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- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- typedef long long ll;
- #define For(i, a, b) for(int i=a; i<b; i++)
- #define ffi For(i, 0, N)
- #define ffj For(j, 0, N)
- #define ffa ffi ffj
- #define s <<" "<<
- #define c <<" : "<<
- #define w cout
- #define e "\n"
- #define pb push_back
- #define mp make_pair
- #define a first
- #define b second
- #define int ll
- //500,000,000 operations
- const int MAXN = 1500, MOD=1000000007;
- //Global Variables
- int N, M, X, Y, cnt[MAXN][2501], tree[MAXN], N2, sum[MAXN], dp_old[2501], sum_old, dp[2501], nsum;
- vector<pair<int, int> > adj[MAXN];
- void go_tree(int at) {
- if (tree[at] != -1) return;
- tree[at] = N2;
- for (auto i: adj[at]) go_tree(i.a);
- }
- void get_len(int at, int d, int p, bool good=true) {
- if (good) {
- if (d < Y) cnt[tree[at]][d]++;
- else {
- cnt[tree[at]][Y]++;
- sum[tree[at]] += d;
- }
- }
- for (auto i: adj[at]) if (i.a != p) get_len(i.a, d+i.b, at);
- }
- main() {
- //ifstream cin ("");
- ifstream cin(""); ofstream cout("mooriokart.out");
- ios_base::sync_with_stdio; cin.tie(0);
- cin >> N >> M >> X >> Y;
- Y = Y-(N-M)*X; Y = max(Y, (int)0);
- For (j, 0, M) {int a, b, d; cin >> a >> b >> d; a--; b--; adj[a].pb(mp(b, d)); adj[b].pb(mp(a, d));}
- ffi tree[i] = -1;
- ffi if (tree[i] == -1) {go_tree(i); N2++;} /// floodfill trees
- ffi {
- /// start at node i
- get_len(i, 0, -1, false);
- }
- sum[0] /= 2; For (j, 0, Y+1) cnt[0][j] /= 2; /// every path should only be counted once
- For (i, 0, N2) sum[i] %= MOD;
- //For (i, 0, N2) {w<< "i:" s i+1 c sum[i]<<e; For (j, 0, 10) if (cnt[i][j] != 0) w<< j s cnt[i][j]<<e;}
- For (i, 0, Y+1) dp[i] = cnt[0][i]; nsum = sum[0];
- For (j, 1, N2) {
- /// move to old
- For (i, 0, Y+1) {dp_old[i] = dp[i]; dp[i] = 0;} sum_old = nsum; nsum = 0;
- /// knapsack
- For (i, 0, Y) if (cnt[j][i] != 0) For (p, 0, Y) if (dp_old[p] != 0) {
- /// combine i & p
- if (i+p < Y) {
- dp[i+p] += cnt[j][i]*dp_old[p];
- dp[i+p] %= MOD;
- }
- else {
- dp[Y] += cnt[j][i]*dp_old[p];
- dp[Y] %= MOD;
- nsum += dp_old[p]*cnt[j][i]*(i+p);
- nsum %= MOD;
- }
- }
- /// previous N-1 >= Y
- For (p, 0, Y) {
- dp[Y] += dp_old[Y]*cnt[j][p];
- dp[Y] %= MOD;
- nsum += cnt[j][p]*p*dp_old[Y] + sum_old*cnt[j][p];
- nsum %= MOD;
- }
- /// current >= Y
- For (i, 0, Y) {
- dp[Y] += cnt[j][Y]*dp_old[i];
- dp[Y] %= MOD;
- nsum += dp_old[i]*i*cnt[j][Y] + sum[j]*dp_old[i];
- nsum %= MOD;
- }
- /// i = p = Y
- dp[Y] += cnt[j][Y]*dp_old[Y];
- dp[Y] %= MOD;
- nsum += sum_old*cnt[j][Y] + sum[j]*dp_old[Y];
- nsum %= MOD;
- }
- //w<< nsum s dp[Y]<<e;
- nsum += X*(N-M)*dp[Y];
- assert(nsum >= 0);
- nsum %= MOD;
- //w<< nsum<<e;
- int mul = N-M-1;
- For (i, 1, mul+1) {
- nsum *= i;
- nsum %= MOD;
- }
- w<< nsum<<e;
- }
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