
Druid Books

Nov 17th, 2017
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  1. The pile of Druid books is too much to fit into a single reading section, but by skimming along and finding the areas of the books related to the information you thought might be useful, you're able to find out quite a bit in a short amount of time.
  3. 1) There are several different circles of druids in the forests and wilds of the southern part of Nefetria, though most only hold a few members, maybe around 6-12, and exist as small tribes. Most never come into contact with civilization. There are three major circles in the south though. The first is the Order of the Hourglass, a druid circle dedicated to preserving the natural order of life and death by destroying the undead. The second is the Circle of Brothers, a druid circle said to date back to ancient times. Despite the age of this order, not much is known about them, other than that they exist and are very selective in who they allow into their folds. Lastly is Shajara, a druid order that largely controls the area known as the lost woods. The Shajara are not known for any radical beliefs, but instead because of their orders immense size, said to include hundreds of members, if not over one thousand.
  5. 2) Druids one common trait is a distrust of technology and modern society. Most believe the natural order of living close to nature is the correct way to move forward in life. Because of this, they never live in cities, or even small towns.
  7. 3) Many Druid beliefs are related to the fey, spirits of nature and tied to realms beyond our own. Not much is noted in the books about this mysterious place or the creatures in it, just that they are related to the Druids.
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