

Aug 17th, 2016
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  1. AntigenAntigen : Remind me why you hate her so much
  2. Realms: Well I'm not sure if what she did was worse, or what Girlies did was worse
  3. Realms: basically I met her a couple times, then there was one day it was me, her, Etc, Nene, and another girl, and I think it was Mariano in Candi's chatroom
  4. Realms: we were all in there a good part of the day
  5. Realms: RK got brought up and I was just saying how sometimes i felt as though RK didn't realize the things she said were so harsh ect
  6. Realms: and Pokerus was talking about how rude she was, ect
  7. Realms: so whatever that convo ended,other convo's arised
  8. Realms: at the end of the day before I logged off I asked if I could add her cause she seemed awesome
  9. Realms: so she told me yeah
  10. Realms: the next day I logged on, she had deleted me
  11. Realms: so I was like tf
  12. Realms: but then was like oh well no big deal
  14. Realms: so I was in a room with Calamitous, Sweetheart, Maid, and another person
  15. Realms: and RK came in, hadn't seen her in idek how long
  16. Realms: so then I'm like Hey Trist
  17. Realms: she's like hey
  18. Realms: I was like it's been a long time
  19. Realms: she was like not long enough
  20. Realms: then started going off on me and bashing me
  21. Realms: saying how she's lucky Nutty told her to keep me in PP cause she wanted to remove me blah blah blah
  22. Realms: I wsa talking shit about her in Candi's room the day before
  23. Realms: so I was like wait what
  24. Realms: so then she was like Mhm 2 people told me
  25. Realms: and i was like leme guess
  26. Realms: Candi
  27. Realms: so after she calmed down she invited me to a PC
  28. Realms: and said that Pokerus told Candi that whole day I was doing nothing but shit talking RK
  29. Realms: and Candi told RK
  30. Realms: so I had to explainthat I wasn't shit talking her, I didn't even know Pokerus
  31. Realms: and Candi never even came to me to ask me if what Pokerus said was true
  32. Realms: so I've tried everything I possibly could to find out what Pokerus's prob is with me, why she did wht she did
  33. Realms: even others have tried, but when you bring it up she either says she never had an issue with me
  34. Realms: or says she has no idea what their talking about
  35. Realms: but it's obvious she did do what she did because she wouldn't have deleted me if she didn't
  36. Realms: I've tried everything in my power to figure out what I did to that cunt
  37. Realms: even messaged her on Gasr myself
  38. Realms: Helo
  39. Realms: I actually cried that day when RK went offon me
  40. Antigen: yeah.. but hating her and wanting her to basically fall of the earth is too much just cause she told someone and THAT SOMEONE told RK. Not her fault someone else spilled the beans.
  41. Realms: LOL
  42. Realms: wtf
  43. Realms: why would she open her shitty mouth and say lies
  44. Realms: about someone she doesn't even know
  45. Realms: and cause them all that fucking drama and stress???
  46. Realms: I already went off on Candi for what she did
  47. Realms: Candi apologized for not coming to me
  48. Realms: but Pokerus just ran away like a lil bitch
  49. Realms: I have a big thing with respect, and if I haven't done a thing to disrespect you
  50. Realms: don't fucking disrespect me
  51. Realms: it's really simple
  52. Realms: every single time I see that username, or see her artwork it's just a massive reminder of what she caused for me
  53. Antigen: You take that too far. There is and will always be someone who will disrespect you. They will do whatever the hell it is they want. You need to be the better person, and not hold the grudge and move on. Hating them for 1 simple mistake, is petty af.
  54. Realms: mistake?
  55. Realms: that wasn't a mistake Kay
  56. Realms: she deleted me cause she KNEW what she did was fucked up
  57. Realms: if it was a mistake
  58. Realms: she would of already spoken to me
  59. Realms: like a grown ass adult
  60. Realms: and told me wtf her issue is with me cause it's obviously something
  61. Realms: I hold grudges, I'm petty, I'm salty
  62. Realms: that's who I am
  63. Realms: I don't forget what people do to me
  64. Realms: and what Pokerus did was absolutely unforgivable
  65. Realms: when Candi was apologizing Pokerus was telling her don't apologize to me
  66. Realms: don't talk to me
  67. Realms: stay away from me
  68. Realms: like who the fuck are you, you don't even know me, I don't even know you
  69. Realms: YOU were shit talking RK, but put it all on me
  70. Antigen: still doesnt give you the reason to be like this over some petty ass bullshit
  71. Realms: I'm sorry but all I wanna know
  72. Realms: is WHY
  73. Realms: and she can't even answer that simple ass question
  74. Realms: you don't just do that to someone Kay
  75. Realms: you don't
  76. Realms: so for me to pretend like
  77. Realms: I'm ok with what she did
  78. Realms: I'm ok with her
  79. Realms: like her
  80. Realms: be civil with her
  81. Realms: I'm not
  82. Realms: I've tried literally every single approach to talk to her in a calm, adult matter
  83. Realms: and every single time she ignores me, or runs away
  84. Realms: till this day I wouldn't even go off on her in a room
  85. Realms: I'd just ask why
  86. Antigen: But you shit talk her like no tomorrow
  87. Antigen: thats prolly why she wont answer you
  88. Realms: she pisses me off
  89. Realms: no
  90. Realms: NOW I shit talk her
  91. Realms: before all that
  92. Realms: I tried to speak to her adult to adult
  93. Realms: I tried to be sneaky too and get her closest friend to ask
  94. Realms: she wouldn't even tell her
  95. Realms: I'm always gonna despise Pokerus
  96. Realms: because you don't just do that to someone
  97. Realms: that's like someone abusing a dog, and someone else making up an excuse
  98. Realms: for it
  99. Realms: I wasn't even shit talking her earlier all I said was everyone is getting artwork from her
  100. Realms: and it's annoying for me
  101. Realms: because it just brings back what she did
  102. Realms: you hate Rope, but I don't tell you you're being petty for hating her
  103. Realms: everyone hates people
  104. Realms: it's life
  105. Antigen: You know why I hate her?
  106. Moiiki: I have 300 people
  107. Antigen: not because the badges
  108. Antigen: not because she shit talked me in her shop
  109. Antigen: but because she wanted to be with me
  110. Antigen: and she told everyone she didnt
  111. Antigen: she lied
  112. Antigen: and thats why i hate her
  113. Antigen: I hate her because i loved her
  114. Antigen: I do not hate her for badges or because im petty
  115. Antigen: I hate her because she broke my heart
  116. Realms: I don't hate Pokerus because I'm being petty
  117. Antigen: Thats way different from someone talking shit and spreading it around
  118. Realms: my reason is very valid Kay
  119. Realms: Pokerus fucked me over
  120. Realms: without even personally knowing me
  121. Antigen: People are gonna do that
  122. Realms: she caused me
  123. Realms: to get attacked and bashed
  124. Realms: by the ONE person that can trigger my anxiety and panic within a second
  125. Realms: the one person that told me I'm trash
  126. Realms: a monster
  127. Realms: a cunt
  128. Realms: should of never been born
  129. Realms: so no I'm not sorry for hating Pokerus
  130. Antigen: thats not pokerus fault
  131. Realms: or Candi
  132. Antigen: thats on Rk
  133. Realms: if Pokerus would have never opened her mouth
  134. Realms: Candi would of never opened her fucking mouth
  135. Realms: and RK would of never came at me
  136. Antigen: she didnt make Rk tell you those things
  137. Antigen: RK did her self
  138. Realms: it all goes back to Pokerus
  139. Realms: everything goes back to her
  140. Realms: no matter how you put it
  141. Realms: Candi wasn't even in the fucking room that day
  142. Realms: ever since Bani it just seems like all you do is avoid me
  143. Realms: you act so different towards me as if I did something to you personally
  144. Realms: and idek why
  145. Antigen: it doesnt matter. Pokerus made have lit the fire but she didnt make it grow. She didnt tell people to go tell people. She didnt tell someone to tell you you shouldnt have been born. Thats not on her. You cant blame her. No one can. People make choices. People do stupid shit. We do not put their faults on others. no matter how they play into it
  146. Antigen: No im not acting different
  147. Antigen: Im speaking up now
  148. Realms: you have been honestly, you might not see it but I do
  149. Realms: Pokerus
  150. Realms: should have never made up lies
  151. Realms: about me
  152. Realms: period
  153. Realms: end of story
  154. Realms: that is why I fucking hate her
  155. Realms: you don't lie on me
  156. Realms: you don't
  157. Antigen: Im only acting different,because Im speaking up. Im not sitting back like anyone else in your friend circle and letting you talk shit. Im done sitting back and watching you hate people for shitty reasons and or grudges. I want to be your friend i really do. But i will not sit back and let you be so disgusting towards people who barely even matter. If they fucke dyou over, cross them off and move on. Simple. Do not spend your dyas hating them. it takes more energy to hate someone than it does to not care and mov eon
  158. Realms: I talk to let my anger out
  159. Realms: if my friends are sick of hearing it
  160. Realms: they can honestly leave
  161. Realms: I'm not forcing anyone to be my friend
  162. Realms: or deal with my shit talking
  163. Antigen: Stubborn.
  164. Moiiki: x.x
  165. Realms: because to me Kay they aren't shitty reasons
  166. Realms: they're valid reasons
  167. Realms: I talk shit when someone is brought up
  168. Realms: if I see artwork done by someone I hate I comment
  169. Realms: it's just how I am
  170. Realms: I let it alll out
  171. Realms: you don't wanna hear my shit talking
  172. Realms: that's fine
  173. Realms: I won't be around you when I do
  174. Realms: whoever else doesn't wanna hear it
  175. Realms: doesn't need to be around me either
  176. Antigen: answer this for me just this and ill shut up. What is the point or goal you want to achieve by shit talking someone?
  177. Realms: to get it out of my system
  178. Realms: I honestly don't shit talk to make others hate the person I hate, that isn't my goal, people can be friends with whoever they feel like being friends with
  179. Antigen: alright
  180. Antigen: well ima try to eat some pizza rolls
  181. Realms: alright, I'm gonna go take care
  182. Antigen: you too
  183. Realms has left the chat
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