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a guest
Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. (03:05:32) eval [script]: Run a script.
  2. (03:05:32) me [text*]: Send the text in a special colour.
  3. (03:05:32) meon []: To turn on the me command.
  4. (03:05:32) meoff []: To turn off the me command.
  5. (03:05:32) me_color [colour]: To change the colour used by the me command.
  6. (03:05:32) memorydump []: Print the state of the memory.
  7. (03:05:32) add_rule [title]:[description]: To add a rule.
  8. (03:05:32) remove_rule [id]: To remove a rule.
  9. (03:05:32) edit_rule [id]:[title]:[description]: To edit a rule.
  10. (03:05:32) rules []: To print the list of rules.
  11. (03:05:32) resetpass []: Reset the user's password.
  12. (03:05:32) clearpass [username]: To clear someone's password.
  13. (03:05:32) players [channel*]: To print the number of players online on the server or a specific channel.
  14. (03:05:32) ranking [tier*]: Show the user's ranking in his current tier or another if specified.
  15. (03:05:32) sendall [text]: Send a message to all the channels.
  16. (03:05:32) sendchannel [channel]:[text]: Send the text to a specified channel.
  17. (03:05:32) sendhtmlall [html]: Send the html code to all the current channels.
  18. (03:05:32) sendhtmlchannel [html]:[channel]: Send the html code to a specific channel.
  19. (03:05:32) changeannouncement [announcement]: Change the current announcement.
  20. (03:05:32) add_blacklist [word]: Add a word to the list of banned ones.
  21. (03:05:32) remove_blacklist [word]: Remove a word from the blacklist.
  22. (03:05:32) blacklist []: Show the list of banned words.
  23. (03:05:32) changeauth [auth level]:[player]: To change someone's authority level.
  24. (03:05:32) banlist [string*]: Show the list of banned users, a string can be passed as an argument to only show the banned whose nicknames start with the specified string.
  25. (03:05:32) mutelist [string*]: Show the list of muted users, a string can be passed as an argument to only show the muted whose nicknames start with the specified string.
  26. (03:05:32) mutelistip [ip]: Show information about a muted IP address.
  27. (03:05:32) ban [username]:[reason*]: Permanently ban someone from the server.
  28. (03:05:32) tempban [username]:[duration]:[reason*]: To temporarely ban someone from the server.
  29. (03:05:32) unban [username]: Unban a player.
  30. (03:05:33) mute [username]:[duration*]:[channel*]:[reason*]: To mute someone from a channel or the whole server.
  31. (03:05:33) unmute [username]:[channel*]: To unmute a player from a channel or the server.
  32. (03:05:33) aliases [username]: To check someone's list of alts.
  33. (03:05:33) aliasesip [ip]: To check the list of usernames used on an IP address.
  34. (03:05:33) imp [username]: To impersonate another user.
  35. (03:05:33) impoff []: To stop the impersonation.
  36. (03:05:33) flash [username]: To alert someone.
  37. (03:05:33) silence [duration]:[channel*]: Silence a channel or the server.
  38. (03:05:33) silenceoff [channel*]: To remove the silence on the server or a specific channel.
  39. (03:05:33) change_rating [username]:[tier]:[rating]: To change someone's rating in a tier.
  40. (03:05:33) showteam [username]: Check someone's current team.
  41. (03:05:33) stopbattles []: Stop any new battle from starting.
  42. (03:05:33) sametier []: To allow/disallow players from sending challenges from a different tier.
  43. (03:05:33) k [username]:[channel*]: To kick someone from the server or a channel.
  44. (03:05:33) pass_alias [password]: Add or change the password of your aliases list.
  45. (03:05:33) add_alias [username]: Add a username to your aliases list.
  46. (03:05:33) remove_alias [username]: Remove a username from your aliases list.
  47. (03:05:33) list_aliases []: Shows the list of all your added aliases.
  48. (03:05:33) selfkick []: Used to kick all the users on the same IP or using one of your aliases except your current one.
  49. (03:05:33) min_events []: To inform you when someone logs on or enter a channel.
  50. (03:05:33) create_group [name]:[auth level]: Create a new group.
  51. (03:05:33) delete_group [name]: Delete a group.
  52. (03:05:33) add_member [username]:[group]: To add a member to a specific group.
  53. (03:05:33) remove_member [username]: Remove a user from a group.
  54. (03:05:33) group_auth_level [group]:[auth level]: Change the authority level of a group.
  55. (03:05:33) group_level [group]:[level]: To change the level of a group.
  56. (03:05:33) group_description [group]:[description]: To edit the description of a group.
  57. (03:05:33) group_watch_level [group]:[level]: To update the level of battles a group can watch.
  58. (03:05:33) groups []: Check the list of all groups.
  59. (03:05:33) infos_group [group]: Check informations about a group.
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