
F/GO Okeanos Summary

Dec 4th, 2016
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  1. The Third Singularity - Okeanos
  2. The Final Blockade to the Seven Seas (A.D. 1573)
  3. (Thanks to Kyte for the text dump.)
  5. Prologue:
  7. >Pirate: The cannons are loaded!
  8. >Drake: Good, fireeeee!
  9. >Pirates: Damn it, it didn't work! All of those shots and nothing!
  10. >Drake: Duh, I can tell that just by looking! You'd have to be a real blockhead to try and fight this thing fair and square!
  11. >Drake: Helm hard to port! We're getting out of here, you punks! We'll ride the wind and break away!
  13. One of the pirates is appalled that Drake would call the massive storm they're in mere "wind", and points out that if they try to hoist sail the ship's liable to get blown away. Drake thinks that's fine; when you're a pirate, sometimes you've just got to fly through the sky. But more importantly, this is not the time to chat. Drake sardonically notes a woman's begging them here, so just hurry up and do what she says. She's pretty amused at the idea of flying back home, actually.
  15. The pirate is stunned at what the Pelican is about to do, and bemoans that their Boss is as crazy as ever.
  17. >Drake: Huuuuh? "Pelican"? You bastard, what'd you just call my ship?!
  18. >Pirate: The Hind, the Golden Hind! I'm sorry I screwed uuuup!
  20. Another pirate tells the first one (who is apparently a new recruit) to calm down and just believe in their Boss' good luck. It's the real deal, so as long as he has faith he'll make it back alive. The rest of the crew are just as confident, and cheer that even if they did die they'd follow their captain anyways. Drake tells them to stop being stupid: she has no use for a dead crew.
  22. >Drake: Okay, better dress up for a triumphant return, you morons! As soon as we get back, we're going to party!
  25. Nearby, a mysterious figure confirms that Drake's crew made it out. They're pretty shocked they pulled it off, actually, since nobody on the Golden Hind is a Heroic Spirit. But, as they point out amidst laughter, that's just what they'd expect from the legendary Francis Drake.
  27. >???: Hah. Hahahah, hahahahahahah, AHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHLOLOLOLOL!!!!
  29. Cut to a room in Chaldea.
  31. >???: Today as well, I woke up at the same time.
  33. The voice confirms their temperature, five senses, objective, and if they can remember their name. They take a breath of relief (narrating that they are doing so as they do it), noting that it's always a possibility whenever they wake up that'd they just vanish. That's why it's important to confirm their self-consciousness.
  35. >???: I am me. Today as well, I have been allowed to exist.
  37. A familiar silhouette comes in and wishes Number Two good morning. He asks if she's cold, explaining that the temperature outside is negative 70 degrees Celcius. He whines that he thought he was going to freeze, but then sheepishly notes that that doesn't mean much to someone trapped inside a room.
  39. Cut to your room. Four is biting you awake, much to your chagrin, and Mashu is scolding him to be more gentle. She specifically compares waking someone up to be like handling a jewel, or peeling a carrot.
  41. You tell Mashu you're awake, which surprises her since you apparently woke up from (I assume stage 3) non-REM sleep in like a second. But she wishes you good morning, and is pleased to see you exhibit the enthusiasm that made everyone entrust you with the fate of humanity. She tries to pump herself up too, then tells you to come with her to the control room.
  43. Roman wishes you good morning as well when you get there, and asks if you slept well. Because he didn't. It's nice that Lev has been defeated, and it's great that you've obtained a second Holy Grail, but the number of problems your group is up against just keeps increasing. What was up with that pillar of flesh you fought at the end of Septem, the one that carried the name of one of the 72 demons of the Ars Goetia? Roman has neither the time nor the equipment to properly analyze it.
  45. Mashu isn't familiar with the Ars Goetia, so she asks Roman to explain. He says they're basically the familiars of an ancient king, and when you question him further on that Da Vinci shows up out of nowhere to exposit about the ancient king of Israel, the greatest of all summoners.
  47. Just as a note, at no point in this entire scene does anyone specifically name Solomon. It's all just "the aforementioned king" or "that king".
  49. Mashu is still reeling at Da Vinci's sudden appearance, which makes Da Vinci quite satisfied because that's the reaction she wanted. Meanwhile Roman is just exasperated and tells Da Vinci to cut it out. Rerailing the conversation, Roman points out that there is no confirmation that the 72 Demons even exist, so for now you should just treat those pillars as something else. Da Vinci agrees in principle, but also points out that they can't just ignore the pillar's name. Perhaps Lev, or the person behind him, summoned Solomon? Roman admits it's possible, but still can't really believe the 72 Demons might exist. Da Vinci asks why, pointing out that Roman watched you fight that pillar.
  51. Roman answers that that's why he's so confused. It's true that the numbers he was getting during that fight were enough for him to call the thing a demon, but they weren't nearly enough to match the legends. Furthermore, demons as a concept weren't created until after Solomon's era. And if Solomon really did become a Heroic Spirit, Roman would've expected a "simpler, smarter" Noble Phantasm. Not the ominous demons that only a modern person would know. Da Vinci finds herself agreeing, and admits it's possible the name might've just been a trick. It's too early to come to the conclusion that you're up against a Heroic Spirit related to demons.
  53. >Roman: Yeah. So because of that, as far as the matter of Lev transforming into a demon goes, right now I have no comment. Anything I could say would just be speculation.
  55. I doublechecked to make sure, and no. Lev did not transform into Flauros at the end of Septem. This might be a retcon.
  57. With that tangent finished, Roman turns the conversation towards today's main subject: obtaining a third Holy Grail.
  59. >Roman: This is a little sudden but, [Your Name]. Back in Rome, did you get seasick?
  60. >You: You could say that.
  61. >Roman: I see... Yeah, I see.
  62. >Roman: Well, humans are adaptable. I'm sure you'll manage, somehow or another.
  63. >Mashu: Don't make him/her so anxious, Doctor.
  65. You can also say you'll be fine, which will make Roman relieved. He talks about you using seasickness medicine, so I guess you showed him a bottle or something.
  67. Four pipes up, which Roman interprets as Four saying he wants to come along this time too. He's again relieved because, while he doesn't mean to be superstitious, he feels that if Four comes along then Mashu's mental condition improves. Mashu apologizes, and explains that whenever she feels like she's in a pinch, Four being there helps her calm down. Roman is understanding, and points out that all of the Ley Shifts prior have brought Mashu to entirely foreign places. With that in mind, having as many familiar things around as possible would be ideal.
  69. >Roman: In any case, this time you're going to the year 1573. And the destination is the neverending ocean!
  70. >Mashu: The... ocean?
  71. >Roman: Yeah. And it seems like the terrain within the singularity has been altered.
  73. There isn't really a concrete location Roman can send you to, since all that's left are little islands. He'd like you to find out why that is.
  75. >You: Got it.
  76. >Mashu: Um... I'm worried that when we transfer over, we might end up suddenly falling into the ocean.
  77. >Mashu: I haven't received any swimming training. And Senpai too... Swimming isn't exactly your strong point, right?
  79. Roman tells her not to worry, since when you Ley Shift you're sent to an exact destination. And even if the worst were to happen and you do somehow end up over the open waters...
  81. >Da Vinci: Yup, that's when you'll use these swim rings. Aren't they cool? I tried to design them after Decarabia.
  82. >Roman: Hahahah, that's pretty harsh! But it's the ocean, so I guess you need starfish!
  83. >Mashu: Doctor Roman? Do we need to have a talk about guaranteeing Senpai's safety?
  84. >Roman: ....Sorry, it was just a joke before you left. No matter what happens, the Ley Shift will get you there.
  86. You can point out the ocean problem too for basically the same conversation, but shorter.
  88. Mashu's still a little worried, but there's no time to iron out every possible difficulty.
  90. >Mashu: Master, let's go. I'll be counting on you this time too.
  91. >You: Hold on, there's still something I've gotta-
  92. >Mashu: You can do it when we return to Chaldea. Now then, let's depart.
  93. >Roman: Hahahah, it looks like Mashu can call the shots pretty well too. I guess [Your Name] is the henpecked type.
  94. >Mashu: ...?
  96. You can also just agree, but that's boring and only leads to Mashu saying to count on her for battles.
  98. Four barks, and you either comment that he really does want to come along or offer to carry him in your arms.
  100. >Roman: It looks like we're all ready. Okay, let's start our third hunt for the Holy Grail!
  102. >Announcer: Starting Unsummon program. Initiating Spiriton conversion.
  103. >Announcer: Initiating Ley Shift in 3, 2, 1...
  104. >Announcer: All processes - Clear. Initiating Grand Order.
  106. Chapter 1: Pirates of the Chaldean
  108. You're on a boat.
  110. >Mashu: ...
  111. >Roman: ...
  112. >You: ...
  113. >Mashu: ...It's true that we didn't end up Ley Shifting over the ocean.
  114. >You: But, Mashu...
  115. >Mashu: Yes, Senpai. I fully understand what you want to say.
  116. >Mashu: ...Doctor Roman. If you have an explanation, give it.
  117. >Roman: Well... Uh... Murphy's Law?
  118. >Roman: You know, if something can go wrong then it will?
  119. >Roman: But hey. Think about it.
  120. >Roman: There was also the possibility that you would Ley Shift onto an uninhabited island and have to pull a Robinson Crusoe and wait for help for 28 years.
  121. >Roman: So being able to move around immediately is actually a merit, isn't it? Isn't it?
  122. >Four: Four...
  123. >Mashu: ...
  124. >Pirate: I don't really get what's going on, but... Hey punks, get 'em!
  125. >Mashu: Just like I thought, I'll need some sort of punishment for Doctor Roman!
  126. >Roman: I'm sorry, I didn't mean toooooo!
  128. And so you fight some pirates. After you beat them up, Mashu decides that, while she'd rather not, the situation is what it is so she'll forcefully interrogate them. She demands one of the pirates tell her where you are and what's going on, but then one of the pirates admit they have no idea either. They just ended up drifting here, and their compasses and maps are proving useless. And since they had no idea what was going on, when some prey suddenly popped up right in front of them they attacked. They're pirates, it's what they do.
  130. >Mashu: So then... You had no idea where you were or where you were going...
  131. >Mashu: And even though you had no way of guaranteeing your safety either, you just decided to attack us anyways...?
  132. >Pirate: Yeah! Heigh-Ho~♪ Because~♪ That's what~♪ Pirates do~♪
  133. >Mashu: ...What should we do, Senpai? They've started singing along like they were in a musical...
  134. >You: Are they morons?
  136. The pirate clarifies that while they ARE morons, they did have a destination in mind. Pirate Island is nearby, and they were planning on heading over to ask their fellow pirates for some food and water.
  138. >Mashu: Pirate... Island? That's, um, I suppose there's a lot of pirates there?
  139. >Pirate: Well yeah, it's Pirate Island.
  141. Roman chimes in at this point and notes that since you have no clues whatsoever right now, you may as well go along with the pirates. Mashu accepts this plan, and then tells the pirates that she'll be exercising her rights as the victor of their little battle.
  143. >Mashu: Please turn to starboard. We will be setting a course for this Pirate Island.
  144. >Pirate: Aye-aye, sir!
  145. >Mashu: It's "Aye-aye, ma'am!"
  147. Chapter 2: The Pirate Queen that Explored the World
  149. Once you arrive at Pirate Island, the very first thing that happens is your pirate buddies trying to attack you. Mashu makes a wry note about how strange it is for pirates to be so energetic ashore, and then in a very nice change from Septem politely declares she'll beat them up instead of asking for your orders.
  151. After the fight, Mashu wonders what she should do about the pirates, causing them to beg for forgiveness so miserably even Roman feels bad for them. Mashu asks if there's anyone on the island who has a grasp on the situation.
  153. >Pirate: Oh... That's gotta be Boss, then.
  154. >Mashu: Boss?
  155. >Pirate: Heheheh, listen and fear. Our Boss is the great pirate Francis Drake!
  156. >Roman: Why did they get so overbearing all of a sudden...?
  157. >Da Vinci: Hmm. Well if you ask me, pirates ought to be the type to bluster even in the face of the end.
  159. The pirates take you into a forest, and one explains that just up ahead is where Drake is hiding out. Another one cackles that it's over for your group now, since Drake is going to beat you up. Roman comments on how stereotypically underling that is to say, but Da Vinci again notes that that kind of personality is essential for this era. Roman just groans that Da Vinci should go back to shutting herself in her studio. One of the pirates tells them to shut up already, and asks what's even going on with Roman and Da Vinci's transmissions anyways: is it some kind of magic?
  161. >Four: Fooour.
  162. >Pirate: Oh hey, this thing's cute. Looks delicious too.
  163. >Four: Four?!
  164. >You: If you eat him, we'll beat you to tears.
  165. >Pirate: Eek, forgive me!
  167. Mashu recommends you ignore them and focus on moving ahead. She exposits at length about Francis Drake (who she notes should be alive in this era), and concludes by observing that at the end of the day he was a pirate. And given the pirates you've seen so far, there's a high possibility that Drake's a good-for-nothing.
  169. >You: If we're talking about good-for-nothings, then it's hard to beat Roman.
  170. >Mashu: Yes, exactly.
  172. You can also just agree that it'd be a good idea to be prepared, but that's not as amusing.
  174. Mashu imagines Drake to be a gluttonous giant, the type who always has a barrel of rum in hand. The mental image gives her the shivers, but she figures that Drake must be the important person you have to help this time. So somehow or another, you've got to cooperate with him.
  176. At Drake's base, the pirate who was talking with you rushes into Drake's room to inform her of incoming enemies- er, guests. He explains your group wants to talk with her, which annoys her since she was in the middle of drinking. She asks if your group are also pirates, to which the pirate is not sure how to answer since you're "somewhat more proper, but also somewhat more violent."
  178. >Mashu: ..."Somewhat"?
  180. You and Mashu appear to be politely standing outside the room.
  182. Drake asks the pirate if you're government officials or soldiers, but the pirate figures you're neither. Drake's amused over how hard it is to classify you, so she calls you in.
  184. Once you and Mashu go in, Drake points out to the other pirate (who is apparently named Bonbe) that it's kind of weird that he just brought you along to meet her. Bonbe agrees, but his group did promise. He pegs you and Mashu to be people Drake saved once who dearly wanted to meet their great hero, because to him Mashu's long exposition could only be the words of a huge fangirl. Luckily for you, when he brings up the "giant person who's always drinking" image Mashu had, he leaves out the "gluttonous" part and replaces it with "over three meters tall".
  186. Drake is very amused to hear she has fans, especially since to her all she's done so far are crimes. Meanwhile with your group...
  188. >Mashu: ...Um, Senpai? I'm so surprised right now I can't even speak. (whispering)
  189. >Roman: Same here. Who would've thought that Francis Drake was... (whispering)
  190. >You: Yeah, who would've thought he was a beautiful lady!
  192. You can also be boring and be surprised Drake was a woman.
  194. Drake tells Bonbe to hang back and leave the talking to her, then asks you who you are. You and Mashu introduce yourselves as members of Chaldea, and Mashu gives your names.
  196. >Drake: Chaldea? What does a star observatory want with me? Did you come to sell a new star map or something?
  197. >Roman: Woah, I didn't expect a drunkard to know so much...! She understood the origin of Chaldea's name!
  198. >Drake: ...I can feel it a little.
  199. >Drake: The scent of the thing I hate the most: a timid, pessimistic, gutless, and yet fundamentally good-natured chicken.
  200. >Mashu: ...Perfect. Senpai, this person's analysis, or maybe I should say instinct, is perfect!
  201. >Roman: *sob*
  203. Moving on, Drake files that away as a minor issue. She asks what Chaldea wants with her, so Mashu explains how you two were sent to this era to correct an abnormality. She thinks that "Captain Drake", in all her wisdom, must've noticed that something was strange with the world. Particularly this sea, which is different from the one Drake's crew originally sailed.
  205. Drake decides she's just going to gloss over all that talk about the world and the era, but she can't ignore a conversation about the waters. Mashu's right, Drake thinks the waters are weird. Mashu is pleased to hear this and tries to fish for a further explanation, but then Drake cuts her off. Drake thinks the situation is weird, but she wouldn't consider it an "abnormality". She thinks it's really great, actually, and calls on Bonbe to back her up. He does so with a very enthusiastic cheer. Mashu is confused, and then Drake follows up by saying that since her group are all pirates, they're allowed to do whatever wicked thing they want. If you want to talk with her, then first you'll have to prove your strength and beat her in a fight.
  207. >Drake: I've gone and flashily gotten drunk, you see! So you'll have to flashily sober me up!
  208. >Roman: Wow, so it's possible to be this free-spirited. Well just like in France, you'll have to use the back sides of your weapons!
  209. >Mashu: Uh... Un-Understood! We'll have to answer Captain Drake's request, Master!
  210. >You: Okay, let's do this! / Here we go!
  212. After the fight, Mashu can't believe how strong Drake is. Is she really an ordinary human? Roman is surprised too, but he confirms. Though he also notes that he's picking up a magical reading from her. Mashu wonders if Drake is a magus, if she was just born with the power needed to become a hero.
  214. For her part, Drake takes her loss well. Bonbe is worried, but Drake laughs she's fine. In a saying that doesn't translate that great, she says you can boil her, cook her, or embrace her, whatever you want. You decline each, which makes Mashu comment you didn't have to answer one-by-one.
  216. Drake says she'll hear you out now, but she's still curious. She guesses you need transportation, since there's something you want to find out here. But if you're so inexperienced with the seas, why would you rely on pirates?
  218. >You: It's got nothing to do with pirates. / We need Francis Drake.
  219. >Drake: Eh? ....Huuuh. Huuuh. Is thaaaat how it is.
  221. Drake asks you to tell her what you want already. You beat her, do you want her life now? Mashu decides to just ignore that and asks about the situation instead. Where exactly are you? Near England? Near Spain? In the Carribean? Drake apologizes, but she doesn't know either. Mashu can't believe Drake's crew was being so merry when they didn't even known something as important as that, but Drake says they had food and alcohol so they didn't care.
  223. Anyways, Drake officially surrenders and joins your crew. She calls for a toast, which Mashu is not too hot on. But Drake isn't taking no for an answer and drags her off, causing Mashu to call to you for help. Too bad for her you're busy talking with Roman about some weird readings he's getting. He figures it must be a malfunction, and resolves to retune the devices.
  225. Drake introduces you to the rest of her crew as two new crew members, before correcting herself and saying her group has joined yours.
  227. >Drake: Cheers!!
  228. >Pirate: Cheeeeers!
  229. >Mashu: Um, we don't really have time for this...
  230. >You: Can't be helped. / No other choice.
  231. >Mashu: Please don't be so adaptive!
  233. Mashu wants to take the ship out and scour the area for information, but Drake tells her not to be such a downer. After all, it's not like the treasure you're looking for is going to sprout legs and run. Mashu protests that if Drake's going to cooperate with you, she should at least try to understand your circumstanc- Drake interrupts and says she gets the general idea. There's something weird with this part of the ocean, what with all the crazy superhumans running around who can shrug off a direct hit from a bullet. Mashu realizes Drake is talking about Servants.
  235. Drake admits the whole situation is like a bad joke. There are jungles all over so she figures you're somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea, but the currents and the winds are all jumbled up so she can't tell for sure. The first thing she did was look around for continents, but she couldn't find any. And she couldn't find England either. Mashu is impressed at how much Drake has already understood.
  237. Drake reveals that she was planning on setting off again tomorrow. As pirates her crew aren't attached to the land very much, so they were planning on moving their base to whatever island they could find next. Today was supposed to be a festival to celebrate that, but then you and Mashu showed up. You apologize, but Drake laughs that you're a lucky omen.
  239. >Drake: From the looks of it, you could take a bullet or two too.
  240. >Mashu: I'd rather not test it out, but probably.
  242. Mashu is confused now. If Drake knew that Mashu was superhuman, why did she fight you? Drake cackles it was because it seemed fun. Mashu is appalled.
  244. Drake turns her attention to you and asks if you're the captain of your group. Mashu answers that it's something like that, which makes Drake very happy. She offers you a drink, saying that as fellow captains you should be friendly.
  246. Four freaks out and Mashu is stunned into silence.
  248. Meanwhile, you're apparently just chugging the drink down, since Drake compliments your drinking style.
  250. >Mashu: U-Um... Senpai?
  251. >You: What is it, Mashu?
  252. >Mashu: Th-The Holy Grail is...
  253. >Four: Four!
  254. >You: I know.
  255. >Mashu: Senpai, the Holy Grail!
  256. >You: It's very important we get it.
  257. >Mashu: No, not that. It's the Holy Grail.
  258. >You: We've been fighting for it up till now for everyone's sake!
  259. >Mashu: Uh, yes. ...Wait, Senpai, that's not it!
  260. >You: Do your best, Mashu!
  261. >Mashu: Senpai, how many fingers am I holding up?
  262. >You: There are two Mashus...
  263. >Mashu: Please pull yourself together! Senpai! The Holy Grail! Is right! In front! Of you!
  265. Drake asks why you're all staring at her, and jokingly wonders if she looks like someone you knew. Mashu points Drake's attention to the cup she's drinking out of, but that just makes Drake think Mashu has an eye on her beer mug. Drake admits it's pretty bad taste to drink out of something made of solid gold, but no matter how much she drinks out of it never seems to empty of liquor. And it's the strangest thing, but whenever she puts it on a table meat and fish just seem to come out of nowhere.
  267. Drake tries to claim she just came across the chance, but then one of her crew members calls BS and explains she got it in one hell of an adventure.
  269. >Pirate: For seven endless nights, a gigantic swirl of destruction ran rampant in the waters of the sea!
  270. >Pirate: And from the midst of that maelstrom rose the legendary sunken city, Atlantis!
  271. >Pirate: "The time has come. By the name of the twelve gods of Olympus, once more shall civilization be swept away by heavy floods...!"
  272. >Pirate: We got into a fight with a ginormous guy saying stuff like that, and when Boss managed to snatch that treasure she said, uh...
  273. >Pirate: That it seemed like some sort of crazy mistake, but now we're world-saving heroes!
  274. >Drake: Huuuuh? Was it really THAT big a story? To me it was just getting rid of a pest.
  275. >Drake: That huge guy called himself Poseidon. And as a sailor, I couldn't just let that go.
  276. >Drake: So he was just a pest. That's why I took his treasure too. And then that city sank into the whirlpool! It was the best!
  277. >Bonbe: Bwahahaha! That's the Boss for you! Good luck, bad luck, none of it means anything to her!
  278. >Bonbe: She'll stay single to her dying breath! Hey Boss, you sure you're not really a man?!
  279. >Drake: Ah, you're making me blush! Booze sure tastes great when you've gotten some new crew members! But Bonbe, you're going overboard in a barrel later!
  281. Drake orders her crew to start singing along to the Golden Hind's song, and they do. Meanwhile, Mashu and Four are standing off to the side in shock. Mashu can't believe what she's hearing, but she can tell that none of the pirates are lying. She tells you that it seems the collapse of the human order started in this era before you even got there... but Drake saved the day, also before you even got there. And the end result is...
  283. Cut to Drake for a bit, who notes that the Holy Grail went into her body again. She thinks she'll never get used to the feeling, but it makes her strong enough to take on those "invincible guys" (Servants) so she'll have to live with it.
  285. And back to Mashu. The end result is that now Drake holds the Holy Grail. Or to be more exact, since she saved the era, the Holy Grail chose Drake, so she is its true owner. Mashu calls for Roman, who hurriedly re-establishes comms. He apologizes for his brief absence, but he was trying to figure out what was wrong with his equipment. They kept saying the Holy Grail was right in front of your group for some reason. Mashu tells him that it really is there, and Roman is blown away. Then you drunkenly cheer that the case is closed, which blows Roman away for an entirely different reason.
  287. Back to the pirates, two of them bump into each other and proceed to start a fight. As the scene fades out, Drake tries to break it up while Mashu continues to stand to the side in utter disbelief of the situation.
  289. The next day, Mashu has apparently just finished explaining the situation to Drake. Drake's understanding is that you came to get her magic beer mu- er, the Holy Grail, and that once you have it you can return to your country. Well okay, you beat her and she did say she'd give you anything barring her life. She hands it over and compliments you for coming so far just to get it.
  291. Mashu gratefully receives the Grail and notes that now the singularity should resolve itself... Right? You point out that that doesn't seem to be the case, and she agrees. Mashu rings up Roman and asks if he's picking up any changes. He confirms nothing has happened, and observes that while the thing Drake picked up is certainly a Holy Grail, it doesn't seem to be as powerful as the ones you've come across so far. He theorizes that Drake's Grail was already in this era to begin with, and for that matter is a real one. Mashu asks if that means the Grails you've picked up thus far are something different, and Roman affirms.
  293. Roman reminds you that Lev sent out seven Holy Grails to cornerstones of the Human Order in an attempt to throw it into chaos. With Okeanos, though, it looks like there was a Holy Grail to begin with, and it chose Drake as its owner. Roman hypothesizes the reason why the sea is so chaotic is because the proper Holy Grail of the world saving Captain Drake and Lev's world ruining, shoved into this era Holy Grail are competing. So as long as Drake lives, the era won't crumble away. But on the flipside, the era won't be restored either until you retrieve Lev's Holy Grail.
  295. Mashu now understands the situation, and is relieved both because you're not under as much pressure as previous singularities and because your ultimate goal hasn't changed.
  297. >Drake: I'm hearing a weird voice again... Who are you talking to, Mashu?
  298. >Drake: Is that it? Are you raising a dwarf or something?
  299. >Mashu: No, it's nothing that lovely. The Doctor is... I know.
  300. >Mashu: He's talking to us from a distant land. Please think of him as a mysterious fairy.
  302. Drake is not very impressed at Roman for sending you and Mashu off to fight while he just relaxes at home.
  304. Anyways Drake asks if you were talking about how your mission's over, so Mashu explains how there's another Holy Grail and how if you don't get that one the sea will never return to normal. Drake asks if you're serious, and you confirm. Mashu does too, then hands Drake's Holy Grail back to her since in her words Drake ought to own it. Drake is a little embarrassed at how polite Mashu is being and does her best to courteously receive the Grail. She then sighs about how not only is this the first time she's handed treasure over so easily, but it's also the first time she's gotten it back so easily.
  306. Mashu asks Roman for advice on what to do now, which flusters him because he was still in the middle of thinking that over. He never thought something like this would happen, after all. Da Vinci takes this as her cue to cut in with a question of her own.
  308. >Da Vinci: Greetings, Francis Drake. I'm sorry for the sudden question, but do you have a wish?
  309. >Drake: A wish...?
  310. >Da Vinci: Well for example, you're a pirate. Wouldn't your wishes be about procuring some gold or silver treasure?
  311. >Drake: Yeah, I guess so. Are you saying this Holy Grail could make that wish come true?
  312. >Da Vinci: It's possible. Will you wish that?
  313. >Drake: No way, I'd never do that. Look, I'm a pirate, you know?
  314. >Drake: The hell kind of pirate just wishes for treasure? Sheesh, what a bad joke.
  315. >Drake: Treasure's something you get with your strength, wit, and courage.
  316. >Da Vinci: I see, I see. So you're saying that at the moment, your wishes only go as far as water, food, and security.
  317. >Da Vinci: After all, that's what's being fulfilled at the present.
  318. >Drake: ...I guess so, huh.
  320. Da Vinci explains that Drake's Holy Grail possesses the power to create the world she's in right now. But at the same time, the current appearance of the singularity isn't what Drake would've wished for. So that can only mean that there's someone else creating this world, someone else throwing Drake's sea and her era into chaos.
  322. >Da Vinci: Given that, isn't there only one thing to do? You must take back your world.
  324. Da Vinci points out your group, saying that the entire reason you're here is to resolve this situation. She reminds Drake of the "invincible guys" she was having trouble with, and sells you and Mashu as being professionals at dealing with them.
  326. Drake has a better grasp of the situation now, so she thanks Da Vinci for all the info.
  328. >Drake: By the way, who are you?
  329. >Da Vinci: Leonard da Vinci. A genius who died twenty years before you were even born.
  330. >Drake: Oh, okay. Never heard of you.
  331. >Da Vinci: Wh-What...?
  333. Drake steers the conversation to a different topic, and bemoans how she knew this world was all weird. There's not even any treasure in it. Mashu is a little exasperated that that's what Drake cares about, but then Roman excitedly interrupts to say that's there definitely treasure. You can ask what's got him so excited, but he'll ignore you.
  335. >Roman: This is a world, no, an era where the existence of pirates is something natural.
  336. >Roman: For better or for worse, it was inevitable that an era called the Age of Exploration would see the entire world greatly expanded, even circumnavigated.
  337. >Roman: The pioneers of the stars pinned their dreams on then unknown seas, on the other side of the endless horizon.
  338. >Roman: ...Yeah, so in other words, with "those kinds of thoughts" all gathered together, it wouldn't be a surprise to see some treasure too.
  339. >Drake: So basically, it's really here?! Enough gold, silver, and spices to load up my entire ship?
  340. >Roman: Yes. Doctor Roman guarantees it. There is, without a doubt, treasure!
  342. Drake is very excited now, and calls out to her crew that it's time to get drunk. Tomorrow's voyage is going to make everything up till now look like a cake walk, so she can't guarantee they'll come back alive. So that's why they better enjoy themselves while they can!
  344. >Drake: Gold and silver! Spices! Delicious booze! Unknown adventures! They're all waiting for us!
  345. >Pirate: Cheers!
  346. >Mashu: Wait, are you drinking AGAIN?
  347. >Pirate: Because~♪ That's what~♪ Pirates do~♪! You, me, we're all~♪ Pirateeeees♪!
  348. >Mashu: I told you, you don't need to siiiiiiing!
  350. Chapter 3: The Ghost Ship and a New Island
  352. Chapter 4: Lightning and Goddesses
  354. Chapter 5: Blackbeard's Disaster
  356. Chapter 6: The Hunter of Orion's Belt
  358. Chapter 7: Queen Anne's Revenge
  360. Chapter 8: A Fierce Battle
  362. Chapter 9: Chase the Dandy
  364. Chapter 10: The World's Oldest Pirate Ship
  366. Chapter 11: The Lost Ark
  368. Chapter 12: Defeat Heracles
  370. Chapter 13: An All-Out Battle
  372. Chapter 14: The Pioneer of the Stars
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