
Sorting Day

Sep 12th, 2019
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  1. L'meyah Bejah shoves a large forkful of salad in her mouth, crunching on it.
  2. T'many Allowe had begun stacking said vegetables in different arrangements all over the desk in deliberate fashion, almost as though she were plotting out the beginning stages of an epic battle between zuchinni and popoto.
  3. Rhy'sae Galeni pauses in his entrance, eyeing her handiwork, "Are the popotoes about to ward off the zuchinni invasion?"
  4. T'many Allowe bursts out laughing at Rhy'sae Galeni.
  5. T'many Allowe: "Maybe! I ain' sure yet. I think they're tryna figure out who's gonna go for a bath in the fryer first!"
  6. T'many Allowe: "HEY!"
  7. Rhy'sae Galeni: Oh... I think the popotoes taste best after that treatment. The zuchinni do much better in a frying pan with other vegetables if you ask me.
  8. M'gumi Rahz: "Oi."
  9. Yellow Rose: "Ah, good evening."
  10. M'gumi Rahz offers T'many Allowe a humble greeting.
  11. Rhy'sae Galeni: Oh! Hello!
  12. Rhy'sae Galeni gets out of the walkway.
  13. L'meyah Bejah drops her fork into her bowl with a plink and shuffles into the kitchen to clean her dishes.
  14. Cao Xiaohu has her hands shoved into her pockets still, looking over to T'many and nodding her head as her 'greeting.' Glancing towards Rhy'sae, she offers a brief smile of recognition.
  15. T'many Allowe looked up from her vegetal handiwork -- if it could be called that - the pile of zuchinni toppling near instantly. "Welcome! Ya come to help? Or drop more stuff off, maybe?That's real appreciated either way!" She beamed at the group.
  16. Cao Xiaohu: "I think we're helping? I was conscripted."
  17. T'many Allowe cheers Yellow Rose on!
  18. M'gumi Rahz: "here t'help. What're we helpin' with?"
  19. Cao Xiaohu: "Why are we here, Rose?" She says this 'sharply.'
  20. T'many Allowe: "Fantastic!"
  21. Yellow Rose glances to the zuchinni, then gives M'gumi a tiny little nudge. "Aye, we are here to help," she says, looking over her shoulder at Xiaohu. "Heard you may require some extra hands."
  22. T'many Allowe jumped up, which...well...meant more falling vegetables. Why. "I'm Tams! I'm in charge a' this whole thing tonight, yeah? I'm glad to meet you all! Uuuuh, we got need for sortin' clothes, and books, and medical stuff."
  23. Rhy'sae Galeni starts trying to catch falling popotoes and zuchinni.
  24. Jaaster Taras sidles up to C'ahis and whispers. "Did you know what we were called here for before you got here? I, uh...didn't."
  25. Kowa Brimaine edges out of her room and is greeted with the sight of woefully abused produce.
  26. M'gumi Rahz wavers with the nudge, grinning slightly. But she nods at T'many's words. "Right. Well, put us where y'need us."
  27. Cao Xiaohu: "Eh, I can do medical sh--stuff." She corrects to a DECENT vocabulary in front of the strangers here. "I help with the medical paperwork with our ship's doctor often enough."
  28. C'ahis Tia leans and murmurs. "I mostly just heard people talking, but, well, looks like sorting."
  29. L'meyah Bejah peers around the corner at the gathering.
  30. M'gumi Rahz pushes back her hood.
  31. Yellow Rose 's brows furrow as all matter of vegetables begin to scatter across the floor. "Yes, what Gumi said."
  32. Cao Xiaohu 's vision follows these lumpy escapees on the floor....
  33. Waku Motohama joins the line, lofting a hand to T'many and greening. "Hello! Waku Motohama, reporting for team 'medical stuff'. Or books?" She leans over, catching Kowa's eye across the - wait, what is going on with those vegetables? Actually, nevermind!
  34. Jaaster Taras nods slowly, looking at the people gathered and the assortment of stuff on the ground. "Hmm. Right. Good." Jaaster still doesn't quite seem like he's got a firm grasp on the situation, but he's trying.
  35. T'many Allowe gave a sidelong look to Jaaster and C'ahis. "Well i didn' LIE about the treats! Even promised Mill I wouldn' make 'em myself, either." She looked entirely put out by this. "Hmm. Rhys! Where we wanna put everyone?"
  36. Kowa Brimaine: "Medial supplies or books," she confirms slowly, eyes still on the innocent vegetables.
  37. T'many Allowe agrees wholeheartedly with Kowa Brimaine.
  38. T'many Allowe: "Actually...Rhys, you know all about th' real brainy stuff an' plants. I bet you'd be real good at callin' the shots down there an' makin' sure no one eats mushrooms or somethin'!"
  39. C'ahis Tia: "I should be alright anywhere... except books, unless you want it to take all evening."
  40. T'many Allowe: "Well, the bad mushrooms. Not th' one sthat go real good with cheese and chocolate."
  41. Cao Xiaohu: "Is there usually a problem around here of people putting foreign mushrooms into their mouths?"
  42. M'gumi Rahz: "Is...eattin' random mushrooms'a common problem hereabouts?"
  43. M'gumi Rahz holds her hand out to the side to high five Xiaohu without looking.
  44. Yellow Rose just looks to both of her comrades with the smallest of smirks.
  45. T'many Allowe: "I only tried it once!"
  46. Cao Xiaohu looks over to Gumi. "Don't copy me." THEY SPOKE AT THE SAME TIME. She returns the highfive anyway.
  47. Yellow Rose: "You two frighten me sometimes."
  48. M'gumi Rahz: "I'm'a terrible influence."
  49. T'many Allowe bursts out laughing.
  50. Cao Xiaohu: "Absolutely."
  51. Yellow Rose: "...It is true."
  52. T'many Allowe: ( just waiting for rhys tor espond. XD)
  53. Waku Motohama glances at the conversation, and then gives Kowa a shrug that somehow conveys a subtle nuance of, /At least we're not the weirdest ones here?/
  54. L'meyah Bejah keeps behind the pillar, listening in.
  55. Kowa Brimaine 's amused lip curl says /That we wouldn't be was never in question./
  56. Waku Motohama quirks her eyebrow, then silently tosses her thumb back over her shoulder - indicating the parlor.
  57. T'many Allowe: ( Or not, rhys had to brb x. x)
  58. Yellow Rose: No worries! ))
  59. Cao Xiaohu: ((de nada))
  60. Kowa Brimaine snorts. Point taken - as would the giant fish, she suspects, if Waku was left alone with it and no one was looking.
  61. T'many Allowe: ""Okay then! If you wanna work on medical supplies, th' nurses downstairs will have you covered! There's about ten crates of donations that need sorting, labeling and cataloguing!"
  62. T'many Allowe: "If you're Unsure a' what somethin' is - ask for a doctor! An' like I said, don' shove it in your mouth, it...ain' a good time!"
  63. M'gumi Rahz: "I promise I won't be shovin' weird things in m'mouth."
  64. T'many Allowe: "If you wanna work with th' books, they're down at the library itself, at th' end of the hallway! They're... I'm not sure half a what we got this time. I'm pretty sure more'an half of it is smut again. Which is a-ok! I'm pretty sure half a' th' collection already is!"
  65. Cao Xiaohu: "It wouldn't fit anyway."
  66. M'gumi Rahz: "Excuse you, what?"
  67. Cao Xiaohu looks f o r w a r d .
  68. Kowa Brimaine: "That'll please the book club," she mutters.
  69. Waku Motohama glances at T'many. "The book club will -- "
  70. T'many Allowe nodded very seriously. "It uh....yanno how jokes sometimes get outta hand?"
  71. Waku Motohama pauses, having spoken at the same time as Kowa.
  72. T'many Allowe: "That happened."
  73. Waku Motohama gives her a look, then shrugs in defeat and offers her palm for a ... 'high-five'.
  74. L'meyah Bejah snickers at the interaction.
  75. M'gumi Rahz: "So, downstairs t'sort. Got it."
  76. M'gumi Rahz gives a two fingered salute.
  77. T'many Allowe: "Up here, I'm gonna need help with sortin' all the clothing we've gotten! It's all been laundered so you don' gotta worry about creepy crawlies an' wiggly biters, but...Hells if I know what all of it is."
  78. Yellow Rose groans quietly as she hears the goings-on at her right side, but she just shakes her head as she follows Gumi downstairs.
  79. Cao Xiaohu: "--Ah, there's the cue, I guess."
  80. Cao Xiaohu gets the fuck out of there.
  81. Waku Motohama waits to make sure there won't be any further instructions before toddling off to get to work.
  82. M'gumi Rahz climbs up the ladder, finding a book. She opens it up and 'oooohs'.
  83. T'many Allowe: "For that, sort it by size, mainly!"
  84. M'gumi Rahz: "Xiaohu, c'mere! I found th'smut!"
  85. Cao Xiaohu: "Are we supposed to be touching the books? I thought we were sorting their medications and shit, Gumi."
  86. M'gumi Rahz: " 'A Knight to Remember'. Love these Ishgardian ones."
  87. Yellow Rose finds herself looking upwards, for a change, as she peers at M'gumi curiously. When the miqo'te speaks, however, she just... blinks. "Ah..."
  88. M'gumi Rahz: "She saids books'n medical supplies!"
  89. Jaaster Taras widens his eyes as though he's just thought of something, and he quietly excuses himself.
  90. T'many Allowe: "An' then there's the food goods. Th' zuchinni we don' need much help countin'...we have enough for a few turns. Buut, we get all sorts of jarred foodstuff that needs cataloguin' too! Try not to open it up, because that make sit turn faster, but I'm sure if it ain' too weird an' soupy lookin' you can get an idea of what's in there! I uh...might be banned fron the kitchen, so I can't help too much there!"
  91. Cao Xiaohu: "Okay, so we're double-dipping when we get bored in this part."
  92. Yellow Rose: "Is that not what you would do anyway?"
  93. M'gumi Rahz puts the book back, sliding down the ladder. "Fine, fine. Real work."
  94. T'many Allowe: "Any questions?"
  95. M'gumi Rahz: "Back t'medical. Since I imagine collectively - meaning you - we know th'most."
  96. Cao Xiaohu: "I mean..."
  97. Sayyida Mol had shown up late, and decided to figure out what to do once everyone else was settled. She knew her own self-control limits well enough to not volunteer to sort food.
  98. T'many Allowe cheers Sayyida Mol on!
  99. M'gumi Rahz looks through the various bottles, tilting her head.
  100. Waku Motohama taps her cheek. "So, we'll be sorting the collections first and then filing everything away from there? Seems easy enough."
  101. T'many Allowe: "Yeah! there should be a ledger to go an' make a big note of it all, but our librarian folks usually do all their fancy magic on it!"
  102. M'gumi Rahz: "Y'know, this organization is WAy bigger than I thought it was."
  103. Waku Motohama nods in understanding, then turns to Kowa, bowing and gesturing to the stairs. "Well, shall we?"
  104. M'gumi Rahz takes a biiiiig armful of various potions and tinctures over to a desk, sorting them by...matching bottle type, it looks like. Maybe color?
  105. Cebelle Drevotette hugs Natsume under her arm as she watches the others.
  106. Kowa Brimaine: "I suppose we should," she replies. As they head down she recognizes the other evening's runaway catte, though, and gives her an acknowledging nod.
  107. Rhy'sae Galeni [[Sorry my puppy has a bad tummy right now and she had to go outside :( ]]
  108. Yellow Rose just follows her comrades like a (very, very large) lost puppy. She leans up against a shelf as she looks to M'gumi with a nod. "Indeed. And they have a lot of... stuff."
  109. Waku Motohama gives her the same nod before following Kowa.
  110. C'ahis Tia: "Seems plenty headed down, so.. clothes and foodstuff it is."
  111. Cao Xiaohu starts to kind of pull out a bunch of shit from one of the Assumed Donation Containers onto the container before she even starts her division and conquest. She looks over to Gumi. Then Rose. As if speaking to no one in particular, she talks loudly, "Yeah, I just can't believe that an organisation that does charities, a clinic, and numerous other functions has a big place to shove it all in." Sarcasm. Heavy sarcasm towards her companions' remarks.
  112. Cao Xiaohu: "---Hey there."
  113. Cao Xiaohu: onto the counter*))
  114. M'gumi Rahz: "Y'know, sarcasm gets funnier th'louder y'get!"
  115. T'many Allowe offered a lopsided grin around the room. "Okay, uh...I'm gonna get a move on th' clothing, if anyone wants to help! If you got any more questions, just yell!"
  116. M'gumi Rahz waves Rose over.
  117. Waku Motohama: Well, hello.
  118. Yellow Rose: "I do not think we should be yelling in a clinic..."
  119. Kowa Brimaine: "Good evening," she replies politely. "A pleasure to meet you, might I ask your name?"
  120. Waku Motohama: We came over to help... though there might be enough hands here?
  121. Waku Motohama does a quick count.
  122. M'gumi Rahz: "So. Eorzean standard - see these bottles with th'round bottoms?"
  123. L'meyah Bejah narrows her eyes at Cao Xiaohu and slinks around in the background, looking for something.
  124. Cao Xiaohu: "Maybe we can teach Oosra sarcasm and he'll be the next performance for the Captain's 'Siren Lounge.'" She ponders more softly. Then, she focuses her full attention onto the Miqo'te and Au Ra. "Xiaohu, Rose, and 'Gumi from me, to end."
  125. Sayyida Mol decided to follow Tams and help with the clothing sort.
  126. M'gumi Rahz: "Nice t'meet ya guys."
  127. Cao Xiaohu: "...Eh, these two don't know much about medical supplies so I'm sure more hands is more than useful, still."
  128. Yellow Rose raises a hand in greeting to Kowa and Waku, smiling to them, before she turns her attention to Gumi. "Aye, what about them?"
  129. M'gumi Rahz: "Oi, I know m'fair share!"
  130. M'gumi Rahz looks back up to the beautiful mountain of roe that is Yellow Rose. "So round bottoms usually have potions - curatives'n stuff like that."
  131. Cebelle Drevotette peeks down at Natsume. "Let's go find somewhere to pitch in for a bit, huh?"
  132. M'gumi Rahz lifts two - a pink one and a blue one. "With different potencies."
  133. L'meyah Bejah picks up a medium sized box of donations and grunts, shuffling out where she came.
  134. Kowa Brimaine: "Kowa. Pleased to meet you. I'm a chirurgeon, as it turns out, and my friend also is quite experienced."
  135. Kowa Brimaine: "Perhaps we could help?"
  136. Waku Motohama repeats the names, pointing to each in turn to make sure she's got everyone sorted. "I'm Waku Motohama." She nods to Kowa. "We're both new, so it'd be good to get the lay of the land, so to speak."
  137. M'gumi Rahz: "Welcome t'join us! We're tryin' t'make ourselves more useful than cumbersome."
  138. Ambaghai Iriq emote glances around. He hadn't seen anyone go to thekitchen. Wasn't there food that needed sorting. Trying to pretend he has a clue what he's doing, he heads toward the kitchen.
  139. Natsume Shibunuri nods and grabs Cebelle's hand.
  140. Cao Xiaohu looks between Kowa and Waku, her gaze settling just long enough to internalise names to faces. "Yeah, we'll help each other," she lightly assents.
  141. Yellow Rose raises a brow as she studies the multicolored bottles. "I see." In regards to Xiaohu's comment, she simply shrugs. "I have some knowledge of plants, but otherwise, that is true."
  142. Cebelle Drevotette taps her chin as she looks around.
  143. M'gumi Rahz nods to Rose, setting those bottles down, and picking up another with a more angular bottom. "These're ethers'n such. Stuff t'help with aether imbalance."
  144. Waku Motohama: Lets see... perhaps so we aren't crowding each other, we can put one of the boxes over by this counter?
  145. M'gumi Rahz: "Don't ask me why people decided th'standard, but I learned it in th'war."
  146. Cebelle Drevotette taps her chin and looks about.
  147. Cebelle Drevotette: "Hmmm...
  148. Kowa Brimaine: "A good idea, I think. And collect in the center: potions together, bandage together, plants together."
  149. Yellow Rose nods. "It makes sense. It is easier to recognize certain items on the fly by their shapes."
  150. M'gumi Rahz: "mhm! And then, y'got th'good stuff."
  151. M'gumi Rahz picks up a fancy, flat bottom with a elaborate cork. "Elixirs." She wiggles it to swish the fluid.
  152. L'meyah Bejah digs around in a donation box on her lonesome.
  153. Cebelle Drevotette: "Maybe she knows where needs help the most."
  154. Cebelle Drevotette points.
  155. Natsume Shibunuri: "Okay. Lead the way."
  156. Yellow Rose looks over her shoulder at Waku, then goes to lift the aforementioned box. You know, something she's actually good at- lifting things. "Where shall I put this?"
  157. Cao Xiaohu: "And there's the sense of order these three rag-tag ship crewmen here needed," she flourishes a hand in a gesture that includes her and her two companions. "I'm down for that."
  158. Waku Motohama: Right over here! Thank you very much.
  159. Cebelle Drevotette pokes L'meyah Bejah.
  160. L'meyah Bejah jumps when she's poked. Her ears pin down, "Y-Yeah?"
  161. Yellow Rose moves to gently place the box on the countertop. "There we go."
  162. Cebelle Drevotette: "Oh... sorry... I didn't mean to start you. I dunno if we've met. I'm Cebelle... I have the airship sitting down under the building. This is Natsume."
  163. Kowa Brimaine makes an approving noise, beginning to go through the box. "Looks like more practical tools," she murmurs. "Bandage, suture thread..."
  164. Natsume Shibunuri gives a small wave and a smile before inching closer to Cebelle.
  165. Cebelle Drevotette: "I invited her along while I help out."
  166. Rhy'sae Galeni raises his hand in greeting.
  167. Waku Motohama beams up at Rose before peering into the box, looking to get a sense of what they're dealing with in this particular instance. She reaches in and begins to line things up quickly - only pausing when she withdraws...
  168. M'gumi Rahz brings the potions she had started to sort over to this side of the counter to get counted with the new box.
  169. M'gumi Rahz brings the potions she had started to sort over to this side of the counter to get counted with the new box.
  170. Kowa Brimaine glances at the other person in the room she recognizes, inclining her head. "Ser Galeni. Good evening."
  171. L'meyah Bejah: Oh, hi. I'm... Eh, was there something you needed?
  172. Rhy'sae Galeni nods, "Good evening! I hope everyone's well?" He says as he joins them, "Sorting days can be... interesting."
  173. M'gumi Rahz: "Y'guys do this often?"
  174. Cao Xiaohu looks over her shoulder, "Hello there, Rhys," she says softly. "I think we're just finding our feet more than anything right now."
  175. Rhy'sae Galeni: We take in enough donations that they tend to pile up sometimes if we don't have someone dealing with it, or if we have a huge influx like after the Gala.
  176. Cebelle Drevotette: "Oh! Uh... just trying to get my bearings. I showed up a bit late. Everyone's already busy. Was wondering who needed help the most."
  177. Kowa Brimaine 's ears wiggle at the mention of a gala. "Good for recruitment, then? Is it formal?"
  178. M'gumi Rahz: "That gala was super fun."
  179. Rhy'sae Galeni nods to M'gumi Rahz.
  180. Waku Motohama lifts the strange bottle to the light, trying to read the loopy writing on the label. "Oh! Oh, this is, uh... one of those Growth Formulas. They're useful for chemists, yes?" She looks between Kowa and Rhy'sae, as if they'd know.
  181. L'meyah Bejah: I'm not sure. I haven't seen many people go after the library.
  182. Kowa Brimaine: "Extremely useful. Set that one aside with care."
  183. Yellow Rose: "It was a very good time."
  184. Cao Xiaohu inclines her head towards M'gumi on that as she kinda reaches for a box on the counter to draaag over to herself. "The Runner's crew all loved it."
  185. Cebelle Drevotette: "Ah, alrighty... which way's that again?"
  186. L'meyah Bejah waves for them to follow, "This way." Her ears remain pinned down.
  187. Rhy'sae Galeni leans over, "Ah! Yes, that's useful for an alchemist or in the greenhouse," He notes, "Growth formulas can work wonders on plants."
  188. Kowa Brimaine smiles faintly. "I worked with an alchemist who forbade any of us for using them on plants. Said it was unnatural."
  189. M'gumi Rahz begins to sort the various vials she has into their differing varities with at least some competency.
  190. Waku Motohama nods to herself, gathering it - a few of the matching bottles - and a collection of healing draughs before bringing them over to the other end of the room, where she finds a few empty boxes to begin making categories. After taking a malm to search for a writing utensil, she labels said boxes, making a few more categories as she helps get the counters free for more work.
  191. Yellow Rose perks up. Folks are discussing something she knows a thing or two about. "Growth formulas can be useful, aye, but you do not want to overdo it."
  192. Cao Xiaohu looks over to Kowa from under her brow as she looks through the packed away supplies; putting aside things like gauze rolls, medical tape, et cetera, to their own spaces with mechanical ease. "Does 'unnatural' effect the results though?"
  193. Waku Motohama looks back in curiousity. "No? What happens if you do?" She asks Rose.
  194. M'gumi Rahz grins a bit as Rose perks up. She doesn't interuppt, moving to bring her various bottles to the categorized boxes.
  195. Kowa Brimaine: "No, but he seemed highly disturbed by it anyway. Wouldn't touch a salve made from those plants."
  196. Rhy'sae Galeni tilts his head, "Well, it /is/ unnatural to the plant," He agrees, "and there are some schools of thought for both sides of the argument."
  197. Yellow Rose: "It can cause undue stress to the plant, if it is blooming continuously."
  198. Kowa Brimaine: I have seen some
  199. L'meyah Bejah pokes her head in, whistling at Rhy'sae, "Hey, Rhys? Is there a donation box of books back here?"
  200. Kowa Brimaine: - arguments that over time it corrupts aether, but there's been no evidence."
  201. Waku Motohama: Oh, that makes quite a bit of sense. Do you work with plants, then?
  202. Cao Xiaohu: "I don't really see the downside to growing like, a bigger sprig of sage faster than normal, as long as you 'feed' it, no? I guess I can see it if you're just doing it willy-nilly; like how cooks grow green onion in the windows after they cut it, but then it tastes like shit because it just grew in sink water."
  203. Rhy'sae Galeni glances around, "Uh... I think the books are down at the /end/ of the floor? In the sitting area.
  204. Yellow Rose: "Certain varieties are hardier than others, and I assume that can also be said when it comes to aether corruption. Though that is a bit beyond me, to be honest."
  205. Yellow Rose smiles sheepishly at Waku. "In my spare time, yes."
  206. L'meyah Bejah nods, "Kay." She disappears behind the curtain."
  207. M'gumi Rahz: "She's very good at it." M'gumi adds.
  208. Waku Motohama gives her a bright grin. "I think it's a lovely hobby. What do you grow?" she asks, returning to the box to fill the counter with more bottles to look over.
  209. M'gumi Rahz picks up another box ov random medical supplies to bring over and start seperating.
  210. Kowa Brimaine blinks at the argument before laughing softly. "I suppose you have a point? That may have been his objection. Kits these days having it too easy."
  211. Rhy'sae Galeni looks thoughtful for a moment, hand resting on his chin as his mind wanders to growth formulas, plants, ethics, and aether.
  212. Rhy'sae Galeni ...and slinks afk to grab dinner rq.]]
  213. Yellow Rose: "I mostly grow flowers. Nothing medicinal, unless it is asked of me."
  214. Yellow Rose: "Just... pretty things."
  215. M'gumi Rahz: "Like her."
  216. Yellow Rose motions to the flower in her hair. "It is just a hobby-"
  217. M'gumi Rahz starts putting the vrious supplies into boxes.
  218. Yellow Rose blushes at that.
  219. Waku Motohama grins. "I feel as if I must second the motion. But really, aesthetic beauty is something to be prided. It's, ah, oh - there are quite a few words for it in my homeland that simply do not translate, but to be surrounded by beauty calms the spirit."
  220. Cao Xiaohu gets to the bottom of her box - all generic materials for the most part. After the tape she pulled out earlier, came cotton and compression wraps, then tools... she does unveil a pot of a thick, jammy, looking green salve and examines it curiously. She doesn't seem to find it fit to announce her discovery and slides it over towards where M'gumi had been placing potions and elixirs. "Maybe," she echoes a bit to Kowa. "That would sound very much like the concerns of any academic."
  221. Cao Xiaohu: "Our Doctor on the airship goes on about the same shit about aether-healing being a shortcut and its reliance being, ultimately, negative, blah, blah, blah."
  222. M'gumi Rahz returns to find - a jammy green salve. She picks it up, raising her eyebrows. She unscrews the top and takes a sniff...and recoils, nose wrinkling.
  223. Yellow Rose smiles at Waku. "That is a very nice sentiment, to be sure."
  224. M'gumi Rahz: "Prisa's anti-aether healin'?"
  225. Kowa Brimaine: "When they should have bigger concerns," she muses. "But it's almost a rite of passage, complaining that things aren't done the way they're used to." She hunts about for another box. "Having started learning to heal practically before learning aether a few years ago, I will say that both are tools for different purposes."
  226. Rhy'sae Galeni turns his attention to the boxes of donations, reaching in to one, "Beauty raises the spirits as much as anything, and many beautiful plants have multiple uses beyond their apperances."
  227. Waku Motohama beams back, then looks to Xiaohu. "Airship?" she asks, inquisitve before she puts her hand into the box.
  228. M'gumi Rahz puts the cap on the green salve and sliiiiides it away for now.
  229. Rhy'sae Galeni withdraws a jar and raises it to eye level, adjusting his glasses as he works to make out the labeling.
  230. L'meyah Bejah returns to the box she pulled from the back room, rummaging around in it.
  231. Cao Xiaohu: "Prisa's anti-everything when it suits her. Did you know she propositioned me almost a while ago then got mad when I brought up later? The hypocrisy. But, yeah. Mostly. Her argument is that healers relying on aetherical means delay their skills in responding to situations where you can't just close up a cut and send them back out."
  232. Yellow Rose: "Aye, we live and work on an airship. The Runner."
  233. M'gumi Rahz: "Had no idea! I figured you two were frickle frackin' on th'sly."
  234. Rhy'sae Galeni uncaps it and sniffs at it, not wrinkling at the pungent, familiar smell, "Ugh." He slaps the cap back on IMMEDIATELY before anyone else has to sniff the unfortunate smell. "That stinks. It's useful. But it stinks." He sets it aside.
  235. Cao Xiaohu looks over Waku after dropping all of that shit, clarifying in a much less irreverent tone, "The Runner, captained by Captain Es'mena Nenda. Us three are employees."
  236. Kowa Brimaine: "Then what happens in situations where the healing necessary is aetheric in nature? I've treated several cases of aetheric unalignment, for reasons I'd rather not think about."
  237. Kowa Brimaine , with some difficulty, wrestles a new box onto the counter. She reaches for what looks like a potion bottle except the shape is strange, more like a flat-bottomed decanter. The liquid is a nauseous shade of green, and snug right between where the base merges into the neck is a small green frog wearing a wizard's hat.
  238. Kowa Brimaine nervously opens the cork and is assaulted with the *reek* of alcohol.
  239. Cao Xiaohu: "Ooo, I should counter her with that next time it comes up; good thinking. 'Prisa, what if you aren't attending to this person's aether and you make a voidsent in the med-bay?'"
  240. Rhy'sae Galeni lays his ears FLAT at the next scent to assualt his nose, "What is /that/" He asks, turning towards KOwa.
  241. Waku Motohama finds a collection of attribute enhancement potions - mostly ones that improve the imbiber's vitality and nimbleness, but she lets out a soft laugh at the one meant to boost one's speed of thoughts. "Always had kids trying to cheat on their tests using these. Had to ban 'em," she grins pointily before her attention is drawn to the ungodly stench eminating from whatever latest horror Kowa has pulled out.
  242. Cao Xiaohu stares. at whatever fuck that bottle in Kowa's hands is.
  243. M'gumi Rahz tries her hand at reaching into the box for a few things to sort...
  244. L'meyah Bejah finds a box packed with pristine, brand new beakers and vials, "Whoa..."
  245. Kowa Brimaine gags, slamming the cork back on. "I think," she croaks, "it is in here because the person who mixed it has departed for the aetherflow. Someone's special moonshine, complete with poison frog."
  246. Rhy'sae Galeni looks uncertainly at the bottle, "That didn't smell /safe/."
  247. Yellow Rose wrinkles her nose. "Hmm. Unpleasant."
  248. M'gumi Rahz lifts out...a set of children's bandages, complete with cartoonish pictures of the Scions on the box. "...Huh."
  249. Cao Xiaohu: "Can we make a big Xaela drink it? Or Rose?"
  250. Waku Motohama pauses. The pause lengthens. Then she leans in to whisper to Kowa, "Please, /please/ can we mail it to Sigmund."
  251. Cao Xiaohu: "They could probably handle it."
  252. Cebelle Drevotette: "Excuse me... does anyone know if the library has any books about Xaela?"
  253. M'gumi Rahz: "Please don't poison frog Rose."
  254. Kowa Brimaine: "We are not mailing it to Sigmund. These people seem nice; they don't deserve Selene burning another manor down."
  255. Kowa Brimaine coughs and sets the bottle aside.
  256. Rhy'sae Galeni squints at Waku, "If it gets it out of here, you can mail it anywhere you want."
  257. L'meyah Bejah sets her newfound case of glassware on the counter. Her nose wrinkles and she peers into the room with the others, "Did something die?"
  258. Yellow Rose thinks for a moment. "I have honestly... probably consumed worse things."
  259. Kowa Brimaine: "That is lethal. Don't drink it."
  260. Cao Xiaohu glances over her shoulder. Being the stranger that she is here, she just kinda lightly touches Rhy'sae's arm then thumbs behind them to Cebelle.
  261. Kowa Brimaine stares at the tall woman. "You want to try the death booze?"
  262. Waku Motohama: Fine, fine, but I'm certain there is someone who deserves it whose doorstep it can end up on.
  263. Rhy'sae Galeni is taken aback by L'meyah Bejah.
  264. Waku Motohama: --Do not try the death booze!
  265. Rhy'sae Galeni is taken aback by Kowa Brimaine.
  266. Rhy'sae Galeni: Don't drink it!
  267. Cao Xiaohu: "We -are- in a clinic..."
  268. Yellow Rose tilts her head as she regards the "death booze" with a certain curiosity. "I think I will pass. Though, this would be the perfect place to get sick, should anyone dare to try it..."
  269. Yellow Rose nods at Xiaohu. "Precisely."
  270. L'meyah Bejah: Put a cork on that, it smells awful!
  271. Kowa Brimaine: "The cork IS on it. It's just that rancid."
  272. L'meyah Bejah: Wanna trade then? I have new glassware for potions. I can huck that thing over the edge of the Goblet.
  273. Waku Motohama: It needs to go to a good home. A good, well-deserving home of someone terrible who has wronged one of us.
  274. Kowa Brimaine shudders and passes it off to Waku. "Save it. I'm sure we can weaponize it later."
  275. Cao Xiaohu 's nose is wrinkled up like a rabbit's in her displeasure of the scent still permeating the air. "Put it on Mr. Stone's desk."
  276. Cao Xiaohu: "In MY humble opinion."
  277. L'meyah Bejah: As a fellow mender, I can't condone that.
  278. Cebelle Drevotette pokes Rhy'sae Galeni.
  279. Yellow Rose: "Oh, yes. That is an idea."
  280. Waku Motohama takes it gladly, but then gives Xiaohu a look. "...Who is Mr. Stone?"
  281. L'meyah Bejah huffs through her nose and steps away from the counter, "Hm..."
  282. Cao Xiaohu: "The giant Ala Mhigan with a beard who looks like he's lived a very hard life."
  283. M'gumi Rahz: "Oh, that'd be borin'. Wouldn't even affect'im."
  284. Cao Xiaohu: "What's his first name, Rose?"
  285. Yellow Rose: "And the poncho. You cannot forget that."
  286. Yellow Rose looks to Xiaohu. "Otolin."
  287. Rhy'sae Galeni looks uncertainly around at everyone, "We're not using the death frog to poison our friends," he says, "we're not opening it in here, and we're not poisoning ourselves with it either... please." He looks very worried that any of the silly ideas might actually get put to action.
  288. Waku Motohama: ...But does he deserve it, is the question?
  289. Yellow Rose SMILES.
  290. Cao Xiaohu 's lips twist in a very lopsided smile, "Is there any evidence to the contrary?"
  291. Waku Motohama: I'm not implying that anyone gets poisoned. I'm implying that someone's home gets egged, except instead of egged, it's horrible frog juice.
  292. Kowa Brimaine: "We're not letting anyone here imbibe it," she reassures Rhy'sae.
  293. Kowa Brimaine: "Not helping, Waku."
  294. Rhy'sae Galeni looks /relieved/.
  295. Waku Motohama: In some jurisdictions, such acts aren't even against the law, technically speaking, so as a detective I can - in some cases - condone it.
  296. Waku Motohama gives the pointiest of grins.
  297. M'gumi Rahz: "Yer'a detective?"
  298. Waku Motohama: Oh! Yes. Detective Motohama, at your service. If you've done anything illegal, please don't talk about it right in front of me. Plausible deniability is a wonderful thing and I really, /really/ don't feel like getting called in to testify against someone in the same social circle as I.
  299. Kowa Brimaine: "She is. Too good of one for her own good."
  300. Yellow Rose looks over at M'gumi. "Have you done anything illegal recently?"
  301. M'gumi Rahz: "I imagine some've th'things I wanna do t'you would be considered in poor form in civilized society?"
  302. M'gumi Rahz grins toothily.
  303. Rhy'sae Galeni grins at Waku, "You remind me of a friend of mine," He notes, reaching into the donations box again.
  304. Yellow Rose: "...That is... probably true, aye."
  305. Waku Motohama: I'll take that as a compliment! Also, it's only public indecency if someone sees, so keep it subtle, aye?
  306. Waku Motohama looks between Rose and Gumi before making her own foray into The Box.
  307. M'gumi Rahz: "See? She has th'right idea."
  308. Yellow Rose: "That is reasonable enough."
  309. Kowa Brimaine goes a faint pink.
  310. Rhy'sae Galeni pulls out a glass jar full of dried herbs that he needs only a moment and a cautious sniff to positively identify and set aside.
  311. Yellow Rose chuckles to herself a bit as she also reaches into the box.
  312. Cao Xiaohu , with one box emptied, goes to pull off the emptied container from the counter and uhh... just places it behind her foot for now as she goes to replace it with another donation box from ‾\_(ツ)_/‾ . "So one of you is a chirugeon and the other is apparently a detective? Has a mystery novel been composed about you two, yet?"
  313. M'gumi Rahz glances to Kowa briefly, offering a grin before going through the sorting.
  314. Yellow Rose pulls out a rather hefty roll of gauze, which she inspects for any signs of wear and tear before placing it on a nearby shelf.
  315. Kowa Brimaine seems unable to look the redheaded woman in the eye, pulling out what looks to be For a broken arm, perhaps, except it is dusted with a mysterious white powder and is hastily pushed towards the trash. "No, but she has served as an excellent nurse in quite a few crises."
  316. Waku Motohama withdraws a small baggie of dried sardines. She stares. Continues staring.
  317. Waku Motohama: ...Is this useful?
  318. Yellow Rose: "Perhaps they are still edible?"
  319. Rhy'sae Galeni: ...that's a valid question.
  320. Kowa Brimaine: "Let's not test that."
  321. M'gumi Rahz wrinkles her nose as she sees the sardines.
  322. Cao Xiaohu: "Soak 'em in hot water and you're about fifty steps away from completing a Doman dish."
  323. M'gumi Rahz: "Fish. Blech."
  324. Waku Motohama flicks her gaze up to Xiaohu. "Not yet, but it should be. Honestly, the Brass Blades had a lack of, shall we say... attention to detail that often required me to perform functions that I really wasn't qualified for. My primary aspect of work is figuring out whodunnit, but during patrols, there were plenty of times when I had to keep someone alive long enough for the world's Kowa's to get there and take on the case.
  325. Waku Motohama sets the fish baggie aside, letting Someone Else decide whether or not their edibility quotient is high enough for them to be salvaged.
  326. Cao Xiaohu: "Oh, I mean, that's any job, though. You sign up for one thing and then you end up doing a fuckton of random shit you -definitely- don't have the certificates for until you're basically an expert."
  327. Cao Xiaohu: "Kind of like how I run the bar for the Captain sometimes." Hey, don't you need a license for that?
  328. Rhy'sae Galeni finally glances up from the dried fish, "We should get a culinarian to have a look at those," he decides.
  329. Rhy'sae Galeni finally glances up from the dried fish, "We should get a culinarian to have a look at those," he decides.
  330. Yellow Rose: "And you do a good job of it."
  331. Waku Motohama gives Xiaohu a nod. "I've done everything from figure out who decided it'd be a fun idea to murder people and turn their skin into couches to assessing why, exactly, a man at a crime scene is frothing at the mouth and claiming that his toes are leeches and... well, stopping that."
  332. Waku Motohama: So, I understand in general principle. Haven't gotten to bartend yet, though!
  333. Yellow Rose blinks. "There must never be a dull moment for you."
  334. M'gumi Rahz: "She makes this amazin' milk tea..mmm..."
  335. Rhy'sae Galeni: ....a couch? A COUCH?
  336. Waku Motohama: And curtains. And a lamp-shade.
  337. Waku Motohama squints, ticking things off her fingers. "We also found a wallet, a chair, a rug, a - well, you get the picture."
  338. M'gumi Rahz: "Holy crap, that's dark."
  339. Cao Xiaohu: "So. Animal-skinning is pretty accepted. Beastmen is a little weird but could pass in some circles. -But-, has anyone here considered the ethics of applying the same logic to a Hrothgar or Lupin?" Dude, what the fuck.
  340. Cao Xiaohu ...starts to dig through her box.
  341. Rhy'sae Galeni looks exceedingly worried, and he glances to Cao, "Wh-what."
  342. M'gumi Rahz: "What th'flyin' crap, Xiaohu."
  343. Yellow Rose just clears her throat as she plunges her hand into the box again.
  344. M'gumi Rahz reaches into the box, eyes on her fellow crewmate.
  345. Cao Xiaohu: "I'm just saying. Our separation of these categories is arbitrary! All furs, or no furs."
  346. Rhy'sae Galeni curls his tail around his leg and grabs it, holding it a little too tightly, "Next you'll be wondering about miqote's tails..."
  347. M'gumi Rahz: "First off, skinnin' beastmen is SUPER weird."
  348. M'gumi Rahz: "Second, people who collect like, people parts're nuts."
  349. M'gumi Rahz: "There was this CRAZY Garlean some time back that like, made weapons out've auri horns. Cause that's what PSYCHOS do."
  350. Waku Motohama: I think the distinction is the level of sapience of the creature in question.
  351. Cao Xiaohu rolls with that MERCILESSLY. "In Yanxia, cattle tails are used a lot in stews and roasts."
  352. Kowa Brimaine looks instantly nauseous and puts the stack of bandages down.
  353. Cao Xiaohu: "I'm sure there is a questionable tail or two floating around in a market nearby, in like, Kugane."
  354. Waku Motohama: I'd like to think I possess a level of emotional complexity on a greater level than a cattle. Also! I wish to call all of your attentions to something else.
  355. M'gumi Rahz: "Xiaohu, if yer lookin' t'eat'a miqo'te's rump're somethin', I don't think its THAT hard t'accomplish."
  356. Yellow Rose loosens her grip on whatever the hells she's managed to grab in the box as she looks to Waku. "Oh?"
  357. M'gumi Rahz grins to herself as she pulls out a folded smock.
  358. Yellow Rose gives M'gumi a concerned look. "Are you offering?"
  359. M'gumi Rahz: "This rump's yer's alone."
  360. Kowa Brimaine: "CAN we. Ahem."
  361. Kowa Brimaine: "Focus."
  362. M'gumi Rahz: "But we have'a high density've cats and lizards on board."
  363. Cao Xiaohu: "I told you once, Gumi, and I'll tell you again - I go one Kingdom at a time and my progress is very halted right now." Then, slightly more serious, she fixes her attention onto Waku.
  364. Kowa Brimaine is steadily turning a deep shade of rose.
  365. Rhy'sae Galeni: ...yes, focus.
  366. Rhy'sae Galeni shoves his hand into the donations box.
  367. M'gumi Rahz bursts out laughing at Cao Xiaohu.
  368. Waku Motohama withdraws a new set of bottles filled with bright, silvery liquid that shimmers in the light,. "What exactly is /this/?"
  369. Yellow Rose just gives a small little nod as she goes silent, her attention fully devoted to the task at hand.
  370. Rhy'sae Galeni pulls out a leather case. It's got some heft to it, and he has to adjust, grabbing it with both hands and pulling it out to set it on the counter. "What have we here?" He runs his fingertips over the smooth leather and the silvery clasp holding it closed.
  371. Cao Xiaohu looks over to Kowa. There's a shiver of sympathy there... but she is also a horrible mischief-maker. She smothers a laugh as her eyes flick away to the bottle. "Definitely not anything in my field of expertise."
  372. Waku Motohama squints at her own vials. To any that are chemically inclined, it would be recognizable as quicksilver, and she admires them before her attention is drawn to Rhys's find. "Oh, that's pretty."
  373. Rhy'sae Galeni unclasps it, and lifts it open, his head tilting to the side for a second as he places what he sees. "Lenses," he says, then his ears perk up in joy, "Is thiat what I think it is? A set of attachments for a microscope?" He lifts the case, skirting around the group to set it down beside the scope on the counter and begin comparing.
  374. M'gumi Rahz stores the folded smock somewhere amongst the shelving.
  375. Waku Motohama glances at the man, letting out a soft chuckle at his enthusiasm.
  376. Kowa Brimaine is chemically inclined, at least somewhat, and plucks it from the Raen. "Quicksilver. Useful basic component."
  377. Rhy'sae Galeni is careful as he handles the equipment, deftly unhooking the lense on it from the frame of the scope and then checking the fit of one of the alternate lenses. "It fits!" He chirps when it clicks into place.
  378. Waku Motohama passes the quicksilver to Kowa before going over to investigate. "So what are those? Slides prepared for viewing?"
  379. Waku Motohama: Or alternate parts?
  380. Rhy'sae Galeni scoots aside to give her some room, "Well, the lenses give it a different zoom capability," he says, "this model's pretty simple, but if you need more or less you can switch this end up here out."
  381. M'gumi Rahz sneaky sneaks around to stand next to Rose once more as she continues to sort. Papping the woman with her tail lightly.
  382. Cao Xiaohu has broken down another box into all of its little categories. For the most part. The last time she retrieves looks to be a well-loved tome; the words previously engraved into the leather now faded. She clicks her tongue and passes it over to M'gumi. Her attention goes towards the two behind Yellow Rose. "Do those medical scopes work the same as gemscopes?"
  383. M'gumi Rahz receives a book! Raising an eyebrow, she starts to flip through it.
  384. Rhy'sae Galeni: Using them's the same, I think? I've never used a gemscope, but the medical scope lets you look really close at the tiniest details of things. I'm... not a doctor so I've only uh..." he clears his throat, "Ever experiementied with it." That's code-word for played-with-it.
  385. Waku Motohama nods, giving it a look over and studying the new set of lenses he'd pulled out of the box. "Interesting. We never really had the... budget for nice tools like these. I bet using something like this could give me a real close, good look at bits of evidence."
  386. Rhy'sae Galeni nods, "I bet it would!" He agrees.
  387. Cao Xiaohu: "I don't touch the one in our med-bay because the Doctor would kill me, but I help appraisal sometimes," she comments. "Fun to put random shit like leather under it." As for the book, it's a handmade botany collection from Gridania, with a mixed media of sketches and taped-in photographs of the subjects.
  388. Waku Motohama glances at Rhy'sae. "Some of my colleagues made fun of me for it, but things like... hair, bits of fiber, heck - even sand particles, they can tell you a lot about what happened to a body. Where it's been, who interacted with it."
  389. Kowa Brimaine puts the quicksilver away safely, rummaging again in the box. A heavy object meets her hands and she pulls it out carefully - some sort of gas mask-looking contraption. Blinking, she sets it aside.
  390. M'gumi Rahz 's eyebrows go up at the book! She smiles a bit more softly, then reaches up to tug on Rose's sleeve, offering up the book.
  391. Rhy'sae Galeni tips his head to one side, thinking about it, "Hmm... like, if you find soil samples on the body that aren't native to the area it's found in?"
  392. Kowa Brimaine: "Oh? Are you good with analyziz?"
  393. Yellow Rose looks up from whatever she's busied herself with to peer at the offered book. She takes it with a small smile, a smile that only grows wider as she slowly thumbs through the tome's pages.
  394. Kowa Brimaine: ((*analyis pls))
  395. Kowa Brimaine: ((*a n a l y s i s))
  396. Cao Xiaohu squints at the huge headpiece Kowa just pulled up onto the counter. "That looks almost like those dumb helmets Garleans wear."
  397. M'gumi Rahz totally stops working for a moment as she is distracted, leaning on the table with an elbow to watch Rose's reactions.
  398. Cao Xiaohu: ((God I thought i was having a stroke LOL))
  399. Kowa Brimaine: "It does, doesn't it? I suppose if one were working under aetherically unstable or noxious conditions..."
  400. Waku Motohama nods. "Precisely that sort of thinking. A man says he saw the victim wandering through the fields outside of Limsa Lominsa hours before his death, but when what is found on his shoes is mud more closely related to a marsh..."
  401. Waku Motohama gives Rhys a quirk of a smile. "Starts bringing up questions, and tells you where you might look for more answers."
  402. Cao Xiaohu: "Like opening the poison-frog bottle, perhaps?" She ponders with her pupils flicking up to the ceiling for a moment.
  403. Kowa Brimaine: "An act of fate, truly," is the dry reply. "Halone truly is guiding my steps."
  404. Rhy'sae Galeni nods, "That makes a lot of sense," he says, the topic of soil resonating with his Inner Botanist. "I think so long as you make sure not to contaminate your evidence or the clinic you should be able to use the scope a little bit for the detctive work."
  405. Yellow Rose holds the book out so that M'gumi can look through it as she does, simultaneously.
  406. M'gumi Rahz leans against the roe, eyes glancing over the various botanical entries.
  407. Waku Motohama: That would be lovely, though of course I'd ask permission and take all the appropriate precautions. I'd be especially interested in its use regarding ink and paper. Did you know that - if you know what to look for - it's possible to identify where a piece of paper might have logically originated from, due to different materials and production techniques?
  408. Cao Xiaohu: "There is a Doman saying that ripe fruit falls by itself, though you must reach out for it than to await for it to land square in your mouth," she says 'wisely' towards her awful suggestion and Kowa's flat response. "The -potential- of your coincidental finds," she tacks on with much more mischief.
  409. Rhy'sae Galeni hums thoughtfully, "That makes sense, is it because of how the paper's made and what it looks like up close?"
  410. Kowa Brimaine looks distinctly amused. "I will ensure that I adequately protect mysely when the frog bottle is unleashed upon whichever unsuspecting villain. Ah - "
  411. Kowa Brimaine reaches once more into the box and pulls out...a strange object, metal, with one end a sort of handle. She squeezes it, and the other end - which looks distinctly beak-like, the polite company comparison to make - promptly yawns open.
  412. Kowa Brimaine: "We."
  413. Kowa Brimaine: "I am."
  414. Kowa Brimaine: "Sure we have these already."
  415. Kowa Brimaine does not look at where the speculum is promptly yeeted as long as it is Away From Her.
  416. Yellow Rose finds herself completely captivated by the book, to the point that she's not only neglected to continue assisting her comrades, she's also completely lost track of time. She looks up somewhat suddenly, right as the speculum is thoroughly yeeted. "Ah."
  417. Waku Motohama nods. "Has to do with fiber length and structure. There's other factors too - coloration, how it responds to certain chemicals, thickness -- "
  418. Waku Motohama pauses, looking over at the sound and squinting.
  419. Waku Motohama: ...May I... inquire as to what was just discovered?
  420. Ferdillaix Tristelle: "Hm... What's going on?"
  421. Rhy'sae Galeni glances up just in time to see the speculum go soaring. He watches it fly, smacking into the far wall and falling harmlessly to the floor. "Yeah that was probably the right call," he says dryly.
  422. Cao Xiaohu: "You never know how many are gonna be put in use on one night," the woman says absolutely mildly. Then she pulls off her completed box to fall off the counter and stack into the one that she had placed on the ground below it earlier.
  423. Ferdillaix Tristelle: "Is it sorting night?"
  424. Yellow Rose gently closes the book and places it on the counter. "Surely not THAT many."
  425. Kowa Brimaine: "You say that," she says in a vaugely strangled tone, "like you've lived through a shortage."
  426. Kowa Brimaine: ((*vaguely))
  427. Rhy'sae Galeni sets the lenses aside and rejoins the table.
  428. Yellow Rose then clears her throat as she looks between M'gumi and Xiaohu. "I neglected to mention that the Captain was expecting me. You two should stay and help for as long as you wish."
  429. Rhy'sae Galeni gestures for Waku to join them, "You mentioned ink, too?" He asks, "What can you learn from the ink?"
  430. Cao Xiaohu: "A shortage of rice, maybe. Always expect the unexpected, s'all I'm saying."
  431. M'gumi Rahz: "Its all good. I've probably been more've'a hinderance than'a help, anyway."
  432. M'gumi Rahz: "We can walk back t'gether, yeah?"
  433. Yellow Rose: "You are never a hindrance, but you know I will never turn down your company."
  434. M'gumi Rahz grins, lifting an arm to wrap around Rose's.
  435. Waku Motohama follows him, not about to be left out of whatever this latest nonsense is, though she does give the scope a fond look before departing. --Wait, Rhys is asking more questions? Rhys... wants to hear here babble about detective nerdery? Her tail flicks idly.
  436. Cao Xiaohu looks over to Gumi and Rose. "I'll catch you two around. I think I wanna stick around. Maybe Ms. Sauvageot and Mr. Stone will realise I'm here all alone and pay attention to me later."
  437. Rhy'sae Galeni dives back into the box while he awaits to hear more about the ink.
  438. M'gumi Rahz: "See ya back at th'ship, then."
  439. Yellow Rose: "They will most certainly come to your aid at some point, I am sure of it."
  440. Yellow Rose looks to the rest of those gathered. "Thank you for allowing us to lend a hand." She then nods to Xiaohu. "Obviously."
  441. Rhy'sae Galeni nods to M'gumi, "Safe roads."
  442. Kowa Brimaine: "A pleasure meeting you."
  443. Yellow Rose: "Aye, take care."
  444. Waku Motohama reaches out to idly sort as she speaks. "There's so much you can discern from the pigments and binding agents used in the production of ink. These differences can be discerned by subtle color shifts - " Pause. "Pleasure meeting you! -- And the residue left along the paper during the stroke of the pen. An ink made with a pigment base is chemically much different than that with a dye base, for example."
  445. Waku Motohama: Looking close, some of these differences become apparent, but another component is how they age. Certain inks fade quicker than other inks, so if you can date the paper on a document, you can start to figure some things out about the ink used. Different areas of the world use different types of materials for their inks, and the construction of these elements can tell you about the social-standing of whoever penned a document too, based on what they'd be able to afford...
  446. Cao Xiaohu: "What's the difference there," she also directs to Professor Motohama as a third box is dragged over to settle in front of her on the counter. "Ink is things like crushed saffron, but doesn't dye kind of come from the same source too?"
  447. Rhy'sae Galeni pulls out a... pair of scissors. They're rusty. He scowls at it and sets it into the junk pile. "Oh, that makes sense," he says, "so you can identify where the paper might have been made, and what sort of things the ink was made from and... I suppose you could guess at the overall origins if there's ink made with things common in one place and paper common in another place?"
  448. Kowa Brimaine begins taking items from Cao's new box.
  449. Waku Motohama nods to Xiaohu. "In certain contexts, the words are used interchangably - and I'm not a chemist, so I cannot get into the precise nuances of it all - but typically, pigments are found in powdered form and many come from stones and the like, while dyes often come from roots, berries - saffron, as you mentioned - and are liquid. That's not the whole answer, but it's a... rough approximation?" She gives her an apologetic grin and looks to Rhys'ae.
  450. Kowa Brimaine pulls out a small wooden box. The wood is dark in grain and has a faint aroma of cherry, small designs carved into the wood. Upon opening it, there is a conjurer's cane: small, obviously well-loved.
  451. Kowa Brimaine: "Well. Look at that."
  452. Kowa Brimaine: "Someone deemed us worthy of a keepsake."
  453. Waku Motohama: That's right. Of course, those are all just... clues. Such details may be entirely meaningless unless something specific about a case makes it relevant, but similar to what I said before - if someone is claiming that he signed a contract in Limsa Lominsa, if the paper itself is studied and it doesn't match those qualities, then that might be grounds for the matter to be looked into further.
  454. Waku Motohama peers at the cane. "Oh, look at that. How'd that end up in here?"
  455. Cao Xiaohu holds it steady there, letting Kowa get her hands full before the Doman swept in onto the remainder. "I mean, good enough for me. My only experience is calligraphy blocks. Otherwise I just work with those little pens and quills Eorzeans here have." She falls into a silence after that, her gaze settling on the cane but her attention set on the information being readily supplied by Waku.
  456. Kowa Brimaine: "Could be a mistake. Could be taht they thought we'd do more good with it than in someone's closet."
  457. Rhy'sae Galeni nods, fascinated, "I never thought about that," He says, "fascinating." He means it, too! He digs back into the box. "That's pretty," he notes of the cane, "and could perhaps find a good home with someone who practices conjury."
  458. Kowa Brimaine: "I had been meaning to ask someone about the range of specialities among the Enclave's medical staff."
  459. Waku Motohama grins at Xiaohu. "Many ink-sticks used in calligraphy have a soot or charcoal base, often blended with another pigment for coloration - such as cinnabar, and such inks have a different composition than many you'll find over here in Eorzea. That isn't even touching upon the aetherically infused inks produced by alchemists in the use of grimoires..."
  460. Rhy'sae Galeni nods to Waku, then glances to Kowa, "A bit of a mixed bag," he says as he pulls out another Mystery Case. He glances over the battered wood, "I'm not one of the healers myself so... I'm a little vague on the details of everyone's specialties, outside of like... Eti and Emi's counseling and the like."
  461. Waku Motohama withdraws a glass bottle full of a milky white liquid that has a powdery residue at the bottom. "...Bull's Stamina?" She reads off the hand-written label, squinting.
  462. Kowa Brimaine: "I see." She glances at Waku. "I'm going to guess that's destined for the trash."
  463. Cao Xiaohu snaps her fingers back from brushing against something in the Box Void. The soft features of her face harden in a shivering grimace. Then she reaches back in, determined to see what the fuck it is. As her hand grasps around it, she speaks up again. "Yeah, I used to see the merchant back at my home village just boiling away the charcoal he'd smash up, plus whatever animal skin or bones wasn't being used for eating. Kinda smelled worse than anything if you were caught downwind."
  464. Waku Motohama: If I had to hazard a guess, it's probably the other form of 'Growth Formula'...
  465. Cao Xiaohu: "--ew."
  466. Kowa Brimaine: "Appalling."
  467. Rhy'sae Galeni winkles his nose, thinking about that smell, "That... BUll's Stamina is... yeah, that looks like trash to me. I don't even want to think about what it is." He opens the case he's set out and peers at the selection of bottles. Most of them are half empty, and they're all filled with some mystery liquid. "Oh... a mystery," he intones with no joy behind it, "The case is nice, but I think the stuff in the bottles needs dumped out. I could see this being cleaned up and reused though." he sets it>
  468. Rhy'sae Galeni >aside.
  469. Waku Motohama promptly introduces it to the bin. "Yes, that's one way to do it. Over here, one of the most standard forms of ink is produced using oak galls and copperas.
  470. Waku Motohama: I suppose we'll mark that one for cleaning and disinfection, then.
  471. Cao Xiaohu fishes out her harvest - not anything alien, but still unorthodox. Rather than tool or some boxed-up substance, she pulls out what is basically a stress-ball. Well... that does count as medical supplies as its location implies. That unfamiliar texture must have been what made her flinch earlier. She... scoots that away from the traditional tools to wherever they were placing things associated with that new-aged psychology business the youngins are hip to. " much stuff -do- you guys -
  472. Cao Xiaohu end up disinfecting? Do people just throw in trash into these boxes?" I mean, they did pull out a baggie of dried fish earlier.
  473. Kowa Brimaine: "It does look only half-useful, on the whole," she muses, tone saddening a tad. "Still, that people think to donate is...a good sign."
  474. Kowa Brimaine: "That is not always the case."
  475. Rhy'sae Galeni nods, stretching, then looking around, "Hmn, we're making good headway on this," he notes, "If we can find a safe use for it, we disinfect it and reuse it, but if there's doubt as to... whether it can be safely done, it's better to throw it away. Much of the clinic runs on donations, and what we can't get donated, we purchase with donated coin. I think I prefer it when people donate gil rather than stuff, honestly. Less to sort though."
  476. Waku Motohama: I saw a fair few actually useful things get sorted into the boxes earlier. I think we may just be at the... bottom of the barrel now, as it were.
  477. Rhy'sae Galeni: At the last open clinic before the Gala, a man came in with a chest full of gil and just... dropped it on the desk. This was /after/ a woman dropped of an entire sack of it. It was... quite the evening."
  478. Waku Motohama: How theatrical!
  479. Rhy'sae Galeni: He sounded very uh... Lominsan.
  480. Cao Xiaohu: "The sound of both instances makes my back hurt. I kinda like to transfer funds through the magic of paper."
  481. Waku Motohama squints. "Drunk, generous, or trying to quickly dispose of ill-gotten gains." A pause. "Or some combination thereof, I'd wager."
  482. Rhy'sae Galeni shrugs, "One of them... maybe all of them. Either way, a donation is a donation and it was all real." His tailtip flicks, "but the paper is... absoloutely preferable. Much more portable. Easier to lose, but easier to transport."
  483. Cao Xiaohu: "Eh, I mean, if you lose a note, that's easily fixable. You drop a box and the floorboards and secret fae crevices eat some coins? Out of luck, there."
  484. Cao Xiaohu: "That's a good theory on Waku's part, though."
  485. Rhy'sae Galeni: ....secret fae crevices eating coins... that sounds horrifying.
  486. Kowa Brimaine: "Well, isn't this house odd? There might be some under our feet."
  487. Waku Motohama flicks her tail, looking down at the floor and seeming far too excited about the prospect of pulling up a floorboard and finding a dimensional faerie rift.
  488. Cao Xiaohu: "That is also where I've proposed socks, people's novellas, and hats go, to Gumi."
  489. Waku Motohama: As valid a theory as any. In the entirety of my career, I have never been able to solve the Case of the Single Missing Sock.
  490. Rhy'sae Galeni glances at the floor, looking thoughtful but uncertain, "Well.. I suppose you're right, it /is/ an awfully strange place half the damn time," he notes, "Though perhaps we should leave the floors int he main house uh... in tact."
  491. Rhy'sae Galeni: The single missing sock eloped with the previous single missing sock.
  492. Cao Xiaohu: "Opposites attract."
  493. Waku Motohama pauses, giving Kowa a glance before sending a glittering smile up to Rhys. "Oh my, a romantic affair then. Perfect for any mystery novel. As much as I'd love to continue discussing my prospective chances at literally pulling up the floorboards to map out the house's secrets, I must admit that it's getting quite late. Do you think we're at a fairly decent stopping point here? Or - at least, one that wouldn't be diminished too terribly if some of your hands headed to bed/"
  494. Waku Motohama: ((*?))
  495. Rhy'sae Galeni laughs, "I'm a bit tired of digging through the mystery boxes too," he confesses, "I think we've done well enough to leave it for now... the overall load throughout the house should be more managable now."
  496. Waku Motohama nods, then hooks her thumb back at the 'sorted' section. "Do these need to be hauled anywhere in particular?"
  497. Waku Motohama: Or can they all stay here to be properly added to the cabinets?
  498. Kowa Brimaine: "I don't mind putting the potions and other supplies away on the morrow."
  499. Cao Xiaohu: "Obviously meant for the next shift," she jokes.
  500. Rhy'sae Galeni shakes his head, "The night shift will probably handle it, they're good about that."
  501. Cao Xiaohu looks over at that. o h .
  502. Waku Motohama: It's spreading, Kowa.
  503. Rhy'sae Galeni glances at Cao, and grins, "What? We /do/ have a nightshift," he notes, "Amandine and Ginette handle much of it."
  504. Kowa Brimaine laughs softly.
  505. Cao Xiaohu pulls her hand through her hair and simply remarks, "I mean, more power to that. I was wondering if someone was either going to stay behind, or people rush to do it in the morning."
  506. Rhy'sae Galeni shakes his head, "We're good," He promises, "Thank you!"
  507. Waku Motohama nods to the lot of them. "It makes me so happy to hear that not only is it someone else's problem, but it's someone else's scheduled problem. Then - It was wonderful working with you all, along with meeting you and your compatriots." Waku gives Xiaohu a nod.
  508. Rhy'sae Galeni nods, "Yes! It's been wonderful, I loved the bits of insights you shared about the soil and the paper. Perhaps you'll share more like that later?"
  509. Cao Xiaohu: "Yeah; always nice to drop in on the Enclave. Always new faces to meet, and bright ones, at that." She looks between Waku and Kowa, her smug smirk that has been dominating her features the entire time shifting into a genuine smile that reaches her eyes.
  510. Kowa Brimaine: "As long as you have no designs on my tail, I can say that it was a pleasure for me, as well."
  511. Waku Motohama lets the shock show on her features for a moment - the surprise that someone /actually/ wants to sit down and listen to her blather about this nonsense. "I'd be delighted to! I'm interested about your line of work as well. Perhaps over tea sometime?"
  512. Rhy'sae Galeni nods, "Of course, that sounds pleasant. We can learn from each other, which is the best kind of learning if you ask me."
  513. Waku Motohama: Indeed! And being honest, one never knows when knowing just a bit more about a topic will come in handy.
  514. Cao Xiaohu: "I am well-fed by a generous Captain and an even more generous Cook with open hours. -That- Cook, however, you might wanna watch out if the Runner crowds over here again. She prides herself on having every delicacy known to the world in her cabinets." She wags a finger across the counter in 'warning.'
  515. Waku Motohama: That definitely sounds illegal.
  516. Cao Xiaohu: "Eh, only if she didn't serve nobles most of the time."
  517. Rhy'sae Galeni wrinkles his nose, "Why would you eat nobles?" He jests, grinning, his ears wiggling and tail flicking, "But, with that! I am going to take my leave, too. Be well, all of you."
  518. Waku Motohama: Well, I'm afraid the literal tails in our company our off limits, though the figurative tails are, of course, up to any consenting parties.
  519. Waku Motohama nods to Rhys, than glances over at Kowa. "Shall we walk up together, then?"
  520. Rhy'sae Galeni motions joyfully.
  521. Rhy'sae Galeni nods, "I'm heading up and out," he announces, winger-waving and ear-wiggling before he turns and does just that!
  522. Cao Xiaohu snorts to both responses, then steps away from the counter. "I should make my leave too. Last time I stayed out too late, they locked the door on me. I'm out of here - nice to meet everyone again."
  523. Kowa Brimaine: "And you."
  524. Ambaghai Iriq: "Maybe someone can find a use for them. Whatever they are."
  525. Ferdillaix Tristelle: "Yes, people tend to find uses for the oddest things."
  526. Kowa Brimaine: "You have a fan," is her comment as they emerge into her room.
  527. Kowa Brimaine is really feeling the absence of a couch.
  528. Waku Motohama tilts her head inquisitively before taking a seat near Kowa.
  529. Waku Motohama: How do you mean?
  530. Kowa Brimaine: "Ser Galeni."
  531. Waku Motohama squints at her. "Him being intrigued by some of the specifics of my work doesn't necessarily make him my 'fan'."
  532. Kowa Brimaine: "He sounded intrigued," she comments, but with a curious tone laden with implication.
  533. Kowa Brimaine: "Deeply intrigued."
  534. Kowa Brimaine: "*Deeply.*"
  535. Waku Motohama: ...By the particularities of ink composition, yes...? Being my fan implies a certain degree of personal interest.
  536. Waku Motohama: We talked about soil.
  537. Kowa Brimaine just smirks at her.
  538. Kowa Brimaine: "All I'm saying is that perhaps you should wear something nice to that tea."
  539. Kowa Brimaine: "Very nice."
  540. Waku Motohama squints more.
  541. Waku Motohama squints more.
  542. Waku Motohama: ...Nice as in... with an interesting fabric composition to show him the specifics under a microscope, or...?
  543. Kowa Brimaine: "Waku, I'm supposed to be the one ignorant of these matters, not you."
  544. Waku Motohama: What matters? I'm so confused.
  545. Waku Motohama: We're meeting up to talk about dead guys I've examined. Why would I wear something nice?
  546. Kowa Brimaine rubs her temples and sighs very, very deeply.
  547. Kowa Brimaine: "Yes, but perhaps that meeting might devolve into personal chatter, and it may garner you a romantic interest for which it would suit you to be well-dressed."
  548. Kowa Brimaine: "He clearly admires your intellect."
  549. Kowa Brimaine: "And you are - "
  550. Kowa Brimaine 's face goes rose as the reminder of Certain Events.
  551. Kowa Brimaine: "Lovely, Waku. You're very lovely."
  552. Waku Motohama opens her mouth. Closes it. Opens it again. "I literally start talking about serial killers and furniture made out of people's skin when I get at all socially anxious and am looking for chatter to fill in the gaps. Th-that's not really... I mean, I don't really think that's..."
  553. Waku Motohama: --I'm just saying that's probably not what he - or most people, really - are aiming for, alright?
  554. Kowa Brimaine studies her. "Ah. I see."
  555. Kowa Brimaine: "You have another in mind."
  556. Waku Motohama settles her chin on her arms. "It's sweet of you to -- "
  557. Kowa Brimaine: "I should have understood this sooner. My apologies."
  558. Waku Motohama: ...What???
  559. Waku Motohama: Uh.
  560. Waku Motohama: I.
  561. Waku Motohama: What?
  562. Kowa Brimaine: "That woman you mentioned, no?"
  563. Waku Motohama: The. What?
  564. Kowa Brimaine: "The one sleeping under your bed."
  565. Waku Motohama is never taken this off guard, so one can only imagine how delightful her befuddled expression is for Kowa.
  566. Kowa Brimaine is *reveling* in it.
  567. Waku Motohama: That's -- that's completely platonic bed sleeping under! Kowa, I -- I've never been on a date!
  568. Waku Motohama: I've always been too busy with work! I -
  569. Waku Motohama: Everyone thinks I'm a morbid weirdo and -
  570. Kowa Brimaine: "And I'd never been on a date before very recently. That you haven't does not mean that can't change."
  571. Kowa Brimaine 's expression softens. "You are a wonderful person who deserves a romance as much as anyone else."
  572. Waku Motohama finally throws her hands up into the air, face turning crimson. "The one person I /did/ love who I thought might like me back dumped me and married someone else!"
  573. Kowa Brimaine stares at her, taken aback.
  574. Kowa Brimaine reaches out in offer with the arm bearing the bracelet.
  575. Kowa Brimaine: "Oh, Waku..."
  576. Waku Motohama folds up again, grumbling. "...Not that we were ever together, mind, she was perfectly within her rights to, but I -- you know, it's just -- sometimes you think you might have something and then, well, oops. 'Getting married to a gal I met a month ago, see ya!'"
  577. Waku Motohama gives her another squint, but then scoots over.
  578. Kowa Brimaine: "That still doesn't mean you weren't worthy of being communicated with. Of not being strung along."
  579. Kowa Brimaine: "And it doesn't make you unworthy of romance now."
  580. Waku Motohama: It's not some catacalysmic ordeal. I really am married to my job most of the time, and - you know - whenever she did act flirtatious, it was when we were out drinking, and really, I'm certain I was misinterpreting signals and I never /did/ ask to confirm anything - romance in my homeland is a bit more... subtle than that.
  581. Waku Motohama sighs. "I just know that I'm more than a little odd, and not to read too much into it when someone is excited about talking shop."
  582. Kowa Brimaine squeezes her hand. "Point taken."
  583. Kowa Brimaine: "Still, don't..."
  584. Kowa Brimaine: "Don't rule it out entirely, yes? With this person, or with your under-the-bed lady, or with anyone.
  585. Waku Motohama sulks a bit, but she does at least give this some thought. Then.
  586. Waku Motohama: ...If you want to help me pick out a nice outfit...
  587. Waku Motohama: I won't say no.
  588. Kowa Brimaine beams at her. "Good."
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