
Enter Noah Silverman

Feb 19th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph led Noah into the house after picking him up from the airport, immediately leaning down to stop Penny from running out the door. "Just close the door behind you before the dog runs out." She spoke, waiting for the door to be closed before releasing her. "Your room is over here." She turned down the hall and walked down to the guest room, stepping inside and gesturing over the room. // Noah trudged into the house with an oversized hockey bag being dragged behind him, his skateboard strapped to the front of it as he kicked the front door closed with his ratty sneaker which was definitely held together with duct tape, his shaggy brown hair popping out from underneath his hat. Hauling himself down the hall with his things to follow her, he made his way into the guest room, dropping his bag down on the floor and glancing around. "I guess this is fine."-
  2. Covet: Felix had been outside glaring at the snow, he wasn't really sure he liked it. At all. It was one thing to be cold.. but this was cold and wet and miserable and made his already frequent smoking habbit. He heard Penny start barking as Steph and who he assumed was Noah, coming in behind her. He finished off his cigarette and made his way inside. "How was the airport?" He asked making his way over to the spare bedroom.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "Crowded." She said in a short voice because being in the car with Noah on their way back was already frustrating because he's annoying. When Felix came to the guest room, she stepped to the side, gesturing toward him. "Noah, this is my boyfriend Felix. Felix, this is my cousin Noah." // Noah picked up his bag to shove it onto the bed before turning around to look at Felix wearing an outfit that was far too similiar to his own, sending him a quick head nod in true 17 year old teenage boy 'I'm too cool' fashion. "Hey."-
  4. Covet: Felix pulled a toothpick out of his pocket and put it in his mouth as he looked the kid over, "What's up?" He asked, with a dude nod of recognition. He put his arm around Steph's shoulder. " So you give him the run down on the ride home or?" He asked her raising his eyebrows.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "And what run down would that be?" She asked him as she leaned into him, tipping her head upward to look into Felix's face. // Noah shrugged his shoulders casually before crossing his arms over his chest. "Prepared to check out Portland tomorrow while you guys are off in class or whatever."-
  6. Covet: "That we have school, and he was going to be on his own. And that any brownies in the house are mine and that I've licked them to make sure?" He asked Steph with a grin.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Steph immediately rolled her eyes, giving Felix's side a pat. "I'm not going to be responsible for your brownies. That is your own doing." She turned to look at Noah, taking a step backward. "Just get yourself settled and I'll make your something to eat, okay?" She asked before spinning around to walk out of the bedroom, making her way into the kitchen to start on some nuggets and fries for him. // Noah waited until Steph was out of the room and most likely out of earshot before opening his mouth again. "So where do like... all the girls hangout in Portland?" He asked quickly and without any fucking tact.-
  8. Covet: "Well, the college is typically a good place to find them. In a pretty good variety too." Felix said, "outside of that? The bar typically has an obnoxious gaggle that sounds about as bad as I do, at karaoke. But... I don't think you're supposed to be going there." Felix said trying to think.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Arranging extra nuggets and fries on the baking sheet because she imagined Felix would want some too, she stuck the pan in the oven and looked down at Harvey who magically appears in the kitchen whenever anyone is there doing things because possibly food. "No, Harvey. Not yours." // Noah nodded and dug into the side pocket of his bag for a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out to pinch between his lips before digging around in the pocket of his jeans for his lighter and igniting the end of it. "Sounds like I'll be checking out the campus tomorrow then. Are you guys out of here early?" He asked as he inhaled off his cigarette.-
  10. Covet: "Dude.. First of all... if you expect to live to see tomorrow, Smoking outside only." Felix told him and went to open the window, "Secondly can I get a drag before you put it out? We can chat outside though." He said, "I'm usually out of here by ten thirty eleven, Steph heads out pretty early though.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned down to pick up Harvey to stroke his fur, walking around to the living room to set him down on the couch before calling out. "Nuggets and fries in ten minutes!" // Noah rolled his eyes at Felix with a huff, walking over to the now open window before holding the cigarette out to Felix. "Coming out here is supposed to be fun so if you guys are going to be my mom the entire time I'm here, tell me now and I'll make myself scarce."-
  12. Covet: "Thanks Red!" He called out then looked at Noah, taking the cigarette from him to take a drag, before handing it back, " We're not trying to be your mom, it's just being respectful of your host's house. Don't be a dick." He said with a laugh. "Though.. making yourself scarce wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing from time to time. You know.. since.. we're dating.. and the things that entail."
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Steph walked back over into the kitchen and pulled the pan out of the oven, setting it down on top of the stove and turning the oven off. "Food!" // Noah put the cigarette back to his mouth to take another drag, kind of stalling on putting it out because he wanted to smoke as much of it as possible. "Yeah, but this is my Winter break vacation so..." He trailed off, inhaling on the cigarette again. He raised his brows at Felix, his head cocking to one side. "Yeah? Do you guys like, hook up all the time? Does she have hot friends?" He asked quickly and a little too excitedly because teenage boy, his eyes glancing toward the door when he heard her call out for food.-
  14. Covet: "Coming!" Felix called out, "One more..." He said holding his hand out for the cigarette, taking another drag from it then intentionally put it out, "I'm not going to get myself in trouble for telling you shit you don't need to know." He said with a laugh, "But I think most of her friends are taken to some extent or another."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Grabbing a couple of plates, she set them down on the counter and started to divide nuggets and fries into the two plates, grabbing the ketchup from the fridge to set it down on the counter. // Noah sighed when Felix took his cigarette, dropping his arms down to his sides. "I'm not worried if they're taken." Which he should be because he has no game at all. He started for the door of the bedroom and walked out into the living room, dropping down onto a stool at the counter and pulling one of the plates in front of him. "So you're not going to wake me when you get up in the morning, right?" He asked, immediately picking up the ketchup to squeeze into his plate.-
  16. Covet: "I'm not going to do anything different than I normally do, if I happen to wake you up, that's just too damn bad. I can't really hear how loud I'm being most days.
  17. Covet: "[DAMMIT!]
  18. Covet: *most days." Felix said also getting in on the nugget action. " I never hear Steph though, so you should be fine." He added. Being a smart ass because there was a reason he couldn't hear her.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Steph shot Felix a quick look because fucking smartass before grabbing a couple of forks to shove at them. "Don't use your hands. And wipe your fingers when you're done." She took a step back, leaning her back against the cabinet. "I'll try to be as quiet as possible, but I get ready on the opposite side of the house from you so you shouldn't hear us. But there's a few basic ground rules while you're staying here that should go without saying. The first is keep the door locked. Whether you're in the house or not, I want the door locked. And make sure you shut the door behind you because I don't want anyone running outside." She paused, her hands sliding over the front of her skirt. "Common courtesy. Clean up after yourself, yada yada yada. Don't be an asshole. And don't get me in trouble with your mother. I'm supposed to be responsible for you so if i'm not around, second in command is Felix. So be respectful." She eyed him because she knows he's an angsty little shit. // Noah sighed and picked up the fork like it was agony to use a fork, stabbing at his nuggets to dunk in ketchup and shove in his mouth. "Okay, but you know I'm not ten, right? I'll be fine on my own. Just because you guys aren't here doesn't mean I can't fend for myself. I got this."-
  20. Covet: Felix looked at the fork took it and set it down, because fuck that noise nuggets and fries are finger food, what is this fork bullshit. Picking another nugget up he dipped it in the ketchup and ate the nugget whole, before wiping his hand on his pants like some sort of heathen. "The door is a very serious rule though, dude. Portland has some sketchy shit that happens."
  21. Alexithymiaa: -She glared at Felix and his defiance, pursing her lips. "If you get grease on anything, I'll stab you with the fork you're deliberately not using." She spoke in monotone before looking to Noah. "Portland sucks. Seriously. So if you're not locking the door, we're going to have a problem. And definitely stay out of downtown Portland by yourself. Do you even know where downtown is?" She asked with a wince, realizing he'd never been here before, slowly turning to look at Felix. "Maybe tomorrow you should stick with me until you get Portland a little bit.." // Noah watched Felix eat with his hands, lowering his fork to the counter and diving back in with his fingers, following suit. "Okay, okay. Lock the door. I get it." His eyes snapped up to look at Steph in serious face. "I'm not getting up early so you can drag me to your classes all day because you think I cant handle being home alone for a few hours."-
  22. Covet: Reaching for the fork he moved it to the other side of his plate away from her, "I thought you said we weren't supposed to talk about our kinks in front of your cousin." He asked with a brazen and shameless look on his face, he was asking to be smacked. "I've only got class for a few hours tomorrow, then I've got basketball practice, but between the two, I could drive you around show you about." Felix said with a casual shrug. "That way you don't have to worry about a thing Red," He smiled at her.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She narrowed her eyes at him and his fucking remark, shaking her head. "You're asking for trouble, Arizona." Pushing her hands up through her hair, she cocked her head to one side. "Why don't you take him to basketball with you? That way maybe he can meet some of the guys." // Noah continuously shoved food into his mouth, looking between the two. "Really, I'm fine to just be by myself. You don't need to drag me around anywhere."-
  24. Covet: "Don't I every day?" He asked with a smirk twitching his eyebrows at her still with that cocky smirk. " Sure I could take him, at the very least it's at the campus, so if you get bored watching us at practice you can check out the school, see what you think?" Felix asked Noah.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Uhuh..." She mumbled as she turned to pick up the baking pan, setting it down in the sink to wash it. "We don't need to, but again, I'm responsible for you so as long as i'm responsible for you, you're going to spend the day with us tomorrow." // "So I have to spend my night watching a bunch of dudes grab assing?" He asked with pure disdain, finishing off his nuggets and wiping his hands on his jeans. "I guess I can go with you and just explore the campus or whatever."-
  26. Covet: "Cool then that will be the plan. We don't grab ass, that's the football team. We're trying to whip a handful of people into shape since we lost half our team, So mostly it's Me and Remy and a couple other guys ganging up on the newbies. Making them run drills and shit. " Felix told him.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "This isn't really a negotiation. You're going, get over it." Drying her hands on the dish towel, she turned around to look at them. "Now unlike you guys, I need to be awake in three hours, so I'm done. Make sure those plates find their way to the sink." Taking a deep breath, she walked out of the kitchen and into her bedroom to close the door behind her, dropping onto the bed and groaning into her hands. //Noah was still not interested in basketball at all. "Stil sounds kind of weak. You don't even wear any gear when you run drills." He cracked up, waving at Steph as she went off to her room. "Does she ever smile? Or laugh? Or do anything fun at all?"-
  28. Covet: "Have you seen court burns when someone runs into you? That shit hurts. And we catch plenty of elbows unseen by the refs for foul shots. It's not football, but they use helmets and shit so it's not like they're doing that shit full on either." Felix scoffed. "Plus.. Me and Bryan had plenty of full contact last year. So it could be interesting." Felix said then nodded his head, "Yeah, I get her to do it a lot. She just doesn't want you to irritate the shit out of her, so.. don't do that and just be chill. You'll see it."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Try getting hit in the face with a stick, then maybe we'll have something to talk about." He slipped off his stool with all intentions of leaving his plate on the counter until the morning, rolling his shoulders back. "Me? Irritate the shit out of her? Yeah, okay." He rolled his eyes for the millionth time since he stepped foot in the house. "I guess I'll go to bed then. Jet lag and whatever. And I'll see you tomorrow." He turned around started back for the guest room, giving a little jump over Harley who was running by to avoid kicking her.-
  30. Covet: "Fist..Fists, ball, stick well.. thick stick, small log... rollerblade, cactus... I could continue the list if you want. But yeah.. jet lag. Later dude." He said then grabbed the plates to put them in the sink properly because HE wasn't THAT big of a jack ass, and really it was just a plate, no big deal. He then made his way into the bedroom to lay down and snuggle up to Steph even though he'd already been a jack ass.
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