
[Classic FR] Auto-correct

Nov 21st, 2012
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  1. >Day spelling error in Equestria.
  2. >Wake up to the whistle of a nearby boat.
  3. >Sometimes you hate living right next to the port.
  4. >Okay, actually, you always hate it.
  5. >But it was the cheapest place you could find.
  6. >You're not quite rolling in bits here.
  7. >Shit shower cereal.
  8. >Wow, that sentence really needs commas.
  9. >Oh well.
  10. >You're about to head outside when...
  11. >There's no knock at your door.
  12. >Huh. Weird.
  13. >You go outside.
  14. >The sun is high and it's fucking sweltering.
  15. >Like, shirt sticking to your body hot.
  16. >This place sucks.
  17. >Turn to see what new shipment of goods has come in.
  18. >It's several cages full of monkeys, as usual.
  19. >You wonder why they always ship monkeys here...
  20. >Must be on a trade route to Canterlot.
  21. >You've heard stories about Luna and her pleasure apes...
  22. >You catch a glimpse of Yellow Quiet.
  23. >Surprisingly, she isn't trying out one of her fetish attempts.
  24. >At least, you don't think so.
  25. What's up, 'Shy?
  26. >She looks over her shoulder and acknowledges your presence but then turns right around to watch the cargo unload.
  27. >From behind her, you can see her lower lips glistening.
  28. Uhh... see something you like, Flutters?
  29. >She wipes some drool from her mouth and stammers.
  30. >"O-oh, yes... You see... I-I've always wanted a-"
  31. >[spoiler]"Hot monkey dock."[/spoiler]
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