
Spiral Spell

Apr 10th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Name: Spiral Spell
  3. Age: 33
  5. Gender: Female
  7. Polarity Alignment: Lawful Evil
  9. Equivalent Nationality: Scottish
  11. Occupation: Wizard/Parliamentarian
  13. Appearance:
  15. Spiral Spell presents herself as a striking figure, embodied by the form of a red mare with a mesmerizing black swirling mane and tail. Her physical presence makes her seem well-meaning. Adorning her flank is her cutie mark, depicting a white tower crowned with a yellow star, while a trail extends from the star, resembling the shape of a rook.
  17. Personality:
  19. An intellectual at her core, she harbors an insatiable thirst for knowledge, particularly in the realms of magic and history. Often found immersed in tomes and manuscripts within the confines of a library, Spiral's outward affability masks her true motivations. Secretly driven by a lust for power and control, she rationalizes her ambitions as a means to rectify perceived injustices in the world. Her unyielding conviction stems from years of delving into forbidden subjects, shaping her into an individual propelled by her relentless pursuit of dominance. Spiral exhibits a zealous fervor in the pursuit of goals, and has no qualms about immoral means to achieve them.
  21. Abilities:
  23. Spiral Spell possesses a mastery of dark magic, leveraging its forces to her advantage. Proficient in the manipulation of shadows, she wields spells that grant her the ability to transform into shadowy forms and traverse through darkness with ease. In combat scenarios, she employs a strategy of inflicting precise and agonizing attacks upon her adversaries, capitalizing upon their vulnerabilities. Spiral Spell considers it "Death by Paper cuts". Drawing upon her negative emotions, Spiral harnesses the potency of dark magic to amplify her strength and prowess. Additionally, akin to the techniques utilized by King Sombra, she demonstrates a proficiency in manipulating crystalline substances through her ability to manipulate crystalline substances.
  25. Background:
  27. Hailing from the prestigious Spell Family, descendants of one of Starswirl the Bearded's original disciples, Spiral Spell inherits a legacy steeped in heritage. Throughout history, the Spells played a pivotal role in safeguarding esoteric knowledge within the Unicorn Tribe, attaining esteemed positions within the upper echelons of Equestrian society. With the advent of Equestrian Unity, they continued to exert influence, assuming roles as educators and scholars within the halls of Canterlot.
  29. Born to Tilted Star and Dazzle Diamond, distinguished professors at the University of Canterlot, Spiral's upbringing was characterized by rigidity and expectation. As an only child, she endured the oppressive weight of her parents' lofty aspirations for their only child, her formative years overshadowed by relentless tutelage and stringent discipline. The oppressive atmosphere cultivated a sense of rebellion and resentment within her heart, prompting explorations into forbidden knowledge and arcane secrets.
  31. As she matured, Spiral's dissent deepened, fueled by revelations of the darker truths concealed within forbidden tomes. Disillusioned by the veneer of Celestia's reign, she harbored a burgeoning resentment towards the establishment, particularly exacerbated by her familial ties to the loyalist regime. Some years after graduation from Wizard School, she channeled her discontent into political connections and ascended the ranks of Canterlot's political landscape, cultivating a network of allies and informants ranging from others in high society, to criminal gangs and goons across Equestria.
  33. Driven by a desire to dismantle the status quo, Spiral orchestrates her plans with meticulous precision, biding her time until the opportune moment to execute her devious scheme. With aspirations of toppling Celestia's dominion and reshaping Equestria in her image, she endeavors to engineer a revolution that will forever alter the fabric of Equestrian society.
  35. Spiral subscribes to a belief system centered around the concepts laid out by various heretical sects, which venerates the acquisition of power through the mastery of forbidden knowledge and arcane arts.
  37. Within the framework that she subscribes to, Spiral aligns herself with the Black Moon, an esoteric sect that reveres darkness as the primal source of all magic and potential. In direct opposition to the mainstream idolization of Celestia and Luna, Spiral vehemently rejects the authority of the Alicorns, viewing them as false idols who perpetuate a facade of benevolence to maintain their grip on power. Instead, Spiral champions a doctrine of self-determination and sovereignty, advocating for the overthrow of their rule in favor of individual autonomy.
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