
Evemek: Occultism Unbound

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. From there onward, everything was a blur-- Nothing seemed to explain the next event better than the former. It was just a plethora of dreams, of visions.. And soon enough, awakening... In the northern prarries?! This didn't make any sense... How did he get here? When did he get here? He didn't call wandering off -this- far!
  2. ... Or maybe, he was carried? There wasn't any trace of those whom might've committed to such.
  4. However, just over yonder, he did have a gander at a battle soon to brew. Was it a tournament? It'd made sense... But it was so informal. He winced, pushing himself up against an earthen mesa to stand upright, watching at battle unfolded, slowly waking from his sleepy trance and growing possessed in the thrill that derived from watching conflict play out.
  5. (Evemek)
  7. "Well now if your so busy why take the time to fight a man you dont know?" Jako smirked " The pay is good considering that we have fifteen members and continue to grow. And if you just focused on combat im sure you could have beat him. But then why would you even have magic then?" Jako crossed his arms and smiled more. "So what do you say mr importent. Want to join a guild were you get an income and people to fight with? Or continue on your own?"
  9. Saw the new man asking why they were there "Im recruiting For The Guardians. Currently i just saw this man take down one of my stronger members." "Why do you ask stranger?"
  10. (Jako Warden)
  11. [15:14:08] Evemek: .... Can I join?
  12. [15:14:08] Jako Warden: The Guardians?
  13. [15:14:59] Evemek: Yes. I would like to join.
  14. [15:14:59] Jako Warden: Hmm
  15. [15:14:59] Jako Warden: Perhaps
  16. [15:14:59] Evemek: Is the-...there... is there a condition?
  17. [15:15:50] Jako Warden: Not really
  18. [15:15:50] Jako Warden: The guild promotes Freedom of self.
  19. [15:15:50] Evemek: Free--...dom?
  20. [15:15:50] Jako Warden: Yes
  21. [15:15:50] Evemek: I see.
  22. [15:16:41] Evemek: I saw you fighting...o- Or... I saw them fighting..
  23. [15:16:41] Evemek: Was that them training?
  24. [15:16:41] Evemek: <*twitches*>
  25. [15:16:41] Jako Warden: Those who join can do there own thing but can get income and call upon battle mates when needed.
  26. [15:16:41] Jako Warden: And no
  27. [15:16:41] Jako Warden: That man i asked to join and he respectifly declined
  28. [15:17:32] Jako Warden: Although he may always come back if he changes his mind.
  29. [15:17:32] Evemek: Th-- Then, why were they fightin?
  30. [15:17:32] Jako Warden: Uhh
  31. [15:17:32] Jako Warden: To see if he could enter
  32. [15:18:24] Jako Warden: Nexon is a strong member of the Guild
  33. [15:18:24] Evemek: Oh! I see.
  34. [15:18:24] Evemek: <*looks around*> Did they all leave?
  35. [15:19:15] Jako Warden: If you wish to enter you must battle him.
  36. [15:19:15] Evemek: <*glimpses over*> ... just him?
  37. [15:19:15] Jako Warden: And yes
  38. [15:19:15] Evemek: Mother says, it wouldn't be fair.
  39. [15:19:15] Jako Warden: What?
  40. [15:19:15] Evemek: <*twitches*>
  41. [15:19:15] Evemek: Mother says, a fight against just him, isn't fair. Can I fight more?'
  42. [15:20:06] Jako Warden: Isnt fair?
  43. [15:20:06] Evemek: <*Nods*>
  44. [15:20:06] Evemek: Can I fight, all of your members?
  45. [15:20:57] Jako Warden: I guess i can call a few members to get down here.
  46. [15:20:57] Jako Warden: What?
  47. [15:20:57] Jako Warden: There are fifteen of us.
  48. [15:20:57] Evemek: Okay. I'll fight all fifteen of you.
  49. [15:20:57] Jako Warden: Um
  50. [15:21:48] Evemek: <*forlorn gaze*> ... Please?
  51. [15:21:48] Nexon Salazar: Start with me and Jako, with you lose you can't continue
  52. [15:21:48] Jako Warden: No
  53. [15:21:48] Jako Warden: Ill call all the members
  54. [15:21:48] Jako Warden: Im intrested in this now.
  55. [15:22:40] Evemek: <*gets jumpy, albeit... oddly... twitching*> -They- are happy now... Can't you hear them cheering?
  56. [15:26:04] Evemek: <*kicks rock*> So, there are fifteen of you?
  57. [15:35:28] Jako was curious but not afraid All of the members of the guardians against one opponent? This doesnt seem fair to him at all. Unless he is hiding some sort of secret incredible power. I guess ill have to play this smart. Jako thought. "So you want all the members huh? Well some are busy so currently its just you against all of this." He said to the strange twitching man standing there. He addresses his fellow guardians with a speech in hopes it will boost moral and spirit making them fight their hardest. For he knows if the man was crazy it was for good reason. "Guardians! Im not sure what he is capable of and neither should you. This will be your first taste of real battle besides training as guardians! And we will fight our hardest and wont retreat now!" He yelled with an encouraging voice.
  59. Jako then felt a surge of power run through him, as if he was directly gaining power from his star. He Got into a stance the would allow him to channel his magic. He yelled loudly and an aura of pure cosmic energy surged around him. "Fight hard and dont hold back Guardians!" He shouted standing drawing his spear giving a face of determination and focus.
  60. (Jako Warden)
  61. [15:38:52] Nexon is direct and determined "All through my lord"
  62. (Nexon Salazar)
  63. [15:44:00] "Hmph...so this fool wishes to challenge us all? Hahaha. Don't make me laugh.I don't think you can take one of us let alone all of us."Noxx Said as he looked at the boy.
  65. "There are only two things that i take seriously,boy.The slaying of Demons,and the Pride of my Organization...You dared to tread upon these grasslands and challenge us,so now you will meet your demise.."Noxx said with an angry grin on his face.
  67. "I've had to hold back in the past protecting my clan,but this time I will not...my blade will feast upon your form,and my fire shall dance across your skin.Prepare yourself!"Noxx said as fire erupted from his body.
  68. (Noxx)
  69. The whispers in his head ushered him further into the darkness, and without restraint he obeyed its call, its coo-- Its desires...
  70. What it wanted, was blood-- Battle. He needed it, he craved of it...
  71. To battle so many, would finally sate what unrelenting wrath possessed his soul time and time again, day-in and day-out. To become a part of something greater than himself and sate his battlelust simultaneously? It was a dream come true.
  73. "Heheh..." He strained to chortle through his breath, before outright emitting a banshee's scream, echoing across the vast plains and into Wychwood's forestry. It was inhuman-- Perhaps, to the death threat? It was oddly elongated, lengthened for a nigh dozen seconds wholly. Before he was forced to a knee to catch his breath.
  75. Then, silence...
  76. At least, for the moment...
  77. Soon after, the stampede of wildlife animated the forestry and foliage abroad the horizon, albeit it'd turn out to be something of far more sinister origin. The skies heralded the gargantuan avian breed yokai, soon descending in the form of human-sized crows. From the ground underfoot, a serpent of a thousand legs squirmed for freedom, encircling the stature of the idling challenger only to arch over his shoulder-- Defensive form engaged.
  79. Even malformed humanoids and ogre-esque monstrosities lumbered out into the open, unveiling a true variety of yokai across the land... All summoned by this mere boy...
  80. Without the slightest of strain, one's soul was ignited with the stygian force manifested of his malice, empowered by the Rune of Vengeance to turn him into a harbinger of Warth, as imperfected as it may've been: The lavender pyre was brewing, an Occultist in their midsts.... But what was truly the sheer magnitude that he implied prior? How much power could a boy truly wager against the likes of an entire faction.
  82. "If that's all of you... I-... I'll be coming then... I'll fight you all...."
  83. (Evemek)
  85. [16:24:57] It was a blitz from all corners...
  86. Flames fired off in various directions, beams of cosmogonal prowess. Even other occultists waging death... It was all a mess...
  87. He could hardly keep track, yet oddly enough, his mind simply played along-- It was seemingly instinct. From blades that sought for his back only to be parried, to bodies tackling into his own.
  89. "Nnny-... AAAH!" A deafening boom bombarded the scene, toiling aside all abroad with an occultic surge of raw potence. A blade knicked his flesh however, having penetrated his armor. He winced, grunted albeit, he couldn't allow it to take him down. Numbers of the daemonic summons tackled one, gnawing at armor and flesh but never daring to shred it apart beyond bruises and scathings.
  91. Blades were pried from their possession, and hands were ensnared betwixt toothy maws threatening to tear them to shreds should they attempt to continue fighting. From serpent yokai constricting their targets, to mamillian apes simply holding their own down-- The field was set, eventually dwindling the masses down to a meager three, including the challenger.
  93. "You're strong!" He exclaimed, "--But I'm stronger!" He had something to prove... To himself at least; Thus, Nexon was the only one to fall victim to his clenching digits, tightly squeezing at his iron helm to little to no avail. The surge of the malignant miasma flooded the helmet, leaving one's mind induced to the terrors of the void. One's vision had faded to black, and hearing distanced only to find the cries and screams of thousands of the damned. The squeal of violins played along their bridges badgered one's hears... and to their gander-- The realm abroad, was smothered in internal night. The skies? Transmuted to house clouded of blood...
  95. Albeit, this was not a planetary spell, for the boy was naught in comparison to such deity-tier prowess... It was all playing out in Nexon's mind. In reality, he was one of the several others, fallen victim to the common skill of Torment throughout the variety of Occultistic capabilities. The last, of course, was... Well, he couldn't truly remember. The others called them crazy, but he? He called them, tenacious...Felled to a kick to the abdomen.
  97. The boy, was the last one standing, heavily injured... Winded... Exhausted... But victorious...
  98. He fell to a single knee, panting hard.
  100. "... C-....Can.... Can I join... The guardians now?"
  101. (Evemek)
  102. The fight was more then jako could have expected. The clan rushed him but he had screamed and summoned... Yokai to his side??? This man was alot stronger then Jako could even begin to realize. They charged him but the yokai sprinted twords jako. He realized he could get all the Yokai off his members while they focus on the summoner who was moving around in a flash blocking... attacking...
  104. Jako lost track of reality for a moment and paid the price as the Tera, Mega and Lesser yokai gnawed at him ferociously. He became angered and used his Nova Ray technique to obliterate the mega and mega yokai. But forgot about the Tera and had his left side stabbed.
  106. .... An immense pain... Falling.... The ground was nice.... Jako was circiling in and out of conciousness for what seemed to be an eternity. But he awoke to see the yokai had fallen.... Along with most of the Guardians.
  108. He layed still to weak as he attempted to draw power from his star to replenish his body. Although his connection wasent strong enough so he just half sat up to see that Nexon and Crazy were both still fighting with mad determination and passion in their eyes from when jako caught glimpses of their faces. He was proud until he saw Crazy catch a kick and fall hard to the ground. Cmon Nexon.. You can do this I believe in you... Jako managed to get to his feet and stood there watching the two men fight.
  111. But alas Nexon had been outmaneuverd and was struck but the man who was also noticably weak. The Guardians failed... But not all was lost. The man fell to the ground and asked to join. Jakos smile radiated joy to have such a powerful man join the Guardians. "It would be an Honor if you were to join us." Said jako half weakly. Even if the man used Occultist magic he would be an incredible asset.... "Welcome to The Guardians." Jako paused still attepting to catch his breath from the hard battle "Welcome to The Guardians." He repeated still loopy from the unconciousness.
  112. (Jako Warden)
  114. The battle was hardfaught...but the outcome,never expected.All members of the Guardians attacked Evemek and his minions as soon as the battle started.First the minions were the primary target,but we had lost our leader Jako Warden before they were all destroyed.Our leader having fell,the morale was weakened,but The Guardians kept on fighting hard.
  116. After the team had worked together in order to get rid of the minons,only Evemek was left.He had tremendous footwork,was cunning,and very experienced.The whole team powered up their aura's and were ready to take him on.But they did not expect that Evemek would be that much of a threat.He had surprised them,and Noxx began to respect the man for his efforts and prowess.
  118. One by one The Guardians fell and there morale weakened as each one fell to the floor with a thud.Soon it was only 4 of them,Noxx suddenly was the main target of Evemek.His fire bruning radiantly and bright he faught hard but it was not enough,he had fallen.
  120. All he could do was watch as the rest of them as they faught hard.But their struggles were to no avail.Soon it was only the strongest member of the guardians,Nexon Salazar vs Evemek.
  122. It had been a very close battle,Evemek hanging on to life with a low amount of health,But his impressive shadowflame magic was able to take Nexon down.Noxx could only watch in awe as Evemek stood tall and strong after defeating his whole clan
  124. "Impossible...Impossible..." Noxx repeated to himself in awe of what had just happened."He defeated not only our clan leader,but all of us,at the same time!?,what kind of monster is this boy"Noxx said in anger and confusion of his defeat.
  125. (Noxx)
  126. This, was the student and adopted son of a vampress...
  127. Motivated and powered through malice, wrath and the tenacity to inevitably claim vengeance, he stood strong. "I-... I did it, mother..." He said to himself, for none of the others to hear. As though, the night mother was looming in their presence.
  128. "I-... I made friends..." It was monologued, quiet-- Intended for himself. For once, he felt... Happy.
  130. A weak grin melted across his face as he approached his new comrades with open arms and jubilation.
  131. "Mother would be so happy!" He cheered, but then... He stopped, he retracted himself. He couldn't make a fool of himself so soon! He had to get them to like him first. Thus, he had to emulate them, maybe, even show them to Mother. She'd like that, they'd be perfect sacrifices... But was it... Was it the right thing to do?
  133. No, he couldn't do that. Not yet, anyways... The voices had calmed down, and the seven, defeated. Such, was good enough.
  134. (Evemek)
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