
Caitlyn Jenner rant

Jun 2nd, 2015
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  1. Yeah, cute. I'm going to ignore the entire god thing initially except for a single tirade and focus on what actually matters about what you're saying: most of which seems centered on establishing yourself as someone with staunchly conservative views rooted in justice, punishment, and ironically risk-taking.
  3. I'm no fan of Caitlyn Jenner. She's responsible for the death of a fellow human, and I too find the media attention surrounding her family annoying and irresponsible. Honestly, I'm disgusted by essentially everything about her EXCEPT the fact that she's identifying as a woman.
  5. You're blatantly transphobic. Because unless you've lived in an environment where for 60 YEARS you were uncomfortable in your own skin, and felt you were something you weren't, you don't have much of a license to talk about trans issues. This is not a matter of "deciding to play dress-up" you fucking idiot, nor is it about desecrating some god that may or may not exist. And if you knew anything about this, you would know that.
  7. But I'll entertain you for a second. Assume there is a god. Clearly he either doesn't know what he's doing : having created a person and not lined up their sex and gender identity correctly, or perhaps he's cruel: wanting her to suffer through body dysphoria for most of her life. The more appealing alternative is that he needed someone to speak on the behalf of transpeople, and so that's why he had to put her through the trauma of growing up in an uncomfortable body; in which case you just need to shut the fuck up because you're directly working against "his" (What if god identifies as a woman!) plans. Or you know, maybe there is no God. Maybe we're alone in the universe with no one to look out for us but our fellow humans. That seems pretty fucking likely to me, but I know you couldn't handle living in such a world.
  9. Yeah man. It takes courage to change your public image after a forever of living this way. If it was easy, she obviously would have done it a long time ago. I'm bisexual and honestly despite my general resilience, I still had a good struggle with it growing up; and believe me, being bisexual in America today is SO much easier than being trans: just look at the public opinion polls on sexuality versus gender identity. Transpeople are REGULARLY physically beaten in bathrooms and other places/situations where gender is of concern, not to mention the mental struggle. So fuck off and criticize the things about Caitlyn Jenner that need criticizing.
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