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Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. /summon minecraft:zombie_pigman -38.30 64.00 -9979.20 {HurtByTimestamp: 171, Attributes: [{Base: 20.0d, Name: "generic.maxHealth"}, {Base: 0.0d, Modifiers: [{UUIDMost: -8339607717191004434L, UUIDLeast: -8465439035004880442L, Amount: 0.03053763369258138d, Operation: 0, Name: "Random spawn bonus"}], Name: "generic.knockbackResistance"}, {Base: 0.23000000417232513d, Name: "generic.movementSpeed"}, {Base: 2.0d, Name: "generic.armor"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.armorToughness"}, {Base: 35.0d, Modifiers: [{UUIDMost: -1306276792488082751L, UUIDLeast: -6697320478390681388L, Amount: 0.031567442954507474d, Operation: 1, Name: "Random spawn bonus"}], Name: "generic.followRange"}, {Base: 5.0d, Name: "generic.attackDamage"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "zombie.spawnReinforcements"}], Invulnerable: 0b, FallFlying: 0b, PortalCooldown: 136, AbsorptionAmount: 0.0f, InWaterTime: -1, FallDistance: 0.0f, DeathTime: 0s, WorldUUIDMost: -6213630985533632863L, HandDropChances: [-0.1f, 0.085f], PersistenceRequired: 0b, Spigot.ticksLived: 258, Anger: 0s, Motion: [0.0d, -0.0784000015258789d, 0.0d], Leashed: 0b, Health: 15.3f, HurtBy: "75250915-52a0-407c-bc5d-a0cc3a7f906b", Bukkit.updateLevel: 2, LeftHanded: 0b, Paper.SpawnReason: "SPAWNER_EGG", Air: 300s, OnGround: 1b, Rotation: [-137.0696f, 0.0f], Paper.ShouldBurnInDay: 1b, HandItems: [{id: "minecraft:golden_sword", Count: 1b}, {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b, tag: {display: {Lore: ["§7Right-click while holding this gem", "§7in your hand to begin socketting!", "§8(§8ARMOR§8)"], Name: "{\"text\":\"§6Socket Gem - Spikes I\"}"}}}], ArmorDropChances: [-0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f], CanBreakDoors: 0b, Fire: -1s, ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {}], CanPickUpLoot: 0b, HurtTime: 0s, WorldUUIDLeast: -6326373050723558098L, DrownedConversionTime: -1, Paper.Origin: [-4.5d, 76.0d, -1370.5d]}
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