
Kuro no Senshi

Sep 11th, 2015
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  3. Everything happens for a reason, some call it destiny, some call it luck. We, we call it the righteuos path. This world will never be perfect, dreamers who dream of an absolute perfect world, they're just what they say they are, dreamers, and this dreams of theirs, will never become a reality. However, one must always improvise to things around him, for the prosperity of those you care for, those you love. Your family, your friends, your kin, your clan. The concept of trust and loyalty goes hand in hand with those 4 terms. You would tear the world apart, just to keep your kin, your family safe, you would get torn to pieces by the world, for them. You would go through such extents, but who are they? What makes them your kin? What makes them your family? Is it predetermined? Is the connection that is solely based on putting your self on the line for them, and having faith in them, knowing that they would do exactly the same for you, what you would, for them? These are all hypothesis, and just theories philosophers spew to appear smart. You just have to dive in, head first, yourself. Do something for your kin, and you would know what it actually means. Our Kin, our Family, has a motive, a goal, we don't want to make the world a better place, but we sure as hell plan to shake it to it's core.
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  6. It all started when we were young, Ryu and I, a couple of teenagers, bound by our legacies to live and follow the footsteps of those who came before us. We were the heirs, the prospects, some even called us the prodigy sons. We didn't knew what the future had in stock for us, and neither did we care. We were having fun, and this concept of a brotherhood that was bound by something stronger than just blood, was precious. Then he had to go, all of that, went to the ground. No more prodigy sons, nothing. The paths had to split, a Legacy, so strong that I was considered the proud heir to the kin, and him, an alternate legacy, dishonored and crippled. The Nakajima, I made them proud, the Dojima, was gone. How could this happen? It was going so well, why did it happen? Apparently, he slaughtered the 4th Wakagashira, his own father. Dishonoring his legacy, his bloodline.
  7. Now..
  8. It's on me, they look up to me, they're more discreet than ever. They don't want the same thing to happen to the Nakajima bloodline. I'm not stupid, I wouldn't ever do what he did. I'm going to keep this legacy alive, and prove them all right, that I am the prodigy son. My name, is Keigo, and I am the Prodigy.
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  11. I made a promise, that my path would be untethered. I will carry on this legacy to it's proper end, I will continue the bloodline. They will remember my name, like they remember my clan's. I had an advantage, the Nakajima clan was already respected between the brotherhood, I just had to make sure I don't spoil it. The vessel, Kazama and Funakoshi, clans were already considering me their leader from a young age. I'll be honest, all that power, was tempting but I feared that I might just disappoint everyone. I had to keep a straight mindset, and follow the traditional path, the path they carved long before I was even a being. I kept trying my best, even at times when I didn't actually agree with their morals, who was I to say that their morals might be flawed, who was I to revolt? I kept going, marching forward with the brotherhood that kept getting stronger and stronger every day.
  13. The limits were breached...
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  16. This isn't right, their flawed system, it needs to be fixed, no one wants to listen to me, other than those who had my back for all this time. Do they think their leader is insane? Has Keigo lost his mind? Why is he revolting against a foundation that has been strong for decades, what is wrong with him? No. They didn't doubt my decisions, they didn't consider me a bad leader, they kept following, those who thought I was wrong, left my side a long while ago, no where to be seen. I don't want to be a hero, no, I just wouldn't follow their corrupt logic. I will stay put on my path, continue the bloodline with just slightly altered principles. Is that wrong? Only time will tell, but one thing is clear, this little revolution, it's going to cause a lot of trouble for me, I would become a prime target for a lot of people, but I'm ready. I'm ready for whatever they have to swing at my way, I'm ready to reach my limits for the bloodline's survival.
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  19. "You have to think straight Keigo, they are too powerful for your little brotherhood to handle, you won't survive, you want to change the world? Yeah? You'd be dead and laying in the ditches in a week or two. The Prodigy, would just end up being a useless dead man, Snap out of it!"
  20. Wise words by the wisest man I knew, he wanted to see me succeed but he as being a realist, I couldn't possibly survive against the strongest dynasty in the country. I had to find a way out, to continue the legacy somewhere else, strengthen our kin and make it stronger, before anything else, but I didn't knew anything about the world outside. I live and grew up all my life in Japan and I don't trust anyone enough outside the country either-..
  21. Except him.
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  24. "The land of opportunities, the most diverse town in California, Los Angeles. This is where I continue the path I stepped on? From the streets of Osaka to this? God, what have my life come to, but I guess it's better than nothing. It appears both of us let our peers down, hai? Never thought I'd end up getting dishonored like you." A light hearted chit chat we had, when we met after such a long time, jokes apart, I was indeed a little disappointed, but I had to do what I had to do. He vowed to help and follow me, for the sake of our brotherhood we once had, or so does he claim, I could clearly sense he had something bothering him that made him what he is today, but that's a story for another day. "You, Keigo, were the older brother I never had. I took a vow that I'd never let our brotherhood down, I failed, this is a chance to fix what I broke." He said to me, and the idea of Kuro no Senshi became a reality soon.[/center]
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