
  83. Top - 20
  84. Base - 8
  85. Env - 56
  86. cdt - 32
  87. Identity - 108
  88. getnamecall - 100
  89. v2[14 * v3 + 41] - (DWORD)&v2[14 * v3 + 41];
  90. *(DWORD *)(v2 + 56 * v3 + 164) - (v2 + 56 * v3 + 164);
  91. ------------------------------------
  92. Wrap Types
  93. ------------------------------------
  94. #define R_LUA_TNIL 0
  95. #define R_LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA 3
  96. #define R_LUA_TNUMBER 2
  97. #define R_LUA_TBOOLEAN 1
  98. #define R_LUA_TSTRING 5
  99. #define R_LUA_TTHREAD 7
  100. #define R_LUA_TFUNCTION 6
  101. #define R_LUA_TTABLE 8
  102. #define R_LUA_TUSERDATA 9
  103. #define R_LUA_VECTOR 4
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