
Birthday boy (Yandereshy)

Mar 5th, 2014
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  1. I wrote this story for Flutterpriest's birthday.
  3. "See you tomorrow Princess."
  4. >"Anon, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Cadance."
  5. "Y-Yeah, sorry. See you tomorrow Cadance."
  6. >She gives you a cheery smile and takes off into the sky, calling back to you as she soars to Canterlot.
  7. >"I'll look forward to it!"
  8. >You wave goodbye to her before unlocking the door to your house.
  9. >Once the door is unlocked, you push it open.
  10. >The entire house is pitch black.
  11. >Walking inside, you close the door behind you and reach for the light switch.
  12. "Why did they put this thing so far from the-There it is."
  13. >You flip the light switch up and fill the room with light.
  14. >A pink card sits on the table.
  15. "Huh?"
  16. >When you walk over and pick it up, you look both ways to see if anyone is in the house with you.
  17. >No one is.
  18. >You look down at the card.
  19. >It's got a little bit of glitter in the shape of a heart on the front of it.
  20. >Opening it reveals a picture of you and Cadance when you were sitting on a bench in the park earlier today.
  21. >But Cadance's head is scratched off.
  22. >Underneath the picture are the words, "Why her?"
  23. >A thump noise comes from upstairs.
  24. >Placing the card back down on the table, you walk over to the stairs.
  25. >Each step up seems terribly loud and you hope whoever is in your house cannot hear you.
  26. >You reach the top of the stairs and go to the bedroom door.
  27. >Grabbing the doorknob, you twist it and push.
  28. >The door slowly opens and you see Fluttershy sitting on the bed.
  29. >Oh no.
  30. "U-Uh, hey Fluttershy! What are you doing here?"
  31. >She gives you a bright smile.
  32. >"Oh, I just came to check on my favorite person in Ponyville~"
  33. "Haha, well that's nice of you. I'm doing great."
  34. >"That's good."
  35. >She starts tracing circles on the covers with her hoof.
  36. >"What did you do today?"
  37. "I uh, not much really. Just went to work like any other day."
  38. >She stops talking completely and stares at you.
  39. "L-Listen though, I need to get some sleep and-"
  40. >"Why?"
  41. "Because I need to do some things tomorrow-"
  42. >"Why do you lie to me?"
  43. "...what?"
  44. >She stands up on her hooves and her stare becomes blank.
  45. >"Why?"
  46. "I'm not lying to-"
  47. >She stomps her hooves on the bed.
  48. >"YOU'RE LYING."
  49. >You stand there shocked.
  50. >"You went on a date with that pretty pink princess."
  51. >Shit.
  52. >"Skipped work, met her at the train station, went to the fair, relaxed at the park, and watched the sunset."
  53. "How do you..."
  54. >"But you don't understand. She just wants to hurt us. She wants to take us away from each other."
  55. >You back up a little bit.
  56. "Fluttershy, that doesn't make any sense. We aren't together."
  57. >"I know you and her aren't together. And I made sure she stays away."
  58. >She smiles.
  59. >"Forever."
  60. >You take another step back.
  61. >She can't really have done that, could she?
  62. >"Anon? Where are you going?"
  63. "T-To um, the bathroom!"
  64. >You turn to the left and sprint to the stairs.
  65. >A hoof grabs your ankle and you tumble, slamming face first onto the hardwood floor at the bottom.
  66. "FUCK!"
  67. >A jolt of pain shoots through your body when you try to move.
  68. >Your leg is twisted around at the knee.
  69. >You could play patty cake with your heel.
  70. >Fluttershy grabs your hands and turns you around, dragging you back up the stairs.
  71. >"The bathroom is to the right, silly."
  72. >She drags you up the stairs, each stair making your damaged leg slam down.
  73. "AH! B-Be careful!"
  74. >"It's okay honey. I'm here."
  75. >Eventually she makes it up them and pulls you to the bathroom.
  76. >Closing the door behind herself, she takes off your pants and boxers with her teeth.
  77. "F-Fluttershy... This hurts so-"
  78. >She pulls them over your broken leg.
  79. "MUCH!"
  80. >She stares at it for a few seconds with absolutely no emotion.
  81. >Then she lifts you onto the toilet.
  82. >"You can go to the bathroom now."
  83. >She steps on your foot, making you scream out in agony.
  84. >"Unless you were lying to me again."
  85. >She stops crushing your foot and you do as told.
  86. >The noise of piss hitting the water makes her smile.
  87. >"Good boy..."
  88. >She scoots closer to you, resting her head on your leg.
  89. >Inhaling deeply, she lightly traces a hoof up your good leg to your crotch.
  90. >You place your hand there to block it.
  91. >She looks up at you.
  92. >"Move your hand please."
  93. "No."
  94. >She pushes a hoof down on your knee and you hunch forward.
  95. >"I said please."
  96. >You remove your hand.
  97. >She leans closer to your crotch as you relieve yourself.
  98. >She keeps her hoof on your knee to keep you still and pushes her muzzle between your legs.
  99. >Her tongue wraps around your dick as you piss and tilts it into her mouth.
  100. >This mare is fucking insane.
  101. >She lets out moaning sounds and pushes down lightly on your leg.
  102. >You grab her mane and she stops pressing down.
  103. >A few more seconds go by and you finish peeing.
  104. >She pulls her head up and licks her lips.
  105. >"I've always wondered what that tasted like... Now come on, let's get you back to bed."
  106. >Afraid she'll hit your leg again, you allow her to carry you into the bedroom.
  107. >Once you enter it, a smell that wasn't there before now fills the room.
  108. >It's got a hint of copper in it.
  109. >Fluttershy helps you onto the bed and your leg bumps into something already there.
  110. >The thing moves and tries to speak.
  111. >You grab the sheets and pull them off to reveal-
  112. "Cadance?!"
  113. >She looks around for your voice because she has two deep red pools where she once had eyes.
  114. >"I saw the way she was looking at you... Now she won't be able to anymore."
  116. >You turn to see her holding a brick above your broken leg.
  117. >"No. You don't want to help her. She's the reason our relationship is broken sweetie."
  118. "But-"
  119. >"Just push her off the bed. Then we can get some rest."
  120. >You do nothing.
  121. "Please don't make me do it."
  122. >She smiles and drops the brick down on your leg, making you cry out in pain once again.
  123. >"It's okay honey. I'll do it for you."
  124. >She flies over and bucks Cadance off the side of the bed.
  125. >Cadance lets out a shriek that is silenced immediately.
  126. "W-What..."
  127. >You lean forward and pull the brick off your leg.
  128. >Fluttershy looks off the side of the bed with a smile on her face.
  129. >You crawl over and peer off as well.
  130. >Cadance lays there, her entire body pierced straight through by hundreds of long shards of glass.
  131. >Fluttershy turns to you.
  132. >"Now we can get some rest!"
  133. "C-Cadance..."
  134. >You try to grab out at Fluttershy, but she is too fast for you.
  135. >She flies to the foot of the bed and stares at you.
  137. >"Because I love you honey."
  138. >She grabs your broken leg and you whimper as she ties it down to the wood on the bed.
  139. >You try to kick out at her when she grabs your other leg, but you miss.
  140. >She wrestles with your leg and eventually ties it down.
  141. >You sit up and swing at her when she nears your upper body.
  142. >She dodges the blow and grabs your right arm.
  143. >As she drags it to where she wants to tie it, you repeatedly punch her in the side.
  144. >Fighting through all the pain, she still manages to tie your arm down.
  145. >When she goes for your last remaining limb, you wait until she gets close to swing.
  146. >You hit her square in the torso.
  147. >Instead of flying away like you expected her to do, she clings to your arm and takes it to the other corner of the bed.
  148. >Once she ties it in place, you glare at her.
  149. >"Don't worry honey, I didn't forget."
  150. >She flies out of the room and down the stairs.
  151. >This can't be good.
  152. >Slow and loud hoof steps are heard coming up the stairs.
  153. >Fluttershy enters the room carrying something on a plate.
  154. >She hums a tune as she walks over.
  156. >She gently flies up and places the cake on your chest.
  157. >"Happy birthday."
  158. >She then walks back over to the door and smiles in on you.
  159. >"See you in the morning."
  160. >The door closes.
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