
Rough Draft Story of Ran-Dell

Nov 12th, 2016
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  1. Ran-Dell Dwayne Ray Clark
  2. DOB 12/25/1970
  4. For Tammy Mary Clark Christmas had always been just that Christmas. A time of giving and sharing. Ran-Dell Dwayne Ray Clark named after his fathers three serial killer older brothers. The trio is believed to have fled the country a number of years ago. South America is there most likely hunting grounds.
  5. Ran-Dells birthday would happen to be on Christmas. Tammy Mary Clark had this to say “The day that huge wrong gender turd baby destroyed my vagina was the day a part of me died. My vagina died on that Christmas. Torn to pieces. Useless. Doctors told me I might as well just pack it up and it put in an old box of photos to be forgotten.
  6. Ran-Dells father who wishes to remain unnamed at this time was devastated. His wife’s perfect vagina was gone forever. Anal it would be for the rest of the couples days. He hated anal. So did his wife. A sexless hate filled life awaited them. All thanks to Ran-Dell.
  8. On new years day 1971 Ran-Dells father had a failed suicide attempt after having to change Ran-Dells diaper. He said “That baby is so fucking ugly, I want it dead, I want it dead” Then ran to the kitchen and grabbed a large butcher shoving deep into his chest barely missing his heart.
  10. During recovery he told his Mother Jane Ann Clark “Mommy that baby is fucking ugly, I would rather kill myself than to have to look at that fucking ugly baby again. I hate that fucking baby. It's beyond vile. Help me Momma please help me. Kill it for me, just do it mommy”
  12. Mr Clark would spend the next 5 years in recovery. Not because he was ill, but because he couldn't return home to where such an ugly creature had nested. Speaking of their new born baby daughter named after three male Uncles.
  14. Ran-Dells grandmother took pity for her sons pretty wife. His sons pretty wife with a washed out vagina at 22 years of age. Such a tragedy Jane Ann Clark had to be a part of. A perfect vagina gone forever. So in her loyalty to her only son that was not a serial killer. Jane Ann Clark decided she would deal with the devil baby known as Ran-Dell. She would make sure Ran-Dell would always suffer. For her entire life. Ran-Dell would pay the blood price of her birth mothers vagina.
  16. Jane kept little Ran-Dell locked in a broom closet in the garage for the next three years. No reason other than she felt that “dumb little bitch deserved it”.
  18. Ran-Dell was stoic though. Ran-Dell never once cried in the mountain of shit that accumulated in three years. The mountain of baby shit and empty dog food cans. The only thing Jane would feed a mut like that is dog food. The cheapest she could buy.
  20. Mostly out of date donations from her church. Everyone in that church wanted that baby girl Ran-Dell to suffer on an hourly basis. The preacher had hell fire and brimstone in him if he made eye contact with that vagina destroyer.
  21. It was Jane that come up with the fix as the Church came to call it. Everyone donated every last dime they had to send Jane and Ran-Dell to China for a ground-breaking sex organ addition surgery for little baby Ran-Dell.
  22. Jane and Ran-Dell arrived in China on Christmas day 1976. Jane said that day was the best day of her life. Better than her wedding day and almost as good as the interracial gang bang she got on her wedding night from her cuckold husband.
  24. Janes now decased cuckold husband. Jane said there was nothing he liked to see more than her being with several men at once. Jane gave that man his dreams till the day he died from unknown reasons at the age of 35.
  26. On Christmas day 1976 Ran-Dell would be dealt a large amount of suffering at the hands of an under skilled back alley Chinese Veterinary Surgeon. The plan was to attach a small fake penis a fake penis that worked but not very well. Causing infection constantly was the goal of this surgery.
  28. Jane leaves Ran-Dell in a plastic garbage bag on the Surgeons steps she later said as she walked away she turned and kicked Ran-Dell in the head serveral times hoping to injury but not kill. Then Jane in a since of justify for her daughter in laws vagina takes a flight out of the country two hours later. It's said she got fucking shit faced on the plane ride home. Joined the mile high club and took pictures to prove it. A passenger on the plane was quoted as saying “The hottest love making I've ever seen in my life. That is what you call a GILF.” Then went out to say how he would like to “GILF that too”.
  29. Two years later he was successful and Gilfed Jane for a period of several months on a daily basis until he died during a sexual encounter. He died of joy. Happiest motherfucker to every die. Died that day between Janes legs.
  30. Jane a 60 year old Mother of four had fucked a 19 year old male to death.
  31. Jane carried mixed feelings about this but moved on and would GILF with great success well into her 70's.
  32. It's said that Jane Ann Clark could control the world with the power of her immaculate GILF body and magical vagina that always felt so good, so right. Like you know you're at the right place at the time. A young a Dennis Rodman was qutoed saying “It's fucking perfect a wonder drug”.
  34. On Christmas day 1976 a young Ran-Dell was now the personal project of Dr Do Wang. Dr Do Wang was thrilled to see such suffering inflicted on a white American baby and was eager to test his small penis attachment. Sadly Dr Do Wang had a few set backs and had to opt for a much larger Penis then he had planned for Ran-Dell.
  36. Ran-Dell would receive the broken head of an imported American toy as her penis. A fully functioning doll head penis would be attached in a few hours. Starting the downward spiral and pitiful tale of Ran-Dell Dwayne Ray Clark.
  37. The surgery was messy and done poorly and without any surgical standards. Dr Do Wang even opted to wipe his ass with a bare hand after a rough bowel movement mid surgery. Shit covered hands tinkered for hours until the job was done.
  38. After attaching the doll head and barely rerouting the proper functions to the new penis doll-head in stroke of pure sadist genius Dr Do Wang opted to take a skin graft from Ran-Dells face to fashion the skin for the doll head penis.
  39. His work was done and Ran-Dell at this time knew she was no longer how she should be. Missing most of her left cheek and the sad owner of a doll head penis had done some mental damage and physical from the shit infused hands of Dr Do Wang performing the surgery.
  40. In a single act of pity Dr Do Wang managed to board Ran-Dell in a crude shipping container and shipped Ran-Dell state side.
  41. When Dr Do Wang was asked why he even bothered he said “That baby belonged with her people not her with the glorious citizens of this county”
  43. This time is a bit hazy as the shipping container Ran-Dell was shipped in was never documented and never found.
  44. Ran-Dell washed up on the Texas shores of Corpus Christy into the greasy hands of an overweight, middle age, balding white male Truck driver taking a shit on the beach from a taco dinner he had ate an hour ago.
  45. His name. Gary Eyes. Gary Eyes took Ran-Dell in and taught her the ins and outs of trucking life. That was mostly how to cook and prepare Methamphetamine properly.
  46. Ran-Dell had been using every day since she arrived into the shit covered hands of Gary Eyes. Meth Dealer, Trucker, Rapist, and Private Investigator. The meth use had stunted Ran-Dells female growth hormones and in a freak twist of Her mothers Vaginal vengeance Ran-Dells male hormones started to take over her meth ravished body.
  47. Gary Eyes was a man driven by few things. Mainly Meth, the making of and sale of. Then his real passion was following Nascar racers around the country smoking as much Meth as he could between homosexual bath house stops on the road where Ran-Dell was encouraged to watch.
  48. Ran-Dell felt at home with Gary Eyes and Gary Eyes treated Ran-Dell the best he could. He gave what he could and that was lot's of meth. Meth was their life and they enjoyed the meth life they had together. Gary said “My girl Ran-Dell would stay up for weeks at a time. She was born to hit that glass pipe. I'm just glad she wasn't a boy at the time. I would've probably done things to her/him that I might feel bad about now. Well or not maybe I would fall asleep to it with a smile on my face every night. Who fucking knows I'm god damn crazy if ya didn't know that already you strikingly good looking
  49. young man”
  51. It was at this time that Gary had his way with our intern Keith. Keith is no longer with us. We wish him the best of luck in the Utah Mental Health Program.
  53. Gary Eyes had eyes for no one else other than a young rookie driver. He had been stalking at the Nascar events for the entire season.
  54. Gary was in love if he could only get the young stars attention for just a moment. Gary suffers from a number of drug induced mental disorders.
  55. Gary said that Meth made him gay and that he really enjoyed being that way. So he just kept smoking lots of meth.
  57. Gary from his Prison Cell where he is shackled to the floor with some proper safety restraints. Gary is currently serving 45 years for the sexual assault of this Rookie as Gary says “stud muffin whore monger” he couldn’t take his Eyes from him for a moment.
  59. Ran-Dell was 13 when Gary netted his big catch in Daytona beach Florida. Ran-Dell thought she had seen love for the first time as Gary beat and had his way with 24 year old Rookie sensation Kurt Flanning for a week in a one room cabin in the deep southern Florida wetlands.
  61. That weekend Ran-Dell watched Gary and smoked a lot of Meth with Gary and Kurt even smoked a little. Ran-Dell would later say that Gary said “Smoke this meth Kurt or I'm gonna kill ya” So Kurt smoked the Meth with them all weekend as Gary Eyes did well...It goes without saying.
  63. You can count on one thing though. There was penetration. A lot of penetration….Kurt has never admitted to being over powered by an obese truck driver from Alabama. We know though. We know Kurt...
  65. Ask our intern Keith. Here is his address at the Utah Mental Health Program 919 Institution Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah
  67. Ran-Dell had been smoking meth all night watching Gary give Kurt love over and over. Ran-Dell smoked more and more meth until she wondered out of the building following a pink leprechaun calling her names and telling she needed to dress “like a man”. Like how she was meant to be. Like Gary Eyes and Kurt Flanning. Like a real human. A man.
  69. Ran-Dell two months later showed up in Tampa Bay Florida alone for the fist time in years but Ran-Dell was ready to be known as a man..Like his Mom wanted all those years ago...Ran-Dell would turn a new page this day diving deeper into the meth game with each passing day…
  71. Ran-Dell already looked like a boy as the meth had destroyed her female development. Ran-Dell said on this day “I'm a man, I have a penis and dammit I'm gonna use it.”
  73. Well that’s what Ran-Dell thought. Turns out having a doll head for a penis is complicated...
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