
Mar 30th, 2022
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  178. <br>
  179. <h1 class="f " style="font-family: 'Kelly Slab'; font-size: 23px; line-height:25px;padding: 3%; font-weight: 1000; "> Your Site Has Been Hacked By Gar2007 :)</h1>
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  181. <h2 class="ext_glitch ">G A R 2 0 0 7</h2>
  182. <marquee behavior="alternate " direction="left " scrollamount="50 ">_____________________________</marquee>
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  184. <center>
  185. <h1 class="f " style="font-family: 'Kelly Slab'; font-size: 18px; line-height:18px;padding: 3%; font-weight: 1000; ">Message : Don't Blame Me!!</h1>
  186. <center><marquee behavior="alternate " direction="right " scrollamount="55 ">_____________________________</marquee>
  187. </center><br>
  188. <center><h2 class="ext_glitch5 "> My Friends? I'm Alone :) </h2>
  189. <button class="lagu " font=" " size="4 ">
  190. <marquee width="600 " <font=" " color="white "> Mr.XxX - Twen - Ack3rman Xploit - Xn5 - Mr.Keyboard - XDoni - Nigh7 - RadarXploit - All My Friends</marquee></button></center></center></font></div><font color="white ">
  191. <center><h2 class="ext_glitch5 ">My Family</h2><button class="lagu " <font=" " size="4 "><marquee width="600 " <font=" " color="white "> - 5 HAXOR - SUNDA XPLOIT - JAVA BLACKHAT - </marquee></button></center></font></div><font color="white
  192. "> <iframe autoplay="autoplay " width="0% " height="0 " scrolling="no " frameborder="no " src=" "></iframe> <br>
  193. <script>alert('HACKED BY GAR2007');</script>
  194. <script>alert('Please Check Again Your System!!');</script>
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