
The Fuccboi fails again

Mar 14th, 2016
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  1. [08:40] * KinstonLeo draw his rapier with a flourish. "You there, let us partake in combat!"
  2. [08:40] <Sylum> [uh, still Aresnal? cause like, that is the worst thing he could do]
  3. [08:41] <KinstonLeo> [N-No, Sting]
  4. [08:41] <Sylum> "...You again?" She looks at his sword "You really wanna do this?"
  5. [08:43] * KinstonLeo "I've had some training! So... yes, just let me..." Brushing one of his hands up against his hair, he brushes it gingerly.
  6. [08:45] * Sylum punches him
  7. [08:47] * KinstonLeo Instead of hitting the floor immediately, a grunt escapes him as his booted heel skids against the floor. Throwing himself forward, he thrusts, aiming his blade at the spot where her arm connects to her flesh.
  8. [08:47] * Sylum brings her arm up, blocking his sword "Look at that, you didn't end up crying your eyes out!" She goes to kick his legs
  9. [08:50] * KinstonLeo "I-I'm more willed that y-you thought!" Eyes swelling. Kinston squeaks as his blade bounces off her arm. Panicking, he decides to make a quick swing at her midsection, albeit in a somewhat slopp fashion.
  10. [08:54] <KinstonLeo> [sloppy*]
  11. [08:55] * Sylum leg connects to his leg, making him fall to the ground! Sting then punching his side shooting him into the ground at high speeds
  12. [08:57] * KinstonLeo crashed onto the ground. Before a word could escape his lips, the impact of her fist hitting his side made him full of pain! But he was alive... "...."
  13. [08:58] <Sylum> "You improved...not by much, but it actually took me two hits this time"
  14. [08:58] * KinstonLeo starts to sob while tending weakly to his hair.
  15. [09:00] <Sylum> "Oh christ not this again"
  16. [09:01] <Sylum> "You'll never get any respect if you just sob after a few hits"
  17. [09:02] * KinstonLeo His crying gets a little louder. "It hurts so much!"
  18. [09:03] <Sylum> "Well no shit, its a punch from a metal hand"
  19. [09:06] * KinstonLeo continues to cry. On the bright side though, his mech was arriving.
  20. [09:06] * Sylum helps him up
  21. [09:07] * Sylum then pushes him back down "You want to beat me, grow a pair. You actually hade the right idea, but you're slow, and sloppy"
  22. [09:07] * KinstonLeo "W-What?..." He coarses says, wiping his eyes.
  23. [09:08] * KinstonLeo And them it sets in, leaving him just silently crying.
  24. [09:08] * Sylum didn't feel bad, if anything she felt embarrassed for the guy
  25. [09:10] * KinstonLeo People start taking pictures.
  26. [09:11] * Sylum walks away, leaving him there
  27. [09:12] * KinstonLeo "....I-I will BEAT you..." He says softly to himself as he awaits for the strength to get back up.
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