
Cyberpunk: Session 5: Didn't Stand a Chence

Oct 20th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Saturday, October 19, 2013
  3. 7:20 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  4. 7:21 PM - MeltingDoge-ta entered chat.
  5. 7:21 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: hi
  6. 7:21 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: im stupid
  7. 7:21 PM - Bruce Brynes: no doi
  8. 7:21 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: please rape my face
  9. 7:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: no
  10. 7:36 PM - M. Ciaster entered chat.
  11. 7:36 PM - M. Ciaster: oh hey y'all are already in here
  12. 7:36 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: ye
  13. 7:37 PM - M. Ciaster: well ain't I a perceptive one
  14. 7:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R entered chat.
  15. 7:37 PM - Fuck Airman entered chat.
  16. 7:37 PM - Fuck Airman: I'm actually here
  17. 7:37 PM - M. Ciaster: in case you haven't noticed, Tool now officially has his own sheet
  18. 7:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ye
  19. 7:37 PM - M. Ciaster: oh hey Ryan
  20. 7:38 PM - M. Ciaster: change your status from Busy then
  21. 7:38 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: Fuck Ryman
  22. 7:38 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: can we keep tool
  23. 7:38 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i like his face
  24. 7:38 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :V
  25. 7:38 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: ha
  26. 7:38 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: what a nerdc
  27. 7:38 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: nerd
  28. 7:38 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: his save isnt 10
  29. 7:38 PM - M. Ciaster: he's totally not Gary Oldman
  30. 7:38 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: (what do you use save for)
  31. 7:39 PM - M. Ciaster: saving against stun/shock
  32. 7:39 PM - Fuck Airman: Also, open invitation to my Mekton Zeta campaign, since I have finished things up, ready to play
  33. 7:39 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i like how he has a bunch of skills with low numbers
  34. 7:39 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: and all of us took few skills with high numbers
  35. 7:39 PM - M. Ciaster: well he's good but he can't be a pro at everything
  36. 7:39 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: yeah its a good thing
  37. 7:39 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: also so
  38. 7:39 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: oh hey when did people get here
  39. 7:39 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: my save is 10
  40. 7:40 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: does that mean i can never be stunned unless ive got minuses from drugs or poisons or being in mortal danger
  41. 7:40 PM - M. Ciaster: pretty much, yeah
  42. 7:40 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Guess I should probably save this and quit then since combat takes like 20 minutes a battle and I'd hate to hold us up
  43. 7:40 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: not that we ever start on time anyway
  44. 7:41 PM - M. Ciaster: we're not starting yet
  45. 7:41 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ?
  46. 7:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Well then I think I have time for one more battle
  47. 7:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: unless we're doing something else
  48. 7:41 PM - M. Ciaster: I just figured that since everyone's online and there's already a couple of you in the chat I'd get everyone together a bit ahead of time
  49. 7:41 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: oh shit i didnt save the melee damage into the thingy
  50. 7:41 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: ciaster
  51. 7:41 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: whats the damage again?
  52. 7:41 PM - M. Ciaster: yes
  53. 7:42 PM - M. Ciaster: uh
  54. 7:42 PM - M. Ciaster: should be in the book
  55. 7:42 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: If I'm still playing this weeb game and the not so weeb game starts, message me in a private chat since group chats don't make message noises
  56. 7:42 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: whats damage modifier
  57. 7:43 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: appy
  58. 7:43 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: you can set it to make noises
  59. 7:43 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: is damage modifier my body?
  60. 7:43 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: scratch that, this battle will take but a few moments since for some reason it's a bunch of plebly low level enemies I can probs one shot
  61. 7:43 PM - Fuck Airman: I was actually going to be having dinner before the game, so I might disappear in a few minutes but reappear before the normal starting time
  62. 7:43 PM - M. Ciaster: i think it's your body type modifier
  63. 7:43 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I'll take my 500eb now, Ciaster
  64. 7:44 PM - M. Ciaster: sure thing Ryan
  65. 7:44 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: so if my body is 10
  66. 7:44 PM - M. Ciaster: and sure thing, Dan
  67. 7:44 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: then its a +10?
  68. 7:44 PM - M. Ciaster: no
  69. 7:44 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: wat
  70. 7:45 PM - M. Ciaster: 10 Body equals a -4 BTM
  71. 7:45 PM - M. Ciaster: which is what reduces the damage you take
  72. 7:45 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: what
  73. 7:45 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: the hell are you talking about
  74. 7:45 PM - M. Ciaster: as for melee damage I can't find the fucking thing since the book's fucking shittily organized
  75. 7:46 PM - M. Ciaster: about body type modfiers
  76. 7:46 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: so my damage for a kick is 1d6+ -4
  77. 7:46 PM - M. Ciaster: no
  78. 7:46 PM - M. Ciaster: gimme a minute
  79. 7:46 PM - M. Ciaster: or, y'know, try to find this shit yourself
  80. 7:46 PM - M. Ciaster: in the book
  81. 7:46 PM - M. Ciaster: you've got the bookmarks and everything
  82. 7:46 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i am
  83. 7:46 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: it doesnt explain what a damage modifier is
  84. 7:47 PM - M. Ciaster: go to page 115
  85. 7:47 PM - M. Ciaster: you should see a very handy table
  86. 7:47 PM - M. Ciaster: 10 Body is a Very Strong body type, so you deal +2 melee damage
  87. 7:48 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: alright so i do (1d6/2)+2 per punch
  88. 7:48 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: not bad
  89. 7:48 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i think
  90. 7:48 PM - M. Ciaster: yep
  91. 7:48 PM - M. Ciaster: well seeing as you've only got 12 hp before you start falling into mortal
  92. 7:49 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: 5 damage max
  93. 7:49 PM - M. Ciaster: I'd say that dealing a maximum of 5 damage per punch ain't bad at all
  94. 7:49 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: yeah thats not bad at all
  95. 7:49 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: is the attack bonus from martial arts
  96. 7:49 PM - M. Ciaster: plus I'm lazy and if you do some cool punchy action I'm probably just gonna gm fiat it away as "yeah he's knocked out cold" without any rolls
  97. 7:49 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: to-hit or damage
  98. 7:49 PM - M. Ciaster: think it's hit
  99. 7:50 PM - M. Ciaster: should be specified
  100. 7:50 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: its not
  101. 7:50 PM - M. Ciaster: fucking cyberpunk 2020 2nd edition
  102. 7:50 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: it just says hes better at said moves
  103. 7:50 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: oh shit
  104. 7:51 PM - M. Ciaster: alright the skill specific stuff affects to hit
  105. 7:51 PM - M. Ciaster: but your level in the skill affects damage
  106. 7:51 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: "in addition, martial arts are far more deadly than regular brawling. when using martial arts, you will gain a damage bonus equal to your current level of martial arts in addition to any strength bonuses"
  107. 7:51 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: pfahaha
  108. 7:51 PM - M. Ciaster: yep
  109. 7:51 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i cast fist
  110. 7:51 PM - M. Ciaster: so you deal uh 15 max
  111. 7:51 PM - M. Ciaster: per punch
  112. 7:51 PM - M. Ciaster: fuck
  113. 7:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: what the fuck you crappy jappy game
  114. 7:52 PM - M. Ciaster: is there a non OP player in this fucking group
  115. 7:52 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: no
  116. 7:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: the only available path left to take has low level enemies, and they're so low level that I LOST XP when I won
  117. 7:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: at least we are specializing
  118. 7:52 PM - M. Ciaster: well there's Tool who's pretty much advanced to being a DMPC
  119. 7:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: don't forget I have Tool my motorcycle chip
  120. 7:52 PM - Bruce Brynes: And Bruce
  121. 7:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: if one of us is inavailable then we are fucked
  122. 7:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: since I learned it the good ol fashioned way
  123. 7:52 PM - Bruce Brynes: Who is actually secretly the best character
  124. 7:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: through money
  125. 7:53 PM - M. Ciaster: well nah, Tool's pretty much skilled in everything
  126. 7:53 PM - M. Ciaster: he might not be the best, but he definitely can do most things you can
  127. 7:54 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: besides punch niggas organs out
  128. 7:54 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i should take intimidate
  129. 7:54 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i think i'd get a bonus to it for being so fucking huge
  130. 7:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: don't bother
  131. 7:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Ryan and Bruce iirc have Intimidater
  132. 7:55 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: yeah i know
  133. 7:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: ignore that r
  134. 7:55 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: just thinking out loud :v
  135. 7:55 PM - M. Ciaster: yeah Ryan has 10 intimidate iirc
  136. 7:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: yep
  137. 7:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: not that he's ever here to use it
  138. 7:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: :v
  139. 7:55 PM - M. Ciaster: though he's also got really low emp
  140. 7:55 PM - Bruce Brynes: Hi
  141. 7:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: He's bound to tip at some point
  142. 7:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: probably tonight if the dice have anything to say
  143. 7:55 PM - M. Ciaster: which might lead to me finally getting some use out of my homebrew rules
  144. 7:55 PM - M. Ciaster: yep
  145. 7:55 PM - M. Ciaster: I hope c:
  146. 7:56 PM - M. Ciaster: nothing like killing off players
  147. 7:56 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: fun fun
  148. 7:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: he doesn't quite care, Ryan "likes to live on the edge"
  149. 7:56 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: althought seriously im pretty sure the party would ruin ryans ass
  150. 7:56 PM - M. Ciaster: #YOLO (unless your name's Alex Murphy)
  151. 7:56 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: inb4 one of us has to put ryan down
  152. 7:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Entropy, though edgy, is not so edgy that he'd get himself offed because of some lame crazy person rules
  153. 7:56 PM - M. Ciaster: yeah he'd get wrecked
  154. 7:58 PM - M. Ciaster: Ryan I mean
  155. 7:58 PM - M. Ciaster: though so would Entropy actually
  156. 7:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I've got 44 hours in that jap game and if my estimations are correct I'm not even a fifth of the way done with it
  157. 7:58 PM - M. Ciaster: hell he almost got killed but I saved him through my divine GM powers
  158. 7:58 PM - M. Ciaster: why do you even bother, man
  159. 7:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: for which I am grateful
  160. 7:58 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: jap games are fuckin weird
  161. 7:59 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: so are jap shows
  162. 7:59 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: like watamote
  163. 7:59 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i love watamote
  164. 7:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: which you love
  165. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: what is it
  166. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: tell me
  167. 7:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: dem japs b kray
  168. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: i must know
  169. 7:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: it's an anime about a chick that's pretty much us
  170. 7:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: right, Data?
  171. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: that sounds terrible
  172. 8:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: and it's hilarious
  173. 8:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: cringe worthy
  174. 8:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: but hilarious
  175. 8:00 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: imagine
  176. 8:00 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: a high school girl
  177. 8:00 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: that is your average /v/ goer
  178. 8:00 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: except kawaii
  179. 8:00 PM - M. Ciaster: oh god I hate watching cringe worthy shit like that I always feel embarassed by proxy
  180. 8:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: so
  181. 8:00 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: same but its so fucking hilarious
  182. 8:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute
  183. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: impossible
  184. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: they can nver b
  185. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: it fucking that one
  186. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: oh god
  187. 8:01 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: bruce, whats that shit bout
  188. 8:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: which is basically 50% "A look at nerd culture that's honest" and 50% "Are the brother and sister gonna fuck"
  189. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: its in the name
  190. 8:01 PM - M. Ciaster: jesus christ, japan
  191. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: best seller on the wiiu
  192. 8:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: It's about this dude who finds out his little sister who'se this perfect goddy-goddy super smart student is secretly a giant nerd and helps her be more open and O.K. with it
  193. 8:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: which is good and all
  194. 8:02 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: but he wants to give her the dick
  195. 8:02 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: is it incest hentai
  196. 8:02 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: its incest hentai isnt it
  197. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ewewewew
  198. 8:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: but she's also really into hentai games where the sister fucks the brother, even though she turns off the sex parts
  199. 8:02 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: i always knew you were a weirdo potato
  200. 8:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: No
  201. 8:03 PM - M. Ciaster: yeah, we should bomb japan again
  202. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: actually from what I head it was originally supposed to make fun of incest
  203. 8:03 PM - M. Ciaster: it's a neat country and all
  204. 8:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: I stopped watching it because it got too weird
  205. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: then season 2 turned it into incest
  206. 8:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  207. 8:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: it was making fun of that shit
  208. 8:03 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: so its essentially game of thrones
  209. 8:03 PM - M. Ciaster: but that'd prevent so many weirdos and so much perverse shit from existing
  210. 8:03 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: there is incest fucking everywhere in that
  211. 8:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: but then after a while it got to weird so I stopped
  212. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Data also liked Madoka Magica, which I recommended to him
  213. 8:03 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and i have only seen the first episode
  214. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: At first it seemed to be moe shit about deceptively happy little girls flying around fighting monsters and shooting lasers
  215. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: then it turned into horrifingly dark little girls dying
  216. 8:04 PM - M. Ciaster: wasn't that the anime where the magical girls have ptsd and shit
  217. 8:04 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: shit man
  218. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: well, only 4 out of the 5 died
  219. 8:04 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: madoka is so fucking great
  220. 8:04 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: sounds like gurren laggann
  221. 8:04 PM - M. Ciaster: Iunno I don't know much about anime
  222. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: technically one didn't really DIE either
  223. 8:04 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: its gets so serious like half way through
  224. 8:04 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: the series gets a little ahead of itself in episode 3
  225. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I didn't like the latter part of Gurren Lagann
  226. 8:04 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: madoka, that is
  227. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I liked the whole wastelandy vibe the start had
  228. 8:04 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I liked the latter part
  229. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I liked it, just not as much
  230. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: it was like battlestar galactica
  231. 8:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: I know you're gonna kill me for this
  232. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and it was a cool sort of progression
  233. 8:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: But I only watched Gurren Lagan when I was like 8
  234. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Of course by the end there was Simon piloting a robot piloting a robot piloting a robot piloting a robot
  235. 8:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: and I stopeed right before kamina died
  236. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: die
  237. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: in a fire
  238. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: 2sad
  239. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: and then watch it
  240. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: can'twatch
  241. 8:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'm watching Kamen Rider
  242. 8:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: which is like hella good
  243. 8:06 PM - The Master Of Games: alright so
  244. 8:06 PM - The Master Of Games: I suggest we cut the anime chat short
  245. 8:06 PM - The Master Of Games: and start playing
  246. 8:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Ciaster are you still watching that gay Miami Vice crap that you're using as an excuse to not watch cool shit
  247. 8:06 PM - The Master Of Games: well I haven't watched an episode in a long time
  248. 8:06 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ciaster just butthurt that he doesn't watch animuu~
  249. 8:06 PM - The Master Of Games: but yeah
  250. 8:06 PM - The Master Of Games: also it's a great show fuck off
  251. 8:06 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: guys
  252. 8:06 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: we need to watch hentai kamen
  253. 8:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: ?
  254. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: wat
  255. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Ciaster, best anime to start on is Boku no Pico
  256. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: trust me I'm an anime professional
  257. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: no fuck u
  258. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I'll bet it's right up your alley
  259. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: teehee~
  260. 8:07 PM - The Master Of Games: I am not going to be watching any anime that's not Ghost In The Shell or Cowboy Bebop that's all
  261. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: those are good too
  262. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I still gotta watch Ghost
  263. 8:07 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: hentai kamen
  264. 8:07 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: is amazing
  265. 8:08 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: its about a guy who gains super powers when he sniffs panties
  266. 8:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: no
  267. 8:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: no
  268. 8:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: no
  269. 8:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: noooooooooooooooo
  270. 8:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Kill la Kill is about fanservice
  271. 8:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: and gratuitious amounts of it
  272. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: watch Samurai Champloo
  273. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: best anime
  274. 8:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: wing you never even watched Bebop
  275. 8:09 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: kill la kill is shit lol
  276. 8:09 PM - MeltingDoge-ta:
  277. 8:09 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: heres a summary of hentai kamen: live action
  278. 8:09 PM - The Master Of Games: alright so y'all should probably join the rolz group right about now
  279. 8:09 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yeah but it is better
  280. 8:09 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: everyone is saying it "saved anime" but I don't particularly think it's THAT good
  281. 8:09 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: It's ok I guess but I've seen better
  282. 8:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: From what i've heard Kill la kill is to magical girls what Gurren Lagan is to Giant Robot shows
  283. 8:09 PM - MeltingDoge-ta:
  284. 8:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: and it's made by the same people
  285. 8:09 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: madoka is that
  286. 8:09 PM - MeltingDoge-ta: kill la kill sucks ass
  287. 8:10 PM - The Master Of Games: 2:08 AM - The Master Of Games: alright so y'all should probably join the rolz group right about now
  288. 8:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: brb food
  289. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: I only like KlK because it's by the same group of TTGL
  290. 8:10 PM - The Master Of Games: ANIME TIME IS OVER
  291. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: :c
  292. 8:10 PM - The Master Of Games: oh yeah and the group name's CiastersCP2020Bonanza
  293. 8:10 PM - The Master Of Games: just in case someone forgot
  294. 8:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: brb im piss
  295. 8:11 PM - The Master Of Games: fucking hell
  296. 8:12 PM - The Master Of Games: "oh hey guys we probably should start playing instead of talking about anime" *half the group goes away to do something else*
  297. 8:12 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge has changed their name to Entropy: Now with 20% more metal.
  298. 8:12 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm still here bby
  299. 8:12 PM - El Aguila Quema: back
  300. 8:12 PM - El Aguila Quema: pissing takes like 5 seconds nerd
  301. 8:13 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: but the other two plebs are eating
  302. 8:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: gay
  303. 8:13 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and Wing is just sitting there like a pleb
  304. 8:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: so wing is being wing
  305. 8:13 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and being Wing means he's being a pleb
  306. 8:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: until then
  307. 8:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: lets enjoy this
  308. 8:13 PM - El Aguila Quema:
  309. 8:13 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: why can't there be quick health thingies in this like fukken stimpaks
  310. 8:14 PM - El Aguila Quema: because this system is hard
  311. 8:14 PM - El Aguila Quema: its great
  312. 8:14 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I wanna juice up without fallback
  313. 8:14 PM - The Master Of Games: because my versimilitude and that's unrealistic and and
  314. 8:14 PM - El Aguila Quema: i prefer it this way, where if you get hit, you got hit
  315. 8:15 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: but either way KlK does have some pretty great music tho
  316. 8:16 PM - The Master Of Games: alright the rest can read this shit when they come back
  317. 8:16 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: dayum son you went all out on that map
  318. 8:16 PM - The Master Of Games: hell yeah
  319. 8:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: nigga quit lookin at the maps before we get there
  320. 8:16 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: no
  321. 8:16 PM - The Master Of Games: I wanted it to look sort of professional
  322. 8:17 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm Entropy I do what I want
  323. 8:17 PM - Fuck Airman disconnected.
  324. 8:17 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: not big surprise
  325. 8:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: you're gayt
  326. 8:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: and no one was surprised
  327. 8:17 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so can I add 500eb cause I won that wager
  328. 8:17 PM - The Master Of Games: also hell he can look all he wants I wouldn't have uploaded it before starting the game if it was supposed to be revealed at some particular point
  329. 8:17 PM - The Master Of Games: also sure, why not
  330. 8:17 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: fuk yes
  331. 8:17 PM - The Master Of Games: enjoy your fake currency
  332. 8:18 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: suk it nerdes I'm good
  333. 8:18 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Ryan should probably make a backup character at some point
  334. 8:18 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: more than likely soon
  335. 8:19 PM - Fuck Airman entered chat.
  336. 8:19 PM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  337. 8:19 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: HA
  338. 8:19 PM - The Master Of Games: A week has passed from your action movie like raid on the arms deal. Stubble's locked in one of your recording booths in your home studio, banged up from the rather intense interrogation he was suspected to by you merry bunch of psychopaths. The info you got from him is gonna probably come useful at some point in the future, but it's not really anything you didn't know before, only more detailed.
  339. 8:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: whats luck used for
  340. 8:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: is it a dump stat
  341. 8:20 PM - The Master Of Games: Charlie's called you a while back, letting you know she's got all the info she needs, so you're all back in Entropy's living room, with his big-ass TV used as a digital planning board.
  342. 8:21 PM - The Master Of Games: no it's important I think
  343. 8:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: that really reassures me
  344. 8:21 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: "I'm bored"
  345. 8:21 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Are we going to get that wretched rat out of my recording room soon? He is beginning to become more of a hassle than he is worth."
  346. 8:21 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: "You guys want to do something?"
  347. 8:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Depends on the thing."
  348. 8:21 PM - Merchant: "We'll keep him as long as we need him"
  349. 8:21 PM - The Master Of Games: "Alright, guys! I did some digging 'round the Net, and found some interesting stuff."
  350. 8:22 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I think we've gotten all we can out of him, no? His guns, his information, what more do you want?"
  351. 8:22 PM - The Master Of Games: She presses a key on her laptop and the map you can find in your Dropbox folder appears on the TV.
  352. 8:22 PM - El Aguila Quema: "How do you dig around the Internet?"
  353. 8:22 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: do they have cyberdropbox in the cyberfuture
  354. 8:22 PM - Fuck Airman disconnected.
  355. 8:22 PM - The Master Of Games: "Trade secret, buddy."
  356. 8:22 PM - The Master Of Games: lol Ryan
  357. 8:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: dropcube, the file storage of the future
  358. 8:23 PM - The Master Of Games: also no I was referring to your dropbox
  359. 8:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: ryans internet is freaking the fuck out
  360. 8:23 PM - The Master Of Games: :v
  361. 8:23 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: thx cpt obvious
  362. 8:23 PM - The Master Of Games: also uh wher ethe fuck's Potato
  363. 8:23 PM - Merchant: brb
  364. 8:23 PM - Fuck Airman entered chat.
  365. 8:23 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: pfft
  366. 8:23 PM - The Master Of Games: oh he went offline 4 minutes ago
  367. 8:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh god why does he need a fingerprint lock on his bathroom door
  368. 8:24 PM - The Master Of Games: gg Potato player of the year
  369. 8:24 PM - The Master Of Games: it's his bathroom he likes privacy
  370. 8:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: gm
  371. 8:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: those two pink lines on the curved walls
  372. 8:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: is that
  373. 8:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: is that what i think it is
  374. 8:24 PM - The Master Of Games: yes, it's the window
  375. 8:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: yessss
  376. 8:25 PM - El Aguila Quema: flying eagle kick to the chest, knocking him out the window
  377. 8:25 PM - El Aguila Quema: i think this needs to happen
  378. 8:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: wow spoilers
  379. 8:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: inb4 fumble
  380. 8:25 PM - The Master Of Games: "Anyway, what you've got here is a map of our friend Chen's little apartment."
  381. 8:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and I shoot him twice in the face
  382. 8:26 PM - The Master Of Games: "As you can see, there's a couple of ways you can get in, and a couple of exits."
  383. 8:26 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "And just how do you know that the 'important stuff' is important?"
  384. 8:26 PM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  385. 8:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: Sorry
  386. 8:27 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: r8 l8 m8
  387. 8:27 PM - The Master Of Games: "All in due time, boss."
  388. 8:27 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: games over u missed it go home
  389. 8:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: even though I was the only one eating mom made me sit at table to eat
  390. 8:27 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: offt
  391. 8:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: explain that
  392. 8:27 PM - Merchant: "What is the pink stuff?
  393. 8:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: TL;DR?
  394. 8:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: "He has servants? That is not freedom!"
  395. 8:27 PM - The Master Of Games: "Places of interest, pretty much."
  396. 8:28 PM - Merchant: we have a map of chens apartment
  397. 8:28 PM - El Aguila Quema: I knock my chair over as I stand up indignantly.
  398. 8:28 PM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  399. 8:28 PM - The Master Of Games: "Nah, buddy, they're paid well for their time. They live on site, that's all."
  400. 8:28 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "It is clearly marked 'imporant stuff,' which brings me to the conclusion that they are perhaps of some importance. Must we walk you through every word?"
  401. 8:28 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Oh. That's alright, then. As long as they can leave anytime."
  402. 8:28 PM - El Aguila Quema: I readjust my seat.
  403. 8:28 PM - The Master Of Games: "Oh, yeah, and they're not gonna be there when you go in. Chen's gotten so paranoid recently, he's pretty much got his place on lockdown."
  404. 8:28 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I ask you not to damage my furniture."
  405. 8:29 PM - The Master Of Games: "It's just gonna be him and a handful of caffeinated to the gills private security staff guys."
  406. 8:29 PM - Merchant: "Any windows?"
  407. 8:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Do we have a plan? Because I like plans. Less chance of us deing horribly."
  408. 8:29 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, the curved line with the two pink marks is the window."
  409. 8:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Alright. So I think, maybe, that the top important part would be the security console computer of locking and unlocking the camera stations."
  410. 8:30 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, I've got a couple of plans ready, whatever you go with is your choice, of course."
  411. 8:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: "There are no cameras in the freezer, or the public bathroom in his office."
  412. 8:30 PM - Merchant: "Alright lets here it"
  413. 8:31 PM - Merchant: hear*
  414. 8:31 PM - The Master Of Games: "As you can see, I marked the electronic locks on the map. Now, these have no outside access, but slip a little wireless broadcaster on the right wire, and I'm in."
  415. 8:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: everyone *heres* your spelling mistake
  416. 8:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: you are shamed forever
  417. 8:31 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I'd ask what man would possibly need an armory in his own home, but then I've got several crates of high-grade rifles and grenades in my garage, so I am starting to see the appeal."
  418. 8:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: Can Entropy have a motivational poster that says "If you ever commit a crime be sure to wear running clothes, so if you need to flee the scene cops will just think "Wow, look at that healthy jogger!""
  419. 8:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: -10 int
  420. 8:31 PM - The Master Of Games: "So, once you're in and I've got the access, I can just lock 'em in."
  421. 8:31 PM - The Master Of Games: "The other thing - vents."
  422. 8:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Is the pink to the right an elevator?"
  423. 8:32 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Is this some cheap action film? Air vents are hardly ever an actual feisable means of entrance."
  424. 8:32 PM - The Master Of Games: "You could use 'em to get in, or you could use 'em to throw a buncha presents into the apartment."
  425. 8:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Ah. Vents. Truely the most trustworthy and stable of break-in entrances"
  426. 8:32 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, if I were ya, I wouldn't go with the vents, but the option's there."
  427. 8:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I don't think the vents can support me."
  428. 8:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: "or any of us, for that matter"
  429. 8:32 PM - Merchant: "Does anyone have any gas grenades?"
  430. 8:32 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I doubt you could even fit in them."
  431. 8:33 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I have smoke, but unfortunately no gas."
  432. 8:33 PM - The Master Of Games: "Plus, like I said, a few CS gas canisters in the armory, lock the door, and it's just us and good ol' Chen."
  433. 8:33 PM - Merchant: "We could throw in tear gas an then run in with gas masks"
  434. 8:33 PM - Merchant: and*
  435. 8:33 PM - The Master Of Games: "The other path of entry - the outside."
  436. 8:33 PM - Fuck Airman: Nerds I am back
  437. 8:33 PM - El Aguila Quema: hey gm
  438. 8:33 PM - The Master Of Games: "As I understand it, we've got an AV, so we could try busting in through the window. Ya know, shock and awe."
  439. 8:33 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "What if we were to all purchase thermal equipment, and then have our smallest man work his way through the vents, strategically placing smoke grenades which we could rig to detonate at the same time?"
  440. 8:33 PM - The Master Of Games: hello there Ryan
  441. 8:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: can my modified mask function as a gas mask
  442. 8:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: for like
  443. 8:34 PM - The Master Of Games: no
  444. 8:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: 500eb more?
  445. 8:34 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "We could saturate the entire floor in smoke."
  446. 8:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: "So we tear gas the place, get in, have Tool lock them in (or out), take care of those who are left, and then we try to surround Chen."
  447. 8:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: not even if i pay an extra 500eb? :c
  448. 8:34 PM - The Master Of Games: just buy a gas mask like everyone else :v
  449. 8:34 PM - Fuck Airman: So what'd I miss?
  450. 8:34 PM - Merchant: "Sounds good"
  451. 8:34 PM - The Master Of Games: a lot
  452. 8:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: it cant fit over my mask
  453. 8:35 PM - Merchant: buy cyberlungs then
  454. 8:35 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and yet you think gasmask equipment will fit IN your mask?
  455. 8:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: cant :v
  456. 8:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: its got a beak
  457. 8:35 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, that could work."
  458. 8:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: beeeak c:
  459. 8:36 PM - Fuck Airman: Right so, can I still be the distraction?
  460. 8:36 PM - The Master Of Games: "If you wanna get in from the outside, you could either climb up from the ground - conspicuous and dangerous - or fast rope down from the roof."
  461. 8:36 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Let us not forget that I have got an independent air supply augmentation. I can hold my breath for upwards of 25 minutes. So if we do tear gas the place, I would be more or less fine."
  462. 8:36 PM - Merchant: "Would Chen have some sort of bulletproof shades for his windows"
  463. 8:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: anybody have good music?
  464. 8:36 PM - Merchant: "Like large metal plates that come down over them"
  465. 8:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Would Chen have some sort of blunt traumaproof shades for his windows?"
  466. 8:37 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Roof access I'd imagine is difficult. If he doesn't have guards on the roof, he's likely to have AA defences to stop AVs."
  467. 8:37 PM - Merchant: :V
  468. 8:37 PM - The Master Of Games: "Possible, he's paranoid enough to have bulletproof window shields."
  469. 8:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: :v
  470. 8:37 PM - The Master Of Games: "It's not that much of a fortress. Just a couple of Arasaka security guys with SMGs, that's all."
  471. 8:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: Wait, do we still have the AV?
  472. 8:37 PM - The Master Of Games: "Also, the tower's got a helipad on the top."
  473. 8:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: "That's what they want us to think"
  474. 8:37 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah tool stole it
  475. 8:37 PM - Merchant: "We could spook him into closing them up so that we can trap the gas"
  476. 8:37 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: good ol tool
  477. 8:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I should give him a raise
  478. 8:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: but I'm Entropy
  479. 8:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so I won't
  480. 8:38 PM - Merchant: :V
  481. 8:38 PM - The Master Of Games: he's gonna be with you come hell or high water anyway
  482. 8:38 PM - The Master Of Games: 'cause he's my character now and I refuse to let him go
  483. 8:38 PM - Fuck Airman: So how should I hop in here?
  484. 8:38 PM - The Master Of Games: he's also Gary Oldman and Gary Oldman's awesome
  485. 8:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Ryan, we're in my house
  486. 8:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: ^
  487. 8:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: you can join at any time
  488. 8:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: "We can fill the AV ith tear gas and bombs. when the open it, activate tear gas, then bombsm then we take care of the rest"
  489. 8:39 PM - Merchant: I thought orphaner was cool anime man who just hmmms and grunts
  490. 8:39 PM - The Master Of Games: "Anyway, if you wanna go in from the inside, you could either go in from the roof or from the ground."
  491. 8:39 PM - Merchant: "Putting it through the vents would be easier
  492. 8:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "What if we crashed the AV into that window, while it was full of tear gas?"
  493. 8:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Litterally what I just said"
  494. 8:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "You didn't say how you planned to get the AV inside."
  495. 8:40 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "You merely suggested to fill it with tear gas."
  496. 8:40 PM - Merchant: "We could use the AV to gain access through the windows"
  497. 8:40 PM - The Master Of Games: "Both are gonna be tough, seeing as they don't even let any mailmen in. You're not gettin' in through the front door unless you've got an invitation... or are Arasaka staff there to relieve the security guys."
  498. 8:40 PM - Merchant: "I'm not to keen on crashing the AV"
  499. 8:40 PM - Merchant: "Orphaner and I could set up a deal"
  500. 8:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Which is why when they won't be able to handle an AV delivery full of tear gas"
  501. 8:41 PM - Fuck Airman: "At least we could tryto, cant guarentee anything"
  502. 8:41 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "We could always pose as an Arasaka guardsmen, though I'd imagine Chen only uses the same group so they might notice if there's a new guard."
  503. 8:41 PM - The Master Of Games: "And the roof's got a sec station - they'd be on ya like flies on shit in seconds. The thing is, they're just rent-a-cops with slightly bigger guns. Take 'em out, you've got free reign of the top half of the uilding."
  504. 8:41 PM - Fuck Airman: "Well, I could always be a distraction"
  505. 8:42 PM - Merchant: "I'm not an actor"
  506. 8:42 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "You do have that talent, brother."
  507. 8:42 PM - The Master Of Games: y'all should probably read the part on the tower Chen's in, it's in the Night City book
  508. 8:42 PM - The Master Of Games: hang on lemme find it
  509. 8:42 PM - Merchant: "I did disguises once before and it got me fucked up"
  510. 8:42 PM - Merchant: what tower is he in
  511. 8:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: “You dudes may be numerous, but there’s one thing you don’t know. I have no mouth…yet I must rock.”
  512. 8:42 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: HIS tower
  513. 8:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: “Fear not, Mega-Dude! This is Soundwave, rockin’ the radio from Darkmount, and I bring you joyous tidings! For I have totally called in the cavalry!”
  514. 8:42 PM - Merchant: oh he is like
  515. 8:42 PM - Merchant: a lore npc?
  516. 8:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: Alternate Universe SOundwave is so fucking amazing
  517. 8:43 PM - Merchant: where is the tower in the book?
  518. 8:43 PM - Fuck Airman: "Okay, so, can I be a distraction? Please, let me fuck some shit up here"
  519. 8:43 PM - The Master Of Games: I've got this written down somewhere, hang on :v
  520. 8:44 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I'm going to regret saying this but yeah, let's let Entropy's brother here do the distracting"
  521. 8:44 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Heeeeeeey"
  522. 8:44 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Entropy, don't suppose you can pull some rockerboy voodoo against the guards to keep them busy slash dead, can you?"
  523. 8:44 PM - Fuck Airman: "Aww fuck yes, just finished cleaning the chunks of flesh out of my buzzsaw!"
  524. 8:44 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Yes, brother, you may be a distraction. The problem here is finding where to have you distract them."
  525. 8:45 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I may work wonders on a crowd, but my saxophone is not a magical, enchanted placating device."
  526. 8:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: "You treat it like one"
  527. 8:45 PM - The Master Of Games: "What we could try is intercepting their call for backup. I could do that from a van parked nearby or somethin'."
  528. 8:45 PM - Merchant: ooo snap
  529. 8:45 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I am merely that talented."
  530. 8:46 PM - Merchant: "Maybe we could use sleeping gas
  531. 8:46 PM - The Master Of Games: "So, our psychotic friend here goes into the lobby and makes kebab outta a couple of Arasaka grunts. The remaining guys panic and send out a call for backup."
  532. 8:46 PM - Merchant: "No hassle, we just wait a bit and then walk in and take chen"
  533. 8:46 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I could just punch them."
  534. 8:46 PM - El Aguila Quema: "In the head."
  535. 8:46 PM - The Master Of Games: "I intercept it, and you roll in instead, disguised as an Arasaka Response Team."
  536. 8:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: "That works most of the time."
  537. 8:47 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "But my brother can remove their heads. That is more permanant and less likely to backfire."
  538. 8:47 PM - The Master Of Games: "You shoot the rest of 'em, and you've got an in. Then you only need to get into the apartment, and you're golden."
  539. 8:47 PM - Fuck Airman: "Yeah, no downside to skull removal"
  540. 8:47 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Except for the victim, but they're hardly in a position to care."
  541. 8:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: "We don't need to kill them, though. They're just workers, they haven't done anything wrong."
  542. 8:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I'm with this guy, but sometimes..."
  543. 8:48 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "They are in our way and shall be dealt with by any means necessary."
  544. 8:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I mean, do we have a better plan?"
  545. 8:48 PM - The Master Of Games: "In this case, go in with tasers or somethin'. Or just try going in stealthily instead."
  546. 8:48 PM - Merchant: "Yeah I'm with him"
  547. 8:48 PM - The Master Of Games: "Like I said, you've got two lines of defense to go through somehow."
  548. 8:48 PM - Merchant: "I think using some sort of gas would be best for a low risk plan"
  549. 8:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Honestly I hate to say it but letting the psychos handle this seems like the plan that gets us to CHen the quickest and has less chance of us dieing"
  550. 8:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Well, why not sleeping gas on the guards. We can kill Chen, he is the wrongdoer."
  551. 8:49 PM - The Master Of Games: "First one's the tower security. Second, Chen's own paranoid security detail, electronic locks and cameras."
  552. 8:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I don't want to kill innocents."
  553. 8:49 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I like the gas idea too."
  554. 8:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I am with the Merchant. Gas is good."
  555. 8:49 PM - Fuck Airman: "Who cares who's innocent and who's guilty, they bleed and scream all the same"
  556. 8:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Unless it's mustard."
  557. 8:49 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "We have you to deal with the electronics, Charlie. Do not forget we are paying you."
  558. 8:50 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I care. They don't need to bleed and scream. They can just sleep quiet like resting hawk."
  559. 8:50 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, the place's Plaza East Tower, page 99 of the book
  560. 8:50 PM - The Master Of Games: read the blurb on it and you'll have the rest of the info you need
  561. 8:50 PM - Merchant: "Orphaner and I could go and set a deal"
  562. 8:50 PM - Bruce Brynes: "We DO have a hacker we're paying"
  563. 8:50 PM - The Master Of Games: "I can handle the electronics, no problem."
  564. 8:51 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "So that means we have only one line of defense to penetrate, and that is of the guards."
  565. 8:51 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Which we can use gas for."
  566. 8:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Sounds good"
  567. 8:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Whatever is the quickest means of reaching Chen without his escaping."
  568. 8:52 PM - Merchant: "How are we going to get the gas in the vents?
  569. 8:52 PM - Merchant: "
  570. 8:52 PM - The Master Of Games disconnected.
  571. 8:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: gj ciaster
  572. 8:52 PM - Merchant: fuck
  573. 8:52 PM - Merchant: gg
  574. 8:52 PM - Merchant: game over
  575. 8:52 PM - Merchant: you lose
  576. 8:52 PM - Merchant: you are dead
  577. 8:52 PM - Merchant: you're family is dead
  578. 8:53 PM - Merchant: you're friends are dead
  579. 8:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: sorry neighbor
  580. 8:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: you've been eaten by the zombies
  581. 8:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: you are family is dead
  582. 8:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: they just be do like it am
  583. 8:53 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh god damn it Caleb
  584. 8:53 PM - Bruce Brynes: you reminded me that existed
  585. 8:54 PM - The Master Of Games entered chat.
  586. 8:54 PM - Merchant: "Should I give Chen a call and set up an exchange?"
  587. 8:55 PM - The Master Of Games: fucking hell fuck steam goddammit
  588. 8:55 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Do you have him on speed dial? Is it quite so simple to get in contact with him?"
  589. 8:55 PM - Merchant: "I could probably find him"
  590. 8:55 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, so what you're going with after all?
  591. 8:56 PM - El Aguila Quema: gas
  592. 8:56 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: aren't we gonna set Orphaner loose at the front door, then gas them as they come out?
  593. 8:56 PM - Merchant: "We could take the box that those rifles came in and fill it up with some random shit"
  594. 8:56 PM - Bruce Brynes: Disable electos, gas the guards, take out chen
  595. 8:56 PM - Merchant: "Offer an arms deal"
  596. 8:56 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah but who are you gonna be gassing? don't forget, it's a giant-ass tower
  597. 8:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: you sau "gas the guards" so casually
  598. 8:57 PM - Bruce Brynes: EVERYBODY
  599. 8:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: like we can magically teleport gas inside
  600. 8:57 PM - The Master Of Games: first you have to get in the tower proper
  601. 8:57 PM - Bruce Brynes: Which is why we need the AV
  602. 8:57 PM - The Master Of Games: then you have to get through the vents to Chen's apartment to gas it in the first place
  603. 8:57 PM - Merchant: and thus the exchange
  604. 8:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I doubt if Chen is willing to make another arms deal after the last one went sour."
  605. 8:57 PM - Merchant: "You think he has heard about that by now?"
  606. 8:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I'd presume so."
  607. 8:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "He might not know it was us, but he will be more paranoid in regards to weapon dealings."
  608. 8:58 PM - The Master Of Games: "Seeing as his guy hasn't come back yet, I'd say that yeah, he probably knows 'bout it now." says Tool
  609. 8:58 PM - El Aguila Quema: "So we present ourselves as really trustworthy or something."
  610. 8:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "He's likely to send a convoy of his own security to such a deal, assuming he even accepts. That would cause more problems."
  611. 8:59 PM - Merchant: "He'll probably just bring more guys"
  612. 8:59 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, didn't you hear what the lady said? He's paranoid, hasn't left the place in days."
  613. 8:59 PM - Merchant: "Won't stop the gas"
  614. 8:59 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Because that is such an excellent plan, Lucha, 'Hello. I am trustworthy. Buy this box of rocks which I am telling you is full of weapons while my partners sneak behind you and kill you.'"
  615. 8:59 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "A flawless plan."
  616. 8:59 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, but you gotta get the gas in somehow."
  617. 8:59 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Yes"
  618. 8:59 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I thought so too."
  619. 8:59 PM - Merchant: "You underestimate my abilities"
  620. 9:00 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "As you also underestimate your opposition."
  621. 9:00 PM - Fuck Airman: "Come on, let me kill them!"
  622. 9:00 PM - Merchant: "I honestly don't give a fuck"
  623. 9:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: "No. Bad Orphan Maker"
  624. 9:00 PM - Merchant: "I've lived a full life"
  625. 9:00 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Do not talk to my brother as though he were a rabid dog, Brynes. You would do well to remember that."
  626. 9:00 PM - Merchant: "I want to go out with a bang"
  627. 9:01 PM - The Master Of Games: Charlie covers her face with her hands. "And I thought I was through with workin' with amateurs." she whispers to herself.
  628. 9:01 PM - The Master Of Games: oh yeah also
  629. 9:01 PM - Fuck Airman: "Yes, or I will tear your pathetic head off and piss down the hole in your neck"
  630. 9:01 PM - The Master Of Games: I'd say it's the perfect time for a Humanity roll!
  631. 9:02 PM - Merchant: oh fuckofuckofuck
  632. 9:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Trust me. You're never done working with ametuers."
  633. 9:02 PM - The Master Of Games: :D
  634. 9:02 PM - Merchant: urdedm8
  635. 9:02 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: he should totally not attack me because I'm his brother and his most respected person
  636. 9:02 PM - Fuck Airman: Ahaha
  637. 9:02 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: but everyone else seems fair game
  638. 9:02 PM - The Master Of Games: roll 1d10+2, Ryan!
  639. 9:02 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: c:
  640. 9:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'm dead aren't I.
  641. 9:02 PM - The Master Of Games: also what's your base EM? 2?
  642. 9:02 PM - Fuck Airman: Let me get in the Rolz room
  643. 9:02 PM - Fuck Airman: Yes
  644. 9:02 PM - Fuck Airman: But its 1 with augs
  645. 9:02 PM - Merchant: bitch can i just shoot him
  646. 9:02 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: no or I shoot you
  647. 9:02 PM - Fuck Airman: Room name?
  648. 9:03 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah I know that's why you're rolling
  649. 9:03 PM - The Master Of Games: ciasterscp2020bonanza
  650. 9:03 PM - Merchant: I'll shoot you too bitch
  651. 9:03 PM - Merchant: too
  652. 9:03 PM - Merchant: huehueh
  653. 9:03 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: bitch I'm way cooler you can't kill me
  654. 9:03 PM - The Master Of Games: dunno if it's case sensitive or not
  655. 9:03 PM - El Aguila Quema: I can wrestle people. A lot.
  656. 9:03 PM - El Aguila Quema: its not case sensitive
  657. 9:03 PM - Merchant: bitch im a cool old man
  658. 9:03 PM - Merchant: x10 cooler
  659. 9:03 PM - Fuck Airman: 1d10
  660. 9:03 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: More like gay and an old man
  661. 9:03 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: hahahahaha
  662. 9:03 PM - Fuck Airman: 10
  663. 9:03 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: heuheueuehhuehuee
  664. 9:03 PM - Fuck Airman: +2
  665. 9:03 PM - Fuck Airman: 12
  666. 9:03 PM - El Aguila Quema: gg
  667. 9:03 PM - The Master Of Games: ahahahahaha
  668. 9:03 PM - The Master Of Games: you're so dead
  669. 9:03 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: welp
  670. 9:03 PM - The Master Of Games: you all are
  671. 9:03 PM - Bruce Brynes: Fuck
  672. 9:03 PM - Merchant: I shoot you in the face you fucking shit
  673. 9:03 PM - El Aguila Quema: thanks buyowner
  674. 9:03 PM - The Master Of Games: wait a minute
  675. 9:03 PM - Fuck Airman: 0u0
  676. 9:04 PM - Merchant: wait
  677. 9:04 PM - The Master Of Games: let's do this properly
  678. 9:04 PM - Merchant: what is orphaners initiative
  679. 9:04 PM - The Master Of Games: better yet, what is everyone's initiative
  680. 9:04 PM - The Master Of Games: actually wait
  681. 9:04 PM - Merchant: I DECLARE A FAST DRAW/SNAP SHOT
  682. 9:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: how do you initiative
  683. 9:04 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  684. 9:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: what is going on
  685. 9:04 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: that's metagaming
  686. 9:04 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: you don't know he's going crazy yet
  687. 9:04 PM - Merchant: yeah what is my initiative
  688. 9:04 PM - Merchant: i can use my
  689. 9:05 PM - Merchant: human perception
  690. 9:05 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, initiative goes Data, Dan, Bruce, Wing, Ryan
  691. 9:05 PM - Merchant: woozwoozwoooz
  692. 9:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: if you just snapshotted him you'd pretty much seem like all you did was shoot him for standing there
  693. 9:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: hue
  694. 9:05 PM - The Master Of Games: and Tool's somewhere in there too
  695. 9:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: then I'd shoot you
  696. 9:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and we all get fucked
  697. 9:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: then i'd disarm you
  698. 9:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: and punch you out
  699. 9:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: not if I shoot once to your and his head
  700. 9:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: and bruce would be like watdafuck
  701. 9:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: 2 shots a turn bby
  702. 9:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: 20 armor
  703. 9:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: on my entire body
  704. 9:05 PM - Fuck Airman: Also since I'm the one snapping, wont I go first?
  705. 9:05 PM - The Master Of Games: so, when you said 3:01 AM - Fuck Airman: "Yes, or I will tear your pathetic head off and piss down the hole in your neck"
  706. were you talking to Bruce or
  707. 9:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: 0 fucks
  708. 9:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: I called him Orphan Maker because, I shit you not, that's a Marvel villian. He killed the mom of my avatar
  709. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: 20 fucks, actually
  710. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: so i guess you could call him the
  711. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: orphan maker
  712. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: hurrhurhuruhruhr
  713. 9:06 PM - The Master Of Games: wow
  714. 9:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: his name IS Orphan Maker
  715. 9:06 PM - The Master Of Games: 3:05 AM - The Master Of Games: so, when you said 3:01 AM - Fuck Airman: "Yes, or I will tear your pathetic head off and piss down the hole in your neck"
  716. were you talking to Bruce or
  717. 9:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: 10/10
  718. 9:06 PM - Fuck Airman: I was
  719. 9:06 PM - The Master Of Games: hell-lo, GM speaking
  720. 9:06 PM - The Master Of Games: k
  721. 9:06 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: hi GM
  722. 9:06 PM - Fuck Airman: ouo
  723. 9:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: He was talking to Entropy
  724. 9:07 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Why would he threaten me
  725. 9:07 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: r u dum
  726. 9:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: for being a faggot probably
  727. 9:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: ouo
  728. 9:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  729. 9:07 PM - The Master Of Games: you wanna play your last moments or do you want me to take over so that you can start rolling up a new character?
  730. 9:07 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: let him play it
  731. 9:07 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: pls
  732. 9:07 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: do it Ryan
  733. 9:07 PM - The Master Of Games: I'm giving him a choice :v
  734. 9:07 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: tear them apart
  735. 9:07 PM - The Master Of Games: which is BENDING THE RULES I MIGHT ADD
  736. 9:07 PM - Merchant: entropy
  737. 9:08 PM - Merchant: if i dont die
  738. 9:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: Can we not die
  739. 9:08 PM - Merchant: im going to kill you
  740. 9:08 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: wow rude
  741. 9:08 PM - Merchant: if i do die
  742. 9:08 PM - Fuck Airman: LET ME MURDER THE FUCKS
  743. 9:08 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I didn't tell him to go crazy
  744. 9:08 PM - Merchant: im going to fucking kill you
  745. 9:08 PM - The Master Of Games: but since I love all of you so much (no homo) I give you a choice
  746. 9:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: Let's not die
  747. 9:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: which option involves us not dieing
  748. 9:08 PM - The Master Of Games: very well, you get a free move
  749. 9:08 PM - The Master Of Games: it's on now ladies
  750. 9:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: Weeeee
  751. 9:08 PM - The Master Of Games: the option that involves killing him first
  752. 9:09 PM - Fuck Airman: I get a free move?
  753. 9:09 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: So Data goes first, then me, then all the other plebs I don't care about except Ryan
  754. 9:09 PM - The Master Of Games: yep
  755. 9:09 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and maybe Tool cause he's cool
  756. 9:09 PM - The Master Of Games: and there's tool somewhere in there too
  757. 9:09 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  758. 9:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: I 1)Duck behind cover, realizing I just pissed off a psycho and he looks mad then I 2) Pull out my shotgun
  759. 9:09 PM - Merchant: wait
  760. 9:09 PM - Fuck Airman: Okay, so
  761. 9:09 PM - Merchant: can you target a bodypart and shoot in the same turn
  762. 9:09 PM - Fuck Airman: Who's closest
  763. 9:09 PM - The Master Of Games: actually I should calculate tool's initiative too
  764. 9:09 PM - The Master Of Games: I dunno everyone
  765. 9:09 PM - The Master Of Games: you're standing together, planning
  766. 9:09 PM - El Aguila Quema: we need a map of entrogay's house
  767. 9:09 PM - The Master Of Games: well, were, before you went berserk
  768. 9:10 PM - Fuck Airman: Right then
  769. 9:10 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah but I'm lazy
  770. 9:10 PM - Merchant: Data is probably the farthest
  771. 9:10 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: we should make a ludicrously detailed one because we always go back to it
  772. 9:10 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: :v
  773. 9:10 PM - Fuck Airman: I shove that buzzsaw into Bruce's throat
  774. 9:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: No
  775. 9:10 PM - Fuck Airman: Yes
  776. 9:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: Cause I ducked behind cover
  777. 9:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: Hahah wrecked
  778. 9:10 PM - Merchant: waot
  779. 9:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: he said we all get a free action
  780. 9:10 PM - Fuck Airman: I see
  781. 9:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: I already decalred mine
  782. 9:10 PM - The Master Of Games: I'd like to remind you that melee attacks have both the attacker and the attacked roll
  783. 9:10 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: uh
  784. 9:10 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: there's turn order
  785. 9:10 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: plebs
  786. 9:10 PM - Merchant: so you can target bodyparts and fire in the same turn
  787. 9:10 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: god
  788. 9:10 PM - The Master Of Games: no, only Ryan gets a free action
  789. 9:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: what
  790. 9:10 PM - The Master Of Games: since he'd be last in turn order otherwise
  791. 9:11 PM - Fuck Airman: Ahaha
  792. 9:11 PM - Fuck Airman: Right then
  793. 9:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: WHAT
  794. 9:11 PM - Fuck Airman: Saw
  795. 9:11 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: yes
  796. 9:11 PM - The Master Of Games: and that wouldn't make sense, I want him to go out with a bang
  797. 9:11 PM - Fuck Airman: Into the throat of Bruce
  798. 9:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: I thought we WEREN'T going to die
  799. 9:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: a VVRRRRRRRRRRRTTT, more like
  800. 9:11 PM - Fuck Airman: They arent
  801. 9:11 PM - Fuck Airman: YOU WILL
  802. 9:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: you can try not to die
  803. 9:11 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: don't worry, we've got stimpakOH WAIT
  804. 9:11 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ROBOCOP HERE WE COME
  805. 9:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: i'd make a good effort if i were you, really
  806. 9:11 PM - Merchant: :V
  807. 9:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: God damn it you guys arranged this
  808. 9:11 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal:
  809. 9:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: i'd rather him die than just become robocop
  810. 9:11 PM - Merchant: At least bruce sort of gets to live
  811. 9:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'm going to have to become robocop aren't I
  812. 9:12 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, Bruce and Ryan, both roll for your REF+your Melee skills+1d10
  813. 9:12 PM - Merchant: If merchant dies
  814. 9:12 PM - The Master Of Games: he won't
  815. 9:12 PM - Fuck Airman: 10 + 5 + 1d10
  816. 9:12 PM - Merchant: i want to be robopilot
  817. 9:12 PM - El Aguila Quema: melee being brawling im guessing
  818. 9:12 PM - Merchant: Wingman
  819. 9:12 PM - The Master Of Games: melee being melee
  820. 9:12 PM - The Master Of Games: it's its own skill
  821. 9:12 PM - Fuck Airman: 5
  822. 9:12 PM - Fuck Airman: +5
  823. 9:12 PM - El Aguila Quema: thats p sweet
  824. 9:12 PM - Fuck Airman: +10
  825. 9:12 PM - Fuck Airman: 20
  826. 9:12 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, what 'bout you, Potato?
  827. 9:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: one sec
  828. 9:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: 17
  829. 9:13 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: welp
  830. 9:13 PM - The Master Of Games: welp
  831. 9:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: i'm wrecked aren't I
  832. 9:13 PM - The Master Of Games: wanna use 4 points of luck
  833. 9:13 PM - Fuck Airman: AHAHA
  834. 9:13 PM - The Master Of Games: ?
  835. 9:14 PM - Fuck Airman: I'll use 2 points of luck
  836. 9:14 PM - The Master Of Games: also what's the damage of your handsaw Ryan
  837. 9:14 PM - Fuck Airman: Let me pull it up
  838. 9:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: so I have to use 6 points of luck to not instadie
  839. 9:15 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  840. 9:15 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: do you have 6 luck?
  841. 9:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: 8
  842. 9:15 PM - Fuck Airman: FUCK
  843. 9:15 PM - El Aguila Quema: niiice
  844. 9:15 PM - The Master Of Games: saw damage please
  845. 9:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: I love how we're all "Oh Ryan actually play with us"
  846. 9:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: and when he does
  847. 9:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: he kills the best character
  848. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: well he shouldn't have min maxed
  849. 9:16 PM - Merchant: I legit
  850. 9:16 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: bitch you're only mad cause he's gonna kill your plebly generic cop
  851. 9:16 PM - Merchant: want to murder all of you
  852. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: it's his own fault
  853. 9:16 PM - Fuck Airman: Wait
  854. 9:16 PM - Fuck Airman: GM
  855. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: shut up y'all
  856. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  857. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: also
  858. 9:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: well what the hell let's insert six points of luck into this
  859. 9:16 PM - Fuck Airman: Since i have a martial arts skill
  860. 9:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: bruce's cop is honestly my favorite character
  861. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: SAW DAMAGE
  862. 9:16 PM - Fuck Airman: Do I add that too?
  863. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: no
  864. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: just your Melee
  865. 9:16 PM - Merchant: agree x1
  866. 9:16 PM - Fuck Airman: Right
  867. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: I like Bruce's cop too
  868. 9:16 PM - The Master Of Games: he's chill as hell
  869. 9:16 PM - Merchant: he is the most sane of all of us
  870. 9:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: best character, 10/10
  871. 9:16 PM - Fuck Airman: 2d6+2, and i have Hydralic rams in my arm, so thats 3x damage
  872. 9:17 PM - Merchant: wow
  873. 9:17 PM - The Master Of Games: jesus christo
  874. 9:17 PM - Merchant: gg
  875. 9:17 PM - The Master Of Games: uh
  876. 9:17 PM - The Master Of Games: what's your luck
  877. 9:17 PM - Fuck Airman: 2
  878. 9:17 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  879. 9:17 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  880. 9:18 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  881. 9:18 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge has changed their name to Entropy: Now with 20% more metal.
  882. 9:19 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: internet shat itself
  884. 9:19 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: aw man what happened
  885. 9:19 PM - Fuck Airman: "I TOLD YOU ID TAKE THAT FUCKING HEAD OFF"
  886. 9:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: CHOOMBAH
  887. 9:19 PM - The Master Of Games: "Holy fuck!" yells Tool and pulls his Beretta out of his shoulder holster. Charlie lunges behind Entropy's giant TV.
  888. 9:19 PM - The Master Of Games: anyway it's Data's turn
  889. 9:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Aw Slag."
  890. 9:19 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I'm gonna die aren't I."
  891. 9:19 PM - Merchant: "I think we all are"
  892. 9:19 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy calmly rises from his seat, puts his hands behind his back and casually observes
  893. 9:20 PM - The Master Of Games: I suggest staying away from the murderous psycho with a chainsaw attached to his fist
  894. 9:20 PM - Fuck Airman: Buzzsaw
  895. 9:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: I assume my GRAPPLE STANCE and roll to hold down
  896. 9:20 PM - Fuck Airman: Get it right
  897. 9:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: whatever the guys name is
  898. 9:20 PM - The Master Of Games: whatever it's a saw
  899. 9:20 PM - Merchant: GM
  900. 9:20 PM - The Master Of Games: yea
  901. 9:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: saw dude
  902. 9:20 PM - Merchant: can you target bodyparts and fire in the same turn
  903. 9:20 PM - The Master Of Games: yep
  904. 9:20 PM - Merchant: coolio
  905. 9:20 PM - The Master Of Games: you get a -3 penalty though
  906. 9:20 PM - The Master Of Games: for aiming
  907. 9:20 PM - The Master Of Games: since it's a separate action :v
  908. 9:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: wait no i need to grapple him
  909. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: ok i GRAPPLE THE ORPHANER
  910. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: what do i roll
  911. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: 1d10+ref+ma?
  912. 9:21 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: roll 2 failure
  913. 9:21 PM - The Master Of Games: roll for your Wrestling+REF+1d10
  914. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: hahaa
  915. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: and the +4
  916. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: 29
  917. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: top lel
  918. 9:21 PM - The Master Of Games: Ryan, you roll for your Dodge+REF+1d10
  919. 9:21 PM - The Master Of Games: ...or not
  920. 9:21 PM - Fuck Airman: Right
  921. 9:22 PM - The Master Of Games: since you're pretty obviously gonna lose
  922. 9:22 PM - Fuck Airman: 5
  923. 9:22 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: :v
  924. 9:22 PM - Fuck Airman: +10 ref
  925. 9:22 PM - Fuck Airman: 15
  926. 9:22 PM - Fuck Airman: No dodge
  927. 9:22 PM - The Master Of Games: ahaha
  928. 9:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh yeah and i can do another action
  929. 9:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: at a -3 penalty, right?
  930. 9:23 PM - The Master Of Games: The bulky wrestler moves surprisingly fast for his size as he lunges at Orphaner, and body checks him right into the glass coffee table. Orphaner takes 1 damage.
  931. 9:23 PM - The Master Of Games: yep
  932. 9:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: alright
  933. 9:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: wheres the nearest window
  934. 9:23 PM - The Master Of Games: too far away
  935. 9:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: damn
  936. 9:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: then i just throw him at the wall
  937. 9:23 PM - Fuck Airman: Right
  938. 9:23 PM - Fuck Airman: So then
  939. 9:23 PM - Fuck Airman: How do these wounds work
  940. 9:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: so 1d10+10+10+3-3
  941. 9:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: 28
  942. 9:24 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm pretty sure each damage is a check mark
  943. 9:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: roll damage?
  944. 9:24 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  945. 9:24 PM - Fuck Airman: Right
  946. 9:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: anybody got some good music for this?
  947. 9:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: 15 damage
  948. 9:24 PM - The Master Of Games: hang on I should have something
  949. 9:24 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Punchout music probably seems fitting
  950. 9:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: shame, i only rolled a 3
  951. 9:24 PM - Fuck Airman: Jesus, what about stopping power?
  952. 9:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: i was hoping to roll a 6 and hit him for 18
  953. 9:25 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  954. 9:25 PM - Bruce Brynes: Punchout is fantastic
  955. 9:25 PM - The Master Of Games: alright Ryan roll for stun
  956. 9:25 PM - Fuck Airman: Roll what?
  957. 9:25 PM - Fuck Airman: Also
  958. 9:25 PM - Fuck Airman: Stopping power?
  959. 9:25 PM - The Master Of Games: it's melee damage it doesn't get stopped by armor
  960. 9:25 PM - Fuck Airman: Right
  961. 9:25 PM - Fuck Airman: So what do I roll?
  962. 9:26 PM - The Master Of Games: check in the combat section
  963. 9:26 PM - The Master Of Games: I'm too busy looking for baller music :v
  964. 9:26 PM - El Aguila Quema: ryan you are so fucking boned lol
  965. 9:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: yaaaay
  966. 9:26 PM - Fuck Airman: Not seeing it
  967. 9:26 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'll just casually observe in the meantime
  968. 9:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: doesnt he also get a -1 to stun
  969. 9:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: wait no
  970. 9:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: nevermind
  971. 9:27 PM - The Master Of Games: alright so since orphaner hates cops and bruce is one, and besides it's a baller track:
  972. 9:27 PM - The Master Of Games: oh hey a Miami Vice video :v
  973. 9:28 PM - The Master Of Games: didn't even notice that
  974. 9:28 PM - Fuck Airman: Gmmmmmm
  975. 9:28 PM - Fuck Airman: What do for stun
  976. 9:28 PM - The Master Of Games: yes
  977. 9:28 PM - Fuck Airman: Not saying anything in the combat section
  978. 9:28 PM - The Master Of Games: page 107
  979. 9:28 PM - The Master Of Games: it's right there
  980. 9:29 PM - Fuck Airman: 4-3
  981. 9:29 PM - Fuck Airman: Well shit
  982. 9:29 PM - The Master Of Games: actually, you're at Mortal now I think
  983. 9:29 PM - The Master Of Games: but fuck that
  984. 9:29 PM - Fuck Airman: Mortal 0
  985. 9:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: sweeeeeeeet
  986. 9:29 PM - Fuck Airman: Stunned
  987. 9:29 PM - Fuck Airman: Right then
  988. 9:29 PM - Fuck Airman: Make it quick
  989. 9:29 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah you're stunned as fuck and also probably have some internal bleeding
  990. 9:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: "FREEEEDOM TO LIVE!"
  991. 9:30 PM - The Master Of Games: Bruce's turn
  992. 9:30 PM - The Master Of Games: do the needful
  993. 9:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: O.K.
  994. 9:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: So where am I?
  995. 9:30 PM - The Master Of Games: not as far away from the Orphaner as you'd like
  996. 9:31 PM - The Master Of Games: just cap him in the head
  997. 9:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: O.K.
  998. 9:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: This guy is getting chinese shotgun takeout
  999. 9:31 PM - Merchant: :V
  1000. 9:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: I whip out my shotgun and unload as much as I can into him
  1001. 9:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: which is...
  1002. 9:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: one sec
  1003. 9:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: holy fuck ryan
  1004. 9:32 PM - The Master Of Games: probably has a ROF of 2, most semi autos in this game have
  1005. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: O.K.
  1006. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: let's go with that
  1007. 9:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: you've proved to me that anyplace near me is not a safe place
  1008. 9:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: thank you
  1009. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: let me look up damage real wuick
  1010. 9:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: then i'll roll
  1011. 9:32 PM - The Master Of Games: k
  1012. 9:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: two rounds of 4d6
  1013. 9:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: yaaaay
  1014. 9:33 PM - The Master Of Games: four actually
  1015. 9:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: seriously?
  1016. 9:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: sweet
  1017. 9:33 PM - The Master Of Games: since if you want to unload as much as you can into him you'd probably want to make two attacks
  1018. 9:33 PM - Fuck Airman: Right then
  1019. 9:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: gonna roll now
  1020. 9:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: TWO 10s
  1021. 9:34 PM - The Master Of Games: also from now this is Bruce's theme song:
  1022. 9:34 PM - The Master Of Games: niiiiice
  1023. 9:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: yo
  1024. 9:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: ciaster
  1025. 9:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: so that's a 26, a 26, a 19, and 17
  1026. 9:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: you are a fucking awesome gm
  1027. 9:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: its only been 20 minutes since we've started
  1028. 9:35 PM - Fuck Airman: I'd call bullshit, but ever since Brick rolled a 1, I believe any dice roll
  1029. 9:35 PM - The Master Of Games: thank you
  1030. 9:35 PM - The Master Of Games: well it's a given he's dead
  1031. 9:35 PM - Fuck Airman: Yup
  1032. 9:35 PM - Fuck Airman: Peace bitches
  1033. 9:35 PM - Fuck Airman: Was fun while it lasted
  1034. 9:35 PM - Fuck Airman: 0u0
  1035. 9:35 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: go make a new character
  1036. 9:35 PM - Fuck Airman left chat.
  1037. 9:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: Oh wow
  1038. 9:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: someone really didn
  1039. 9:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: didn't want to play
  1040. 9:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: i think he's pissed he died so fast :v
  1041. 9:35 PM - The Master Of Games: You pump four shots from your trusty service pump-action into Orphaner's unconcious body, blowing him to bits, while screaming all the time.
  1042. 9:36 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: he's working on Mekton actually
  1043. 9:36 PM - The Master Of Games: you minmax with the best you die like the rest
  1044. 9:36 PM - The Master Of Games: :v
  1045. 9:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: I take a deep breath
  1047. 9:36 PM - Merchant: "Like a rabid dog"
  1048. 9:36 PM - The Master Of Games: in other words he shouldn't have made a character who's on the edge of insanity all the time
  1049. 9:36 PM - The Master Of Games: sorry Ryan
  1050. 9:36 PM - The Master Of Games: even though you're not here :v
  1051. 9:36 PM - Merchant: <3
  1052. 9:37 PM - Merchant: "I'll call Chen"
  1053. 9:37 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: need I remind you that you gave him the option to change a point to his EMP to circumvent that rule, like you did for me, but he chose to ignore it?
  1054. 9:37 PM - The Master Of Games: "Holy shit. Think he's dead now, buddy." says Tool, looking with newfound respect at Bruce.
  1055. 9:37 PM - The Master Of Games: no
  1056. 9:37 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "And so he is."
  1057. 9:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: 9:37 PM - Fuck Airman: Depending on when I get a party though, Mekton might be next week, and it wont be at the same time
  1058. 9:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: ah
  1059. 9:37 PM - Fuck Airman: But I dont want to handle two PNPS at once
  1060. 9:38 PM - Fuck Airman: So I'm debating on it
  1061. 9:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: aw :c
  1062. 9:38 PM - The Master Of Games: oh
  1063. 9:38 PM - The Master Of Games: awww
  1064. 9:38 PM - The Master Of Games: I like Ryan
  1065. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: Eh
  1066. 9:38 PM - The Master Of Games: well, in this case
  1067. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: He's fun
  1068. 9:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: i like ryan too
  1069. 9:38 PM - Merchant: yeah I won't be doing Mekton with ryan
  1070. 9:38 PM - The Master Of Games: shall I get someone else on board?
  1071. 9:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: im not doing mekton either
  1072. 9:38 PM - Merchant: can't do 2 pnps at once
  1073. 9:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: i probably could
  1074. 9:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: Melting IS doing two
  1075. 9:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: im already doing one irl and one over chat
  1076. 9:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm the only one here doing Mekton :v
  1077. 9:38 PM - The Master Of Games: I seem to remember Disco saying something about already having a character prepared
  1078. 9:38 PM - Merchant: I know some cool guys
  1079. 9:38 PM - Merchant: don't know if they want to play tho
  1080. 9:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: you'd invite Disco among us?
  1081. 9:39 PM - Merchant: ah yes disco
  1082. 9:39 PM - The Master Of Games: aw Disco's not online
  1083. 9:39 PM - The Master Of Games: sure why not
  1084. 9:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: I think he means Mekton
  1085. 9:39 PM - The Master Of Games: he's alright
  1086. 9:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: because
  1087. 9:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Disco
  1088. 9:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: ugh
  1089. 9:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and I think Disco's a she now
  1090. 9:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: please no disco
  1091. 9:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: Wait I thought Disco was a woman
  1092. 9:39 PM - Merchant: He kind of promised her
  1093. 9:39 PM - The Master Of Games: fuck you might be right
  1094. 9:39 PM - Merchant: or him
  1095. 9:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: didn't we agree to call Disco dude
  1096. 9:39 PM - The Master Of Games: oh yeah
  1097. 9:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: the gender neutral term
  1098. 9:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: Considerin how much she mentions being a lesbian
  1099. 9:39 PM - The Master Of Games: dude's my go to gender neutral pronoun, yeah
  1100. 9:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: which is all the time
  1101. 9:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: which is almost every post
  1102. 9:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: :v
  1103. 9:40 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: moving on tho
  1104. 9:40 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah lets keep going tho
  1105. 9:40 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: 4reeltho
  1106. 9:40 PM - El Aguila Quema: its been half an hour and we already repainted appy
  1107. 9:40 PM - The Master Of Games: I promised the dude I'd let the dude know if I got an opening, and I do, so
  1108. 9:40 PM - El Aguila Quema: appy's house
  1109. 9:40 PM - Merchant: Can I roll to see if i can meet with chen?
  1110. 9:40 PM - El Aguila Quema: alright
  1111. 9:40 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah he must be pissed about the red stain on his carpet
  1112. 9:40 PM - The Master Of Games: which was a nice carpet I might add
  1113. 9:40 PM - El Aguila Quema: but i swear to god if the dude plays The Lady
  1114. 9:41 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I never liked that table anyway."
  1115. 9:41 PM - Merchant: Oh he will
  1116. 9:41 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Um. Crap."
  1117. 9:41 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "But the carpet though, is a different matter. If will take a lot to remove the blood."
  1118. 9:41 PM - Merchant: "Get the gas canisters prepared"
  1119. 9:41 PM - The Master Of Games: well he's so paranoid, he won't go for it anyway, Chen I mean
  1120. 9:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I would say i'm sorry for having to turn your brother into a paint bucket, but i'm honestly not because jesus christ what the actual hell was that"
  1121. 9:41 PM - El Aguila Quema: "What was that about?"
  1122. 9:41 PM - Merchant: "We should be going soon"
  1123. 9:41 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "He's had a slight mental deformity ever since childbirth. Augmentations only agitated it further,"
  1124. 9:41 PM - Merchant: 9:40 PM - Merchant: Can I roll to see if i can meet with chen?
  1125. 9:41 PM - The Master Of Games: "Guy rode the edge, had to fall on either side sooner or later."
  1126. 9:42 PM - The Master Of Games: sure but it's almost impossible
  1127. 9:42 PM - El Aguila Quema: "He fell on the dead side, it looks like."
  1128. 9:42 PM - The Master Of Games: you better roll good, boy
  1129. 9:42 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah. So, what do we do with the body?"
  1130. 9:42 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I'll call someone to handle it and the stains."
  1131. 9:42 PM - The Master Of Games: "Can't just leave him here, he'd start to stink."
  1132. 9:43 PM - Merchant: what should i roll
  1133. 9:43 PM - Merchant: streetwise i guess
  1134. 9:43 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  1135. 9:43 PM - Merchant: 21
  1136. 9:43 PM - The Master Of Games: +1d10+whatever stat streetwise's tied to
  1137. 9:43 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: better roll a 30 boy
  1138. 9:43 PM - The Master Of Games: well that's a no
  1139. 9:43 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Cool
  1140. 9:43 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Streetwise is Cool
  1141. 9:43 PM - Merchant: what is the threshold?
  1142. 9:44 PM - Merchant: 25?
  1143. 9:44 PM - Merchant: 30?
  1144. 9:44 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: probably at least 25
  1145. 9:44 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'd imagine 30 tho
  1146. 9:44 PM - Merchant: Can I put my luck into it
  1147. 9:44 PM - Merchant: I got 8
  1148. 9:44 PM - The Master Of Games: you go through your contacts to try and estabilish contact with Chen, but nobody's seen him since "that thing on the plane, was all over the news"
  1149. 9:44 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah it was 30
  1150. 9:44 PM - Merchant: shit
  1151. 9:44 PM - Bruce Brynes: holy shit
  1152. 9:44 PM - The Master Of Games: looks like you're gonna have to find another way
  1153. 9:44 PM - Bruce Brynes: there's a transformer based off of Doctor Cox
  1154. 9:44 PM - The Master Of Games: the fuck is a Doctor Cox
  1155. 9:44 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Scrubs
  1156. 9:44 PM - Bruce Brynes: From Scrubs
  1157. 9:45 PM - Merchant: Can I also call someone to get some gear
  1158. 9:45 PM - The Master Of Games: sure thing you can
  1159. 9:45 PM - Merchant: i want a polymer one shot
  1160. 9:45 PM - Merchant: 454 disposable if possible
  1161. 9:45 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: why don't we just go to that one guy we went to last time
  1162. 9:45 PM - The Master Of Games: well if you want this you can just hit up the nearest pawn shop
  1163. 9:45 PM - Merchant: 28
  1164. 9:45 PM - The Master Of Games: or hardware store
  1165. 9:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: wait what are we doing
  1166. 9:45 PM - Merchant: how much is it
  1167. 9:46 PM - Merchant: I'm buying shit
  1168. 9:46 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, a polymer one shot of your choice magically appears in your bag or whatever, and you realize you've had it all along
  1169. 9:46 PM - Merchant: ooooo
  1170. 9:46 PM - Merchant: fun
  1171. 9:46 PM - The Master Of Games: also, mind sharing your plan with the rest of the group?
  1172. 9:46 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: the hell is a polymer one shot?
  1173. 9:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: polymer one shot?
  1174. 9:46 PM - The Master Of Games: a cheap shitty pistol
  1175. 9:46 PM - El Aguila Quema: disposable pistol
  1176. 9:46 PM - The Master Of Games: made outta polymers, thus the name
  1177. 9:47 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: o
  1178. 9:47 PM - The Master Of Games: and easily breaks, thus "one shot"
  1179. 9:47 PM - The Master Of Games: there's a pretty humorous section about them in the Solo Of Fortune supplement
  1180. 9:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: like the shitty penguns the US issued to soldiers to hide in their mouths if they were ever to become POWs
  1181. 9:47 PM - The Master Of Games: apparently there's one styled after Han Solo's blaster
  1182. 9:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  1183. 9:47 PM - The Master Of Games: and one that has a 60% chance of melting during automatic fire
  1184. 9:47 PM - The Master Of Games: :v
  1185. 9:48 PM - The Master Of Games: I love Cyberpunk
  1186. 9:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: a Mauser "Broomstick" pistol with a giant thing attacched to the barrel and a scope=han Solo
  1187. 9:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: Han Solo's blaster*
  1188. 9:48 PM - The Master Of Games: it's Broomhandle :v
  1189. 9:48 PM - Bruce Brynes: w/e
  1190. 9:48 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "So, have we decided on a plan?"
  1191. 9:48 PM - El Aguila Quema: or you could call it by a nickname that isnt ass
  1192. 9:48 PM - El Aguila Quema: like Red 9
  1193. 9:48 PM - El Aguila Quema: :V
  1194. 9:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Yeah, we need a plan."
  1195. 9:49 PM - The Master Of Games: that's the 9mm version though, not 7.65 mauzer
  1196. 9:49 PM - Merchant: "We are using the gas, I don't know how we are going to get it though"
  1197. 9:49 PM - Merchant: "We could take an AV to the roof"
  1198. 9:49 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Since our distraction is unfortunately crossing the River Styx, we need to alter the plans."
  1199. 9:49 PM - Merchant: get in*
  1200. 9:49 PM - Merchant: "You mean the Rubicon?"
  1201. 9:50 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "But we need to take out the guards on the roof."
  1202. 9:50 PM - The Master Of Games: "Like I said, either the vents, or-or the window." says Charlie, still a bit shaken up about the sudden fight and Orphaner's death.
  1203. 9:50 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Without getting shot down and drawing too much attention."
  1204. 9:50 PM - El Aguila Quema: 7.65 is a shitty cartridge anyway :V
  1205. 9:50 PM - The Master Of Games: "Alright, so it's the roof then."
  1206. 9:50 PM - Merchant: We could go to the Parkview tower
  1207. 9:50 PM - Merchant: take our the guards from there
  1208. 9:50 PM - Bruce Brynes: I look at Charlie
  1209. 9:50 PM - The Master Of Games: "They're not gonna pull a rocket launcher on a civvie AV, don't worry."
  1210. 9:50 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Is there a tower neatby that's higher than Chen's tower?
  1211. 9:51 PM - The Master Of Games: well yeah but the Parkview tower has even better security
  1212. 9:51 PM - Merchant: Yeah
  1213. 9:51 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: We could totally parachute down or something
  1214. 9:51 PM - El Aguila Quema: parachute out of the AV
  1215. 9:51 PM - Merchant: nah
  1216. 9:51 PM - Merchant: parkview has way too much security
  1217. 9:51 PM - El Aguila Quema: or go on the AV and have bruce snipe from it
  1218. 9:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: "You O.K.? I have a bad history of accidentally spraying people when I end up shotting someone"
  1219. 9:51 PM - Merchant: like swat teams
  1220. 9:51 PM - The Master Of Games: you could try sniping from the AV, "Just like back in 'Nam!" style
  1221. 9:51 PM - Merchant: "You don't know anything about 'Nam kid"
  1222. 9:52 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, I'm alright. It's just that... shit, that was so sudden. Like, one minute you're talkin, next - he wants to rip your throat out."
  1223. 9:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy dusts himself. "Your pellets have avoided damaging my coat, and so I am satisfied."
  1224. 9:52 PM - The Master Of Games: that wasn't IC dude
  1225. 9:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: gj wing
  1226. 9:52 PM - The Master Of Games: the 'nam thing
  1227. 9:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ever the terrible reader
  1228. 9:52 PM - Merchant: o
  1229. 9:52 PM - The Master Of Games: also it's a Die Hard quote know your classics
  1230. 9:52 PM - Merchant: eh
  1231. 9:52 PM - Merchant: i don't really like bruce willis
  1232. 9:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: what did you say
  1233. 9:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: nigga
  1234. 9:53 PM - Merchant: oh god
  1235. 9:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Though I will admit that I did indeed care for my brother, I will not deny that it was bound to happen at some point with his abrasive personality."
  1236. 9:53 PM - The Master Of Games: oh no you didn't
  1237. 9:53 PM - Bruce Brynes: I keep gettinghim mixed up with David Willis and Buce Cambell who I both love
  1238. 9:53 PM - Merchant: i heard that he is a bit of an arrogant asshole
  1239. 9:53 PM - Merchant: i just kind of lost respect for him
  1240. 9:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: which affects his acting abilities by 1000%
  1241. 9:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: :v
  1242. 9:54 PM - El Aguila Quema: you dont have to like him as a person to like him as an actor
  1243. 9:54 PM - Bruce Brynes: I turn to Charlie. "You O.K.? I have a bad history of accidentally spraying people when I end up having to pull out the shotgun."
  1244. 9:54 PM - Merchant: I just think he is overrated
  1245. 9:54 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah, I heard that too, but I also heard he's only an asshole when he's just working for a paycheck
  1246. 9:54 PM - The Master Of Games: which is understandable
  1247. 9:54 PM - The Master Of Games: he also hates being pegged as just a tough bald dude with a gun
  1248. 9:55 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I believe you might have hit your head, Brynes. You have already asked that."
  1249. 9:55 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Or perhaps it was my brother who hit you."
  1250. 9:55 PM - Bruce Brynes: (well the gm didn't respond"
  1251. 9:55 PM - Bruce Brynes: )*
  1252. 9:55 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: uh yeah he did
  1253. 9:55 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and I did too since before you didn't specify who it was at
  1254. 9:55 PM - Merchant: "So Bruce is going to snipe from the AV?"
  1255. 9:56 PM - The Master Of Games: and it turns out i fucked up the quote, it was Saigon not 'nam
  1256. 9:56 PM - The Master Of Games: go me
  1257. 9:56 PM - The Master Of Games: "That could work, yeah."
  1258. 9:56 PM - The Master Of Games: "Tool, you sure you can keep 'er steady enough for him to do his thing?"
  1259. 9:57 PM - The Master Of Games: Tool shrugs. "As long as there's no extreme weather, sure, should pull it off just fine."
  1260. 9:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy sits down and begins polishing his shiny chrome leg with a silk cloth he pulls from his coat
  1261. 9:57 PM - Bruce Brynes: More like he's polishing his THIRD leg
  1262. 9:57 PM - Bruce Brynes: huehuhehuehueheuhehue
  1263. 9:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: gay
  1264. 9:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: kill you are selve
  1265. 9:57 PM - Merchant: hue
  1266. 9:58 PM - Merchant: so when bruce snipes we land on the room and go in through there?
  1267. 9:58 PM - Merchant: foof*
  1268. 9:58 PM - Merchant: roof*
  1269. 9:58 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah, that's the gist of it
  1270. 9:58 PM - Merchant: "We should get some gas masks"
  1271. 9:58 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Why do are plans always involve me sniping and roofs?"
  1272. 9:58 PM - El Aguila Quema: huehue
  1273. 9:58 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I think one of us has a roof fetish"
  1274. 9:58 PM - Merchant: "Because it is easy"
  1275. 9:59 PM - The Master Of Games: also, Dan, Entropy has a voice spoofing thingy, right?
  1276. 9:59 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I think so
  1277. 9:59 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Voice Synthesizer
  1278. 9:59 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: yes
  1279. 10:00 PM - The Master Of Games: in this case, if the guards survive for long enough to call for help, Charlie's gonna intercept their call and you'll spoof their voice and do the whole "everything's alright" thing
  1280. 10:00 PM - The Master Of Games: you know what I'm talking about
  1281. 10:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  1282. 10:00 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I can live with that
  1283. 10:00 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, so
  1284. 10:00 PM - The Master Of Games: you've already got the PSG-1 rifle
  1285. 10:00 PM - The Master Of Games: that's taken care of
  1286. 10:00 PM - Merchant: We just need maks
  1287. 10:00 PM - Merchant: masks
  1288. 10:00 PM - The Master Of Games: you've got the AV, too
  1289. 10:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: payday masks
  1290. 10:01 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah you're gonna need masks, seeing as you've already got gas 'nades
  1291. 10:01 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: we do?
  1292. 10:01 PM - The Master Of Games: and maybe a suppressor for the rifle
  1293. 10:01 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah you bought a crate of each I think?
  1294. 10:01 PM - El Aguila Quema: I have a mask
  1295. 10:01 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I got a crate of HE, Frag, Smoke and Incen
  1296. 10:01 PM - El Aguila Quema: i sent gm an idea on how to make it a gas mask :v
  1297. 10:01 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: though I'd be OK with retconing the frags to gas
  1298. 10:02 PM - The Master Of Games: also, random thought but "Geronimo, motherfucker"ing Stubble off the roof could be a pretty nice distraction for the people down below
  1299. 10:02 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: since HEs are explosive enough to cover for frags
  1300. 10:02 PM - Merchant: yeah can we get custom gasmasks that look like payday masks
  1301. 10:02 PM - The Master Of Games: and a pretty nice way to tie up a loose end
  1302. 10:02 PM - The Master Of Games: also, there's actually no frags in the rules so sure ;v
  1303. 10:02 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: kayy
  1304. 10:03 PM - The Master Of Games: sure why not I'm ok with that
  1305. 10:03 PM - The Master Of Games: gaudy painted gas masks are a go
  1306. 10:03 PM - Merchant: yay
  1307. 10:03 PM - The Master Of Games: so, masks, a suppressor so that you don't alert the whole corp zone, anything else?
  1308. 10:04 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'd like thermal goggles
  1309. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: can i supress my fists
  1310. 10:04 PM - The Master Of Games: no they're already silent
  1311. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: i know
  1312. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: c:
  1313. 10:04 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: punch people with a supressor
  1314. 10:04 PM - Merchant: we'll get those next heist
  1315. 10:04 PM - The Master Of Games: remember, a non lethal takedown is the most silent takedown
  1316. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: yep
  1317. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: im doing non lethal this entire time
  1318. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: except chen
  1319. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: chens gonna get fucked up
  1320. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: will i be able to fit in the vent and crawl through it?
  1321. 10:05 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  1322. 10:05 PM - Merchant: lemee get chen
  1323. 10:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: So does my cool double revolver thingy get a supressor too?
  1324. 10:05 PM - Merchant: gotta ~eliminate the compition~
  1325. 10:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: revolver supressor
  1326. 10:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: nice
  1327. 10:05 PM - The Master Of Games: I was actually kinda hoping you'd do that so that the whole thing with the vents would work
  1328. 10:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Metro had it :v
  1329. 10:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: We need rope too
  1330. 10:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so we can pull a Boondock Saints
  1331. 10:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: revolver suppressor exists
  1332. 10:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: singular
  1333. 10:06 PM - The Master Of Games: well I'd normally say no since it's not a Nagant revolver and only these can be suppressed, but it's got some wonky firing mechanism and fires trounds
  1334. 10:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: because i think theres like one revolver that accepts it
  1335. 10:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah
  1336. 10:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  1337. 10:06 PM - The Master Of Games: the cityhunter I mean
  1338. 10:06 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal:
  1339. 10:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: there's a revolver that can do that
  1340. 10:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: but
  1341. 10:06 PM - The Master Of Games: so hell, why not have it be suppressable as well
  1342. 10:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: like one
  1343. 10:06 PM - The Master Of Games: dude look up
  1344. 10:06 PM - The Master Of Games: I literally just said that :v
  1345. 10:06 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: shit not the rope scene I wanted
  1346. 10:06 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: whoops
  1347. 10:07 PM - Merchant: planning montage music
  1348. 10:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: Sir Duke, stevie wonder
  1349. 10:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: highest quality audio files out there
  1350. 10:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: on a high quality music player
  1351. 10:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: with amp
  1352. 10:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: my dad REALLY likes music
  1353. 10:07 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: here we go
  1354. 10:07 PM - The Master Of Games: fuk yeah someone else posted Noir Deco
  1355. 10:07 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal:
  1356. 10:08 PM - The Master Of Games: the whole Nemesis Collision album owns actually
  1357. 10:08 PM - El Aguila Quema: planning music:
  1358. 10:08 PM - The Master Of Games: but if you're going with Noir Deco, go with
  1359. 10:08 PM - The Master Of Games: dat guitar riff
  1360. 10:08 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeeeee
  1361. 10:09 PM - El Aguila Quema: noir deco is so good
  1362. 10:09 PM - El Aguila Quema: just found it like yesterday
  1363. 10:09 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: anyway what were we doing
  1364. 10:09 PM - The Master Of Games: actually that's what's gonna be the soundtrack for the break-in
  1365. 10:09 PM - Merchant: I just keep listening to future noir
  1366. 10:09 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and how much does a supresssor for me gun cost
  1367. 10:09 PM - The Master Of Games: talking about the gear you're gonna nee
  1368. 10:09 PM - The Master Of Games: *need
  1369. 10:09 PM - The Master Of Games: think like 50 bucks?
  1370. 10:09 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: wow that's it
  1371. 10:09 PM - Merchant: "So masks, supressors, and rope?"
  1372. 10:09 PM - The Master Of Games: suppressors are pretty cheap
  1373. 10:09 PM - Merchant: really?
  1374. 10:10 PM - The Master Of Games: actually most stuff's pretty cheap in cyberpunk
  1375. 10:10 PM - The Master Of Games: you've already got the comms
  1376. 10:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah
  1377. 10:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have shittons of money left lol
  1378. 10:10 PM - Merchant: so you can afford those houses :V
  1379. 10:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: i could become the juggernaut if i wanted
  1380. 10:10 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I spent all my dosh on me new leg
  1381. 10:10 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: nice, shiny new leg
  1382. 10:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: this game is meant to have you start from nothing and ascend to being a god basically
  1383. 10:10 PM - Merchant: I spent all my dosh on you guys
  1384. 10:10 PM - The Master Of Games: in this case, Aguilla's gonna be funding your shopping spree
  1385. 10:10 PM - Merchant: and i am suppose to be the greedy asshole
  1386. 10:11 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I still got about 1500
  1387. 10:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: "What do we need? I have spare money."
  1388. 10:11 PM - Bruce Brynes: do I need shit?
  1389. 10:11 PM - Merchant: I got 6000
  1390. 10:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: i got 12k
  1391. 10:11 PM - Merchant: shit son
  1392. 10:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: i dont really need to buy anything
  1393. 10:11 PM - Merchant: go buy yourself a batcave
  1394. 10:11 PM - Merchant: oh god
  1395. 10:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: and i live in an apartment because im just a businessman
  1396. 10:11 PM - Merchant: cyberpunk batman
  1397. 10:11 PM - Merchant: i want it
  1398. 10:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: i need the batty
  1399. 10:12 PM - Merchant: if i ever do a cyberpunk campaign
  1400. 10:12 PM - Merchant: which i probably won't
  1401. 10:12 PM - Merchant: i want
  1402. 10:12 PM - Merchant: like watchmen
  1403. 10:12 PM - The Master Of Games: You cram into some other disposable car Tool'd boosted a while back, and take a trip to your favorite store, Neil's Surplus to stock up on shit you need.
  1404. 10:12 PM - Merchant: a bunch of vigilantes and shit as npcs and bosses
  1405. 10:13 PM - The Master Of Games: Neil's visibly happy to see he's got repeat customers.
  1406. 10:13 PM - Merchant: or as players
  1407. 10:13 PM - Merchant: "Neil!"
  1408. 10:13 PM - The Master Of Games: "Hey, it's you guys again!"
  1409. 10:13 PM - Merchant: "Got any gas masks?"
  1410. 10:13 PM - The Master Of Games: "How's the rifle? Better than the NCPD issued crap?"
  1411. 10:13 PM - Merchant: "It fantastic"
  1412. 10:13 PM - Merchant: "It just needs a supressor"
  1413. 10:14 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I don't do a lot of sniping for the force, so I wouldn't know."
  1414. 10:14 PM - Merchant: "So if you got a supressor and maybe some rope then we'll be one our way"
  1415. 10:14 PM - The Master Of Games: "Sure thing, I've got some masks. Always some demand for these. You want the old crap, or the newly decomissioned US Army stuff?"
  1416. 10:14 PM - Merchant: "I knew a girl who was all about marksmanship. Always had a sako at her side"
  1417. 10:14 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I will take the most functional mask you have
  1418. 10:14 PM - Merchant: "What does the old crap look like?"
  1419. 10:15 PM - The Master Of Games: "Suppressors ain't my thing, sorry. You'd have to check out a gun store for that."
  1420. 10:15 PM - Merchant: "We'll need to distinguish ourselves from each other"
  1421. 10:15 PM - El Aguila Quema: I call up my custom job guy and ask for him to modify the mask he did for me to accept gas mask filters
  1422. 10:15 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "And while I'm here, I'm going to need one more crate of grenades. Flash, this time."
  1423. 10:15 PM - The Master Of Games: "I do have rope, though. Stuff used by SEALs. Shit's strong, lemme tell ya that. Gonna throw in a paracord bracelet with every twenty yards of bought rope, too!"
  1424. 10:16 PM - Merchant: "Alright we'll take the military masks and the rope"
  1425. 10:16 PM - The Master Of Games: "Jesus, more 'nades? You're buyin' more than a SWAT team would need, and ya know, these boys love their 'nades."
  1426. 10:16 PM - The Master Of Games: "Okay, that's how many masks? Five?"
  1427. 10:17 PM - The Master Of Games: "And how long's the rope gonna be?"
  1428. 10:17 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "As I said last time, I call them insurance packages."
  1429. 10:17 PM - Merchant: how long should we get the rope
  1430. 10:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: OK, gm, how much would it be for my mask to take filters?
  1431. 10:18 PM - The Master Of Games: well a regular mask would run ya 'bout, I dunno, 200 eb? so the custom job's gonna be 300
  1432. 10:18 PM - The Master Of Games: I dunno, I'd go with at least 40 or 50 meters
  1433. 10:18 PM - The Master Of Games: dunno how much is that in yards
  1434. 10:18 PM - The Master Of Games: actually, more like 100
  1435. 10:18 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: over 150 actually
  1436. 10:19 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: a meter is roughly a yard
  1437. 10:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: alright
  1438. 10:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: cool
  1439. 10:19 PM - Merchant: "We'll take 50 meters of rope"
  1440. 10:19 PM - Merchant: "And 5 masks"
  1441. 10:20 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Tool is coming in with us? I thought he was piloting the AV."
  1442. 10:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: so
  1443. 10:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: we're gonna need time to paint the masks
  1444. 10:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: and for me to get my mask
  1445. 10:20 PM - Merchant: "I just don't want to go unprepared"
  1446. 10:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: so lets say its day now and timeskip a few hours to like 9pm
  1447. 10:20 PM - The Master Of Games: He disappears in the storeroom for a short while, and comes back carrying a crate of flash 'nades in one hand, a pile of gas masks in the other, and with some rope over his arm.
  1448. 10:20 PM - Merchant: "Insurance"
  1449. 10:20 PM - The Master Of Games: "Here's your stuff, guys."
  1450. 10:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: >crate of flash nades in one hand
  1451. 10:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: holy shit
  1452. 10:20 PM - Merchant: :V
  1453. 10:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: hes ripped
  1454. 10:20 PM - The Master Of Games: Neil's a strong fucker
  1455. 10:21 PM - The Master Of Games: well he's ex army so
  1456. 10:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: yes
  1457. 10:21 PM - Merchant:
  1458. 10:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: a STRONGBRO
  1459. 10:21 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: So how much for the nades and my mask?
  1460. 10:21 PM - Merchant: We'll just say he got crazy robo arms
  1461. 10:21 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I can pay for myself
  1462. 10:21 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: probably
  1463. 10:21 PM - Merchant: I'll buy the rope and the masks
  1464. 10:22 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Well then I guess I'll just buy my grenades
  1465. 10:22 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and how much are thermal goggleS?
  1466. 10:22 PM - The Master Of Games: the nades are gonna be let's say 150, the masks 1500, the rope let's go with 120
  1467. 10:22 PM - The Master Of Games: hang on lemme find the goggles
  1468. 10:22 PM - Merchant: fuck 1500
  1469. 10:22 PM - El Aguila Quema: why are you buying 5?
  1470. 10:22 PM - El Aguila Quema: you only need 3, or 4 for disco
  1471. 10:22 PM - Merchant: Just in case tool needs one
  1472. 10:22 PM - The Master Of Games: goggles are 390
  1473. 10:22 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh yeah
  1474. 10:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: tool exists
  1475. 10:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: almost forgot
  1476. 10:23 PM - The Master Of Games: better to have spares
  1477. 10:23 PM - El Aguila Quema: METRO: 2020
  1478. 10:23 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: And I technically don't need a mask with my internal air supply
  1479. 10:23 PM - The Master Of Games: hey, Tool's my DMPC now! don't just ignore him :c
  1480. 10:23 PM - Merchant: Alright so 4
  1481. 10:23 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: but I'll take it for the fact that it covers my face and I get to paint it
  1482. 10:23 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: c:
  1483. 10:23 PM - The Master Of Games: well no but CS gas works on eyes too
  1484. 10:23 PM - Merchant: Shit
  1485. 10:23 PM - The Master Of Games: so you'd be screwed either way
  1486. 10:23 PM - Merchant: I get get the masks and that is it
  1487. 10:23 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: well then I guess I need the mask
  1488. 10:24 PM - Merchant: 4 of them is 6000
  1489. 10:24 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Unless my mirror shades block it through pure cool
  1490. 10:24 PM - Merchant: that is all i can pay for
  1491. 10:24 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I thought masks were like 200
  1492. 10:24 PM - Merchant: Bitches be bleeding me dry
  1493. 10:24 PM - The Master Of Games: the 1500 was for all the masks
  1494. 10:24 PM - The Master Of Games: not for one
  1495. 10:24 PM - Merchant: hopefully he has a safe of cash
  1496. 10:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: dumpass
  1497. 10:24 PM - The Master Of Games: I'm not that sadistic
  1498. 10:24 PM - Merchant: oooooooo
  1499. 10:24 PM - Merchant: thank fucking god
  1500. 10:24 PM - Merchant: alright I'll buy the masks and the rope
  1501. 10:24 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and oh shit goggles only 390?
  1502. 10:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I can buy that
  1503. 10:25 PM - The Master Of Games: yep
  1504. 10:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: yoink
  1505. 10:25 PM - The Master Of Games: want more options on these bad boys?
  1506. 10:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: thermals bby
  1507. 10:25 PM - El Aguila Quema: ill buy the nades then
  1508. 10:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: depends on the options
  1509. 10:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: oi, I already paid for my nades
  1510. 10:25 PM - Merchant: And then lets go get some custom jobs on these masks
  1511. 10:25 PM - El Aguila Quema: get your money back then
  1512. 10:25 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: unless you want a second crate
  1513. 10:25 PM - El Aguila Quema: ill pay for your crate
  1514. 10:25 PM - The Master Of Games: the options are pretty much the same as the cyberoptics options
  1515. 10:25 PM - The Master Of Games: they're 10% cheaper though
  1516. 10:26 PM - Bruce Brynes: I pay for my mask
  1517. 10:27 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "And what, pray tell, has brought about the sudden surge of generosity on your parts, Merchant? Lucha?"
  1518. 10:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I swear to god each passing day I feel more and more like a crook"
  1519. 10:27 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm paying for my thermals tho
  1520. 10:27 PM - Merchant: "The Payday"
  1521. 10:28 PM - Bruce Brynes: "These days the diffrence between the force and the enforcers is too blurred to tell"
  1522. 10:28 PM - The Master Of Games: "Not your fault you get shitty equipment on the force, buddy."
  1523. 10:28 PM - Merchant: Merchant forks over the 1620 eb
  1524. 10:28 PM - Bruce Brynes: I sigh and strap on my mask
  1525. 10:28 PM - Merchant: "You should quit the force"
  1526. 10:28 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I swear to god if we paint these like animals..."
  1527. 10:28 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "You do realize we do not need to wear them currently."
  1528. 10:28 PM - Merchant: "I got a business that needs running and I need help running it"
  1529. 10:29 PM - The Master Of Games: "Alright, so, is that all, or do ya guys want anything else?"
  1530. 10:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I like the NCPD. It means I'm doing something good and i'm doing something"
  1531. 10:29 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: for the record I bought the thermals
  1532. 10:29 PM - Merchant: "I think that'll be"
  1533. 10:29 PM - Bruce Brynes: "It's not the best job, I admit"
  1534. 10:29 PM - The Master Of Games: alright
  1535. 10:29 PM - Merchant: "You could do more than the NCPD could ever do"
  1536. 10:29 PM - The Master Of Games: next stop, a gun store, so you can get the suppressors
  1537. 10:30 PM - Merchant: "At a much higher wage"
  1538. 10:30 PM - The Master Of Games: I'm kinda looking forward to turning this game into a sort of kinda hero campaign I guess so it's nice you just said that :v
  1539. 10:30 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy will continue to be edgy
  1540. 10:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: There are no heroes. Only those that do more than survive
  1541. 10:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Alright, gentlemen. I've got 3 tickets to the gunshow with your names on them! HUAH!" I flex my arms and alternatively shake each chest muscle thing.
  1542. 10:31 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: but maybe along the way the power of friendship will dull his edge
  1543. 10:31 PM - Merchant: yey buddy
  1544. 10:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: It's funny because those were the arc words for my old character
  1545. 10:31 PM - Merchant: when i mean more i mean that you will take down criminals
  1546. 10:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: Also my sister's high school did Rocky Horror for a school play
  1547. 10:31 PM - Merchant: to make me high crime levels of best
  1548. 10:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: uncensored
  1549. 10:31 PM - Merchant: ewot
  1550. 10:31 PM - Bruce Brynes: the PTO suggested it
  1551. 10:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: guys my muscles
  1552. 10:32 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: are flabby and wrinkled
  1553. 10:32 PM - The Master Of Games: I don't know much about rocky horror but that sounds like a bad idea
  1554. 10:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: gaze upon the shining glory of 300 pounds of pure steel
  1555. 10:32 PM - Merchant: :V
  1556. 10:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: MY SISTER's
  1557. 10:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: HIGH SCHOOL
  1558. 10:32 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: she bangin?
  1559. 10:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: DID AN UNCENSORED
  1560. 10:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: PTO SUGGESTED
  1561. 10:32 PM - Merchant: I never saw rocky horror
  1562. 10:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW
  1563. 10:32 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ^
  1564. 10:32 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: not you
  1565. 10:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: Neither have I
  1566. 10:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: but dude
  1567. 10:32 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ^ at Wing
  1568. 10:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: it's Rocky Horror
  1569. 10:32 PM - The Master Of Games: I've heard enough about it to know it was a bad idea
  1570. 10:32 PM - Merchant: never saw it
  1571. 10:32 PM - The Master Of Games: anyway
  1572. 10:33 PM - Merchant: don't know what its about
  1573. 10:33 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: well that's nice and all but don't get your dick in a knot over it
  1574. 10:33 PM - The Master Of Games: which gun store you wanna hit up since there's dozens in teh city
  1575. 10:33 PM - The Master Of Games: actually that's a dumb idea to ask
  1576. 10:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: It's just hilarious to think about
  1577. 10:33 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'd say the closest
  1578. 10:33 PM - The Master Of Games: also *the
  1579. 10:33 PM - Merchant: the most exploitable
  1580. 10:33 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: the one with more dakka
  1581. 10:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: Oh
  1582. 10:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: OH
  1583. 10:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: Can we have
  1584. 10:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: human orgutz
  1585. 10:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: gorgutz
  1586. 10:33 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: If anything he'd probably be a borg
  1587. 10:33 PM - El Aguila Quema: can we keep the two campaigns seperate
  1588. 10:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: i like ciasters for being a little more serious
  1589. 10:34 PM - Merchant: ye
  1590. 10:34 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: or maybe one of them weird biosculpted people
  1591. 10:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: it was a joke
  1592. 10:34 PM - The Master Of Games: I'd hit up the New Harbor Mallplex if I were you
  1593. 10:34 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: shh
  1594. 10:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: but Gorgutz was amazing
  1595. 10:34 PM - The Master Of Games: it's got everything and the kitchen sink when it comes to stores
  1596. 10:34 PM - Merchant: Alright
  1597. 10:34 PM - Merchant: off weee gooooo
  1598. 10:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: yaaaaaay shopping
  1599. 10:34 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Gorgy's WAAAGHwagon was my favorite part, if only for the name alone
  1600. 10:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: I don't know how much money I have
  1601. 10:35 PM - Merchant: also
  1602. 10:35 PM - Merchant: we gotta get custom jobs for these maks
  1603. 10:35 PM - Merchant: masks*
  1604. 10:35 PM - Merchant: I dunno what to make mine tho
  1605. 10:35 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm gonna paint mine black
  1606. 10:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: But if I never know how much money I have,never document it, and don't buy too much the GM can't ssay I can't buy something
  1607. 10:35 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: which is funny because it's probably already black rubber
  1608. 10:36 PM - Merchant: I think i might make my a geisha
  1609. 10:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: Are we gonna do animal designs?
  1610. 10:36 PM - Merchant: i imagine it o look creepy as fuck
  1611. 10:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: or Japanese stuff since cyberpunk
  1612. 10:36 PM - Merchant: ah
  1613. 10:36 PM - Merchant: yes
  1614. 10:36 PM - Merchant: animals seem great
  1615. 10:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: A Geisha, a Smaurai, a Noh, a Tanuki, etc
  1616. 10:36 PM - Merchant: like old edo japanese art
  1617. 10:36 PM - El Aguila Quema: im already an eagle
  1618. 10:36 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeap
  1619. 10:36 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm a tiger or lion or something equally edgy
  1620. 10:36 PM - El Aguila Quema: lets be REALLY PATRIOTIC
  1621. 10:37 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: maybe an owl cause they're pretty coo
  1622. 10:37 PM - Merchant:
  1623. 10:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: uncle sam, a bear for the CR
  1624. 10:37 PM - Merchant: I'll be a bear
  1625. 10:37 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, so, you hit up Ed's Firearm Repair over at the Mallplex, and order a couple of custom made suppressors. He informs you that making them is gonna take a couple of hours, so you spend the rest of the time wandering around the 'plex, checking out stores.
  1626. 10:37 PM - Merchant: or a pig
  1627. 10:37 PM - Merchant: pig seems good
  1628. 10:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: bear is better
  1629. 10:37 PM - The Master Of Games: go with a frog
  1630. 10:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: its AMERICAN
  1631. 10:37 PM - Merchant: i want pig tho
  1632. 10:37 PM - The Master Of Games: so you can yell GET OUT and then brain someone with a golf club
  1633. 10:37 PM - Merchant: it reflects my character
  1634. 10:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: pig is american too
  1635. 10:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: because fat people
  1636. 10:38 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah pigs are american as hell
  1637. 10:38 PM - Merchant: im not american
  1638. 10:38 PM - The Master Of Games: in this case I'd go with just a gas mask
  1639. 10:38 PM - The Master Of Games: 'cause snorks
  1640. 10:38 PM - The Master Of Games: and stalker and shit
  1641. 10:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: funny
  1642. 10:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: well if you want to be funny i'll be the pig
  1643. 10:38 PM - The Master Of Games: Iunno
  1644. 10:38 PM - Merchant: nah fuck dat
  1645. 10:38 PM - Merchant: ororororo
  1646. 10:38 PM - Merchant: BLOODSUCKER MAKS
  1647. 10:38 PM - Merchant: MASK*
  1648. 10:38 PM - Merchant: FUCK
  1649. 10:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: bloodfuckers
  1650. 10:39 PM - The Master Of Games: nooo
  1651. 10:39 PM - Merchant: they got the tentacles and shit
  1652. 10:39 PM - El Aguila Quema:
  1653. 10:39 PM - The Master Of Games: the horrors of FP STALKER thread have descended upon us
  1654. 10:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: why are we debating what paintjobs to get on our gasmasks in a text based game
  1655. 10:39 PM - The Master Of Games: it's cool?
  1656. 10:39 PM - The Master Of Games: also immersion
  1657. 10:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: :v
  1658. 10:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: its fun
  1659. 10:39 PM - Merchant: because this is cyberpunk you fucking idiot
  1660. 10:39 PM - The Master Of Games: MUH IMMERSION
  1661. 10:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: ^
  1662. 10:39 PM - Merchant: the first words in the book is style over substance
  1663. 10:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: considering we're doing this in offtopic immersion doesn't count
  1664. 10:39 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ownt
  1665. 10:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: this system is supposed to be really indepth with customization and being a shitlord anyway
  1666. 10:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: If we're doing animals, i'll be a gorrila. If we're doing Japanese, i'll do a Noh. If we're doing anything, i'll do a Night City flag
  1667. 10:40 PM - Merchant: I guess I'll be a pig
  1668. 10:40 PM - The Master Of Games: no seriously the fact that you're getting so engaged you're actually talking about the designs of your masks is really fucking awesome for me as a GM
  1669. 10:40 PM - Merchant: either that or its bloodsucker
  1670. 10:40 PM - The Master Of Games: I feel proud c:
  1671. 10:40 PM - Merchant: c:
  1672. 10:40 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I think I'll be an owl
  1673. 10:40 PM - El Aguila Quema:
  1674. 10:41 PM - El Aguila Quema: someone should do get out frog
  1675. 10:41 PM - El Aguila Quema: ill stick with my eagle
  1676. 10:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: So Eagle, Owl, Pig
  1677. 10:41 PM - El Aguila Quema: with some bright color platings tho
  1678. 10:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'll do gorrila since they're awesome
  1679. 10:41 PM - El Aguila Quema: to be in green, white and red
  1680. 10:41 PM - Merchant:
  1681. 10:41 PM - Merchant:
  1682. 10:42 PM - Merchant: waitwait wait
  1683. 10:42 PM - Merchant: can i be this
  1684. 10:42 PM - Merchant:
  1685. 10:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh man
  1686. 10:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: PUMPKIN HEAD
  1687. 10:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: Being named Jack
  1688. 10:43 PM - Bruce Brynes: I've grown a love for Pumpkins and Scarecros
  1689. 10:43 PM - Bruce Brynes: and Pumpkin heads are the SHIT
  1690. 10:43 PM - The Master Of Games: skeletons are better
  1691. 10:43 PM - The Master Of Games: sorry
  1692. 10:43 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: 2spooky
  1693. 10:43 PM - El Aguila Quema: ^
  1694. 10:44 PM - Merchant: Alright I'll be the Greek Tragedy
  1696. 10:44 PM - Merchant: ohfuqbro
  1697. 10:44 PM - Merchant: 2spooked4life
  1698. 10:45 PM - The Master Of Games: also
  1699. 10:45 PM - El Aguila Quema: im gonna stay as an eagle
  1700. 10:45 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Owl's are fly as fuck
  1701. 10:45 PM - Merchant:
  1702. 10:45 PM - The Master Of Games: actually speaking of skeletons, Tool's gonna go as one
  1703. 10:45 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and not just because of the wings
  1704. 10:46 PM - Merchant: Alright we ready to go?
  1705. 10:46 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah, I think
  1706. 10:46 PM - Bruce Brynes: pumpkin head
  1707. 10:47 PM - Merchant: do the mask customizations cost anything?
  1708. 10:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: probably like 50eb a job or something tiny like that
  1709. 10:47 PM - The Master Of Games: You stop by at Ed's, get your suppressors, pay 400 eb total, go home, use your artistic skills to paint your masks, and wait 'till it gets dark enough to make a move.
  1710. 10:47 PM - The Master Of Games: nah, they're free
  1711. 10:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: rad
  1712. 10:47 PM - The Master Of Games: don't tell me you never get to have any fun :v
  1713. 10:48 PM - El Aguila Quema: I don my mask and start attaching the red, white, and green plates.
  1714. 10:48 PM - Merchant: "Alright we ready to go"
  1715. 10:48 PM - The Master Of Games: "Let's do it, people!" enthusiastically says Tool.
  1716. 10:48 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I'm ready. Don't kill any guards, they are innocent."
  1717. 10:48 PM - The Master Of Games: You board your totally legitimately obtained AV.
  1718. 10:48 PM - The Master Of Games: ahaha
  1719. 10:48 PM - Merchant: "Cross the Rubicon"
  1720. 10:49 PM - Merchant: Merchant dons his mask
  1721. 10:49 PM - The Master Of Games: you do know Bruce's about to shoot like 6 or so of them
  1722. 10:49 PM - Merchant:
  1723. 10:49 PM - The Master Of Games: from an AV
  1724. 10:49 PM - Merchant: seriously this is rad shit maks
  1725. 10:49 PM - The Master Of Games:
  1726. 10:49 PM - The Master Of Games: have this on loop for the whole time we do dis
  1727. 10:49 PM - The Master Of Games: Tool takes his place behind the wheel, Entropy's the passenger.
  1728. 10:49 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Damn straight
  1729. 10:50 PM - Merchant: wait this is from bladerunner?
  1730. 10:50 PM - The Master Of Games: In the back seat are Aguila, Merchant, and Charlie with the gear she's gonna need to do some on site work.
  1731. 10:50 PM - Merchant: I don't remember this scene
  1732. 10:50 PM - The Master Of Games: the video is
  1733. 10:50 PM - Merchant: the first part that is
  1734. 10:50 PM - Bruce Brynes: also charlie never responded
  1735. 10:50 PM - The Master Of Games: neither do I, it's probably an outtake or something
  1736. 10:50 PM - Merchant: when he is in the car
  1737. 10:50 PM - Bruce Brynes: gm 0/10
  1738. 10:50 PM - The Master Of Games: uh she did
  1739. 10:50 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I don't have a good feeling about this."
  1740. 10:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: well I am the worst at reading
  1741. 10:51 PM - Merchant: "Just don't throw up with the mask on"
  1742. 10:51 PM - The Master Of Games: I don't have time to scroll up and look for my response but I definitely sent one
  1743. 10:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  1744. 10:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: gonna do it
  1745. 10:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: for science
  1746. 10:51 PM - The Master Of Games: Bruce's in the back, sitting on the shag carpet and checking his rifle one more time just in case.
  1747. 10:52 PM - The Master Of Games: do you guys want to take care of Stubble while you're at it, too?
  1748. 10:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: yes please
  1749. 10:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: get him out of my damn recording room
  1750. 10:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I don't want more blood in my house
  1751. 10:52 PM - Merchant: Lets keep his head
  1752. 10:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: also I called someone on my super cool cellphone to take care of Orphaner
  1753. 10:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and the blood
  1754. 10:53 PM - The Master Of Games: Stubble, bound and gagged, is laying next to Bruce. Bruce doesn't really give much of a fuck about the scum he takes Stubble for. (and which he, in fact, is)
  1755. 10:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Why is the Stubble man with us?"
  1756. 10:53 PM - Merchant: I want to keep Stubbl'es head tho
  1757. 10:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "So he can be a distraction."
  1758. 10:53 PM - Merchant: "He's the messanger"
  1759. 10:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: "What do you m..."
  1760. 10:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "You mean we aren't pushing him off the roof?"
  1761. 10:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Oh. Oh."
  1762. 10:53 PM - The Master Of Games: You take off, destroying what's left of Entropy's petunias in the process, and head for the Corporate District.
  1763. 10:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I think that is the message.
  1764. 10:53 PM - Bruce Brynes: The Master Of Games: "Yeah, I'm alright. It's just that... shit, that was so sudden. Like, one minute you're talkin, next - he wants to rip your throat out."
  1765. 10:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: "
  1766. 10:53 PM - Merchant: "Something like that""""""""""""""""
  1767. 10:54 PM - Merchant: fuck all my keys are going nut
  1768. 10:54 PM - Merchant: z
  1769. 10:54 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah that was it, Potato
  1770. 10:54 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "For the record, Tool, I am going to cut your eyes out if you damage any more of my garden."
  1771. 10:55 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Listen to him. His family tends to have a record of flippin out over stupid shit"
  1772. 10:55 PM - The Master Of Games: "Sorry, boss, that's just how AVs are."
  1773. 10:55 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Even if it is a nice garden"
  1774. 10:55 PM - The Master Of Games: lemme find a nice song for the uber badass sequence that's about to happen
  1775. 10:55 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I weep for the petunias."
  1776. 10:56 PM - Merchant: :V
  1777. 10:56 PM - El Aguila Quema: "True men keep gardens to show STRENGTH."
  1778. 10:56 PM - Merchant: im fucking dying yo
  1779. 10:56 PM - El Aguila Quema: wat
  1780. 10:56 PM - Merchant: petunias
  1781. 10:56 PM - Merchant: :V
  1782. 10:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy might be moderately psychopathic, but he cares about his garden
  1783. 10:57 PM - Merchant: just the delivery of that line was fantastic
  1784. 10:57 PM - The Master Of Games: A few minutes later, you find yourselves hovering high over the Residential District. You kick the back doors of the truck open, and assume a sniping position.
  1785. 10:57 PM - The Master Of Games:
  1786. 10:57 PM - The Master Of Games: wanna take care of stubble now or later, when you're storming the apartment?
  1787. 10:57 PM - Merchant: Wait
  1788. 10:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy removes his mirror shades, revealing dark gray eyes. He polishes them on his shirt before putting on his mask, then putting the mirror shades on over the mask
  1789. 10:58 PM - Merchant: Can I at least keep his head?
  1790. 10:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: he manages it
  1791. 10:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and it looks cool
  1792. 10:58 PM - Merchant: Merchant pulls out a switchblade
  1793. 10:58 PM - Merchant: this is going to be so ineffective
  1794. 10:58 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Is it time to drop the stubble?"
  1795. 10:58 PM - The Master Of Games: you want to hack a man's head off with a switchblade
  1796. 10:58 PM - El Aguila Quema: fuck dude
  1797. 10:59 PM - Merchant: "One seconds"
  1798. 10:59 PM - El Aguila Quema: how much humanity do you have
  1799. 10:59 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: This would be a logical time to have Orphaner
  1800. 10:59 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Oh god"
  1801. 10:59 PM - The Master Of Games: that'd be about as effective as using a fork
  1802. 10:59 PM - El Aguila Quema: lol you're gonna lose humanity for this
  1803. 10:59 PM - The Master Of Games: don't do this man
  1804. 10:59 PM - Merchant: Merchant seesaws his way into Stubble's neck
  1805. 10:59 PM - The Master Of Games: no
  1806. 10:59 PM - The Master Of Games: you don't
  1807. 10:59 PM - El Aguila Quema: I look away.
  1808. 10:59 PM - Bruce Brynes: As do I
  1809. 10:59 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy gives negative zero fucks
  1810. 10:59 PM - The Master Of Games: I deny you that it's my right as a GM
  1811. 10:59 PM - Merchant: "Fuck I should have sharpened this"
  1812. 10:59 PM - The Master Of Games: no you're not
  1813. 11:00 PM - Merchant: yes i am
  1814. 11:00 PM - The Master Of Games: at least kill him before doing that
  1815. 11:00 PM - Merchant: nope
  1816. 11:00 PM - The Master Of Games: also you're gonna stain your nice shag carpet with all that blood
  1817. 11:00 PM - Merchant: uh huh
  1818. 11:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I suggest everyone here looks away. Except tool. Keep your eyes on the road. And remember, *I was not here*"
  1819. 11:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Actually wait"
  1820. 11:00 PM - The Master Of Games: you really want to have stains on your nice shag carpet?
  1821. 11:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Merchant"
  1822. 11:00 PM - The Master Of Games: it was a nice carpet man
  1823. 11:00 PM - Merchant: this is merchant
  1824. 11:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Stop"
  1825. 11:00 PM - Merchant: "Nope"
  1826. 11:00 PM - Bruce Brynes: "If you're gonna keep his head, let's wait for him to die"
  1827. 11:00 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Merchant. I have paid to clean the mess back in my home, but I will not pay to clean that."
  1828. 11:01 PM - Merchant: "He can wait"
  1829. 11:01 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Purchase some bleach and do it yourself."
  1830. 11:01 PM - Merchant: "And I can pay"
  1831. 11:01 PM - El Aguila Quema: rip merchants humanity
  1832. 11:01 PM - The Master Of Games: Before you can start cutting his head off, Bruce gets up, drags the unconcious Stubble to the door, kicks the door open, and kicks Stubble out.
  1833. 11:01 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: wow rude
  1834. 11:01 PM - Merchant: "Fine"
  1835. 11:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: In a moving vehicle?"
  1836. 11:01 PM - Bruce Brynes: no quote
  1837. 11:01 PM - Merchant: "I'll take Chen's then"
  1838. 11:02 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Do you know of a place you can have it mounted? I believe it would be a nice addition to the recording room."
  1839. 11:02 PM - Merchant: "I would have kept it in my apartment"
  1840. 11:02 PM - Bruce Brynes: "I hate all of you besides the luchadore business man and I died a little inside saying that sentance"
  1841. 11:02 PM - The Master Of Games: Stubble falls for about thirty seconds before gracefully hitting a parked car and caving its roof in. The car alarm goes off, a lone sound piercing the relative silence of the night. A single petunia flower falls on his corpse.
  1842. 11:03 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I love you too, lawman."
  1843. 11:03 PM - Merchant: "Climbing the ladder doesn't matter when you can't prove it"
  1844. 11:03 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Now is not the time for your unnecessary romance. We at least got the distraction done."
  1845. 11:03 PM - El Aguila Quema: I produce a petunia from nowhere and hold it over my heart as I have a moment of silence for the lost flower.
  1846. 11:04 PM - Merchant: aguila is best
  1847. 11:04 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: bitch you plucked that petunia from my garden didn't you
  1848. 11:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Such a waste of a good life."
  1849. 11:04 PM - The Master Of Games: Charlie's radio scanner erupts in a flurry of panicked, confused messages from the guards on the ground level, trying to figure out just what exactly just happened.
  1850. 11:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: n-no
  1851. 11:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: i keep my own petunias
  1852. 11:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: in my apartment
  1853. 11:04 PM - The Master Of Games: "You're on!" whispers Charlie at Bruce.
  1854. 11:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: uhhuh
  1855. 11:05 PM - The Master Of Games: you're on
  1856. 11:05 PM - The Master Of Games: Potato
  1857. 11:05 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: considering you haven't left my house in months
  1858. 11:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: KK
  1859. 11:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: actually i have to
  1860. 11:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have a job
  1861. 11:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: :v
  1862. 11:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: So where are we
  1863. 11:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: Got a map?
  1864. 11:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah
  1865. 11:05 PM - Merchant: on the sky
  1866. 11:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: chensapartment
  1867. 11:05 PM - The Master Of Games: You take up a firing position - again - and steady the stock of the rifle against your cheek.
  1868. 11:05 PM - The Master Of Games: no map
  1869. 11:05 PM - The Master Of Games: nope
  1870. 11:05 PM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  1871. 11:05 PM - Merchant: in the sky
  1872. 11:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: ah we're not there yet
  1873. 11:06 PM - The Master Of Games: he's sniping the guys on teh roof
  1874. 11:06 PM - The Master Of Games: *the
  1875. 11:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: so we're outside the apartment
  1876. 11:06 PM - El Aguila Quema left chat.
  1877. 11:06 PM - The Master Of Games: and I haven't made a map of that
  1878. 11:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: And I'm sniping
  1879. 11:06 PM - The Master Of Games: you're above the skyscraper
  1880. 11:06 PM - Bruce Brynes: Peeeeerfect Daaaaark
  1881. 11:06 PM - El Aguila Quema entered chat.
  1882. 11:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: woops
  1883. 11:06 PM - The Master Of Games: sniping the roof guards
  1884. 11:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: did i miss anything
  1885. 11:06 PM - The Master Of Games: no
  1886. 11:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: kk
  1887. 11:07 PM - The Master Of Games: You can see the brightly lit rooftop security room through the scope of your trusty German weapon.
  1888. 11:07 PM - The Master Of Games: There's three men inside, and two outside, seemingly patrolling the roof.
  1889. 11:07 PM - The Master Of Games: One of the patrolling guys is currently peeking over the edge, curious about what's happening down there on the street.
  1890. 11:07 PM - Bruce Brynes: So i'm already aimed
  1891. 11:07 PM - The Master Of Games: yep
  1892. 11:08 PM - The Master Of Games: just choose a target and fire
  1893. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: So I only get a slight increase cause they're moving
  1894. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: I shoot looking guy
  1895. 11:08 PM - Merchant: shoot the top of his head
  1896. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: cause it's funny
  1897. 11:08 PM - Merchant: then it goes through his butt
  1898. 11:08 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, roll
  1899. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: 8, nice
  1900. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: so that
  1901. 11:08 PM - The Master Of Games: you're not that high above them
  1902. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: is......
  1903. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: wait
  1904. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: we're above them
  1905. 11:08 PM - The Master Of Games: uh yes
  1906. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: Oh
  1907. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: We're in the FLYING thingy
  1908. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: forgot
  1909. 11:08 PM - The Master Of Games: well sort of
  1910. 11:08 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  1911. 11:08 PM - The Master Of Games: yes you are my frien
  1912. 11:08 PM - The Master Of Games: d
  1913. 11:08 PM - Bruce Brynes: thought we were in the armored transport thin
  1914. 11:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: so that's 24
  1915. 11:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: yay!
  1916. 11:09 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: no we're flying in the AV I thought to steal because I'm smart
  1917. 11:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: Do I roll for body part?
  1918. 11:09 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  1919. 11:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: 5
  1920. 11:09 PM - The Master Of Games: roll damage
  1921. 11:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: what's the damage?
  1922. 11:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: you have it
  1923. 11:09 PM - The Master Of Games: I think it was like 6d6+2? not sure
  1924. 11:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  1925. 11:09 PM - Bruce Brynes: that was it
  1926. 11:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: 19
  1927. 11:10 PM - The Master Of Games: check the french sniper rifle in the street weapons handbook I stole the dmg from there
  1928. 11:10 PM - Bruce Brynes: nice
  1929. 11:10 PM - The Master Of Games: alright
  1930. 11:11 PM - Merchant: Disco is on facepunch right now
  1931. 11:11 PM - Merchant: should i tell her?
  1932. 11:11 PM - The Master Of Games: You hit the man in the right arm, cracking the bone and pulverising the muscles with the heavy .308 bullet. He raises it in shock in front of his face and stares at it in disbelief.
  1933. 11:11 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  1934. 11:12 PM - The Master Of Games: After that little hollywoodism, he falls onto the gravel of the roof.
  1935. 11:12 PM - The Master Of Games: neeeeeeeeext
  1936. 11:12 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: who it be?
  1937. 11:13 PM - The Master Of Games: His blood starts making a small pool around him.
  1938. 11:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: >didnt fall over the edge
  1939. 11:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: cmon gm
  1940. 11:13 PM - The Master Of Games: well, right now it's Bruce and only Bruce
  1941. 11:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: step it up
  1942. 11:13 PM - Merchant: no wilhelm scream
  1943. 11:13 PM - The Master Of Games: I deliberately avoided having him falling over the edge
  1944. 11:13 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: the way you said next made it seem like we were doing sequence
  1945. 11:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: gm is not a true hollywood
  1946. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: oh
  1947. 11:13 PM - Bruce Brynes: So I go again
  1948. 11:13 PM - The Master Of Games: I didn't want the game to be THAT cliche
  1949. 11:14 PM - The Master Of Games: besides you already had one guy fall to his death
  1950. 11:14 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, who's gonna be your next target?
  1951. 11:14 PM - Bruce Brynes: I asume the next roof guy
  1952. 11:14 PM - The Master Of Games: roll
  1953. 11:14 PM - Merchant: beaf how the fuck do you have 100 friends
  1954. 11:14 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I dunno
  1955. 11:14 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: magic
  1956. 11:14 PM - The Master Of Games: man I have like 20
  1957. 11:14 PM - The Master Of Games: maybe 25
  1958. 11:14 PM - Merchant: I always try to keep them low
  1959. 11:14 PM - The Master Of Games: and there's a few repeated accounts in there too
  1960. 11:14 PM - Bruce Brynes:
  1961. 11:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: 5
  1962. 11:15 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have 141
  1963. 11:15 PM - El Aguila Quema: i need to clean my list
  1964. 11:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: plus 16
  1965. 11:15 PM - Bruce Brynes: 21
  1966. 11:15 PM - The Master Of Games: wait
  1967. 11:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: i want to get payday 2 so badly
  1968. 11:16 PM - The Master Of Games: alright
  1969. 11:16 PM - The Master Of Games: damage and location please
  1970. 11:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: 8 location
  1971. 11:16 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah so do I
  1972. 11:16 PM - The Master Of Games: heard it owns ass
  1973. 11:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: same
  1974. 11:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: aw, only 13 damage
  1975. 11:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: the first one was so fun
  1976. 11:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: thats still mortal lol
  1977. 11:16 PM - Merchant: Alright so disco isn't joining us
  1978. 11:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: yaaay
  1979. 11:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: People having very little HP compared to Fallout
  1980. 11:16 PM - Bruce Brynes: vae*
  1981. 11:17 PM - Bruce Brynes: have**
  1982. 11:17 PM - The Master Of Games: You aim at the slowly moving figure of the guard silhouetted against the lights of the city and pull the trigger.
  1983. 11:17 PM - The Master Of Games: He falls down.
  1984. 11:17 PM - Bruce Brynes:
  1985. 11:17 PM - The Master Of Games: lemme make a death save right quick
  1986. 11:18 PM - The Master Of Games: alright he's still alive
  1987. 11:18 PM - The Master Of Games: but not for long
  1988. 11:19 PM - The Master Of Games: The only remaining targets are the three guards in the guard room.
  1989. 11:19 PM - The Master Of Games: One of them is reading a newspaper, and two are watching a football match on a small TV.
  1990. 11:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: imagine if instead of sniper riffle
  1991. 11:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: we just flew up top
  1992. 11:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: and dropped shittons of HE
  1993. 11:20 PM - Merchant: gotta do a hitman sniper challenge
  1994. 11:20 PM - The Master Of Games: that'd not be very subtle though :v
  1995. 11:20 PM - Bruce Brynes: HE?
  1996. 11:20 PM - The Master Of Games: high explosive
  1997. 11:20 PM - The Master Of Games: I assume he's talking 'bout grenades
  1998. 11:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: yep
  1999. 11:21 PM - The Master Of Games: so, Potato, who are you firin' at?
  2000. 11:22 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: shoot the tv
  2001. 11:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: oooooh
  2002. 11:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: I like that idea
  2003. 11:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: But nah
  2004. 11:22 PM - Bruce Brynes: Don't want them to know they're being fired at until at least one is dead
  2005. 11:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: I fire at one of the football guys
  2006. 11:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: one sec
  2007. 11:24 PM - The Master Of Games: roll, etc., etc.
  2008. 11:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: 21
  2009. 11:24 PM - The Master Of Games: damage, location
  2010. 11:24 PM - Bruce Brynes: 4 location
  2011. 11:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: i imagine this like sniper elite
  2012. 11:25 PM - Bruce Brynes: 20 damage
  2013. 11:25 PM - Bruce Brynes: noice
  2014. 11:25 PM - El Aguila Quema: im reading an old quad of threads about space FATAL
  2015. 11:25 PM - The Master Of Games: The heavy .308 slams into his back, doing some serious internal organ distruption. He yells loudly in pain before slumping over.
  2016. 11:26 PM - El Aguila Quema: and a player who was forced to partake in it
  2017. 11:26 PM - El Aguila Quema: aughhhh its so cringe
  2018. 11:26 PM - Merchant: and you won't let me behead a guy
  2019. 11:26 PM - The Master Of Games: "Jesus Christ, Frank, the Raiders aren't doing that bad!" you can hear his friend say without taking his eyes off the screen.
  2020. 11:26 PM - Merchant: mr.pyscho
  2021. 11:26 PM - Merchant: :V
  2022. 11:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh my god that line
  2023. 11:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: I came up with that line btw
  2024. 11:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: im fucking dying
  2025. 11:27 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'm so proud of it
  2026. 11:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: i hate you i cant breathe
  2027. 11:27 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah he did
  2028. 11:27 PM - The Master Of Games: that's all his fault
  2029. 11:27 PM - The Master Of Games: thank you for improving my game mr. Potatoman
  2030. 11:27 PM - Merchant: lets all kill bruce
  2031. 11:28 PM - Bruce Brynes: already tried, remember?
  2032. 11:29 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, so
  2033. 11:29 PM - The Master Of Games: who's next to be brutally mutilated with a high caliber bullet?
  2034. 11:30 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: 8:29 PM - Fuck Airman: The guy shot himself?
  2035. 11:29 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: no, I mean he got sniped by us
  2036. 8:30 PM - Fuck Airman: Ah
  2037. 11:30 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: they were watching football, and we sniped one guy from out AV outside
  2038. 8:30 PM - Fuck Airman: Thought he shot himself because he saw a Raider's game
  2039. 8:30 PM - Fuck Airman: :V
  2040. 11:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: the raiders fan
  2041. 11:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: I give him credit for that
  2042. 11:30 PM - Merchant: I thought it was because the guy got shot
  2043. 11:30 PM - Merchant: and screamed
  2044. 11:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah
  2045. 11:30 PM - Bruce Brynes: but I still like mine better
  2046. 11:31 PM - Merchant: and the other guy was like eh its not that bad
  2047. 11:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: not that his friend just shrugs off him committing suicide
  2048. 11:31 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, you alright with shooting the raiders fan, Bruce?
  2049. 11:31 PM - The Master Of Games: Potat
  2050. 11:31 PM - The Master Of Games: o
  2051. 11:31 PM - The Master Of Games: whatever
  2053. 11:31 PM - The Master Of Games: next stop, that one jack chick comic about dnd
  2054. 11:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: that means its good
  2055. 11:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: Yeah let's shoot him
  2056. 11:32 PM - Merchant: what
  2057. 11:32 PM - The Master Of Games:
  2058. 11:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: rollin'
  2059. 11:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: 19
  2060. 11:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: 1 location
  2061. 11:32 PM - Merchant: what jack chick comic
  2062. 11:32 PM - Merchant: head?
  2063. 11:32 PM - The Master Of Games:
  2064. 11:32 PM - Bruce Brynes: what's 1 location?
  2065. 11:32 PM - Merchant: head
  2066. 11:32 PM - The Master Of Games: that jack chick comic
  2067. 11:32 PM - The Master Of Games: yep that's head
  2068. 11:32 PM - Merchant: ah that ine
  2069. 11:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: so I got a 27 damage head shot
  2070. 11:33 PM - Merchant: one*
  2071. 11:33 PM - Bruce Brynes: sweet
  2072. 11:33 PM - The Master Of Games: The Raiders fan doesn't even manage to notice something's off before another bullet blows his head straight from his shoulders, painting his surroundings in blood and brain matter.
  2073. 11:34 PM - Merchant: uh huh
  2074. 11:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: About what you expect from watching a Raiders game
  2075. 11:34 PM - Merchant: :V
  2076. 11:34 PM - The Master Of Games: The last guard screams, grabs his radio and starts screaming for help.
  2077. 11:34 PM - Merchant: interception yo
  2078. 11:34 PM - Bruce Brynes: shit
  2079. 11:34 PM - The Master Of Games: Unluckily for him, Charlie's intercepting the signal.
  2080. 11:35 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I believe that this is my cue."
  2081. 11:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Charlie, you blocking that signal?
  2082. 11:35 PM - Bruce Brynes: "
  2083. 11:36 PM - The Master Of Games: aw shit
  2084. 11:36 PM - The Master Of Games: sorry
  2085. 11:36 PM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, it ain't goin' through in a milion years."
  2086. 11:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Excellent. Let us descend with the grace of the avians."
  2087. 11:37 PM - Merchant:
  2088. 11:37 PM - Bruce Brynes: I smile "This is why I love havin' a techie around. You thought about replacing Pyscho McStabbyStab? We could use someone with the skills you have"
  2089. 11:38 PM - The Master Of Games: if I were you, I'd snipe the last guy before landing
  2090. 11:38 PM - The Master Of Games: also
  2091. 11:38 PM - Merchant: "You won't work off a salary but you'll get a cut of the action"
  2092. 11:38 PM - Merchant: "And with what we are doing. Its a fucking lot"
  2093. 11:38 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "He might have been less than stable, but he was my brother nonetheless. I suggest you avoid insulting him."
  2094. 11:38 PM - The Master Of Games: I can't handle two DMPCs at the same time, though :v
  2095. 11:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: man what is Protector 101
  2096. 11:38 PM - The Master Of Games: I mean I can
  2097. 11:38 PM - Bruce Brynes: the soundtrack is great
  2098. 11:38 PM - The Master Of Games: but it's gonna be tough
  2099. 11:39 PM - The Master Of Games: Protector 101 is a synth artist dude
  2100. 11:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: It was more Bruce being friendly
  2101. 11:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: Oh
  2102. 11:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: it's a musicdude
  2103. 11:39 PM - The Master Of Games: he made a Robocop themed album among other stuff
  2104. 11:39 PM - Bruce Brynes: that's p.sweet
  2105. 11:39 PM - The Master Of Games: here it is
  2106. 11:39 PM - Merchant: "Bruce take out the radio guy and lets move"
  2107. 11:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: Let's do this
  2108. 11:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: 18
  2109. 11:40 PM - The Master Of Games: hit, damage, location, you know the drill
  2110. 11:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: headshot
  2111. 11:40 PM - Merchant: Merchant prepares the rope
  2112. 11:40 PM - The Master Of Games: alright
  2113. 11:40 PM - Bruce Brynes: 23 damage
  2114. 11:41 PM - The Master Of Games: The guard keeps futilely screaming into the radio, and is only silenced when the next shot pegs him right in the head.
  2115. 11:41 PM - The Master Of Games: The roof is clear. You're on!
  2116. 11:41 PM - Bruce Brynes: I reload
  2117. 11:41 PM - Merchant: Merchant ushers everyone to rapple down the rope
  2118. 11:42 PM - Bruce Brynes: "Two headshots. I'm getting better at this."
  2119. 11:42 PM - Merchant: rappel*
  2120. 11:42 PM - El Aguila Quema: I rappel first.
  2121. 11:42 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy slides down the rope, doing a few rotations around it and looking incredibly cool as he lands with a soft thud on the roof
  2122. 11:42 PM - El Aguila Quema: ha, nerd.
  2123. 11:42 PM - El Aguila Quema: fuck i need a wingsuit
  2124. 11:42 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm cool so I need to describe how equally cool he rappels
  2125. 11:43 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Glancing upwards, the moonlight reflects off the mirrorshades perched on his gas mask
  2126. 11:43 PM - The Master Of Games: Entropy walks a few steps towards the vents and trips over a body he manages to not notice, almost falling to the ground. His mirrorshades fall off the mask.
  2127. 11:43 PM - Merchant: "Bruce I'll go after you"
  2128. 11:43 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: uhno
  2129. 11:43 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I demand that at least requires a roll
  2130. 11:43 PM - El Aguila Quema: I look towards the bodies and then to the entrance. "Let us go."
  2131. 11:43 PM - The Master Of Games: how the hell are you going to wear shades, goggles and a mask at the same time
  2132. 11:44 PM - The Master Of Games: alright roll for cool with a -10 penalty
  2133. 11:44 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: because I'm cool
  2134. 11:44 PM - El Aguila Quema: 1d10+cool-fuckinglame
  2135. 11:44 PM - El Aguila Quema: so 1d10+10-20
  2136. 11:44 PM - El Aguila Quema: c:
  2137. 11:44 PM - The Master Of Games: yep
  2138. 11:44 PM - Merchant: Merchant rappels down
  2139. 11:44 PM - The Master Of Games: alright that didn't really happen
  2140. 11:44 PM - The Master Of Games: the whole tripping thing I mena
  2141. 11:44 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: good
  2142. 11:45 PM - Merchant: "We are waitin for you Bruce"
  2143. 11:45 PM - The Master Of Games: *mean
  2144. 11:45 PM - The Master Of Games: but it was still funny
  2145. 11:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'm right next to you guys
  2146. 11:45 PM - Bruce Brynes: it was implied
  2147. 11:45 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: besides, I'd see the body with the thermals
  2148. 11:45 PM - Merchant: shall we save the rest of the raid for next week?
  2149. 11:45 PM - Merchant: because we won't be able do to a lot right now
  2150. 11:46 PM - The Master Of Games: The team's standing on the roof. Now, only a sophisticated security system and a couple of highly skilled security professionals stand between you and your target.
  2151. 11:46 PM - The Master Of Games: well, if you want to
  2152. 11:46 PM - El Aguila Quema: i dont want to
  2153. 11:46 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "So much for nonlethal."
  2154. 11:46 PM - El Aguila Quema: we've been going for like 2 1/2 hours, nigga.
  2155. 11:47 PM - Merchant: It'll probably take a couple of hours to get through the apartment
  2156. 11:47 PM - The Master Of Games: nah
  2157. 11:47 PM - Merchant: ane these things usually end at like 12
  2158. 11:47 PM - The Master Of Games: you've got a map and everything
  2159. 11:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I guess. Hopefully no more are killed, other than Chen."
  2160. 11:47 PM - Merchant: its 11:47 right now
  2161. 11:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: >usually end at like 12
  2162. 11:47 PM - Bruce Brynes: 10:48
  2163. 11:47 PM - The Master Of Games: let's keep going dude
  2164. 11:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: where the hell were you during the fallout pnp lol
  2165. 11:47 PM - Merchant: combat takes a long time dude
  2166. 11:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: no it doesnt
  2167. 11:47 PM - The Master Of Games: it's 5.46 so we still have over 6 hours c:
  2168. 11:47 PM - El Aguila Quema: not in cyberpunk
  2169. 11:47 PM - The Master Of Games: it does though
  2170. 11:48 PM - El Aguila Quema: nah, not really
  2171. 11:48 PM - The Master Of Games: well, it doesn't take long to kill the enemies
  2172. 11:48 PM - The Master Of Games: but it sure does take long for your slow-ass GM to do all the math and modifier shit
  2173. 11:48 PM - Merchant: It took like 40 minutes just to get through the roof segment
  2174. 11:48 PM - The Master Of Games: so, everyone besides Wing cool with continuing or
  2175. 11:48 PM - El Aguila Quema: idc about time tho
  2176. 11:48 PM - Merchant: and that was with only one guy actually doing the combat
  2177. 11:48 PM - El Aguila Quema: im cool with continuing
  2178. 11:48 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Wing is always the first pleb to wuss out
  2179. 11:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: potato sucks at rolling fast :V
  2180. 11:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: this is a proven fact
  2181. 11:49 PM - Merchant: because i am tired as fuck and have ton of homework i gotta do
  2182. 11:49 PM - The Master Of Games: I mean if you gotta go now, we can just stop for now, but if you can stay up for an hour or so longer, it'd be nice if you did
  2183. 11:49 PM - Bruce Brynes: I can stay
  2184. 11:49 PM - The Master Of Games: well you're gonna have the whole sunday to do your homework dude
  2185. 11:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: i want to stay :v
  2186. 11:49 PM - The Master Of Games: wake up at noon and you're still gonna have plenty of time
  2187. 11:49 PM - Merchant: I have a whole project i gotta do tomorrow
  2188. 11:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: ^
  2189. 11:49 PM - Merchant: and its due on monday
  2190. 11:50 PM - El Aguila Quema: you had like 8 hours to do it if you woke up at noon today
  2191. 11:50 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  2192. 11:50 PM - El Aguila Quema: to work on it at least
  2193. 11:50 PM - Bruce Brynes: Well if two people have last min projects
  2194. 11:50 PM - Merchant: I did do it today
  2195. 11:50 PM - El Aguila Quema: two people?
  2196. 11:50 PM - Bruce Brynes: I'm fine with whatever
  2197. 11:50 PM - Merchant: yeah
  2198. 11:50 PM - Merchant: recorded and then edited some of the video
  2199. 11:50 PM - The Master Of Games: wait what do you mean two people where'd the second one come from
  2200. 11:50 PM - Merchant: took me like 5 hours to get 2 minutes done
  2201. 11:51 PM - Merchant: my friend
  2202. 11:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: caleb and wait what's wing's name?
  2203. 11:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: whatever
  2204. 11:51 PM - Bruce Brynes: melting and wing
  2205. 11:51 PM - El Aguila Quema: wat
  2206. 11:51 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have no project
  2207. 11:51 PM - The Master Of Games: didn't Data finish his project like last week
  2208. 11:51 PM - El Aguila Quema: even if i did i have monday
  2209. 11:51 PM - Merchant: you guys can continue if you want
  2210. 11:51 PM - The Master Of Games: which was why I think was late not sure 'cause my memory sucks big ones
  2211. 11:52 PM - The Master Of Games: I'd rather not go without you, though, unless you're sure you want to miss some stuff
  2212. 11:52 PM - Merchant: but i won't be staying
  2213. 11:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah my projects been done for like two weeks now
  2214. 11:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: well if we have to wait an entire week to finish a raid
  2215. 11:52 PM - The Master Of Games: yeah, let's do this shit
  2216. 11:52 PM - The Master Of Games: what do you say, Dan? Dan wake up
  2217. 11:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: no
  2218. 11:52 PM - Merchant: i feel like shit right now and i don't want to be up til 2
  2219. 11:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: alright
  2220. 11:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I will sleepplay
  2221. 11:52 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: trust me I'm a doctor
  2222. 11:53 PM - The Master Of Games: you serious?
  2223. 11:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I don't even know
  2224. 11:53 PM - The Master Of Games: c'mon it's only like midnight
  2225. 11:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so are we continuing?
  2226. 11:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: the fuck you niggas on
  2227. 11:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I guess that's a yes?
  2228. 11:53 PM - Merchant: i've been going to sleep at like 10 because i gotta wake up at 5 for school and my interior clock is all fucked
  2229. 11:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so yeah let's go
  2230. 11:53 PM - The Master Of Games: y'all are pussies who can't sustain on 5 hours of sleep
  2231. 11:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: jesus wing
  2232. 11:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: you are a lightweight
  2233. 11:53 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ^
  2234. 11:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: i go to bed at 10 erryday
  2235. 11:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: i wake up at 5:30
  2236. 11:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have PE first period
  2237. 11:54 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I stay up until 2 am playing JRPGs and need to wake up at 6
  2238. 11:54 PM - The Master Of Games: I do -not- envy you
  2239. 11:54 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: pleb
  2240. 11:54 PM - Merchant: i never experienced sleep deprivation
  2241. 11:54 PM - The Master Of Games: starting school at 8 masterrace
  2242. 11:54 PM - The Master Of Games: well you're a teenager
  2243. 11:54 PM - El Aguila Quema: and PE is not a light thing either you get huge deductions off your grade for not participating
  2244. 11:54 PM - The Master Of Games: trust me it's an essential part of puberty
  2245. 11:54 PM - El Aguila Quema: i havent slept right since i was like 10 lol
  2246. 11:54 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I've got a computer science midterm next thursday
  2247. 11:54 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and I know jack shit
  2248. 11:55 PM - Merchant: I took all APs
  2249. 11:55 PM - The Master Of Games: man I hate PE I know that makes me sound like a huge lazy fatass nerd which I am but it's true
  2250. 11:55 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: also got 6 labs and 2 big homeworks for it due tuesday
  2251. 11:55 PM - Merchant: so tests pretty much everyday
  2252. 11:55 PM - The Master Of Games: well why would you do that man
  2253. 11:55 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and I know about jack shit in regards to that MASM programming language or whatever the fuck
  2254. 11:55 PM - Merchant: and then if i do track I'll be fucked into never having free time
  2255. 11:55 PM - El Aguila Quema: i also took all APs
  2256. 11:55 PM - The Master Of Games: there's a little thing called "overextending yourself" and seems like that's what you're doing, Wing
  2257. 11:55 PM - The Master Of Games: seriously chill
  2258. 11:56 PM - Merchant: i can usually manage myself
  2259. 11:56 PM - Merchant: but i left a bunch of shit to the last minute
  2260. 11:56 PM - The Master Of Games: hell I'm not even sure what APs are but still exams every day sound shitty as hell and it's not something I'd like to go through
  2261. 11:56 PM - Merchant: so im fucked for this week
  2262. 11:56 PM - Merchant: ap is like college level stiff
  2263. 11:56 PM - Merchant: anyway im going to sleep
  2264. 11:56 PM - Merchant: bai
  2265. 11:56 PM - Merchant left chat.
  2266. 11:57 PM - The Master Of Games: sweet dreams bro
  2267. 11:57 PM - The Master Of Games: shit he's gone
  2268. 11:57 PM - The Master Of Games: so, let's blow this joint, y'all
  2269. 11:57 PM - The Master Of Games: and kick Chen's ass into oblivion
  2270. 11:57 PM - El Aguila Quema: aw ye
  2271. 11:57 PM - The Master Of Games: or at least out the window
  2272. 11:57 PM - El Aguila Quema: i can manage that
  2273. 11:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I shoot Chen through the roof by being cool
  2274. 11:57 PM - The Master Of Games: no
  2275. 11:57 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: then teleport all the loot to my house
  2276. 11:57 PM - The Master Of Games: no
  2277. 11:57 PM - Bruce Brynes: so we doin this
  2278. 11:58 PM - The Master Of Games: yea
  2279. 11:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: why didn't we just plant ludicrous amounts of explosives and blow the place up
  2280. 11:58 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, so, you're on the roof
  2281. 11:58 PM - The Master Of Games: 'cause you're after his client list
  2282. 11:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: oh yeah
  2283. 11:58 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: whoops
  2284. 11:59 PM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I guess paper tends to burn up in explosions eh
  2285. 11:59 PM - The Master Of Games: alright, so, you want to throw Aguila into the vent and have him Die Hard his way over to the apartment to make Charlie an open into the system and chuck a few 'nades in while you're at it?
  2286. 11:59 PM - The Master Of Games: or are you doing something else
  2287. Sunday, October 20, 2013
  2288. 12:00 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I dunno
  2289. 12:00 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I sax the papers into my hands and jump off the building, sliding across the skies on the power of my killer notes
  2290. 12:00 AM - El Aguila Quema: hey gm
  2291. 12:00 AM - The Master Of Games: yes
  2292. 12:00 AM - El Aguila Quema: are the datalocks one way
  2293. 12:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: like can you go out with no pass
  2294. 12:01 AM - The Master Of Games: no c:
  2295. 12:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: ah
  2296. 12:01 AM - The Master Of Games: I was hoping you'd ask that
  2297. 12:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: shame
  2298. 12:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: i was going to hide in his shower
  2299. 12:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: for the entire night
  2300. 12:01 AM - The Master Of Games: aw
  2301. 12:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: actually i can still do that
  2302. 12:01 AM - The Master Of Games: well you could have Charlie open the lock whenever you want
  2303. 12:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: everyone on board with BATHROOM AMBUSH BOOGALOO
  2304. 12:02 AM - The Master Of Games: but sooner or later someone's gonna come up to the roof to relieve the guards
  2305. 12:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: and then they'll check everywhere
  2306. 12:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: except his password locked bathroom
  2307. 12:02 AM - The Master Of Games: and find 5 dead bodies, your escape route AKA Tool in your AV and Merchant who I'm assuming is staying with Tool
  2308. 12:02 AM - Bruce Brynes: brb
  2309. 12:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: only he'll be able to get i nthere
  2310. 12:02 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Lucha. Take these tear gas grenades and enter the vents. You have your job."
  2311. 12:02 AM - The Master Of Games: and then, hell's gonna break loose
  2312. 12:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: hell is fun
  2313. 12:02 AM - The Master Of Games: "Wait!"
  2314. 12:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: "How do I use this?"
  2315. 12:03 AM - The Master Of Games: Charlie shouts out to Aguila.
  2316. 12:03 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Hmm?"
  2317. 12:03 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Pull the pin and throw. Simple. We've been over this."
  2318. 12:04 AM - The Master Of Games: "Listen, when you get there, find a bundle of wires in the vent, and just clip this -" she throws you a small gadget and you deftly catch it "- into it. That's all."
  2319. 12:04 AM - El Aguila Quema: "But which part is the pin?"
  2320. 12:04 AM - The Master Of Games: fucksake
  2321. 12:04 AM - El Aguila Quema: had to
  2322. 12:04 AM - El Aguila Quema: im goin
  2323. 12:04 AM - El Aguila Quema: "OK, I am soaring into these vents like the creature of my namesake. Away!"
  2324. 12:04 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Figure it out or get shot like a large fish in a tiny bowl."
  2325. 12:04 AM - El Aguila Quema: I hop into the vents backwards with my arms crossed.
  2326. 12:05 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: And your large lucha ass gets stuck
  2327. 12:05 AM - The Master Of Games: roll for Acrobatics (I think) or something similar iunno
  2328. 12:05 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and only with much wiggling does it free itself with an audible pop
  2329. 12:05 AM - El Aguila Quema: perform?
  2330. 12:05 AM - El Aguila Quema: idk nigga
  2331. 12:05 AM - The Master Of Games: you should have something related to acrobatic shit
  2332. 12:05 AM - The Master Of Games: check yo sheet
  2333. 12:05 AM - El Aguila Quema: nah lol
  2334. 12:05 AM - Bruce Brynes: back
  2335. 12:05 AM - El Aguila Quema: i have martial arts
  2336. 12:06 AM - Bruce Brynes: so what's happening
  2337. 12:06 AM - El Aguila Quema: ah
  2338. 12:06 AM - El Aguila Quema: athletics
  2339. 12:06 AM - El Aguila Quema: that work?
  2340. 12:06 AM - The Master Of Games: Aguila's pulling a bruce willis
  2341. 12:06 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah sure
  2342. 12:06 AM - El Aguila Quema: 21
  2343. 12:06 AM - El Aguila Quema: lol i rolled a 1
  2344. 12:06 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: fumble~
  2345. 12:06 AM - The Master Of Games: ooooooooh
  2346. 12:06 AM - The Master Of Games: fumble roll
  2347. 12:06 AM - The Master Of Games: 1d10
  2348. 12:06 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ha
  2349. 12:07 AM - El Aguila Quema: 5
  2350. 12:07 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: pleb
  2351. 12:07 AM - El Aguila Quema: dis gun b gud
  2352. 12:08 AM - The Master Of Games: You fall 10 meters down the ventilation shaft and land with a loud thud. Good thing the owners of the apartment below happen to be on vacation.
  2353. 12:08 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy calls down the vent, "You soar like a drunken hatchling with parkinsons."
  2354. 12:08 AM - The Master Of Games: After picking yourself up, you continue on your way.
  2355. 12:08 AM - El Aguila Quema: alright where am i on ye map
  2356. 12:08 AM - The Master Of Games: Meanwhile, the rest of the party are riding an elevator down to the floor Chen's apartment is on.
  2357. 12:09 AM - The Master Of Games: wait
  2358. 12:09 AM - Bruce Brynes: oh yeah, do we have a map with us on it?
  2359. 12:09 AM - The Master Of Games: well you're not on it yet :v
  2360. 12:09 AM - El Aguila Quema: am i on it?
  2361. 12:09 AM - The Master Of Games: but yeah there's a map
  2362. 12:09 AM - The Master Of Games: chen'sapartment.png
  2363. 12:10 AM - The Master Of Games: you should be now
  2364. 12:10 AM - The Master Of Games: dark green X
  2365. 12:10 AM - The Master Of Games: Aguila finds himself above the guard station.
  2366. 12:10 AM - El Aguila Quema: yep
  2367. 12:10 AM - El Aguila Quema: I peek through a whole to see where any guards are
  2368. 12:11 AM - El Aguila Quema: hole*
  2369. 12:11 AM - The Master Of Games: Inside are four men, in various states of sleep deprivation. One of them's watching over what appears to be the CCTV system monitors, one's lounging on the sofa, one is cleaning his pistol, and another seems to be drinking from a cup of very strong coffee.
  2370. 12:11 AM - The Master Of Games: lemme mark 'em
  2371. 12:12 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: while you do that Imma piss
  2372. 12:12 AM - El Aguila Quema: I crawl over to the bathroom vent.
  2373. 12:12 AM - El Aguila Quema: The regular bathroom, not chen's
  2374. 12:13 AM - El Aguila Quema: And drop down in.
  2375. 12:13 AM - El Aguila Quema: also i gotta piss brb
  2376. 12:13 AM - Bruce Brynes: oh man it auto-updates
  2377. 12:13 AM - The Master Of Games: you forgot to do something
  2378. 12:13 AM - Bruce Brynes: this is so great
  2379. 12:13 AM - The Master Of Games: alright imma retcon this for him
  2380. 12:14 AM - The Master Of Games: Before leaving for the bathroom, you clip the thingy Charlie gave you into a thick bundle of wires you can see snaking through the vent.
  2381. 12:15 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: kay
  2382. 12:15 AM - El Aguila Quema: alright im back
  2383. 12:15 AM - El Aguila Quema: oh
  2384. 12:15 AM - El Aguila Quema: thanks, sorry
  2385. 12:15 AM - The Master Of Games: Up on the roof, in the AV, Charlie's screen, up to this point black, lights up with the images transmitted by the apartment cameras. She switches to the door lock interface, and, one by one, sets them all to "LOCK".
  2386. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: National Treasure
  2387. 12:16 AM - The Master Of Games: Anyone inside the rooms with electronic locks is now trapped, unless they manage to make their way through - and I mean through - the door.
  2388. 12:16 AM - The Master Of Games: as in? I've seen that movie but that was a long ass time ago
  2389. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: O.K. guys
  2390. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: I'm gonna be going offline real quick
  2391. 12:16 AM - The Master Of Games: it had Cage and Bean though so it must've been rad
  2392. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: don't kno hen
  2393. 12:16 AM - The Master Of Games: you gonna be back?
  2394. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: know when*
  2395. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  2396. 12:17 AM - The Master Of Games: alright then, let's take a short break while you're away
  2397. 12:17 AM - El Aguila Quema: oh hey
  2398. 12:17 AM - El Aguila Quema: before we leave
  2399. 12:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: But I go offline when I close my computer and i'm not supossed to be up right now and I'll need to close it to hide it
  2400. 12:17 AM - The Master Of Games: oh
  2401. 12:17 AM - The Master Of Games: k
  2402. 12:17 AM - El Aguila Quema: can i message charlie to make sure the cameras dont see me
  2403. 12:17 AM - The Master Of Games: sure thing
  2404. 12:17 AM - The Master Of Games: you've got comms
  2405. 12:17 AM - El Aguila Quema: awesome
  2406. 12:17 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: for the record, the new addition to the map is courtsey of Ryan
  2407. 12:18 AM - The Master Of Games: also, while the guys are trapped, I'd suggest throwing a CS 'nade in there
  2408. 12:18 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Charlie woman, can you make sure those cameras you mark on the map you showed us can't see me?"
  2409. 12:18 AM - El Aguila Quema: is there a penalty for that
  2410. 12:18 AM - The Master Of Games: "Can't see ya on any of these, no."
  2411. 12:18 AM - El Aguila Quema: because i have 3 tech
  2412. 12:18 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I suggest running loops on the cameras."
  2413. 12:19 AM - The Master Of Games: what, for plugging the thing in? it was literally just plug and play :v
  2414. 12:19 AM - El Aguila Quema: "No, no. I mean like, they never see me, even if I stand in front of their eyes."
  2415. 12:19 AM - The Master Of Games: "Way ahead of ya, buddy."
  2416. 12:19 AM - El Aguila Quema: no i mean throwing grenades nigga
  2417. 12:19 AM - The Master Of Games: well grenades don't have anything to do with tech
  2418. 12:19 AM - The Master Of Games: they're pretty easy to work with
  2419. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: "so the cameras are looping footage?"
  2420. 12:19 AM - El Aguila Quema: im lumping anything that isnt my body under tech
  2421. 12:19 AM - El Aguila Quema: i took 3 years of tech class, sorry :V
  2422. 12:20 AM - El Aguila Quema: alright
  2423. 12:20 AM - El Aguila Quema: so yeah i'll toss in a gas nade
  2424. 12:20 AM - The Master Of Games: "Yeah, they've been on the loop since I first got a signal."
  2425. 12:20 AM - The Master Of Games: "Got a custom utility for that."
  2426. 12:20 AM - El Aguila Quema: I pull the pin, look at it for a second, and then push it into the room awkwardly.
  2427. 12:20 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Then it seems you are indeed worth the money you charge."
  2428. 12:20 AM - The Master Of Games: The grenade drops onto the couch, next to the napping guy. Nobody notices.
  2429. 12:21 AM - The Master Of Games: It goes off with a quiet *hiss*, blanketing the room in CS gas.
  2430. 12:21 AM - El Aguila Quema: "I say into the whole
  2431. 12:21 AM - El Aguila Quema: into the hole
  2432. 12:21 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Haha! The Eagle traps you!"
  2433. 12:21 AM - The Master Of Games: One by one, the private security guys fall asleep 'cause that's totally what CS gas does.
  2434. 12:21 AM - El Aguila Quema: just to fuck with the
  2435. 12:21 AM - El Aguila Quema: them
  2436. 12:22 AM - El Aguila Quema: I move on and wait for Potato to come back.
  2437. 12:22 AM - The Master Of Games: "Alright, the sec guys are out. Go get Chen, guys."
  2438. 12:22 AM - El Aguila Quema: mostly because im hungry
  2439. 12:22 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so where am I anyway
  2440. 12:22 AM - Bruce Brynes: come back?
  2441. 12:22 AM - El Aguila Quema: when did you leave
  2442. 12:22 AM - The Master Of Games: Bruce and Entropy are standing in front of Chen's apartment's door.
  2443. 12:22 AM - Bruce Brynes: Oh
  2444. 12:22 AM - El Aguila Quema: you never left nigga what the hell was telling us you were gonna leave for
  2445. 12:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: can we remove the dicks on the map
  2446. 12:23 AM - Bruce Brynes: I haven't left yet
  2447. 12:23 AM - Bruce Brynes: because I don't know when it's gonna be
  2448. 12:23 AM - The Master Of Games: if I were you, Dan, I'd use Entropy's shiny cyberleg to bust the door open
  2449. 12:23 AM - The Master Of Games: what dicks
  2450. 12:23 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: oh
  2451. 12:23 AM - The Master Of Games: there's no dicks on mine
  2452. 12:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: reload your map gm
  2453. 12:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: there are 3 dicks
  2454. 12:23 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I thought we were waiting for Aguila to gas the place
  2455. 12:23 AM - The Master Of Games: fucking hell
  2456. 12:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: COCK FLEET ALPHA
  2457. 12:23 AM - Bruce Brynes: THERE....ARE...THREE...DICKS...
  2458. 12:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: appy said they came from ryan :v
  2459. 12:23 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I imagine they are designs on the carpet
  2460. 12:23 AM - The Master Of Games: alright I just overwrote the map with my fresh copy
  2461. 12:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: sweet
  2462. 12:24 AM - The Master Of Games: kicking Ryan from the Dropbox right about now
  2463. 12:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: alright im gonna gas chens office
  2464. 12:24 AM - The Master Of Games: but how are you gonna kick him out the window then
  2465. 12:24 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy lightly pushes Bruce aside without a word, winds up for a kick with his shiny new cyberleg, then destroys is with cyberaugmented cybercool
  2466. 12:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: office
  2467. 12:25 AM - El Aguila Quema: id imagine hes in his bedroom
  2468. 12:25 AM - El Aguila Quema: im pretty sure he's sleeping its like 10pm afaik
  2469. 12:25 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: who is he, Wing?
  2470. 12:25 AM - The Master Of Games: why the hell are you gonna waste a perfectly good grenade on an empty room then
  2471. 12:25 AM - El Aguila Quema: no
  2472. 12:25 AM - El Aguila Quema: i didnt know it was empty :v
  2473. 12:25 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: It's NIGHT City. I imagine there's a big night life to it
  2474. 12:25 AM - The Master Of Games: there's just the sec guys and Chen, already told ya
  2475. 12:26 AM - El Aguila Quema: alright then i just drop into the bathroom, open the door, get on the floor and walk to the important thing, taking note of the absence of any dinosaurs
  2476. 12:26 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: So wait. There are only 4 guards in a now locked and enclosed room which we filled with tear/sleeping gas
  2477. 12:26 AM - The Master Of Games: yes
  2478. 12:26 AM - The Master Of Games: and Chen is alone
  2479. 12:26 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: meaning the entire apartment is gas and guard free
  2480. 12:27 AM - The Master Of Games: and presumably freaking out right now
  2481. 12:27 AM - Bruce Brynes: soooooooo
  2482. 12:27 AM - The Master Of Games: seeing as you just fuckin' destroyed his door
  2483. 12:27 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so did I bust the door or what
  2484. 12:27 AM - The Master Of Games: yep
  2485. 12:27 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: kay
  2486. 12:27 AM - The Master Of Games: he's also probably got a gun
  2487. 12:27 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I walk in cooly and down the stairs cooly being cool without a word because that'd be uncool
  2488. 12:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: wait for me nigga
  2489. 12:27 AM - The Master Of Games: what fuckin stairs m8
  2490. 12:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: OH GOD
  2491. 12:27 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: well then what fuckin door did I just open
  2492. 12:27 AM - Bruce Brynes: is ryan doing this?
  2493. 12:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: THE COCK STORM IS HERE
  2494. 12:27 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I thought we were still on the roof
  2495. 12:28 AM - El Aguila Quema: SAVE US
  2496. 12:28 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah it's Ryan
  2497. 12:28 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and I kicked open the door to enter the apartment downstairs
  2498. 12:28 AM - The Master Of Games: I've got the Dropbox interface open and it shows him
  2499. 12:28 AM - The Master Of Games: I love how reverting his changes is literally just pressing ctrl+s for me
  2500. 12:28 AM - El Aguila Quema: :v
  2501. 12:29 AM - Bruce Brynes: ohmy god is he pissy because I slpoded him so quickly
  2502. 12:29 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: nope
  2503. 12:29 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: he's just being Ryan
  2504. 12:29 AM - El Aguila Quema: wait a second
  2505. 12:29 AM - El Aguila Quema: i just realized
  2506. 12:29 AM - The Master Of Games: ahaha I just kicked Ryan
  2507. 12:29 AM - El Aguila Quema: guys
  2508. 12:29 AM - The Master Of Games: so much for drawing dicks all over my nice map
  2509. 12:29 AM - El Aguila Quema: guys i can stunlock people like its dick souls
  2510. 12:29 AM - The Master Of Games: fucker
  2511. 12:29 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: look
  2512. 12:29 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I kicked in the door
  2513. 12:30 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I enter the door
  2514. 12:30 AM - The Master Of Games: yes
  2515. 12:30 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: what do I see
  2516. 12:30 AM - The Master Of Games: no dinosaurs
  2517. 12:30 AM - The Master Of Games: check the map dude
  2518. 12:30 AM - El Aguila Quema: the dickwolves are feisty tonight
  2519. 12:30 AM - El Aguila Quema: you are assaulted by dickwolves
  2520. 12:30 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: 9:30 PM - Fuck Airman: THEY REMOVED ME FROM THE FOLDER BEFORE I COULD DRAW THE COCKTIZKA
  2521. 12:30 AM - El Aguila Quema: roll 1d10+luck+raperemoval
  2522. 12:30 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: 9:30 PM - Fuck Airman: THOSE PLEBIANS
  2523. 12:30 AM - The Master Of Games: tell him to go eat a dick please
  2524. 12:30 AM - The Master Of Games: from me
  2525. 12:30 AM - El Aguila Quema: why not
  2526. 12:30 AM - El Aguila Quema: to go eat a COCK STORM
  2527. 12:31 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah that too
  2528. 12:31 AM - The Master Of Games: though I must admit I chuckled at COCK STORM
  2529. 12:31 AM - The Master Of Games: I'm a child
  2530. 12:32 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: m8
  2531. 12:32 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: wot
  2532. 12:32 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: happens
  2533. 12:32 AM - El Aguila Quema: ive been giggling like a madman since the cock troop alpha
  2534. 12:32 AM - The Master Of Games: "Alright, can't see Chen on any cameras, so he's either in the shitter, or in his bedroom."
  2535. 12:32 AM - The Master Of Games: "And they're both locked."
  2536. 12:32 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "As though that poses a problem to you?"
  2537. 12:32 AM - El Aguila Quema: hey
  2538. 12:32 AM - El Aguila Quema: gm
  2539. 12:32 AM - Bruce Brynes: "Should e split up?"
  2540. 12:32 AM - El Aguila Quema: what are the doors made of
  2541. 12:32 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: door
  2542. 12:33 AM - The Master Of Games: "Keep an eye on the corridor, I'm openin' the bedroom now."
  2543. 12:33 AM - The Master Of Games: i dunno, shitty wood and stuff
  2544. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: Am I still outside?
  2545. 12:33 AM - The Master Of Games: what doors are made of I guess
  2546. 12:33 AM - El Aguila Quema: ahaha
  2547. 12:33 AM - El Aguila Quema: i FLYING EAGLE KICK OUT OF THE OFFICE
  2548. 12:33 AM - The Master Of Games: you went in after Entropy I guess
  2549. 12:33 AM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  2550. 12:33 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I walk down the halls, pistol drawn
  2551. 12:33 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: looking particularly cool
  2552. 12:33 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and edgy
  2553. 12:34 AM - El Aguila Quema: i hope i dont hit you with doorchunks
  2554. 12:34 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and Entropy
  2555. 12:34 AM - El Aguila Quema: when i burst out of the office :V
  2556. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: "Aulia, come with me to the office. Entropy, Merchant, take the bathroom"
  2557. 12:34 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ?merchant
  2558. 12:34 AM - The Master Of Games: You Flying Eagle Kick out of the office, utterly wrecking the formerly nice looking door. Nothing particular happens beside that.
  2559. 12:34 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: >merchant
  2560. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: Agulia*
  2561. 12:34 AM - The Master Of Games: Merchant's in the AV since Wing bailed on us
  2562. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: "...or that. That works too."
  2563. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: oh yeah
  2564. 12:34 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Important thing #1 is in that room.
  2565. 12:34 AM - El Aguila Quema: "
  2566. 12:35 AM - El Aguila Quema: "You should go look at it while I dispense FREEDOM."
  2567. 12:35 AM - The Master Of Games: Nobody jumps out at Entropy. Chen must be in the shitter.
  2568. 12:35 AM - El Aguila Quema: ok
  2569. 12:35 AM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  2570. 12:35 AM - El Aguila Quema: alright quick break
  2571. 12:35 AM - El Aguila Quema: but when he comes back
  2572. 12:35 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  2574. 12:35 AM - The Master Of Games: I'm just gonna take a piss right quick
  2575. 12:36 AM - El Aguila Quema: im gonna make food
  2576. 12:37 AM - The Master Of Games: back
  2577. 12:37 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so we're all outside Chen's bathroom
  2578. 12:37 AM - The Master Of Games: actually I'm gonna grab some cereal too
  2579. 12:37 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah
  2580. 12:37 AM - The Master Of Games: back
  2581. 12:38 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so we kill Chen, grab the lewt, head home, the end?
  2582. 12:38 AM - The Master Of Games: pretty much
  2583. 12:38 AM - The Master Of Games: I might throw some extra stuff in for y'all since loot's cool
  2584. 12:38 AM - The Master Of Games: c:
  2585. 12:39 AM - The Master Of Games: you might also wanna grab the guns from his armory
  2586. 12:39 AM - The Master Of Games: seeing as the guards are out
  2587. 12:39 AM - The Master Of Games: the more guns the merrier I say
  2588. 12:39 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: that's the lewt
  2589. 12:39 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: gotta turn my garage into an armory
  2590. 12:39 AM - The Master Of Games: oh yeah don't forget his laptop and client list so that Merchant can take over his business
  2591. 12:39 AM - The Master Of Games: why take over the garage
  2592. 12:39 AM - The Master Of Games: *turn I mean
  2593. 12:39 AM - The Master Of Games: goddammit
  2594. 12:40 AM - The Master Of Games: when you've got your recording studio
  2595. 12:40 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Because it's where I record stuff
  2596. 12:40 AM - The Master Of Games: which is already half-filled with Miltech rifles, grenades and a missile launcher or two
  2597. 12:40 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: fiiine
  2598. 12:41 AM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  2599. 12:41 AM - Bruce Brynes: kk
  2600. 12:41 AM - Bruce Brynes: what didI miss
  2601. 12:41 AM - El Aguila Quema: everything
  2602. 12:41 AM - The Master Of Games: nothing :v
  2603. 12:41 AM - El Aguila Quema: chens dead, sessions over
  2604. 12:41 AM - El Aguila Quema: rip
  2605. 12:41 AM - The Master Of Games: we took a break
  2606. 12:41 AM - Bruce Brynes: yaaay
  2607. 12:42 AM - The Master Of Games: so, when we left off, you concluded that Chen must be hiding in the bathroom
  2608. 12:42 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Lucha. The door."
  2609. 12:42 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Security means nothing if the door you are securing is easily destructable."
  2610. 12:42 AM - The Master Of Games: that's the kinda man Chen is
  2611. 12:43 AM - The Master Of Games: do everything to secure something, but don't actually improve the thing
  2612. 12:43 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Eagle powers, come to me!"
  2613. 12:44 AM - The Master Of Games: Aguila takes a few steps back, then breaks into sprint and charges the bathroom door.
  2614. 12:44 AM - El Aguila Quema: I kick through the door and fly into the room, hopefully into the mirror, which I kickflip off of and land outside.
  2615. 12:45 AM - Bruce Brynes: I pull out (heh) my smg and yell
  2616. 12:45 AM - The Master Of Games: The frail wood imitation shatters like cheap glass around him as he punches through it.
  2617. 12:45 AM - Bruce Brynes: wait I SHOULDN"T yell NCPD should I
  2618. 12:46 AM - The Master Of Games: Behind the door is terrified Chen, who manages to get off a few shots from his pistol (none of which hit) before you tackle him into a wall (breaking some tiles with his head in the process).
  2619. 12:46 AM - The Master Of Games: He's all yours.
  2620. 12:46 AM - The Master Of Games: "Oh jesus!" he yells.
  2621. 12:46 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Lucha, if I may? Hold him."
  2622. 12:46 AM - The Master Of Games: "They finally found me, jesus, they found me."
  2623. 12:47 AM - El Aguila Quema: I grapple him by the arms. "Punishment #1."
  2624. 12:47 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Chen. Do you recognize me?"
  2625. 12:47 AM - El Aguila Quema: I hold him towards Entropy.
  2626. 12:47 AM - The Master Of Games: Chen's a middle aged, Asian looking man with a pale complexion. He's visibly terrified.
  2627. 12:47 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I am Entropy. I seem to recall an assassination attempt on my life."
  2628. 12:47 AM - El Aguila Quema: is he short
  2629. 12:47 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I do not take kindly to that."
  2630. 12:47 AM - The Master Of Games: "Oh christ, no, I knew that'd happen." he starts sobbing.
  2631. 12:47 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I pull out my pistol and shoot one of his knees
  2632. 12:48 AM - The Master Of Games: "I was only the middle ma-AUURGH!" he yells out right before you put a 11mm round right through his left kneecap.
  2633. 12:48 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Attempts made on MY life end with attempts on YOURS."
  2634. 12:49 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "You were going to say something. Unless you want to lose the other knee, say it."
  2635. 12:49 AM - The Master Of Games: A dark stain appears on his (already stained and unwashed) gray pants. It's not a pretty scene.
  2636. 12:49 AM - The Master Of Games: "I was... I was just the middle man. You don't say no when the Suit tell you to do somethin', you just don't."
  2637. 12:49 AM - The Master Of Games: "You don't."
  2638. 12:49 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "The Suit? Elaborate."
  2639. 12:50 AM - The Master Of Games: "No, I - I can't!"
  2640. 12:50 AM - The Master Of Games: "They'll kill me!"
  2641. 12:50 AM - The Master Of Games: "And then they'll kill you!"
  2642. 12:50 AM - Bruce Brynes: "Yes. You can/" I say, socking him in the ja
  2643. 12:50 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I'll need more than a vague and rather unclever nickname. Either I kill you, or he kills you."
  2644. 12:50 AM - The Master Of Games: "Oh, they'll so kill you. You're going to be so dead, you bastard."
  2645. 12:50 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "If you choose the latter, you at least have a chance of escape."
  2646. 12:50 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "You have three seconds to comply."
  2647. 12:50 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I shoot the other knee
  2648. 12:51 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Knee'd a hand, Mr. Chen?" I pick him up by the pants and collar, and march him towards the window.
  2649. 12:51 AM - The Master Of Games: "Slot off! I'm not tellin' you a thing!"
  2650. 12:51 AM - The Master Of Games: He screams in pain again as his right knee gets shot.
  2651. 12:51 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "That was three. Two." I put the barrel of my gun against his ear and shoot it off. Only the ear.
  2652. 12:52 AM - The Master Of Games: "I said, slot off, fragface! I'm a powerful man, you... you don't know what you're doing!"
  2653. 12:52 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "As powerful as a cornered rat."
  2654. 12:52 AM - Bruce Brynes: "I guess the suits didn't atch up for you, Chen."
  2655. 12:52 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "And for one, I direct you to the luchadore. You may take the lead, my friend."
  2656. 12:52 AM - Bruce Brynes: "You wanted aces."
  2657. 12:53 AM - Bruce Brynes: "But all you got were the CLUBS"
  2658. 12:53 AM - The Master Of Games: wait
  2659. 12:53 AM - The Master Of Games: hang on y'all
  2660. 12:53 AM - Bruce Brynes: I say, whacking him in the jaw
  2661. 12:53 AM - The Master Of Games: I need a good song for that
  2662. 12:53 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy totally gets warmed up to human contact when he got friendlies helping him inflict terrible injuries on people
  2663. 12:53 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Big Chen, they call you? You seem small to me. But size doesn't matter, what matters is what you've done for the world. And you, Mr. Chen, have spread nothing but pain and lies. You've oppressed the people of Night City, and it is my duty to free them. One by one. And I'll start with you."
  2664. 12:53 AM - The Master Of Games: waiiiiiiit
  2665. 12:53 AM - The Master Of Games: please
  2666. 12:53 AM - El Aguila Quema: ok
  2667. 12:53 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: :v
  2668. 12:54 AM - El Aguila Quema: I move him closer to the window, bumping his nose against it.
  2669. 12:54 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Any last words before the end?"
  2670. 12:54 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Do you see that, out there, Chen? That is Night City. And in a moment, it will be rid of one more leech."
  2671. 12:54 AM - Bruce Brynes: "Crooks like you are why Night City has become a wretched hive of scum and villianry"
  2672. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: I punch him with each word of the thing i' anbout to say
  2673. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: "THIS"
  2674. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: "WAS"
  2675. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: "A"
  2676. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: "GOOD"
  2677. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: "CITY!"
  2678. 12:55 AM - El Aguila Quema: I hold him solidly, letting him absorb each blow fully.
  2679. 12:55 AM - The Master Of Games:
  2680. 12:56 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Mr. Chen."
  2681. 12:56 AM - El Aguila Quema: "You. Are. Fired."
  2682. 12:56 AM - El Aguila Quema: I punt him through the window.
  2683. 12:56 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Now fly, to your new life! CAWWWW!"
  2684. 12:57 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Entropy looks down at the sailing body, saying, "Come to think of it, I should have stuck an incendary grenade in his mouth."
  2685. 12:57 AM - The Master Of Games: Chen takes the fastest train to station ground as he plummets from the window of his once-luxurious apartment straight into the pavement.
  2686. 12:57 AM - El Aguila Quema: "No, you may have killed civilians."
  2687. 12:58 AM - Bruce Brynes: I look down.
  2688. 12:58 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Not if it went off in his face on the way down."
  2689. 12:58 AM - Bruce Brynes: "Caw caw motherfuckers"
  2690. 12:58 AM - The Master Of Games: "Alright, guys, he's out. Grab the list, his laptop and whatever else you want, and get outta there."
  2691. 12:58 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "I believe there is one more matter of business to attend to. His documents, and if I recall correctly, there was an armory."
  2692. 12:58 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Get what we came for, there's no need to stay in this choombapot."
  2693. 12:58 AM - Bruce Brynes: what does choomba mean?
  2694. 12:59 AM - El Aguila Quema: am i using choomba right
  2695. 12:59 AM - El Aguila Quema: idfk
  2696. 12:59 AM - The Master Of Games: no
  2697. 12:59 AM - El Aguila Quema: i just toss it in at random times
  2698. 12:59 AM - The Master Of Games: choomba means friend ya dumbass
  2699. 12:59 AM - El Aguila Quema: w/e my guy sucks at english anyway
  2700. 12:59 AM - The Master Of Games: as in nigga pretty much
  2701. 12:59 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "Let's call Merchant and Tool down here to help us carry the haul back to the AV. I imagine Chen's armory must have some big weapons."
  2702. 12:59 AM - The Master Of Games: like instead of whattup nigga you say whattup choomba
  2703. 12:59 AM - El Aguila Quema: thats unbelievably stupid
  2704. 12:59 AM - El Aguila Quema: i love cyberpunk
  2705. 12:59 AM - The Master Of Games: I love the slang
  2706. 1:00 AM - The Master Of Games: it's so ridiculous it owns
  2707. 1:00 AM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  2708. 1:00 AM - The Master Of Games: I mean c'mon thee guys call their girlfriends "inputs"
  2709. 1:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: yeah lol
  2710. 1:01 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'd insert my floppy into her disk drive
  2711. 1:01 AM - El Aguila Quema: she wants the D:
  2712. 1:01 AM - The Master Of Games: should've been D:\
  2713. 1:02 AM - The Master Of Games: also floppy drives are A:\ and B:\ only but who gives a fuck
  2714. 1:02 AM - The Master Of Games: :v
  2715. 1:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: mine makes yen signs
  2716. 1:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: i have my computer in jap locale :v
  2717. 1:02 AM - The Master Of Games: man you're a fucking weeb my friend
  2718. 1:02 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: so do we grab ye lewt and documents?
  2719. 1:02 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: least I ain't that weeb
  2720. 1:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: nigga this shitty jap horror game needed it
  2721. 1:02 AM - The Master Of Games: why you playin shitty jap horror games then
  2722. 1:02 AM - The Master Of Games: don't
  2723. 1:02 AM - El Aguila Quema: its not like my start button is in kangi or whatever the language is over there
  2724. 1:03 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah you grab ye lewt and documents and the laptop
  2725. 1:03 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: nouce
  2726. 1:03 AM - The Master Of Games: I just need to decide what the lewt actually is ;v
  2727. 1:03 AM - The Master Of Games: :v
  2728. 1:03 AM - El Aguila Quema: >inspect ye loot
  2729. 1:03 AM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  2730. 1:03 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: lovely big guns is what the loot should be
  2731. 1:03 AM - Bruce Brynes: all da loot
  2732. 1:03 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: preferably a big, heavy, powerful pistol
  2733. 1:03 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I can use
  2734. 1:04 AM - The Master Of Games: my friend you're gonna be happy
  2735. 1:04 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: yisssssssss
  2736. 1:04 AM - The Master Of Games: no it's not a .666
  2737. 1:04 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: awwwwwww
  2738. 1:04 AM - El Aguila Quema: wingsuit wingsuit wingsuit
  2739. 1:04 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: heavy pistol still better than my medium
  2740. 1:06 AM - Bruce Brynes: so what loot do we get?
  2741. 1:07 AM - The Master Of Games: gimme a second
  2742. 1:07 AM - The Master Of Games: it's gonna be baller
  2743. 1:07 AM - The Master Of Games: that much I can tell you now
  2744. 1:07 AM - El Aguila Quema: wingsuit pls
  2745. 1:09 AM - The Master Of Games: alright, the armory contains: two disposable LAWs, three Chadran Arms Jungle Reapers, and a Luigi Franchi P16 shotgun. In addition to that, Chen had a Nova Arms .41 "Bronson" magnum.
  2746. 1:09 AM - Bruce Brynes: um
  2747. 1:09 AM - Bruce Brynes: no idea what any of this
  2748. 1:09 AM - Bruce Brynes: is
  2749. 1:09 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I like the sound o dat magnum
  2750. 1:09 AM - El Aguila Quema: "Bronson"
  2751. 1:09 AM - The Master Of Games: blackhand's street weapons 2020 has all that stuff
  2752. 1:09 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: moine
  2753. 1:09 AM - El Aguila Quema: nigga you livin the payday life now
  2754. 1:10 AM - The Master Of Games: open ye splatbook
  2755. 1:10 AM - El Aguila Quema: ciaster i like your style
  2756. 1:10 AM - El Aguila Quema: now how much are wingsuits
  2757. 1:11 AM - The Master Of Games: also, the safe contains 5,000 eb in various unmarked credit chits, a flash drive marked "clients", an old .41 Desert Eagle, and a briefcase with documents. you grab everything.
  2758. 1:11 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: where the hell is the Brosnan
  2759. 1:11 AM - The Master Of Games: for a wingsuit, you're gonna have to hit up an extreme sports store :v
  2760. 1:11 AM - The Master Of Games: it's Bronson not Brosnan
  2761. 1:11 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: point stands
  2762. 1:12 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: where in the book is it
  2763. 1:12 AM - El Aguila Quema: look up Nova Arms .41
  2764. 1:12 AM - The Master Of Games: for shame, mistake the manliest mustache of the 20th century with one of the worst james bonds
  2765. 1:12 AM - The Master Of Games: it's right at the end of very heavy handguns
  2766. 1:12 AM - The Master Of Games: it also deals 5d6 damage
  2767. 1:12 AM - The Master Of Games: and so does the deagle
  2768. 1:12 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: o
  2769. 1:13 AM - The Master Of Games: brand deagle
  2770. 1:13 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: der it b
  2771. 1:13 AM - Bruce Brynes: so how do we split this
  2772. 1:13 AM - The Master Of Games: well Entropy's the boss
  2773. 1:13 AM - El Aguila Quema: you guys get the guns, i take the money? :v
  2774. 1:13 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "This is a weapon I can use." Entropy holsters the Bronson in his leg holster
  2775. 1:13 AM - El Aguila Quema: i dont have any use for any of that shit besides money
  2776. 1:14 AM - Bruce Brynes: well we all need money
  2777. 1:14 AM - Bruce Brynes: and by all i mran us two
  2778. 1:14 AM - El Aguila Quema: unless theres spiked knuckles and gm lets me count that as unarmed damage c:
  2779. 1:14 AM - Bruce Brynes: mran
  2780. 1:14 AM - The Master Of Games: he's also gonna have to have enough $ left to pay Charlie, unless someone wants to come in and play as her since like I said I'm not gonna try playing two dmpcs at the same time
  2781. 1:14 AM - El Aguila Quema: whats your monthly pay? :v
  2782. 1:14 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: "We can store the weapons we won't use in the future armory, or just find a place to sell them."
  2783. 1:14 AM - The Master Of Games: I vote you give the Deagle to Tool
  2784. 1:14 AM - El Aguila Quema: yeah tool needs the deagle
  2785. 1:14 AM - Bruce Brynes: i'll take the shotgun
  2786. 1:15 AM - The Master Of Games: so he has a Max Payne set of Deagle and Beretta
  2787. 1:15 AM - The Master Of Games: who's gonna take the Alien ARs?
  2788. 1:15 AM - The Master Of Games: uh, I mean, the Jungle Reapers
  2789. 1:15 AM - The Master Of Games: sorry
  2790. 1:15 AM - El Aguila Quema: one for merchant i guess
  2791. 1:15 AM - The Master Of Games: how could I even make that mistake
  2792. 1:15 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Doesn't Bruce use shotguns?
  2793. 1:15 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: He can take the shotty then
  2794. 1:15 AM - Bruce Brynes: what are the jungle reapers anyway
  2795. 1:15 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: oh whoops
  2796. 1:15 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: he already did
  2797. 1:16 AM - El Aguila Quema: "hi im appy and my reading comprehension draws dangerously cheesy to 0"
  2798. 1:16 AM - El Aguila Quema: c:
  2799. 1:16 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: more like I didn't even read it cause I was talking to Ryan
  2800. 1:16 AM - The Master Of Games: pulse rifles from Alien basically, check the Illustrations section of Blackhand's Street Weapons
  2801. 1:16 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I only glanced up and saw it close to the top of the chat
  2802. 1:16 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: if you want lack of reading comprehension, look at Wing
  2803. 1:16 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I mean fucking seriously
  2804. 1:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: noice
  2805. 1:17 AM - The Master Of Games: stop taking cheap shots at the guy who isn't here
  2806. 1:17 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: no
  2807. 1:17 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: c:
  2808. 1:17 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'd still be taking them if he WAS here
  2809. 1:17 AM - The Master Of Games: anyway, you load all the $wag into the back of the AV, and take off into the night, leaving several dead bodies in your wake.
  2810. 1:17 AM - The Master Of Games: ~fin~
  2811. 1:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: yaaaay
  2812. 1:17 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: good
  2813. 1:18 AM - Bruce Brynes: wait so we have a jungle reaper for merchant
  2814. 1:18 AM - El Aguila Quema: fuck that loot sucked
  2815. 1:18 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: cause I need to get up in the morning since we always go running
  2816. 1:18 AM - Bruce Brynes: and let's sell the other two
  2817. 1:18 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah you got three jungle reapers
  2818. 1:18 AM - The Master Of Games: a deagle for tool
  2819. 1:18 AM - The Master Of Games: a bronson for mr. "I'm not OP enough even though I'm hella OP" Entropy
  2820. 1:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: a pistol that doesn't suck would of been nice
  2821. 1:19 AM - The Master Of Games: a shotty for Bruce, and two LAWs for a rainy day
  2822. 1:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: but I like this feeling
  2823. 1:19 AM - The Master Of Games: aw shit I forgot
  2824. 1:19 AM - The Master Of Games: you were stuck with the 9mm
  2825. 1:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: beat theboss, get a cool new toy
  2826. 1:19 AM - The Master Of Games: wait
  2827. 1:19 AM - El Aguila Quema: do i get any skill points or w/e for doing a rad speech? :v
  2828. 1:19 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: bitch are you kidding
  2829. 1:19 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: me? OP?
  2830. 1:19 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: Aguila more or less one shot Orphaner
  2831. 1:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: like how you'd get a new power every boss you beat in Crash Bandicoot
  2832. 1:20 AM - The Master Of Games: as you leave, Bruce steps on something. he bends down to see what it was, and his eyes see a brand new, almost unused Colt Enforcement 10!
  2833. 1:20 AM - The Master Of Games: he picks it up and drops it in his holster
  2834. 1:20 AM - Bruce Brynes: Um, I think Orphaner died when he took two critical shotgun blasts to his unprotected head at point blank
  2835. 1:20 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: not the point
  2836. 1:20 AM - The Master Of Games: *four
  2837. 1:20 AM - El Aguila Quema: he was fucked before that when i hit him for mortal damage lol
  2838. 1:20 AM - Bruce Brynes: two were crits
  2839. 1:20 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: point is whats his face dealt like 30 damage
  2840. 1:20 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah pretty much
  2841. 1:20 AM - Bruce Brynes: one was normal
  2842. 1:20 AM - El Aguila Quema: 15
  2843. 1:20 AM - Bruce Brynes: one was fumble i think
  2844. 1:20 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: and I can do max 18 with my dinky starter gun
  2845. 1:21 AM - The Master Of Games: also HOLY SHIT I KILLED A PLAYER feels pretty bad actually since Ryan ragequitted
  2846. 1:21 AM - El Aguila Quema: i can do max 18
  2847. 1:21 AM - Bruce Brynes: yaaaay on a new pistol
  2848. 1:21 AM - El Aguila Quema: and thats only with a kick or a throw
  2849. 1:21 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: ^
  2850. 1:21 AM - Bruce Brynes: one sec
  2851. 1:21 AM - The Master Of Games: I just realised that's kind of a shitty upgrade since it only deals 2 damage more :v sorry
  2852. 1:21 AM - The Master Of Games: hell, it's still somethin'
  2853. 1:21 AM - Bruce Brynes: yeah
  2854. 1:21 AM - Bruce Brynes: is the colt in the splat book?
  2855. 1:22 AM - The Master Of Games: it's a blued metallic model though
  2856. 1:22 AM - The Master Of Games: yep
  2857. 1:22 AM - The Master Of Games: under medium handguns
  2858. 1:22 AM - El Aguila Quema: i need money
  2859. 1:22 AM - El Aguila Quema: to get a wingsuit with
  2860. 1:22 AM - The Master Of Games: costs 'bout 500 eb
  2861. 1:22 AM - The Master Of Games: well you can always pawn your newest finds to Neil
  2862. 1:22 AM - The Master Of Games: he'd be happy to get some more stuff for his store
  2863. 1:23 AM - The Master Of Games: and he'd pay you a whole 75% of what the stuff's really worth, too! c:
  2864. 1:23 AM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  2865. 1:23 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: He's our new Gorgutz isn't he
  2866. 1:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: yes
  2867. 1:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: he is
  2868. 1:23 AM - The Master Of Games: pretty much
  2869. 1:23 AM - The Master Of Games: only not as ridiculous
  2870. 1:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: yeah ill sell one of the pulse rifles i guess
  2871. 1:23 AM - The Master Of Games: Neil's Surplus, your one stop shop for everything military related in the known universe!
  2872. 1:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: the other one someone else can have the money for
  2873. 1:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: other than suppressors*
  2874. 1:24 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: except silencers
  2875. 1:24 AM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  2876. 1:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: ha
  2877. 1:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: beat you to it faggot
  2878. 1:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: 1:23 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: He's our new Gorgutz isn't he
  2879. 1:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: yes
  2880. 1:23 AM - El Aguila Quema: he is
  2881. 1:23 AM - The Master Of Games: pretty much
  2882. 1:23 AM - The Master Of Games: only not as ridiculous
  2883. 1:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: yeah ill sell one of the pulse rifles i guess
  2884. 1:24 AM - The Master Of Games: Neil's Surplus, your one stop shop for everything military related in the known universe!
  2885. 1:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: the other one someone else can have the money for
  2886. 1:24 AM - El Aguila Quema: other than suppressors*
  2887. 1:24 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: except silencers
  2888. 1:24 AM - The Master Of Games: actually I might throw in some adventure hook stuff with Neil 'cause why the hell not
  2889. 1:24 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: cause you're a queer
  2890. 1:24 AM - The Master Of Games: please no gaybashing in my chat
  2891. 1:24 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: not you
  2892. 1:24 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I mean data
  2893. 1:24 AM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  2894. 1:24 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah I figured that much
  2895. 1:25 AM - The Master Of Games: alright let's end this shit before Potato gets found out and his pc gets taken away for staying up for so long or something
  2896. 1:25 AM - The Master Of Games: save the log, Dan
  2897. 1:25 AM - El Aguila Quema: wait
  2898. 1:25 AM - El Aguila Quema: we never decided who got the money :V
  2899. 1:25 AM - The Master Of Games: you can argue about that next time
  2900. 1:26 AM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  2901. 1:26 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: yeah yeah
  2902. 1:26 AM - El Aguila Quema: i guess 1k for everyone, tool included
  2903. 1:26 AM - Bruce Brynes: yaaay
  2904. 1:26 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: I'm on it, get off my dick already
  2905. 1:26 AM - The Master Of Games: yeah pretty much
  2906. 1:26 AM - Bruce Brynes: 4d6 damage shotgun
  2907. 1:26 AM - El Aguila Quema: kk, everyone gets 1k monies
  2908. 1:26 AM - The Master Of Games: alright, so, how'd ya like the game? c:
  2909. 1:26 AM - El Aguila Quema: i like it
  2910. 1:26 AM - Entropy: Now with 20% more metal: gonna need .41 ammo
  2911. 1:26 AM - El Aguila Quema: my kicks will always mortally wound, no matter what
  2912. 1:26 AM - Bruce Brynes: This is turnig out great
  2913. 1:26 AM - The Master Of Games: I gotta say I feel a lot better when I'm just winging it instead of planning shit in advance
  2914. 1:26 AM - El Aguila Quema: WINGing it
  2915. 1:26 AM - El Aguila Quema: ha
  2916. 1:26 AM - The Master Of Games: just feels... a lot more natural
  2917. 1:27 AM - The Master Of Games: and no
  2918. 1:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: like the guy who isnt here
  2919. 1:27 AM - The Master Of Games: I was deliberately trying to avoid that pun since it's terrible
  2920. 1:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: i have the warm glow of a good rpg in me
  2921. 1:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: now i just need the warm glow of a wingsuit
  2922. 1:27 AM - The Master Of Games: next time, friend
  2923. 1:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: because theyre rad
  2924. 1:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: aw yeah
  2925. 1:27 AM - The Master Of Games: hell yeah they're rad
  2926. 1:27 AM - El Aguila Quema: ive got 12700eb and no filter
  2927. 1:28 AM - Bruce Brynes: wow
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