
FN@F - The Bite of '87 - Chapt. 6 "A Pirate's Life"

Aug 27th, 2014
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  1. >You’d hefted the supplies and left them in the office, taking a quick look around before visiting Freddy and the gang at the stage.
  2. >You were a little late, which meant they were already online, but it went without a hitch.
  3. >good thing you took that Long Haul perk.
  4. >Chica entered just a moment after you having been trying to find you the whole time which made you even more convinced they were your friends at this point.
  5. >They only asked about your birthday coming up 5 times, and absolutely insisted you come in for a surprise party.
  6. >You then explained that it wouldn’t be a very good surprise if you knew about it, but they wouldn’t have any of that ‘logic’ non-sense.
  8. >About 3 pizza slices, and 2 small soft drinks (Both complete with what tasted like machine oil aftertaste) later, you returned back to your post, much to the dismay of your hosts.
  9. >You gave it til 1 Am before getting back up and taking your box with you down the hallway to Pirate Cove.
  10. >You were wondering what Foxy expected of you, what with having no experience in setting up LED lights, let alone mechanical engineering of any sort.
  12. >Opening the door, you spot the purple star-speckled curtain shut with nary a light to be had in the dark room.
  13. >You reached around and tried to find a switch, but instead a hand took yours and the feeling of cold steel pressed against your lips.
  14. >oh god no, you don’t want the knot
  15. >This isn’t what you wanted at all
  16. >please oh god o- Oh it’s the hook.
  17. >His eyes flickered on and he removed his hook from your mouth and placed it to his in a shushing gesture.
  18. >You nod, unsure if he can see you and follow him behind the curtain, placing down the parts.
  19. >He rummages through it and passes you a note that he had apparently written before.
  20. >He waves you off, figuring he’s got the rest handled and you read the note back on the way.
  22. “.-- .. .-.. .-.. / ..-. .. -..- / -- -.-- ... . .-.. ..-. /
  23. ... - .- -.-- / --- ..- - /
  24. -.-. --- -- . / .- ..-. - . .-. / ...-- / - .- .--. .../”
  26. >Guess he’s got it.
  27. >Sitting in the office, without much to do, you think it’s safe if you took a small nap.
  28. >The gang will let you know if they need anything.
  29. >Just going to.. get some.. rest…
  31. >……..
  33. *whrrrrrrrr……groaaaaaaannnn...*
  34. >You don’t open your eyes but you were definitely awake.
  35. >A wild guess said it was Chica, and the slow hum and static meant Bonnie was close as well.
  36. “So what do we do about Moikey, then? You hoihd Freddy. *YA SEE CHICAH, WE CAIN’T BE ‘AVIN OL’ MOIKEY CONSOHTIN’ WITH THA FAHX.’” The bird mimicked with the ever-present Bronx accent.
  37. “We-well, he only said to war-warn Mike-key-key about Fo-fo-Fre-Foxy. He didn’t say you had to hur-Hurt-HURTING-urt him.”
  38. >The sound of something coming to a rest on the table made you perk a bit, but you managed to keep your eyes shut
  39. >Unfortunately, Bonnie must have seen your eye twitch and assumed you were waking up.
  41. “Uhh-hh, Mi-ike! Wake up!” You felt a warm paw pushing you lightly, “You were slee-eep-in-ing on the j-o-o-ob, Mike!”
  42. “Yeh Moikey, yoh getting’ comf-table in this here cozy awffice?”
  43. >You stretched a bit in your chair, and rubbed your eyes
  44. >Years of faking sleep in front of your mom had seriously paid off.
  45. “Uhh, yeah.. sorry. What’re you two doing here?” You ask grabbing up your tablet and flipping to the stage.
  46. >Freddy was offline charging for whatever reason, but looking into the camera.
  48. “Listen, Mi-mike. We think it is a good idea that you st-STAY AWAY-ay from Foxy. Freddy says he is dangerous.”
  50. “Moike, listen to us on this one. You don’t want ta ignoh Freydo when he tolks abou’ deez koinda things.. It’s in yoh best interests to stay out of Poirate Cove, that scoundrel i--”
  52. *Tap tap tap*
  53. >You look at your tablet in the middle of Chica’s rant, seeing the familiar set of eyes blinking in the dark.
  54. >The grainy feed and Chica’s banter effectively drown out any chance of actually hearing Foxy speak, but it was for the better.
  55. >You power it off and cut Chica off.
  56. “Hey. Chica.”
  57. “and another thing! That lil’ scrap heap made fun of moi bib. It’s a paht of the cha’acta. whoddya won’ from me, in that tacky outfit you wearin’-“
  59. “CHICA.” She finally stops for a moment crossing her arms.
  60. “Y’know Moikey, it’s rude ta yell at a lady.”
  61. “Listen, I get what you’re saying, but you need to go. Both of you. I want to be alone.”
  62. >You get up and hand Chica her cupcake and start pushing her out forcefully.
  63. “But moikey, I-“
  64. “Don’t want to hear it. Out.”
  65. >You don’t even have to worry about Bonnie, as she timidly follows suit and steps out willingly, taking her friend by the hand and dragging her away. All the while Chica starts to complain about “YOH BEIN’ REAL RUDE MOIKE, EVEN THE KIDS AHN’T DIS BEHD” down the halls.
  67. >You check the feed once more, and hit the right door shut.
  68. >The Pirate Cove cam is lit up brightly for a moment as foxy stands in front of it with another scrap, this one being rather lengthy but in English.
  72. >Shit. That wasn’t good.
  73. >You had to think on your feet now.
  74. >Store is open now, but if you leave, the others would know.
  76. *static*
  77. “Chica, please.. be-be-have yourself. You upset Mik-key-key”
  78. *static*
  80. >It’s closed tomorrow because of some holiday shit (not like YOU would get the day off for that)
  81. >Maybe if you took one from the one of the heads?
  83. “Bonnie, oi don’t think you have any roight to say anything. Y—“
  85. >Nah, that’d be on an endoskeleton, and the one in there had recently disappeared.
  87. *Chkhhhhhh* “Moikey was so, rude, you don’t even ondastand! Heah we ah, lookin’ to protect him, and..
  88. *static*
  90. >Man, what in the hell is this obnoxious voice interrupting your thoughts.
  91. >A quick look at Carlos.. wait, did he shave?
  92. >You idiot, it’s the other fucking cupcake!
  93. >You must have swapped it by mistake.
  94. >and then.. a giant fucking lightbulb appeared over your head.
  96. >Scooping it up, you spring down to Pirate Cove, and close the door behind you, Foxy sits on the stage and looks up at you surprised by the cupcake.
  97. >You quickly shush him before he could make a sound and hold the cupcake, it’s googly eyes shaking a little to the sound of Chica’s bitching.
  99. “Oi, he’s bein’ real qoite in theh. Must be know he was bein’ soch a JOIK.”
  101. >Foxy snaps the thing in half, silencing it’s tinny voice, the googly eyes rolling back in its sugary face.
  102. >It elicits a smile from the both of you.
  103. >A minute or two later, and an awful sight of Foxy endoskull later, Foxy had returned his head back atop his.. head.
  104. >At first his voice was nothing more than a screech but with enough adjustments..
  106. “EEAIIEIEEEEEEeevening, lad.” Goddamnit, he sounds like Johnny Depp drunk on set for Pirates of the Caribbean, “Thank ye again for the help.” He says with gratitude.
  108. “Yeah no problem, but now you’ve got to answer to a few things.”
  110. >At first he only glances at your watch, idly putting the cupcake back together without the audio components, “Aye, I suppose that be the case now. You must all manner o’ questions for ol’ Foxy Fazbeard.”
  112. “Well first, is that really your name..?”
  114. “No, but I thought it fit the character.”
  116. >You shook your head and sighed in frustration.
  117. “Right. Anyway, tell me about how your voice was destroyed in the first place. Was it the manager or something? Maybe you were a bit too grown up for the kiddies?”
  119. >At this he lets out a hearty laugh, “You really think it was an accident? You really think it was a buncha lil tykes that ripped me voicebox out? Arr.. tis a lie. A lie fabricated t' make me a scapegoat t' a vile captain that committed mutiny against his whole crew in an attempt t' make ME th' scapegoat, arrr…”
  120. >Foxy tried to whole his dislocated jaw in place as it loosely flapped as he spoke, a hinge broken on the inside.
  122. “He even broke me jaw and removed me voice t' make it so this poirate could do little t' protect me own innocence, and just like that, I was cast away as a traitor, next stop; Davy Jones’ Locker.”
  124. “Wait, you mean..”
  126. “Aye.. The Dreaded Freddy Fazbeard ‘imself.”
  128. *BANG BANG BANG* “Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikey!”
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