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- Prefix: "&2&lParkour &6\u2771"
- Errors:
- ConsoleError: "&cCommand can be performed only via Player!"
- NoPermissions: "&cYou are not permitted to use this command!"
- WrongCommandUsage:
- Unexpected: "&cAn unexpected error has occurred!\n&6\u25CF &7Please check the console for more info."
- Implementation: "&cIt seems that method &2{method} &chas wrong parameters.\n&6\u25CF &7Please check the implementation."
- Unsupported: "&cWrong usage of command!\n&6\u25CF &7Unsupported command sequence"
- Hint:
- Common: "&cWrong usage of command!\n&6\u25CF &7&lHINT &6\u00BB &2{replacement}"
- Tab: "&cWrong usage of command!\n&6\u25CF &7&lHINT &6\u00BB &2{replacement}\n&6\u25CF &7&lHINT &6\u00BB &2Use Tab to complete command sequence"
- PrimitiveDataType:
- Integer: "&cCannot parse value &2{value} &cto number!"
- Double: "&cCannot parse value &2{value} &cto decimal number!"
- Range: "&cValue &2{value} &cis out of range!\n&6\u25CF &7Allowed range &6\u00BB &2<{min}; {max}>"
- Player:
- Missing: "&cRequired information is missing!\n&6\u25CF &7Please, try to re-log\n&6\u25CF &7We apologize for the inconvenience"
- Map:
- NotAssigned: "&cCannot find map your are playing!"
- Data:
- Missing: "&cCannot find personal data of map &2{map_name}&c!"
- ProtocolException: "&cAn unexpected error occurred!\n&6\u25CF &7Please contact staff"
- GlobalLocation:
- SpawnPoint:
- Missing: "&cGlobal SpawnPoint is missing, yet!\n&6\u25CF &7Please contact staff to resolve this problem!"
- CommandUsage: "&cUsing commands while you are in the map or event is not allowed!"
- Map:
- Global:
- NotExist: "&cMap &2{map_name} &cdoes not exist!"
- Capacity: "&cNot enough space in map &2{map_name}&c!"
- Location:
- Missing: "&cThere is required to keep map &2{map_name} &cunder maintenance!\n&6\u25CF &7At least one of LocationPoints are missing"
- Player:
- Swap: "&cAn unexpected situation occurred!\n&6\u25CF &7Please, try to re-log\n&6\u25CF &7We apologize for the inconvenience"
- Already:
- In: "&cYou are already here!"
- Rank: "&cCannot join map &2{map_name}&c!\n&6\u25CF &7Required Rank &6\u00BB &2{required_rank} &7(&2{rank_points} {declension_rank_point}&7)"
- Fall: "&cYou have fallen down!\n&6\u25CF &7You have been moved to last saved position."
- Suspicious:
- Air: "&cA suspicious behaviour was detected while playing this map!\n&6\u25CF &7Too much time in the air!"
- Create:
- Pattern: "&cValue &2{value} &ccontains not allowed chars!\n&6\u25CF &7Allowed chars &6\u00BB &2{pattern}\n &6\u25CF &7Any Letters or Digits or Underscore\n &6\u25CF &7Max length 32 characters"
- Already:
- Exist: "&cMap &2{map_name} &calready exists!"
- Exception:
- File: "&cAn error at creating Map file occurred!\n&6\u25CF &7{error}"
- Protocol: "&cAn error at creating Map occurred!\n&6\u25CF &7{error}"
- Maintenance:
- Required: "&cMap &2{map_name} &cis not under maintenance!\n&6\u25CF &7To customize map, maintenance is required."
- Active: "&cMap &2{map_name} &cis under maintenance!"
- Under:
- Already: "&cMap &2{map_name} &cis already under maintenance!"
- Not: "&cMap &2{map_name} &cis not under maintenance!"
- SettingUp: "&cCannot join map &2{map_name} &cwhile it is setting up!"
- Leave: "&cDue to setting map &2{map_name} under maintenance, you were moved out from this map."
- Point:
- CheckPoint:
- OutOfRange: "&cMap &2{map_name} &cdoes not contain CheckPoint &2#{order}&c!"
- Unexpected: "&cAn unexpected error occurred at map &2{map_name}!\n&6\u25CF &7CheckPoint &2#{order} &7was not found!"
- List:
- MapDifficulty:
- None: "&cThis Difficulty is not allowed to use here!"
- MapCategory:
- None: "&cThis Category is not allowed to use here!"
- Order: "&cCannot find Category or Difficulty under &2{value}&c!"
- Reload:
- Options: "&cA critical error occurred! Check options file! Disabling plugin..."
- Stats:
- Request:
- Target:
- Offline: "&cPlayer &2{player} &cis not online!\n&6\u25CF &7Cannot display his stats, yet."
- Format:
- UUID: "&cInvalid &2UUID&7!"
- Nick: "&cInvalid &2Nick&7!"
- Map:
- None: "&c\u25CF &7No stats, yet!"
- Component:
- NotFound: "&cComponent of type &2{type} &cwas not found!"
- None: "&c\u25CF &7No stats, yet!"
- Success:
- GlobalLocation:
- SpawnPoint:
- Create: "&7Global SpawnPoint was successfully saved!"
- Map:
- Create: "&7Map &2{map_name} &7was successfully created!\n&6\u25CF &7Now, you need to customize basic settings."
- Delete: "&7Map &2{map_name} &7was successfully removed!"
- Point:
- Start: "&7Start of map &2{map_name} &7saved!"
- Finish: "&7Finish of map &2{map_name} &7saved!"
- CheckPoint:
- New: "&7CheckPoint &2#{order} &7of map &2{map_name} &7saved!"
- Update: "&7CheckPoint &2#{order} &7of map &2{map_name} &7updated!"
- Remove: "&7CheckPoint &2#{order} &7of map &2{map_name} &7removed!"
- Action:
- Leave: "&7LeavePoint of map &2{map_name} &7saved!"
- Finish: "&7AfterFinishPoint of map &2{map_name} &7saved!"
- Figure:
- Link: "&7ArmorStand successfully linked with map &2{map_name}&7!"
- Unlink: "&7Figure successfully unlinked from map &2{map_name}&7!"
- Player:
- Leave:
- Self: "&7You left the map &2{map_name}&7!"
- Target: "&7Player left the map &2{map_name}&7!"
- Finish: "&7You have done map &2{map_name}&7!\n&6\u25CF &7Your time &6\u00BB &2{time}"
- BeatTime:
- Personal: "&3&lCongratulation!\n&6\u25CF &7You overcame your personal record!"
- Map: "&3&lCongratulation!\n&6\u25CF &7You overcame record in map &2{map_name}&7!"
- Sign:
- Create: "&7Sign of map &2{map_name} &7created!"
- Destroy: "&7Sign of map &2{map_name} &7destroyed!"
- Maintenance:
- Enable: "&7Map &2{map_name} &7is currently under maintenance!"
- Disable: "&7Map &2{map_name} &7is no longer under maintenance!"
- ScoreBoard:
- Exploring:
- Shown: "&7Board was shown!"
- Hidden: "&7Board was hidden!"
- Reload:
- All: "&7Whole plugin successfully reloaded!"
- Locale: "&7Localization and it's dependencies successfully reloaded!"
- Options: "&7Options and it's dependencies successfully reloaded!"
- Map: "&7Map &2{map_name} &7and it's dependencies successfully reloaded!"
- Help:
- Player:
- - "&2&lParkour &6\u2771 &7Basic commands"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Info &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Info"
- - "&6\u25CF &7List of Maps &6\u00BB &2/Parkour List [Category/Difficulty]"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Join the Map &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Join <MapName>"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Leave the Map &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Leave"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Stats &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Stats <Personal/Map/Summary> <Type>"
- Admin:
- - "&2&lParkour &6\u2771 &7Admin commands"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Admin Info &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Info Admin"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Map SetUp Commands &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Map Help"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Set SpawnPoint &6\u00BB &2/Parkour GlobalLocation SetSpawnPoint"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Reload &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Reload <[All]/Locale/Options/Map>"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Maintenance &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Maintenance <Enable/Disable> <MapName>"
- Map:
- - "&2&lParkour &6\u2771 &7Map commands"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Create Map &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Map Create <MapName>"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Delete Map &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Map Delete <MapName>"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Set Spawn &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Map SetSpawnPoint <MapName>"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Update CheckPoint &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Map UpdateCheckPoint <MapName> <Order>"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Set Finish &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Map SetFinishPoint <MapName>"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Set ActionLeave &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Map SetLeaveActionPoint <MapName>"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Set ActionFinish &6\u00BB &2/Parkour Map SetFinishActionPoint <MapName>"
- Stats:
- Request:
- Target:
- Search: "&7Searching the player..."
- Remove:
- All:
- Head: "&7Removing &2All Stats &7of the player &2{player}&7..."
- Callback:
- Rank: "&7Rank was reset."
- Map: "&7Map stats were removed."
- CheckPoint: "&7CheckPoint stats were removed."
- Rank:
- Head: "&7Resetting &2Rank &7of the player &2{player}&7..."
- Callback:
- Rank: "&7Rank was reset."
- Target: "&7Your &2Rank &7was reset!"
- Map:
- Head: "&7Removing &2Stats &7of the player &2{player} &7from the map &2{map_name}&7..."
- Callback:
- Map: "&7Map stats were removed."
- CheckPoint: "&7CheckPoint stats were removed."
- Map:
- Remove:
- Head: "&7Removing &2All Stats &7of the map &2{map_name}&7..."
- Callback:
- Map: "&7Map stats were removed."
- CheckPoint: "&7CheckPoint stats were removed."
- Personal:
- Self:
- - "&2&lParkour Stats &6\u2771 &7Personal"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Rank &6\u00BB &2{rank} &6| &2{rank_point}&6/&2{req_rank_point} &7RankPoints"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Daily Challenge &6\u00BB &2{map_day} &7{decl_map_day}&6/&2{map_all} &7{decl_map_all}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Favourite map &6\u00BB &2{favourite_map} &6| &2{favourite_time}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Personal record &6\u00BB &2{personal_best_map} &6| &2{personal_best_time}"
- Map:
- - "&2&lParkour Stats &6\u2771 &7Map Personal"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Map &6\u00BB &2{map_name}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Best &6\u00BB &2{best_time} &6| &2{best_date}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Worst &6\u00BB &2{worst_time} &6| &2{worst_date}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Last completion &6\u00BB &2{last_completion_date}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Total completions &6\u00BB &2{completion_count}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Total falls &6\u00BB &2{fall_count}"
- Target:
- Self:
- - "&2&lParkour Stats &6\u2771 &7Of &2{player}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Rank &6\u00BB &2{rank} &6| &2{rank_point}&6/&2{req_rank_point} &7RankPoints"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Daily Challenge &6\u00BB &2{map_day} &7{decl_map_day}&6/&2{map_all} &7{decl_map_all}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Favourite map &6\u00BB &2{favourite_map} &6| &2{favourite_time}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Personal record &6\u00BB &2{personal_best_map} &6| &2{personal_best_time}"
- Rank:
- - "&2&lParkour Stats &6\u2771 &7Of &2{player}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Rank &6\u00BB &2{rank} &6| &2{rank_point}&6/&2{req_rank_point} &7RankPoints"
- Map:
- - "&2&lParkour Stats &6\u2771 &7Of &2{player}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Map &6\u00BB &2{map_name}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Best &6\u00BB &2{best_time} &6| &2{best_date}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Worst &6\u00BB &2{worst_time} &6| &2{worst_date}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Last completion &6\u00BB &2{last_completion_date}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Total completions &6\u00BB &2{completion_count}"
- - "&6\u25CF &7Total falls &6\u00BB &2{fall_count}"
- Map:
- Header: "&2&lParkour Stats &6\u2771 &7Of map &2{map_name}"
- Line: "&6{order}{suffix} &7{who} &6\u00BB &2{time}"
- PersonalSuffix: " &e(You)"
- Delimiter: "&7\u22EE"
- Summary:
- TheHighestRank:
- Header: "&2&lParkour Stats &6\u2771 &7The highest rank"
- Line: "&2{order}{suffix} &7{who} &6\u00BB &2{rank} &6| &2{rank_point} {declension_rank_point}"
- Predicate:
- Truth: "&aYes"
- Lie: "&cNo"
- BroadCast:
- Finish: "&7Player &2{player} &7has done map &2{map_name}&7!"
- BeatTime: "&7Player &2{player} &7overcame record in map &2{map_name}&7!"
- NewRank: "&7Player &2{player} &7has reached new rank &2{rank}&7!"
- ActionBar:
- MapTimer: "&2\u00BB &6&l{time} &2\u00AB"
- Sign:
- Join:
- 1: "&2&lParkour"
- 2: "&0{map_name}"
- 3: "&8[&3{online}&8/&3{max}&8]"
- 4: "&2Click to join!"
- 1: "&2&lParkour"
- 2: "&4{map_name}"
- 3: "&8[&3-&8/&3-&8]"
- 4: "&c&lMaintenance"
- ScoreBoard:
- ExploringBoard:
- HeadName: "&6&lParkour - Global"
- Lines:
- Static:
- 15: "&2&lRank"
- 12: "&d"
- 11: "&6&lDaily challenge"
- 9: "&c"
- 8: "&2&lFavourite map"
- 4: "&b"
- 3: "&6&lPersonal record"
- Dynamic:
- 14:
- ENTRY: "&1&2"
- CONTENT: "&2\u25CF &7{rank}"
- 13:
- ENTRY: "&2&3"
- CONTENT: "&2\u25CF &7{rank_point}&2/&7{req_rank_point} RP"
- 10:
- ENTRY: "&3&4"
- CONTENT: "&6\u25CF &7{map_day} {decl_map_day}&6/&7{map_all} {decl_map_all}"
- 7:
- ENTRY: "&4&5"
- CONTENT: "&2\u25CF &7{favourite_map}"
- 6:
- ENTRY: "&5&6"
- CONTENT: "&2\u25CF &7{favourite_time}"
- 5:
- ENTRY: "&6&7"
- CONTENT: "&2\u25CF &7{favourite_count} {decl_count}"
- 2:
- ENTRY: "&7&8"
- CONTENT: "&6\u25CF &7{personal_best_map}"
- 1:
- ENTRY: "&8&9"
- CONTENT: "&6\u25CF &7{personal_best_time}"
- DefaultValue:
- Chars: "&c\u25CF &cError"
- Rank: "Max"
- Map: "None"
- Time: "None"
- Count: "0"
- PlayingBoard:
- HeadName: "&6&lParkour"
- Lines:
- Static:
- 15: "&2&lMap"
- 13: "&d"
- 12: "&6&lMap Leader"
- 9: "&c"
- 8: "&2&lYour Record"
- 6: "&b"
- 5: "&6&lCheckPoints"
- 3: "&a"
- 2: "&2&lFalls"
- Dynamic:
- 14:
- ENTRY: "&a&b"
- CONTENT: "&2\u25CF &7{map_name}"
- 11:
- ENTRY: "&b&c"
- CONTENT: "&6\u25CF &7{leader_name}"
- 10:
- ENTRY: "&c&d"
- CONTENT: "&6\u25CF &7{leader_time}"
- 7:
- ENTRY: "&d&e"
- CONTENT: "&2\u25CF &7{personal_time}"
- 4:
- ENTRY: "&e&f"
- CONTENT: "&6\u25CF &7{chp_reached}&6/&7{chp_all}"
- 1:
- ENTRY: "&f&a"
- CONTENT: "&2\u25CF &7{fall_count}"
- DefaultValue:
- Chars: "&c\u25CF &cError"
- Leader: "Nobody"
- Time: "None"
- Title:
- Map:
- Join:
- Title: "&2&lParkour"
- SubTitle: "&7You joined the map &2{map_name}&7!"
- CheckPoint:
- Title: "&2&lCheckPoint"
- SubTitle: "&7Your new rescue point!"
- Finish:
- Title: "&2&lParkour"
- SubTitle: "&7You have done map &2{map_name}&7!"
- Rank:
- Title: "&e&lCongratulation"
- SubTitle: "&7New rank &2{rank}&7!"
- Bungee:
- Join:
- Title: "&2&lParkour"
- SubTitle: "&7Welcome to Parkour Lobby!"
- Hologram:
- Map:
- Start:
- - "&6&lStart"
- CheckPoint:
- - "&6&lCheckPoint &2&l#{order}"
- Finish:
- - "&6&lFinish"
- JoinByStep:
- - "&2&l{map_name}"
- - ""
- - "&6&lStart"
- - "&7Required rank &6\u00BB &3{rank}"
- - "&2&l{map_name}"
- - ""
- - "&c&lMaintenance"
- Stats:
- DefaultValue:
- None: "- - -"
- Count: "0"
- Order: "X"
- Time: "00:00:000"
- Declension:
- Position:
- FIRST: "\u02e2\u1d57"
- SECOND: "\u207f\u1d48"
- THIRD: "\u02b3\u1d48"
- OTHER: "\u1d57\u02B0"
- RankPoint:
- ONE: "RankPoint"
- FROM_TWO_TO_FOUR: "RankPoints"
- Map:
- ONE: "Map"
- Completion:
- ONE: "Pass"
- FROM_TWO_TO_FOUR: "Passes"
- CustomValue:
- MapDifficulty:
- NONE: "None"
- EXTRA_EASY: "Extra Easy"
- EASY: "Easy"
- MEDIUM: "Medium"
- HARD: "Hard"
- EXTRA_HARD: "Extra Hard"
- MapCategory:
- NONE: "None"
- SUMMER: "Summer"
- WINTER: "Winter"
- LAVA: "Lava"
- WATER: "Water"
- AIR: "Air"
- JUNGLE: "Jungle"
- DESERT: "Desert"
- FOREST: "Forest"
- MINE: "Mine"
- SPEED: "Speed"
- ALL: "All"
- Rank:
- NONE: "None"
- FLEA: "Flea"
- FROG_HOPPER: "FrogHopper"
- GRASS_HOPPER: "GrassHopper"
- SPIDER: "Spider"
- KANGAROO_RAT: "KangarooRat"
- FROG: "Frog"
- SQUIRREL: "Squirrel"
- RABBIT: "Rabbit"
- HARE: "Hare"
- LEMUR: "Lemur"
- CAT: "Cat"
- MONKEY: "Monkey"
- IMPALA: "Impala"
- KLIPSPRINGER: "Klipspringer"
- MOUNTAIN_GOAT: "MountainGoat"
- KANGAROO: "Kangaroo"
- MASTER: "Master"
- JUMPING_PRINCE: "JumpingPrice"
- JUMPING_KING: "JumpingKing"
- HotBar:
- List:
- HeadName: "&6&lList of Maps &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- Lobby:
- HeadName: "&6&lBack to Lobby &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- Board:
- Shown:
- HeadName: "&6&lHide ExploringBoard &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- Hidden:
- HeadName: "&6&lShow ExploringBoard &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- Respawn:
- HeadName: "&6&lRespawn &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- List:
- HeadName: "&6&lList of Maps &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- Restart:
- HeadName: "&6&lStart again &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- Target:
- Shown:
- HeadName: "&6&lHide players &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- Hidden:
- HeadName: "&6&lShow players &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- Leave:
- HeadName: "&6&lLeave Map &7(Right click)"
- Lore: [ ]
- GUI:
- Common:
- Item:
- Back:
- HeadName: "&2&lBack"
- Lore: [ ]
- Pagination:
- HeadName: "&6&lNo previous Page"
- Lore: [ ]
- HeadName: "&6&lNo next Page"
- Lore: [ ]
- HeadName: "&6&lFirst Page &2&l#1"
- Lore: [ ]
- HeadName: "&6&lPrevious Page &2&l#{page}"
- Lore: [ ]
- HeadName: "&6&lNext Page &2&l#{page}"
- Lore: [ ]
- HeadName: "&6&lLast Page &2&l#{page}"
- Lore: [ ]
- Overview:
- MapListGUI:
- InventoryName: "&1&lList of Maps"
- Leader:
- Line: " &2{order}{suffix} &7{who} &6\u00BB &3{time}"
- PersonalSuffix: " &e(You)"
- Delimiter: " &7\u22EE"
- None: "&cNo leader, yet."
- Item:
- Status:
- HeadName: "&2&lMap: &6&l{map_name}"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &7Difficulty &6\u00BB &3{map_difficulty}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Category &6\u00BB &3{map_category}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Required rank &6\u00BB &3{required_rank}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Capacity &6\u00BB &3{online}&7/&3{max}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7LeaderBoard"
- - "{__leader__}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Click to join the map!"
- HeadName: "&2&lMap: &6&l{map_name}"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &7Difficulty &6\u00BB &3{map_difficulty}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Category &6\u00BB &3{map_category}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Required rank &6\u00BB &3{required_rank}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Capacity &6\u00BB &3{online}&7/&3{max}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7LeaderBoard"
- - "{__leader__}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &cAlready in this map!"
- HeadName: "&2&lMap: &6&l{map_name}"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &7Difficulty &6\u00BB &3{map_difficulty}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Category &6\u00BB &3{map_category}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Required rank &6\u00BB &3{required_rank}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Capacity &6\u00BB &3{online}&7/&3{max}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7LeaderBoard"
- - "{__leader__}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &c&lNOTE &6\u00BB &7You have already"
- - "&7completed this map. Rewards"
- - "&7won't be high as before."
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7Click to join the map!"
- Info:
- HeadName: "&2&lBasic information"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &7Here you can see all available maps"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7{sort_order} &6\u00BB &3{sort_value}"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7How to play"
- - " &2\u2022 &7The goal is to reach &bFinish"
- - " &7in the shortest time"
- - " &2\u2022 &7During the journey, you can"
- - " &7reach &bCheckPoints &7or"
- - " &7find &bMagicBlocks"
- - " &2\u2022 &7When you fell, you will be"
- - " &7moved to last saved &bCheckPoint &7or"
- - " &bStart"
- - " &2\u2022 &6Good luck :)"
- - ""
- - "&6\u25CF &7You can see LeaderBoard of the"
- - "&7fastest players at each map item"
- SortOrder:
- MapDifficulty: "Difficulty"
- MapCategory: "Category"
- MapCategoryGUI:
- InventoryName: "&1&lMap Categories"
- MapDifficultyGUI:
- InventoryName: "&1&lMap Difficulties"
- CustomValue:
- MapCategory:
- Item:
- HeadName: "&2&lNone"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lSummer"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lWinter"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lLava"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lWater"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- AIR:
- HeadName: "&2&lAir"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lJungle"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lDesert"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lForest"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lMine"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lSpeed"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- ALL:
- HeadName: "&2&lAll"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- MapDifficulty:
- Item:
- HeadName: "&2&lNone"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lExtra Easy"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lEasy"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lMedium"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lHard"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
- HeadName: "&2&lExtra Hard"
- Lore:
- - "&6\u25CF &3Left click &7to choose this one"
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