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Jan 6th, 2024
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  1.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] Localizer - Init locales
  2.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] DefaultServerSetup - Binding javax.jms.ConnectionFactory[org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory@6e15fe2] to java:comp/env/mq/connectionFactory
  3.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] DefaultServerSetup - Init DB connection pools
  4.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] DefaultServerSetup - Binding JDBC pool "master" to java:comp/env/jdbc/master
  5.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] AnnotatedMBean - Register MBean ru.bitel.bgbilling.server.dbcp:type=DatabaseConnectionPool,name=master
  6.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] DefaultServerSetup - Init trash pools...
  7. mq 01-06/23:19:04  INFO [EventProcessor-init] EventProcessor - Init EventProcessor MQ connection factory...
  8. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [EventProcessor-init] TaskRunnerFactory - Initialized TaskRunnerFactory[ActiveMQ Task] using ExecutorService: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@19b6ba38[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
  9. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [EventProcessor-init] FailoverTransport - Reconnect was triggered but transport is not started yet. Wait for start to connect the transport.
  10. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [EventProcessor-init] FailoverTransport - Started unconnected
  11. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [EventProcessor-init] FailoverTransport - Waking up reconnect task
  12. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Task-1] FailoverTransport - urlList connectionList:[tcp://localhost:61616], from: [tcp://localhost:61616]
  13. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Task-1] FailoverTransport - Attempting 0th connect to: tcp://localhost:61616
  14. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Task-1] WireFormatNegotiator - Sending: WireFormatInfo { version=12, properties={TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false, CacheSize=1024, ProviderName=ActiveMQ, StackTraceEnabled=true, PlatformDetails=JVM: 1.8.0_392, 25.392-b08, Temurin, OS: Linux, 4.19.0-25-amd64, amd64, CacheEnabled=true, TightEncodingEnabled=true, MaxFrameSize=9223372036854775807, MaxInactivityDuration=30000, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000, ProviderVersion=5.14.4}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]}
  15. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Task-1] FailoverTransport - Connection established
  16. mq 01-06/23:19:04  INFO [ActiveMQ Task-1] FailoverTransport - Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616
  17. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp://localhost/] InactivityMonitor - Using min of local: WireFormatInfo { version=12, properties={TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false, CacheSize=1024, ProviderName=ActiveMQ, StackTraceEnabled=true, PlatformDetails=JVM: 1.8.0_392, 25.392-b08, Temurin, OS: Linux, 4.19.0-25-amd64, amd64, CacheEnabled=true, TightEncodingEnabled=true, MaxFrameSize=9223372036854775807, MaxInactivityDuration=30000, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000, ProviderVersion=5.14.4}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]} and remote: WireFormatInfo { version=12, properties={StackTraceEnabled=true, PlatformDetails=Java, CacheEnabled=true, TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false, CacheSize=1024, ProviderName=ActiveMQ, TightEncodingEnabled=true, MaxFrameSize=104857600, MaxInactivityDuration=30000, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000, MaxFrameSizeEnabled=true, ProviderVersion=5.16.7}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]}
  18. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp://localhost/] WireFormatNegotiator - Received WireFormat: WireFormatInfo { version=12, properties={StackTraceEnabled=true, PlatformDetails=Java, CacheEnabled=true, TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false, CacheSize=1024, ProviderName=ActiveMQ, TightEncodingEnabled=true, MaxFrameSize=104857600, MaxInactivityDuration=30000, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000, MaxFrameSizeEnabled=true, ProviderVersion=5.16.7}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]}
  19. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp://localhost/] WireFormatNegotiator - tcp://localhost/ before negotiation: OpenWireFormat{version=12, cacheEnabled=false, stackTraceEnabled=false, tightEncodingEnabled=false, sizePrefixDisabled=false, maxFrameSize=9223372036854775807}
  20. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [ActiveMQ Transport: tcp://localhost/] WireFormatNegotiator - tcp://localhost/ after negotiation: OpenWireFormat{version=12, cacheEnabled=true, stackTraceEnabled=true, tightEncodingEnabled=true, sizePrefixDisabled=false, maxFrameSize=104857600}
  21.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  22.  01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [main] TaskRunnerFactory - Initialized TaskRunnerFactory[ActiveMQ Session Task] using ExecutorService: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@3a3e4aff[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
  23.  01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.server.util.Setup$1@57459491 to
  24.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=true
  25.  01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.application.server.Application$1@3e7634b9 to
  26. mq 01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Publish: Event[ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.application.server.event.CheckApplicationRunEvent] moduleId: no; pluginId: no; cid: global; scid: -1; userId: -1; source: null; timestamp: -1
  27.  01-06/23:19:04  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=true
  28.  01-06/23:19:04 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.application.server.Application$2@201b6b6f to
  29. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  30. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceApplication@2187fff7 to WHERE moduleId=4
  31. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  32. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.contract.balance.server.ConvergenceBalanceManager@56db847e to
  33. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  34. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.contract.balance.server.ConvergenceBalanceManager@56db847e to
  35. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  36. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.contract.balance.server.ConvergenceBalanceManager@56db847e to
  37. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Queue) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  38. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceApplication@2187fff7 to WHERE moduleId=4
  39. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  40. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceApplication@2187fff7 to WHERE moduleId=4
  41. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Queue) [; query=moduleId=4 AND (applicationId=11); noLocal=false
  42. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.RequestLogEventProcessor@5922ae77 to WHERE moduleId=4 AND (applicationId=11)
  43. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] VoiceDeviceRuntimeMap - (Re)loading VoiceDeviceRuntimeMap
  44. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  45. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.oss.kernel.entity.server.bean.AbstractEntityDao$1@7612178b to
  46. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@e3cee7b: SELECT * FROM voice_device_type_4 ORDER BY id
  47. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [ServerDirectoryInfo-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  48. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [ServerDirectoryInfo-init] EventProcessor - Add to
  49. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  50. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.oss.kernel.entity.server.bean.AbstractEntityDao$1@7612178b to
  51. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.api.server.bean.VoiceDeviceMap@726386ed to WHERE moduleId=4, map size: 1
  52. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] VoiceDeviceMap - (Re)loading VoiceDeviceMap
  53. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] Setup - Load config for mid=4
  54. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  55. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.oss.kernel.entity.server.bean.AbstractEntityDao$1@7612178b to
  56. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@1827a871: SELECT * FROM voice_device_type_4 ORDER BY id
  57. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  58. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.oss.kernel.entity.server.bean.AbstractEntityDao$1@7612178b to
  59. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] VoiceDeviceRuntime - Reload protocolHandler class for device: SMG1016m: ATS1 []
  60. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] VoiceDeviceRuntime - setMediator: voiceDeviceType = SMG1016m
  61. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] VoiceDeviceRuntime - setMediator: mediatorClass = ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.dyn.mediator.smg1016m.Smg1016mMediator
  62. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  63. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [AddressItemModifiedEventListener-init] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.oss.kernel.entity.server.bean.AbstractEntityDao$1@7612178b to
  64. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  65. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.dynamic.server.ReadOnlyClassManager$1@402f80f5 to
  66. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] VoiceDeviceRuntime - setMediator: mediatorInstance = ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.dyn.mediator.smg1016m.Smg1016mMediator@372b0d86
  67. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] VoiceDeviceRuntime - setMediator: moduleId = 4
  68. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] VoiceDeviceRuntime - setMediator: voiceDevice = SMG1016m: ATS1 []
  69. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] VoiceDeviceRuntime - Reload SA classes for device: SMG1016m: ATS1 []
  70. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  71. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.script.server.ScriptEventListener$1@ecf9fb3 to
  72. script 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] ScriptEventListener - Starting ScriptEventListener...
  73. script 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] ScriptEventListener - Relinking script functions.
  74. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  75. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.script.server.DynamicScriptEventListener$1@46292372 to
  76. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  77. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.script.server.DynamicScriptEventListener$2@5dda14d0 to
  78. script 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] DynamicScriptEventListener - Starting DynamicScriptEventListener...
  79. script 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@50cf5a23: SELECT * FROM event_script_link ORDER BY title
  80. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@5c84624f: SELECT * FROM service ORDER BY mid, title
  81. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@71ea1fda: SELECT * FROM service WHERE isusing ORDER BY mid, title
  82. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  83. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.module.server.ModuleCache$1@3e1162e7 to
  84. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  85. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.module.server.ModuleCache$2@76f10035 to
  86. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor@6bb7cce7 to, map size: 2
  87. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor@6bb7cce7 to, map size: 3
  88. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor@6bb7cce7 to, map size: 4
  89. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor@6bb7cce7 to, map size: 5
  90. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor@6bb7cce7 to, map size: 6
  91. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor@6bb7cce7 to, map size: 7
  92. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor@6bb7cce7 to, map size: 8
  93. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor$1@5f574cc2 to WHERE moduleId=2, map size: 9
  94. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor$1@680bddf5 to WHERE moduleId=1, map size: 10
  95. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor$1@7a9c84a5 to WHERE moduleId=4, map size: 11
  96. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.event.processors.CommonKernelEventProcessor$1@2d83c5a5 to WHERE moduleId=3, map size: 12
  97. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AnnotatedMBean - Register MBean ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime:type=VoiceApplication
  98. logs 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Queue) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  99. logs 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.accounting.mediation.process.LogRecordProcessor@7f34a967 to WHERE moduleId=4
  100. logs 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AnnotatedMBean - Register MBean ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.accounting.mediation.process:type=LogRecordProcessor
  101. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] Application - Starting ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceApplication@2187fff7
  102. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@9ec531: SELECT * FROM voice_account_type_4 WHERE isOperator = 0
  103. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [ReferenceValueDirectory-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  104. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@3af37506: SELECT * FROM voice_account_type_4 WHERE isOperator = 1
  105. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [ReferenceValueDirectory-init] EventProcessor - Add DirectoryVoiceAccountTypeModifiedListener@854086817 to WHERE moduleId=4
  106. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [ServerDirectoryInfo-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  107. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [ServerDirectoryInfo-init] EventProcessor - Add to
  108. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [ReferenceValueDirectory-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  109. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [ReferenceValueDirectory-init] EventProcessor - Add DirectoryVoiceOperAccountTypeModifiedListener@321741159 to WHERE moduleId=4
  110. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [ServerDirectoryInfo-init] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  111. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [ServerDirectoryInfo-init] EventProcessor - Add to
  112. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  113. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceAccountRuntimeMap@42d236fb to WHERE moduleId=4
  114. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  115. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceAccountRuntimeMap@42d236fb to WHERE moduleId=4
  116. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  117. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceAccountRuntimeMap@42d236fb to
  118. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceAccountRuntimeMap@42d236fb to
  119. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  120. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceAccountRuntimeMap@42d236fb to
  121. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] VoiceAccountRuntimeMap - loading accounts
  122. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@5f2afe62: SELECT ancestor.*, voice_account_4.* FROM voice_account_4  INNER JOIN voice_account_base_4 as ancestor  ON =  LEFT JOIN contract c ON WHERE 1 = 1
  123. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@c96a4ea: SELECT * FROM voice_account_port_4 WHERE accountId=1 ORDER BY port
  124. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [tree-cache-reload] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  125. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [tree-cache-reload] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.kernel.tariff.tree.server.TariffTreeCache$1$1@60eab275 to
  126. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.cost = 0.0
  127. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.costSource = 1
  128. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.divisor = 60
  129. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.clientCost = true
  130. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.isDefault = false
  131. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.cost = 0.0
  132. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.costSource = 1
  133. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.divisor = 60
  134. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.clientCost = true
  135. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] CallTypeCostTariffTreeNode - this.isDefault = false
  136. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] ContractRuntimeMap - Initializing contract runtime map
  137. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  138. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@1710228600 to
  139. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  140. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@1710228600 to
  141. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=null; noLocal=false
  142. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@1710228600 to
  143. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@1710228600 to
  144. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@1710228600 to
  145. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] ContractRuntimeMap - Initialization completed
  146. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] ContractTariffOptionList - Create:
  147. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] ProductPeriodRuntimeList - Create:
  148. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] ProductPeriodRuntimeList - Create:
  149. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  150. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceOperAccountRuntimeMap@5a9800f8 to WHERE moduleId=4
  151. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceOperAccountRuntimeMap@5a9800f8 to
  152. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] VoiceAccountRuntimeMap - loading accounts
  153. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@4159e81b: SELECT  ancestor.*, voice_oper_account_4.*  FROM voice_oper_account_4  INNER JOIN voice_account_base_4 as ancestor  ON =
  154. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] ContractRuntimeMap - Initializing contract runtime map
  155. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@600657906 to
  156. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@600657906 to
  157. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@600657906 to
  158. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@600657906 to
  159. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ContractRuntimeMap@600657906 to
  160. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] ContractRuntimeMap - Initialization completed
  161. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  162. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceOperatorRuntimeMap@aed0151 to WHERE moduleId=4
  163. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] VoiceOperatorRuntimeMap - Loading VoiceOperatorRuntimeMap for moduleId:4
  164. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=true
  165. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.tariff.server.range.VoiceRuntimeRangeManager@4642b71d to WHERE moduleId=4
  166. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  167. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.geocode.CostMapCache@6ef7623 to WHERE moduleId=4
  168. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  169. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceOptionRuntimeMap@5bb8f9e2 to WHERE moduleId=4
  170. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] VoiceOptionRuntimeMap - Loading inetOptionRuntimeMap for moduleId:4
  171. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@516ebdf8: SELECT * FROM voice_option_4 ORDER BY title
  172. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Queue) [*; query=moduleId=4 AND (deviceId=1); noLocal=false
  173. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] OrderManagerDeviceWorker - Starting deviceWorker for device 1
  174. app 01-06/23:19:05 DEBUG [main] EventProcessor - Add to WHERE moduleId=4
  175. app 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] Application - Started ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.VoiceApplication@2187fff7
  176. logs 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] Application - Starting ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.accounting.mediation.process.LogRecordProcessor@7f34a967
  177. logs 01-06/23:19:05  INFO [main] Application - Started ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.accounting.mediation.process.LogRecordProcessor@7f34a967
  178. logs 01-06/23:19:15 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@499524d6: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  179. logs 01-06/23:19:35 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@893ff46: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  180. logs 01-06/23:19:55 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@3ea60d01: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  181. logs 01-06/23:20:15 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@4e830038: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  182. logs 01-06/23:20:35 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@3b092d23: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  183. logs 01-06/23:20:55 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@67e78c34: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  184. logs 01-06/23:21:15 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@152b8589: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  185. logs 01-06/23:21:35 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@44788643: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  186. logs 01-06/23:21:55 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@4d0417cb: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  187. logs 01-06/23:22:15 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@6809c5fe: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  188. logs 01-06/23:22:35 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@a39084f: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  189. logs 01-06/23:22:55 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@1d8412b5: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  190. logs 01-06/23:23:15 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@74452014: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  191. logs 01-06/23:23:35 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@56dd2635: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  192. logs 01-06/23:23:55 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@5659d9fa: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  193. logs 01-06/23:24:15 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@e104ca3: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  194. logs 01-06/23:24:35 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@8ef9f25: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  195. logs 01-06/23:24:55 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@2ac157e0: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  196. logs 01-06/23:25:15 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@517815d0: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  197. logs 01-06/23:25:15  INFO [pool-20-thread-1] ProcessLogTask - ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.accounting.mediation.process.ProcessLogTask started
  198. logs 01-06/23:25:15 DEBUG [pool-20-thread-1] LocalEventProcessor - Add listener ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.accounting.mediation.process.ProcessLogTask@332679bf to WHERE moduleId=4, map size: 13
  199. logs 01-06/23:25:15 DEBUG [pool-20-thread-1] ActiveMQMessageConsumer - remove: ID:bgbill72.local-35509-1704572344528-1:1:2:39, lastDeliveredSequenceId: -1
  200. logs 01-06/23:25:15  INFO [pool-20-thread-1] AbstractConsumer - MQ createConsumer(Topic) [; query=moduleId=4; noLocal=false
  201. logs 01-06/23:25:15 DEBUG [pool-20-thread-1] EventProcessor - Add ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.runtime.geocode.CostMapCache@3a8021ff to WHERE moduleId=4
  202. logs 01-06/23:25:15 ERROR [pool-20-thread-1] ProcessLogTask - fatal error in ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.accounting.mediation.process.ProcessLogTask
  203. java.lang.NullPointerException
  204.     at ru.bitel.bgbilling.modules.voice.accounting.mediation.process.ProcessLogTask.initResourceAuditor(
  205.     at
  206.     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
  207.     at
  208.     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  209.     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  210.     at
  211. logs 01-06/23:25:15 ERROR [pool-20-thread-1] ProcessLogTask -
  212. java.lang.NullPointerException
  213.     at
  214.     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
  215.     at
  216.     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  217.     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  218.     at
  219. logs 01-06/23:25:35 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@44e86213: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
  220. logs 01-06/23:25:55 DEBUG [recordProcessor-p-8-t-1] AbstractDao - psList = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@20a1a229: SELECT * FROM voice_process_task_4 WHERE radius=0 ORDER BY day
Tags: bgbilling
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