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Nov 12th, 2019
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  1. My dad bought him as a pup to raise and serve as a outdoor guard dog on the front porch, never really wanted a dog, but that's changed. And he did a pretty damn good job at it. He was encouraged to attack shady acting people when we were not home or asleep. Everybody we know were told to go the side door. We insulated and heated the front porch quite well during the winter it was alright. Well my dad passed away, lots of people were coming over to visit and bring food as is tradition when one passes. We couldn't keep on the front porch any longer. So we made a HUGE zipline in the back yard, and he's been out there since then. We want to keep him inside, but the dog has literally been having fun killing small animals such as coons and possums for years now. The cats that I own are straight up part of his aggression, they will sit right outside of the zipline boundaries just teasing the dog. Anytime I try and take him for a walk even around the yard cats will run around him trying to start shit.
  3. He got loose one day and bit a mexican kid that was running from him, it wasn't a serious bite at all, but the police kept on blaming the kid for running. Really felt like shit for it, they really tried to put %90 of the blame on the kid. Got a $500 ticket still tho
  5. It's getting that time of year again, and I've cleaned out the shed, and I'm working on getting it properly insulated. But that really isn't right. Keeping him on a zip and in a shed really aint the right thing to do, but I don't know how to get this behavior out of the cats, and him. I know the cats are going to be assholes no matter how he acts. Seems damn near impossible to get this to work.
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