
[EqG] (Rarity) Hell in a Handbra

Sep 30th, 2015
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  1. Prompt: After a catastrophic bra failure during gym class, Rarity turns to her classmate Anonymous for help.
  4. I
  6. "So, wait."
  7. >You frown and tick your finger from left to right in thought.
  8. >The seconds tick by and the gentle look of concern on Rarity's face begins to deepen to a scowl.
  9. >"Yes, what is it?"
  10. >Setting your lips into a line, you finally sigh and look up at her.
  11. "Is this a request for me to be absolutely outrageous to attract attention, or serve as handbra for the rest of the day?"
  12. >For an instant, Rarity gawks.
  13. >Soon after, she begins to sputter in a quite unladylike manner.
  14. >"H-Hand bra? What, my goodness."
  15. >She pauses to fan herself and give a nervous laugh.
  16. >"What an absolutely ridiculous question! I would never..."
  17. >Her firm denial tapers off at once, as though she were considering the option for the first time before she shakes her head.
  18. >"No, no, that simply will not do. I'm looking to avoid attention, and having your palms all over my chest is a surefire way to garner the attention of the entire student body."
  19. >You wait a few seconds after she finally settles down.
  20. "So, do you always talk out loud when you're uncomfortable?"
  21. >Rarity huffs gently.
  22. >"It's not discomfort, it's part of the creative process. Now will you or won't you?"
  23. >You shrug and go back to putting your books in your backpack.
  24. "Yeah, sure."
  25. >"Oh won't you reconsider? I'll do- Pardon?"
  26. >Rarity's incredulous stare follows you as you begin to walk towards your shared class.
  27. "Well, yeah. I mean isn't that the kind of thing that we do here at CHS?"
  28. >The pale teen frowns a little, but nods her head.
  29. >Holding a small stack of books close to her chest, she hurries along until she's walking beside you.
  30. >There's an awkward silence as you move through the halls.
  31. >Finally, your braless-buddy clears her throat.
  32. >"I suppose it is, but, aren't you going to take advantage of the situation? Force me to do something incredibly out of character and lewd?"
  33. >You stop, but Rarity keeps going for a few paces
  34. >When she turns, you frown at her
  35. "I'm sorry, have you seen what happens to troublemakers at CHS?"
  37. >Rarity's face contorts cutely, her nose wrinkling up just the barest bit as a few thoughtful creases appear on her forehead.
  38. >"Why, whatever do you mean?"
  39. "Oh, you know: magical transfer students showing up out of nowhere, the giant winged shedemons, hypnotic girl bands who turn into monsters, you and your friends with your horse transformations-"
  40. >"It's called Ponying Up, dear."
  41. "I don't care what it's called, it's weird."
  42. >You rattle off a few more points of Canterlot High Weirdness on your fingers before fixing Rarity with a stare.
  43. "Point being, anybody who tries to mess around with this school gets blasted by a rainbow. Since I don't want to be the next skittle causality, I'm not gonna try anything with you."
  44. >With that finally said, you walk by the still stunned seamstress.
  45. >Just before you round the corner, you hear a very quiet
  46. >"Oh."
  47. >And then hear her shoes begin to clack on the floor again behind you.
  48. >Jesus, CHS is a weird school.
  51. II
  53. >Thankfully there are only three periods left in the day.
  54. >First comes Classical Lit with Ms. Cheerilee.
  55. >Easy enough.
  56. >She begins talking about some old-as-hell writer from the Mediterranean who you haven't ever heard of.
  57. >Almost as soon as she begins, you raise your hand.
  58. "Missus Cheerilee?"
  59. >The reaction is immediate as the teacher's face twitches at the corner of her eyes and lips as she forces a smile.
  60. >"Yes, Anonymous?"
  61. >Her generally cheery voice has a slightly venomous edge to it, one that causes a giggle to rumble through the entire class as the two of you become the center of attention.
  62. >Perfect.
  63. >Remaining completely oblivious to her irritation, you look up at Ms. Cheerilee.
  64. "What are the major themes of this story?"
  65. >Almost immediately, your Christmas Cake of a teacher falls back into her usual routine.
  66. >But still, you'd been successful in drawing attention to yourself and reduced potential damage to Rarity.
  67. >For good measure, you throw out half a dozen more 'Missus Cheerilee's out during class, just to keep the excitement high.
  68. >By the time the bell rings, she's looking like she wants to kill you, but that's okay; Mission Accomplished and all that.
  69. >Of course, as you're walking down the hall, Rarity is all too quick to catch up.
  70. >She's practically beaming.
  71. >"Darling, that was wonderful!"
  72. >You shrug.
  73. "I guess. I've burned a lot of good will in that class today though."
  74. >A small laugh slips through Rarity's lips.
  75. >"Oh Anonymous, you know as well as I do that Ms. Cheerilee despises you."
  76. "Yeah."
  77. >You can't help but smile.
  78. "Yeah, she really does."
  79. >The following class is home economics.
  80. >If anything this class is easier than the first, because you can do all the work of mixing and baking, and Rarity stands off to the side in her apron like she always does.
  81. >So, that's two down.
  82. >Best of all, your last class is a small self-study group with Derpy.
  83. >You can just give her some string and she'll be entranced for the whole hour.
  85. >So, with your latest plan in place, you begin the trek down towards your last class of the day.
  86. >Curiously, Rarity is nowhere to be seen.
  87. >Maybe she got one of her friends to help her out?
  88. >That would be great.
  89. >No more trouble for you.
  90. >That's when your phone buzzes in your pocket.
  91. >Doing a quick check, you see an unfamiliar number has texted you.
  92. >"Anonymous, come to the west side bathrooms -Rarity"
  93. >You stand in the hall, staring at the screen for a moment longer.
  94. "How the heck did she get my phone number?"
  95. >Whatever.
  96. >No, seriously. Whatever.
  97. >Pocketing your phone you begrudgingly make your way over to the designated space.
  98. >Leaning against the wall, you wait.
  99. >And wait.
  100. >And then the warning bell chimes.
  101. >Tapping your finger against the wall, you give a quiet hiss.
  102. "You're going to make me late for class, Rare."
  103. >"Psst, Anonymous."
  104. >Hearing the girl's strained voice, you glance around and-
  105. >Oh.
  106. >There she is.
  107. >Peeking at you from around the edge of the girl's bathroom door.
  108. >With a small sigh, you turn and look at the big blue eye staring at you.
  109. "Everything okay?"
  110. >Rarity glances down for a moment, then back up at you.
  111. >"Not especially, dear. I've, run into a bit of a snag."
  112. >Oh boy.
  113. "Do tell."
  114. >Please don't.
  115. >There's a momentary pause before Rarity sighs.
  116. >"Well, not here. Would you come inside?"
  117. "No."
  118. >The eye widens.
  119. "That's a girls bathroom."
  120. >"But-"
  121. "Sorry, did you not hear the part about rainbows? I don't know where perverts stand on the list of 'Bad Guys Who Deserve To Get Blasted" but I don't want to find out either."
  122. >A quiet sound of protest echoes up from behind the door.
  123. >You can practically see her pouting.
  124. >"But Anonymous, please? I promise it will only take a moment."
  125. >No.
  126. >Hell no.
  127. >Shaking your head, you push the door open a little and reach inside, trying to grab her wrist.
  128. "Come on, Rarity, we're going to be-"
  130. >Note to self.
  131. >Apparently Horse Powers come with an added bonus.
  132. >An unexpected amount of physical strength.
  133. >While you're pawing blindly, Rarity's fingers wrap around your own wrist, and she gives a firm tug.
  134. >You very nearly fly off your feet as you stumble into the overly feminine space with a small shout.
  135. >The door swings closed behind you, and you glare up at your bosom buddy.
  136. "What the heck, Rarity?"
  137. >Making a small, tired sound, the pale girl pouts.
  138. >"Oh, I do apologize dear, but I really am in need of your help."
  139. >Great.
  140. >You stand and frown at the dressmaker.
  141. "Well, I'm here. What's the issue?"
  142. >Rarity squirms in discomfort, glancing away from your face.
  143. >Is that-
  144. >Aw no.
  145. >She's blushing.
  146. >God, you're raising flags like crazy today.
  147. >Exactly what you don't want to do.
  148. >"Well"
  149. >Rarity's voice is unsteady as she takes a deep, calming breath.
  150. >"Anonymous. To be honest, I'm feeling a little, ah, stiff."
  151. >Stiff?
  152. >You raise an eyebrow, which somehow only serves to make Rarity even more uncomfortable.
  153. >She squirms in front of you before placing a hand on her shoulder.
  154. >"Up here?"
  155. >Oh.
  156. >Rarity's breathing quickens as she slides her hand down to her lower back.
  157. >Oh no.
  158. >"And, and here as well."
  159. >The pale girl's legs visibly quiver as she looks up at you; her eyes glimmering with expectation.
  160. >Best to nip this in the bud.
  161. "No."
  162. >The suddenly slack expression that accompanies the visible pain on her face is both delightful and heart wrenching at the same time.
  163. >Don't give her time to react.
  164. "Look, I don't mind helping you, but-"
  165. >Too late.
  166. >There's a sudden loud rustle of fabric that cuts you off.
  167. >You turn back to Rarity just in time to see her pull her top all the way up to her shoulders.
  169. >Any argument you might have cooked up has been silenced by what may as well be acres of pale, flat, utterly untouched flesh across Rarity's belly
  170. >The slight divot of her belly button seems almost teasing, as though begging for attention for being different.
  171. >Her high, slim waist is eye catching in its own right.
  172. >But that pales in comparison to her chest.
  173. >Let it never be said that Rarity is not a discrete girl.
  174. >She can keep a secret far better than most of her peers.
  175. >Perhaps that's because she has experience with a secret of her own.
  176. >The fact that she's smuggling two full-sized melons through the halls of CHS every day without drawing attention to herself.
  177. >She's-
  178. >"Gracious Anonymous, would you stop staring and say something!?"
  179. >Oh.
  180. >Uh.
  181. >You look up at the now fully red-faced diva.
  182. >There's an anxious look in her eyes.
  183. "They're, um, real nice Rarity. Real, real nice."
  184. >...
  185. >What the heck was that!?
  186. >The pale girl glances away with a small scowl.
  187. >"Well, that wasn't what I was expecting."
  188. >Oh, well that's a great way not to set you off.
  189. >Feeling a little more irritated than aroused now, you take a step forward.
  190. "What, were you expecting me to be like 'Wow Rarity, great knockers!'?"
  191. >Unwilling to back down, Rarity takes a step closer as well, her face slightly scrunched in frustration.
  192. >"While crude, that might have been better than 'nice'. I don't do this for just any boy, you know."
  193. "Yeah, I sure hope not. If word got around that you drag boys into bathrooms just to flash them, think about what that would do to your reputation."
  194. >Rarity sputters for a moment, then scowls.
  195. >"Oh you are simply impossible! I ask you for help with something you might actually enjoy and you try to turn it around on me."
  196. >The two of you square off, nearly nose to nose.
  197. >After a moment, you sigh and look away.
  198. "Whatever. You said you were stiff, right?"
  199. >With her cheeks still puffed out ever so slightly, Rarity gently bobs her head.
  201. "So, you want a massage or something?"
  202. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see the girl's face light up.
  203. >"A massage? Oh goodness, that sounds absolutely wonder-"
  204. >A pause.
  205. >"No, no; that wasn't my intention."
  206. >Taking a deep breath, she places a finger on your chin, turning you back to face her gentle smile.
  207. >"I was hoping that you might take some weight off my tired body for a while."
  208. >What?
  209. "What?"
  210. >Reaching down, Rarity takes your hands and guides them to her bare chest.
  211. >"Just, for a few moments."
  212. >Her voice is low, and bordering on sweet.
  213. >"Please, hold them for me?"
  214. >...
  215. >How the heck are you supposed to say no to this?
  216. >As you stumble for a response, Rarity turns her back to you and moves your hands again so that they're supporting her chest.
  217. >Well, as best they can, considering that the pliant flesh quivers in your palms, almost as though they're threatening to spill over if you move too fast or too soon.
  218. >Or even at all.
  219. >Despite their perkiness, they have a very real weight behind them, and it becomes increasingly apparent with each passing second.
  220. >No wonder she's beginning to ache.
  221. >Her skirt covered backside grinds gently against your crotch as Rarity glances over her shoulder at you.
  222. >"You do realize that you can touch them, don't you?"
  223. >Despite her even tone, Rarity is still tomato red.
  224. >Gulping, you bob your head and press your hands up into her breasts.
  225. >A quiet gasp slips through Rarity's lips as you begin to explore the offered flesh.
  226. >Your hungry fingers trace the slopes of her chest, as though eager to map out the entire new area in your mind.
  227. >Meanwhile your palms provide a little bit of pressure as they push up and then pull back, causing a delightful, trembling jiggle to run through Rarity's body.
  228. >By the time you reach her nipples, the clothier is already a squirmy, breathless mess.
  229. >Somewhere in the back of your mind, you remember you ought to be in class.
  230. >But you don't care.
  231. >This is heaven.
  233. >All you want to do is stay here fore the rest of your-
  234. >At once the door swings open, nearly cracking off its hinges.
  235. >"Freeze, pervert!"
  236. >Rainbow Dash glares at you.
  237. >And she's got her four friends and the new nerd behind her.
  238. >Immediately, your hands fly away from Rarity's chest and raise into the air.
  239. "Woah there, I just."
  240. >That's when the rainbow happens.
  241. >
  242. >
  243. >
  244. >"Yoohoo, Anonymous!"
  245. >You sigh as the familiar voice rings in your ears.
  246. >Doing your best to ignore Rarity, you pull your books from your locker.
  247. >It doesn't matter as the cheerful girl plants herself right beside you.
  248. >The seconds tick by before she speaks again.
  249. >"Oh come now, you aren't still upset about that little mix up, are you?"
  250. "Yes."
  251. >"But that was nearly a week ago!"
  252. "Still mad."
  253. >Closing the locker, you shoulder your backpack and make your way down the hall.
  254. >Rarity, of course, is in hot pursuit.
  255. >"Well I don't see why; I explained to the girls what happened, and they were quite understanding. Although Rainbow was inexplicably distraught..."
  256. >Pausing, you turn towards her and reach your thumb and forefinger into your mouth.
  257. >As Rarity gawks, you pull out a daffodil, still in full bloom, and place it a short distance from her face.
  258. "Listen. When I stop spitting daisies, and bunnies, and chocolate candy, then I'll be willing to talk with you again. Maybe. But definitely not before."
  259. >Rarity pouts.
  260. >"But Darling, that might be ages."
  261. "Tough noogies."
  262. >You turn to storm off, but she grabs your wrist.
  263. >The two of you stand in the hallway in silence for several moments before she speaks.
  264. >"Perhaps, we could do things together that don't require talking?"
  265. >For emphasis, Rarity steps closer, sandwiching your arm between her breasts.
  266. >Seriously?
  267. >...
  268. >What the heck
  269. >You've already tripped all her flags anyway.
  270. >Pulling away from her, you walk down the hall again.
  271. >With her hand held tight in your own.
  272. >You really, really hope you don't regret this.
  275. III
  277. >"So?"
  278. "So what?"
  279. >There's a slight crease on Rarity's forehead as she leans in closer and bumps her hip against your side.
  280. >"What do I ask you every day? Has there been any change?"
  281. "Ah, that. Nothing since I ended up burping confetti earlier this week."
  282. >You shrug, picking a fleck of glitter from between your teeth.
  283. "Still struggling to get it all out though."
  284. >Rarity makes a small sound of approval as she bobs her head.
  285. >"So three whole days without an incident; I'd say that's long enough, wouldn't you?"
  286. "You'd say forty minutes was long enough if it meant getting another crack at me."
  287. >The fashionista gives an irritated huff accompanied by a faint smile.
  288. >"You've become quite full of yourself, Anonymous."
  289. "And you already were."
  290. >Nudging her shoulder gently with your elbow, you do your best to touch a little bit of the abundant girlflesh she manages to hide from the world in the process.
  291. >Rarity's cheeks color ever so slightly as she coughs and tosses her hair.
  292. >"Well, if you would be so inclined, Mother and Father are away on a trip, and Sweetie's arranged a get together with her friends at Applejack's."
  293. >The statement hangs in the air for a long while as you both walk through the halls, passing by your peers.
  294. >They still stare sometimes; you aren't exactly the perfect power couple, especially considering Rarity's position in the school.
  295. >That's fine though, keep them curious and wondering.
  296. >You wait until you can practically feel the girl's looming presence threaten to swallow you up before waving your hand and smiling.
  297. "Yeah, sounds great."
  298. >Somehow, watching her expression transition from anxiety to excitement is all the better.
  299. "Just be sure and tell your friends that I'm not assaulting you this time."
  300. >And just like that, she's frowning again.
  301. >"I don't see why I have to inform the girls that you're coming over..."
  302. "I'd prefer to keep my life rainbow free from now on."
  304. >Rarity pouts, but gives a small nod.
  305. >The rest of the day goes by quickly, though you can feel the pale girl's eyes on you through most of your classes.
  306. >It's nice to get a chance to walk home with her too.
  307. >The change of scenery is nice, and the company is pleasant, if a little stiff at times.
  308. >Rarity's house is rather plain considering her style, but maybe she's the black sheep of the family in that regard.
  309. >The house is still as you walk inside and she closes the door behind you.
  310. >Dropping your backpack around one of the corners, you stretch your arms over your head.
  311. "So, what did you have planned? After-school snack? Movie and popcorn? Dinner?"
  312. >You raise an eyebrow at the last one, hoping to drop a hint as you turn to face her.
  313. >You're quickly greeted with the soft sensation of her lips pressed against yours in response.
  314. >Her fingers grip your shirt tight as she leans in close to you.
  315. >Rarity wobbles a little, her toes planted firmly on the ground with her heels raised up high enough to reach your lips.
  316. >It's pretty clear she doesn't have any of the above on her schedule.
  317. >The heavy but chaste kiss breaks abruptly as Rarity drops back onto her heels, looking up at you with those big blue eyes of hers.
  318. "So, I guess it's straight to the main event then?"
  319. >"It's been nearly six weeks, darling."
  320. >The chiding tone in her voice carries with it an affectionate softness.
  321. >"I have gone far beyond craving your attention; now it's a matter of need."
  322. >Her fingers untangle from your shirt and Rarity gives you a gentle nudge backwards.
  323. >Still a little breathless, you turn and let her guide you through the house with a hand pressed against your back.
  324. >There's really only one destination that you could be lead to at this point.
  325. >Rarity's room is what you might expect, a four poster bed with a royal purple theme dominating the rest of the space.
  326. >The door hangs open as she continues to push you to the bed.
  328. "I get it, I get it."
  329. >Rolling your eyes, you put some distance between the two of you, enough that you can flop face-first onto the mattress.
  330. >It's quite firm, though given Rarity's usual attitude, a soft one might have been disappointing.
  331. >The sheets however, are smooth enough to make your cheek tingle as you rub against them.
  332. >It's really, really nice.
  333. >Of course as the tingling touch dances across your skin, your mind begins to drift back to what Rarity might wear to bed every night.
  334. >Full bedclothes?
  335. >Probably not, unless they were suitably stylish.
  336. >A nightie?
  337. >That would make a lot of sense, as long as it wasn't too frilly.
  338. >An oversized shirt?
  339. >Very not Rarity, but the idea of the sometimes stern girl in a cotton top around her knees is far more enticing than it probably should be.
  340. >Bra and panties?
  341. >Somehow boring, but maybe with the right cut.
  342. >...Naked?
  343. >With these sheets caressing every inch of her exposed body?
  344. >A tremble runs up from the base of your spine that leaves you fighting to hold back an undoubtedly stupid smile.
  345. >Rolling over onto your back, you sit up and look over at her.
  346. "So?"
  347. >A smirk dances across Rarity's lips.
  348. >"So what?"
  349. >You can't help but smile back.
  350. >Cheeky girl.
  351. "So you've got me here. What's the next part of your master plan?"
  352. >Rarity places a finger to her cheek, still grinning.
  353. >Without a word, she approaches you and sits down firmly on your lap.
  354. >Still facing you, the girl brushes her lips against yours and whispers
  355. >"First things first, I believe that we have some unfinished business from before. If you would?"
  356. >With a fluid motion, Rarity swings herself around and rests her backside against your thighs.
  357. >So that's how it is.
  358. >Even though she seems to be brimming with confidence, the back of Rarity's neck is flush with red-hot tension.
  359. >She's doing a good job of controlling her breathing, but it still hitches from time to time when she needs to take a deep breath to calm herself down again.
  361. >Really, she's probably more antsy about this than you are.
  362. >In that case, there's no real need to keep her waiting.
  363. "Fair enough."
  364. >Sliding your hands under the hem of her shirt, you feel her flat belly twitch and tremble as your palms slide up and over it.
  365. >Rarity's backside arches up just a touch before pressing firmly back into your lap.
  366. >Your eager hands continue their climb as you begin to give attention to the back of her neck.
  367. >When your palms reach the thick, supportive fabric of her bra, your lips have already pressed against the higher regions of her spine.
  368. >Rarity squirms in your lap, making a quiet but pleased sound as you make contact, her breath shuddering for a brief moment as your fingers start to grope along their blind trails.
  369. >"Ah, darling."
  370. >Her voice is equal parts breathless and helpless, but she tilts her head away from your lips, giving you more skin to play with.
  371. >And so you do.
  372. >This gentle groping continues for a short while longer before it becomes clear that neither of you are going to be satisfied with going halfway.
  373. >It's not exactly surprising that Rarity makes a move on the subject first, her head turned profile so that she can look back at you as she asks the burning question.
  374. >"Should, should I take off my top?"
  375. >That's a good idea.
  376. >A really good idea.
  377. >But you shake your head, in part to watch her expression drop.
  378. >Your heart hammers in excitement as you plant a short kiss on her cheek.
  379. "The shirt can stay, but your bra has to go."
  380. >A girlish whimper escapes from somewhere deep in the back of Rarity's throat as her eyes widen.
  381. >The heat coming off her cheeks feels almost like it can scald your lips.
  382. >But, with a little encouragement, Rarity relents and reaches into the space between your chest and her back.
  383. >She grunts and shifts her weight a few times before a successful click rings out in the stillness of the room.
  384. >On your end, you can feel the supporting fabric go slack and you pull it out without hesitation.
  386. >The heavy-duty bra hits the ground with a firm thud, the massive cups revealing so much promise to your twitching fingers.
  387. >Back under her shirt they go, and you can't help the small sound that rumbles out of your chest as you feel her bare chest again.
  388. >Like the rest of Rarity's body, her breasts are very smooth.
  389. >The flesh is supple and springy, more than willing to meld around your probing fingers, up to a point, before popping back into shape.
  390. >You savor the soft sensation of her skin, groping as much as you please.
  391. >It has, after all, been six weeks.
  392. >And Rarity doesn't seem to mind either, at least from the way her breath is catching as she tries to find a comfortable way relieve the heat between her legs.
  393. >"A-Anonymous."
  394. >Her voice is shaky as she closes her eyes and whimpers.
  395. >She's really off in her own little world now, isn't she?
  396. >Biting back an amused laugh, you remove one of your hands, much to her displeasure.
  397. >Rarity's cheeks puff out in a starter pout before you raise one of her arms over her head, and then quickly do the same with the other.
  398. "Hold those there."
  399. >With a childish scowl, the pale girl bobs her head.
  400. >It melts into a smile however when you begin to pull up on the bottom of her shirt.
  401. >The motion is a little awkward with only one hand, but with a bit of creative shifting on Rarity's part, you manage to get her top off.
  402. >And so there she is, bare from the waist up, wearing only a blush and an uncertain smile.
  403. >"So."
  404. "So what?"
  405. >She giggles and bites her lip.
  406. >"So where almost back to where we started."
  407. >Almost?
  408. >You raise an eyebrow and Rarity rolls her eyes.
  409. >"You have a chance to give me a proper compliment this time, darling; please don't waste it."
  410. >Ah, right.
  411. >The whole 'nice' thing.
  412. >She looks up at you, excitement twinkling behind her eyes.
  413. >It would be really great if you had something nice to say.
  414. >It might even make her day.
  416. >But where's the fun in playing nice?
  417. >Without giving her time to react, you reach out and cup one of Rarity's bare breasts in your hand.
  418. >She gasps, eyes fluttering before she manages to focus in on you again; an incredulous expression on her face
  419. >"A, Anonymous?"
  420. "Rarity."
  421. >You do your best to mimic a bit of the sweetly venomous tone the girl sometimes uses.
  422. "Aren't you supposed to be fashion conscious?"
  423. >Rarity's lower lip sticks out a little as her brow alternates between tense and concerned in time with your squeezing.
  424. >"Well of course; why wouldn't I be?"
  425. >You give a mock sigh and heft both of her breasts up towards her chin.
  426. "Well, I can think of two very big reasons right here. Aren't models supposed to be petite up top?"
  427. >A small, breathless tremble runs through the length of Rarity's body.
  428. >There's an audible gulp from the girl as her words begin to stumble together.
  429. >"Traditionally yes but, I'm a designer, not a model. What difference does that make?"
  430. >Clicking your tongue a few times, you shake your head and begin to tug on the stiff flesh of her nipples.
  431. "Just wondering how a truly stacked designer like you can understand what it's like to be unquestionably flat like the girls modeling your clothes."
  432. >The sound that escapes from Rarity's throat is anything but ladylike; a strange mix of a groan and a moan, with just a touch of bovine-like distress mixed in.
  433. >It's more than enough to make your already short-straining stiffy pass the point of no return.
  434. >"Darling."
  435. >The red-faced fashionista glances back at you.
  436. >"Those, those are terrible things to say. I am a very skilled dressmaker..."
  437. "Of course you are."
  438. >Sincerity drips off your words like honey, and Rarity visibly shudders as they slide smoothly into her ears.
  439. "But you also put every single one of them to shame."
  440. >A gentle laugh escapes the pale girl's lips as she presses her back firmly against your chest.
  442. >"Is that so, Anonymous? Do you think I make those leggy girls envious every time they come in for a fitting?"
  443. "Without a doubt."
  444. >By this point, it's unclear if the blood rushing to Rarity's face is on account of embarrassment, arousal, or delight.
  445. >But she smiles all the same.
  446. >"That was much better than last time. And now, a little something for you."
  447. >Your lips press together for a brief moment before Rarity slides out of your lap.
  448. >Placing her knees on the floor, she turns to face you.
  449. >Never losing that knowing smile, she reaches up and unbuttons your pants.
  450. >Your breath leaves you for a moment as you feel the ever present pressure finally relieve itself as Rarity strips your waist bare.
  451. >The fashionable girl eyes her new 'toy' for a moment, placing her finger on the tip and sliding it from side to side, watching to see how you'll react.
  452. >After a few moments, and seeming well pleased with the results, she leans forward and places her elbows on the bed before sliding her breasts around your dick.
  453. >Well, around is an understatement.
  454. >More like she engulfs it.
  455. >Almost immediately she lets out a small laugh.
  456. >"Oh my. It almost feels like it could burn me."
  457. >There's a momentary pause before Rarity looks up at you with the most innocent smile she can muster.
  458. >"Wouldn't that be a sight, Anonymous? My otherwise perfect skin marred in such an awkward place with a pertinent reminder of this moment?"
  459. >As she teases you, Rarity begins to rock back and forth, sliding you in and out of her cleavage.
  460. >"Just imagining having to walk around like that, having to explain that; it's so thrilling."
  461. >Rarity purrs up at you and bats her eyes.
  462. >"So Anonymous, dear, why don't you just go ahead and mark me?"
  464. >Seriously.
  465. >No, seriously.
  466. >How are you supposed to say no to this girl?
  467. >Gripping the sides of her breasts firmly, you begin thrusting into Rarity's cleavage.
  468. >It's only a short while later that you finally blow your load.
  469. >And not a small one either.
  470. >But being trapped in the overwhelming mass of Rarity's cleavage, your powerful orgasm can only manage to reach her collarbone.
  471. >The rest eagerly floods down and around the soft, inviting space between her breasts.
  472. >Flopping back onto the bed, you stare up at the canopy above and struggle to catch your breath.
  473. >Rarity, meanwhile, cleans herself up as best she can, still wearing a happy little smile.
  474. >After a few moments, she falls on the bed beside you, her fingers snaking down and entwining with yours.
  475. >"Well, were you surprised?"
  476. "V-"
  477. >You cough and swallow, trying again to speak.
  478. "Very."
  479. >"Good."
  480. >She scoots closer to you and rests her head against your shoulder.
  481. >The silence lingers for a while longer before Rarity clears her throat.
  482. >"Darling?"
  483. "Mm."
  484. >"I hope you'll continue to mark me in the future."
  485. >She presses her lips to your shoulder.
  486. >"And hopefully more and more of me as time goes on..."
  487. >There's a snappy comeback to be made here somewhere.
  488. >You settle for planting a kiss on her forehead.
  489. >It seems like regrets are going to be few and far between.
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