Guest User


a guest
Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. @echo off
  2. :home
  3. title Log in to CMD
  4. color 07
  5. cls
  6. echo.
  7. echo Cmd Accounts
  8. echo =============
  9. echo.
  10. echo [1] Log In
  11. echo [2] Sign Up
  12. echo [3] Exit
  13. echo.
  14. set /p op=
  15. if %op%==1 goto 1
  16. if %op%==2 goto 2
  17. if %op%==3 goto 3
  18. goto error
  19. :2
  20. cls
  21. echo Sign Up
  22. echo ======================================
  23. echo.
  24. set /p newname="Enter new username:"
  25. if "%newname%"=="%newname%" goto inputname
  26. :inputname
  27. cd "%userprofile%\documents"
  28. if exist "Account's not paste" goto skip
  29. if not exist "Account's not paste" goto noskip
  30. :noskip
  31. md "Account's not paste"
  32. goto skip
  33. :skip
  34. cd "%userprofile%\documents\Account's not paste"
  35. if exist "%newname%.bat" goto namexist
  36. if not exist "%newname%.bat" goto skip2
  37. :skip2
  38. echo set realusername=%newname%> "%newname%.bat"
  39. goto next
  40. :next
  41. echo.
  42. set /p pswd=Enter new Password:
  43. if "%pswd%"=="%pswd%" goto inputpass
  44. :inputpass
  45. cd "%userprofile%\documents\Account's not paste"
  46. echo set password=%pswd%>> "%newname%.bat"
  47. goto next1
  48. :namexist
  49. echo.
  50. echo The entered username already exists.
  51. echo Press any key to return. . .
  52. pause >nul
  53. goto 2
  54. :next1
  55. cls
  56. echo Cmd Accounts
  57. echo ============
  58. echo.
  59. echo Your account has been successfully created!
  60. echo.
  61. pause
  62. goto home
  63. :1
  64. color 07
  65. cls
  66. echo Cmd Accounts Log In
  67. echo ================================
  68. echo.
  69. Set /p logname=Username:
  70. if "%logname%"=="%logname%" goto 2.1
  71. :2.1
  72. echo.
  73. set /p logpass="Password:"
  74. if "%logpass%"=="%logpass%" goto login
  75. :login
  76. cd "%userprofile%\documents\Account's not paste"
  77. if exist "%logname%.bat" goto call
  78. if not exist "%logname%.bat" goto errorlog
  79. :call
  80. call "%logname%.bat"
  81. if "%password%"=="%logpass%" goto logdone
  82. goto errorlog
  83. :errorlog
  84. color 0c
  85. echo.
  86. echo Username or Password incorrect.
  87. echo Access denied.
  88. pause >nul
  89. goto home
  90. :logdone
  91. cls
  92. echo Command Prompt
  93. echo ==============
  94. echo.
  95. echo Successfully logged in!
  96. echo.
  97. pause
  98. goto account
  99. :account
  100. cls
  101. cd "%userprofile%\documents\Account's not paste"
  102. call "%realusername%color.bat"
  103. call "%realusername%.bat"
  104. color %colorcode%
  105. cls
  106. echo.
  107. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. echo %realusername%
  109. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. @echo off
  111. break off
  112. Title Command Prompt
  113. color 0a
  114. cls
  116. echo Type "home" any time to go to the current user profile directory.
  117. echo Type "desktop" any time to go to the current user desktop.
  118. echo.
  119. echo Type help to see list of common commands like cd, rd, md, del,
  120. echo ren, replace, copy, xcopy, move, attrib, tree, edit, and cls.
  121. echo Type [command]/? for detailed info.
  122. echo.
  123. pause
  124. cls
  126. :cmd
  127. echo Directory: %CD%
  128. set /P CMD=Command:
  129. if "%CMD%" == "cls" goto cls
  130. if "%CMD%" == "home" goto home2
  131. if "%CMD%" == "desktop" goto desktop
  132. if "%CMD%" == "red" goto red
  133. if "%CMD%" == "green" goto green
  134. if "%CMD%" == "normal" goto normal
  136. %CMD%
  137. cd C:\
  138. goto cmd
  140. :cls
  141. cls
  142. goto cmd
  144. :home2
  145. cd /d %USERPROFILE%
  146. cls
  147. goto cmd
  149. :desktop
  150. cd /d %SystemDrive%\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop
  151. cls
  152. goto cmd
  154. :red
  155. color 0c
  156. cls
  157. goto cmd
  159. :green
  160. color 0a
  161. cls
  162. goto cmd
  164. :normal
  165. color 07
  166. cls
  167. goto cmd
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