
Spa Twins (ST) (Oedipus)

Feb 17th, 2013
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  1. It’s been a long day working the Ponyville Spa, and being the only Spa in town proves to be both a blessing and a curse with lots of ponies coming in, along with their bits
  3. Lotus is cleaning up the massage rooms, putting away the assorted lotions and oils for later use while her sister Aloe is counting the day’s profits
  5. Aloe and Lotus are both identical twins, with their only difference being the fact that their mane and coat colors are inverted, with Aloe having a pink coat with a blue mane, while her sister Lotus has a blue coat and pink mane. They have been running the Ponyville spa for years, providing their customers with the best experience they can provide for rest and relaxation, for the right price of course.
  7. >”Aloe! Can you come help me with the cleanup over here?”
  9. Ok Lotus, I’m done here!
  11. With this, the Pink pony quickly trots to her sister to help with the arrangement; however what greets her as she comes into the room is her sister’s flank in the air, whose owner is busy organizing bottles in the lower cabinets
  13. Aloe blushes at the sight and quickly averts her eyes focusing on the mess of bottles on a nearby counter
  15. The sisters continue their work in silence with Aloe taking the occasional glance at Lotus to see her progress and comparing her body to her own, however she avoids looking at her sister’s flank
  17. Aloe knows something is off; she has been looking at her sister more and more for the past two months, but has been largely ignoring it, passing it off as sisterly love and admiration
  19. However lately she has caught herself staring a little longer than usual, especially at night when they are “asleep”, a task that isn’t hard due to the fact they share a room, but sleep in different beds right next to each other
  21. Aloe however knows that isn’t right; a sister shouldn’t be looking at her twin with this kind of obsession
  23. As she looks back though, she and her sister do everything together, work, shop, eat, go out, etc. So it’s obvious that they have a very close relationship, however she wants more, more time together, more closeness, more conversations, more everything.
  25. She once again shoves these thoughts into the back of her mind as she finishes her tasks and the room is cleaned
  27. >”Well alright Aloe, I’m going to make us some dinner, you want to hit the shower?”
  29. Sure Lotus, I’ll see you in a bit
  31. With this Aloe moves to the twins personal bathroom in the living space the twins have set up in the back of the spa
  33. Upon entering the small room, Aloe begins her personal care routine, composing of a shower, mane styling, hoof care, etc. However as she brushes her coat she accidentally presses too hard on her cutie mark, eliciting a slight moan
  35. Aloe soon notices that she has not gotten “relief” in days and decides to take care of that while she is alone
  37. She begins to brush her cutie mark once again with much more force and continues to rub it all across her body, soon discarding the brush to use her bare hooves
  39. As her rubbing begins to approach her nethers she begins to conjure up mental images to help the process along
  41. Stallions, mares, and other kinks flash before her closed eyes as she attempts to extract a climax from herself, but nothing does the trick
  43. At this Aloe gets frustrated and her thoughts wander to her sister, which to her surprise starts working, with an orgasm fast approaching
  45. She begins to lose herself and quickly reaches for a nearby bottle of body wash that she immedietly inserts into her marehood in an attempt to speed things up
  47. A few seconds later, she starts convulsing as an orgasm overtakes her, inner walls clenching the bottle and producing fluids, making a small mess of the bathroom floor
  49. After she calms down a little and cleans up, Aloe stumbles out of the bathroom, still in the aftermath of her unusually strong orgasm
  51. She quickly recovers and makes her way to the kitchen eager to eat something after all that physical activity
  53. However she stops dead in her tracks as she remembers what she just got off to, blushing intensely in the process
  55. ……..Uh…oh…..
  57. >”Aloe! Dinner’s ready!”
  59. *gulp*
  61. Aloe tried very hard to finish dinner fast, blowing off all conversation attempts by Lotus with generic responses and awkward looks, but eventually she got through it all and left a very confused Lotus behind as she mentions that she is going to bed
  63. >”Well that’s odd, Aloe is acting really jitterish, maybe she could use a massage! Yes, I’ll bring that up later, she looks like she needs it”
  65. With this, a satisfied Lotus cleaned up and headed to the bathroom, however as she approached the bathroom she caught a whiff of a very strong and sort of musky scent that she soon recognized
  67. >”Where have I smelled this before…..Wait……Oh dear *blush* Aloe must have…..done stuff….during her shower”
  69. Deciding to give the strong scent some time to dissipate, Lotus noticed that she was also aroused by the familiar scent, her body getting hotter and her nethers getting wetter
  71. She needed to get off, and soon
  73. Lotus however cursed herself for sharing the same room as her Aloe, which prevented her from having the privacy to masturbate, however she remembered the musky bathroom that started all of this and reluctantly decided to make use of it
  75. She quickly splayed herself out in the shower and began to hastily rub herself, eager to finish this as quickly as possible
  77. The fact that scent was from her SISTER however put her off a little bit, making her feel dirty, but she needed release, and she needed it soon, so she continued on, moaning and grunting as she continued
  79. A few minutes later she got what she wanted and got release through a very strong orgasm that after coming down from Lotus cleaned up, from which afterwards she took her own shower
  81. After all that was done Lotus’s head was heavy with guilt from the fact that she technically just got off to her sister
  83. She was definitely not looking forward to sleeping in the same room as Aloe, but to her relief she was asleep, and with this Lotus went to bed, remembering to offer her a massage tomorrow, all the while a few lingering thoughts about what happened in the bathroom, and her sister remained. But for now she needed to rest, tomorrow was not going to be a busy day, but she still liked her rest
  85. However Aloe was not asleep, she was awake and was for a while, and as it turns out she heard everything that went on in the bathroom
  87. Aloe’s breathing was slightly ragged with her face sporting a massive blush, almost not believing what she just heard
  89. What troubled her more though was her desire to join her sister and help her along, teasing her, rubbing her…..kissing her
  91. Right there Aloe knew she was in deep trouble, she was attracted to her sister and she hated herself for that, it was not normal, a sister should not be fantasizing about her sister
  93. Aloe decided she had enough, she had to clear the air about this and she had to do it soon, otherwise she risked it would fester and turn into some deeper psychological issues……well deeper than what she probably already had
  95. But for now she sleep, with the impure thoughts still lingering in her dreams, needless to say, she had a good/bad sleep
  97. The next morning was the day the spa was closed for the day, which the twins took advantage of to sleep in, however as their wakeup time approached, both sisters were in deep thought about what to do with their discoveries on each other
  99. Aloe was still dead set on telling Lotus what was going on, and Lotus was still in turmoil over what to feel about the fact that she technically got off to her sister.
  101. Lotus however remembered that Aloe was stressed since yesterday and decided to give her a massage, which will also allow her to be close to her sister and allow her to explore her thoughts based on physical contact to see if anything would arise as it did yesterday in the bathroom
  103. When they both got up and ready Lotus approached her sister
  105. >”Hey Aloe, uhm…I’ve noticed you were acting a little more wound up than usual, and I’m wondering if you want a massage
  107. Aloe was unnerved; she was just offered a massage by her sister who has been in her mind for the last day in some very intimate situations
  109. However the idea of being so close to Lotus was also attractive
  111. “Sure Lotus, that actually sounds wonderful”
  113. >”Wonderful! Go get your favorite oils and lotions; I’ll meet you in the massage room”
  115. While Aloe collected the required materials, Lotus made her way to the massage tables while she prepped, also making a mental note to bring up her thoughts about them at some point, possibly the middle of the session would be best
  117. Meanwhile, Aloe was nervous, she silently debated with herself to put off telling Lotus anything, but the fact that they were going to be in a very intimate situation soon put too much of a strain and she planned.
  119. Halfway through the massage she would stop Lotus and just blurt it out
  121. “What’s the worst that can happen anyway? She will probably understand right? Right?”
  123. As soon as Aloe collected her supplies and arrived at the tables she laid down just as fast to avoid making eye contact and let Lotus get to work
  125. Lotus took notice of Aloes arrival and began her work on Aloes back, liberally using the oils Aloe brought with her
  127. As good as that felt though, Aloe got even tense as Lotus’s hooves made contact
  129. >”Wow Aloe, you’re REALLY stressed aren’t you; your back is carrying a lot of tension, is there something wrong? You can tell me you know, I’d like to help you if you’ll let me”
  131. “Uhm, nono, I’m fine”
  133. >”Aloe, your my sister, we both know everything about each other, and I know your lying to me, I want to help you, don’t push me out”
  135. Aloe knew she was pretty much done for, she was terrible under pressure
  137. “I can’t say ok? I just can’t”
  140. >”No Aloe, you aren’t getting away, I’m not letting my own sister buckle under stress when I have a chance to help, at least tell me what’s wrong, you’ve been acting really weird lately, just tell me!”
  142. Aloe got up began to tear up “I can’t! You’ll hate me!”
  144. >”Nothing you ever do will make me hate you, I don’t care if you stole some bits, killed somep0ny, robbed a…”
  146. Aloe had enough, she broke, and in the process even more hidden and forced back feelings manifested themselves in her panic
  148. “I LOVE YOU OK?!”
  150. >”I love you too Aloe, but you’re not getting away fro…..”
  152. “No Lotus you don’t understand I…..Oh buck this…..”
  154. Aloe got up and slowly approached Lotus
  156. >”Aloe, what are you doing?....”
  158. When she finally approached Lotus, Aloe just grabbed her in a half-hug and kissed her right on the lips
  160. She didn’t know what she was doing, she didn’t know why she was suddenly kissing her sister, but she wasn’t complaining
  162. It only lasted a few seconds, but it had such a powerful effect on both sisters, that they were panting when their quick kiss ended
  164. >”Aloe…What did you do….Why….”
  166. Aloe was also in shock, she knew what she just did, but her head was a jumbled mess of emotions, she could not formulate a clear response, she didn’t even know she was still holding Lotus either
  168. A few seconds later, Lotus broke the stillness and fully hugged Aloe, she didn’t think of scolding Lotus for what she did, she was her sister and she loved her, she understood what Aloe wanted, she would find a way to let her down and help her work through it
  170. But…..She liked it
  172. The kiss wasn’t even that open, but it still felt so right, Aloe was a pony she loved, and this was just a way of showing ones love for somep0ny else
  174. She should be repulsed, yet she isn’t
  176. Is her subconscious trying to tell her something?
  178. Lotus didn’t know what to do, she just held Aloe until finally the pink pony calmed down enough to speak up
  180. “Oh Celestia….A-Aloe I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me!”
  182. >”Shh…it’s ok, you didn’t do anything wrong, it’s ok…”
  184. “Lotus, I just kissed you in a way I shouldn’t have! You have every right to get mad, look, I’ll just go until this settles down ok so…”
  186. Lotus cut Aloe off by shoving her hoof in her mouth, signaling that she has something to say
  188. >”Look, I understand why you did it, I’m not saying it’s wrong or anything, we both love each other very much but……”
  190. Lotus’s mind was beginning to buzz with different things to say
  192. >”I share your feelings”
  194. “Wait what?!”
  196. Lotus didn’t know what she just said either; she went wide eyed and began to stammer
  198. From here her subconscious decided to take over
  200. >”We are perfect together, we do everything as a pair, we depend on one another for everything, we share homes, work, life, I…guess I also love you much more than a sister…. And frankly I don’t understand it either… I didn’t know I felt this way….”
  202. “So….what do we do now?”
  204. >”Let’s explore this”
  206. ”bluh..huh?”
  208. Lotus giggled and gently wrapped her tail around Aloes neck leading her to their shared bedroom
  210. “C’mon, let’s go see where we can go from here”
  212. When the sisters got to their room Lotus gently led Aloe to one of the beds and laid down next to each other
  214. They didn’t do anything at first opting for a small embrace a little later while patiently listening to each other’s heartbeats
  216. Finally Aloe took lead and planted a full open mouth kiss on Lotus, who while surprised at such a brash move, didn’t reject it
  218. Their sloppy makeout lasted for a good 5 minutes with short pauses to breathe, both Aloe and Lotus already lost to the passion by now, their bodies refusing to let them stop
  220. Lotus eventually broke the kiss and forced Aloe down on her back, straddling her while beginning to grind their bellies together
  222. After staring at each other for a few seconds with half lidded eyes Lotus lowered herself down and whispered in Aloes ear
  224. >”If you want me to stop say so, I don’t want to force you to do anything alright?”
  226. “o-ok”
  228. Lotus began to nuzzle and suckle on Aloes neck, earning her grunts of approval from the pinned down pink pony
  230. She wasted no time in getting to it though; she shoved her hoof between Aloes hind legs and began to rub, eliciting a yelp and a low deep moan from the pink pony at the sudden intrusion
  232. Her assault continued with her free hoof rubbing her sister’s cutie mark further pleasuring the pink mare to the point she could barely hold back her moans of approval
  234. Aloe was getting close, the sheer wrongness of being molested by her own sister just made it much more hot, she was close, so close
  236. Lotus stopped
  238. Aloe whimpered in response, looking at Lotus, silently asking why she stopped
  240. Lotus giggled and quickly licked Aloes cheek also began to move down, Aloe gasping in anticipation at what she knew was next
  242. She soon felt a soft breath in her lower regions, blowing on her now excited, bloated lower lips, followed by a painfully slow lick on her outer marehood
  244. Aloe grunted as she felt Lotus’s tongue play with her lips, gently holding them open with a hoof while she licked her entrance, clit and button in quick succession
  246. Lotus was enjoying hearing her sister grunt, moan and squeak as she licked different parts of her sisters marehood in different ways, relishing in the taste of the slowly increasing flow of juices making themselves apparent from the slightly convulsing vaginal entrance
  248. However, her own needs were starting to frustrate her the more she serviced her sister, but she put Aloes needs first and pledged to finish her off
  250. She began to pick up the pace; now inserting her tongue into Aloes inner sanctum in a thrusting motion, such as a stallion would, eliciting louder moans from her sister and a bigger stream of juices she felt around her tongue, Aloe was REALLY close
  252. Right as she felt aloe begin to orgasm she stopped, forcing Aloe to teeter on the edge, earning Lotus a deep grunt of frustration that had a tinge of begging
  254. Lotus got up and began to rub Aloe with her hoof again in small circles before inserting the edge of her hoof between Aloes bloated lips, and from here she then began to insert her hoof into her sisters’ entrance
  256. Aloe grunted in pain at first as she felt Lotus’s hoof be slowly but forcefully inserted in her, but as she felt more and more of the intrusion enter her, it turned into pure pleasure that after a few seconds blew her over the edge
  258. Lotus felt aloes walls clamp down around her hoof, followed by a torrent of juices that coated a part of her foreleg
  260. She let Aloe finish her orgasm with her hoof inside her, enjoying the feeling of Aloes insides gently squeezing on her hoof, milking it for a nonexistent seed, but after a few minutes she withdrew her hoof and left Aloe to rest, she had plans for later
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